' TTi 'tiTtr. HOW THEY RANK. BELATIV2 POSITION OF 302IE OF THE STATES. An Article cf Interest and Instruc tion to cur Eea&ors. St. Lonin (lb ile- Democrat. Coloruda h first in silver. Wfu-liinton h eilitli in sold. Alaska ranks first in seal-skins. Utah l.-i tliird in silver and tenth in Montana is fourth in silver and tenth in gold. Florida i.- third in sugar and sixth in rice. Idaho is sixth in gold and seventh in silver. Nebraska Li eighth in com and ninth in rye. Nevada is second in gold and fourth m silver. The two Dakota lead all the states in wheat. Louisana i.s first in in sugar, third in rice and seventh in cotton. West Virginia is fifth in coal, eighth in buckwheat and iron. South Carolina leads in rice, i.s fifth in cotton. Maine is fifth in buckwheat, eighth in hops, ninth in potatoes. Vermont i fourth in copper and seventn in hops. Rhode Island is second in cotton and linen goods. Minnesota is fourth in wheat and eighth in oats. "Wvoniinir i.s twelfth in cattle and fourteenth in gold. New Mexico is eighth in silver and seventh in gold. Oregon is seventh in fisheries and fifteenth in wheat. Delaware is the twenty-first of the States in apples. New Hampshire is third in cotton goods and fifteenth in potatoes. Kansas is fifth in cattle and corn, ninth in hogs, horses and coai. Georgia exports every year over 000, 0C0 worth of watermelons. New Mexico annually sends out nearly $10,000,000 in bullion. Arkansas m cotton stands fifth, in mules ninth, in lumber twelfth. Virginia is the first in peanuts, sec ond in tobacco and eighth m salt. Tennessee is second in peanuts, third in live stock, ninth in cotton. Maryland is second in fiisheries, fourth in coal and seventh in tobacco. Connecticut has 30.000 farms. The tobacco 'product in 1SS0 was 11, 000, 000 pounds. North Carolina is first m tar, second in copper, third in peanuts, fourth in rice. Arizona Is fifth in silver, eighth in sheep and live stock, and ninth in gold product. Florida produces over fifty varieties of the orange. The annual crop is about 2,1")0,000 boxes. Kentucky is the first in tobacco, fourth in w hiskey, sixth in hogs, eighth in rye and and mules. Alabama is fourth in cotton, fifth in molasses, sixth in sugar, seventh in rice, tenth in coal. Mississippi is second in cotton, fifth in rice, sixth in horses and mules, and seventh in sugar. Massachusetts is first in fisheries, second in commerce, third in manu fact u res and printing. Indiana is third in wheat, fourth in corn and hogs, seventh in cattle and always eighth in coal. Texas is first in cattle and cotton, second in sugar, sheep and mules, sev enth in cows, eighth in hogs. Idaho produces 1,500,000 bushel of wheat, .$1,000,000 worth of fruits, and 1,000,000 pounds of wool. Connecticut leads in clocks, is third in silk manufactures, fourth in cotton mills, and eighth in tobacco. Maine has 20,000 square miles of pine forests. The lumber industry sends out 400,000,000 feet a year. New Jersey is first in silk manufac tures and zinc, fourth in iron, sixth in buck wheat, and seventh in rve. Missouri is first in mules, third in hogs and com, sixth in iron and horses, seventh in oats, ninth in sheep. Michigan is first in copper, salt and lumler, second in iron, third in sheep, fifth in hops, sixth in wheat. The necret of tiring is, to say every thing that can he said on a subject. Cheerful looks make every dish a feast and that it i.s which crowns a wel come. Love is never lost. If not reciprocat ed it will flow back and soften and pu rify the heart. "Ancri:a" in Hi- Eves. (!,-( n ri'lL I:- ibx-tor. Mr. Jesse .Speight :vX a few days of ia.-t week in Greene county and .-aw while there a child about whom there is a strange peculiarity. The child i-a little i-eve:)-Year-oM son of a .Mr. Lasvr-u-r, Mi l the strange fat me is that troiind the pupil of each eye m circu lar shaoe is tho word "A mm. rim." "the bovV eves are y rv dark ahi: -t black ,i;id the letters are a dark br-vn. . .,,.1. I;.,!,. ,.r..,tM:l in f.AixV I T ! . : K ! r ! .- I I J .11 . I J I ' ' ' 1 ' - ' " th,:t tii' !.e"'.iii;-riiv i- not noti'-d f::;; a eau-'iai glance, bnt a clo.-e a-erya- iion .-Iio'.vs the word - cry destinctly. The letter- around boih eves are exa'.-t- dike. Ti.ev v.r re fiist fli-eovered 1 y i;;- cHid's oarenfs wjVn he was a few r.uA h-old, ;:nd are i:po.-ed to hae !,!; there nl birth. Tins is a- won- i i- r f r a. . . . . ...... ueiii! a li-eaK. oi nature a.s w evei he;ird of. Heals g Running Sores. Cures the Serpent's Sting. 7,rnMTI!flfi!!0 imSLOOD POISON Btinute tores 'aD' ulcersM I vield to its hcalinir powers V) III. . - l II. 1. 1 . v.l ut removes me poison ana uuuus upioB r memi A valuiLi.e treatise on me disease ana lis treatment' mailed free. I SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. J jomethina' New ! ! TO IE PEOPLE Op' (.i A FTKST CLASS GROCERY .STORK, Jos-ey & Co., conducted en a STRICTLY I will always be prepared to furnish tr I t I III ! tftnn r.-Fftifi h sir 3 OUR MOTTO IS : 38 inclies to the yard. 16 ounces to tlie pound. Best value for least price. Honest and square dealings with. all. Inviting a share of the patronage of the public, guaranteing satisfaction in all our dealings. Very Respectfully, Castor in, is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' tiso by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting" Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach, and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Slithers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children.1' Dn. G. C. Osgood, Lowell, Mass. Castoria is the bet remedy for children cf Thich I am acquainted. I hope tlio day is not far distant vrhen mothers willconsilcr tbs real interest of thoir children, and usa C.istcria in stead cf thevariousquack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful igents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves." Dr. J. F. Kincheloe, Conway, Ark. The Centaur Company, T7 Murray Street, New York City. estjea MW S3 SH Elm Plfe. .1 v k mmmm m s, s-4 and cK X 1 M 83.5 k- t!Tr,rf; " UUGL& .bhocs are stylish, easy fitting and give better SnH e Pn-eS adveAr,VseTd than y other make. Try one pair and be con I untrJll-6tanJPin& o M- L- Douglas' name and price on the bottom, which DeaJshon!",'"112' vestands of dollars annually to those who ear them. iWase tt n L S'-lern ' H Shoes gain customers, which helps to idrew?t n afford to Gell at a less profit, tUe below. C&?og 1 U fron? SOLD BY N. B. JOSEY. 1 11 5m Scotland Neck, X. C. CHILD BIRTH MADE EASY! " Mothers' Fkiexd " 1$ a scientific ally prepared Liniment, every ingre dient of recognized value and in constant use by the medical pro fession. These ingredients are com bined in a manner hitherto unknown 44 MOTHERS' FRIEND" WILL DO all that is claimed for it AND MORE. It Shortens Labor, Lessens Pain, Diminishes Danger t Life of Mother and Child. Book to " Mothers " mailed FREE, con taining valuable information ani voluntary testimonials. ntbr iprt on receipt of pric fl.60 per bottle BRADFIELD RESULAJOIt CO., Atlanta. Sa. SOLD ET ALL IRUGGISTa SALE OF LAND. By virtue of power in me vested lya deed of triir-'t executed to me on the l'Jth day of Jan:i;iry, lMU.l.yT. E. AuWrne an I wife Fannie, which is duly record ed in the register's office for said Coun ty of Halifax in k.,k D:J on p.icre M, I shall sell for cash to j-ay the note there in mentioned, in the town of Scotland Neck, on the 3rd day of March, 1S'L the following described land, to wit : All of their ri;,dit. title and interest in and to the dower land set apart by deed to Mrs. John Everette. bein that land bounded bv the lands of C. R. Everette, the old H.R. Whitmorc land, F. M. Johnson and others and containing one bundled and seventy acres, more or less. W. A. Dunn, 2 8 4t Trustee. iiC i :S. Vix LI.t z. 4 f. Till COMITY ! ! in the new brick building north ofR.C. ('ASH ONE TRICE TO ALL BASIS. li e people of the community with g i Fa !S ross!Sie;rnoes. Castoria. " Castoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." II. A. Archer, 51. !., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y " Our physicians in tha children's depart ment have spoken highly of thtir expert ence in their outside practice with Castoria, and f.ltho.:tt!i wo only have among out medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we aro free to confess that the merits i f Castoria has won us to look with favor ':; on it." United Hospital and Dispensary, Boston, Mass Allen C. Smith, Pres., FOB GENTLEMEN. .00 Dress Shoe. 5Oico Shoo, Z Colos. 82 fc-r Workingmen. nd S!. 75 for Beys. LADIES AND MISSES, 3, 32aO 32, SI.7S CAUTION If anv dealer offera yoa V, L,. Douglas criees at j reduced pricj, cr Hays no lias tuem witti- f:K oe. the bottom, nut him Jis clOTs-a aa a fraud. VlfULU. v urn eti w ATLANTIC COAST LINE. WILMIN0T0N A"1' WKLDuN RAILROAD ANDJ5RANCHES. -ONiKN K D sr 1 1 K I U L II TK.VIN.- noise rTiI. I,ff.i X... 1, No. 2.5. No. 27. No. 41. W. 1. Daih . Daily. bt !.'.!!. Daily ox v.;v; Daily. Sunday. Ipmvi' -oMii 11.47 am .o7 p m ..1. p in Arrive H ky Mr.. 12. IS " .ol P m ..23 pm Arrive T.trb' 2.1 prn ".Wpm j 7.1U a in i.r.v Wil.-on 2.: p m j Ani-.e Selnin '-'-' V ni I eave St-lrna "-:) I' ln !,,.;,!,. (;,M-!.to .5.1'j i m 7.10 p rn S.IH a m I.ev.-e War.-aw I' In ''" Jl m I.eav.- .Mi-tris'-Iia 4.27 I' ni 10 i m i 11 a ni Arrive Wilmington p m tM." p in 11.2."am TUAINS GOING NoIiTII. No. CO, No. 14, No. 7S. Dailv. Dailv. Dailv. Leave Wilmington Leave Magn' !ia Leave Warsaw An he (Jold-Loro Lave Fayctteville .'vrrive Selma Arrive Wiion Leave Wi!.on Arrive Rocky Mt., Arrive Tarloro Leave Tai boro Arrive WeMon 2.3."i 1.51 2.55 Trains on Scotland Neck Branch road leaves Weldon 3.40 p in., Halifax 4.00 m. arrives Scotland Zveck at 4.55 p in, Greenville 0.37 p in, Kinston 7.35 p in. Returning leaves Kin-ton 7.20 a in. Greenville S.22 a in. Arriving Halifax at 11.00 a in., Weldon 11.22 a in, daily exeepj Sunday. Tniins on Washington H ranch leave Washington 7.00 a in, arrives at I'arme le N.l'ia in, returniisg leave- l'armele- 7.05 p in., arrives Wahington S.45 p m. Daily ercep'i Sunday. ( 'oni?ects with tiains on Albemarle and Raleigh Rail road and Sco'laed Net-k Branch. Train ier.ves Tarboro, via Albemarle t Raleigh road Daily excejtt Sunday, 4.40 : rn. Sundav 3.5o p m. arrive Williamston, 7. IS p in.. 4.20 p. m., riymoiith S.30 p in. 5.20 i m. Returning leaes Plymouth. Daily except Sunday, 0.00, a. m. WiliianiMon 7.30 a in., it. 58 a in. Arrive Tarboro 10.40 a in. 11.20 a in. Trains on Southern Division. Wilson and Fayetteville Branch leave Fayctte ville Branch leave Fayetteville 5.30 p m, arrive Rowland 7.11 a in. Returning leave Rowland 7.35 a in. arrive Fayetteville t.P. a m. Daily except Sunday. Train on Midland, N. ('., Branch leaves (Joldsboro, daily except Sunday 0.(K) a m, arrive Smithfield 7.30 a m. Returning leaves Sniithlield 8.00 a in, arrive (Joldsboro ',.30 a in. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Kooky Mount at 0.20 p m. arrives Nashville 7. 15 p in., Sjr.-ing Hope 7.40 p in. Keturning leaves Sring Hope 8.00 am., Nashville 8.35 a in. Kooky Mount 9.15 a in., daily, except Sunday. Train on Clinton branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton daily except Sunday at 0.20 ) in., and 1 1.15 a m. Returning leaves Clinton at 8.20 a m., and 3.10 p in connecting at Warsaw for Clinton, daily, except Sunday at 0.20 in, and 11.15 a m. Returning leaves Clinton at S.20 a in., and 3.10 p m., connecting at War saw with Nos. 41, 40, 23 and 78. Trains No. 57 Southbound and 14 North will stop only at Kooky Mt, Wilson, (Joldsboro and Magnolia. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North daily. All rail via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Bay Line, also except Sun day, witli Norfolk and all points north via Norfolk. JOHN F. DIN1NK, J. R. KENLY, (Jenkkal Hvv'r Sui-'x Tkaxs. T. M. EMMKRSON, (Jen'l Passenger Agt. COPYRIGHTS. CATi I OBTAIN A PATENT ? For a prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to IU I, N N & CO., who have had nearly fifty vears experience in the patent business. Communica tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In formation concerning Patents and ho to ob 'fon them sent free. Also a catalogue oi raechaiv ici'A find acientih;; books sent free. l'aients taken throuch Munn & Co. receive rpt-cia! riotici- int'uo Scipiitific American, and tuns an. broii!iit wi.iflv before tbo public with out C03t t. tije inventor. This EDiendid paper, issued wee.tr. e'.-vfrantly iiivst rated, has by far t ha :;irtret circulation of any scientific work in tiio world. S3 a rear. amnio copies sent free. Euildiag lliitiont monthly, $ a year. Sinfjlo cr. pies, '2. " cents. Evety number contains beau tirul plates, in colors, and pLotOijraijbs of new nouses, with plana, enabling builder3 to show tha latc.'it desitrns and secure contracts. Address MUNN & CO.. Kjsw i'CBK, 3til B no A D WAT. lo Coup larMo Weits 11J, 113 and llo Bank St., NORFOLK, VA LAIKJi-: STOCK OF riNh-HKl) Mbnuments' AND Grave Stones READY FOR I MM E I) I A TE 1 ) E L I YE It Y. Write for prices and designs before ordering elsewhere. An inquiry may save you dollars. 5 15 1 v Stoves, Tinware. Ouns. Pistols. L'mhrel las, ,kc. I have the best heat ing stoveyon ever saw, burns anything in the shape of wood. Will pay for itself m six months in the sav ing of fuel. TRY ONE. BE CONVINCED Call and gee me opposite M. Hoff man & Bro.5 E. O. MOORE. 3 - wumi m wmrm FOR SIXTY -DAIS I V,ILL REPAIR 1 4 3m No. 10. D ex. Sun. a in a in '.'.15 a in l0.r7 a in 11.11 a in 12.0.", a in i'.15 a in 11.31 a in 11.35 p in 12.X p m 1.35 p in 2. IS a m 12.58 a m 2.55 a m 4.20 p m O02 in '1.15 p m 7.1o j. in 4.20 p m a in .3..f5 a m 4.03 a in ViMQ a m 5.05 a in S.14 p m 8.39 p m 10.00 p in Roanoke Poultry Yards, -AND- Truck Farm, J. C. LAftSITElt & CO., - - Props., ItlCIT SQUARE, N. C. Black Mixokcas a Si-kcialtv. T ; i o k o r ( ; u r, i u; i Nox-sittkus. Laying Capacity '200 to 250 i:g;;s a yi:ak. The chickens are black, willow colored legs, dean of feathers, jilnmnge glossy large wattles, v.iiite carlobes. We have for sale 00 . worth of chicken.- Or .5 per pair, 7.50 per trio. .2,000 worth oi eggs, fjr the spring. HEN EGOS $1.50 FOR 13. EXCELSIOR DUCK EGGS Jfl for 12. BRONZE TURKEY EGGS 4 for 12. BRONZE TURK EYS ,i0 j or trio. THOUSANDS OF Fall and Winter Calrlwgc For Sale. Orders solicited for plants ready to ship at 15 cents per hundred. Cash must accompany all orders. Respectiully, J. C. LASSITER A CO. NORFOLK & CAROLINA R. R. CO.NDENSEP SCHEDULE. Dated August 1st, lH'Xi. Daily ex. San. South Bound Trains. Daily ex. Sun. North Bound Trains. Stations. No. 103 No. 23 No. 78 No. 102. P. M. A. M. P. M. A. M. 2 10 9 15 Lv Norfolk Ar. 0 00 105 2 25 i)0l Pinners Point 5 35 9 30 2 58 10 07 Drivers 5 11 9 81 3 05 10 22 Suffolk 4 57 8 51 3 37 10 58 Gates 4 23 8 31 4 05 II 19 Tunis 4 05 8 15 4 io 1137 Ahoskev 3 45 9 33 5 11 1153 AulandeV 3 31 7 5s 5 25 12 32 Hobtrood 2 54 7 19 5 50 12 54 Ar. Tarboro 2 35 0 55 Ar. Lv. 5 57 1 25 Rockv Mount 2 o5 C 30 P. M. P. M. p. M. A. M. No 23 carries pullman parlor car Norfolk to Rocky Mount and connects with A. C. L. Train 23 for all Taints SOUth. No. 103 connects at Hobeood for all eastern Carolina points, also at Rockv Mount with A. C. L. train 27 for all points south. No. 78 carries pullman parlor car Rocky Mount to Norfolk and connects for all points north. For all information schedules call on or address G. M. SERPELL, J. R. LENLY Gen'l Manager Sup't Trains' T. M. EMERSGN, Gen'l Passenger Agent. MRS. VIOLA STARR' 'GOLDEN CAPSULES' f- I Are Safe and Always lie liable t better than Tkraw or Pmnnrml 1X11. and all similar medicine. Unexcelled for Irregnlart tiee,c. Successfully need in thoosandaofcaaea. faa cure remedy, guaranteed, never fails. Price il. An nnoqoalledBalecuard. LAKESIDE 8PKCIFIC mini nrn irarniff pemiuht LIFE .' INSURANCE COMPANY, (Now with over $1 1 . 'O.t "0 ( M Awf, Not a d.ll.ir of wliirh d. the law of Ohio jorniit to lie put on lluctu.itin -untif-of nu VivA.) HAS FOR THE LAST TEN YEARS REALIZED FOR HER INSURED- The veiT highest interest rate and very much the lowest death rate of OF ANY Thet-e are Rdinittedly the re.it jH.intsof irtuo and fr-'in the iw")urce.H nro deried tlio Dividend or profit f r th l!i"tiM-!. and it i a fact which is r.aMlv uiH!crt'.nl ih.it we puv the - L&n HWlll OF iY MW IS TEL ill - We ive h policy -o:itract that U-autifully roinbinri the virtues of the hih nntl low price kind of p li i- iul by other Companies. The Union Centir.l is in il.r lend of all otlier I'oinpaiiie.s in C inbinin' the.-e iitur-, and al-o putting The FuU Legal Value of FHid policy (according command of the insured. TAKEN IN THE WK ALSO WRITE All kinds Call on the Company's Agent for full E. SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. C. A. Nash. C. A. IT ASK a SOU, ..MAM TACTI'lir.lIS AND DEALERS IN . SASHES, BLINDS. DOORS, MANTELS, MOULDINGS STAIR-WORK, HARDWARE, PAINTS, &6. X.is. 5, T aiid '.) ATLANTIC AVE. P rinting ! Printing ! ! PRINTING! -: M Class Job Priiitii :- EXECUTED AT THIS : OFFICE LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, RILL POSTERS, PAMPHLETS, DOIKJERS, OHDEES BY MAIL SOLICITED, Satisfaction Guaranteed O-O O O SEWD FOR ADDRESS The Democrat Jot Office, SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. COMPANY. to the hiheft htandunl) t the BEEN UNION CENTRAL of Policies. explanations E. HILLIARD, Agent 2 1 M A. i: NiMi Norfolk, Va. HEADS, STAT KM ENTS, ENVELOP!.: CIRCULARS, PRICE LISTS. CARL- .'. -o;o- - o "-- Every Time. Staryation Prices Conlinne. O O 0 O r y ' - PRICE LIST.

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