STSANCHB, BUT TRUE. Four rrunmers Teil the Nature cf their Bushes. Evening Mirror. The lolloping true story is related by one of the participant in the re markable incident : Not long .since in a certain New England city, four commercial travel lers met for the first time, at the table. With that genial bon homie reculiar to the craft, they, were soon engaged in conversation. In a few moments one of them aaid : ' Gentlemen, Bupiosewe begin, being a'l strangers, with the gentleman oppo site me, to introduce ourselves and our firm's bucinesp." This was unanimously agreed to. Said Xo. 1 : "I am , and I represent the house of X. Y. It., Felling glass bottles." Said No. 2 : "Well, gentlemen, per haps it is no chance that I come next for I represent 1. IX Q- I am , and I sell the stuff that goes into the bottles. I sell wines and liquors." There was a moment's silence as No. 4 said : "That, gentlemen, does seem a little strange, but perhaps there is n fatality about this. I am , of the firm of W. U. S., dealers in under takers' goods." No. 4 now remained silent and sug gested that it would Ikj well not to pursue the subject further, and that it hart been well never to have started it. After much urging to complete the chain he said : "Gentlemen, it is in deed a fatality. I am , of D. E. 15., and I am taking orders for grave stones." Was there ever a temperance lecture compressed into so few lines as this? hoots of the div:,rf Nine H a kind of universal medicine among the i-;i-;Hit of Hungary, while the sou grameu j i!or fir is in much leqm-tt ion for the sounding Uard-of musical instruments. .nd the Germans emp'oy it almost exclu-ivciv 1:1 Hiftr v,i-i i fn the manufacture of iucifc;- matches. tnd, above all, palr pulp, thousands and tens of thousands of acres ol pine forests are cut down every year, and the timber, constituting the chief ma terial of English and American build ers, is more used than all other kinds of wood put together. Grand SrrcKSS. Gaddysville, Iloloon Go., X. C. .Some time last summer, Curtis it Co., .with whom I am employed received sample bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea icemeuv , w men has been used with grand success. J. T. WlU-IAMS. HA BLED FIELD AND HOG FENCE. C.b'.ed Poultry Fence; Wire Fence Board ; Yard, OmeterT and firave ijdi renrinj rr- - SoSuity. lVePylberrrlSbl. Catalog I ree Mention I hi.- pillar. Chemical Department, Corcoran Scientific School Columbian University , WASHINGTON, D. C. PEPSlNAaOG-UE, A WOXI) URFUL KEMKDY FOU Dyspepsia. Manufactured by Dr. H. 0. HYATT, Kinston, '. C. Mr. W. T. Whitehead, of S-ot!and Neck, X. C, under date of Jan. 12, writes : "I had a severe attack of dys pepsia for two months. I used one Ujttleof I'eisinagogue with im provement. From the second bottle 1 have found great relief. I regard it a wonderful medicine for Dyspepsia." 1 17 tf "W.T. Whitkheap." For sale by E. T. Whitehead & ' ? Scotland Neck, X. C. rzi INSTRUCTION in Inorganic and Or 1 panic? Chemistry. Qualitative Analysis. Assaying of precious metals, ores and bullion. Chemical Technology and Chemical Engineering. Address C1IAS. E. MONROE, Ph. D., Professor of Chemistry. Washington, D C. 7 11 tf CO r- ; k-."jDOOO C L JT A MO oJ uStl.cs B U 3 , I- .C "3 p. J3 a u ti 3 9SJ.-' V"3 3 - "r-n"S: u a. ' B c " tors Sei-B,i SZ O i; Cigarette- Smoking. Seeded. Dr. C. A. Clinton, of the San Fran cisco Board of Education, has made a ppecial study of the effect of cigarette smoking among the oublic-school chil dren oi that city, and expresses himself In the follow ing unmistakable language: "A good deal has been said about the evils of cigarette smoking, but one half the truth has never been told; I have watched this thing for a long time, and I can say calmly and delib erately that I believe cigarette smoking is as bad a habit as opium smoking. I am talking now of boys, remember. The effect upon grown men is, of course, not so marked. "A cigarette fiend will lie and 6teal just as a morphine or opium fiend will lie and steal. Cigarette smoking blunts the whole moral nature. It has an ap palling effect upon the system. It first stimulates and then stupefies the nerves. It sends boys into consump tion. It gives them enlargement of the heart, and it sends them to the insane asylum. 1 am physician to several boys' schools, and I am often called in to prescribe for palpitation ol trie heart. In nine cases out of ten it is caused by the cigarette habi t. Eyery physician knows the cigarette heart I have seen bright boys turned into dunces, and straightforward honest beys made into miserable cowards, by ciga rette smoking. J am not exaggerating. I am speaking the truth, that every physician and nearly every teacher knows." a i .52 5 2 ?r.0 2 ... fe 2 g-- S S OT3 CXS.5 to - 5? to ' v H I i I to.-i,'w caM c I 85-11 5 1? 1-3 81 S. :l3iiii.i i j; III J!t i P -s JEWELRY -AXD- SILVERWARE!!! AVATCIIES AND CLOCKS PUT IN PERFECT HE PAIR. We have engaged the seryices of Mr. J. D. Perry, who has just returned from the Chicago Watch Ma kers' Institute, where he took a thorough course, and is prepared to do ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING And Enjrraviiiir. J. E. WOOLARO, Manufacturer and Repairer of Bniss,-Ctts k WaEMis. I- Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. Gun and Lock-Smith work done at short notice. gjSTALL WORK GUARANTEED. Machine Shops near Brick Mi'.. 6 21 Gm Scotland Neck. X. C. JOHN SKIP WITH, BOOT and SHOE-MAKER, Groceries AXD CONFECTIONERIES. One Door North of Stem's, Main St 7 o ly JrcojxAXD Neck, X. C Established 1801. 1C. MDMcl CO., Cottox Factors and Produce COMMISSION lfERC HANTS, No. 9 Commerce Street, NORFOLK - - VA. Quick Sales and Prompt Returns. ARE YOU GOING This Summer? TolbB Most MitM Spot oil Eartli. CHIMNEY ROCK, iS. C V.rerr riarr-! Warrinlnl. Ud in 1 hoosan ! of Homr. Its 'jalitr t lis uwb Kecom- THE GREAT BRUo IGLEHEART'S White Star Fi EVANSVILLE. N, T II :.:n Wliite eV: P;M1( Cor. Main and Tenth Stmt( II v i: i:i I- I'l l I ! w j m H MARK Ssxaafr Sirii - Si im:i: notions, Soots Clothing:, Dry G--: i Bait 8 ?f I'm ! T,; J Mar 7 Iy. His odice i? at our show window in ' front. All work is guaranteed. j Correspondence and Consignments j Solicited. GIVE HIM A CALL I n m wmTmATJAPO Reference :-Burrus.S Son & Co., ju. i. WiiiJJilAJJ & UU., Bankers ; and others on application. 1 25 tf Scotland Neck, N. C. m jy The Wood of Most Us6s. Scieutijlc A merican. Theoretically speaking, says Timber, of London, Eng., the oak is the wood which can be put to the greatest vari ety of uses, but, as a matter of fact, the pine is most used, on account ol its abundance. The timber of the oak, which combines in itself the essential elements oi strength and durability, hardness and elasticity in a degree Avhicn no other tree can boast, has been used as a material for shipbuild ing since the time of King Alfred. It is also employed in architecture, cabinet-making, carving, mill work, coop ering, and a thousand and one other ways, while the bark is of great yalue as furnishing tan and yielding a bitter extract in continual demand for medi cinal purposes. The timer of the pine is also used in house and ship carpenMy. Com mon turpentine is extracted from it, and much tar, pitch, resin and lamp black. Splinters of the resinous roots Horve the Highlanders instead of can dles. Fishermen make ropes of the Inner "-Ik which the Kamchatdales and Laplanders steep in water and utilize for making a coarse kind of bread. The oil obtained from the What is ,..,! !.o.,iitifnl cn.oi n P:irlli with its IT HI lid Water f,i!!s. pretty little glens, toweriu- mountains and iiiagnifiecnt views, but U is the most pleasant .place in I he mountains. r It is away from the bustle and n-.ise of Rail TTo,-.ds and is thcrciorc, the best llacf to gain health and sec real pleasure. 1 i ..i r v, !.,., r:.-. V.vf.lV V. Wilmington. X . C. or intermediate joints? Parties going to Chimney Rock take the Seaboard Air Line Trains which are the best equipped of any line of Road in the South. T he L. i i ... f ; rK;,,.n,. ith- vtrr to T?nt bnrfordton from which oeaooani au jiinc u.uin-.- ,v- w i I . 1 .11,1 ,.,r.....K.fn i-niH point a connecting line ot stages carries mem oer a spiunmu iinuiu.1.11 i..., "WIEaZ-A-T HOTEL Shall I Stop At? By all means stop at the Mountain View Inn, conducted by Mr. George' 'orton and his estimable wife. The hotel is new, the furniture and fitting-'. of t'.e best, and the surroundings well kept. From the hotel is agr nl view f the most wonderful water falls in the United States, the famous Chimney Wvk, towering hundrtds of fee., into space. Mr?. 1 forton is an estimable lady, making ever' one feel at nome soon as they arrive. She gives Jier ers.'inal attention to lier house-work, and super intends the cooking department, which insures the most perfect cleanliness. The kitchen is ke;;t a clean and neat as the parlor under her management. Mr Horton is a hu.-ticr and believes in having everything lixed to ple.-i.-e Jus guests. He has lawn tennis and croquet grounds, a marble yard, (that is, a yard nicely graded, where the boys, men, and ladies can play the old, but ever new g imes of marble "roll hole, knuckle down, itc") lie has swings, joggling boa-- ! . turn ing boards, and many amusements for the children. He has rustic .-jats over the beautiful grounds. Xo where else can visitors find a place Avheru they can get the comforts and pleasures that they do at Mr. Ilorton's hotel. BUT IS NOT THE PRICE TOO HIGH? No! It is really a puzzle to the visitors how Mr. Horton furnishes the excellent fare and the amusements to visitors that he does for the small charges. Some of his visitors have insisted on paying him more, and this is the reverse of most cases, for it is usual to have visitors growl at high rates. Hi only charges seven dollars per week, or twent-four dollars for a full calendar month. This is valuable information to me, and a number of my friends who are going to take a vacation this summer, and I am certainly under obligation to you and will see you during July and August at Mr. Horion's. By-the-way how far is it from Asheville? Only twenty miles. A three hours drive with a good span of horses will take you to or from the beautiful mountain city, and to Vanderbilt's elegant summer home. In fact it is said that Vanderbilt is going to have a cottage built at a point near Chimney Rock. As to all these points you can write Mu. (Iiiokck P. Horton, Ch.Mnney Rock, N". C. By-the-way, a party of prominent editors visited the place and selected the location as the best place to build an Editorial Club House, and they wrote many words of praise concerning the place and section. I will quote from the following papers: Raleigh. News and Observer. "Here with lofty mountains on each side the most picturesque t-venpry r...-t of the Rockies, we, a party oi editors, have met to see for ourselves and 'eii the world something of the real grandeur and sublimity. It is a rov.-:..-ion, and yet how many are willing to live and die without putting forth one. e.Tort to view this wondrous scenery. The view from the dome of Chimney Rock is superb. It must be seen to be thoroughly understood." Charlotte Observer. "The shades of night were falling as we drew near our destination. The liar vest moon hung in the sky as we rounded Chimney Rock. At our right was Old Boldy, under whose gigantic elifi's we in.-ignificant mortals were creeping along. The river sang a vesper hymn, and it seemed as if nature was offering her evening prayer to the Creator. The view from Chimney Rock jy glorious. But it is useless to describe the beauties of this region. Go and see for yourself." Wilmington Review. "It was up hill and down dale; now in the valley shut in by high hills, and anon skirting the brow of a precipice hundreds of feet above the plain lcn?ath. The country betwecn.Rutherfordton and Asheville is beautiful, rich, prosperous and happy. Ve stood upon the summit of the rugged and picturesque Chimney and gazed abroad for sixty miles, the eye taking in almost at one glance the peaks of a hundred magnificent mountains. The view is simplv sublime." C. A. IT ASH & S02T, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Builder's Hardwaii WOOD AND SLATE MANTELS, 1 1 A DW .1 M 1 1 . , TILING OF EVEIIV DKSCHIITIuN. ., , j John W. Masury & Son's Ready Mixed ESTIMATES CHEEK IT! IV GIVEN ON AITLIC MnN Norfolk'. Yi N'os. f, 7 and 9 ATLANTIC ST., (Near Main Street.. ll if"?;.' vvt.w:." t ,-f V v.-'vp ft-in! tho L :.; Castoria is Dr. Samael Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria la an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers hare repAtdly told me of its good effect upon their children." Dx. O. C. Osgood, Lowell, Mass. Castoria is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the daj is not far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and use Castoria in stead of the rarious quack nostrums which are destroying their lorod ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful Agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature grares." Da. J. F. Kxnchelok, Conway, Ark. Castoria. " Castoria is so well adapted to children thai I recommend it as superior to any prescriptlot known to me." H. A. Abchkr, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y " Our physicians in the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their expert ence in their outside practice with Castoria and although we only have among c:t: medical supplies what is known as reepj'..r products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look witt favor upon it." United Hospital and Dispensary, Boston, Mass Alls C. Smith, Pres., Richmond Dispatch. "There is not a missing element in this beautiful mountain wenerv. There is a succession of grand views all the way for six miles. Xo language can depict the grandeur of the scenery all along the route. The Hroad J Fiver certainly is as picturesque as the famed Swannanoa ; and larger and much more turbulent." Norfolk Virginian. "At every turn of the road as we approach, the mountains unfold, panorama like,displaymg wild grandeur almost and yet fascinating in the extreme. Peak after peak seemingly reaching skyward after supremacy as though spurning the placidity of the valley, and defying the arts of .the city builders of the plain. aw yu,,, . ,.v,.(i lliai SIOOU II poll me Sll III !!! I I ( ; J (;hlnl)f'V ; ' cet L...... - --it Grocer r.a- y 5:'.y ; . . . . . J.V y ':r r-: 1:5 lv lb ili'JiU lUH ii?U lPJliLv0 ill LAW ui. Then wliv nol consult nic ? Ii is i:v . ; I Can Afford You Reliq Ifyourcvc trouble or bcaclacbc i.-. I'm- u- -.'' ' of vision it can be remedied by roj--r t-f : ' ; whatever the case may be. Is it not worth a t::.;: It Costs You Nothing I ivc you, free of cost, the benefit of inv ' : Knowledge of 24 years' experience in t!a- : rlassrs should be recjuired I furnish t!: -m : reasonable prices consistent with lirst-class n.-. Mv Work is Well Known al over ICorth Carolina. I recommend l ' the eve is r.oimal. Dr. D. S. HARMON, Consulting: Optician a:U Master cf Or to. isr, Main Str-t '.VO.7 O..V, 1 .1. JOHSV! O. GAMAGE, WOODSIDK'S WIIAIM', N MM" 1.' " Lime, Laths, Cement, ltf- PLASTER, SLATES. TAR. Sewer and Cliimiiey Pipe, hin !"1 11 QHKLLT IMK AMi T ANI "Tj I - I i UHKI.K LlMi: AMJ LlN! 1 i 11 J Om Rock The outlook was superb beyond description. Richmond Times. u 5h Centaur Company, T7 Murray Street, New York City. S3 -Hickory Xm Cap i the most picturesque section or country to l,c lr.mr1 iTOiighout the Appaiaehii-.n t-haiu. The Hro.-.d River. s, rr-.flr. ... divides the great p r-e, a towenn-, rued height on either de Members of our party Avere viemg with each other in the uo f,f adjectives over the glorious land-cape. T, aiteint description of the great grav peaks' over looking roaring cataracts and smiling v.ties U;low would Ixj but saeri'lee'wii'M, nee a glimpse ha.; heen ohtained." " A STAY -AT OUDINEV ROCK WILL CUKE Malarial Diseasog, BM Poison, Mipstioa, Dyspopia. WITHOUT DOUBT CHIMNEY ROCK HAS The Finest Water in the World. ' For full particulars, Address, Gc. P. HORTOJST, 6 13-1;It Chimney Rock, N. C. COOKE, CLARK & GO,, SASH, DOOES .-. AND . Molti liiiujK, Stair ll'iii, .X'-ul.i, (ir". '',i !,,; . ' I'ojit , Mn, l.h ; d Sl'i' - Buiiders, Hardware, Paints. Oils. Bru- AND Building Material OK KVKUY DKX RII Ti"N NORFOLK 'ii:'-' ' ME. HEATH-SMITH CO, WHOLESALE GROCERS Norfolk, - Va. MEATS AND LAED 4 4 u

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