i 4 li i 1 , .s : 1 !:I C-3 1 1 3 It 1 li u -4 Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. COMING AND GOING. 'MM ! Folfes You Know or May Know. ABSCULfiFEClf FIJEUB LOCAL NEWS. The Democrat. THURSDAY, SEITKMKEK 0, '9-1. PUBLISHER'S NOTICE. Advertisements of all kinds must in this ofhVo by Tuesday atternoon publication for the be to current insure i ve'K. I,or.w. Ai.vi:ktisi:mhnt. 1 cent a v,.id for each insertion. Clmr'jrx for loml ad rrrti-ii ng due Rules Adopted By the N. C. Press Association April 27, 1893. The sum of not less than five cents jHr line will le charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of resject" and '..bituary poetry" ; also for obituary notices other than tliose which the ed itor himself shall k'uc as a matter of news. Notices of church and society and :ill other entertainments from which revenue is, to )e derived will le charg ed for at the rate of five cents a line. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. Fur a $j;ood h.uht Migjry, v or oen, with prices lower than ever, see '. li. .Fo-ey. We have a friend who will bet 100 to -f 10 that we have White Frost next Week. Car load fresh Hour made of new wheat. Trices guaranteed the lowest at X. I J. .Josey's. Anything you want in furniture, from a cheap chair to a handsome oak suit at N. B. Josey's. We would like to have the opinion of the famers as to whether White Frost will seriously damage crops at this season of the year. Having been in the northern mar kets for the past two weeks, I am iully convinced that i have bought the cheapest and most complete line of general merchandise ever shown in this market. After an early examina tion you will agree with me. X. B. Josf.y. White Frost. Crops kvji i:ki. The heavy rains all through the eastern section of the State have Injured the cotton crop considerably, and have also damaged the late corn crop. II vm KNKA l. Cards are out announc ing that Miss Claudie Ilyman of Pal myra Avill be married to Mr. G. A. (luilford in the Methodist church of Palmyra at 2 o'clock p. m., Sept. 6th. Pkopekty tkaxsfek. M r. Jos. Stern has purchased ol ('apt. Kitchin the store-house, adjoining the new one just erected by the former, and recently oc cupied by Mr. Jas. L. Josey. Opknki) wkli.. The male school was ojKMied this morning (Wednesday) Mess. Prince and ilson have gone to work m earnest and are much encour aged. The onening was much more Mattering than they expected. Off to college. The following young men left for college Tuesday For C'ha?el Hill. Messrs. R. J. Alls- brook and Durwootl Leggett ; for Wake Forest, Mr. Demnsy (Jay ; for the A. & M. College, Raleigh, Mess. Isaac Smith Xat Smith and Ed. Hall. Will Take Boarders. Mrs. B. I. Allsbrook announces that she will take Jialf dozen boarders for the Male School which opens Sept. 5th. Terms reasonable and made know n upon application. House Painting. Having located in Scotland Xeck, I am prepared to do all kinds of house and .sign painting at short notice. II. Tyler. Walls papered in the most artistic manner by R- Tyi.er. Don't Tail to secure the services ot R. Tyi.kk, the painter, for all painting and papering. Cotton opexixg. The cotton fields begin to show the fleecy staple and the pickers w ill soon be busy from early morn to dewy eve stripping the fields of snow-white harvest. Will the farm ers sell at once, or will they hold their cotton to lose money on it? Fire near Plymouth. hile at Plymouth last Friday we learned that on the night before Mr. John Ambrose who lived 4 miles from Plymouth had the mistortune to lose his houee and its entire contents by fire. Mr. Am brose just did succeed in saving his wife and children from the flames. It was sunnosed that the fire came from x i the flue from the cook-stove. Sr. j. LAxi) Xeck pushes ahead. A genuoman who lived in Scotland Xeck two years ago visited the town recently and after looking around he said he be lieved that the town is more prosper ous than he had ever seen it. "And thereby hangs a tale." Our people have not given up the fight lor progress, notwithstanding money has been scarce and times have been hard. We have pushed ahead and now when general prosperity returns we will be already on the move and not have to lose time "getting up steam." Capt. G. S. White ha. gone north. Mr. Ed. Shields has gone to Boston. Miss Mary Peters is home from Rich mond. Mr. X'. B. Josey is on the northern markets purchasing fall goods. Mr. M. Hoffman returned from a trip north Tuesday. Mr. J. P. Ray is clerking for M. Hoffman i Bro. Mr. H. H. Rasberry of Edgecombe spent Tuesday here. Mr. A. H Smith of Williamston vis ited his relatives here last week. Mi Bettie Tillery ol lillery is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. P. Futrell. Miss Kate Tillery left Monday for Baltimore to purchase millinery goods, i Miss Olivia Whi taker of Enfield . . 1 1 spent several days nere tnis weeK. Miss Alethia Marks of Spring Hill is visiting friends in Manchaster, Ya. Mr. J. Frank Brinkley of Halifax is here. Mr. X. Biggs went to Baltimore Tuesday. Mrs. W. T. (Jri.y and Miss Penny, her daughter, of Edgecombe are visit ing relatives here. Mr. Howard Wis wall of Beaufort county is here visiting his aunt, Mrs. J. A. Perry. Mr. J. L. Andrews of Roxolel is vis iting his daughters, Mrs. W. II. John ston and Mrs. S. D. Hancock. Mr. S. B. Vaughan and wife of Rocky Mount were here on a visit last week. Miss Mollie Tillery who has been at Littleton for some time has returned home. Mr. John Lewis went on a trip to the extreme eastern part of the State this week. Miss Maggie Braswell has gone to Gil merton, Va., to visit her sister, Mrs. J. C. Tillery, who has been very sick. Maj. Barraud ot Richmond has been From Roxobel. Corrpon3wtoTHr Iimoc4T Roxoefl. X. C, Sept. 4, V4. Koxobel Academy opened yesterday September 3rd with a goodly numl-er of students in attendance. Tbi- is the fifth scholastic year of the school and the rrosjects for the largest enrollment in its history are promising. A bountiful harvest of all crops save sweet jMDtatoes is expected by the far mers of this section. The cotton crop will not prove as large a yield as was once thought. Hog cholera is showing its colors in one corner of this community. If this disease among swine le checked where it is and no other preventative inter feres with the growth of the animals, meat will be more plentiful with our people in 1895 than it has been in many years. Mr. John L. Andrews left Monday for a brief sojourn in Halifax county with his two daughters Mrs. Johnston and Mrs Hancock. Dr. P. C. Jenkins returned home Sntnrdav from the Sunday School Chautauqua at Venon Springs, X'. C, where he sient several days. He ex presses himself as being highly pleased with his trip and his stay with the Sun day School workers of the Old North State. The Republican Senatorial Conven tion of the third district convenes in Roxobel to-day at noon, ior the purpose of nominating a Senator. Mr. Butterworth" Endorsement. (J rape Tp.ee Tuxtatiov, Auc. 10, VI Me. E. T. Wbitehea 1 A Co.. Scotland Ne-k. X. C. Gentlemen Per ..ur reque-t I very cheerfully nd you thi certificate. Sometime in la-t M.-iy Mr. I . B Major, the patentee of the Ho ati i Poultry Cholera Cure, came t my limitation to treat m v ho; f. r .-hW.v Lp to THE "ITER KIMMED I- A BIKD AND N Ml.-TA Kt that time I hadl-t S't or . also several fowls with ch!er;i his treatment my hog and f'. ceaol dving. Th&t is u say, I hae only lot two hoj and they were nearly dea l when he commenced to treat thetn (they were so bad off that they refn.il to eat.) I have h-t no poultry ?ir.ce 1 commenced to use his medicine. 1 can most cheerfully reecommed the Cholera Cure to the public. I belioe it the medicine h given according to directions neither hogs n-r poultry w ill have the cholera. I am so thoroughly convinced of this fact that I shall a! way keep some of the medicine on hand. Very truly your. Wm. F. Buttekwokth. County Board of Education. Superintendent Bond furnishes the following interesting items : The Board of Education met in Hal fax Monday with all members present. Mr. Spruill reported that he had been negotiating about the survey of the Lewis land and would report result at next meeting. Superintendent was ordered to visit District Xo. 1 and make an investiga tion in regard to a school house site. Also to visit Districts Xo. 2 and 13 and investigate certain matters of dispute, and to visit District Xo. 7 and report if it would be best for the school interests that part of that District be cut off and formed into a new one. a. Daniel was appointed committeeman for white schools in District Xo. 21 in place of Jno. L. Alston, and Jno. L. Al- A "1 T At ston, Wm. T. Williams ana Isaac ai ston were appointed committeemen in same District for colored schools The Board ordered that the contract here several days on a visit to his be kept with Miss Dickens, teacher in friends, who are always pleased to see him. Store to Rent. Anv one wishing to rent a good store mom on Main Street will do well to apply at this office. Possession will be given 1st of September. For Sale. Cane Mill, Wheat Thrasher, Corn Mill and several Boilers and Engines, 8 horse and upwards. L1 tf. J. L. KiTcinx. 100 Kegs of Xails at Wholesale Pric es Also ( hie Ton of Shot at Baltimore wholesale prices. M. HOFFMAX fc BRO. Macnair's Blood and Liver Pills act unon the Liver, purify the Blood, cure constipation, dizziness in the head, sour stomach, headache, biliousness ana an diseases arising from a torpid liver. For sale bv E. T. Whitehead & Co., Inspected the Riflemen. Col. A. L. Smith of Charlotte was here last Thursday and inspected the the Scotland Xeck Mounted Riflemen. The company was out in full force and bore fine inspection. District Xo. 7, and that she be allowed to tench until the monev set aside for her school be expended. t,. if T Vrnin who has heen The Ho:irfl ordered tne secretary 10 liCV 1 V . A. ' ' - - ' ' ' spending some weeks on a rest at Xag's notify certain comm. tteemcn -" Head, returned last Friday and filled --Xn of school VJ,,!..,. I ' " " . his pulpit Sunday. law and partiality in administration , . c, t ru5r The treasurer was instructed to pay to joimn.omau,,u1 iSWUt Wnnbit.iv $39.30 f ,n lnnilinn lmintr gwvAN in I -!.. one 01 uic icau.ii;, ... , , nrnonnt was over nam DV mm 10 Eastern Carolina, is in town on pro- 8Ch00l fund of Districts Xo. 9 and 1U. Secretary was ordered to notify cer tain narties that one half of amount of judgment in favor of school fund must Littleton Femmt: Coiikoe. Tin1 Fall Term of Littleton Female College. one of our most lrosi erou. and sue rfiil Institutions for the higher (vlnoation of vounir ladies, will begin Sept. the 5th, and a full attendance 1 expected. Nl.-.t SCOTLAND NECK MALE SCHOOL llAMlU.EK niDEK I- A K VM P.I.KK EN riU"l AS 1 a. -oi; 1 1.1- - w USTf k.t. viim:iir.Ai . TLM NK.K. 7 Am 1 L vi - - -n?v II GOODS! MOORE & VOOLLARD, Bnnies, Carls k Waps. HorSlKH-in a p, ialt . I I. KIM- !,1 00 TIIMWORK, Roofing Guttorinj:. STOVES. A VI AM- KIM- "I I ! N W ! 1 1 .......' i " I re L'' 1-. X' 1-. .. I.liC ! lit -'.'!. I'rv tb.- fessional business. Mr. L. M. Pittman who has been clerking for Mess M. Hoffman & Bro. for some years, has become a member of the firm of J. S. Bowers & Co., gen eral brokers here, and is travelling for the firm. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Kitchin return ed to Roxboro Tuesday. Their friends enjoyed their visit here very much. Scotland Xeck is nroud of Mr. Kitch- in's record as a lawyer and a high-toned Christian gentlemen, and his char fe has made a host of friends here as well. A BOARMXO SCHOOL- FOR BOYS AND YOUNG MEN. An English, Classical, Mathematica Scientific and Business School. Training Thorough. Prepares for the active duties ot life for entering West Point, Annapolis or any University or College 111 the South Small bovs will receive social attention and at reduced rates of tuition. No Charge for Rooms in Harraeks. BOARD IX PRIVATE FAMILIES AT LOW RATES. Tuition from $1S.OO to$2f.00 accord ing to advancement of pupil. Military Feature Not Compulsory. Fall Term Begins Wednesday Sep tember 5th, 1894. For further information address the principals, I). M. Prince, B. A.. Goldsboro. X. C. C. W. Wilson, B. A., or Ascend, X. E. E. Hilliako, Scotland Xeck, X. C. W. A. Duxx, 8 2 tt mil mam u, WAKE FOREST, X. C. be paid on the first day of January '95. The following sums were votca 10 the following Districts. District Xo. 3. $25 per month tor whites. District Xo. 16, it2i lor wnites and $25 for colored. District Xo. 2o, $25 for colored. Board then adjourned to meet again on the second Monday of October. druggists. Have vou used Liver Pi'lls? Macnair's Blood and Parmele, Plymouth and Politics. The editor of The Democrat ran down the road a dav hist week. Tar- - j mele is perhaps the most wonderful town in Eastern Carolina. Five years ago no one who rode on the cars from Rocky Mount to Williamston would ever have dreamed that the croaking of frogs in the swamp midway between Bethel and Robersonyille was the pre lude to the hum of machinery and mer riment of a town club. But such was the case. The Parmele-Eccleson Lum ber Company now flourishes there, the waste place has begun to blossom, the croak of the frogs has been silenced by the hum of machinery and the crack of the hammer and the town has a nlensnre. club. Let no one say that I have used Macnair's Blood and town building is impossible anywhere. Plymouth is the same good-natured old town it has been for a long time. Several new buildings indicate prog ress and the people there, like elsewhere in the State, hope for good business this fall. The political situation in those coun ties begins to grow interesting, lhere are some very strong Ransom men in . I t.i .1 3 ii,-.. w nf t h r Anininn Besides the lest barira ma in general riymouui i-u - 1 Millinery, I offer for 30days the follow- that he will be returned, borne say . . 1 it- :n 1 ing special prices: both Ransom ana jarvis wm ue uiujj- Sailors 15c to $1 50. Led and another man will be chosen Baby Caps 15c $1.75. Lace Mitts 25c 50c. Best C. B. Corset $1.00. Fans 25c 75c. All cdlors in Seaminir Braid 15c 20c a bunch. Laces and Silks in :ill colors 15 00c Miss Kate (i. Tillery. Liver Pills more than two years, and t Iipv ji re the best nills of the kind I ever used. W. T. Gray. For Sale. Complete Running Gear for a horse power cotton gin. Will sell cheap. X. B. Josey. Commissioners' Meeting. The county commissioners met Mon day. All the members ot the Board were present. The following accounts were allowed : Chester F. Harrison for pauper 2.00 H. J. Wood, guarding jury 5.25 tt Pullnm. servi no-road orders 3.00 JL - O F. Brinkley, making tax lists 414.42 rlarrell's Printing House 7o Seddon Good, lumber . F. Brinkley, recording orders 11.4o ohn X. Brown, goods for jail 90 " " for county home 50 " " " for court house 4.30 X. Stainback goods for county 58.88 W. B. Tillery, goods for county . D. Browning, poorhouse, labor 44.38 AiKT.f TillArv for nauner 2.UU Xlticroiw . . . . x 1 Th mrtr A Pearee. eoods 36.29 Dock Evans, building bridge J J Thorton, repairing bridge BARGAINS IX MILLINERY. SCOTLAND N'rXK. STK.V31 DYE WORKS Moukxixo (loons a Specialty (Jet price list. Address Scotlaxh Xeck Steam Dyeing Co Scotland Xeck X. C When Baby was wck, we gae her Castoria, When she u a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she hecamn Silas, Che clung to Castoria. When sie had Children, ahe gave them Cartorift. Tillery- We spent a day in Tillery last week There is a great deal of business there to I , x omoll Tho Xnrtb Cnro- 101 a low 11 ov S7nj.iii. " lina Lumber Company makes the most of the business for the place. It is one of the most complete and best equip ped lumber plants in the State and ereat deal of work and spends a -reat deal of .money, lhe pay-rou is lib nut. tff00 a week, and almost all th mnnev is snent in Tillery. This make: business brisk, ine comiany nac c.v Tnded a laree amount of money in lo cating and equipping their plant, and have also purchased timoer enougn m the surrounding country to Keep ine plant at work fifteen years. The business, as managed by Mr. R. R. Cowles, is prospering and all the employes speak well of the management. A Grand Feature. Of Hood's Sarsaparilla is that while it purifies the blood and sends it cours ing through the veins full of richness and health, it also imparts new life and vigor to every function of the body Hence the expression so often heard: "Hood's Sarsaparilla made a ow Tersnn of me." It overcomes that tired feeling so common now. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, nerfect harmless, always reliable, per- f 1 . .. . . harmless, always reliable ana beneficial HARRIS Lithia Water. ASHEVILLE, X. C, April 24, 1893 An extended clinical use of the Har ris Lithia Water prompts me to the 14 50 statement that I regard it as one of the t onlat if nnt. the beat. Ijltnia aier i.OU 1 In the con action n en mat Toa ro.-ia rpnairine bridce 6.72 ic ana outy nra.s . w a P.id acct for Auiniat 100.20 comfort than either the Buffalo or Lon- " " I -m 1 -wwr t ta t fii,T inrv 6 40 donaerry v aiers. Theophileus Davenport was allowed ,) mnnth W 4 months and Susan I for sale by fjj-x n uiviiv -v- . ,t r J Lisles $2 a montn ior monins. 1 - j-j AGEXT. We can safely say on or about Sept pi,i,anl9nn. kfieninsr ur sate 5.00 known to tne proiession. Emerv & Daniel, gooas for county 8.50 dition of Phosphatic Lnne iU wm iw for TMiiner 2 50 is marvelous. Its use in the 1 r Christian College Embracing 7V Aftiflf tm'r Schools and the PROFESSIONAL LAW. A select Library of 11,000 volumes. L large and well furnished Reading loom. Thoroughly equipped (iymna- I T 1 x 1 . T i - .-.1 1 J. slum ana jjanonuont-s. cieties unsurpassed in the South. Xo secret Fraternities allowed among tne students. FREE TUITION' TO MINISTERS AXD THE SOXS OF MIMblfcUft. I ha ju-t n- ci -l n:- ;4U ;uid Nt.ti-.U-. I"U.'! d-cli!ic and will -!! -tt ReiarkaDly Low Prices. Call and sf them 15KF0HE WWW ELSEWHKKK. 1 have jut rceiel a double .-u ply of LandrethV CelebratM Turnip Rutabaga and Cabbage Seed. Wll cheap by tin pound or ounce. 7 R (m ScoTLANU N I K , X. ". and Opium Habits 1 cunti m Loujo vllli out ain.lkk of ir- ITI.M.W00T.LKV.M.M. u u HO MORE EYE-GLASSES WEAK l!QRE mSZZS tits. MITCHELL'C Eve-Salve . A Certain. Safe, and Effectlre Hemady for SORE, WEAK, & INFLAMED EYES, Producing Long-Sightedneu, A Restor- ing tfit Sight of tf9 Old. Cures Tear Drops, Granulations Styi Tumors, Red Eyes, Matted Eys Lasnis, UD rRODtenS triCa BEULTISD PFEIllEITCtlE. Ao, equally efflcacUvn when ! In other roalali. e.jrh m Vlctr. fevar Warea, -fimori Halt Khr.r, """VrffiTZWS 0A.IsVEmy bu'l to advatitK. 814 by all Drosslata mx i Ceata. ' A 1 1 n i:k' -! . J I 7' M Wanted! Wanted!! i "..nf.-lt w s 1 ; t i '. r tliC!H tip .O 1 1 - w ! t li ti ! t ,!I j- find J. H. LAWRENCE, 1 1 in 1 . .:v 1V Mil l ri l l'. H N vi:i: and -1:1 Improved Farm Im plements A -i 1 I v 1 IV. Acnt f.r Cl.uk'- Cm. ... IL-.n-.w and tin- I'lOli 11 A M .! ,f l'vU l! SMTLAND NF.cK. N . c I o I The Coimcr Martilc Worts, N KI H.K 7 12 iv LOANS FOR THE NEEDY. Board from six to ten dollars icr monin. a (xuh'mcic " -.. works with ample bathing facilities. The Summer Law School oiens July 2. Vouet Face kt Us lisps Septesber :'i For further information address REV. C. E. TAYLOlt, 7 5 (f President . i.Ait. ;e i nc k ur iNi.-nr.D Monuments AND Grave Stones KI'ADV roi: IMMEDIATE DEI . I V l.l: V.' I. iii.it Itch on human a. id norses ana all animals cured in 30 minutes by Wxl ford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co. Druggist, Scotland Xeck X. C. 11 4 92 ly. FITS. All fits stopped free by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. X'o fits after first day's use. Marvelous cures. Treatise $2.00 trial boctle free to Fit cases. Send to Dr. Kine, 031 Arch St Philadelphia, P. Will bs wreathed with a moat engar'" emlle, after you Invaet In a WeSewingHacle KQUIPPfO WITH ITS NIW PINCH TENSION, TENSION INDICATOR Write f-r r- and d'-in- fr!cr ing h ic. An inquiry may cavf '"'i d . I v J. D. HILL, THE BUTCHER. AMD John Hey William? 13th, White Frost will arrive here. 8 30 U Scotland Xeck, X. C Hog Cholera. The famous Major Hog Cholera Cure, w hich cures and prevents cholera in hogs and po-iltrv is on sale at X. Ii. Josey's and at E. f . Whitehead's Drug Store. The medicine is highly rcom- mended bv many western farmers as sure cure. Try a package. J Josey's and Drug Store At X. li AUTOMATIC TENSION RELEASER, The most complete and useful device ever added to any tewing inaciane. The WHITE is Durably and Handsomely Built, Of Fiae Finish and Perfect Adjustment, Sews ALL Sewable Articles, And will serve and please you up to the full limit of your expectauons. Activk Dealers Wanted in unoccu pied territory. Liberal terms. Address, WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO., CLEVELAND. O. Mmmm i 4 . - - - ALL KINDS OF FRESH MEATS AND FI-II. Trice- low. I ! RETAIL K E ''.I :' -V Vol! V. oi:in:i:s -oi.jrn i:d. 1'roinft ,tl' ad'"" f" " "' ' :, :;i tf. 1 : na ggggggggg' " ;. w. coriin;s r n. S. F. DUNX. 9 Lookout ior White Frost on oraboutT MANUFACTURERS OF All Kinds of Pine Lumber. Kln Dried and Dressed Lumber SHIPPED US WEEKLY BY NORTH CAROLINA LUMBER COMPANY AT TILLERY. N. C -.-r Tarn a TO"n -TVTTTllC JH. A.JN J- LVJ-U-li-J-J- Electric Light Plant, Ice Factory and Cotton Seed Oil Mill Will ooon oe auueu. SCOTLAND NKCK, N. C. 4 7 12 tf Sept. 13th.

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