t i- ' ' - K 1 J, i I 4 ; t, '1 ' 5 .5 1 ft J, . T' I I r -ft The Democrat. E. E. MILLIARD, - - - - Editor. Published Every Thursday. Enteral t the Poxt-Off'u-e at Scotland Xeck, N. C, as Sn-ond Class Matter. THURSDAY. MAY 30, 180."). DESERVES JMPEA CUM EXT. Everv oflh-er in this State shall be liable to impeachment for (2) Habitual drunkenness; (3) Intoxication while engaged in the exercise of Lis office ; (1) Drunkenness in any public jil ace. Code of North Carol 1 no, Vol. II., Sc. 2U::7. A special new.- item sent out from Maxton, N. C, May '22nd, paid that Robeson county Superior court ad journed that day because Judge Nor wood who was holding court was so much under the influence of liquor that he could not attend to his busi ness. His conduct, it was stated, will probably cost the county $0OO useless ly, TJiCie was a large criminal docket and sixteen prisoners were left in jail, two of whom were held for murder. By reason of this, adjournment of Robeson court it was said that in sev eral cases men charged with serious of fences went at lilerty without bond. The Democrat has no harsh word for this debauched judge because lie was elected on the Fusion ticket sim ply. If he were a democrat we should have the same opinion in the matter that we have and we should apply the same strictures that we propose to ap ply here. The section of the statue which we quoted at the head of this article makes it clear to everv citizen in North Caro- hna. who has any conception of decen cy what ought to bo done in the mat ter. A man who will so bestial ize him self with strong drink as to render himself unable to attend to his own private business need not wonder if he loses the confi deuce and esteem of good people ; but for a man who has been honored with the high and responsible duty of sitting as judge in a court of justice in the great State of North Carolina to debase himself as it is reported that Judge Norwood did at 3faxton, in more than the good people of this State ought to bear. What a spectacle ! A man in whose hands is placed a responsibility of the gravest character making a beast of himself while in the discharge of his public duties ! It is a burning shame upon the fair fame of our grand old State and elicits the contempt of every decent man within her borders, be he white or black, Populism, Democrat, Republican, Prohibitionist, or what not. The youth of our State ought to be protected against the Influence of such examples. The law says he is, li able to impeachment, and it is the mild est punishment that could be properly visited upon a man that would so de grade the high and honored position to which he has been called by the free voters of the citizanship of North Carolina. The bar of the State feel humiliated that such a disgrace haa come upon one who has held a place in their hon ored profession. Imeachment is the lightest punishment which will mete out justice in the case. If the news sent out from Maxton was incorrect, then these strictures ap ply no further than it was true ; but if it was correct, then we hav no modi fication to make whatever. DEA TH IX THE CABINET. Walter Q. Gresham, Secretary of State, died in Washington Tuesday morning, May 2Sth, at 1 :lo. He had been sick lor sometime but not much had been said about it in the papers, so his death was a great surprise to the country generally. He was Go years old and had held many positions of honor and preferment during his life. Persons who sympathize with the alilicted will rejoice with D. E. Carr of 123o Harrison street, Kansas City. He is an old sufferer from inflammatory rheumatism, but has not heretofore leen troubled in this climate. Last winter he went up into Wisconsin, and in con-erpifnee has had another at tack. '"It came upon me again very acute and severe," he said. "My joints swelled and became inflamed ; sore to touch or almost to look at. Upon the urgent request of my mother-in-law I tried Chamberlain's Pain Balm to re duce the swelling and ease the pain, and to my agreeable surprise, it did both. I have used three fifty-cent bot tles and lelieve it to be the finest thing for rheumatism, pains and swell in gs i- x t a n t . For sale by E. T. WTi i te hcad A (j. Men can be social beings no longer than they believe each other. METHODIST PROGRESS. I Warrenton District Conference. The greatest force in civilization i the power of Chrhtianity. With it, our rivilization can never retrograde ; with out it, it falls in a day. Every influ ence that co-operates with every other influence to sustain the vital force of Christianity is a benediction to the world. In such capacity the Warrenton dis trict of the North Carolina Methodist Conference held its annual session in Scotland Neek lat week. The Confer ence covers territory m the counties of Warren, Vance, Halifax, Edgecombe, Martin, Bertie, Hertford and North t . .1 ampton. there are eighteen pastors charges in the district, each charge av eraging about live churches. The body was composed of the pastors of the dif ferent charges and four lay delegates from each charge. There was a good representation both of ministers and delegates. The Conference was presided over by the Presiding Elder, Rev. W. S. Black, I). D., of Littleton, whose bearing a a presiding officer is very pleasing. Hi.- i r i 1 i: manner is easy ana gracenu aim in rulings always prompt but mild. The Conference in session presented a fine appearance, it was indeed rep resentative body of intelligent men, who knew how to do business and did it. Harmony and universal good feel ing pervaded the meeting and the work done was good and encouraging to the faithful ministers and other good men of God who came together to deliber ate and confer concerning the advance ment of the kingdom of God amongst men. THE CON FEKEXCE AT WORK. The Conference was called to order Wednesday, May 22, at 9 o'clock, a. m., by the Presiding Elder, who opened ex ercises by reading 12th of Romans. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Hermon of the Warrenton District. The Presiding El der appointed the various committees. Following is a list of the circuits and stations in the District wuh the repre sentatives from the same : Warrenton Circuit Pastor, P. L. Hermon ; delegate, J. B. Powell. Warren Circuit Pastor, T. J. Dally ; delegate, J. A. Dameron. Hid gen-ay Pastor, J. A. Hornady ; delegates, none. Weldon Pastor, R. 1. Troy; dele gates, R. W. Carter, J. L. Judkins. Littleton Pastor, E. II. Davis ; dele gate, J. W. Northington. lloanol-r Pastor, J. H. Frizzell ; del egate, J. O. Ileotmstall. Baiilehoro and Whilakers -Pastor, G. W. Fisher; delegates, R. II. Moore, Joe Ililliard, II. A. Gorham. Halifax Pastor, E. E. Rose ; dele gates, R. B. Biitt, W. T. Eure, W. H. J lux. Henderson Pastor, M. D. Hix ; del egates, none. Scotland Neck Pastor, II. M. Jack son ; delegates, O. K. Taylor, L. J. Baker. Dr. K. Lcggett, E. W. Hym-in. Wiliiamston and Hamilton Pastor, .L R. Sawyer ; deleatea, J. D. Simpson, V. A. Ellison, T. B. Slade, A. Sherrod. GaryxbvrgTuztOY, J. R. Tillery (absent) ; delegates, J. II. Bradley, W. R. JIart. Northampton Pastor, Z. T. Harri- son ; delegates, J. T. Flythe, W. E. Spiyey, A. II. Reid and H. H. Grant. Meherrin Pastor, A. J. Parker ; del egates, M. D. L. Harris, J. H. Gams. Ifurfreesboro Pastor, J. C. McCall ; delegate, T. J. Vaughun. Harrelhville Pastor, C. P. Snow ; delegate, S. M. Aumack. Lewiston Pastor, Rulus Bradley ; i " -m ' J' " "ln"- ' 1 .1 i T 11' L P.i rtie Pastor, A. R. Goodchild ; del egates, E. S. Dail, Dr. Dunston. Local preachers present were P. s. Stainback, W. A. Piland, L. G. Grady. An important work of the Conference was the report of pastors upon then- charges. This work consumed most of Wednesday and h?Jf of Thursday. The reports were encouraging from everv charge and from almost every church. The financial condition of the churches was reported fair, the spiritual condition good and the prospects hopeful. Some of the pastors reported meetings and additions to their churches. All re ported Sunday-schools which are doing good work in every charge. Missionarv Societies, Bright Jewels and Epworth Leagues were reported from a number of the charges, and all along the lines of general Christian work the reports were encouraging. Rev. P. X. Stain- back, local preacher at Weldon, mado a pleasing reuort of his work ; and Rev L. G. Grady, local preacher at Halifax, also made good report of his work. The Conference granted to M. L. Miller and J. II. Garris licenses to act as local preachers. One applicant, Rey. Mr. Piland, was admitted into the trav elling order. President J. C. Kilgo, of Trinity Col lege, was present and put in the claim of his college. Rev. J. M. Rhodes, president of Lit tleton Female College, presented the claims of his institution and he was greatly encouraged by the endorsement which the Conference gave him. Rey. W. L. Grissom,of the North Carolina Christian Advocate, was present and put in his claims for his paper. He truly said that the members of the church everywhere need their denomi national paper. Rev. T. J. Gattis, of Durham, who naa charge of the colcrtsee work" for t!e State, w.i pre-ent and put in co.-u , work for li' department 1 Rev-. Mr. Ix-e of TarWoand Tnder- j w.k1 of R ;ky Mount were vi-itr- j from Other oniere?n-e ana were "' eornel to -ent- v.ith the oofty. TLe following were elected i'--'- gale- to the general Conference : E. W. 1 1 man, Ji. . 'train, r. .-iawnacK and E. S. Hail. j committee was appointed to take , step towards establishing a church at t,-.. t ir 1.. i ...,t i r.f, if. i Ji.e v. . -i. 1 1 oi u;i' i "iii.it " i the Conference the claim? of Loui.-bnrg ! i i Rev. R. P. irov offered the following resolution which was unanimously : t assel : 1,J:.,.A That it. is the .en. and i unanimous desire of this Distiict Con-j ference that the convicts on the SU'e farms and other public works ought h have the gosjiel and religion.1? m - truc - tion and counrel, and we most resp'Ct- fully appeal to tne Hon. A. Le.r,th- Superintendent oi the Mate i ennen-( tiary, to bring the matter to the atten tion of the authorities, and, if possible, secure a chaplain for the same. TO T1IK MEMORY OF MR Git A VT. j The following resolutions, offered by ! Rev. J. M. Rhodes, were adopted by a rising vote : Whkkkas, Rev. William Grant w,-.-one ()f the most forceful and useful men among u., one who was eminent for piety, and whose life was a continuous benediction to all who were thrown with him ; and, Whereas, God in hi wiadom ha seen fit to take him from earth t Heaven ; Jlesolved, That in ids death tho church has suffered an irreparable hvs which is keenly felt by this District Conlerence, and all who knew him and among whom he lived and labored. 2. That we believe him to have been one of the purest and best men that ever lived, a man whose influence for good will live long after we are dead. 3. That our condolence and sympa thies are hereby extended to his family and all his relatives who mourn his loss. 4. That a copy of these resolutions be spread on the Conference minutes and published in the A. C. Christian Advocate, the Prtron and Gleaner and the Scotland Neck Democrat. After the resolutions were presented, Rev. J. R. Sawver read a beautiful memoir of the lamented minister. The memoir was from the Christian Advo cate and was written by Presiding Elder Black. Key. A. J. Parker delivered an able address before the Conference on "Methodism and Christian Education." Rev. W. R. Goodchild also read a very able paper on "Methodism and S u n d ay-sc h ool s . " CLOSING HOURS. The closing work of the Conterenco Friday morning was done hu-riedly m j order to ndionrn in fime to take the 10 I o'clock train. Rev. R. 1. Troy offered the following resolutions, which were passed by a rising vote : Resolved, That the thanks cf this District Conference are due and are hereby tendered to the good people of Scotland Xeck for their generous and cordial reception and the bountiful and royal hospitality which have made our stay among them so pleasant to us. 2. That we appreciate the Christian courtesy and kindness of our Baptist brethren for the use of their church and other kindnesses shown us. We will ever pray for their prosperity and happiness. That we cannot refrain from ex pressing our hearty appreciation of the thoughtful kindness of Mr. E. E. Ilil liard, editor of The Democrat, to this Conference, and his offer to eend his paper to its members. The Conference was perfectly harmo nious from first to last, much good work was done, the very best of feeling pre vailed, and when it adjourned and the members took their departure every one felt, both the visitors and the peo ple of the town, that the coming of these good people had been a benedic tion both to them and to us. The next session of the Conlerence will be held in Jackson, and it was the sense of the body that the latter part of May, 1S96, will be the best time. We have given this review of the Conlerence without notes other than a glance at the secretary's notes before he left. Doubtless some of the names ol the delegates are either wrong or left out, but we have done the best we could, not being present at the opening. Edltor.l Are you all tired out, do you have that tired feeling or Pick headache? Y'ou can be relieved of all these by tak ing Hood's Sarsaparilla. To strive with dimculties, and to conquer them, is the highest human felicity. ' Why all women are not beautiful and all men not strong may be hard to ex, plain ; but is not so hard to say why more men are not strong and more vomen not beautiful. It is because they need to have their blood purified and invigorated by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla that good old medicine which has not only stood the test of half a century, hut was alone consid ered worthy of exhibition, by the World's Fair Commissioners, out of all the preparations purporting, to be blood-purifiers and nerve-tonics. It is a fact, well known to medical men and testified to by thousands that the eff ect of using this medicine is to impart strength to the muscles, vigor to the -mind, brightness to the eyes, brilliance to the skin, and bloom to the cheek. What more can be desired? Ayer's Sarsaparilla does this for others, it'will do so for you- It does thi'e bv driving out of the Yeins and arteries every par ticle of diseased blood and filling them with a pure and vigorous circulation. This is the secret both of beauty and of health. confluence i:r ; We regard Dr. Ki!-'- Christian E-i ;c:ni -.n ...r. add res "U : . f the f ever hi;'tri. - eate. - t t.f,,:.,, -iV), jve ; The oii.cr w 1 r. F. C M 'mneli V crmon tt the I'.aptM State Coin emion in Eli?-i1-oth City m Dtcemlr, l'':kj n,s Was the greatest mtihou c nmr- ever heard and Dr. kilgos was the J ,,rcafr? - t nddre.- we have erer heard. j One of the plea'.int ieaiun.- ui u.e i Conference Wa- the pre?nce r,i j iIev- Z- T- ";rn-o:i, L. Grissom of Green-' d Jackson. W. j or. and E. II . j lAiv..n. : i-rmy U-en in charge ot the work I at Scotland Neck, and their "kl ineini- ;in1 lrethern were glad to ?ee them.i Also Rev. G. . Fi.-her, of Battleboro. j hM formerly been at Hobgood and ; f,.joncis wcre to K-e him here, i J Tie Conference was a most orderly '((dv heautiful spirit of ..,,,, -, i f t.hristian f .rothernooa I'R-wuiru u.-m first to lant. In appearance, the lody was quite a handsome one. In iomt of intelligence, it ranked with the best. In matters of business, it was always to the point. It was indeed a repre sentative body ol faithful Christian workers with the one high and worthy aim of honoring God and saving men. Rev. .1. A. Hornady, of Ridgeway, preached the introductory sermon, and it was pronounced by all who heard it an able effort filled with strong and convincing gospel truth. Revs. M. D. Hix, of Henderson, P. L. Hermon. ol Warrenton and J. R. Sawyer of Williamsfon preached special sermons during the Con ference, and their congregations were ereatly pleased with them. The preaching was all of a high order, scholarly and earnest, and was especial ly characterized by the sweet truths of the gospel of grace. A layman of another denomination than Methodist said after the Confer ence was over that he felt it had been a great spiritual blessing to him. So felt many of the people of the town. Presiding Elder Black said before the Conference that Scotland Xeck is one of the prettiest and most hospita ble towns in the State. One of the ministers said that there are more preth- shades, more pretty llowers, more singing birds and more Baptist in Scotland Xeck than in an' town he knows of its size. The Democrat gratefully acknowl edges the high compliment paid it by h'ev. J. M. Rhodes, who said before the Conference that it is one of the few I I . i 1 I a t. secular papers mai are always on me right Side of every moral question. It is worth the effort to make a record that receives such high endorsements by such a consecrated body of Chris men and scholartians. RUDY'S PILE SUPPOSITORY is guaranteed to cure file? and Consti pation, or money refunded. oO cents per box. Send two stamps for circular and free sample to Martin Rudy, Reg istered .Pharmacist, Lancaster. Fa. No postals answered. For ale by all first class druggists everywhere, and at Scot land Xeck, T. C, by E. T. Whitehead It is not common to envy those with whom we .annot easily be placed in comparison. Tirt:i), Weak, Nervous, Means impure blood, and overwork or too much strain on brain and body. The only way to cure is to feed the nerves on pure blood. Thousands of people certify that the best blood-purifier, the be.-t nerve tonic and strength builder is Hood's Sarsaparilla. What it has done for others iL will do for you Hood's cures. Nervousness, loss of sleep, loss of ap petite and general debility all disap pear when Hood's Sarsaparilla is per sistently taken, and strong nerves, sweet sleep strong body, sharp appetite and in a word, health and happiness follow the use of Hood's Ssrsaparilla. The strong point about Hood's Sar saparilla is that they are permanent, becuse they start from tho solid foun dation of purified, vitalized and enrich ed blood. .livery man ought to widi eminence, not by pulling others down, but by raising himself. For whooping cough Chamberlain's Cough remedy is excellent. By using it freely the disease is deprived oi all dangerous consequences. There is no danger in giving the remedy io babies, as it contains nothing injurious, t't and 50 cent bottles for sale by E. T. Whitehead & Co. The highest pleasure which nature has indulged to sensitive peremption is that of rest after fatigue. It is a great mistake to suppose that a single tonic gives strength ; it only stimulates the etomache to renewed ac tio;;. To impart real strength, the blood must be purified an 1 enriched and thin can only be done hy ficfi a standard alterative as Ayer's Sarsapa rilla. The prosperity of a ieople is propor tionate to the number of hands and minds usefully employed. One single ."0-cent bottle of John son'? Chill and Fever Tonic is guaran tee to cure any case of Fever. Try it. E. T. Whitehead &, Co. NOT A SICK DAY - For Over Thirty Years! sxsult or zsiyc, AYER'S PILLS 'Av.-r's C.ithartJ. P:ll- f-r rv.r thirty year Lav kpt m- n health. nrvt-.r Laving Lad a i.-k day in all that turn- I!-f.r.- I wa tw..-uty I uff. nl alm-t c..orinany-a a n-ult cf stipatinn fr-'in dy-p.-,.M. ht-adafh-, iural.-ia. r U-iU an 1 ur fruptjv disease. Urn i vuiv that nine-tenths of my troubles wore caused by constipation, I began the use of Ayer's Pills, w ith the most satisfac tory results, never having a single attack that did not readily yield to this remedy. My wife, who had Wen an invalid for years, also b.gan to use Aver's Pills, and her health was quickly restored. With my children I had no ticed that nearly all their ailments were preceded by constipation, and I soon Lad the pleasure of knowing that with children as with parents, Ayer's Pills, if taken in season, avert all danger of sickness." II. Wettsteix, P.yron, 111. AVER'S PILLS Highest Honors at World's Fair. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Strengthens the System. Xo money is better spent than what is laid out for domestic satisfaction. Russell Sage says a man ought to support a family on t."),('o() a year. There is no information of value to the poor man in Mr. S.ige's opinion. The thing we moss ucrire to k-.vw - how to get the ?").;; ') a iur. '.''. A lady at 1 ooleys, La., was very sick with bilious colic when M. C. Tisler, a prominent merchant of the town gave her a bottle of Chamber lain's Colic Cholera and diarrhoea Remedy. He savs she was well in forty minutes after taking the first dose. For .sale by E. T. Whitehead A Co. SALE OF LAM). Whereas, Eustice C. Bullock did on the 2bth day of March 181)1, execute and deliver to Albert R. Shattuck, Trustee, a trust deed on certain lands in Halifax County. State of North Carolina therein described, to secure the sum of 14.M..0) lj.v S:lhl Eiu tice C. Bullock to the British A Amei ican Mortgage Company, Limited, which said trust deed is recorded in Halifax County, in Deed Book Vli page 421 to which reference is hereby made ; and whereas default lias been made in the payment of the moneys secured by paid trust deed ; and whereas the un dersigned has been duly appointed sub stituted trustee in the place of said Alhert R. Shattuck, as provided m said trust deed, and has been duly requested to execute the trust therein contained ; Now, therefore, notice is hereby giv en, that under and by virtue of the power contained in said trust deed, I, the undersigned sub.-lituted t -v: -t :e, n Monday the 3rd day of June ih!.;-", tween the hours of 10 a. in. ai d ,i p. m., at the Court Home door i:i iho town of Halifax in Halifax County, will by public auction sell to the high est bidder '.or cash the lol'on i;;g de scribed property, viz : A certain tr.:ct of land adjoining the lands (jf Andrew Gunter, Win. E. Bil lups. D. C. Clark and others, and de scribed ri' follows : Pevinnii g .-it a stone on the oa d leading to Enfield front of .James l!i;up' house and run ning S. W. to the main run of Burnt Coat .Swamp, thence up sa:d inn to a bowl giim on Andrew Gunter's line, thence along said Gunter's line X. 01 E. 317 poles to a gum in a branch, thence along W. E. Billups line S. 27 E. lis poles to four sweet gums, said Billups' corner, thence along said Billups' line S. f3 W. 170 poles to a stake on said Enfield road, thence along said road to the begin ning, containing in the aggregate "O0 acres, more or less : Said land will be sold to satifv the dent secured by said trust deed, and such title will be given t.s is vested in said trustee. E. L. Travis, 4t. Substituted Trustee. A N D- SILYERWARE!!! WATCHES AND CLOCKS RUT IN PERFECT REPAIR. We have engaged the services of He. J. D. Perry, who has just returned from the Chicago Watch Ma kers' Institute, where he took a thorough course, and is prepared to do ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING And Engraving. His office is at our show window in front. All work is guaranteed. GIVE HIM A CALL JEWELRY E. T. WHITEHEAD & CO., Scotland Neck, N. C. PALMEE & FROST, c 16(3 P.'Mde Street Nev: Y - m ;-, v : 1 n :. i !!.gci: ! ; j J j j , j!' r-,.v j i M!i'irp.-Ml f.-tc!,i!:r- ; ., .-..u'.l Fruit- an i '. ' . , . i .t. , .'i'..tit i i . ."i I.' ' Itn . - NOKKor T HADDINGTON ' DING. t.KANLY -I teno'r;o,hv. Bookkeeping. I Vtunaibip. h ::!. ,! ! taught in a tboro'ii li and practical manner. K.ii;: :- folk !:..; Lor. fM!:dM!t admitted at any time. h ,- parl!n'i:l. Gnid'.ialo- helped in finding p--m-n- V.- ltlfoi i::.t io;i .hIlM'-s -jv lv JOHN m. TAYLOR & CO., EE General Conies Merchat: d tei :J A". . i:..a,,..k Consignments of Country Produce ot eery description solicited. IIi fhikncks : City National I'ank. Cincinnati. . ; James P.. La tornev at Law. Windor. Va. : M. H. Hoi i.AM'. (f Nani-emond County. Va. M. H. HOLLAND, SOX a .. WHOLESALE COMM ISSION .M KIICIIAM X". s ''. i, .-. SiT.ciAi.Tir.s : Peanut-. Cotton. Corn. N0!F0J Poultry, Eggs :md Lumber. 1 J E F E 1 1 E N ( ' E S : The I kink ot Comine.c.-. N ! Fai mot--' H.mk. wfIoM. . V . CORRESPONDENCE AND CONSIGN M EN 1 Sol l To Farmers Tfl WE CI YE ONE :- G i: i; 'i Bhiooi:, N i oi i. ' Farmers' Manufacturing Company : I used your P.. lent Barrels exclusively in the .-hipu.r including 7.0Hi barrels of lri-h potatoes, and I want lov ' ever used, l'ut me down as a permanent eii-tomer, a 1 w :!l !. other. Yours tiiily. FARMERS' MANUFACTTJRIJN G CO.. 3 7 3m NO B FOLK, VA. MENTION Want a Wheel ? "KEYSTONE." 'TIiIBI NE," an: ".STORM ER" i.i v i.i, TRICYCLES AND V ELOCI PEI)E- Prices for JJicyclos S'.M .SI0.". TrIcy I(N from S." to .sj:. Velocipedes from .Si to $W. TIC1 idV TUT I I .1 111 I II i . u i n JUWJ VaI llllj . I.l llll li I Every Wheel Guar anteed in every part. W. M. GRAY, A f nt for lPdiiai Co. SrOTLANI, Xvj K, N. C. U :j,n MILLDTEEY ! 1 Leg to announ-eto U;y fir-io-r.fr the public generally that I have just returned from New York City with a full LUTE 0? SPSII7G ZHLLI2TZ2T. We will take pleasure in hovhi" and still more in .-el ling you. lints 10c.? '2 nntn RiblKjnsall widths and prices an MISS KATE (',. TILLER V. ...r1'1"'- A,J Jitji ftoiofI free by D: K line s Cre.it Vnrvn Tr.-.i, v . JIC.'LUICI. ,U alter first day's use. Marvelous en - . . - .'i.invimii, cm!:;-.. Ireatise $2.00 frinl t..,.r. ... t.-:. K. to Dr. Kine, 031 Arch .St 1 hiladelphia, P. I. W V D .. nopi ''. a, r.i y-pi:.. i i - ; Norfolk. Va. . I hr ' ing A Co.. Now Y i k v. Rradstn-r! gn - M . II. 1 1 on v- of V, and Trucker: II AVIV; I.M . OA P I . We are p;'p;u ' East Patent H1::- . IN ANY Oi' A Villi :.: (: . ;;-h i " i a'! di U: ; - to V. Ecrry Crates and 7ru:".: ZS. or all i. ; - - We have bnuou ! THIS I'A I'll! First - Class LIVERS i 17 v -V.1 J. B. GRAY. I'BoplMi I liave p'i. ' fo: in-r! . V O'. dre)' iv W;;! serve t!,- p1; Best of im T AT i:ea-ona::: PRffiNil BTENbl!- ! i .. " -11.1 J Rubber i-:. stencil-. i;i: i. i;. ii'iiM.;; i Itojer BuiM'g, . First-el.is- v, ,:; . Notice! Nonce U' 1 i Our land-;uc j I diall f..r.-f i'.'- ' friends or f tie by tre-i'.i - ' . , I timber of the .vr:ii 1 j- u Company. y. 1 7 ly 4 25 tf Old Newspapers at this Office. I.I.jm.