The Democrat. E. E. MILLIARD, - - - - Editor. Published Every Thursday. THLRSDAY. JANUARY 24, 1895. 6 Pases. THE LEGISLATURE. SECOND WEEK'S RECORD. TTK.SDAY, JAN. loTII. Shnate. Called to order at 11 ox-lock. Prayer by Senator Amtnons. Uills : IJy Mr. Westmoreland of Davidson, lill to repeal license tax on piano and organ dealer.-?. y .Mr. Hamrick of Cleveland, bill to reduce expenses of the State guard. JJy Mr. Paddi.son of Pender, resolu tion instructing Senators and Represen tatives in Congress toendeavor to secure the passage of a law for the free and unlimited coinage of silver at a ratio oi 1( to I and to abolish banks of issue. By Mr. Bellamy, of Nash, bills to reduce salaries of State and countv oflicials, and to reduce charges of to bacco warehouses. Rv Mr. Sigmon, of Catawba, bill to regulate public printing and binding Mr. Starbuck thought this a very important bill, and that the Senate had made a mistake in repealing the lowest bidder bill without, at the same time, adopting a substitute. RAILROADING A RISKY LAW. Mr. Forbes, of Pitt, asked that his bill to reduce the official bond of the sheriff of Pitt county be taken from the calendar and placed upon its second reading. lie stated that the bond of the sheriff of Pitt had not heretofore exceeded .$'72,000, but that on the elec tion of Mr. Harrington, Populist, (on November 0th) the bond of sheriff had been increased to J2,000 ; that Mr Harrington had made the required bond, but that the commissioners of Pitt had refused to accept it on the ground that Mr. Harrington was a Populist. The bill provided that a sheriff may appeal from the decision of the commissioners, and that the com missioners shall not appoint a sheriff until the courts pass upon the matter the case to take precedence over al others for trial at the ensuing term o court, and for the repeal of all laws conflicting with this law. Mr. Forbes further stated that if the bill passed before next Monday, Har rington's bond would be accepted. If it failed to pass by that time, a Demo crat, appointed by the commissioners, would be sheriff- Mr. Abell moved the bill be referred to the Judiciary Committee. Mr. Carver thought if the bill was not passed at once the will of the people of Pitt would be defeated. Mr. Cook said that if referred to a committee the bill might by dilatory tactics be defeated. He had examined it and thought it a good bill, and there fore hoped it would not be referred. Mr. White, of Alexander, said be was not satisfied to vote ior the bill unless it was better understood. Mr. Dowd stated that the Iill was far-reaching and it would not be wise or safe to hurry it through. He did not think the Senate could afford to rush it through without a better under standing of its provisions. Mr. Adams said the bill was of great importance. He did not let the politics of the sheriff-elect cf Pitt county enter into the matter. He had been told that some of the bondsmen in the case were worth nothing over their exemp tions. He read the section that it was proposed to repeal, and stated that the bill would make the sheriff of Pitt county the sole beneficiary of a law which discriminated against the other sheriffs in the State. It was unjus and unfair to extend to one sheriff legal rights which were denied to oth ers. It repealed every section of the Code with reference to the qualifica tions of sheriffs. After a lively discussion the bil passed its second and third readings and was sent to the house without being engrossed. House. House was called to order, Opened with prayer by Rev. Levi Branson. Various local bills were in trod need. Mr. Moward, d.; Edgecombe, h. b W : to prevent the selling of intoxicat ing li.juors within two miles of Olivet church, Edgecombe county. Mr. Ewart, r., Henderson, h. b. 95 : to repeal the Railroad Commission act. ihe Speaker in handinsr the ,nrS of Gates, Coilins and Rea against Criz zard and Honse, of Halifax ; Garret against Howard, of Edgecombe ; Dixon against Mewborne, of Green. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 16tH. Senate. Prayer by Dr. Daniel of the First Presbyterian church. Pills and Resolutions : By Mr. Mewlorne, P., of Lenoir, bill to prevent discrimination by railroad. telegraph and telephone companies, and to prohibit the use of free passes. (Re ferred to committee on Railroad Com mission. Ry Mr. Paddison, P., of Pender, bill to prohibit the use of railroad passes by countv officials. Ry Mr. McCaskey, p., of Martin, bill to amend section 1, of the Constitution, as follows : "That article fourteen ot the Consti- tution of the State of Norsh Carolina be amended so that monopolies and trusts shall never be allowed in this State, and no incorporated company, copartnership or association of persons in this State should directly or indirect ly combine or make any contract with any other incorporated company, for eign or domestic, through their stock holders or the trustees or assigns of such stocKhOlders, or with any co-partnershij or association of persons, or in any manner whatever for the purpose of fixing the prices or limiting the pro duction of regulating the transportation of any product or commodity." This section shall not be construed to prevent private families from club bing together to purchase goods or sup plies for their immediate or private use, nor to prevent farmers from shipping the products of their farms together to market. PUBLIC PRINTING. Senate bill, No. .r4, authorizing joint committee of the Senate and House to call upon the Secretary of State and award contract for public printing was taken up. This bill provides that the public printing shall be let out to the lowest responsible bidder ; that no bids from outside the State shall be award ed only to a practical printer, who shall be required to give a good and sufficient bond for the faithful execu tion of the work. On motion of Mr. Cook, It., the bill was ordered referred to the Committee on Public Printing as soon as that committee was announced. A joint ballot between Senate and House elected Mr. J. W. Brown for En rolling Clerk. TILT OVER A BLACK BOARD. Mr. Rice, r., of New Hanover, offered a resolution requiring a black-board to be placed in the Senate Chamber for convenience in publishing times and places of committee meetings. Mr. White, p., of Alexander, saw no use for black-boards, as they had not been used in the past. Mr. Starbuck, r., thought a board might cost four or five dollars and was not in favor of going to so much oppar ently unnecessary expense. Mr. Wicker, p., of Chatham, didn't thinK the need of the board would justi fy the expense. Mr. Carver, r., ot Cumberland, hoped that the Senators would not forget that this was an age of progress. Mr. Long, p., of Columbus, said ne believed in economy and would vote against this expense. Mr. Fowler, p., said the discussion over this small matter nad cost the State in waste of time more than a blackboard would cost. He favorpd having one. Mr. Candler r., moved to refer the resolution to the Committee on Fi nance. His motion was lost. The vote recurring on the resolution, it passed its second and third readings. House Called to order and prayer by Representative Woodard from Swain. The bill to reduce the bonds of the officers of Pitt county came up and was discussed with considerable warmth by the members from that county. Mr. Smith, d., of Gates, H. B. 104, resolution by the House ot Represen tatives, the Senate concurring, to ap point a committee to open the bids submitted on public printing to the Secretary of State and to report the same, and that the checks enclosed be endorsed back to the senders. Mr. Smith, r., of Cleveland, H. B. 105, to prevent discrimination by any transportation, telegraph, or telephone company, and the use of free passage. Mr. Young, r., of Wake, joint reso lution IU, direct Secretary of State , i i a ver to the bid to endorse back ana aeu. ders for the public printing UUU. umu- , ; 1 1 - : The Speiker announced a nurnl-er I of committee- and the House adjourn- ed. THURSDAY, JAN. 17xjl. ; Senate. President called Senate to j order at 11 o'clock. Praver bv Rev. J. L. Foster of the Christian church. REPORT OK COMMITTEES. By Committee on education, resolu tion asking information from State Treasurer, with reference to disburse ments to educational institutions, with recommendation that it. pas-. By Committee on Selection of com mittees, report of the selection of the following Joint Standing Committee-: Li n R a r y S h arp , Chairman. Pr I N T I n g Wes t m Orel a nd , C h a i r m a n . Public Buildings and Grounds. Snipes, Chairman. Enrolled Bills. Starbuck, Chair man. Election of Justices. Dal by, Chairman. Election of Trustees of Universi ty. shaw. Chairman. Colonial Records White of Ala mance, Chairman. bills and resolutions. By Mr. Wicker, p., of Chatham, bill to prohibit the printing or circulation of fs.lse or bogus election tickets. By Mr. Candler, r., of Jackson, bill to levy a special tax for building a bridge across Tuckaseegee River. By Mr. Fowler, p., of Sampson, bill to amend chapter 520, Laws ot 1801, in regard to prompt dispatch of freight by railroad companies. Ru Mr Mood v. r- of Havwood. bill i "J J 1 -! j to define lard and butter and to regulate ! the sale thereof. By Mr. Marshall, r., of Surry, bill to abolish county' boards of education and to reduce salaries of county superin- tendents of education. By Mr. Starbuck, r.. of Guilford, bill to incorporate the Stock Mutual Insur ance company. By Mr. Hamrick, p., of Cleveland, bills to require railroads to pay taxes as other companies ; to amend game laws so as to protect crops. By Mr. Paddison, p., of Pender, by request, bill to make education of blind children compulsory. By Mr. Sigmon, r., of Catawba, reso- lution providing for inviting immigra- j jj. 9,3, a resolution to appoint sub com tion by advertising the mining, mineral, ra it tees on privileges and elections. timbered and other resources of North Carolina. By Mr. Carver, r., of Cumberland, a verbal resolution asking the committee on public health to look more carefully after the nroper heating and ventilation of the Senate chamber. Mr. Carver said he had caught a cold, something he hadn't had for years, and he attri buted it to improper temperature of the chamber. By Mr. Grant, r., of Wayne, bill to amend chapter 08, laws of 18S'J, for the relief of certain soldiers in the late war. By Mr. Starbuck, r., of Guilford, res olution requiring the Secretary of State to forward certified copies of laws en acted by this General Assembly to judges and solicitors immediately after the ratification of these laws. FROM THE CAMENDAR. House Bill Xo. 4, to repeal chapter 137, laws of 1803, the charter of the State Farmers' Alliance, passed its second and third readings. PASSED THIRD READINGS. The resolution requiring the State Treasurer to furnish statement of all disbursements for the State University, the Agricultural and Mechanical Col lege, -it Raleigh, theXormal and Indus trial School at Greensboro, and the Agricultural and Mechanical College for the colored race, at his earliest con venience. House. Called to order and prayer by Rev. Mr. Woodson. BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS. Mr. Dayis, h.b. 141, to repeal chapter 300, laws of 1803, entitled an act to establish a battalion of naval reserves, Ac. ; h. b. 142, to repeal chapter 374, laws of 1803, and to abolish the Stafe Guard ; h. b. 143, to repeal chapter 370, laws of 1803, and to provide for a Supreme Court Reporter ; h. b. 144, to abolish Criminal and Interior Courts, and to provide for the holding of Courts of Oyer and Terminer. Mr. Thillips, of Pitt. h. b. 145, to re duce the official bonds of the Sheriff of Pitt count-. Mr. Howard, of Edgecombe, h. b. 14S, to incorporate the town of Leggett in Edgecombe county. Mr. Lusk, of Buncombe, h. b. 140, to equalize assessments on all property, real and personal for taxation through out the State. OX SECOND BEADING. W TO 104. the resolution introauced , t the owning of bid fr public printing by the Secretary of State l?fore a corn-! mittee of two from the Senate and three from the House, and the return checks enclosed therein. of ; After l-emg dir-cussed at was lost by a vote to 10. lti'-ion vote. PITT rot NT Y BILL length it Party, or f Concerning the Sheriff of Pitt county j the following bill passed and was .-em j to the Senate : Section 1. That the sheriff of Pitt county shall be required to give the three ollicial londs precriled in Section 207:i of the Cole in sums not exceeding in the aggregate sixty thousand dollars Sec. 2. That the sheriff shall have right of immediate appeal to the Supe rior Court of Pitt county from any action or proceedings of the county commissioners of said county, whereby they fail, neglect, delay, or refuse to approve the said bonds or the sheriff or any of them, and they shall make no appointment of his successor unless and until directed by the Judge. Sec. 3. That immediately upon the s3rvice of notice of appeal upon the siid county commissioners or any of them, the clerk of the Superior court of said county shall cause the said appeal to be docketed, and the same shall stand for trial at the next term of the Supe rior court of said county and shall take precedence of all other trials. Sec. -1. That all laws and clauses oi laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. Sec. o. That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. Sec. 0. This act shall apply to Pitt county alone, Friday, jan. 18th. Senate. The Senate was called to order at 11 o'clock and opened with prayer by Rev. I). II. Tuttle, of the Central Methodist Church. He prayed that the experience which legislators had had among men, and the cultiva- j tion of mind they had enjoyed, might I be used for the best interest of the State. BILLS INTRODUCED. By Senator llanviek, S. B. S'J, to abolish the State geological survey. By Senator Mood', of Haywood, S. By Senator Paddison, S. B. 90, to amend sections 12 and 18 of article 10 of the Constitution, reducing the home stead exemption. By Senator Stephens, S. B. 102, to make the marriage license fie if 1.50. A report was received from the Sec retary of State concerning insurance companies doing business m North Carolina, stating that there were 107 general insurance agents representing various companies in the State, which paid in license fees about .$1,000 an nually. All the companies but three are foreign. A message was received from the House of Representatives reporting among other things that it had passed House bill to reduce the official bond of Pitt county. Calendar. PITT'.s BOND qu EST I ON AGAIN. S. B. 105, a bill from the Tlonr-e, to reduce the official bond of the sheriff of Pitt county to $60,000, and giving the sheriff the right of appeal from the decision of the county commissioners in certain cases, was put on its second reading. Senator Forbes, of Pitt, spoke to the bill and urged its passage as a matter ot justice to the people. Senator Mewborne, speaking on the bill, reverted to the importance of offi cial bonds, declaring that they should not be too small, that they should not be too large. He cited the fact that the total collection of taxes in Pitt county amounted to about 3).0O0, and therefore he thought a bond of StKOOO would amply protect the public fund of that county. He said the bond was not for the special benefit of any par ticular sheriff, for an officer of any par ty can have the advantage of its provis ions ; and he therefore favored the pro vision which gave the right of appeal from the decision of the eommis.-ioners "that august body of men whose powers apparently were as wide as the earth, as high as the heavens and went down to the lowest depth.-." "It was almost necessary, when anything vas desired of them, to write a note on gilt edge paper, perfume it highly, get on a white horse, and going before the County Commissioners, ask the-m if they won't please do so and so.'' Senator Forbes desired to correct a statement made by him under amisaj prehension. He had stated tnat the Commissioners cf Pitt county raised i i h - f' - ,l"U ; but he Lad " aerta:ied that the Iw.nd had been raided to 7'. ',". He deirvl to aplgire for any unfair or misleading Maten.ent "oneerning the matter. Senator Adnm appreciated the action j of the Sena for from Pitt in correcting J the statement.- he had made. I Senator I .vvd aid he was glad to j har Senator Fnr! correct Id M.ite- ! merit, and he tmderttofi this action t to remove the har-h accuaii-n aain-t the countv commissioners of Pitt. He would now upjort the bill; and he would go further than that ; for in any ca.-e in which it wan proven that any commiioners of any county had tin justly u-el the iner vested in them, he would stand for calling them to strict account regardless of party or parties. A report from the State University, through the President, Dr. Geo. T. Winston, was submitted to the Senate, and referred to the committee on edu cation. Senate resolution S.f, with reference to immigration and investment of cajv ital in Xorth Carolina was taken up and passed its second and third readings. This is the resolution of Senator Sig mon, of Catawba, officially declaring the advantages of North Carolina which are open to investors, health-seekers and home-seekers. He had intended to ask the State for a small appropria tion for disseminating this declaration, but had since decided to do this with his own means. A message was received from the House announcing that that body had adopted a resolution to adjourn till Monday, observing Saturday as a holiday in honor ol Gen. Iiobt. E. Iee, and asking the concurrence of the Senate. The Senate amended the reso lution to meet on Saturday at 10 o'clock, and adjourn at 12. House. Mr. Smith, of Gates, major ity report II. B. 02, for protection ot girls and promotion of chastity, to change word ten to twelve, raising age of consent. Motion to make special order for Wednesday next at 12 o'clock. Carried. Mr. Ray, H. B. 177, in favor of the election of postmasters by the jeople Mr. Ewart, H. B. 108, calling for in formation from clerks and door keepers of the House as to the number of em ployees and compensation. Mr. McClammy, II. B. lOO.toextend the time of sheriffs in settling taxes due State and county. Mr. French, II. B. 170, to adjourn until next Monday 3 p. m., the Senate concurring, (to-day being Lee's birthday and a State holiday.) Mr. Yates, II. B. 171, to raise revenue for the public school fund from dealers in pistols and pistol cartridges. Peebles, II. B. 182, to authorize com missioners to appoint special tax col lectors for Northampton county. Mr. Davis, by unanimous consent, notice for the benefit of Nebraska suf ferers. In the contested election case between Ward and Croom from Pender county, Ward, a democrat, who held the certifi cate wa- unseated, and Croom was sworn in. SATURDAY, JAN. 10tH. Senate. The Senate was called to order at 10 o'clock, and opened with prayer by Rev. Dr. Branson. His invo cation was for ability and wisdom on the part of legislators to avoid mistakes, and that great good might come to the State through their work. The committee on enrolled bills re ported that the biil to reduce the official bond of the sheriff of Pitt county had passed both ho!is( s an 1 had been en rolled. BILLS INTRODUCED AND REFERRED. Senator Lindsay introduced S. B. 100, to reduce the expenditure of public in stitutions, and to provide for an election of boards of directors therefor. Referred to the Committee on Finance. S. B. 5, relating to the working ot convicts on farms in Bertie county, was taken from the calendar and referred to the Committee on Judiciary. S. B. 13, relating to costs In criminal cases, which had fc-een unfavorably re ,orted by the Judiciary Committee, was taken from the calendar and re-referred. This bill provided certain duties to le ierformed by the county commissioners. Senator Moody, of HaywooJ, R., expressed some doubt as to the existence of the office of county commissioner for any considerable length of time, and the bill was re-referred to be revised to meet that possible contingency. The bill was introduced TO tXfTUttC A rrt UT TlHM-.iV!o R 12. to mike thec!l cf the e.v !.r truu.k -ting or:h!.t put u t yicii rJJr.C- i e".tor Itlty who introduced the tl at the domain -f j!St:c. r !-'" frequently drhrt. out. and therefore ihi hill might rm '."y . Hp thought, hocer, that hen I he otiiT! time for caihw; on the people, by proclamation of the Governor, there micht 1 ' iiue sjc'al thlnj; to gnr thanks for. The cuol un now U to r)l on the jsrople to pive thanks for mate rial pnjrity, but at leajit nine tenth ot the jieople had no cause to return thanks for material blesaings, and the proclamation was therefore alurd on its face. Another idea advanced was that it was neither In accordance with the Protestant or Catholic religion, lecAUfc it was not an orthodox proceeding for any ruler to order the people to pra;. er u hen he did. he caned on finncr a- wll as good jHple. He did not think that any minister of any denomination would take such a course as to call on sinners to return thanks for anything ; for the evidence of the Word was that "the prayers ot the unrighteous availcth nothing." He said further that alM the day was noted a one of a aaered character, yet it was a day on which the baseball players, the horse racen and in fact everylwidy who had any thing to 1x3 thankful for sjent riotously, while people who were not materially proserou8 could not afford to obterve tho day. He spoke to the effect that he lelleved the tendency of this "official' Thanks giving was to have an evil effect on tin morals of the people. Senator Starbuck thought that tin bill might le lmproier. He had heard ot the idea that the prayers of the righteous availeth much, but he had never beard that the prayers of tho wicked availed nothing, unci he did not lelieve it was in the Bible. He thought a sinner ought to be allowed to return thanks if he had anything tole thank ful for and wanted to do n , mi l he moved that the bill lay on ti e tab!'. Senator Parsons thought it would le a bad thing to stop a sinner from pray ing if he was caught at it. He b-!iei d that the "unthankful" conditions eit- i ing were largely due to the f.iilur.of people to accompany their works with prayer. The bill was on motion of Senator Adams laid on the table. TWO IMPORTANT RESOLUTIONS. Senator Starbuck, r. introduced the following resolution : "That a committo of nine, three on the part of the Senate and six on the part of the House of Representative, be appointed by the president of tho Senate, and the Speaker ol the House of Representatives, to le known as the Joint Committee of the Senate and House of Representatives on Municipal Government. That the Sjeaker of the House shall designate the chairman of the committee ; that ali bills, resolutions and jKJtitions in reference to the matter of municipal government le referred to said committee ; and it shall 1 the duty of said committee to prepare and report as early as possible to thi- Gen eral Assembly proper bill or bills pro viding for the repeal of the present system of county government, and for restoring to the eople the light of County Commissioners, or any officers who may hereafter Ik; substituted for County Commissioners, and Justices of the Peace and other local offices." Referred to the Committee on Coun ties, Cities and Towns. Senator Alell, d., introduced a reso lution requesting the doorkeepers of the Senate and House to furnish a list of their employees, and the i-er diem paid each. The resolution was amended to in clude the Keeper of the Capitol, and the Auditor of State, and iw adopted. The Senate then, at 12 o'clock, ad journed in honor of General Robert E. Ix-e. House. Called to order at 10 o'clock. Mr. Ewart, of Hendersjon, in the chair ; prayer by Rev. Mr. Edward Bull, of Newf-ern ; reading of journal di-i-eriK-d with. On motion of Mr. Williams, of (.'ra ven, H. B. to reduce the official lond of the sheriff of Pitt county to ?000) w:.s ordered enrolled, several Democrats objecting, among them Meosrs. Peebles and Ray. At 10 :15 the House adjourned to meet Monday at 10 o'clock. MONDAY, JAX. 2lT. ....... i . . . oritr at 3 ci. The rhcf ill l i-,d T jrJ'i fr v.r-f if -! Mil'' n put 'ti- - -,, t t ) r . ! ! ref :n- a-r r .u j joint t n rt nt t . u re ; re t jc I ntee. t ; to u ply h.e to inrna?e.f hm.te infituti-'r. . to p,o,'e f.r ia!Cjr k and notskn. i- ,!. mde r.1 There w debt'e t n the b'.!! to re tort per ,rn! tf- J fte of in'ere?. iimj 'v T-te, the r;tite Ho h)g jer cent, to le chirked by j-via! contract i I !cioe the remain der ef tL Iaw at pernt. Effort w a made b en!.-r b!y to amend the I t!l t! t per cent. hall le the hvJ rate n-f that er cent, inav l charged a:td that the j-enalty for tstun thall lefme or Im prisonment or tth. Thedivuion a chiefly uju till matter of cna!t:c. The bid a finally waJe a special order f or Wednesday. Hoi.-Thc Hot; met at 3 o'clock. The Judiciary committee iejrfel unfaoihly on the .i!l to reduce the marriage lircn.'e to !f I. ."si. A rcijulutlon wn adopted njuetinu the Judiciary committee to preps te a bill eten line the jurilictton of mg. letraic- io n to cme Is-nv, i''nib onment of f.tmibe au "Hcati"! and adultery. ' The reaoluliou br Mr. Eart adopted, calling for lni'-ru'a.i re garding the nutnler of clerk atvi em ployes. Mr. Ewart wiid it charged that thi Iyegehitnre had an army of em ployes many more than were ne-eMry and it was dctdred to know if the charge were true. The Demo ht make the' con-den-M rejrt frum the dailie. intly condensing from the AVm ( it$frtr, but from the Wilmington Mnuewj'-r. Emtou In MocUAI.l BRICK ! (i HE i V I NOW o.N If AND. WJ1.I, SEI.I. THEM HEAP. Alvi will take contract to fuiiiih jot- from .VMHXI 'or more anvwbere within . mile of Scotland Neck C;m IiiV luniiih what oti want. "orropond cn i and order ohcitid. D. A. I-1ADDIIY, 1-1 (-..',-ly Scotland Neck, N. C. Ml N HON nils IA t I li. TUB Conner Marble Worts, ;;, .t an,l lir, St., NORFOLK, VA. LARfJE STOCK OF FINISHED Monuments AND Grave Stones READY FOR IMMEDIATE DEM V FRY. Write for price ;tul de.-igns before ordering elvwhere. An inquiry may ae you dollar. i: 1 y Notice ! NOKTH CAI'.OI.IVA. i Halifax County, i ,""'tij-r:or Court. Noah Piggi and W. A. Dunn, tru-'ee. s Martha Poj, Abe- M. I'oj. Oeo. P. Poj. Maynanl Pop-, patty Pope, Paul E. 1'oj.e, Eugr-ne Poj'. i:!-unt Poj.e, Jack Kcl and wife Claude, V. If. k'i? hiu ar:i L. (i. Harer, the ttj(i Patty pop.- ind Plount Pop? by their guar'liaii ad litem, E. L. Travj. I'.y viiti eof r.uer conferred upon ruj by the u--iej of the .Super j,r conr' for "aid C"M.'y m.tde i:i the above i-ii-tlt!-d i.-t:oi. at the Nuwinler term, IHUl. I -h .'! -!! for c ih at the co:.rt hou-e l,r o county, on tho f ir-t Monday in i bruary. 1 '..", m-Ih the fourth day of suid month, the land fully deerile4 in the pleading in caid action ; letng that land known a the Ceo. Pope Mill place, and de-riled in cald pleadidg as that land loundcd by the funds of John Devervux, on the outh, on the wot, by the land of D. A. Poje, on the north by the laud of Neptune Foreman, and containing four hundred acre, more or le. It i that tract of land near Hill's old mill. Thia January 2, 1805. W. A. Dvss,

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