Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report A&UJDiriEL7f PURE The Democrat. Tin RSDAY, MARCH 23. 1805.. PUBLISHER'S NOTICE. lu-rti.-ement. of nU kinds mu.t be hiliw !v Tue.-fhiy afternoon to i.(-ck. f ,,r M A I.Y KKTI.-KMKXTS. 1 cent a u-,,p1 for i-:n'h insertion. Ch'irif '"" lool advertising in , I I 'I. due Rules Adopted By the N. C." Press Association April 27, 1893. nm of not k- than five cent. .it hn will he cli uracil for "curds of t i 1 ; i ri k -. " '.- .11 it i n 01 respect" and for obituary '1 1 ii' u:!'V i et rv" ; also other than those which the ed- 1 - I i t ! if I" I J 1 in-- f shall uive as a matter of ?:-v.s. . X,,ti-es of church and society and i'! o!hT entertainments from which r.n '!!!! f c derived will be charg ed fr ;it the rate of five cents a line. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dress-making. Mis Kate P lavage and Mrs. W. W. Pope cut ana tit aresses in mu nuesi st vie-:. Patronage of iriends and the puMic generally solicited. Rooms at the .1. C. Randolph place, :i-Js lm. Scotland Neck, X.C. I tit unl. tobacco Hues for 4. cents a James A. Ronixsox. potato Slips. Sweet Potato Slips for sale. S. M. Alexander, 21 2t. Palmyra, X. C. Notice! Notice!! Our lands are posted. Keep off them. I shall force the law on all persons, friends or foes, who disregard this no tice by trespassing on the lands and timber of the Xorth Carolina Lumber Company. S. F. Dun'X, 17 v Inspector. Established 1876. PHI S (formerly twin city.) Rubber Stamps, STLXCILS, BRASS CHECKS, &c, Manufactured to Order. S. P. TURNER & CO., Proprietors, K .per P.uild'g, Xivison St. Xorfolk, Va. First-cla.-s work guaranteed. 3 28 ly TIs Ooupr Mamie Works, 111, 113 ami 115 Bank St., NORFOLK. VA LARGE STOCK OF FINISHED Monuments AND Grave Stones READY FOR i MM EI ) I AT E DE LIVERY. Write for prices and designs before ordering elsewhere. An inquiry may save you dollars. 3:ly Watch this Space. 1 he base of Ayer's Hair Vigor is a refined and delicate iluid, which does not soil or become rancid by exposure the air, and which is as perfect "ui'stmue for the oil supplied by nature n youth and health, as modern chenr fctry can produce. TENGIL WORK BUS LOCAL NEWS. juii WijiiK. A II E ly EM OCR AT IS turning out more joh work than at any time .since we added that feature to our business. Every one is highly pleased with our work and prices as well. mil Taylor iu'ilding. Inournotes last week about the improvements in town we failed to note that Mr. O. K. Taylor has enlarged and greatly im proved his dwelling. Hit. Clark's fall. Mr. M. II. Clark, f Halifax, while attending to some msiness ior the Enfield Lumber Com pany a few days ago, fell across a log md was painfully hurt. --T . . ' JiOitE guano. ltie very late spring and the continued rains will be the cause of farmers purchasing more guano than they otherwise would They have not been able to haul and so could make verv little manure. uyster hui'l'ER. 11:' ovster supper of the season was. eu at the Scotland Neck hotel Thursday night It was given by the young men of the town and it was quite an elaborate affair. Covers were spread for some thing less than a hundred guests, occasion was greatly enjoyed. The ILL IM PROVE THE CEMETERY. The congregation in the Baptist church last Sunday raised $200 for improving the cemetery. A committee had already raised -foO, and so they have over $300 now raised with which they will beau tify the cemetery. A landscape gar- dener will be employed to do the worK. J Mr. Bigg's Corn. Elsewhere we print an advertisement by Mr. X. Biggs I of his corn that produced 425 bushels on 4 acres. He is getting orders from ill directions for this corn, and as planting season will soon be on those who wish it will do well to order at once. to move. Mr. Mcllhenny has all the machinery placed for his chewing-gum works and is waiting now for supplies, such as boxes and the like, i If the enterprise succeeds, ana we see no reason why it should not, it will live employment to a number of bovs from 12 to 17 jears old. J f t . r . 1 I m a k r .alecks. some one passeu through the northern part of town a few nights ago and took off several gates along the street. A good man commenting on it said it must have been some smart Aleck youngsters and he did not believe it was colored boys, for they would not have been so med- dlesome. Better Service. A good citizen said a few days ago that he read more of the proceedings of the last Legisla ture than of any Legislature he had ever known to assemble. He reads no secular paper but The Democrat and so accounts for it by the fact that The Democrat gave better service in print- ing the proceedings of the Legislature .i 1-1.. i... i i I man any weeKiy papei ne nau icau. Will tax the agents. A gentleman in "vvii-p Fnvpr wmtfi to a fn'pnd here this wees asking for a copy of our town ordinances. He said Raleigh, ir.ffo hori filial fhp ' H, 1 JlUill till V. Vrf" i W I. -V - IVV V witi, orronta imA.i wlmm thoro i upon was no tax and they wished to see a copy of the town ordinances for Scotr land Xeck to see how we manage such matters. The copy of the ordinances was sent. Mr. Gary's accident. Mr. S. M. Gary, Clerk of the Superior Court, was riding his bicycle rapidly down the street in Halifax a few clays ago and his w heel struck some obstruction caus ing him to lose his balance. He was thrown violently against a post and his cheek bone was crushed and his face otherwise badly cut. His friends throughout the County and State will regret to learn of this serious accident. We hope for his speedy recovery. For Fire Protection. Mr. P. G. Howe, of Indianapolis, was here Mon day offering to the town commissioners a very fine apparatus for fire protection. His machine has points of excellence that we had not noticed before. The question with the commissioners, is will they be justified in purchasing the apparatus? Another question to be considered is, can they purchase a good apparatus at the present rate of taxa tion? It goes without saying that Scotland Xeck needs some better pro tection from fire. The Democrat would be glad to see a better safeguard against fire. To Make Pure Blood There is no medicine before the peo ple equal to Hood's Sarsaparilla. It is the standard spring medicine and blood purifier and it possesses jeculiar merit which others try in vain to reach. It tmIIv makes the weak strong. Do not neglect to purify your blood this spring. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla now. Hood's Pills become the favorite ca thartic with eyery one who tries them. 25c. per box , .oi. J-, COMING AND GOING. Foils You Know or May Know. .Solicitor C. M. Bernard of Greenville was here a few days ago. Mr. Willie Madry came up from Con- etoe a few days ago to visit his mother. Mrs. S. F. Dunn went to Tillery Sat urday to visit Mrs. R. Ii. Conies. Dr. Frank Whitehead went to Xew York last week. Mr. W. L. Harrell went to Norfolk on a fchort trip last week. Mr. X. Biggs went to Norfolk Mon day on a business trip. Miss Bett.'e Tillery has been here some days on a visit to her sister, Mrs. J. P. Futrell. Mrs. X. Biggs and her daughter, Miss Annie, returned Monday from a visit to Williamston. Mr. Thomas Gunter of Enfield was here a few days ago visiting the family of Mr. G. A. Savase. Tne editor of The Democrat went to Xorfolk to-day (Wednesday) to pur- chase some supplies for the job depart ment of this paper. Mr. II. F. Harris, of Greenville, re turning from a trip to the western part of the State, stopped over here a night and day last week with his eon, Mr. J L. Harris. Capt. W. II. Day was here last week and ex-Judge Spier Whitaker was here Sunday. They were here in the inter est oi the suit to be brought against Gov. Carr concerning the directors of the penitentiary. Col. A. L. Smith of Charlotte spent Sunday and Monday here on a visit to his relatives. He was bright and sun- shinv as usual, and says he thinks Democrats ought certainly to win in the next election Mr. R. L. Hardy returned Monday from Golds boro where he was called a few davs ago bv the death of his mother who died in Johns Hopkins hospital in Baltimore. She had been there only a abort while. The Democrat ioins Mr. Hardy's friends in sympathy with hira in his bereavement. Mr. J. D. Perry returned last Satur- day from the Chicago Watch Institute where he has been since last May, tak ing a course of training for the rork of jeweler and engraver. He is prepared to do any and all kinds of work both as jeweler and engraver. Some of his work which has been seen here is very nrettv Mr. S. W. Edwards who has been in Virginia some time on a vis.it to his relatives, returned last week, lie says he bad fine sport hunting deer. He shot at three deer in a bunch, broke the legs of every one of them and as one rose to run lie shot and killed him, while the other two floundered around with broken legs until the dogs came upon and killed them. Justice Ruffin Killed. Mr. Joseph Ruffin, a Justice of the Peace living near Battleboro, went into his field a few days ago where his hands were at work. A difficulty of words arose between him and some of the uandg when one man struck him with . .... ... a shovel from which he lell uncon- scious. Afterwards regaining conscious- ness he went to his home but soon died fl'om the effects of the blow. The foregoing is in substance what appeared in the daily papers. Mr. Ruf- . . w tin was a man of a family and left a wife and several children. Will Bring Suit. Captain W. H. Kitchin is making preparation for a suit to test the ques tion as to whether or not the nine new directors for the penitentiary were properly elected. The suit will not be Captain Kitchin's suit in name, but his in interest, as it was agreed that he should be made agent of the peniten tiary by the new Board of Directors. Captain Kitchin has employed Captain W. H. Day and ex-Judge McRae. his son, . . Jvitcmn, oi itoxuoro, anu ex - Judge Spier Whitaker, of Raleigh. The fight will be made largely on the question of the election ot the new di rectors. It was ruled bv the President of the Senate that inasmuch as only seventy-seven votes were cast for the new directors, and eighty-six votes weie a majority of the members of the Legislature-elect, there being no quorum, the election would not hold. Captain Kitchin and his counsel will make the point that it a majority of the members of the Legislature present voted for the new directors the election was valid, as any other general legislative act would have been, and the question of quorum of the members-elect was not to be considered. Suit will probably be brought against Governor Carr to compel him to issue commissions to the nine newly-elected directors ot the penitentiary. The leg islature set the third Wednesday in April as the time for the meeting ot the new directors, and it depends upon whether or not the five old directors recognize and meet with the new ones a3 to what proceedings will be taken in the matter. Captain Kitchin is san guine, and expects to win the suit for the new directors, which means that in that event be will be made the State's agent for the penitentiary. Resolutions of Sympathy. j At a meeting of the Scotland Neck j Eodtze, I. IK, A. F. an 1 A. M., the fob j lowing resolutions were p ioptci : Whereas it bath pleased the a!l-w:e Father to remove irora our midt our our beloved brother, L. L. Kitchin, we bow in humble submission to His will, feeling that our loss is his eternal gain. We extend our heartfelt sympathies to his bereaved family. While we cherish a lively recollection of his virtues, we cover his frailties with the mantle of that charity which extends beyond the grave to the boucJ less realms of eternity. We rejoice in the hoje that we shall meet in the celestial Lodge above. where the Supreme Architect of the universe presides; in that "house not made with hands eternal in the heav ens." Resolved, That these resolutions be entered upon the minutes of the Lodge, a copy sent to the family of the deceas ed and that the same be published in the Scotland Neck Democrat. E. W. II Y MAN, W. E. Whitmore, G. Hoffman, J. R. Pope, Com. Death of Mr. W. C. Thorne. Mr. W. C. Thorne died at his home in Enfield last Friday night, 22nd, at 12 o'clock. For some time Mr. Thorne had been suffering lrom an impairment ot his eyesight, which grew worse until he became perfectly blind. During the last week of his life his sufferings were intense, and for eighteen hours before death relieved him of the struggle he was unconscious. Deceased was quite a young man, and was struggling manfully in his chosen profession, the law. For several years he had been County Solicitor, and during the last term of the Inferior Court he prosecuted the causes with an earnestness that was remarkable for one who was totally blind. It was inspiring to one free from disease to see with what vigor he did his work and what effort he made to meet the require ments of his trust. The remains were interred Sunday in the family burying ground near Enfield. Services were first held at the M. E Church, ot which Mr. lhorne was a consistent member, conducted by Rev Mr. Rose, assisted by Rev. C. C. Whit aker. Addresses were delivered by the two ministers and by Mr. T. L. Whit aker. At the grave the closing cere monies were conducted by the Knights of Honor, of which Mr. Thorne was a member. A large congregation attended the funeral, and there was great sorrow and universal regret for his death. Mr. Thorne was a high-toned Chris tian man, was well beloved by a large circle of friends and acquaintances. The county has lost one ot its most valuable citizens. Deceased leaves a wife and children, and The Democrat joins their many friends in sympathy with them in this sore bereavement. A Pretty Romance. Married October 0th, 1891, in Alex andria, Va., by Rev. Henderson Suter, rector of Christ Episcopal Church, Sam'l B. Gregory and Miss Esther M. Brewster, daughter of John T. and Virginia Brewster, of Alexandria, Va. The church above referred to is the historic old church where Washington and Lee worshipped. Xotice of the marriage was only made public yesterday. Simple as it is, a pretty- romance may be read between the lines, the principal dramatic per- sonae being a prominent young Xorth Carolinian, Samuel B. Gregory, of Hal ifax County, and a young lady ot Alex andria, Va., for, of course, there is "a woman at the bottom" of every ro mance. Esther Brewster, is tne beautiful 19 year old daughter of John T. Brewster, an official in the Government Printing Office. The Gregory and Brewster families have long been friends, though the young people had never met before the fall of '93, when Gregory came to Washington as Priyate Secretary to Congressman Woodard. This was in August, and during the extra session of the 53rd Congress, and Gregory soon made the acquaintance of the young lady and became a frequent visitor to her father's house. It was soon taken for granted that they were mutually attracted to each other and that there would le a match, a circumstance that seems to have met with the approval of all parties concerned. It appears, however, that the young people apprehended some opposition to an immediate marriage on the part of their families because of their youth. During the past winter Mrs. Gregory, mother of Mr. Gregory, paid a visit to Washington, and she saw a great deal of Miss Brewster and became very much attached to her though she did not at all expect that she was learning to love her daughter-in-law. The notice appeared in this morning's Washington papers. The Xews and Observer correspondent called upon Mrs. Hilhard, at whose house Mr. Gregory boarded, but could learn nothing of their whereabouts and at the Agricul tural Department where he holds an important position it was Itarned that Mr. Gregory was on leave for some days. It is probable that he is off on a wed ding trip, taking his bride to his Xorth Carolina home. Washington Cor. to News and Observer. That Tired Feeling Meana dinr. It fa wriouj condition and will lead to di troua reiuius If it i not OTer come at once. It Is a sure gn that the blood ! impoTerislied and Impure. The best reined r la HOOD'S Sarsaparilla Which makes rich, healthy blood, and thus gives strength and elas ticity to the mncleg, vigor to the brain and health and vitality to every part of the lody. Hood'a Sareaparilla iof,itiTely Makes the Weak Strong " I have used various kind of medicine tho last year but I have given tip everything but Hood s Sarsaparilla. I am de lighted with the results. It has completely routed that tired feel ing", and given me a good appe tite." Mrs. Alue Mjuiwb, Matville, West Virginia.. Hood's J and Only Hoodjs Hood's Pills ZZ,A72 HORSES. Biggs & Johnson HAVE JUST RECEIVED A CAR LOAD OF Horses and Mules A XI) ARE SELLING THEM CHEAP. COME SOOX OR YOU MAY BE TOO LATE. TSJRnDE CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT t For a Prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to HI L N N Ac. CO.. who have had nearly fifty yeara' experience in the patent business. Com muni ca tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In formation concerning Patent and new to ob tain tbem sent free. Also a catalogue of mechaiv ical and scientific books sent free. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receirs special notice in the Scientific American, and thus arc brought widely before the public with out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far tue largest circulation of any scientific work in the world. 83 a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Edition, monthly. $2.50 a year. Single copies, '25 cents. Every number contains beau tiful plate, in colors, and photographs of new houses, with plana, enabling builders to show the latest designs and secure contracts. Address MUNN & CO- NKW Tork. 301 BROADWAY. Established 1S91. I C. Ilffi k CO. ) Cottox Factors and Proihte fflOMMISSIOX TfcfERCHAXTS, No. 9 Commerce Street, NORFOLK, - - VA. Quick Sales and Prompt Returns. Correspondence and Consignments Solicited. Reference: Burruss, Son & Co., Bankers ; and others on application. 11 1 ly HARRIS LIMA WATER. The Most Wonderful Water THE WORLD. in Asheville, X. C. September 9, 1893. Harris Lithia Water Co., Harris Springs, S. C. : We have been selling the Harris Lithia Water for some time, and find it a ready seller ; those who have tried it are loud in its praise. The doctor here regard it s::;.erior to either the Buffalo or London berry Waters. We predict for it a wonderful sale when its merits become more generally known. Yours verv truly, RAYS OR & SMITH, Prescription Druggist. Asheville, X. C, April 21, 1S03. An extended clinical u-e of the Har ris Lithia Water prompts me to the statement that I regard it as one of the best, if not the best, Lithia Water known to riie profession. In the con dition of Phosphatic Urine, its action is marvellous. Its use m the Rheu matic and Gouty Diathesis afford me more comfort than either the Buffalo or Londonberry Waters. Very truly vours, JOHX HEY WILLIAMS, M. D. J. S. BOWERS & CO., AGENTS FOR SCOTLAND NECK. HARRIS LITHIA WA TER CO., Harris Springs, S. C. 10 18 6m. Notice ! I take this method of notifying the public that I am not a memler ot the Scotland Xeck Drug Company and I am not in any way liable for any of its obligations or contracts." 3 7 4t. C. A. Cajif. It !s Said f-tnt. sai ( retain Jtn(iaMt cast tfcrf At faor f tUags and Quaa, Bulla s?ubUc sal la TM Bloiwmfc ntrr t fcwt oa mty for a to Imi g'tat hs aat achlsva frtstnat. ni Xhltvs frsatnass without 4stioa With sJucstloa tks poorest toy m th graatatt car. though va can art a': fa irtsUast Th .ol Iwporu.n $w ! Wou a t (-rtparal to pt1.im tt 4u''a af graat ofllc !f It r throat poa ' Wa arebably wouiJ If wa aaou 4 4a aa One Great President aid. Ha I aail to hava, aa fan coattaal toaapanloK, tba Bacyciopaalla Bmanatea I It avan ai4 ta bava kpt a t in hit ad vata car whlk aahlng a cr'4n tour. This e nark of J!!lgaca an 4 lnillianca r4 aay frlanJs and aJa'rcrs "btra la a great prlnclrl lnvl4 tn this Id a. If you look up Jut on qwaattoa taca 4y you will lion bacava ah 4ua;I parton, an! you laam to ajijoy ft. Thaaa quaatlona ahouU t lnvi' jtl fight whea thy con up, whl'a your mtni Curloua ; thaa you won't forgat what you rtag fou can't If you try. Bui to do tit you aaa4 tha Encydofaadla Brltann ca. anJ Th rit li-ofvr. JI raady to aatlat yon by offering lata graat Ibrary for A Limited Time gt remarkably low Introductory rata, and e Urmt to jy a to ptaaa It within th raacb f evary boy or girl. Only o Cant droppad ah day Into th Dttla dlna rglatring (aving tank, which wa Caacat to each tubicrtbar. will glva you thl ng of Cyclopaad'.a In aay ?yU of b.aj;g yea may cho1 . Wa are pwrmitlad to aaak thl offer for a Brottad tint o iy. If you want the Encyclopaedia ak for aaaipl pagaa. tares a. wtC, to ba ma I ad to you. THE OBSERVER, CHARLOTTE. N. C Tkod - Fancy - Poultry. EGOS FOB SALE fl per S. C. BBOWX Lr.tJHOB.NS TIt -g? machines. GIANT BLACK JAYAS The JargcW clean lecue! chicken that gi"u-. PURE WHITE W YAXDoTTES. J. D. Bardin. WILSON. X. 3 21 :tn OUR Has just Returned from the NORTHERN MARKETS. Where he purchased the Largest, Nicest, and Most Stock of EVER BEFORE BROUGHT We will sell at Prices never before known in Scotland Neck. M. HOFFMAN 3 21 E.- WOOLACO, Bmps, Carts & Wants. 'ii VV-ja -1 HtirswSluM'lu a Svl K . M l. KIND- l 03 TIN WORK, Rooting, Guttorinir. M vkt.g ! bi :-t::iN STOVES. WD M l, K1M- l 11 M: I il ..V 1.! I I t !I f.n KO BS Chu rn 7fc MORE MITCHEr-f.; A (rtaln.hafr-,ai:-t ; t . . y f-'f SORE, WEAK, & IHFUKE3 EYES, Producing lonj-Si'iltcineis. ii f.'cr irg tho S,gH of thu L'l Curn Tear Drops, Cranuftior Stye Tumors, Red tyf . Wattfd Fj 8 Lmhf t, i!0 rtopirns tniiiTD imhiucue. AI. iually efl't ac""i t.n !:! n otT.e malal!!-, e.i'h a I Irer. Frttr r. Tlmori, Halt Ithraan, llarna, IMIra. r L.r.v.i Innamtl ai i .ii r !, 1 1 i t II i. I.IVJ 0At.t K tnay I a u- I t a ii4ii, Oatd br all liraaataia at Ui Oata. 7 11' i SAVAGE. SOU & CO . -: Cotton -:- Factors (,i, i:i: it i 0 U(MMl.-Sloli hi t T Nol.'lol.K, V ( .yrri . i d in i i t 11 1 iVIK. i ji Complete Goods TO SOjILLM) mi & HI tf BRUT

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