COUMRY LIFE. ITS VAEIED PLEASURES. Nature's Lessons. Elizabeth llixlund in Home Journal. That a great manv people do not enjoy tlie country is made finite clear Th::o Printers Again. Kiii.'tan J'' ill' 'ifK.f. The .-tare printers in puMi-hin.' tl e li.-t of magi.-1 rates chantre-l the names in 20'.) eases and added S- n.-.n.cs not shown on t he certified li.-t. Tiie term.- ' ouice of magistrates have heen changed m 89 cases. Six name- on the STEEL WIRE FENCE BOARD. changed m W cases. Six name- on thf by the mo-lern tendency to crowd into t , . , certified list have Uten droi.i.ed hv the the town and cities, and the stranw 11 - a untIc VL'nllWI 1 i nl Otrucu .ri-: ..,,,..1 -,,,-! i., . ! I.- 1 . . , - ...... -vcu Pt aud Hails a .Specialty. Pj ike rn,L Catalogue and testimonies free. K. L. SHELL.4LKKC tit, ATLA.MA. OA. the towns and cities, and the .strange reluctance of many t3 exchange a life .State printers. If all these 11 'J changes of suffering and deprivation in the citv StatC I,rintera arG vcr-v for a freer and more comfortable exis- lnco,niten' lf the re in- tence away from it. tentiona! tlie State printers acted un- T lawfully. Hon-is it? m - vim ii'ji imiutru iiini iarm Jiie 13 less cheerful than before the intro- t;on tliis paK?r. PEPSlNAG-OG-UE, A WONDERFUL REMEDY FOR Dyspepsia. Manufactured by Dr. II. 0. II V ATT, Kiiiston, N. ('. Whitehead, of Scotland ti MmN 1 ri-c . i i i- r i . run. in nts ftoptKHl free bv Dr auction of m ir-binnrv T .ah ,knn,l rn: . . J.1 IV , ,, , r . . , ,r i. wiiteneal, of Scot and of all the young ieopIe were needed at irfterf n , f'velous cures. Xeck x (J ? ,mdcr da(e ( J;m 1 lllitl UUiJLili J II Hi TO r II I n-nf . t T 1 .1 - , sia for two months. I used one A lilUClCIIUIlil, x Chemical Department, Corcoran Scientific School Columbian University, WASHINGTON, D. C. Address CJLVS. E. MONROE, Ph. D., I'rofessor of Chemistry. Washington, D. C. 7 n tf I (p K rt O 0) . - - w n 5 . ""2-a rt ui T V" o . . .USO 1 o o .Q C5 S-3 3 S-o o.a.E C-a-o S-c ' &"S 3 s2 tr.E 11 0" R - at -Q CO flj U household, and their gay youni? spirit their fun, jokes and love-making kept the whole countryside alive and alight, and provided interest and amusement for their elders as for themselves. Now tlie horse rake, the patent mower, reap er and binder, the improved chum and butter worker, the neighboring cannery and the sewing-machine have super seded the young fingers and scattered the farm broods far and wide to search for work and make new homes. The farming districts are less thicklv neo- INSTRUCTION in Inorganic and Or quieter for the lack of the cheerful metals, ores and bullion. Chemical young lite and the old-fashionoH hr,. Jec'in'y and chemical Engineering j fun. It is impossible to put back the hands on Time's clock and restore a phase of life that has vanished, but many a woman whose ties and duties bind her to a lonely country district is fretting her heart out for lack of interests and pleasures outside of her daily round of labor. She pines for the companion ship of her kind, for the cheerful little play of life and gossip which would make her forget for awhile the dull succession ot duties that form the sum of her existence. These are they who need to learn how to enjoy the country who need to have their eyes opened to the many pleasures and interests lying to their hand did thev choose to ayail themselves of them inter ests that they shut their eyes to, pleas- icjr icivec to accept. Nothing will ever he so valuable to human beings ad the companionship or other human beings, but lacking these why not make companions and friends ot the lower forms of life? Most country people live surrounded bv chickens, horses, cattle, pigeons," dogs, birds and a thousand wild things and creeping insects, and yet not one in a hundred so surrounded ever opens his eyes to see all the humble tragedies and comedies in play about him, and is too scornful of the minor creatures to care to observe how like they are in charac ter and fate to himself, too indifferent to liind pleasure in winning the love or entering into the lives of his daily companions. "I've no time to be running after vi.vu1CO-1,ukwi- nuo ants' nests, U 25 tf watching the birds bring up their young, or stroolmg about tne country in search of beetles !" says one. But no time taken from duties is required for such knowledge. The only thing -a needed is to keep one's eyes wide open "hen crossing the pasture, to watch the Hedgerows on the way to church, to have an occasional eye upon the friend ly little bam swallows breeding under the eaves as one sits sewing on the porch. It does not take long, as one opens the house for the day some clear dewy morning, to step upon the grass for an instant and examine the marvel ous art of the bright-eyed spider who has spread all the lawn with "queen's table-cloths," that are heavy with the moisture of night and lie bleachin- in the early sun, ready for m.warv little feet and wings. It consumes but a ve. v tew seconds to watch the ants milkin their tiny green cows the! des that crowd upon the delicate shoots ot the wandering branch of honevsncc le which one is twisting back into place. Once in touch with all these humb! folk affectionately interested in, an observant of thpm . iu country is never again bare and lonely. Most people think such affection and such interest quite beneath their proud place as human beings, but thev forget that Shakespeare, who knew the heart 01 kings and conquerors, did not dis- aa.nto know the habits of the humblest .l ' ,0rget thnt e loftiest sc.ent.hc minds think none of God's creatures unworthy the Profoundet study. "lie prayeth best wholdyeth best All things both great ana small, For the great God who loveth as, ' He made and loved thein all , v..w j. ,u ui.'. X Utll Oil bottle of rensinarroL'iie with l " - . . . . V- . I. ... 'J 1' I U'.'LIIU 1 have found great relief. I regard it a wonderful medic ine for Dvsjiepsia." 1 1' II "H . 1. IIITKHKAP. For sale by E. T. Whitehead t Co.. Scotland Neck, N. C. I I WOOLARD J.E. .Manufacturer and Repairer of Breps, Calls ARE YOU GOING This Summer? To (lie Most Beautifnl i oa Eartii. CH!5?I!E ROCK, N. C IItctt Barrel Warrant!. t.-d in Thootard of Horn. Its oualur it its v n Kecum. JTHE GREAT BAEa7- IGLEHEARTS White Star F5i vasville, ND 7 11 .in Wiiite cS: P.-mfj (r. Main and Tenth Strools, v.' I r.7 have i:r n v n i l. 1 1 i , , fin ""WHY ilorse-Shoemg a Specially. "Girn and Lock-Smith work done it nhort notice. LL WORK G UA RA NTE E D. Machine Shops near Brick Mill. 6 21 Gm Scotland Nkpk- v n JOHN SKIPWITH, BOOT and SHOE-MAKER, A"NI- SILYERWARE!!! ) ATUHE8 AND CLOCKS TUT IN perfect repair. We have engaged the services of Mr. J. D. Perry, who has just returned from the Chicago Watch Ma kers' Institute, where he took a thorough course, and is prepared to do ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING And Engraving. His office is at our .how window in HVE HIM A CALL Groceries AND CONFECTIONERIES. One Door Xorth oj Stern's, Main St. lv Scotland Neck, n. C EslabliaJted 1SU1. I C. HADORET I Cottox Factors axd Produce Wo, 9 Commerce Street, NORFOLK - - va Quick Sales and Prompt Returns". Kefekenck :-l!,T,lg, , ... E. T. WHITEH-R An & 1 efeKE Scotland Neck. '!'n I bankers : and others on apnlication ' ti i , 11. X ly mo ' , i ' ",1,JS "nu niagnincont views, l.iit it is the m"' r'-? place lnfhc mountain.--. ft i-- aw.-tv from tlm l.-i' f. t, , . . Ph'ce ,ip.,,, i :": ' UI Iiau UO;Ul- fd therefore, the le-t i"- -,.n,i i j o.i t . ii .-1 1 1 f 1 see r'al piea.-ure. iioW (!() VOIl LTOt them f.,.ir. 1 !..f.. f.. X'. r !i -.-r Siltr ;"'e c'i'"i;i11 y line of i;;i i ,i,o soml Tl O $'ZL ".,o ,nm which . v.. , i.iiiug .-Cl-IJt"I V. "WSI.T HOTEL Shall I Stop At? By all means ptop at the Mountain View Inn conducted J.v Ar,. ru .oW!rinJ mXS; :ri,,,m,ed s,,"cs '" hmoa -"'' TXt'V? eryone fee. , intends tho V. ...r '" ' "."'n to tier Iiouso-h-oA, and s,,Cr. H.. 1, h. ie . ' t .v 'I' ?? ,l,eP'lrlof : nlor her,an.,en,ent. .Mr! He has la-r. ,m" 'J,: . -""lu verylhis fixed to plea hi., bu0,k i"g board., and n J i'i 2 .,?e,J!fttI,) '- t un- the beautiful grounds VoupU - c" uren; ,ile r"ic v0: ovor BUT IS NOT THE PUICE TOO HIGH' ofmo;,SR.h i l. wtaOU h,m i"C, and this i the rover going to take a vacation thi ' j t "T " ' who are home. In h,et i, ls said 'Z, vin dor , J i'" "f ''""'""tMunn,,.,. point near Chi - io lo nave a cottage tnilf t ., many words of praise concerning the ni. V Jlul!se- ana they wrote following vapeA; COnceinin- the Pe and section. I will (jUoto fom (he Raleigh News and Observer world somethingsthe3 real gnmdeur suid s?!i ii!m!. '-1. the ana yet how mnnv nro i.-im.w. . it i a reve .i! i;.:, to view tins wondrous ,eerv . T , f-""' "' -'f--t ock Is superb. It must be'leen to be Ui'uudeXod0 "' Uhi MARK U I notion Slier Gi Clothing, Dry Gc:s, Soots, Shoes, Hats, asi a Fins Li:: :: r .Afar 7 ly. C A. HASH & SOU, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Builder's Hardware, WOOD ANI)LATKMANTi:i.S,llA.n)W(MI) M AN I I - N TILINt; OF KVKUV DKsi'IIM'TImv ...-x, . John W. Masury & Son's Ready Mixed P . . J-..-M i i . i i;s (;ifi:i:i;i ti.ia (JIVKN ON AI'l'l.HJA I lo.V Norfolk. Virdir' Xos- 7 ATLANTIC? ST., (.Near Main Stn.-t.; ' ' ,r-'jA-,-'..'i.' f jldi tiUT. ' i 7."7T !. . . . . - 1. l, 1 I M liiiif, . o 1 " . L r --yc-iJ'.. , . : ...... . . . -:-tMime tt: . ..v lo- ; .-. . . ' .... . 'j : o . ( v o. C. r. ' : i. : i:i Iv ohligatious lj Jiy-tho-way Charlotte Observer. What is m1" SlamUe PitCher,s Pcrlption for Infants "The .slindpq nf Tiil,f r.ii vest moon hu, j T, ' s I lil,nnpf as drew near our destination. Tho h,,. M lioldy, unde; wW Jfi t o" i0""1' At ''t w Is along. Thonvr J.? "'1!1"1 uo 'Kn'ncant mortals were creenrn,. her-Pvoni,,., : IJTiU, and it denied as if n..,t,,ro ....... ,t. ...... n. Wilmington Review. I anon skirting the brow of ril.ico hunr, Z 1,1 h-v hih "-S and The countrv hotu-o ' !. Ke n"5nk of feet ahove the ,,,.,; and ha,,,,,,' . .VeZd" ; 1'"'; Chimney and rrnrpd ni.,..i t. J :.A ,ne.:um"nt of the rugged and t.iVtur lncoujope. of a hundred '. t t one JTLlOh innnrl TW here is not a . . ...... a succession r.f V.7r. .Vr"1 111 u,ls autiful mountain s,Pnnn- -r,. I tJe grandeur of the scenerv all aloir - tnVroute T. t :uU;l-e an depict as Picturesque as the famed J li'10 ,I5n,;,d. ,;cr certainly is , m,! ;uki mucfimore turbulent." IB There Any Eye Trci-bio i!i Yeiir Fami!. Incn why not consult inc? it i.; uunx: t!; ' ' . ' 1 Can Afford You Relief, IF vmir tivinlil,. :,. .1... . 1. . , " 1 - 1 liv.nirtv ,11 i . 4 I 1 ( J t . - I J i I 1 I . '. , , 1 ' 1 of vision it can be remedied by proper -tm, ,!,!, ,! i : whatever the ease may be. Is it not worth a tiial ' It Costs You Nothing! I crivo irn -T.-W. ,.f it. 1 1. r - j ' v.- com, me Deneiit 01 m v i:h:' Knowledge of 21 -."r' cvn.r;,.,.,.,. t ... 1.' ;. r v.j-v 1 iv niv, ill 1111. I ' iiM glasses should be required I furnish thnn .if ti : reasonable prices consistent with first-class oods. My Work is Well Known al over North Carolinn. T .,,,,...,.1 1 ........ I VV.lliilllL 1111 11' ; j i " 1 1 . the eye is nomial. Dr. D. S. HARMON, Consulting: Crucian and lister of Optics. Norfolk Virginian. .1 At CVerv torn rf ,.J ... 'like.disnl.m , ..r1.3!'. mountain, unfo.d , after opnt.- u.;i - J- 1 jet fa.scinatinL' in 1,0 nvi,,.., r. . 1 -... .uiiuiN reaenmsf skvward -iffn,- i eaK placidity of the valley, and defvn V he F n"aS i,S, t,i?I""h '"' the 0 , 11 nly a lew years ,e m -,n !, r " Ci'i' I,ulMp "f the Rock. TheoutlookvasSupe, l: ": lJV? the P,nm if of Cirney r ''JJJ Castoria. Hichmond Times. drlS 18 u eXOellect medicine for chil I ! " haTO rePatly told me of its good effect upon their children." Dr. G. C. Osgood, Lowell, Mass. " Castoria is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real 1ST tH he!r. Children " C-tortS stead of the vanousquack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium morphine, soothing syrup and other hurt ui -ents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature grares." Da. J.F. Kinchklok, Conway, Ark. Castoria. " Castoria is so well adapted to children tha, 111c ,n A Archkr. m. d., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y "Our physicians in the children's depart ruent have spoken highly of their erf ence m their outside practice with CaSS. and although we only have among "u medical supplies what is known as rejm r products, yet we are free to confess thalth'e merits of Castoria ha, won us to look with favor upon it." United Hospital asd Dispknsart, Boston, Mass 'Hickory Vnf ,1 . tbroujrhout th.;l".r.WAI,lct".re9'!l,e wfon of countrv fo , divides the jrreat gor-e e vin" , Jrad Klve'' ;l tle,; c v,taUt o ' Members (,for ,f;Jrte' V' 5..a .werl r'eI height on Li'0.:. "" ,1 1 - 1 . 'U!- witll e:ich r.fl.nv .' , - MUe. .1 m',andl'e- T' on,nt a de-cr i i ,t o .V r 1 . o abject 1 yes over vn,n.niB ioarinr cataracts and .nii'i- v-.h. ri , 1 Kn,-V Paks, over 'nee a irlimnsp x'"eh ,J&1"W would he hut .,r- ,1.. (j f " . v ...i uuuu IlL'U. ' 11CI) JOHr? O. GARflAGE, WOODS II) K'S WII.Vl.T, f ll i . Y . Lime, Laths, Cement, liair. PLASTER, SLATES. TAR. Sewer and (Jiiiinney ripe, Ilrain Til.-. OiiKi.i. hi.MK am Lam I ;..v-ii.i, 1 1 I Bin ib'iG Oil mm A STAY AT ( HDINEl K0CK WILL CURE I Allen P Stmra r company, TT Mw,y Strt, New York City. m fti, Bloorl Poison Migssii Dysnepsia, WITIIOl'T DOl-IiT CHIMNEY ,!(ck HAS The Finest "Water in tnn COOKE, GLARK & CO., SASH, .-.DOGES.-, and .-. BLIItf ! Ill I'd , St ft 2r l'..'i I 7 , l('nl, ;rf,, yi,.,,lh . . ''"J"', Mr,hi:,d Slat, M,,i.i. Builders' Hardware, Paints, Oils. Brushes -. .. j -Building Material "r i:vi:uv HK.-r;:i:-n. - - . vii:,,:;,. HEATE-SMITO WHOLESALE GROCERS. For full particulars, Addrts, G. P. H0RTOJNT 01312t f,.. , Chimney Rock, N. C. Norfolk, - Va. MEATS AND LARD. iitt 1 ...,-...:..' .. ..atlniiry,... ' ,.. , mi ii ill 1 " - "

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