1 1 ie'-l 4 1 Highest of all in Leavening Power. -Latest U. S. Gov't Report O rrv n KAH IST STATE OJNVNTI'X. A DISTINGUISHED BUDV. 'Aunt Betsy" Opened her Doors. fi th- eake.'- h j ered the r-.fft and JMthC't.C IliC- (ln. that he wa- ..:--!': ! effeet of the ;.- L- pt.-.K-h d'Mv- ..f the .1 t:; zzz Zv.z Liz:: I'?: 1 READ AND SCK Til there c:t ;,o hie irms and lM:edie:i-n- of ABsoumreutf pure Mr. w tnrne The sixty-third session of the Baptist I ::,anv who devoutly thankou tnt Convention was held in Kliza-! ;,.H for tho .i!nn.-t I'enu-e'.f al wave. eth Citv la-t wwk, commencing on j jn the af:ernn on Sunday the B i- Thursday night 7th, and closing Mod- j tin Hi-torical Society held -i :i and 1 jtn dav night, 11th. The editor of Tun j .,XIJe interesting paj-T- uere nl. At j . Democrat was amonsr the favored -iht I -1 M ndav B f. W iiiii'Ii.'n Mr-, r. n. THE DEMOCRAT. THURSDAY, DEC EM BIO It 11, 'f3. ruBLisiiEirs NOTICE. Advertisements, of all kinds must be in this (Iiee by Tuesday afternoon to insure publication for the current week. Local Ai.VKirnsnMi:.TS. 1 cent a word for each insertion. Cha rges for local adccrtining due im klg. Rules Adopted By the N. C. Press Association April 27, 1893. The .sum of not less than five cents j.or line will be charged for "cards of thanks." "resolutions of respect" and -obituary poetry" ; also for obituary notices other than those which the ed itor himself shall give as a matter of news. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue is to be derived will be charg c 1 for at the rate of five cents a line. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. N. B. Josey. Complete line of best cook and heat ing stoves, cheap at X. B. Josey's. Furniture is cheaper than ever before at X. B. .Tosky'.s Boys' and Men's Hats and Caps in all styles at X. B. Josf.y's. For Misses and Children's Spring Heel Shoes you should see X"- B. Josey. Douglas, Bay State, and Krippendorf, Dittman & Co's warranted shoes, only at X. B. Josey's. St rouse Sc Bro.'s World Renowned Hiuh Art Clothing only at X. B. Josey's. ' Standard Prints only cents a yard at X. B. Josey's. LOCAIXEW The most of the editorial space for this issue is given to the printing of the President's message. The sleet which was so heavy here last week was not known farther east, and was not to heavy farther west. "Children.s day" at Boseneath "rd Sunday, 11 a. rn. Everybody come. W. C. Whitakek. A number of persons from the North have been here recently hunting. There are registered at the hotel now Dr. F. S. Howard of New York ; Mess. J. T. Scherman ; A. d' Bary, Xew York ; Wrn. X. Xumsen and V. E. Buckbee, of Baltimore. ScotIandXeck is a very popular resort for hunters and all who come want to come again. Latest N ews. New goods arriving daily at B.C. Jo sey it Co.'s Car load Bagging and Ties just re- ived. It. C. Josey it Co. beli.-k Flour still has the lead, both i:i quality and low price. It. C. Josey & Co. Bi" stock of Hardware for fall trade. It. C. Josey & Co. One Winship Cotton (Jin for sale, cheap. B. C, Josey & Co. Shaw Sugg. Air. Ira (J. Shaw of this place left Tuesday afternoon for Old Sparta, Edgecombe county, where he leads to the altar to-day (Wednesday) at high noon Miss Mamie It. Sugg, daughter of Air. W. E.Sugg. Rev. E. C. Glenn of Elm C i ty performed the ceremony. M r. Shaw was accompanied by his sister, Aliss Maggie, and Aliss Pattie Shaw went this morning. They return to night (Wednesday) accompanied by a number of relatives and friends of the bride and groom. A reception will be given here at Air. Shaw's home. The Democrat extends congratula tions to Air. Shaw and wishes for the happy pair long life and a full share of prosperity and happiness. Read This ! Dress Goods ! Dress Goods ! ! Latest stvles and in single patterns at X. B. Josey's. Epsingle and Cortecella Silks, Bead e 1 and Plain Gimps and Silk Velvets at low prices at X'. B. Josey's. '2o Dozen Ladies' Silk and Leather Belts, all colors and styles at X. B. Josey's. Ladies' and Gents' Kid Gloves, all shades at reduced prices at X. B. Josey's. The Celebrated Anchor Brand Col lars Cutis, and Shirts at X. 15. Josey's. Call and examine our line of Ladies' and Gents' Underwear X. B. Josey. The handsomest and most complete line of umbrellas in town at X. B. Josey's. Mrs. Nancy Martin. Entered into rest on Friday Dec. Sth, 8th 1SU3, at Hamilton, X. C, Airs. Nancy G. Afartin, wife of Air. James II. Martin, in the COth year of her age. Mrs. Alartin was the daughter of John ard Nancy Harvey, and was married three times, her first husband being James Dowdv, and her second Burwell Hodges. Some years ago she met with an accident by which she lost the use of her right hand. Tin's, with other affliction, she bore with patient and cheerful resignation to the will of God, her favorite expression being '-the good Father knows what is best." She seemed to realize fully the transitory nature of unearthly things and tried as best she could to prepare herself for the hereafter. She was a member of St. Alartin s Parish, and always attended the ser vices of the Church, whenever she Avas able to do so. Her remains were laid to rest on Saturday afternoon in the cemetery of the town, the Rev. W. J. Smith officiating. W. J. Smith. ICK f m iwifT vn 1 11 : bu Contracts taken for all kinds of brick work. Contracts taken to make brick anywhere in Halifax or adjoining counties m lots of r0.00 or rq (Wards. :).ooo FEET OF LUMBER, x,ooo suixgles foj: sale. -I'i:iCES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST.- onnEns SOLICITED. I). A. AIADRY, Srotloixl Xt'ck, X. C. Hi lv FINE 15EEF. I am now supplying the home mar ket with beef from N. Biggs' stall fed cittle. Allsiikook. ll'Jtf Lost! Silver Hair Pin. Suitable reward offered. Finder will call at The Dem ocrat office. ll-IIO-tf. A Card. Fire in Williamston. Air. G. E. Brown, of Hamilton, was in town Tuesday and gave us the news of a fire in Williamston Snnday night. The fire consumed a brick store worth .f-"),ooo and a stock of goods worth about the same. There was some insurance on the property, but Air. Brown was unable to give the names of the persons who sustained the losx. Later. In Tuesday's Obnerre-Ch rov ich1, a correspondent from Williamston says :The store of Alesscrs. L. William it Co., was found to be on fire, and the flames had gained so much headway it was impossible to do anything to- wards saving the store and contents. The fee was quickly communicated to the store adjoining in the same building occupied by G. It. Wilson, Esq, its a restaurant. Air. Wilson, who was sleep ing in the rear of the building barely escaped with his life. Alesscrs. L. Williams & Co's loss will probably reach .f4,ooo ; insurance about $2,500. Un able to ascertain Air. Wilson's loss. He lost everything he had. The block of two buildings was own ed by L. R. Alobly, Esq, whose loss will reach 4,000 ; insurance $2,ooo. But for the hard work of our citizens, yesterday's rain which drenched every thing and a brick building on the north side, where the tire -was stopped, the the damage would probably have reach ed .:io.ooo, a stiff wind blowing from the north. W. C. Proctor, Esq., sus tained a heavy loss from moving and water, also A leasers. Aloore and Stubbs. I take ibis method to inform the public -enerally, and my friends and patron.; particularly, that no connec tion whatever exists between B. O. Savage and myself in the Nursery Bus iness. And th:ir orders given him are not the s'.me as if given me, as many seem to think. I am still prepared to take orders for nursery stock for Spring or im media ie delivery. Respect fully, 12-7-:;;. j. y. savage. When on a visit to Iowa, Air. K. Dalton, of Luray, Russell County, Kan sas, called at the laboratory of Cham berlain it Co., Des Aloines, to show them his six year old boy, whose life had been saved by Chamberlain's Kenedy, it having cured him of a very severe attack of croup. Air. Dalton is e.rt ..in that it saved hi.-j boy's life and i-" enthusiastic in his praise of the The ca:ise of Riiec matjsm. An acid which exist in sour milk and cider' called lactic acid, is believed by physicians to be the cause of rheu matism. Accumulating in the blood, it attacks the fibrous tissues in joints, and causes agonizing pains. What is needed is a remedy to neutralize the acid, and to so invigorate the kidneys and liver that all waste will be carried off. Hood's Sarsaparilla is heartily recommended by many whom it has cured of rheumatism. It possesses just the desired qualities, and so thoroughly purifies; the blood as to prevent occur rence of rheumatic attacks. We sug gest a trial of Hood's Sarsaparilla by all who suffer from rheumatism. , i.i . 1 1 , ones who enioyeo ic irw v.: in i?n- tlif; coir.eir.i-: handed hospi'ality of the :l people f.in . the grand old '-'.vn of Ehabet.'; Citv. Alo-t elaborate preparation- had been marie, almost every home, regard less of denomination, had l-en set in order for the entertainment of the Bajv- ti.-t hosts that were exacted to at tend the convention. There were not so many delegates and visitors in attendance as were expected, but those who did attend were handsomely and royally entertained. There were several hundred in atten dance as visitors and others and about 150 delegates. The pe mou nt I of the con vention was very fine, there being only one or two Baptist .State Conventions in the South that surpass it. Even a meagre report of the general proceedings would fill every column of The Democrat, so no attempt will be made to give the proceedings in detail. Rev. Dr. J. W. Carter, pastor of the First Baptist church in Raleigh, preached the introductory sermon. His theme was "Christ in the Church? His text was from Rev. 1 :13. It was pronounced one of his strongest and ablest sermons. Rev. C. S. Blackwell, pastor of the Elizabeth City Baptist church, formally welcomed the delegates and all visitors to the homes and hearts of the people of the city. He said he hoped that so enjoyable would be the sojourn of all that every one would go away think ing of the city not as Elizabeth City, but as "Aunt Betsy." And so far as ex pressions went all felt so before the convention closed. Rev. V. C. Tyree, pastor of the First Baptist church of Durham, re sponded to the welcome in a very ai propriate and happy speech, and the convention and the people of the town started out on good terms. Rev. It. H. Alarsh.of Oxford, was re elected president of the convention and X". B. Broughton and X. B. Cobb of Raleigh were re-elected secretaries. The various objects that engage the efforts of the Baptist denomination were considered thoroughly and fully by the body, and many strong and able speeches were delivered. There were several eminent visitors in attendance upon the convention, among whom were Dr. C. C. Bitting, of the American Baptist Publication Society; Dr. T. P. Bell, secretary of the Sunday-School Board of the South ern Baptist Convention ; Dr. F. C. AIc Connell, secretary of the Home Alis- sion Board; Dr. R. J. Willingham, secretary of the Foreign Alission Board, and Rev. R. T. Bryan, returned mis sionary from China. Special consideration was given to the subjects of ministerial education, Wake Forest College, and State Alis sions. A resolution deprecating the compe tition between state and denomination tional colleges was introduced, and af ter somewhat lengthy and heated dis cussion it was passed. According to the instructions of the resolution a committee of five was appointed to con fer with similar committees of other religious bodies, to memorialize the next Legislature, and seek to secure means whereby the competition be tween the State and private and denom inational schools may be avoided. Saturday night Dr. F. C. AlcConneh addressed the convention on the sub ject of Home Alissions, and the address bristled with firery eloquence and soul stfrrinsr pathos. Manv said it was the most clquent address they had ever heard, notwithstanding Dr. AlcCon nell 1-! yet quite young. On Sunday morning at 11 o'clock Dr. AleConneil preached a most power ful sermon from Ezekiel 47 : J ; "And everything shall live whither the river cometh." The theme was : "Vitality Animal, Intellectual, Moral and Spir itual." To get any conception of Dr. AfcCon nell's power, one must hear him speak and see his soul flow out with the irre sistible force of his matchless eloquence. He has. perhaps, no superior as a pul pit orator in all the South. From the effect of his speech on nb-bt before, the house was packed and every available square foot was covered from entrance to rostrum-step, including the galleries above and the spacious annex on the side. Alany who have heard the greatest preachers ot the land said they had never heard such a sermon. One man of extensive travel said he had heard the great Spurgeon six times in his own church but Dr. AlcConnell's power surpassed Air. Spur geon's. At the close of his sermon, strong men ministers and laymen were seen on all sioes tailing on each other's necks and grasping hands con vulsed with emotion. And for quite a time the rostrum was thronged with great, strong men and modest women crowding around to grasp the hand of him who had brought such a sweet and glorious message, as from the very pres ence-throne of God. Through every sentence shone the clear light of truth ; - 1 He i.e .4 F.. 'f 1 held hi- ar.die::'--- jcid I.; - a' nc: . .11 i.if . o- wn) n for more than an Icn-r. He traced the work of Mb.-ior and si ed clearly the L'rcat nee it y andbun den duty for all Chri.-tian- to engage heartily in the work. Bev. R. T. Brv;n, returned mission ary from China, followed in another hour's ,-peedi. reviewing the mi-.-iui:a-ry fields and portraying the develoj ments and the great re-ults thu- far and pro-pecting far greater results in the future. He -aid in IS 12 there were six lone Christians among the heathen, now there are fifty-thousand. His wa a powerful speech and many a loving Christian heart throbbed with gratitude as he told how God is bksing the work of His people in foreign lands. NOTES OF "AI'NT I'.ETSY." The convention will be held in Char lotte next year. M 4V i v ow- 5 left ererd.t the f.tmi'o Lev.-. B. 1 ; 4 y in f Mr. r. v.- Tin. af'e Vision :c- ; -. ,,rf..:k. : . Wadc"- : -. W.-iK . : : i. K" . . d.d -.'.! T 'X. o 1 O a J2 H o CO Ha!!, Greagii & Co,, Cotton Factors COTTON GOMMISSION MERCHANTS, . .'. B . D . V BK 'I K, V V ::;:.- V: ; v d or -. d--Tip- .1 L. G. GRADY. W. G .1. B. B.iU trd and IM at "e'.d'-d v " !: 1 t.i!c ''U- tne e.l!t"r .1 . . Mr. Frank Bahanl, .-f L'-uUburg. wa in town tiii week. 11:- f:". o o b w Ji-r 1 : c vi K.r. JllSKV A (O. wmv- -'lud ti nr him. He friend of Tin. Di m-kat anl alwav new- his -ulciipU"n prompliy. 1- are a -. a gotxl ri- Dr. AleConneil aid President Maish quite a compliment in pronouncing him the best parliamentarian he has een in the South. Dr. Blackwell, the pastor, was hap py and at home in his management of the great crowds that assembled three times a dav. It was the gen eral verdict that he knew how to run aeon vent ion. The writer enjoyed the hospitality of Air. F. Al. Cook, at the hotel Albe marle, and acknowledges the apprecia tion of his kind entertainment. Bi;wakp .flm. The readers ..f th:- paj-er will U pleased to le:un that there 5-at lea-! o;a dreaded di-east thai -e-cneo ha- Ut-n able to cure in all it- slage-. and tliat i Catarrh. Hail's Catarrh Cure i- liu oidv Msitive cure kilo", to the uuhcal fraternity. Catar:h U'ing a .-, .n-titu-tional disea-e. ropiire- a con-tit ntioual treatment. Hall'- Ca'arrh Cu-e is ta ken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucou- surfaces f the di.-case, and giving the patient -trength by luilding up the con-i it utiou and as sisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have -0 much faith in it curative powers, that they offer nc Hundred Dollars for any a-e that it fails to cure. Send for list of te-ti:ii-nitls. ,ldre-s. F.J. "hen" A Co.. Toledo, ), jLt3 Sold by Druggi.-t, 7-V. SC"iL'i Nr ' K STrAM Mi. 'KS ;ct price h-t. A'in- r(ijUM' Nl K Ml M I I 5 . 'o 11-2 1-ly c"thi:-.l Neck. .N L -1 K At; 1 cj l; . LADIES, LISTEN! -4- m l and -n: "Aunt Betsy" is a city of churches, and this fact goes far towards explaining the morality and urbanity of her people. "Aunt Betsy" has a large number of beautiful and attractive and quite accomplished ladies, whose charms lend much to the pleasure of all who visit the grand old city. An hour at tea with the family of Air. E. F. Aydlot was one of the most agreeable pleasures the writer enjoyed. Air. Aydlet is a young lawyer of pros perity and holds an enviable reputa tion anongst his friends and acquaintances. Aless. Gricc Brothers, proprietors ol the hotel Albermale, are uniformly courteous and their guests feel at ease and receive every needed and desired attention. The Baptist church in Elizabeth ciiv iiito b.nid-ome. It is new and the handsome and commodious annex adds much to the seating capacity and admirable arrangements of the build ing. It was a sweet pleasure to meet Col R. B. Creecy, the venerable editor of the Economist-Falcon. Col. Creecy is ncaring the period of four score years, and for twenty-two years has been en gaged in journalism in Elizabeth City. All the tide-water section has felt his in fluence and venerates him for the good he has done. No better preparation for the hair has ever been invented than Ayer's Hair Vigor. It restores the original color to faded and gray hair, and im parts that natural gloss and freshness, t i : I - . . everyone so mucii aumues. u reputa tion is world-w i'de. Sad and Gloomy Weak and Dyspeptic Hood's Sarsapartlla Cave Strength and rcrfetig Cured. The Most Stylish, The most Handsome -T ' K F FALL 11 WINTER Ml KVF.B BBoFGHT T "'! I NiNL K J J.S -Ml, We have received an 1 m ti m -M - -?'!. of !r ful II.it and B ninet h.ii-"- it al! c !- .r Tij and Nocltie quality. Bil'tH.:.- in cerv tn. t'n d . Sc ri.AN p Ni k . N. C. J. P. FUTRELL. ITiTVTmn We want one in every J J u town to handle THE .IACK KIUKST riilOKKU. A Scientific Alachua' m.id DEALERS, MVC ln-ir c -! a d en t ' m or -loppy- A child in ojt-i.i'e it U a N-'.enl M'p- Fl ' i a ve.u 1 I . ! . l e. lit t!.' ,-hy nd for price- and di -count, J'.i .MFBKAV STBFl. l , NFAV V"I:K I I V Makes Ice Cream in Thirty Seconds. E. W. HYMA1T, Dealei in Dr. J. TZ. IVhite Birmingaam, Alabama. MI have not words enoush to expre9 my thinks for the great benefit received from a few bottles of Hood's Harsaparilla. I wai weak, and it made mo strong; I was a dyspep tic, and it cured me; I was sad and gloomy, and it made me cheerful and hopeful. And last, though not least, it made mo an ardent aid Hood's Cures working democrat. All who have taken Hood'i Sarsaparilla with my advice, report good re sults. I gladly recommend it to all sufferer? J. It. WniTE, M. D., Birmingham, Ala. N. B. If you decide to take Hood's Sar saparilla do not bo induced to buy any other instead. Insist upon HOOD'S. General Merchandise, Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, lioe Hat-. Hardware. 'I in v. are W'.m.I a: d Wil FARflaLY GROCERIES, ToP,r 4i AND Cp.AP- : : 'Z-Z- T JiA ) if AM CK,AI:. : : Tiie writer is placed under siecial obligation to Mr. Ward, an old Wake Forest boy. and who is now one of the prosperous and rising voting lawyers of Elizabeth City. His cleverness and courtesy were observed by mauy. Mirny other things crowd upon us to write about .u'ood old "Aunt Betsy." but we have not the space in which to sav them. Hood's Pills are the best family cathartlt, gentle and effective. Try a box. 25 cents. OUR BUSY CHRISTMAS COLUMN. Our rro'ln-s man ham from this ol tnim nil in tlo'l i:io;i xicin-r joi, bar gains tin ring tif I U "ula l. Locals o il hr this lirt'nl at one ant a noi-l for each insertion. e.j4-r o ,! ..,! c.iin in. -.si th:itl a tu,d! . ....... than any other merchant in etlanJ .nc k, 1 ALSO AK!tV A Fi Line of Coifectioneries, Cakes, Fancy Candies, etc. nl f NM N M K , N nil f rv ni '1 1 "ii li n- Wr I,-:tlM fir, ii!irl nlllr, I "Norvo 8of1. 1 -Irf fill ft II. 1 t, I..... ..f llrolM l'r wv i I I . . i. . i....w v,. V V i-jd. MKIrplP-n'nl I.- - f . ! '" """'.V.... v.- .f I- ."i -- ol ..!.! o- i . FOB HALi: BY L. I. WIIITKHILM V t ( C. A. Xasii. A 1: Na-h Murder and Hanging. Hertford county has some excite ment this week. On last Saturday morning not far from Ahoskie an old colored man named Henry Harrison was found dead. His throat had heeu cut. his face stabbed and his jaw bone broken. Two colored men were ar rested on susppicion but were loosed for lack of evidence. Monday old man Harrison's son in law, Crockett, was arrested on suspicion also and it was thought that the evidence wouiu L-e sufficient to commit him to jail. On the 1th of July last two negroes who were driiikincr were passing the house of a white man m v.aie.s countv named, David Umphlett. Tbp nee-roes whose names were John Corpew and Abram William?, with out provocation, shot and killed Umphlett. They were tried at Win- i , . , i . , ( c , . ton in the uciooer ieuu ui m.--rior court with Judge Graves on the bench. They were convicted and sen tenced to be hanged at Wi'nton, Tues day, Pee, 12th. I'mphiett was n poor man, inoffensive and left a wife and seven little children. It is said to be the first hanging in Hertford county in 47 years. JEWLLBY ! J EWKLBY I ! jkwki.uy : : : We have ju t received and will open this week mu elegant line of jewehy consisting of staj'le. and nobby Xmas .resents. K. T. Whitehead. t Co. If vou want a handsome, durable and ornamental Xmas present for your wife, examine our stock of hanging lamps, willow rockers, hat racks, urn umbrella stand- Are. A-c. K. T. WJiitehead it 'o. Fir-t class, lire work- at -e'-ond cl i.-s i- t i . ; 'o trices. l- " 1 ' j We are now displaying an ele-ant i line of oil painting-. ja-tt tore frames. A:c wliich we verv low prices. L. T. Whitehead ,t ... If vou wai.i an elegant imported ! ! , ,rl . :! O' 1 hea I J; C. ets, fone tc. at C. A. NASH & SOU, MANrFAOTt BLLS ANI I'LALLL- IN - - SASHES, BLINDS, DOORS, MANTELS, MOULDINGS, STAIR-WORK, HARDWARE, PAINTS, &G. No. 7 mul : ATl.AN-TM- AVI). :: - Norfolk, Va. s. ea.-eis. p!'--uill sell at miTTi inn n'' car.e lor a sTiani K. T. Wliit an imrriTTiTi" M1MLM CYCLE Wnter sets, u-e ere:ini disnes, eup--. a: id saucer- i'c prices to suit ;ue inm-. K. T. Whkehend A: Co. If VOU W:i7!t to inak hninv call eailv aiat ;-i .e- , ir little loy them one of or C i " I K. T. Wliitt-head it Co a- i. our wagon horses. t'o week a lar w i .i "i i-"'. 11 assorted lot ot ire.--'n ca-vs, ile.-ks. shaving sets, 1 ..II,.-. .rl. .i-i. ph-to-raph ca-os. i:i;n;M: and handkerchief o.e-. con-, toy-i-c C;il eailv and avoid the ru-.i. K. T. Whitehead it Co. ana we mirrors, wi-.tin sim:in; "fba mi: BKilD FBAM V.. LAL'OF. FBONT WH L FL. SMALL n:;NT WHLFL. COBiBFOAT FI TIBF-, SMOOTH TIBLS. K(ji;XI) PIto'KLT, i:ll!I'T1cal sbkockkt. Just received, a nice lot of apple, or i'jcos anl cocoanuts. ' W. H. JOHNSTON. Have vour watches, clocks and jew- elrv and s?wing iiiiieimi 'q"" Keep the blood pure by taking Hood's Johnston's. Farsanarilla. If vou decide to buy Constantly on han Hood's Sarsaparilla, do not be persuad- fruit and confectioneries d a nice line of TON. J! .MO.M o. ... li i- -i k i.u.1 v . ! .! r, n ".' Tin: r.KF OIPL-, YOl'N'i LA !'! 1, I ; ) Y s AM) Yol'NO MI'.V. Hi: sM l. i:Y E. T. WHITEHEAD & CO., Scotia tot .Y . . X C. COMBINATION.'. and the warm throb of Christian love ed. to take any other. head & Co. Old newspapers at this office. Jt.-me.ly. For sale b!r E. T. White

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