at Be IF YOU ARE HUSTLER TOV wilt ADVEIITIE VftR Business. MOCRA r ADVERTISING IS TO BUSINESS WHAT STEAM ISTO Machinery, -o That Gkkat Propelling Power. -c-.. c- -O" "O 0 -O " o -o- o. o Write up a nice 'advertisement about vour bu.-ine.sri and insert it in THE DEMOCRAT, and von '11 "see a change in business all ji round." PROFESSIONAL. D n. w. o. Mcdowell, Office North corner New Hotel. Main Street, Scotland Neck, X. C. ;r Always at his office when not professionally engaged elsewhere 9 26 lv D R. FRANK WHITEHEAD, Office North comer New Hotel, Main Street, .Scotland Neck, N. C. giH Always found at his office when not professionally engaged elsewhere. 7 0 ly D R. A. C. LIVERMON, n tr3S vwxi TiArt. xw Office Over J. I). Ray's store. Oilif-e hours from 1) to 1 o'clock ; 2 to o'clock, p. m. 2 12 ly SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. D R. J. H. DANIEL, -Dcxx, N. C. Makes the disease of cancer a Specialty. 9 10 ly Qavid bell, Attorney at Law, ENFIELD, N. C. Practices in all the Courts of Hali fax and adjoining counties and in the Supreme and Federal Courts. Claims collected in all parts of the State. 3 8 ly w, A. DUNN, AT T 0 R N E Y-A T-L A W. Scotland Neck, N. C. Practices wherever his services are required. 2 13 ly w. II. KITCHEN, Attomsy and Counselor at Law, Scotland Neck, N. C. g'fOnu-e : Corner Main and Elev enth Streets. 1 5 ly Joseph Christian. P. St. Geo. Barraud. Late judge Supreme ) Court of Appeal; of Virginia. pHRISTIAN & BARRAUD, u .1 TTORXEYS-A T-L A W, Will practice in all the Courts, State and Federal, in the city of Richmond. Office ' llooia 10, Chamber of Commerce Iiuihliny, 1 r lv RICHMOND, VA. I. J. Mercer & son., 020 Main Street., RICHMOND VA. LUMBER COMMISSION MERCHANTS. -O- ( lives personal and prompt attention o all consignments of Lumber, Shin ies. Laths. &c. 4 17 90 ly MAX Jewelry Store After six years exerience, 1 feel thor oughly competent to do all work that is expe ted of a WATCHMAKER and JEWELER. WATCHMAKER and JEWELER. Repairing & Timing Fine Watches SPECIALTY 1 also carry a full line of WATCHES, ' ;.Oi ' MS, JEWELRY, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND FANCY GOODS. Spectacles and ItZ Eye Glasses Properly Fitted to the Eye. l Stutal I'M? Machine THE BEST ON EARTH. SEWING MACHINES CLEANED AND REPAIRED. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. W. II. JOHNSTON, V Hotel, next door to entrance. 10 G 6m. E. E. HILLIARD, Editor and Proprietor. VOL.X. The Old Friend And the best friend, that never fails you, is Simmons Liver Pegu lator, (the Ked Z) that's what you hear at the mention of thi3 excellent Liver medicine, and people should not be . persuaded that anything else will do. It i3 the King of Liver Medi cines ; is better than pills, and takes the place of Quinine and Calomel. It acts directly on the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels and gives new life to the whole sys tem. This is the medicine you want. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in rowder to be taken dry or made into a tea. ' 49-EVERY PACKAGE-SI Imm the Z Stamp In red on wrapper. J. H. ZEIL1N St CO., PUladll.U. PVT BABY'S COMPLIMENT. His father and mother were both away, And baby and I had been friends all day, Many ana gay were the games we play ed ; Baby ordered, and I obeyed. We cared not at all for the rainy sky ; We built us a blockhouse three feet high ; We threw pine knots on the nursery fire And watched the flames mount higher and higher ; We hid in the most improbable nooks, We looked at the pictures in all his books ; We ran in "tag" till his cheeks were red, And his curls were tangled about his head. So when the twilight was closing down Over the fields and the woodland brown, And nunse declared he must say good night, He clung to me still in the tn-elight He trampled my gown with his rough little feet, He climed on my lap and kissed me sweet, And then he scrambled from off uiy knee, "You'd make a good mother," said Baby to me. I have had compliments, now and then, From grown-up women and grown-up men ; Some were commonplace, some were new. Never was one of them rung so true, Never was one seemed half so real Baby compared me to his Ideal ! S. S. Laurence. "When Milking Time Comes. The Atlanta Journal tells the follow ing of Col. Ham's anecdotes : "These Populists make me tired," continued the Snollygoster, shifting himself in his chair, "They remind me ot a story I heard. A little, one gallus fellow way out in the country Avas driving a cow and and a calf down the road. It was one of these here little hard, nubbin-looking calves. The lit tle fellow drove the cow and calf with out any trouble until he met a big old steer in the road. The three passed the time ot the day and then when the boy tried to drive the cow on the steer drove too. He tried to run the steer back and finally trot him away from the cow, but the calf followed him. Then he tried to head the calf off, but the old steer struck into a trot and the calf, with tail in the air, lit out after him in a dead lope. The boy Avas un able to catch him, and as he fired a parting rock at him, he yelled out, 'go it, you durn little fool. I guess you'll learn some sense when milkin' time comes.' " "When I see some of these fellows running around the state, after the Populist steer, leaving the Democratic cow, I feel like saying, 'Go it durn you, I reckon you'll learn some sense Avhen milking time comes.' " All Free. Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and those Avho have not, have iioav the opportuni ty to try it free. Call on the advertised Druggist and get a Trial Bottle, Free. Send your name and address to H. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a sam ple box of Dr. King's New Lile, Pills Free, as Avell as a copy of Guide to Health and Household Instructor, Free. All of which is guaranteed to do you good and cost you nothing at E. T. Whitehead & Co'a Drugstore. SCOTLAND NECK, N. C, THURSDAY, " The Popular Woman. Harper's Bazar. That person in society who wishes to be popular unless her own re mark is wonderfully pert, her own story wonderfully good, her own song supernal ly sweet allow another to make the remark, to tell the story, or to sing the song. Always aasuming that it is poupularity she looks for, then the report of her sweetness, her inter est, her amiability, will stand her in far more stead tliat anv report of her b.illiancy, her wit, her repartee. The Avoman who has all her resources at command, a story apropos for eA-ery-tning, a cutting sarcasm, a stinging jest, a smiling retort, can pass away the hour for a stupid man ; but it is doubt ful if, Avhen he goes away, ne is not conscious that he has made a poor fig ure in her society, and it is tolorably sure that he does not feel Avell enough pleased with himself to be pleased with her. A brilliant woman may cut a great dash at a dinner party, but it is not impossible that she is hindering some one else from cutting a dash, and it is no better for her in the end than if she had been a little dull. She who crams for a dinner party, gets up her subjects Avith all the information to be had, and joKes and anecdotes to cor respond, and then leads the conversa tion to them, and sets them all off in a fine feu de joie, makes a great mistake, so far as it is an attempt for popularity, eA-en if her information be new and her mots have all the air of spontaneity ; much of her effort goes for little or no thing ; she Avould really do better to hold herself in reserve merely to fill the gaps and to keep the ball rolling. Popularity may be poor stuff and not Avorth haA'ing in this light. It has to be confessed that it is an unworthy thing to strive for, even though it in volves the loAe of our felloAvs, for it is a loe sought umvorthily and for selfish ends and Avithout a return of equal loA-e ; the desire for it is only another form of self loA'e and vanity. It is quite aside from any effort after it that an altruistic A'iew of life comes in. For there is surely a sort of selfishness in al ways saying the .bright thing ; there is even a form of good-breeding in giving others the opportunity of saying it, in not allowing them to feel themselves outshone Aery pre-eminently. It is the grace of the colden rule, indeed, that is sometimes evinced in declining to take the lead entirely ; and the wo man Avho is always putting the shy and awkward at ease, Avho is trying to bring out the best in others, is really more gracious, better remembered and loAred, than if she had shoAAn all the wit of De Stael or the intellect of Ma rian Evans. If one sees how much better the conversation A-ould go it one could haA'e one's say, and yet forbears, in order that others may haA'e their say, such as it is, so long as tney enjoy saying it, one is certainly exercising a virtue, and every time the virtue is ex ercised its possession is strengthened; for certain truths hold good in the mor al life as much as in the physical. There is really such a thing as being too smart, of OATer-reaching one's self. No one Avho is too smart is io'ed, and most people of the sort are disliked. There is a golden mean in the matter, and it is so rarely reached that per haps its attainment might be intellect ually, not to say morally, an equal achievement Avith the exhibition of an excess of brilliancy. And yet does it undo all that has been said to remem ber Iioav one has admired some Avitty woman making a rapt circle listen to her Avith gay admiration, while her sallies came as the Avater comes down at Lodore, and all her air seemed to say, "This is my throne, let kings come and bow to it"? Plastering 125 Years Old. Washington Gazette. Mr. James H. Woolard has presented to the Gazette museum some pieces of plastering from the old Trinity church at ChocoAvinity, said to haAe been put on these old walls 125 years ago. This plaster was made up with pine straAv. He also gave us some of the nails, made by a blacksmith, with which the old church Avas nailed. EXCELSIOR" IS OUR MOTTO. Fat and Lean. Youth'' a Com pan ion. Fat jjeople are suppoed to be good natured, and yet it is Avell known that they are much more sensitive about their lodiIy condition than extremely lean ones. Thin men are regarded as fair prey for jokers ; concerning very tat people, care mustlje exercised But a French Avriter who has collected some anecdotes of fat ieopie relates an au thenic incident ot Voltaire which show? that he, at leat, deeplj resented an unintended imputation on his ex treme leanness. Voltaire liAed, in the old age, in his chateau of Ferney. He was at this time a mere living skeleton, Avith a long nose, and intensely black eyes peeping from beneath a Avig. He took great delight in a certain tame young eagle that he had about the place, and AA'hich AA'as almost as emaciated as he was. One day this eagle became en gaged in a combat Avith two young cocks in the poultry yard, and Avas very roughly nandled. Next morning as soon as Voltaire made his appearance he asked Made lene, one of the maids, hoAv the eagle was. The girl smiled and said : "He won't fight any more sir !" "What do you mean?" "He's dead, sir." "Dead ! and you announce the news to me Avith a smiling face !" "O sir !" said the maid, still smiling, he was so dreadfully thin he might as well haA'e been dead !" "Well, Avell !" exclaimed the philos opher ; "he Avas thin, eh? And conse quently might as Avell haAe been dead? And Avhat about me? Are fat people the only ones Avho have a right to live?" He Avas so angry that he discharged the girl, but by a ruse his sister, after some Aveeks, got her back again. But Vol taire neAer saw her about the house without groAvling : "Thin, eh? And so I suppose I should be killed because I am thin !" It is related that Napoleon I. Avno was extremely thin in the early years of his generalship, though he after ward became someAvhat stout, Avas once present at a bread riot during the last days of the revolutionary period. The mob Avas led by an extremely stout woman, Avho, seeing Bonaparte and his staff ride up, called out to the mob : "Down Avith the shoulder strappers ! Down Avith these cbaps Avho feed and fatten while the people are dying of hunger !" "Come, come! my good Avoman," said Napoleon, "look at me, and tell me which of us tAvo is the fatter." The laugh which followed disarm ed the mob much more completely than a cavalry charge could have done. The same collection of anecdotes records what it assumes to be the first authentic cure of obesity. A powerful French magistrate of the seA-enteenth century, M. de La Keynie, travelling to Paris once from the country, fell in Avith an enormously corpulent person Avho Avas going to the capital lor tAvo reasons to prosecute a laAvsuit and to reduce his obesity. Without revealing his identity, La Reynie took the fat man to his own house, and there such things could le done in those days shut him up in a single room, in which a loaf of coarse bread and a bottle of water were hung by strings from the ceiling in such a A-ay that when the man sprang up to get them they could be jerked a little higher. La Keynie kept the man here for many days, stretching and jumping for eery b't of food that he got, and getting nothing but bread and water. At length, when the man was reduced from corpulence to thinness, La Keynie set him at liberty. He proposed to haA-e the magistrate arrested at once; but Avhen La Reynie shoAved him pa pers Avhich proved to him that his law suit had been Avon meantime, and re minded him that his obesitj was cured, the man acknowledged himself grate ful and departed. It is a great blunder in the pursuit of happiness not to know when we have got it that is, not to be content with a reasonable and possible meas ure of it. OCTOBER 11, 1894. Thnnier-Stcrms. It is not altogether unreanablc or unnatural that e should ?-m.etirne t eriously affected by thunderstorms. A t-evere storm brings us near the is nihilities of disaster, and that thought is sufficient to intimidate a nrvo' or a delicate woman. ome Avomen who under f.r more trying circumstaiHi-s chow great ncre and self-control are almost prostrat ed from nervousness and excitement during a storm, and can find no clot dark or safe enough in which to con ceal themselves and alleviate their fears. Very often the electricity m the at mosphere has an uncontrollable in fluence upon the nerves, and women are hardly responsible for what they do. It certainly makes it easier for them and for those around them, if they act as they feel. At the same time they should remember the example they shoAV to others, and how ea.ily who are ignorant, and esjecially the little children who are around them, will partake of their fears. Every day we are exposed to dangers more serious than those caused by thunder-storms. The accidents from lightening are very few. The fact that the storm is leyond all human control, and so awe-inspiring to see and to hear, is the foundation of our fears. The accidents that may occur on the railroad trains, the street cars, and in riding and driving Ave rarely stop to consider, and yet Ave are exposed to them far more often, and under many more chances of danger, than Ave are in the rare occurrence of severe thunder storms. In an ordinary house one place is as safe as another during a storm. To sit on a feather bed in the middle of the room is an old-fashioned idea, for if the lightning strikes the top of the house, it is apt to take a direct line down the side until it reaches the ground. So to be aAvay from the wall is considered a safeguard. It is useless to sit and Avatch for the flash of light ning that you think is going to strike you as many do for that isthefllash you will never see. The real danger lies Avhere you neA-er can see or know of it until it is OA'er ana gone. So it is best lor the Avomen Avho suJ fer from such nervousness to show as much courage as they do in the other circumstances of life which generally is a great deal and to remember that every cloud has a silver lining, even the clouds that gather in a thunder storm. Even The Birds Go Crazy. Selected. Whiskey is an enemy of the Ahole animal kingdom. It governes the most resolute Avhen it gets them in its clutches. Men, beasts and birds be come crazy when under its influence. "According to the Galveston (Tex as) News the English sparrows have proved a nuisance in the cotton coun try. It says that as soon as the bolls open they piek the cotton and carry it off, and that some planters claim tnat they have lost hundreds of pounds in this Avay. One De-Witt county planter, when he fonnd the sparrows were committing depredations, pro cured a quantity of Avheat, soaked it in sweetened Avhiskey, and strewed it along the toavs. The sparrows found and ate it greedily. The Neics says : 'In fifteen or twenty minutes there was the tipsiest lot of English sparrows ever seen on the face of the earth. They rolled about the ground, falling on their sides and backs anl kicking their heels into the air like a parcel of drunkards, all the a. Lile uttering the most comical squeaks.' The first dav tAvo bushels of these drunken sparrows Aere gathered into bags, ana subsequenfTy converted into potpie. The experiment Avas several times) successfully repeated, but the News adds: 'The survivors have come to regard the plantatation as hoodooed, for now very few come about.' ' The surviving sparrows, at lcat, show more sagacity than some men, in avoiding the whiskey that overcame their fel lows,, and brought them ib grief ana ruin. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE St oo. NO. 45. all orat THE OLO?r- Dr. IVev Ilmunl IVUtt Um W hy t iWaut etolrml! Tbn r many Urrc tnU. y4 tbt-to murt Im rrrn why Dr. I Vror as rrains of mu"Urd thTW rv, u!t wallwM. M t of lUl tLT art it a nat ural ay, an J art effwrti in iwuiL Tlxt, t. alter theyYw tairu I her can't W feJt an different from tbo oM fLioro4 with thr Kripiri;! a4 vi4v. Fur mlic"tKa. ia In tnvaoh, xtirt enwt ainl haltitual "aw-tijiatic-n. a a nek an! tuhou twn In i-. it " l'rllru " t-rtn; uch a lusting rrr, that thr "n t iruaran trtL Your uwnfj u rrt unl, if Uy do not give aatiifartiun, Thi steppIng-ton to Conmimptlon I Catarrh. It don't rT K lt It p wht-n the makers of Dr. Sa't Itemed v will give 100 if they can't effect a per manent cure of your Catarrh. Administrators' Notice. The undr-ined, having qualified a Administrators of II. D. (Jray, notifv all jierson holding claims aguint hi estate to precnt wune to them at Sco! land Neck, or to their Attorney, W. A Dunn, on or U' the 'JI-t day i f Septemler, 1S'..". We will I' glad )! all persons will prcnt their claims nt once as payment may ! made without delay. This ScpteimVr lMth, 1 M i:v E. i i: A v, K. 1. 'iim:m:i', 0 L'O t Adininr-trato!- ExwutoiV Nolitr. The undersigned, having qualitid i.r Executors o! the lat will and testa ment of D. Edmondxon, notify all er sons Avho have claims against said test ator to present same to them at Scot land Neck, or to their attorney, W. A Dunn, lv or before thel'Ist day of Sep temer, IS'Xk This September 20, H.M Maky 1". Edmonkson, K. C. JosKY, Titos. K. Powkm.. 0 20 ot Kxecutors Executor's Notice. Having qualified as executor undei the will, on the estate of . I no. It. Her ringdeceasod, I hereby notify all jerson having claims against said decet'ent to present them to mo for payment with in twelve months from this date. All persons indebted to the estate ami! please make payment. This Spt ISth, 1SIM. KiriiAHD II Smith. D-LMJ-fit. Executor. UOTICE ! NORTH CAROLINA, t Halifax Cocnty. lS TTIK Sfl'KlilOK Cot l:T. Sept. 10, 1MM. Hattie Stamter, ) vs. f Divorce. Alexander Stamjer.) Jt appearing in tills action tnat a summons has leen is-ned for the de fendant, notifying him of this arjion. and the sheriff has ret urn.' 1 on tli summons that the defendant was not to be found in Halifax county. It i therefore on motion of J. M. (irizzard attorney for the I'laintiff, ordered b the court that publication bo mad once a week lor six successive we-;s in The Dkmockat, anewpuer published in Halifax county, notifying faid de fendant to apear at the court hnise in the town of Halfax, N. ('.. on the tenth Monday after the first Monday in Sep tember I SIM, and answer the '-omplaint of the plaintiff Avhich is filM in the of lice of the Clerk of the Sujerior court of said county, and let the defendant take notice that if he fails to anwci the said complaint within the tim required -by law, the plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for the relief uemand ed in the complaint. (Jiven under my hand and wal of said Court at office iti Halifax town this the 10th day of SeptemU-r 1MM. John T. Olkooky. J. M. ;, Clerk Sup'r Con rt . Att'v for Plaintiff. I 1U 'It Notice ! NORTH CAROLINA, Halifax ('oi nty. s Is Tin; SrrKiiioi; r'orm. Ai; h Makti.v, j The State f vs. North Carolina Lizzii; Maiitin, ) to Lizzie Martin : 1. The purjKise of the h1oyo enti tled action is to obtain an absolute di vorce from the defendant by the plain tiff. 1. To obtain a divorce from U-i and board. The defendant Lizzie Martin h noti fied to !e and apjear lefore the Judge of our Sujerior court, at a court to le held for the county of Halifax at the Court House in Halifax, on the 10th Afritirl-iv uftr Sior .f ttrt wr 1f 1 s!l 1 n:! nnswer the eomnlaint which i- fileI in answer u-c complaint wnitn i- uvi u tue omce or tue i.ieiK or me Mieri r court, and let the defendant take no- ticethat if she fail to answer the com - Ilaint Avithin the time required by law. the plaintiff will apply to the court lor the relief descrilied in the eomp'aint and the cost of this, action to ! taxed by the clerk. Given under my hand and the seal of said court this the I'rd day of Sej tember 1SI.M. John T. Gkfooi:y. 0 b't Clerk Superior Court. Hog Cholera. The famous Major Hog Cholera Cure, which cures and prevents cholera in hogs and ioultry is on Kile at N. I. I Josey's and at E. f . Whitehead') Drug j Store. The medicine is, highlv rcom- mended by many western farmers as a KUif Ctire. Trv rinckaw. At. V III . - 1 o- --- i Josey's and Drug Store. 1 I t VM R l f T I - I VI NT IN NOW, THAT CLA- OK READERS th it vot W'Uh your .Idicrtinicnt T J I It ! tb 4 a !,. rr S T!l Il v . i; T, Pa oil i,-!r n2 !?i .OR. H. 0. HYATT'S SANATORIUM, KIN1. N ? ! K f I , Sut'f ry. Norfolk Commission Co., . . .l t'l.S, M l"t it i t . '".''t.d!-. :t;d ''., l'i'! . 1' ; U.,.t,:lr it.., I.. .V. rf. . J .,. KtHIIIM'M : I!." li.Jik f " f!i. mcirc. NoifolK. V.t. ; '! . W Imw, 'as!ii'r, rarnn r and Mrs cf. .' 1 1 t ,L , New JWn N. '. ; I". U li .rl. n V n .. 11. ink of 'an', )d-b .jn. N. ('. I r. ly mrcKi.KN's AUNir.v Tiik Ih-r Suvi: in th" world f r Cuts, Hruix, riM. S.i'.t Klu'Utn. I'' er Snn', T-tt r. 'bapj "l ll.uid, 'hilhlain. Corn, and all -"kin Crop lions, and ositi"lv no- 1 . i Jio pay npiinil. It i cu u inn--! to yiv jH"'rf't satifation or inom' n fu?id-l. Price 2" ,nt- t 1" roi: sai r, i;v r t. wiiii i: hi:ah a co. roi: ovi:i: ni rv vi:i:s As Oi.i ash Wtii Ti !ii Ui Mtt.Y M r. "in-lo 's , bini: '".lui' ' .k Umi lisM for ur lift v bv mil lions of inoth-r- l..r tli'-ir l.ii b :i while tiH'thing, with S':f' t w, It -otli's the hil l. softi-n- tli' ;!!!( , allav all pain cure- wind oo!i aiid h the l't mmim"Iv fi I i,ti i ho i Is pleasant to th' t.i.-t'. S"ld by Kn1"-L'i-ts in e'iy put of tin Won!. Twenty liv cent a l-itt!e It a!i. is iiH'alcidab!'. I5 sir' ,-t:d k f r 1 1 Win-low's Sothiug .- iup. and t;i" no other kind. Kngli-h So.nin l.tnfm-nt iiiifvc all Hani, Soft or ':il!.u- d hump and and '!em i-li- fi"!ii Spavin Surb-, Spill:!-. h 11! 1 Vrelie .11 worm tit U'-. ."i.i.iHi-. an. i 1 1 1 1 ,' 1 1 in Throiili, Colli!)-. I'.u-. Sa iim of one 1. !(!. W'ai r;.-lrd tno-t woinlrful J'i-ini-m kiiov.ii. Sold bo 11. T. 'bin- v r .d A , ( '. Co.. Hnri-i-t", Scotland !., 10 1 ly. PITS. All fit- f-t-.pped fi- b. Ir. Kline's Creat N-t I ! 'to; e; . No Mi after lir-t 'lay's u--. !ou. . tc -. Treat i-4 f l'." trial I ..' tie ft-e ! IMS", S'-tl'l l : Ir. Ki.e. It.ll u Philadelphia, !'. lit . ft A I.I- ('AN .I T Wlil II I I I . When li uri-'i-ts do ii'-t Raltn and they an- f'-v. for a l iri'e Itott!', or .'" k p l' - 'I f - ' - ;. f t jrejail, by the l'.!d !.i!tm ' o , A! fa, O.i. Ioik f wonderful and ':f Ioih curtrs of blood and ksn d) nt fr1. Send for it, and h i I a' ' ti-erncnt in anotIiT c,!rmri. Itcti n human a.iM n-i " animaN eijreI in :;! tninui-- b-, ford's Sai.itarv I-ofion, Tt i -faiN. Sold by'K. T. WhiN-he..d .' ' Iirugiri-t, Scotland N-' k N. C. 1 1 i U2 I v. R. TYLER. Caleamine I'arlor I'.tintin t Sj-cia!ty. 1 PJ tf IHllI'.O'lli, N Scotland m::k tkam I'Vi. v, Mot'KMN. (fOOli- A Sl'l I A I it Cet price li.-t. Ad !)-- SVo'M.AMi N;: K Mi.'AM hill1.'. o. 1-21-1 v .c..; !..'. ! Ne-k N. ' ! WMMMnM9Z.ZMVirfr''X a jqjj tj 1:, aj OI r ni AJ jcav- j 5 g ARAf fllf Rf(( RaX l 1 6 LIUUliMIU LIIUUU LUHII ViK'J ftl! Skin and Blood Dteea&cf, 5 It purify, buiUsupar.Jenrkh.e-. 5 tt-T tlie bloJ, anJ t-cver 3. I"!.- .1... ......... 4 nor. Cl'lV 1 !-. : tAShS, if J rcti ni ars bl- J Io-acJ. Th .-iuvitiJs of Krstt-J ful people uunJ its praises and attest its. V'f STWRITE for Uook of Won- 2 derful Cures, sent free on ap- 3 U plication. If nnt kT)t bv -our Jni2"ist, send fi.oo for lare Utc, or for six bottles an J medicine w.Il tc sent, freight paU, by 2 BLOOD B.IL7I CO.. iilantiuCa. I ID Jy (h) r v 1 1 r -y