t -A VI ADVERTISING IF YOU ARE HUSTLER i.vj Tor ft Business. IS TO MOCRA BUSINESS -WHAT STEAM IS TO- Macliinery, Be A I HE s That Grki Propelling Power. Write up a nice advertisement about your business and insert it in THE DEMOCRAT, and youH "?ee a change in business all aroimd." PROFESSIONAL. r. w. o. Mcdowell, D Xew Hotel, Main Office North corner Street, Scotland- Neck, N. C. Alvavrf at his office when not professionally engaged elsewhere. R. FRANK WHITEHEAD, D Office North corner New Hotel, Main Street, Scotland Neck, N C. Always found at his office when not professionally engaged elsewhere. 7 0 ly D R. A. C. LIVERMON, Office Over J. D. Ray's store. Office hours from 9 to 1 o'clock ; 2 to 1 o'clock, p. in. 2 12 ly SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. D AVID BELL, Attorney at Law, ENFIELD, N. C. Practices in all the Courts of Hali fax and adjoining counties and in the Supreme and Federal Courts. Claims collected in all parts of the State. 3 8 ly W. A. DUNN, A TT 0 R X E Y-A T-L A TF Scotland Neck, N. C. Practices wherever his services 2 13 lv are required. D R. W. J. WARD, Surgeon Dentist, Enfield, N. Office over Harrison's Druf Store. 2 7 05 ly C. E DWAED L. TRAVIS, Attorney and Connselor at Law, HALIFAX, N. C. Money Loaned on Farm Lands. 2-2 My MENTION THIS PAPER. STILL HERE JOHNSON The Jeweler, "With a thorough knowledge of the business and a complete outfit of tools and material, I am better prepared than ever to do anything that is expected ol a first class watch-maker and jeweler. A full line of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Spectacles and eye glasses properly fitted to the eye. free of charge, Ail work guaranteed and as low as good work can be done. Sewing Machines adjusted and re jiftired. iTSLook for my big watch sign at tbe New Drug Store. W. H. JOHNSTON. Scotland Neck. N. C. 10 6 tf mi m b i i NOW ON HAND. WILL SELL THEM CHEAP. "Also will take contract to gSTTiirnish lots trom 50,000 filSor more anywhere within "50 miles of Scotland Neck Can always furnish whatjg you want. Correspond-gjfjf ence and orders sohcited.grj? "D. A. MADDI17, 1-10-05-1 y Scotland Neck, N. C. MENTION THIS PAPER. E. E. HILLIARD, Editor and Proprietor. vol. xn. ANNUAL ACCOUNT FOR 13S5. Office of Board of Commissioners. Annual report of accounts ar.dited and approved by the Board of County Commissioners for Halifax county, N. C, and also of allowances for which no vouchers are filed, for twelve months ending November J'Jth, Is'J.j, in ac cordance with Section 713 of the Code December 3, 1891. Rev R T Vann, rebate M II Clark, hauling coal Willcox Bros, coal for county Jno Fenner, work for county J B Brickell, corn for county W IJ Tiller', good.s for county W II IInx, goods for county Jno N Drown, good.s lor county " jail ' " coal " county I 00 5 00 65 00 1 00 10 20 31 08 8 00 35 3 80 40 00 " " goods " county W F Parker, freight on coal W B Stamper, coffin pauper R G Wilson, fee, May term, '91 13 01 10 00 4 00 2 30 3 80 Kmry & Daniel, goods for county E Daniel, sal. county att'v 51 20 Emry it Pierce, good.s for county 71 30 S Meyer, labor and nails, 171 HarrelPs Printing House, 2 00 J T Gregory, wood county 2 CO " " recording names 5 G5 " " election returns 6 4o Dallas Austin, work at jail 3 00 L D Browning, supt co'nty home 43 20 L C Bell, registering voters 20 30 B I Allsbrook, annual acct 287 85 Dunn & Coughenour, lumber 2 54 J E Bovett, work on polling place 1 15 R G Reid, jail account for Nov 145 85 " registering voters 17 87 25 14 00 25 00 7 70 C II B Howerton, goods county II J ood, crier at court, etc J F Brinkley, annual account " " recording orders Jno Siansbcrry, repairs on bridge DECEMBER 4, 1894. Edward Cheek, hauling coal 1 50 5 00 18 20 21 35 0 06 2 00 5 00 3 00 2 00 D D Bryan, feeding jurors W M Cohen, goods for county N Fitz Patrick, registering voters Lewis Cook, work at jail Dallas Austin, work at jail R J Day, conveying 3 prisoners , Harrell's Printing House, W W Rosser, conveying prisoners W T Vaughan, registering voters 2 50 7 84 W H McGwigan, T L Boyd, 20 57 16 80 13 00 2 00 2 70 W R. Shaw, work for county John Burnett, burying pauper C II Hale, goods for county K E Kilpatick, serving notice J F Brinkley, clerk of board 1 50 4 00 Total amt for December JANUARY 7, 1805. L D Browning, supt co. home Harrell's Printing House, John N Brown, goods for jail 5873 22 $44 56 5 00 2 00 " " goods for county 2 65 Thos N Hill, atty for Miss Gee for cow sold county home 13 25 Emry & Pieree, goods for county 33 03 John T Gregory, making reports 3 00 John II Fenner, work court house 1 00 B F Gary, conyeymg lunatic 11 10 Wm Whi taker, rebate on taxes 1 00 Jos W Jenkins, " " W P Threewits, " R G Reid, jail account W E Daniel, county attorney J B Brickell, corn for county Wiley Edwards, repairing bridge P N Stainback, goods county 6 33 3 12 111 65 16 67 10 20 6 00 15 00 1 00 Roanoke News, printing Thos C Newsom, repairing bridge 11 00 L H Allen, registering voters Democrat, printing J F Brinkley, recording orders 6 84 1 00 12 50 31 10 00 28 55 2 85 5 00 4 00 J L Judkins, goods county C II Hale, Wm M Cohen, St M McMahon, Dallas Austin, work court house R A Carter, conveying prisoners Samuel D. McTate, in accordance with Sec. 2238 Code 20 00 W R Shaw, work court house 3 75 J F Brinkley, 2 days as clerk 4 00 Total amt for January $420 03 FEBRUARY 4tb, 1805. L D Browning, supt co. home 38 10 Richard Lawrence, rebate on taxes 2 53 J C Meekins, " " 05 Harrell's Printing House 11 25 J F Brinkley, recording orders 18 00 " " paid for lumber 2 15 Andrew Jackson, rebate 1 00 GOOD FOR EVERYBODY and everyone needs it at all times of the year. Malaria is always about, and the only preventive and relief is to keep the Liver active. You must help the Liver a bit, and the best helper is the Old Friend, SIM MONS LIVER REGULATOR, the RED Z. Mr. C. Himrod, of Lancaster, Ohio, says: "SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR broke a case of Malarial Fever of three years' standing for me, and less than one bottle did the business. I shall use it when in need, and recommend it." Be sure that you get it. Always look for COUNTY COM! ONER the RED Z on the package. And don'1 forget the word REGULATOR. It is SIM MONS LIVER REGULATOR, and there is only one, and every one who takes it is sure to be benefited. THE BENEFIT IS ALL IN THE REMEDY. Take it also foi Biliousness and Sick Headache; both ar caused by a sluggish Liver. J. H. ZeUiu & Co., Philadelphia. SCOTLAND NECK, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 189G. Wiley Edwards, repairing bridge 36 00 A J Hewlin. work court house 10 00 Lewis Froelich, book case boxes GO J A Robinson, labor county homo 2 50 B I Allsbrook, repairing fence 27 80 J N Brown, eoods county home 4 40 jail 2 8.: Roanoke News, annual account 40 oo G E Butts, repair? on bridge 1 50 Emry fc Pierce, goods for county 22 1 R G Reid. iail account 112 20 J B Brickell, corn for county Jno H Fenner, work court house Dennis Black, for labor Harrell's Printing House W R Shaw, labor court house Hale Bros, goods for county C H Hale, goods for county 6 00 0 16 5 50 1 4." 5 33 J Frank Cullom, repairs bridges 27 00 " " conveying prisoners 3 00 C HB Howerton, goods ct'y home 3 00 R R Bullock, building bridge 15 00 J C Williams, labor at bridge 15 00 M II Clark, examining report " 2 00 W M Cohen, goods for county 37 83 Dallas Austin, labor at iail 5 00 A E Carter, tobacco for county 12 50 Froelich Trading Co, lumber 2 09 J F Cullom, repairs on bridge 17 00 " Brinkley, one day as clerk 2 00 Total amt for February $515 0 march 4, 1805. L D Browning, supt. co. home 30 83 Wright Bowers, coffin pauper 2 00 Orange Holt, " 2 00 J L Moselev. repairing house 0 00 W B Tillery, goods for county. 22 3," P N fc A L Stainback, goods 1 3,r W B Dicken, goods for county 11 65 Wm M Cohen, " " 27 75 Jno N Brown, " " 4 36 PN Stainback, " " 1132 Emry & Pierce, " " 61 G2 J F Brinkley, recording orders 10 40 Reconsidered T C Newsom build ing bridge near Bethel church 15 00 Reconsidered T C Newsom build ing bridge near Thrower's mill 10 00 II J Wood, crier for court 3 75 W F Parker, desk for reg's office 30 00 A II Green, conveying pusoners 1 50 B I Allsbrook, county fence 274 68 J B Brickell, corn for county, 10 20 K L Shellaberger, iron fencing 237 00 Democrat, printing report 7 50 C II Hale, goods for jail 8 7 M McMahon, " " 6 2 R G Reid, iail account 120 30 John A Johnston, rebate 1 13 Lee Wood, painting book case 2 10 Jno H Fenner, labor court house 1 00 S J Clark, holding court, etc, 41 00 E L Travis, of i sal county atty 33 33 J Frank Cullom, conveying pris 4 00 Ex. Printing Companj', printing 1 75 5 00 Dallas Austin, labor at jail Harrell s Printing House, W II Shaw, labor at court house J F Brinkley, 1 day as clerk 5 70 3 00 2 00 Total amt for March APRIL 1, 1805. $1,037 66 J F Brinkley, recording orders J H Burt, meal for county J N Brown, goods for jail " " " court house L D Browning, supt co. home 7 60 5 00 3 00 3 25 42 06 4 00 Lafayett Powell, for lumber P N Stainback, goods for county 57 02 D D Bryan, rebate on taxes 3 16 II J Wood, court crier 6 25 L E Whitehead, rebate on taxes 6 44 J L Mosely, " " " 2 00 T C Newsom, building bridge 15 00 60 00 C II Hale, goods for county 2 70 Hale Bros, " " " 67 Jno H Fenner, labor for county 1 00 Joa Draper, 2 coffins for paupers 3 00 R G Reid, jail account 116 40 Jas Dayis, repairing bridge 8 00 B I Allsbrook, county fence 66 30 S J Clark, holding court, etc 106 55 J H Allsbrook, lumber for county 8 20 A H Green, conveying prisoners 1 00 J C Marks, repairing bridge, 15 00 Harrell's Printing House 2 00 Emry fc Pierce, goods for bounty 13 76 W H Allsbrook, for meal 8 80 I E Green, lumber polling place 6 00 W M Cohen, goods for county 23 45 W R Shaw, labor court house Dallas Austin, labor at jail 5 25 00 J P Arnngton, convey Jno Alston from Nashville and expenses 8 40 W W Rosser, serving notices 2 40 J A House, lumber voting place 3 25 J L Tate, " for county J F Brinkley, one day as clerk 2 67 2 00 Total amt for April $578 38 may 6, 1805. L D Browning, supt co. home 42 18 J N Brown, goods for jail 6 60 " " " for court house 4 05 Mrs S J Arrington, rebate on tax 1 33 T P Johnston, " " 2 53 D C Clark, " " 1 00 W B Tillery, goods for county 84 26 P N Stainback, " " 50 04 Emry & Pierce, " " 43 25 J F Brinkley, recording orders 11 20 Harrell's Printing House 10 00 C H B Howerton, co. house fence 20 25 goods county 1 75 1 00 17 60 1 50 31 35 22 00 1 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 4 20 14 SO 10 76 2 00 107 45 4 00 2 20 3 28 5 00 16 80 9 00 2 50 17 60 1 00 5 25 7 50 11 00 40 1 50 9 41 Anna Alston, rebate Green & Gardner, meal county Thos Lynch, cleaning out well Wm M Cohen, goods for county Jno Gupton, repairs on bridge H D Lilly, rebate poll tax R H White, conveying prisoner Joseph Stern, coffin pauper A J Jackson, labor at jail Harrell's Printing House Eaton Solomon, convey lunatic Altimore Lee, repairing bridge Wm Cullom, pauper coffin R G Reid, jail account J F Cullom, pauper coffins " " arresting lunatic Hardy Powell, rebate taxes D W Mosely, removing rafts C II Hale, goods for county R J Day, conveying prisoners tt Jno H Fenner, work court house S M Gary, ink for county B E King, arresting prisoners J M Grizzard, guarding jail A G Green, conveyine prisoner W R Buaw, labor court house W F Parker, R Don purchasers, EXCELSIOR" IS OUR MOTTO. W R Shaw, labor court house 75 J F Miller, supt GoM-boro Insane Asylum, Section 2211) 2 Dallas Austin, labor at jail 5 J F Brinkley, one day clerk 2 Total amt for May juke 3, 1805. C B Green, meal for county, D L Browning, supt co. home J F BrinKley, recording orders pnu in 17 W 43 51 13 81 GO 00 Emry it Pierce, goods for county 61 65 Jno S Brown, goods for jail f 75 " " " court house 2 5 W F Parker, voucher to bal. amt by State Treas. acct B I A Jas Hargrave, conveying pauper Jno II Fenner, labor court house T B Willcox, guarding jail Mitchell & Niblett, lumber S J Clark, conveying lunatic E L Travis, salary county atty Dallas Austin, guarding jail " 44 labor at jail 4:: 07 50 1 00 3G 00 4 16 5 00 50 00 30 00 5 00 R G Reid, jail account C W Dunn, conveying prisoners C II Hale, goods for countyy W M Cohen, goods for county E E Hilliard, burying pauier J G Lee, coffin pauper A E Carter, tobacco for county II J Wood, crier for May court J M Grizzard, guarding jail B E King, conveying prisoners W R Shaw, labor court house Harrell's Printing House, 171 GO 2 80 7 05 30 00 2 00 2 00 12 40 G 25 28 00 3 00 6 00 10 00 C H B Howerton, whiskey county R J Day, conveying prisoners J F Cullom, conveying prisoners Delia Moore, one week's supplies Dr A B Pierce, rebate on taxes J F Brinkley, one day as clerk 50 3 00 2 00 75 63 2 00 Total amt for June ?619 85 july 1, 1895. L D Browning, supt co. home Jno W Gupton, building bridge Dick Purnell, labor at jail W M Cohen, goods for county (i tt n II J Wood, crier for May court J H Allsbrook, bridge repairs B I Allsbrook. county fence " for tax list 44 44 board equalization Ivey Allen, taking tax list 14 14 board of equalization Dallas Austin, coffin pauper W P Sledge, assess. Brink, town Wr T Eure, 44 Halifax 44 $42 05 78 00 15 27 22 4 37 6 25 42 44 10 00 30 00 4 00 30 00 4 70 2 00 16 00 26 00 26 00 30 00 John T Gregory B F Gary tax list Weldon 44 JULY 3. 1805. W R Shaw, labor court house C W Dunn, arresting lunatic J F Brinkley, recording orders W W Rosser, assess Brink town 7 60 3 80 8 60 18 00 2 00 1 00 J D Wood, coffin pauper C H B Howerton, goods county Emry & Pierce, 44 44 P N Stainback, 41 44 38 43 3 75 7 00 7 00 7 00 3 50 3 57 J M Grizzard, guarding jail W B Wilcox, Dallas Austin, Wm Dempsey, labor on jail well C II Hale, goods for county Green tt Gainer, meal for county 10 20 J N Brown, goods for jail 2 30 44 44 44 44 court house 2 60 Mrs C P Tillery, feeding jury 26 00 44 44 etc 9 75 W II McGwigan, for tax list 34 00 J B Brickell, assessor Weldon 22 00 J F Brinkley, county records 60 00 Edwards & Broughton, printing 2 00 W B Tillery, goods for county 8 35 Everett & Waddev, box for index 12 35 W II Allsbrook, assessor Weldon 22 00 Harrell's Printing House, 5 6o L H Allen, assessor Butterwood 12 00 Jno Fenner, labor court house 1 00 J R Whitaker, tax list Enfield 38 20 Weldon L I Co, brick 2 20 Froelich Trading Co, goods 1 23 R B Brickell, assessor Faucetts 12 00 W II Hux, 44 44 12 00 R Pettitt, 44 Enfield 22 00 R Wilkins, 44 44 22 00 J A Norfleet, tax list Conoconara 28 00 J T Howell, assessor 44 4 00 E C Shearin, 44 and tax list 33 00 W T Purnell, tax list Halifax 32 00 B B Nicholson, " Butterwood 20 30 J Clark, conveying lunatic, 13 10 Dallas Austin, labor at jail 5 00 W T Jenkins, assessor Butterwood 12 00 S J Clark, holding court 06 70 Dunn & Coughenour, lumber 1 86 B T Harrell, assessor Palmyra 20 00 Drew Braswell. 44 " 20 00 II Jmith, 44 Scot Neck 30 00 W PRobertson, 44 4 4 4 4 3 0 00 M B Pitt, 44 Roseneath 12 00 W T Whitehead ' 44 etc 16 50 W T Vaughan, tax list " 25 00 R G Reid, jail account 116 05 C V Andrews, tax list Palmyra 35 000 J F Cullom, guarding jury 10 50 J F Brinkley, one day a3 clerk 2 00 Total amt for July $1,412 06 AUGUST O, 1S05. J A House, overpaid taxes 109 01 W Dunn, conveying prisoner 2 60 n a 9 SO Green fc Gainer, meal for county 19 20 W B Tillery, goods for for county S 50 Warren Harrell, expenses S Mabry 1 50 Emrv t Tierce, goods for county 82 18 C H Willcox, h fees State vs Charlie Green G5 52 15 75 24 75 5 00 1 00 C 00 5 00 41 40 T J Keeter, A fees State vs Charlie Green F Brinkley, recording orders " ' " purchase tax Wm Richardson, bridge labor Edwards & Broughton, printing X FitzPatrick, assess Conoconara Jordan Demry, laborcourt house D Browning, supt co home J II Allsbrook, building bridge 150 00 C H Willcox, conveying lunatic 13 75 C H Hale, goods for county 1 20 W D Smith, corn for county CO 00 Willcox Bros, goods for county 25 G T Alford, bridge work 6 00 Jno Fenner, labor court house 1 00 Dallas Austin, " at jail 5 00 W R Shaw, at court houee 3 80 G Reid, jail account 57 00 C H B Howerton, goods county 1 50 Jno T Gregory, on old records 5 00 W M Cohen, goods for county 84 20 J Frank Brinkley, work records GO 00 S J Clark, c nve 'insr lunt:c D Jame Hire?, co!!in pauper '2 M H Clark, exatJiinins: lunatic Jno Fenner, " " J Frank Hnnk'ev, one da v m e'erk 2 I. 00 GO Total amt Lr Aujrtut 71'. 51 FITTKMliKK 2, 1 '... L D Brow nine unpt county homo 115 Nat Eaton, ?hins;ie " " '. j Jno W Dickon, colli n pauper 2 Ed HamiU. building bridge M 1 j E L Burt, repairing bridge 2 .''i Whit John-ton, a-os?-r Littleton 2mii r.rnry A Pierce, goods canity S M Gary, recording juror etc 41 b wearing r-n.-oners 1 "5 ; mi C W Dunn. ?r ing mad order J A Perrv and C W Dunn fee In burglary ca B I Al!brook, supt county fence J T Johnston J A Houe, a.essor Littleton HarreU'b Printing Hotue, t.o 5 i 5 -7 21 ' 6 71 II R G Reid, jail account A A Hux, serving order-, etc Jno H Fenner, labor court nou;- Newton Batchelor, repair bridge J E Daniel, building bridge J F Cullom, serving oiders E L Travis, ealary county atty G Tillery, conveying prisoner S J Clark, G B Curtis k Co. good county J F Brinkley, orders old records 44 44 recording order 62 s 1 (Mi ' in1 20 is 1 20 5 (M 1 75 1 50 1 00 25 ( H t 10 35 421 n; 5 OO 5 oo 20 35 1 05 2 50 10 71 i 2 oo 44 44 making tax lit II B Furgerson, examine lunatic Dallas Austin, laIor at jail W M Cohen, goods lor county C II Hale, 44 " C H B Howerton, 44 J A House, rebate on taxes W R Shaw, labor court house J F Brinkley, one day as clerk Total amt for September .$o4; .5 octohek 7, 1H05. Bailey Bros, building bridge 210 00 15 25 L D Browning, supt co. home Xat Eaton, shingles Claude Kitchin, rebate on taxe Washington Carpenter, rebate M Fredlander, rebate on taxes J B Vaughan, coffin pauper R E Hancock, labor on bridge J II Alsbrook, " " C W Dunn, conveying prisoner 44 4 4 lunatic Harrell's printing houe C II B Howerton, good.s county Jno H Fenner, work court house W M Cohen, good.s or county David Bell, rebate on tax Emry & 1'ierce, goods county W W Rosser, serving notices 12 1 1 12 :;o oo 2 50 15 :'.o i:t 25 1 oo 1 oo 21 W :i i 01 72 3 00 S 17 192 SO J F Brinkley, recording orders 44 44 indexing records Dock Evans, repairing bridge W F Parker, 2 days services E A Hull, building bridge W G Purnell, conveying prisoner C II Hale, goods for county W H Lynch, repairs on bridge Dallas Austin, labor at jail J F Cullom, arresting lunatic R G Reid, jail account 8 W 4 OO 10 OO 12 82 4 50 5 00 7 70 00 00 B E King, conveying prisoner 50 Jno X Brown, goods county home C tt tt jail " " " court house S M Gary, copying bond, etc Altimore Lee, repairs on bridge E Waddey fc Co, one index J F Brinkley, recording orders W R Shaw, labor as court house ootohkr 8, 185. Dr I E Green, salary two years J L Shields, repairing bridge R W Brown, cleaning bridge J F Brinkley, 2 day? as clerk ocTOiJEi: 15, 1805. Dr M T Savage, rebate on taxes W R Shaw, labor court house W S Biggs, rebate on taxes M II Clark. 2 years services at court house, and purchases J F Brinkley, one dav as clerk Total amt for October NOVEMBER 4, 1805. J F Brinkley, recording orders L D Browning, supt co. home Jno II Fenner, labor courthouse Willcox Bros, coal for county Jno X Brown, goods court house for jail R G Reid, jail account Gus Bryant, coffins for pauper " ' caring for pauper Emry fc Co, goods for county Chas M Cotten, lumber, etc C F Hancock, II C Held, conveying prisoner B I Allsbrook, supt county fence W W Lynch, repairs on bridge J F Cullom, conveying lunatic Dallas Austin, guarding jail C R Reid, goods for county Samuel Trueblood, corn Wm M Cohen, goods for county Edw. T Clark, Dallas Austin, lator at jail S M Gary, peal for hi office Emry fe Pierce, goods for county J F Brinkley, index old records 200 15 " " one day as clerk 2 00 W R Shaw, labor court house 2 '.io Total amt for Xovember $703 48 Amounts paid out as er half fee re 7 bO 5 00 34 US I port of Jno. T. Gregory Clerk Superior C"'Tit, for Xovember term, 1804 : Geo II White, solicitor $22 00 J no T Gregory, clerk 58 30 B I Allsbrook, sheriff S 05 Justices and other officers 18 44 Witnesses, as follows : Edward Wyche, 4 00 James Baker, 1 05 Elijah Wyche, 2 30 II B Dickens, 2 05 Frank Drew, 3 00 C H Wilcox, 1 55 J P Short, 1 25 Wilson Jenkins, 1 35 E A Pearson, 2 00 Wilson Jenkins, 1 30 Jno Short, 1 30 Continued or. Fourth Pag. SUBSCRIPTION TRICK 9 I NO. .5 V : 55 PIERCE, tr. CURE or momi:v n r.Tt Hi.n. FT all Lr -n-. 'r LtitfrTxr, livn vary NrT-r tou,rk, Hj1tfi c4 I !. ISj ta Owt ri fl. It. IVn'i Mti l)ivvrrT w -rr.n n-cunijr In Avtun It ijniAc To Uukl uj li fmh &:! rr rtfc. trvtrl lW'.b -i i fw-urtv niA, "' !jn torttr," ri, ! Uo U-M ri. Ul( K It . cj An -m, .! . "I think thf ',, !Vn Mnl leatl I t ' tb tt tn!i. ii.' I. r mu hi XliP ihol liiat t rrr kn-t, I tn nunl an 1 '.. r1 f It all to I !j 'P-- i; Mn. Norm aw. Turn Pi or tm. mi i it OS initio Id I a I L1A.U 1 0 PIERCE ! , -1 10 Ott ! ii win no; cure eveniMn:; ! U )1 c!.on.i! that it will cmv !. t , 1 . I i . . . . : l . . conipj.imi, iiuti i. o j-op-i i r.! not Kiv tli.it it will cur1 eer i I dif,p,,!.i, t ut it s 5 1 cure ; !Ch (MHS 1 .irp' iiiaintv of them. & ad"l!d t 1 1 usi w ill lcri o iitiiin tenefit. Out' email tx.u'r will -ficient to te-t it. rhe Shaker Diosti "onli i! peciall r.dapted ft r -m i. ;.i' eld-rly j'fopio wbox f in ! but little or no m1 b-Mim- u i I i !i l- ii llgetel. Iliel onilal contain ticialiv-dipo-tol f.Hl and I- n nil art i d ti.'"Mi i of ft w i IiHpptly omil'int ot the littif bt,oks which i- now giving annv and I. Bead "i e v "ur il: tu'cift leain .f t!i wonderlul remedy. A rrally palatable Cat'r can now be had under the name of LavL .'11 15 o: jo 00 20 CA I OBTAIN A PATENT? For a prompt nnpwer ami an tirnei i(iin. Til tO ri i .v a i t.. iio do dr. i ii. ro ort -r' tllHTit ncf in tli put cut butiif. miniiiiii -tioua rtnctlT (vinridf ntinl. . Ilandbowk f lu. formntioD con'ming l'atrnl anl br oi. tain tlitrn lent Irt-f. Alo a ratalrua ot tLocluuw. teal ami ncientlf.c tHxika rut Ir-. 1'atcnU taken throut'b Muun & Co. rvvlT Mxcial notuw intlie rif-nllflr Anirrirnn. mo thus arc tirouatit widely Ik-I r the put. lie m. out cntt to ttia inf ntor. 1 hi .rixli.1 I .t. tspued weekly. lrBanUy illUKtrmoa h i.t fu t . lar(.-ett 'irculatloa of any in-u-nt itic work la tj world. Ij.'f tmu. t-aii:t) c'Ia- cr-nt In . Hulldlns hdiuou. nioiit hly, a year, hinelo Copipa, vi. etinu. Kyery nuuWr rf.niama t-n-tlful plate, tn colors, and ptiototrrapli rf n. w hoiiKPg. with plana, iiaMiii builder i ti w ilia lafxt dpaiifn and secure contrartn. Addn ML'.NN A CO, HlW VOUK. atil IUiuai.wat. 00 00 r: ; TASTELESS 1M1DLL TID IS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50cts. Gai.atia. Ii ls., "ot. K, Paris Medicine r'., fr-t. Iuiii, Mo. Gon'lrnien: We wild last y.r. nti b.ulf of OlyVK TA.STKLK.-li CIIIIX TjSiC ut har bouKhi liirf"! k ri.sa tlrea'Jjr ttii rt-nr. In .l .ar n-peri?n-e t II year. In the 3rj buiri-. tixx DT-r Bold, an artu le that gave u' b ui.ivc-riil eaus IacUoU aa juiiS Touic iour tn.lr. -For sale and guaranteed by E. T. WHITEHEAD & CO., C 0 6m Scotland Neck, X. C SCOTLAND NECK STEAM DYE WORKS. MofRxiN'G Goods a Specialtv Get price li-t. Addre.-s Scotland Xeck Steam Dyeing Co. 1-2 1-1 v Scotland Xeck X. C, COPYRIGHTS. V r-t ; . H o 1 v- J- t- CA CD H r5 oo 1 50 k 2 2 S I o.j ol p I rj oi 75 x - r:- i n 12 :;5 2 3 cr J -- o (ZD in r 2 o mo oo " : ' cz) c r-: 4 oo y r ?n- O : o.i i i ' , v . 2 0O , ' Q v. lFD 11,750 05 t " iisifii 3 25 vMf 110 10 V?k F.; . 1 ( (CHn$: 'M 10 75 I V' 03 mm 3. th at i - - ..r r.r u-n: Tllit t W'Uh jour Alu rtlrtnrnt ?' 1 1 i t.' O -'i-' . TV it Tl! J'f: . SlT, tfcil- , ,. , - , J DR. H. 0. HYATT'S SANATORIUM. K 1 N - I N , N 1 . I Vti r ' ' t J. P. ANDERSON & CO., ! rilMMlSSHIN MIMU II WIN. ! .ti!ifry I'f - 1 I 1 I j t!u !: is. i 1 - : i . or in - t M lO ! lli -i ! i - ! . !l ' ' - II I I I.I m l ;:-.. ' I 1 1 1 1 J t j--.- I'itlt.- ' ' f N ' K Pruitij t .V .i . i l:i-o : ' I t n j i ! A ( : i I I ' '.!.' lot urn f I !i. ; ' ' ' ' l: lv I t.'h '11 !i 'ot in t I ' i ' unin. il- :-o. , " ' ..'; ' : f.mlV :uiti irv I 1 I ! . - ' r f.u!-. I v I! 1 v ;,. ! .v ... lriK'"j!t, .-.-..t;..:. ! . , 1 V ". 1 1 I 02 lv. 5''rIl-h i i v os I i ' - all Hard. :' " " i i , I and I -1 1 i i - I. -I Sp.'IV ii. Ml! I--, ; i. i' w ! ru t ! !, . ).!,;,,. . ' - ' ii Thr..inJi. '- - i-y l4 Iff .HO I" ;'" : i Illurt VV ! . I ' f ' ii I'. .!i,i-M; ' . ,iT known. '! I-. , i V. i I . ; - - 1 A '.., DruKi !". ."tl. ii I i N i 10 1 Jv. Hok Cholera. '1 I if f.itii"ti 1 a : i lb ' i'!..Vt;i ( "u ro, w b i 1 1 1 1 ' ! i ! ,. ' ' i in h."- a i. d j .- r r . i .-i i' N It. .bt.y'- ar.d at I I W I. ;.-!.. ' I Sd tio. 'I bo ! 1 1 1 I .'-', inondod by tn.i I. ' ' : o ' -uro cuto. Tr . i ' At N H .!o-'v and I M n;' t Foi: ovi:i: i ll i v vi i: - An O i i i a m Wi ' t 1 ; n ; . i; r i v Mr-. Wiiiw..v '- S. -tbo. (. ! Ufii ih"I f..r "mt li'1 o'. I , : . : ! - ion- .f t U I r - f' -r I i. ; ', ' ti while !"thiiii. with -f fc.'T It !HitIN lll Hltl'l, ..('. :, f,c ; -, aIImv i all pain -nr -. the U-t ri'ii.i 1 v f . 1 ; i 1 l p!ea.-.mt t- tin- 1. 1-; I 1 1 'i -t.- in every j .,i : ! ' t ! 1 . Tvvent V f i e n s i - a (.!'.:. ! .i'io i- iiicaleul.il. !e. !!..,' .,. . ' 1 !:-. Win-low 'n .w.H-i!i,!i,- , ) t 4 no other km 1. I: '." 1 a VAUwr.i.i; I'iMi. Al'er year- ! - . ' . ! i - . !' o ha- at l i-t l-eji i! i i ,i -'; ,- nev er fa i : ' ti rc:i ! 1 ' !. ' - ' ' I'd on piti"!,!-, ".I.'. Ii.iw- ; . 1 f ever I i ir.' '. r !,!'. r ' : i. . ' j !n everv ea -. .,..,' i f- ' 'T ' llbeuiiiatie !- 'c, .' ' i tl v e refnedv in ;'.' '. i and A'-ute In:' rr :r i' ' i ioUt , l.llfJil ..'. ' I , -1 m-'-; a ; i v i i ; , .i i ' . I ' " 1 i on h ': ;i t;-i a 1 i I ; ' '.: I 1 ! i al-o a .i'n:ii.'i' 1 i ; . ' " ' t t 4'Cla!I V ii--!'il l-i I .- I Scroful.i,' a!! .!;.;.-!.:.. r I ? ' .?... and .!i-e..o- ..f ;!.. I .:' K It i- nb-o.'M. ;. f . ?eer Jltta'-t.- a;e i '. !. ' ; e i thn-e iav - .ltd a I ' i ' el i ri from f ';. f- i :.:.'.: i : t i!u bv j: T WI.:--; . : . . . - ,' land .N'e.-L, X. IM'DY'S PILE M'lTo-! (..f i- gt:.iran: -1 '. !: : ' ' pHtloti, or rji'.ii-y :'.,:',: ' 4t I-".. !!'..' ;-' r and free -,01 j n . M ;. : i : . I i-terel I'bam- I- '.-.'. ' r I' potaN an-.o :!. !". - '!a- dm;':-:-'- e'.T. ,!..-. ,.- ; ' - InrA Ne-'i. N. ' I'.. " . : A ". m ii;i mum. M1I.K-I! v - VM- 1 1 m I eat at IJobin.on. I f t'i. Xouri-liiti' ir.oi'. f ;, ... .di!'ie-.-hop f r making a n 1 j- :. ; JolLN i:oj;i.i:- . Main Street, Scotland k. N ' '. C K

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