Woman's SiSraso "Woman':: Brain. Si'it nl A merit. r . The pre -nt very active and enlight ening agitation over the question o woman's suffrage calh up again the man- now established facts about the physiological differences in the ner vous .-yfeni of the sexes. Not very long ago, Sir James Crichton Drown delivered a series of lectures in which lie aimed to show, from actual data, that the brains of women were not on ly relatively smaller, but essentially different in structural arrangement and functional characteristics from those of men. He in particular showed that the vertebral arteries in women are larger in proportion to the carotids than they are in men, and that the eerelel lum and posterior parts of the brain were therefore more nourished proportionately. The brain of woman is four per cent smaller than that of man after deducting the factors of height and weight (Debierre), and wo man's brain, as sron as it reaches its apogee, immediately begins to decline in weight, so that sen' le atrophy is man ifested sooner than in man. There is no doubt, we lelieve, in the minds of physiologists, that the mental characteristics of women have a struct ural basis in the conformation and amount of her nervous tissues, and that no amount of training will make the male and female brain alike. Of course, all this does not in the least prove that woman's mind is not ajwlapted to the demands of suffrage, or of political, jury, and militia duty. It only shows that the result of confer ring suffrage cannot be positively pre dicted cither one way or the other, sdnce it would be injecting into our political system an entirely new fac tor. V.'e udmire the eloquence and are af fected by the enthusiasm of the agita tors for and against suffrage. But we have little faith in those who assure us that it would surely be a blessing or a curse if women went to the polls and sat in the jury box. It is an experi ment which may or may not turn out Aviseh". Jltd. Jlrcard. specimen cases. S. II. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., was troubled with neuralgia and Rheuma tism, his Stomach was disordered, his Liver was aiiected to an alarming de gree, appetite fell away, and lie was terribly reduceii n Mesh and strength. Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Ilarrisburg, 111., had a running sore on his leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Hitters and seven loxes of Ihicklen's Arnica Salve, and his leg is sound and well. .Tohn Speaker, Cataw ba, (.. had live large fever sores on his leg. doctors said he was incurable. One bottle Electric Bitters and one box Eucklen's Arnica Salve cured him en Erely. Sold by E- T. Whitehead & Co. An Eagle Shot 'While Carrying off a Lamb. Scientific A mrrivan. A big crowd of villagers recently viewed the movements of an enor mous bird that hovered over a field in the vicinity of Landisville, Lancaster county, Pa. A flock of sheep were grazing in the field. From a height of several hundred feet the bird would swiftly descend to near the earth, and after circling in long sweeps again mount on high. John Mussel man, one of the crowd, went for his gun. Then lie watched for a chance to shoot. Suddenly the big bin! darted downward, seized a good sized lamb in its talons, and be gan to fly off with it, the lamb mean while uttering plaintive bleats. Musselman fired when the feathered robler wa two hundred feet away. The bird fell dead. It was an enor mous bald eagle, measuring 7 feet 2 inches from tip to tip. The lamb, still in its clutch, was also dead when found. o A Household Treasure. 1). Y. Fuller, of Canajoharie, X. Y., says that be always keeps Dr. King's New Discovery in the house and his family has always found the very best results follow its use : that he would not le without it, if procurable. G. A. Dykeman Druggist, Catskill, X. Y., says that Dr. King's New Discovery is un doubtedly the lest Cough remedy ; that he has used it in his family for eight years, and it has never failed to do all that claimed for it. Why not try a remedy so long tried and tested. Trial bottles free at E. T. Whitehead & Co's. drug store. Regular size 50c, and $1. Gs:rg2 V. Chilis cn Drink. "I no la t . rer.t i stress on the matter of .tr:ct crr. erance. Dri.:! ur.: beer, wine or spirits is a ue-le.-s. and dangerous habit. It does no good, and if the habit is continued it is almost sure to lead to destruction and death. Taste not ; t Mich n -t ; handle not. You should have the courage to .-ay no if you are' a-ked to drink. . In looking back over my life I can rei-ali many of the lest and most promi. ii.g of my companions who vcie ruined by the habit of drinking not one of whom ever imagined that he would le wrecked in mind and body and eventually till a drunkard's grave. T it le i- no safety in moderate drink ing. Every one who touches it at all is in danger." CHILD BIRTH MADE EASY! " Mothers' Friend " is a scientific ally prepared Liniment, every ingre dient of recognized value and in constant use by the medical pro fession. These ingredients are com bined in a manner hitherto unknown Ft I ATUD FRIEND 99 WILL DO all that is claimed for it AND MORE. It Shortens Labor, Lessens Pain, Diminishes Danger to Life of Mother and Child. Boole to " Mothers " mailed FREE, con taining valuable information and voluntary testimonials. Sntby express on receiptof price $1.60 per bottlo BRADFIELO REGULATOR CO., Atlanta. Ga. BOLD BY ALL DRUOOIST&, Something New ! ! TO THE PEOPLE OFMS COMMUNITY ! I o A FIIiST CLASS (JROCERV STORE, in the new brick building north of R.C. Josey & Co., conducted on a STRICTLY CASH ONE PRICE TO ALL IJASIS. I will always be prepared to furnish the people of the community with Fresh Goods at tha Very Lowest Possible Prises. o OL'R MOTTO IS : 36 inches to the yard. 16 ounces to the pcnncl. Best value for least price. Honest and square dealings with all. Inviting a .share of the patronage of the public, .uaranteing satisfaction in all our dealing:;. Very Respectfullv, What is Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' uso by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. 44 Castoria Is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children." Dr. Q. C. Osgood, Lowell, Mass. " Castoria is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the rea I interest of their children, and use Castoria in stead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful igents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves." Da. J. F. Kinchelok, Conway, Ark. Tiie Centaur Company, T7 Murray Street, New York City. The Best Shoes for the Least Money. $5, V ni H T i j 1 1 T . liOHISIS THE teca W. .L. DOUGLAS' Shoes are stylish, easy fitting, and give better satisfaction at the prices advertised than any other make." Try one pair and be con vinced. The stamping of W. L. Douglas' name and price on the bottom, which guarantees their value, saves thousands of dollars annually to those who wear thm. Dealers who push the sale of VV. L. Douglas Shoes gain customers, which helps In idre iSf JS!CS " thCir f gdS- They can afford to se a less proC;" lA lllZl Z T,U CU ;V" MOMy by bayin;- all your footwear of tlie dealer Sdvor tUed below. Catalogue free upon mpplicatioa. W. . DOUG LAS, Brockton, Mass. SOLD BY N. B. JOSEY. 1 11 5m ' Scotland Neck, N, C. i Those Pimples Are tell-tnle wmptorns that your wow is not rirjhtfnUf'f imonriti, causing a tluggwh and vnmgfdbj cornpkxion. A fw bottks of S. ii. o. trill remove aH forrlfjn and impure rwdUr, ckanse t.r'i.h,i. tf.ornunhlu. and ai'e a ckar and ros'i corookxion. It i's most effect-1 wd, kZ entirely harudc&s. Chas. Heatcn. 73 Laurel Street, Hula., says: "I have had for earsa hurr.or in my blood which made me dread to shave, as small boils cr i .....A -,, tV-.ne i lticinT triavrnT to be a greatannoyar.ee. A iter taking three bottles tv-w-ifT! m' f?-J ' ail char and smooth as it should bf apP--N5 spi-naia, G cWn well and f--fcl l.ke running a foot race all for t;.e use of S. S. S. Treat;seon blood and skin diseases mailed free. bVII'T SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. ur.V'i "''- '-" V'"'"' -' ?-"" '-"J 1865. Designs sent to any address TREE. Jn writing for them please give age of de cease 1 and some limit as price. All work warranted strictly fir.-t -class and entire! v satisfactory. I Iv lVork Delivered at Any Depot. MKXTION TKIS I'AI'KI!. Castoria. " Castoria is so well adapted to children thn I recommend it as superior to any prescriptlor known to me." H. A. Archkr, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y " Our physicians in the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence in their outside practice with Castoria, and althoiigb we only have airong our medical supplies what is known as reg'u'i.r products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." United Hospital and Dispensary, Boston, Mass Allen C. Smith, Pres., 22 FOR GENTLEMEN. 84 and SS.5Q Dress Shoo. S3. 50 PoSSe Shoe, 3 Soles. S2.50, S2for WorkSngmen. S2 and SI. 75 for Soys. LADIES AND MISSES, S3, S2.SO S2, $1.75 CAUTION If any dealer ofcera you W. L. Dousrlao Bhoes at n reduced rrire. or saya lie has them with out tno name stamped oa tne ncttom, put iiim aovrn as a trauu. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. WILMINGTON ANI WELPON RAlLKuAl' AM' i-KANCl!F.. ti:ain. ;oixt. Mav i:i IMli. Lca e Wciii' :i Arrive k-kv -'It.. Arrive T;irl ro Lf;t ve Wil-' ! l . rrivi- e !!!!;! Leave ( ;ii-".r ";tVC ';i!-.l'V Lea vp M-'ir'n !i;i Arrive W:!r-riing?' tkains Daily. Daily. Daily. I x. i.eave WiliTiingtoii 2.:)7 a ni '!.i:aP !.'' m Leave .Ma-nlia 1.1 a in Jo. "7 a :v '!.:! v in Leave War-aw il.li a m j ' 1' Vnie ( ;(1-'.'p . '2. n in 12.0."am 7.1 in r-ave Fayetreville a in -4.20 p m rrive phna J I . -5 X a m riie Wii.-on 1 l.M." j in Leave WiNon ;L:5-" a in L'.'i'm S.I J j. m Arrive l-k- Mr.. -i n'- a in !.:!." j in N.:5'. j in Vrrive T: !!'-!(, '.:'' a ni a in Lr-a'P Tarl v 12.7 in Arrive WeMon .".().") a in a ni 10.( in Trains on Seotland Xeck Uraivl; road leaves WeMon .'5.10 p in.. Halifax LOO : m, arrives ScoTlainl Xeck at -."" in. Greenville (l.:7 ji mi. Kinston 7J5") p in. feturning leaves Kinston 7.0 a in. (ireenville .22 a in. Arriving Halifax nt 11.00 a in., WeMon 11.20 a in. laily except nnlay. Trains, on "a.-liinglon Dianeli leave Washington 7.ti0 a in. -arrives at 1'anne ' 8.10 a in. returning leaves I'arniele 7.0." p m.. arrives Wasliington S.L" ji n,. !)aily except Sunday. Connects with trains on Albemarle and Raleigh Kail oad and Scotland Xeck Dranch. Train leaves Tarboro. via Albemarle it Raleigh road Daily except Sunday, 1.10 s in, Sunday l.)0 p m, a.rrive Williamston. 7.1 m., 4.20 ji. in., 1'lyinouth -i.IlO p in. ".20 m. Ileturning leaves Plymouth, Daily except Sunday. 0.(;0. a. .. Williamston 7.:!0 a m.. !."8 a in. Arrive Tarboro 10. JO a in. 1 1.20 a m. Trains on Southern Division, Wilson and Fayetteville I'ranch leave Fayette nllc Uranch leave Fayetteville Ti.UO p in. arrive Rowland 7.11 a in. Returning cave Rowland 7M- a in. arrive Fayetteville 0.1!) a m. Daily except Sunday. Train on Midland, X". ('., I'ranch leaves (Joldsboro. daily except Sunday .00 i in, arrive Smithfield 7.IJ0 a in. Ileturning leaves Smitlilield 8.00 a in, arrive : Jold.-boro O.IJO a m. Train on X'ashville Iranch leaves Rocky Mount, at 0.20 p m. arrives Nashville 7. !.") ni., Spring IIoe 7.10 p m. Returning leaves Spring Hope 8.00 a in.. Vashville 8.:r a m. Rocky Mount f. 1-" a in., daily, except Sunday. Train on Clinton branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton daily except Sunday at .20 p m., and Jl.l." a in. Returning leaves Clinton at 8.20 a in., and .'5.10 p m onnccting at 'arsa.w for Clinton, daily, except Sunday at 0.20 p in, and 1 1.1. " t in. Returning leaves Clinton at 8.20 a in., and 2.10 p m.. connecting at War saw with Xos. 41, 40, 2:5 and 78. Trains Xo. T7 Southbound and 14 North will stop oidy at Tlocky Mt, Wilson, 'L)M. Loro and Magnolia. Train No AS makes close connection at WeMon for all points North daily. '1; rail via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Ray Line, also except Sun lav, with -Norfolk and ail points north via Norfolk. JOHN F. DIXIXI-:, f. R. KFXLY, Ckxkijal Si p't Si r'T Tkans. T. M. KMMERsON, Cen'l l'a.-senger Agt. , vfi Lnl Jf I I IUL, i!nl!0 ' I CAIV I OBTAIN A PATENT ? Fop a prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to si INK .V CO., who have had nearly fifty years' experience in the patent business. Commnni ca rious strictly confidential. A Handbook of In tormntion concerning Patents and hew to oh tain them eei't free. Also a catalogue oi' mecbiuv ;cal and scientiiic books snt tree. Patents taken through M-unn & Co. rPceivo Tef-ial notice in ihe KcieiitiSic Ainrrinin. and thus ar b;c!i?;iit widely before the public with out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, ;s:uie;i weefelr. elejrantly illustrated, has bv far the .arucst circulation of any scientific work in the TorhJ. S3 a year. Satnnle copies eont free. Biiilding iidiiion. monthly, $2.5()a year. Sincle ropies, "2.3 cent3. Every number contains beau Ufid plates, in colors, and photosraphs cf ne7 '-.onses. with plana, enabling builders to show the latest designs aU'i secure contracts. Address ML'JN & CO.. Sew Voiis, 3S1 IlUOiiDWAT. ni dp? larifle We 111. II.! on i J '11 r, Bank St., NlRFOLIv. ----- VA. 3 r-.: , : - -s i,' 5 LA ROE STOCK OF FINISHED AXD- Grave Stones HEADY FOR I M3LEDI ATE DE L I VE R Y. "Write for nriees and designs Lefoi; ordering elsewhere. An inouirv mav save von dollars. o vr, j x- Heii, Creasli & Go,, Successors to Hall, Saunders fc Co., Cotton Factors -AND- COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. ') Roanoke Dock, NORFOLK, VA. Country Produces of every descrip tion solicited. 3 2 3m J, H, LAWRENCE, Dealer in GRAIX. MILL FEED. HAY. CLO VER AXD GRASS SEEDS. Improved Farm Im Dlements A SPECIALTY. Agent for Clark's Cutaway Harrow and the.Deering Mower, A Model of Perfection. SCOTLAND LECK. N. C. - . ?.W - r-- "6i lifT JL. . oimintJiits 16 1y N.i. !I. I yw v : ! i Dailv. i v.v:: '. .'', in n. I.". ir. 7.MI ) !!'. 11,17 in 2.1 i 1!1 2.:H J- II; .t a m l 111 7. i i m i 1 : T : 1 s...o ;, ni !. ! 1 a in ill j. ! 1-7 i?i 1 i. "." a in ;if; N'OKTir. Roanoke Poultry Yards, -AXD- Truce Farm, J. C. LAHSITEU & CO., - - Preps., KICK SQUARE. X. C. Ri.ACK 3Il.Oi:f'AS A Sl !: i.I.TV. Ti!oi;on;nii!:i:i X o x -s n r r: i ; s . Layj.(; ('Ai'Arrrv (0 to 2.i( koos a vi:.i:. The chickens a.-e black, willow ; olored legs, clean of feathers, plumage glossy large watlles. wliite earlohcs. W o have for sale JfuOO worth of eliiekens ( ,f." cr iair, $7J) per trio. 2,000 worth of eggs, for the spring. H fx i:;(;s .f l.r,y FOR EXCELSIOR DI CK E(J(iS 1 for 12 RROXZE TLRKEV E( ; ;s ;f.i for 12 RROXZE TFRKEVS .$10 j-er trio THOUSANDS OF Fan siiul WinicrCaf)lixjri; Tor Sale. Orders solicited for plants ready to ship at '27 cents per hundred. Cash iiiu.-t accompany all orders. Respect iully, J. C. LASS ITER & CO. NORFOLK h CAROLINA R, R. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. Dated Yisxx VA. ; Daily ex. San. South Round Trains. Daily ex. Sun. Xorfh Round Trains. Stations. No. 10;l No. 2.) No. It Xo. 102. 1. M. A. M. V. M. A. M. 2 10 U 17, Lv X'orfolk Ar. 0 ( 10 2 27, U(U Pinners Point 7, ?,7, 0 30 2 7,2 it 20 Drivers 7, VI 0 81 3 0.1 O U Suffolk i 7,7 Sl Li 10 is tJates 4 2o SSI I 10 10 .,S Tunis 4 07, 8 4 31 jo ;;: Ahokev i7, ;i U 1 1 10 An lander '. 'A 7 f,S 7, 27, 1 j 7,7 Hoo.'o.-d 2 7,1 7 ; 7)0 2 7, Ar. TarLoro 2 V,7, C, 7,7 Ar. Lv. o 7,7 27, Rockv Mount 2 ni 0 30 ! P. M. P. M. A. M. No 23 carries pullman iarTor car Norfolk to Rockv Mount and connect. with A. C. L. Train 23 for all joints south. No. 103 connects at IFohrood for all eastern Carolina points, also at Rfky Mount with A. C. L. train 27 for all points outh. No. 78 carries pullman parlor ear Rocky Mount to Norfolk and connects for all oints north. For all information schedules call on or address G. M. SERPELL, J. R. LENLY Gen'l Manager Sup't Train. T. M. EMERSGX, Gen'l Passenger Agent. MRS. VIOLA STARR' 'GOLDEN OAPSI!! F' and all similar medicines. Unexcelled for Irregularis ties,foi Successfully used in thousands of caats. Isr sure reiaely, guaranteed, never faila. Price M. Ar unequal led safeguard . LAKESIDE 8PECIFXC LADIES 35-. THE OLD III LIFE : INSURANCE : COMPANY, (Now with oer 1 1 . .M" U the law of Ohio jenr.it to U put HAS FOR THE LAST TEN YEAR- REALIZED 1 E HER i: The vers highest interest rate and very much the lowest death ra te of OF ANY '1 he-e are ailniitUnHy the gnat m airces are leri t !' D; i-!i is a fac-t which is i'.i-ily upi'.i -4. LARGEST MM CP We give a poli.-y contract ttiat 1 cantii'i:!l ir,l !i t! . virtues of the high a ml low j.i i kimL .-f ) !'' -a - !-'! ! hy other "oinpanics. The Enioi. C'nt!al in :!. 1 ..-l of all other Coin pan ie- in ' dn Li ni i ig t he-e n 1 1 e -. ; i't alv jiiitting The Full Legal Value of saiil policy (according eomniand of the inwieil. TAKERS IN THE V. E ALSO W RITE All kinds of Policies. Call on the Company's Agent for full eplana';ons E. E. FTLLIABD, Agent. !, SCOTLAND XECK, X. ( . C. A. Nash C. A. NASH & SON, ... MANEF VC'l ERLL'S AND DEALERS 1 SASHES, BLINDS, DOORS, MANTELS, MOULDINGS, STAIR-WORK, HARDWARE, PAINTS, &6. .Vox. ", 7 ami ! ATLANTIC AVI'. P rinting ! PRIN : Fio Class EXECUTED AT THIS : OFFICE LETTER IJEAIS, NOTE IIEAhS, RILL FOSTERS. i'AM I'll LETS, I)Oh(;ERs. OEDEES BY HAIL SOLICITED. -0-0 a?!STacTion buaranteeb A . ... SEWD FOi PRICE LJST, ADDRESS : The Democrat Job Office, SCOTLAND XECK, X. C. I CENTRAL A :. X ! a .; r of hS ! .-n l! u-; ts.it t t; c . x ; ,, , COMPANY. point -f i : ; s . ; :. I '. -r j : ! : - ' : : ', ,. ; ; : - . thai - : !! Mi COMPANY !!l t" the highc: P.EEX .'!ali'I.:l ) a! the UWiOW CENTRAL. . I: n i Norfolk, Va. Printing ! ! T I N G ! rriiraiiu :- HEADS. STATEMENTS. ENVLL- J "l: claps. PP.ICE LI-TS. ( .'.Li r- vsrv Timfi. 4 " w SIar?allon Prices Mm. o ! H Hi Job

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