-77-7 - .v - y- . .v. . I 1. t ii 5 -.-, M1 Mil! 13- -. The Democrat. E. E. HILLIARD, - - - - Editor. Published Every Thur.-day, Eaten d at the Post-Office at Scotland Xerk, X. C, OH Second CUi.x Mutter. THURSDAY. JUNE 27, 1805. IS IT SVIlfSlCAL? Almost every day we read the utter ances of some silver man, saying that unless a silver-standard platform is adopted for the next campaign he will notsupiort it. Almost every day, also, we read the utterances of some gold man, saying that unless a gold-standard platform is adopted for the next cam paign he will not support it. Only a few davs ago a meeting was held in "Wilmington in the interest of the gold standard idea, in which some gentlemen said positively that unless the gold standard platform is adopted they will not support it. They declared they would not vote for free silver, even if the Democratic party should make it a part of its platform. The Democrat wishes to know what all these strong assertions mean. Do they mean that the Democratic party is in such a had plight that it needs the surgical operation which their dec larations threaten, in order that it may be cured of some cancer that is knaw ing at the party's vitals? -If so, it will le necesessary to decide first which cancer is the more dangerous, the gold or the silver. But it seems from the strong and pos itive declarations of certain men that both the cancers are to he cut away. The silver man is whetting his lancet to cut away what he regards a gold cancer, and the gold man is whettin his lancet to cut away what he consid ers a silver cancer. Now, suppose each man holds to his opinion and when the time comes he shall suit his action to his promises and thrust in his lancet. Can the Democratic party, grand as its record has been, bear up under two such operations at once? It seems to us that with the surgeon's knife cut ting away at the party on two sides at once the patient will be so veakened that it will have little strength with which to fight tho battle that awaits it in 1S0. --s-i 1 1 14. -. u - ..1UMH5 HiU I iC" tory easy for the Republican party? It seems to us that, inasmuch as neither has all the evidence on his side that his diagnosis is absolutely correct, it would be wiser for the gold surgeon to say that he will do all in his power to show that the real cancer is on tho silver side, and get the silver advocate to let him cut it out ; but if he cannot do that he will let the silver surgeon cut and withdraw his lancet until the good old party shall recover from the first operation. Or, it seems to us it would be well for the silver surgeon to do all he can to show that the real can cancer is 011 the gold side, and do all in his power to get the gold advocate to allow him to cut it out ; hut If he cannot do that, let the gold surgeon cut and then wait for the patient to grow stronger before he thrusts in his lancet. In any event, it seems to us that for both surgeons to operate at once will so weaken the patient that disaster will follow. And the Democratic party has no strength to waste. MOPE ABOUT WATER. Pure water has come to be regarded as a sine qua non for good health. This is especially true for Eastern Carolina. The Democrat hopes to see some movement set on foot soon which will be the means of securing better drink ing water in this region. And we know of 110 better opportunity for this than the State farms 0:1 the Roanoke river afford. We hope to see the authorities make an effort for purer water for the use of the officers and the convicts. This would be quite humane in itself, and if successful it would demonstrate the possibilities of better water for this whole region. A Good Aftetite Always accompanies good health, and an absence of appetite is an indication of something wrong, The loss of a ra tional desire for food is soon followed by lack of strength, for when the supply of fuel is cue off the lire burns low". The system gets into a low state, and is liable to severe attacks of disease. The universal testimony given by those who have used Hood's Sarsaparilla, as to its great merits in restoring and sharpening the appetite, in promoting healthy action of the digestive organs, and as a purifier of the blood, consti tutes the strongest recommendation that can be urged for any medicine. Those who have never used Hood's Sarsaparilia should surely do so this season. pos tma s ters a m chim in a LS. jfVii-f-sjtoht'ffr.rs? to TKS IiEMOrn.iT. Washington Cn v, June 21, 1'J5. On July 1st, the readjustment of .residential post-masters goes into ef fect. Statesville shows the largest in- crease. Jt na- rxen amanreu hwu i third to a second-class post-office. The changes in the salaries are as follows : Increases Edenton, ? 1,200 to $1,300 ; Gastonia, -tl ,100 to $1 ,200 ; Greensboro, if 2, 100 to $2,500; Henderson, $1,500 to $1,000 ; High Point, $1,500 to $ 1,00 ; Kinston, $1,10 to $1,500; Monroe, $l,lO0 to $1,300; Morganton, $1,200 to $1,300 ; Salem, $1,500 to $1,000 ; Shel by, $1,100 to $1,200 ; Statesville, $1, 000 to $2,000 ; Wa-hington $1,500 to $1,700. Decrease? Salisbury, $1,800 lo $ 1 ,700 ; "Wi 11s ton , $ 1 ,800 to $ 1 ,500. A. G. Bauer, a white man, came here this week to marry an Indian girl, Ra chel Blythe. Under the laws of North Carolina the marriage would le invalid. Attorney General Glenn was in this cily this week on his way North to at tend the funeral of his uncle, Col. Dodge of the U. S. Army. The citizens of Washington peverely criticise .Marshall Allison lor coming here with a number of convicts, chief of whom had on a suit of new clothes and was allowed perfect freedom while the minor offenders were heavily hand cuffed. Ex-Cashier Holland misappro priated about $'J0,000 worth of other people's money. The other convicts were condemned to serve for a much shorter time in the Albany Penitentia ry. It is possible that the Department of Justice will inquire why Holland was allowed to travel like a gentleman and the other conyicts were heavily manacled. There are 350 members of the House of Representatives. The gold men claim to have 250 against free coinage to 100 in favor of It. There will be 311 Republicans m the next house ; 105 Democrats and 7 Populists. Of the 211 Republicans, only 24 are for free coin age. From this it is certain that no legislation favorable to silver can pass the next House. Secretary Carlisle says "sound mon- oy" is tucky. going to win the day m Ken-. THAT TAX. Following are the sections of the act passed by the last Legislature bearing on lawyers, doctors and boarding houses : "Section 7. That taxes in this sched ule shall be imposed as license tax for the privilege of carrying on the busi- us or uomg trie -act named, ana 110m ing in the schedule contained shall be construed to relieve any person from the payment of the ad valorem tax on his property, as required in the preced ing schedule. The licenses issued un der this schedule shall be for twelve month.-", unless otherwise specially pro vided m any section imposing a tax. "Sec. 27. Ever person who shall practice any trade or profession or use any trade or profession or use any. franchise taxed by the laws of North Carolina, without having paid the tax and obtained a license as required in this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and punished by fine, not exceeding fifty dollars, or impris oned not exceeding thirty days, and shall also forfeit and pay a penalty of fifty dollars, which penalty the sheriff of the county in which it has occurred shall cause to be recovered before any justice of the peace of the county, for the benefit of the school fund of the county. "Sec. 31. On all hotels and boarding and lodging houses, kept lor the busi ness of furnishing either board or lodg ing, or both, to regular or transient boarders, for pay or hire, the sum of fifty cents (50) for each bed room kept for said business. 'Sec. 35. On each and every prac ticing lawyer, practicing physician, and dentist, the sum of ten dollars ($10.00) : Provided that no city, town or county shall levy any additional tax on lawyers, practicing physicians, and dentists." THE TRUE FARMER. The Raleigh correspondent to the Charlotte Observer makes the follow ing observations about agriculture : "The agricultural Moses is not yet come. The agricultural and mechan ical colleges built by the various States came chiefly from a demand that something be done for the farmers. Yet, although-it was the aim to make these schools agricultural they are all gradually turned by their trustees, fac ulties and students, into training schools for mechanical and industrial pursuits. "The ante-bellum Southerner made great success of farming. Self-reliance was probably one of the most import ant factors in the success of the old fashioned planter. To-day the me chanic has come to the front and he is succeeding very much as the ante bellum planter, did, by careful atten tion to his business and steady, perse vering work. It would seem that there is room for somebcxly to open up a new way io success in. agriculture. When the new farmer comes he will probably come with little noise. He will be known by his success rather than by the noise he will make de manding that the tariff, the financial system and ail the laws of the country be changed to suit him. And he won't want any political office." Ayer's Pills promote the natural mo tion of the bowels, without which there can be no regular, healthy operations. For the cure of biliousness, indigestion sick headache, constipation, jaundice, and liver complaint, these pills have no equal. Every dose effective. WAS IT AS AIR-SHIP ( 74 n rloit' C r r ? -t r. Conc"i:p, X. :.. June 20. some thing re-embling a balloon m sh:q, which .--oared several thousand feet atove the earth. -passed over this city this afternoon from 5 :30 to 0 :15 and attracted the attention of several hun dred of our citizens. It flouted majes tically and slowly. Many of the citi zens claimed t: have -een smoke issu ing from the massive air ship, while others deny it. No one knows from whence it came. When first discover ed it was oyer the centre of the city, coursing northward. Several young men who claim to be crack shot rifle men leveled on the big, white tiling with Winchesters but it amounted to nothing. In the east end of the -ity it was seen by an old colored woman who asserted that her time was up, that it was the ship of old Gabriel. Some mischievous boy went over to the new roller mills, blew his drum corps trum pet, whereupon the old woman legan shouting and alarming that portion of the town, and is now critically ill with hysterics. Whatever the thing was it was a beautiful sight. AX OIIDIXAIIY HOY, BUT HUS TLED. Charlotte Observer. The new Attorney General, Judson Harmon, is described as a splendid man physically and intellectually. He is truly a man whom the office sought. instances of which are unfortunately so rare in our political history. He was in Washington in business 111 1 -0. and, without seeking an introduction, met Mr. Cleveland, who desired to question him regarding an Ohio appli cant for office. The President, it seems, never forgot the man. Being interviewed recently as to hi oast. Mr. Harmon said : "There isn't anything in my career that makes it interesting or particularly remarKable. It's just the career of an American 1 oy who inherited a good name and a good constitution, and who hustled for the rest." And iru this sentence lies a whole sermon for the ambitious Amer ican lad who cares to heed it. REDEEM A BLE SIL I rER. The following which appeared in recent issue ot the Richmond Dispatch my be of interest to some of our read ers : "A friend of ours, who has had sever al controversies with persons who are of the opinion that the silyer dollar is at par, because (as they imagined) the Government would at any time ex change a silver dollar for a gold dollar, wrote to Washington for official inior mation on the subject, and the follow ing is the correspondence : May 27, IS95. Hon. John G. Carlisle : Dear Sir. Please let me know I. It a silver certificate (I do not mean a coin certificate) is presented at the Treasury, can holder, under the i..vr, ucinanu gold for it? 2. Can he first demand silver, and immediately legally demand that the Government exchange the silver for gold? 3. If he did make the demand, would it be acceded to? I. Can a party holding, say one sil ver dollar or any number of silver dol lars, legally demand from the Govern ment that it be exchanged for gold? Very respectfully, Treasury Department, Office of the Secretary, Washington, I). C, June 17, 1895. Sir In reply to your letter of the 27th, ultimo, you are informed that neither standard silver dollars nor sil ver certificates are redeemed by the government in cold. Silver dollars are standard coins of the United States, and, as such, are not redeemable at all ; but they, as well as silver certificates, are receivable for all debts due to the United Stases. Silver certificates are, of course, redeemable in standard sil ver dollars. Respectfully yours, C S. Hamlin, Sssistant Secretary. It has been said recently in North Carolina that J. II. Mills, C. M. Cooke and Grover Cleveland are the only men in America who have refused to accept the title of LL. D. Air. II. A. London, of the Chatham Record, who Avas here yesterday, tells us that his printer, Mr. J. Morris, who has printed the Record for fourteen years, in that time has saved more than a thousand dollars, and will shortly leave to reside in Texas. He will take his family w ith him. He and his wife came down to Raleigh shop ping, bringing with them their son Henry London Morris. Xeics and Ob server. The Massey-Pilot.suit is now being tried in Norfolk. John E.Masseysued the Norfolk Pilot for 50,000 for clam ages in w hat he claimed was a libelous publication by that paper. It is an interesting suit. The University Summer School for Teachers at Chapel Hill will begin June 25th. Tickets at reduced rates may be bought at all Stations from 22nd, good to August 1st. Xot many business houses ia these United States can boast of fifty year's standing. The business of Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass., whose in comparable Sarsaparilla is known and used everywhere, has passed its half centennial and was never so vigorous a3 at present. j Mr. Richard r-t..rdc-' 2'-; tl R.i .f - I i '-" fcl; died there 1 ;v. .-'-1 -at He left a for 1 .!;. van- ;y e-. n n: 1 was a from $15. ;' : $2 ," He irreat l-eneSaot-r and n.ucu he. his fellow citi.'er;s. ve' l.v The r.itr...i md f7 -.'a f ithoritie hud Mrs. Thoma- aid la-t week that the a ed the hodv f who died s!hI U 1 her hme near Some of her Woodland ii' :; pie were not to the cau-e of i i f her death. Wake Fu:e i- to have a regular law N. V. Gulley, who has course. -Mr. been uivin" Ice! res there lor two years,. will now move his family th'-re from Frankhnton and imike Wake Fore-t ... t 1 - it-. his home. He will devote ems w no.e time to the won'. North Car. !:na !-os are coming to the front. Mr. J. II. HnnU" f Wake . . 1 1 : . 1 i. i C'Jimty, who has ju-t taKcn m- i u. 1 decree at Johns Hopkins-. Fni verity, was last week fleeted professor of Chem istry in Richmond College. THE BEST Family Medicine She Has Ever Known. Words of Praise from a New York Lady for AYER'SPILLS " I would like to add my testimony to that of others who have used Ayer's Pills, and to say that I have taken tlu m for many years, and always derived the best results hum their use. For stom ach and liver troubles, and for the cure of headache caused ly these derange ments, Ayer's Pills cannot be equaled. "When my fri -nds ask me what is tho best remedy lor disorders of the stom ach, liver, or bowels, my invariable answer is, Aver's Pills. Taken in sea son, they will break up a cold, prevent Ia grippe, check fever, and regulate the digestive organs. They are easy to take, and are, indeed, the best all-round family medicine I have ever known." Mrs. May Johnson, 008 Rider Avenue, New York City. AY Highest Honors at World's Fair. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Cures all Blood Disorders. SCOTLAND NJXK STEAJl DYE WORKS. Mourning Goods a Specialty Get price list. Address Scotland Neck Steam Dyking Co. 1-21-ly Scotland Neck N. C. FITS. All fits stopped free by Dr Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. No fit after first dav's use. Marvelous cures. Treatise $2.00 trial boctle free to Fit cases. Send to Dr. Kine, fKU Arch St Philadelphia, P. --AND- SILVERWARE!!: WATCHES AND CLOCKS PUT IN PERFECT REPAIR. We have engaged the services of Mr. J. D. Perry, who ha?- just returned from the Chicago Watch Ma kers' Institute, where he took a thorough conr-e. and is pre pa led to do ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING And EnuTttvii!. His office is at our .-how window in front. All work is guaranteed. fGIVE HIM A CALL E. T. V7HITEHEAD ci CO., I 25 tf Scotland Neck. N. C. T UlllLhl ULaJPlLlLim, It I 1 I ' I IU II II I iV i milkshakes and lemonade. f ' 1 eat at Robinson's. I Don't. Nourishing meals at all hours Call and see these progressive young merchants. " ROBERSON & JAMES. Main Street, Scotland Neck, N. C. ife fs ' tl f3f ten II Sft5SJsL ' iii Atlantic Coast Line. W. v: s' 1 " '' ; v Dited M;iv No. 2;:. N -. :' IS, -.5.' D.dlv. P.iilv. ! A. M. P.M. !Lv. WcMon 115:) J7 ! Ar. K--H.-kyMi.12 57 1" 2" j Ar. Tarl. ."'. ; i.v t.m-1 '"- 1 LvTll TkvMl. 1 "5 " 1" 2 il.vWil-.:, 2:: 11 : Lv i:-a - - ; I.v F;'.vMifvi!!'d :i" 1- ' ! Ar ri"-re:-ce 7 2 -jj.! i . . ! Lv Wilson 2 FI '-j ! Lv ( ."oki-boro ; l 1 i Lv Magnolia -1 1' s -'J I Ar Wiiming'n -" -15 j M A M No. 11. P.ii'v. A. M. TCAINS (a i!vO N !:'i No 7 N o Daily Daily Lv Florence s 15 7 25 Favet:evi!!e 1 55 '. :: LvSolma 12:12 Ar Wilson I 20 11 15 A M r M No 1 Daily Lv Wilmington 0 0 Lv Magnolia 10 '.VI Lv Sehna 1 1 ' A r Wilson 12 25 A M No 10 Daily b :;o S (r2 0 10 0 :,.- 1 M No Daily r m 11 20 1 2 2 No 10 Daily r m 1(1 (M 10 10 Daily v t Lv Wil-on 12 52 Ar MoekvMt 1 IS ArTariioro 2 2it Lv Tarbom 12 2 Lv I-Corkv.Mt I 5!J Ar Wcl Ion :i 10 12 o' 12 :" T, in ai Sc fil.'uJ Neck I ran'!i raa .1 . 1 1 V'i-.,1 !d n o.4.) l m . ) ii 1 fax m, arrives Scotland Neck at !. p m (ireenville o.!i7 m, Kinton 7.!. p m. Returning leaves Kinston 7.2o,-im, (ireenville 8.22 a m. Arriving Halifax at 11.00 a m., Weldon 11.20 a :v , daily except Sunday. Trains on Washington Jbanch leave Washington 7.00 a m, arrive at I'ar mele S.-10 a m. retui-niu.g ic-a ve- P:: mo le 0.10 m.. arrive W.-j.-liii.gton 7. '15 p m. D;;iiy except s-mvhiy. 'oimeeis with trains on Aibci::.u ie ati-l Ib.!-igh Railroad and Seniland Neek Ihaiicli. Train leave- Ttirboro. via AIIe!narle S: Raleigh road Daily except Sunday. LJOp m, Sunday 11.00 p m. arrixe Wil liamston, 7. I S p m., -l.l'O ji. m., I'ly mouth8.:i() ) m, 5.20 p m. h'eturning leaves I'lyiiiouth, Daily ex- ept Sunlay, .()(.), a. m. Williamslon 7.)! n in., (.58 a in. Arrive Tatboro J0.10 a m. 11.20 a m. Trains on Soutlsern Division. Wilon and FayetteviliO Dranc.h leavt I.ivcite- ville IJranch leave Fayetteviile 5.;;o i ri, arrive JiOWLiiat .ll i m. Ketiu.i iug leave Rowlaial 7..!5 a m. ar' i e at Fayelieville 0.10 a m. Daily excC)t Sunday. Train on Midland. N. C., 15ranch leaves (ii!dsboro, daily except Sitnday iS.OOnrn. arrive Smithfiel l 7.IJO a in. Returning leaves Smithiield 8.(?0a m, arrive (ioldsboro 'J.ili; a. m. Train on Nashville 1 'ranch leave- 1 1 oe ley -Mount at o.o ji m. ai 1 ic .a -it-m. i.io m., ,-j)!-ing 11 I'cturmng leaves prin r, ... 8.01 ;) m.. .-..isu use a in. hockv .sou .1 0.15 a m., daily, except Sunday. Train on Clinton branch leave-; War saw for Clinton daily except Sunday at 0.20 p in., and 11.15 a m. Return ing leaves Clinton at 8.20 a m.. and :. 10 p m connecting at Warsaw for Clin ton, daily, except Sunday at 0.20 p m. and 11.15 a m. Returning leaves Clin ton at 8.20 a m.. and o.lO p m.. con at Vv';uaw with Nos. -II, -10, and 7. Trains No. 57 South bound and 1 1 North will .-top only at Rocky Mi, Wilson, Goldsboro and Magn .li t. Train No. S makes cloae foimec'b.:! at Vreldon for all oints North d.ci; . All rail via Richmond.and daily cx ;-t Sunday via Ray Line, also except St; 11 day, with Norfolk and all point-; north via N . rf. .! k . .1 0 1 1 N F, 1 J N i X K , J. R. KENLY, ( Ienei.-al m i 't Slt't Trans. T. M. EMM F.PS N Gen- Pa-'. Agt. NORFOLK & CAROLINA R, R. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. Dated May Ft, IS!).",. Daily ex. San. South Round Trains. Daily ex. Sun. North 1! iiin Trains. Station? No. 10a No. 2d P. M. A. M. No. 7s No. 102. P.M. A.M. 2 10 8 10 Lv N-.rfolk Ar. 0 00 10 5 2 25 0 00 Pinners Point 5 .'15 :; 2 50 0 20 Drivers 5 11 0 M 3 05 0 41 Suffolk 157 S 51 ; 4:1 10 IS Gate- i 2.: s :u 4 02 10 r,S Tunis 4 05 S 15 4 no ji H Aho-kev 15 0 f 45 11 It Aulande'r :) :jl 7 5s 5 25 11 57 Hobtrood i;t 7 jo 5 50 12 2) Ar. Tarboro 2 :J5 (5 55 Ar. J,v. 5 57 1 25 Rockv Mount 2 o5 ',',() P. M. P. M. P. M. A.M. No 2:1 carries pulinian parlrr i4 Norfolk to Rockv .Mount and ;(jnnefs with A. C. L. Train 23 for all point south. No. 103 connect- at Ib-bood for a!! eastern Carolina point.- at Rockv for all Mount with A C. L. train points south. No. 78 carrie- parlor c.-u I connect- Rocky Mount to No for all points north. For ali infonuation schcdides call on or address G. M. SEUI'ELL. J. R. LENLY. Gen'J Manager Sep't Train T. M. EMEPSGN, Gcrrl Pa-ent:er Acrent SUFFER AN Y WNGER I Post C f- cc, State and Coumy, and Age pialc.'y. :d:i THE HALl- CHEMICAL CO., a,ZZ0 Fairciouat Avenue, iiadelyhia.Fa. l, y V? CAM I V. K fi V will S Ii D A V i1' " X' V K ( D 0, 166 Reacie Street. M : ji nai. i.i: G' : mi: h o ;.trj 1 MT liu n D1.GT Fi ll 12-. iiiiiidit in .4 ! r. tv.; ! t Imi! !:;i'or. -li-Uri-' p..!im't)l. "-r id: ot -information a 1 hv 2 JS lv 1.:. EE 6( t 1 tuVlHt in:;.nuiiin A .; R - Con-ignmcn( of 'oiintry l'i"d ol eery de.-ci i 1 t ion .-..iiyited. EFKRKN'crf : City National I tank. Cinrinnaii. : .bur.e- P.. La tornev at Law. Wind or, Va. : M. II. Hol.l .WD, of Naii-emontl C..untv M. H. IK )LLAN1. SON A u WHOLESAhE COMMISSION VM X: EcrAi.i'iE- : Peanut-. Coi(,.:i. '..i n. Poultry, l'g- and Lumber. PELL!.' FN CPS i; 1; Fr N di:.n ' i: anim i n.-h ; . m i : n i Want a Wheel ? Jh KEY-ToXK. i i: i ::! N '.." -.-n;!:iE!t" TKH'YCI.!- AND 'i:i .''' I ' 1 ! 1 F - . S'rins SV4- Hie-, !- SO! lo .sin.",. Tricyt Jos fro-!; S5 1 H J L VclociiKMh-N IVoisi Si M !;M UN Ii!!! mi Every Wheel G-nar-ariteecl in every part. W. M. QRiiY, . 1 ; Scotland Neck, N. ('. 5 0 MILLINERY ! I be-' to announce to mveu-imer- an! the public genera !l iat liae just returned from New York ( 'Ky with a fu:l We will take plea-me in -bowing and still more in i-cHhig yon. Hal.- 10c S2 untrimuied. Rlbbon-sall vviil'.li- and price- and newest design. MISS i:.te ;. TILLF! . DQ YOllWAfiTTO STOP TOBACCO? VOI' '.S HE Cl'PEf) WHILE F-IN't; IT. The ll;d,il of a man until are -rod mc !. t . 1 . V.- , ti'-T t"b,. di-e,! ( o: tne iiiomtii io-s of n emo a:;--: -i..u 1 ni-r(j:i- , .'Cstion of tl;e retina, a: the fjitic nerve, re-ultin inf-tit .f vi-iim. i-n f , 1 bliiKlne-s diir(e-.-. or r r: asthma : :;i;;!y suff ' .- in re-ion -f the .hear t. ' , by .-harp )ain-, paljiitatiori er.ed pul-e. re-nltiiiL' in fac- d' '. e md (ii eji.-e. It a!-o c-c;-c- I-; cf it.di.-. . (d;iT FLFOI'.i; IT IS Too LATE. To oui! -'aldi id',' i- to., -hock to the .-y.-:em, a- to! :,.' Inveterat u-ei-, .,-, ,tl, - .1 -that his s-iem eon;ini;:iiy "RAC 'O-CI'RO'' i- ,- i .itnV liable vei'et ,i ! .ie reined v. y-i,.: be 1 erler.-tly harn.Ie--, ai. l w been m u-e for 1 ;,-. ;, -; - c inx cued thom.-in'T-i of :.b.,tu i e : o era i ;! di ii-et.' 11. ok-r-, c've 1 upper.-. voi: can fsi: all Tin; top CO Vol' WANT, WHILE TAk'! diACCO-CI'KO;' IT WILL .Vol! 11 iui w 1 1..N i ) St - ' " ." t -lYE A WliUTEN (,!'A!;A'ii:;: to 1 ermanently cure any ;.-. v.iti. ti;:ee hoxe-. or refund the' mora-v ul!. 10 per cent, inre.e.-t. PACCO-CFRO-' j, .i: :l . iait a reliable a:id seicntillc cure-.vP n-b .ib.-o,iteiy de-troy- the eraii.v for t bncco without the aid of will p. .-..( :d uith no inconvenience. It the ?y-tem as .ure and free fr,m m -(me. as the day you tou v..ur :,r-r che v .,r -moke. sold by all drue;e.i.-t-, nt -i'l.oo p; ! x, three boxes, (thirty day.- trMtt:n-i t a;;d oaranteed cure.) .2.50, or sen; ;: rect uin receipt of price. Send -P. 2c-tamps for -ample box, b,,oklet .nd proofs free. Eureka Chemical cV Man ufacturing Co., Manufacturing Chem ists, La Crosoe, isconsin, (j 13 lv 3V s ' me. 1 T W JOHN ffl. TAYLOR & CO., on tviktiMiikrt Kim tun ki u , l . youra a j jf-f 1: Vni , Nmf. !k. V.i. ; N. t ' 1 L.a.lM:. M . II. ii I 4 NnlMui i ! Lank I'aina i First - I I : y. O v't P v ' 1 I ha f I ! I ! I I , , , . a ! 1 i 1 1 Bsst ol" Imi AT IJF.A-" A A m T!!3 C9!!pr NOIM'OLK'. W rf t 1 '(ii Monument- ; e.mcer j !y-;",.-'. . ! A N 1 1 Grave Stones VHO'S SHELLA U and -e''-j 1 1 I. , . ,. A YAi.I I. ')! A!te :"- e j 1 iliCU jna t i t ! '. e ;: A": 1 1 - i 1 . - .1 ( ;. In 1 n 1 IU fr-e fi ( :. T. W:.. k. N. ' '. -a!c p.- 1. I-md N( Notice ! iv Ia:, :- I .-i:a!I f.,rc. h"ci n'- -r f- t :( by ; re- . timber of t.'a Company. 1 7 "ly tf. y- j-