" Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest US. Gov't i " i , AB.oiAiinsn.v PURE THE DEMOCRAT. LOCAL XEWS. (V.'i . p.. Tin i:-I'AV, AUGUST 1,1805. Ti;riAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. ,. ; , ;.t thirty days we will sell ; . ... --M-k of Summer goods at a f. Hoffman k Bico. (.out's Slimmer Scarfs, your ice for 10c Worth 25c X. B. Josky, .1 -'':' Slippers A..i-t h 1.00. 50c. at X. B. srni : i i: -!-;- i.ition iujkt r) Till !: K i' i'H K NKCK? ..ii I KM) on Your liutton.TH - ira i r.wl surface with soft rdges, vi,i-li rr intrs in contact with the n- Maie of Kratn Chamois. Per- f-'-t r-It;f ; Ji;r.tMe; u&r.d on any !!urt'-n. The nios.? comfortable thirty in foliar Iftittons ever invented. -.rhmfc--Ise like it. Sen! address, : ith o cents (stamps) for samples. , f tiie (loen. 25 ceiits. NV'V. MiS.. Patentees, Aulander, N. C. t. Whitehall & co. md Neck, X. C. - :;r,; Mention this Paper. Z4 i i j.-,,r silO I'.V Scoll K! iV'S PILE SUPPOSITORY j. cuuriuitwl to cure Biles and (Jonstl tV;,,n, ..r money refunded. 50 cents 'ei-lvtx. Send two .stamps for circular tiid fice -ample to Martin Rudy, Reg-:'rp--.l Pharmacist, Lancaster. Pa. Xo j-t.iN an -wered. Eor sale by all first- ,.! .... (IrM-ui-t- everywhere, and at Scot il vck. X. C, by E. T. Whitehead Co. S. H. Hawk-. tfc Co. We call atten tion to the advertisement of these wn tiCinen. Those who wirolm o,ai JL - " y lime t'cc, can do no better than to deal with them. Si'irtru-t. Tir W n- c a. .Tpruui, a prominent ihysicnm of Xush county, commuted suicide last week. He m ...i..i .. . . ... '. . respectable married ladv and papers had been prepared for his arrest TllfJ ..-.. .1.. r - 'w .m uic raus oi tne suicide, it seems. ihat s our: oi:rr. The Sanford JCs- pre.su says : "There is said to be a hy brid cotton growing in Harnett county that bears about three times as many bolls as the average stock of cotton. Its lint is of a line quality and resem bles the Sea Island lint." Croon pAiNTixr;. Mr. J. E. Woolard is doing some very fine buggy painting. A number of persons here have had their buggies painted recently, and Mr. Woobud's work has given entire satis faction. His painter, Mr. Swindell fivm Wa.-hington, is quite proficient in his work. Vine Him. Female Academy. This home school is placed before our read ers this week. The reputation of the school is well established in this region, and the public is quite familiar with the high grade of work done there. It deserves the most liberal patronage of our people. Fayetteyiele Military Academy. We call attention to the advertise ment of this school which appears in this issue. Prof. T. J. Drewry, the principal, was for twelve years associa ted with the Horner School at Oxford. He is known to many people of the State, therefore, and his reputation as an educator is already established in Xorth Carolina. Revenue raid. The Raleigh corres pondent to the Wilmington Messenger said a few days ago : "Two revenue deputies returned here today from a j raid in twelve miles of Weldon on the Work DeHuTCll at Ally Depot. ! I Roanoke river, where they destroyed a 140-gallon illicit brandy distillery and twenty-one hogsheads ot pomace of ap- ( pies, peaches and blackberries." Regard the stock. It will soon be a leisure season for fanners. Many good people come to town and thought-j lessly hitch their horses or mules to a post or a walling where they stand hours and hours together in the hot sun. This injures the stock, besides being a source of severe suffering. In the hot sun the horse or mule gets thirsty and hungry ; and it all could be avoided by a little care. Be merciful to the faithful beasts, for they serve their owners well. Put them in a shade and water them. Arrested for susticious conduct. A colored man named Swarner from Martin county went to Mr. J. T. John son's house a few miles in the country Sunday and started into the dining room where Mrs. Johnson was. He was told not to go in or he would be shot, but he disregarded the warning. Mr. Johnson finally succeeded in get ting him out oi the house, but he act ed so as to cause Mr. Johnson to be lieve he was crazy. He was arrested and brought to town and lodged in jail. Monday he was released. Mayor Perry was of the opinion that he had been on a drunk and was just recovering. THE SOCIAL, SWIM. Going and Coming. umiMjw, ,L i uairTS (Til tea l': mzzmm II 1865. I)o-i-rii- -out to any address FREE. In writing fur them please give age of de-ce.i-t'il ;mtl .-( une limit as to price. All ivnik warranted strictly first-class and entii'r'v sati.-factorY. 3 1 lv .VE.VTIKN THIS TAPER. !i! Eefip. We have ju.-t received a shipment of Joimson's Chill and Fever Tonic it was bought with a distinct under-.-taii l'.ns between the manufacturer and (ur-elves that each and every bottle is piuranteed to cure any of the following diseases : bt-CHlLLs A NT) FEVER. 2:nl-niLI0rS FEVER. I-TYI'HOII) FEVER. kh-1 1 K MO RRHAG IC FEVER. ."th-Ii:(,UE FEVER. Oui-MF.ASLES. TtL-XEFRALGIA. Mh-LA(;UI1TE. fS?.iy, we are willing to sell to you on the same conditions we buy it on. Vv'e will guarantee one single 50c bot tle to ,-ure any of the diseases above enumerated. Failing to do so we will cheerfully return your money. Yours truly, S. T. "WHITEHEAD & CO., Scotland Xeck, X. C. .". I). .losey is selling Mason Fruit JoT--at 7'-. Notice! Notice!! ur ianas are posted. Keep oil them. I shall force the law on all persons, fnontis or foes wjJO disregard this no tice by trespassing on the lands and timber of the .North Carolina Lumber C'-nquny. S. F. Dunn, 17 ly Inspector Notice to Supervisors. The supervisors oj Scotland Xeck town.hij, will meet on the 1st Saturday ln August. s;.-,. (3rd day) sit 11 o'clock 1U f-i.. in the Mayor's office. Road owners are expected to be present their reports. .1. A. Perry, Chairman. '':;r:;nt?e o:ie bottle of John- Mil and F-v-er Tonic to cure any ,,f p., ?jonev back if it fail,. k. T whitehfud & Co. I am selling Entire Stock of Hats at cost. Miss KATE G. TILLER?. lfue pure blood, and the be'st way to have pure blood is to take Hood's Sar- Manila. Death of Herbert Bolton. Herbert Bolton was born Oct. 27, 1878 and died in Scotland Xeck X. C. July 28, 1805. Herbert had naturally a weak con stitution and consequently not suffi cient vitality to resist the inroads of typhoid fever. Those who knew him best say that he was a boy of exception al piety. He loved the Sunday-school and church, and loved to be with Christian people. He expressed an earnest desire to get well that he might get to church on Sunday, but when he realized that he was not to enjoy this privilege he submitted without a mur mur. Frequently during his sickness he talked to his father and friends oi his trust in God, and had them pray with him while he himself joined heartily in the prayer. His funeral was preached in the .bap tist church Monday after-noou and his remains laid to rest in the Baptist cem etery. A father, mother, little sister and a numbe- ol friends grieve for their loved one who has gone before. The God of all grace comfort youv hearts ! V. R- C. 1. S. Mr. and Mrs. Bolton wish to express their hearty thanks to the peo ple of Scotland Xeck for their many kindnesses. ' What causes bad dreams is a question i,nt hns never been satisfactorily an- QUOrPrl but. in nine cases out of ten, rhffnl dreams are the result of im- ,.,.wt, digestion, which a few doses of Aver's Sarsaparilla will effectually rem- Rev. W.J. Smith has returned from Flat Rook. Mr. Wells Tillery,cf Tillery, was here this week. Mr. R. H. Salobury of Ilassell was here Monday. Mr. J. W. Higgs of Greenville wa here last week. Mr. A. S. Dunn and family went last week to Old Point. Mr. Jos. Stern returned Friday from a trip to Washington. Miss Xora Johnson went to Rose Hill on a visit Saturday. Miss Leola Shaw of Littleton is visit ing Miss Lillle Allsbrook. Mr. J. C. Randolph, Jr., of Oxford, has been here on a visit this week. Mr. John Bagley of Littleton is here visiting his aunt, Mrs. X. B. Josey. Dr. C. A. Whitehead came home last week after several days' absence. Mess. W. G. Lamb and son of Wil liamston spent a day in town last week. Rev. W. R. Cullom spent last week about Warrenton and returned Satur day. Mrs. Mary A. Moore returned Mon day from several weeks visit to Golds- boro. Mrs. X. B. Josey returned Friday from a yisit to her parents at Wake Forest. Mr. II. E. Bigg? left Saturday on a trip in the interest of his insurance company. Rey. Mr. Phelps of Littleton preach ed in the Episcopal church here Sun day morning and night. Mr. J. L. Bell came home last week to spend his vacation from his work as telegraph operator with his parents. Mr. Willie Madry, who is doing bus iness at Kingsboro, spent a day or two here last week visiting his mother. Mr.'T. M. xVIlsbrook Avho works with the X. C. Lumber Co., at Tillery, spent some days last week with his parents. Mrs. Capt. Allison oi Charlotte came last week on a visit to her relatives, the families of Dr. Johnson, J. T. Brinkley and George L. Hancock. Mr. Walter Cotton and bride, after spending a week or two with his pa rents and relatives, returned to their home in Charleston yesterday. Mr. W. H. Drew who has been at Xewport Xews for a year or so, was in town last week. He says he likes that town and business is good there. Miss Lelia Shields returned from a isit to Greenville last Saturday. She .as accompanied by her sister, Mrs. E. B. Higgs and her little daughter Mar-gurite. Mr. A. B. Hill, Jr., who has been teaching several years at Beaufort, came up Tuesday. He has been quite successful at Beaufort. His friends are glad to see him. The Warrenton Record says that Mrs. Ella Finch of Littleton, daughter of Capt. Furgerson, has received a scholarship in the Cooper Art School of Xew York and will take a three years' course. Rev. J. R. Sawyer of Williamston spent Saturday and Sunday in this community. He with Rev. H. M. Jackson held quarterly meeting at Ep- worth Sunday. Mr. Sawyer preached in the Methodist church here Sunday night. Rev. S. F. Conrad, of Winston, who has been holding a meeting with Rev. J. A. McKaughan at Halifax, spent Sunday night and Monday here. He preached in the Baptist church Sunday night. He raised some money for :ome churches he is building in the western part of the State. A Marriage anj a Death. The Baptist Orphanage. The annual meeting of the Board of Trustees of this Institution was held at Thomasville last week. Rev. J. B. Boone oi Windsor was elected as gen eral manager. Mr. J. H. Mills has been the manager of the Orphanage since its establishment about ten years ago, and has done a great work for the helpless and homeless. Rev. Mr. Boone is well known to the Baptist denomiion and is well fitted for the work. Mr. Ivey Allen of Littleton was elect ed Treasurer of the Orphanage in the place of Rev. W. S. Hall. Mr. X. Biggs, who was the first donor to the orphanage and has been a member of the Board oi Trustees from the first, has returned and reports the institu tion in good condition. To Make Pure Blood There is no medicine before the peo ple equal to Hood's Sarsaparilla. It is the standard spring medicine and blood purifier and it possesses peculiar merit which others try in vain to reach. It really makes the weak strong. Do not neglect to purify your blood this spring. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla now. Hood's pills become the favorite ca thartic with every one who tries them. 25c per box. Great Closing out sale of Summer goods at M. Hoffman & Bro's. Acreuas Srp.iNt.s, July X, On last Wednesday night Miss Eliza Dickens was married to Mr. Tnedore Carter at the residence of Capt. W. T. Jenkins. The bride i the daughter of Mr. Mark Die ken. The croom if quite young, being only j-ixtcn years of age. He is the son of Mr. Wade Carter. Their friends wish them a long and happy life. Last Tuesday night Mrs. EIizalcth Dickens wife of Mr. Jimrnle Dicken died at 'J o'clock at her home near Tabor church. She was a Christian lady, memWr of the Baptist church. About ten daya before her death she was taken sick with typhoid fever and continually grew worse until .-he died. There were many friends by her bed side to bid her farewell. Her friends showed her much respect and gave her their best attention. Mrs. DicKeu? leaves two sons and a husband to weep for her. Her remains were interred in the Tabor burial grounds Thursday af ternoon, Rey. Davison officiating. B. S. C. Beautiful Home Wedding. CorreBpondwice to The Democrat) GoLDsnoRO, X. C, July 2G, 1815. On Wednesday July 21th at 1 :15 p. m., at the residence of the bride's pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hollowell on south William street of this city, Mr. David M. Prince and Miss Minnie Deems Hollowell were united in the holy bond of wedlock, Rev. Jno. T. Al britton of Mt. Olive officiating. The organ was graceful!' presided over by Miss Mary Prince, sister of the groom. Mr. Claude W. Wilson, the best man, entered the parlor with the groom, while the-bride, dressed in a neat trav elling suit of gray, entered leaning on the arm of her sister, Miss Rena. The bride and groom met at the south win dow7 and there assumed the vows that joined "two hearts that beat as one." Mr. Prince graduated at Wake Forest College a lew years ago and is now the efficient co-principal of Scotland Xeck Male Academy. He is a man of broad ideas and possesses many excellent traits. Mrs. Prince is an aimiable and accomplished young lady and an honor to the social circle. It was a very pretty homo marriage, only the immediate families of the contracting parties and a lew especial friends being present. The array of bridal presents contained beautiful arti cles, which silently expressed the love for the happy couple. They left amid showers of rice on the southern train for a two weeks' tour through Western Xorth Carolina. Their friends are very sincere in expressing the wish that all joy and prosperity may attend them unto a green old age of happy memo ries, in common with the days they have pent together. Mr. and Mrs. Prince will arrive home at Scotlaud Xeck about August six teenth. A. U. K. The Baptist Female University. Editor Democrat : Allow me to say that my experience at Scotland Xeck m pleading the cause of this enterprise, has been a most pleasant one. I have been cordially welcomed on the streets and in Christ ian homes, patiently listened to and substantially encouraged. When we add to the amount already contributed, what a number of breth ren have determined to do this fall, I believe that Scotland Xeck will be in the van oi the great array of workers who will make our Baptist Female University in every way worthy of the denomination that it represents; Delightfully entertained, I go away with happy memories, of this town of lovely homes. What a troop of bright girls are growing up here to be trained in mind and heart for Christian service ! J. Hartwell Edwards, Scotland Xeck, X. C, July 27, '95. Oxford and First Honor Men. Oxford has long ranked as one of the leading educational centres of the State and now a bold challenge is made to the State in which a scholarship at the Horner School, worth $250, is offered to any town or city in the State that has furnished more first-honor gradu ates at the University, Davidson, Trin ity and Wake Forest Colleges, during the last three years, than Oxford. Further, the Horner School offers a scholarship, giving all the college fees free, at any college in the State to the scnool that has furnished more honor men at these colleges than the Horner School. There are cities in the State with five or ten times the population of Oxford and schools with four or five times the number of students oi the Horner. Can they afford to let the claim eo unchallenged? The Horner School offers a prize of 1150 for the best satisfactory explana tion of this pre-eminence on the part of Oxford, written by a boy under 14 years of ase. The terms and condi tions of the contest can be learned by writing to the Horner School. Char lotte Observer. Credit to Hood's It Curd All My Affliction. 44 For ten yr I have coffered terrfblr from general debility, and last winter u witn money iron Die, leenand heart diaeaae. in my back, Mr and attacked ao bad ttOarffemeni ot apli afierln treat Daln in my back. Mr legs, l read about Uood'a banapariua. I bought one bottle and began taking it. g Saraa- partua Tax Collector's Notice. For all State and County taxes for 1894 not settled by 3rd day of August, 1895, 1 shall advertise and sell property to collect same at once. 8 1 It C. W. Dunn, Collector for Scotland Xeck township. OLD XEWSPAPERS HERE 40 cents a hundred. After the first bottle fpQ I felt eo mnch better (V that I decided to oon- ffa tinue and have taken over alz bottlea. Today my health la better than it ha been for more than a decade. I have no kidney, heart or spleen difficulty, and am in duty bound to give Hood's Barsaitarilla the credit of curing my afflictiona.'' Joseph Foud, Ridge Church, Virginia. Hood's Pills act harmoniously lth Hood'i Sarsaparilla and are genUe, mild and eSectlTa, 8. H. HAWES & CO.. DEALERS IX COAL, Lime, Plaster -AXD CEMET.- Richmond, Virginia. 8 1 3m M FAYETTEYIELE ILITARY ACADEMY Prepares lor College or Business. Absolutely healthful location. Genu ine home with refined surroundings. Principal and Instructors live in same building with cadets, ready at all times to aid them in their work. Siecial care of small bovs. Terms verv low. For prospectus apply to T. J. DREWRY, Principal, 8 1 1m Fayetteville, X. C. S. E. ALLEY, rlOTOGJUPHEIl, Tarboro, N. C. EXLARGLNG AXD COPYING A SPECIALTY. ALL WORK WILL HAVE MY PERSONAL ATTEXTIOX. Prices Moderate AND All Work Guaranteed First-class. 0 27 tf To Those Who Are in Neefl of Help. DO YOU SUFFER from lost manhood and the ills that accompany it, whether from errors of youth, over work, or old age? Do you desire to ob tain a "new lease on life"? I can cure vou, broken and run down, human. Write to me. Letters strictly confiden tial and cost nominal. Thousands are thanking me every day ; why not you? Mention this paper, and address descril ing your case, JAS. A. SMITH, Drugget, 6 27 0m Xevton, X. C. G-uano. Allwho want Guano by the bag, ton or car load call on me. J. L. KlTfUIN, Scotland Neck, X. C. Sufferers from sick-headache, indi gestion, and biliousness may always find speedy relief in the u.e of Aver's Pill.-. Tnere is no other medicine in pharmacy which goes so directly to the source of these maladies and brings about so thorough and radical a cure. Thej cleanse the stomach, liver, and bowels, and, to a certain extent, purify the blood of waste products; at the same time, they act as a health-giving tonic to all the tis-ue involved m the complex process of digestion. In this way, they effectually relieve headache, nausea, indigestion, bil:ounes, and waterbrash, and prevent diarrhoea, or summer sickness. They are, therefore, indispensable in seasons when bowel complaints or malaria prevail, and should go with the tourist to the moun tains or the seaside. Aver's Pills are sugar-coated and eay to take. They quickly dissolve on reaching the stom ach, consequently their full medicinal strength is soon realized. They were awarded the highest honors at the Chi cago World's Fair. HhlvKY OF Tin.. 1T l.roLU! :; Bay One. Orly Ten Crnta. A !!. al!rcijtc !is t ttf n.j:m-t.,al r.ey ('..:! to Uh r! . ! ii l.vt I': it'.vr. ihf w i .rt Iciiture. .r lhl . f 1 eer ' b'el in . !.k chr 1U nsnl a:;-! tf.ith. f "'') . It f iM ?rt afJ r?r: r- r i t!--rUj:h!y rrli-U-Ir. J: f..4 !r-i j..-v. prM b f t 1m I v-.j.. ? mrttr in '.l.o "tvo K"r pa!r -t. pM-f '! . t try !vfturrat .; .1 j Prist1" 1 ! : j : p ! L.twt.'f i h , . b i :. ; on .k'o at ! t . ;.. . . . .v.! ir ., 1' M i : ; I "i i ;? : n , i . - Hog : Cholera -'ri:n .4 ! ll l " 4 t WHO'S SHELLABERGER? 1 !' J." :s" I ft. tn:;.. . i V ; ta, ;.i . an i -:; tin i . fencing in ru-tt . f .r ..!! j.?: " . .V-H ' t ' r AlminU(nilir o!lv, , 4. ) Havtng pi.tlita! a t'!ni:i:i-t..:.,. ,.n tilt' -tstt 'f ('. ". .'..s . I licn l-y r.otify all rntiit..! . t -'r to tn'.'i;i! tl,iir i l.iim- Jm d.i- at ! :.: - ' !. N. C u r N-f. .r tl.t 1-t .1 iy . -f J,. 1 r th i ii. ! hv w i V, i p' .t !. i- t t of their reo.'eiy. Ail j r- i:. '. to -a I f (atf will 0'll:' f- ..?l !! tti at cine aiil -.e n-t f -mm Tin li'.-l d.iv of Ji.tx- l;'.'. -7 H ' i. p. M....M . A It-.- i. t -IN MAJOR CHOLERA SORE. n !; E. T. WHITEHEAD L COS Ism Military ;: Academy ! In C"n-.)iionce J the niii .d of I , l ' , ( , . Fayette ille to WiIon. tl, iuiuc of ir wt --j .! ,r -r ' . will hereafter U known a- the WiNm : :'.-A,t' U-ti . Fall Tenn begins Wednesday. Sept. 4. 1805, With greater facilities U-ikm ; . . t; f ti--! !. . i j . S possible, brighter pn-tt-, t In -ebo I .'! o- i is !!.; ! . . . j. kiration of a much larger patrnnai and mniv -eiser it ... ' . '11 . ... . . 1 i. : . . ... . . . , i branches ; and moral culture and pli .: i! tr.iiiun. ri vm- .' ' , , Tlie Third Annual Amnntnt'tiii'iit. - ui t i 1 1 1 1 1 ft,:! p,::!. .! .: ' -( , el to any addn ujhiu application. l-e , ma J. j. w. . w , : - 7 is Hrn . , SCOTLAND NECK MALE) SCHOOI The only High Grade Hoard itur S-!i1 in E.ite?i ..:-!: . ' I. ....d "-.ui .Men. EXCELLENT LITEIIAKV .K-Ii;riI. roM PI. P. I I! Ill - I 1 t Thorough Course of Instruction. Its purpo.-e Is to stimulate it- I .). t.i n bi tter !t t! . f i . ; ! : ! physical life and leae them a heritaye f ple.t-a:,t men.-jj ... NEXT SESSION IIECIXS AlCI ST-s Send for (catalogue. ; -jo :!m 7.7.Vr; 117 w V .-nil ' mi is mm 3 Black, Tan, Cream, Light Blue. White and Pink stockings Ladies' sizes only these lace, or open work ankie and instep and very line quality, are here 25c. a pair. That they are Stockings, that sell everywhere for 50c, iv who sees them will doubt. The : on we sell them for half that ir; they are summer stockings tli porter having 45 dozen only, cl them to us at just half the price ed one month ago. one sed ask- Ladies' Mits. pure silk, fast brilliant black, in size ; only large enough for a lady wearing 6 3-4 kids, 10c a pair to close, these mits area decided bargain. Mosquit bars, nine yards around, 90 inches wide, made on patent hard wood can opy and ready to hang. $1.25. Care fully note that these are the size and quality sold m the city at $1.50. One case half bleached Turkish bath tow els, 16x34 inches and good. 5c e-tch. Men s Shirts, pure linen pleated bosom, open front and back, good muslin. Shirts lit for the finest trade. 50c each. MAILORDERS IMIO.WTLY FILLED. mm TI7A IT. RETTE W & CLAY. 78 and 80 Mam St, "KTORPOLK. - - "Vl. edy. jjon i aeiay u v--

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