IF YOU ARE HUSTLER 'i A Si'. Ik '! O BUSINESS what i:am IS rio- Maoiiinery, - ; ! !. : r t Business. 4 Democrat. -3 i - 1 s .4 J 4 - i . '. J. ; ! I 1 3 'I J 1:;K l I'l-Oi i.i US' ! I'o'.vj-.U. u 1 1 i--" :ider'Winent ahont vour lu i: air 1 iii.-i-rt n in THE DEMOCRAT, :i n 1 ;i rotlud. '11 -oe a. eh.-oige iti mis-.. ,--- p't. W. O. McpOWIlI.L, Od'e-e North corner New Hotel, Main Street, Soo i i.:-;i Xkok, X. C. rAlv.:: vs at Iii- ot'IW-c when not pr ,,ff"ii -n:ili v ctiijiigf'! eisewnere. J 20 IV 11. A. C. UVKIIMOX, t Ivor J. D. I t.'i tore. n hours from J to J o '.-lock : 2 to i o'cl' ck. !. in. 2 12 1v SCO L LAX!) NF."IC, X. i AV H HF.LL, Attorney at Law, KNFIFJ.D, x. c. IVa-tice in the Carts of llaii f ,c r1:,iinT counties .and in the S-u.ivin" and floral Courts. Claims C'oIiCCt .Peeted in oari- i uhj ouo. : S ly W j y ronxi: r-.i v-l a jr.- S' ori.vND Xixk, X'. C. t-.,. 0, v,-h,"rovor hi.s service- f ir j. Sur.ooii Dentist, Enfiki.o, X. C. Oilice over JLirrisonV Druf Store. 2 7 05 ly" DVAni L. TRAVIS, L Ailyrney Cannelor at Law, HALIFAX, X. G. STILL. HERS J0H1S01 ess? a itli a thorough kr.owlodw of the oo-in;-- and a eoinplett? outfit of tool and material, I :nn better rer.ared than ever to do nnvthin. thai is expected oi a ilrt fl;is watrh-niakor an:! jeweler. A full line of Watohes, Clocks, Jewelry AXi) MTSICAL fXSTRUMEXTS. S!.e--;acles and eye glasses properly f. o'l to the c-ve. free of charge. All work u'uara'.ifCHi work can bo d' me. I : . v - 2'iv !. "Look for my big watch sign at thXew Irug Store. W. H. JOHNSTON. S,-)t!an l Xeck. X. C. 10 0 tf h a a e 1IAYIXO IXCILKASKI) MY FACIL ITlFs. I AM XOY i'lIEFAUED TO FUIlXlSir DOUBLE Oi'AXTIT Y OF JFltlCK. ts" - v.ill take contract to :?furnish lots Iror.i oO.OOO .CT'or more anywhere within sT""' miles of Scotland X'eclc ('an always lurnisfi what you want. C(;respond-5p' encc and orders sohcited. SI. A. ESASDElir, l-l')-'e a-ly Scotland Xeck, X'. C. MENTION THIJ rAPIIR. saac i:yax-, G EX E n A L C A V. PEXT E R. A specialty ft bracket and Scroll work M all kinds. Work done cheap and every piece guaranteed. 2 7 ly Scotland Xkck, X. C. UQSQN'S ENGLISH KITCHEN, 1ST Main St., NORFOLK, VA. Is the Leading Dining Room in the City for Ladies and lentlemen. Strict ly a Teniierance rhice. All meals 2oc. griludson's Surpassing Coffee a Specialty. . 1.16 ly Ji. E. MILLIARD, Editor and Proprietor. -rrrvr vtt GOOD FOR EVERYBODY and everyone needs it at all times of the year. Malaria is always about, and the only preventive and relief is to keep the Liver active. You must help the Liver a bit, and the best helper is the Old Friend, SIM MONS LlVIiR REGULATOR, the RED Z. Mr. C. Mir. rod, of Lancaster, Ohio, says: "SlM.MONS LiVHR REGULATOR broke a ca?e or iMularinl Fever of three years' standing for me, and less than one bottle did the business. I shall use it when in need, and recommend it." He sure that you qjet it. Always look for the RF.L) ih package. And don't It is SIM- word iv'IiGiJi.ATGR. AiONS LIVHI? only a;-d sure !; A!.f. i:: ! ; ::: r niii-a; - n". C-UV.c- ' : RilGvL.MCP, and there is L'-.-ery o-i-."- wlio takes it is :it.-d. FilE BENEFIT IS :; ' '. OV. Take it also for ' ividache ; b;.-th ax c .i:i-..laclclp!iia. BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU SAY, In speaking of a erson's iaults, l'ray don't forget your own ; Ileinemher tiioe in houses Ti?, Shoukf never throw a .-tone. If we have nothing el:-e to do IJut talk of tho.vo who in, 'Tis hotter we commence at .home, Aral from that point hcin. We have no riuht to judge a inan, Until he's fairly tried ; Sluaild we not like his com pony. We know the world is wide. Some may have faults and who ha not? The old as well as youm; ; We may, perhaps, we ought to know, Have fifty to their one. I'll toil you of a hotter plan. And find it works full well ; To try my own defects to cure. Fro I of others tell ; And though I sometimes hope to l3 Xo worse than some T i:nov, Mr own .-lioi i-i-wnings bid mc let The faults of others ;;o. Then let us all. when we commence To slander friend or foe, Think of the harm one word may do, To those we little Know ; Remember curses sometimes, like Our chicken.-, "roost at home ;" Don't speak of others' faults until We have none of our own. A Protest from Hsnsycatt's. To the Editor of the Xew York Sun : I notice that in speaking of the Hon. Marion Hutler, the Endless Chain cf lloneyeutt's township, you spoil "ITon evctitt's" as if it were two words, thus. 'Honev Cults. Jf you have anv special reason for this, ol course it is ail rigid, hut that spelling doesn't go down here In Tar Ileeldom. If yai connect- ! oil the two Avords with the car-coupler of the F1ngli-h language, ihe hypiien, we Xortli Carolinians would under stand that in spelling this mellifluous word you were going on the principle of -'linked sweetness long drawn out," hut you do not use the hyphen, and, therefore, there is a strong feeling lit t'.iese parts against your mode of hand ling this time-honored Xortli Carolina name. Your spelling is additionally onensive because of the cap C in the middle of this word. One of the recent fusion legislators in our State (and who, by the way. helped to send the Endless Chain to the Son rite) in a bill he intro duced 'looking toward agricultural "re lief," spelied chicken with a capital C in the middle chiCken and ever ince a can C in the middle of a word has been a stench in the nostrils of all good X'ortii Carolinians, who abide by the teachings of Webster's old Blue P.aek spelling book. Hence the up roar in the Old Xorth State over your style of rendering "lloneyeutt's" with the capitalization of the C, ever, though to-1 :-iand off the "Cutts" some dis tance from the "Honey." You should make the. C lower case, and let there be fusion between the words. And fur thermore, though there is no map of Sampson county easily accessible the prevailing impression is that this word ought to be rounded off with an apos trophe and an s, since "Iloneycutt" is a familiar patronymic in this State. and any township named for a Ifoney eutt ought consequently to he in the possessive case. Spelling Bee. Coddle Creek, Cabarrus Co., X. C. The Monroe Doctrine in Song. Ltd io n :ijol is Je u rnnl. -Xow is the time," said the patriotic Loader, -for some one to get up a Na tional air that shall he distinctly Amer ican." 'What is the matter already," asked the Cheerful Idiot, "with 'You Can't Play in Our Yard?'" pyg- M Q N s SCOTLAND NECK, N. C, THURSDAY, FOR (URLS. CHCOSr.TS A IITSSAITS. ?,:'!: or. Lzzr.z Steyenscn's Advics t: .V' If f. 'I. It l-n't fdien a man .me- forward o o!fer advice unsolicited on how t chojse a hu-band when one dee-. women ought to give his remarks at- tenti .n, for the suggestions he adatic( are sure to be interesting iT not con y.ncing. WHOM TO AVOJI'. 'Don't marry any man," says a mas culine philosopher, "without duly con sidering his ta-tes and habits, for they offer a pretty sure estimate of the in dividual's temper and Lent of his char acter. Refuse a man of letters, though his genii's may promise to produce the book of the century. Shakespeare him self was not a satisfactory life's partner and authorship is a sedentary, brain wearing, dyspeptic profession. lie who Lends over a desk coining fine senten ces will likely scowl when the baby wails, quarrel with his food, want peace when the children iomp, suffer from insomnia and live chiefly on the nerves. "Refuse him," Mr. Stevenson con tinues, "just as you would the nuisu-al Lrenius, or even the vocalist or instru mentalist who has too much talent. Men of that stripe always sacrifice ev en-thing to their art, which ieaves, you see, very short commons tor the wile. Your embyro Wagner i apt enough to be full of crochets as h;s scores. Jfe is always up m the clouds or plunged in abysmal depths. The neighbor's prac ticing daughter keeps him on the wrack, his hours of composition or pro tracted practice sap all the harmony from his mind and body, while ambi tion rides him like a niuhtmare. ARTISTS AUK SAFKl:. Rut if you must have a husband in the arts try a painter or an architect. An artist is the only man who knows how to make poverty picturesque and a;ccif. it with philosophy dabbing colors on canyas, or drawing stately lines is somewhat a soothing occupa tion to the mind. There always lin gers a halo of romance around the vel veteen coat and tall easel, and artists are, by the requirements of their pro fession, more patiently hopeful than fe verishly ambitious. JOt'R-NAUSTS PASS M I'STKH. There is really much excellent ma terial to make a good husband to be found among the journalists. A capa ble journalist is eminently a good tem pered fellow ; cheerful, energetic, has a keen understanding of human nature, comprehends the philosophy of making the best of a bad bargain, leads a busy, healthy, varied life and as a husband stands a better chance of succeeding than, for instance, a physician. OTHERS GOOD AND HAD. It's doubtful it the popular doctor is much of a comfort to his wife. Ue has too little leisure ; his professional chains are carried everywhere with him, he is preoccupied, scarcely ever a good busi ness man ; but a lawyer is to be highly recommended and ooliticians have their strong virtues. j Xever marry a man who Las very j few friends. There is undoubtedly a big iiaw in his character romew here, i but remember, if a rather stern reserved individual is found to practice such pretty tastes as collecting or painting in water colors, he is likely to have nice soft spots in his nature somewhere, amenable to the right influence. A man w ho is fond of fishing is I worth cultivating. It shows a contem plative mind open to convictions, lie member that the bachelor who boasts he has no pmall vices, must needs be suspected, for human nature is true to herself and abhors a vacuum. It's a wise wife who cheerfully tolerates a pipe ; who only lifts her eyebrows at muddy boots, who doesn't ridicule her husband's clumsy efforts at carpentry mending around the house, who often admits the dogs to the sitting room, and lets an occasional extra man friend in for dinner without rebuke or apolo gy, these are little things out tnev til go toward keeping a cheerful hus band inside the garden gate and. tend to firmly establish domestic serenity." Fanny Enoers. We know of but one community in the world where dyspepsia is practic ally unknown, and that is the Shakers of Mount Lebanon. X". Y. These good people have been studying the subject of digestion for more than a hundred years, and that they understand it pretty thoroughly, is evidenced in the foregoing fact. Their Digestive Cor dial is the safest and best remedy in cases ot indigestion that we know of. A trial bottle can be had through your druggists for the trifling sum of 10 cents. The Shaker Digestive Cordial sup plies the system with food already di gested, and at the same time aids the digestion of other loocis. It will al most instantly relieve the ordinary symptons of indigestion, and no suffer er need to be told what these are. Laxol i the best medicine for chil dren. Doctors recommend it in place of Cantor Oil. 'EXCELSIOR" IS OUR MOTTO. Wall f-treet i- nothing but a l.-nding !iop for the ir.ont-y of the c ::::nor;? If iwbodv ent naaiey here to .ia:. ed. in order t" get safer i.!',!:a'- tlr.it he (-.; i get ;! hoire, 'a!l .-trc-et x- cl;a:; voiiii -mil lit. ana .m -!:'-e nk- OUid gft out of h1;.-'.!:--. Moe than half the loans inr.-h- b liational banks in Xew Y -rk are. in fact, made l.v them only is a. cents for various country Lank?. utof .fool.- , m loaned, according to a q'l irter !y s'atement. .ji).0. :.()( w;i due to other national ! anks. The money 5 -sent here to be !..-;incl 1ecau-e tlie Xeu i -. .a. i . . ). . ' . : .' . f i oi k L.':".ijt-.s ijii,u i.ic nciii' inuc ' tliCir coD'espon.i-uts all over the coun try, are known to be con-cryati ve ana prudent, and in a Letter position to foresee trouble than bankers anywhere else, and have larger opportunities to make sale loans than can be found anv here else our cra.v w i at h rower, whether in Florida or Oregon, get.s his loan at h.-me, if he can, while the ma! who has something f-ohd to justify a loan ur es itrai;:ht to Wall street, eeau.-o there lie can get money cheaper than an where c-lse on sin-b. properly. Men are not fools for send ing their moiicv here. It 1- hand!" d nid v. iih my w here rnore safely m the b-ng run, less percentage of lo.-s, than else in the country, and tor that wry reason at. lower rates of interest. What ever they feel wiiiing to risk on various shady ventures hanker elsewhere risk at home, "but the money they put into Wall street they count as their surest reserve. This money comes largely from t lie West, and South. The good Farmers and mc-rchan's f,f those sections, who have money lying idle which they do not want to tie up in permanent invest-1 men's, get something fir the use ol it often, and get it protected and guard ed always by their local banks only be cause those banks can u.-e a part of their reserve in Xew York. Sir.ce they must have something here to meet de mands at this momentary centre, and can use mouev Lire inure safely than anywhere ehe, they n.i ,,,i. k-. as they conveniently can. The monev comes here because can don and conservatism Usually control the financial institutions of Xew York. Sitting always in front ot measureless disaster, if Perl in or Paris or London, South Africa or Turkey, Washington or Albany, make mischief, the great managers of institutions here are forc ed to keep their eyes constantly open to all ports of possibilities. They com pete with each other so sharply, when there is any chance to lend or invest with safety, that they crowd down as ' far as possible the lending rate for the wholo continent, and that they could not do, it the West and South were not all the time trusting over f L'OO.'iOO.oOO to their judgment, experience and w ide knowledge, because the money is safer here, although it actually earns less, than it would be anywhere else. Through their loans the most import ant productive industries of all Western and Southern States have been devel oped. Through their loans the rail roads, which have more than doubled the value of land in all Western and Southern States, have been constructed and maintained. Stock speculators, grain and cotton speculators, exist in Xew York as in other cities, but they are not the men to whom the whole nation intrusts its last reserve. Wall street is trusted be cause it is trustworthy, and makes ! mouev oniv because n performs iortuc i cheaply and rofit.abb than a.nvl )OU V else could perform it. Over Historic Ground. Charlotte Observer. Liberty Bell has made three journeys in its old age, once to Xew Orleans, again to the World's Fair at Chicago. and Ia-Tt ia 1 1 a . tit e tl lat- ter city being through Virginia and Tennessee. lul never has it pas-el over more sacredly historic soil than on its recent homeward-bound journey past Cowpens. King's Mountain. Charlotte, within sight of Trading Ford just beyond Salisbury) where the ris ing of the Yadkin cut Cornwallis off from pursuit of Creene ; on to Guilford Court House, and then on home to the Quaker city through the Old Domin ion, lingering briefly by Jefferson's grave at Monticello. The return of the bell over this historic territory on thc line of the Southern Railway is due to the urgent insistence of Senator I'utler. Then B.icy -was me, ts gave ter Castorliv When she was a Child, she cr'ed ior Qistoria, Vhen she became SLss, -lia cuzag to Castoria. TL m j-3 ha i Ciii Jren. sli gave tLeia Otoria. FEBRUARY 20. 1S9G. WHOM To Klt'K. M m v. . , :, r .ill "let : i ft ' St' e .l in 1 -; i' I W ill , i . .i- y .-!-s . a k . :ht f- : pre... -ere i!:;i! I i ly h -Led fa.il a w.'ek seems to th:i 'C.lU for t it a : F. -mp ! r v ;.e a tw too u. iv. a a. I ' 'I ' . I ' i and j.ulp: his hue. mv b. a worthy of it in t!. ss i n tla stump. I s the man who is h, , ' v lr inu ! save voiir s w-. rt!i lc.-s th.m man who i- r im. to ('.mere-? 1- mueh g i v.. rl: John !!, m ,u;.; h a-bu'-:a;;:ty as Ihe want to all ti, f' r no h i ug. si ih. ig his leM-l ! .- t.. -!i't ! !.. .!:!, a Ir.ger-ull ? L i," i-h ;!a- t;a'nd - !er ' D i in l hi w ,:! it m i the ! i'ov, t! v i"' abi' t' pay a hi h j irice ! :" the ' .; i : Remember, n ; ' i thin--' . S; ru: . wa Jer co.-t b'-s th an corn wh isk-y : . L . of cigars wall buy i w- oi j !;;(.- L: lias; a gaii'in of line brandy m ' rr.oi e than b O !' ,1. ;ur ; a "I nil t: hand" of poker often c .-!-" a man i; in twenty minuies than his ch'ai'. !, subscription amounts to m tliiee years a State election costs more than an- vival ol religion ; you can sleep in a church every Sundav m"inin;if are mean eno.i :h h to (cadb-at lodging, but a nap in a l'uhman von two dollars, everv tin e. LiLy n's i lor the circu-' aMd a penny I r the little ones to put in the n ii a iai v I io ; i a .e i ! dollar the theatre, nd a a i r f it the trousers f raved at the end. baggv knee and utterly burstcd as to the dome for the poor ; the dancing lady gets .f'lJOO a week, and the city missiMU ary gets ij;'i(iO a year ; the hor.-e race scoops in fl' ,.0( the iir-l day, anu the church fair lasts a week, voaks twenty five or thi-ty of the hr-d women in America to death, and e.nes out ! in debt ! Why, my boy, if you ever find your self sneering or scoffing because once in a while you hear of a preacher get ting a living or even a luxurious- salary, or a temperance worker making money, go out in the dark and fee! ashamed of yourself: and, if you don't feel aboe kicking a mean man. kick uMr-d!. Precious little does religion and eharitv cost the old boy : and when the inony he does give is flung into his face, like a bone at a dog. the donor is not bene fited by the gift, and the receiver is not, and certainly should not be grat ified. And then, remember, mv son. i u pica or a pen. a wheci-narrow or a -ct books, digging dit'-hes or editing a pa per, ringing an auction ) e or writing funnv tilings, you must work. If you look around you. son, you will see the men who are most able to live the re-t of their days without wo'k, ao- the men w ho work the hat ie-a. i..n't be afroid : f killing yourvlf with v, son. It is beyond yo ir power tod.. that. Tden cannot wo:!; si.i Iriid a that on the sunny hide ol thirty. 'I i,ey die souictimes. but its f c.:h.; il.ey quit work at ' p. m., anl don't get home until - a. m. It's the in?eral tfiat kills. Work fives vou an appe tite for meals ; it lends solidity to your slumber; it gives ap; re?i a ton of a hol day. There are young mam that io no! work, my son : but the world is n a p,roud jf them. It doe- not know thf ir names, even ; it .-imply .-peak as old so-and-so's hoys. -- A tenth of the world is plored. IT. A 1 I V All T mm. a '.Jet our prices on STANDARD AXD DOMESTIC Sewing acliines It i? fore having f-r csvLe; Welling and Kngagemer.t Rings and Watcher are our specialties Only the very be.-t watch, clock and iewelrv repairing. JAS. H. BELL, The Jeweler, TARBORO. N. O. JT"Orders by :nai! receive prompt at tention. 10 3 ly have to work. nether yet han-ho a . V- t - XO. 10. ur .loncy al ' fr 111 51c4lrlK- i ;.i air in J. l t ... n, . T 1 ' ik. it. v. r t i- .-.it- ! O . k r . '.ft ti Hi. f-, . v-. - : i - 7 t 1 I f . ii, in t ' .. !r -n ? vu" " ! '. ' ! It t.y ;.,. f .. . I I . . I . W t'. t ' !- t n;t-ti itif in t!- w. it ". -t I l.n r !- ft u . i - r- ah i! . tiijir. Mi; M. J ! - V !. y.- i. iv 1 . : : i Y i " TJ. l..f cf '!'in,j .stli-- OX TUIAJU li pr.CULI.R to w M hlGHL" EYEGLASSES "W. ..-t.' ti ia."Tfss' 5 Ct T'.lUi. i-e'r. (.: a l:;T- -!lv ' in.f SORE, WEAK, f INFLAftiED EYES, Frci,'uc;t"j Lcr,j lit,!. ledr.ess, i!es!cr i"j tho .cy-tcf t'c- CH. Cures 7cr.rCrc-r?. Ct rvA'Mur.p T,!y3 TuTicrs, Fci t'y?;, Mattft? f; 5 Lasher, I'.'j fE';i:!(o ; oiir;v ?' :::;'r. j i: sit I'ltiri,, 1 1 V- v 1 r !.-.i ... . P. i. ' .. I .-j II II 1 V ((' V ! : i HI; W i l..:W Joh iif soil's ('hi!! and iVver Toni 1 1 w as bolt with a t! -t i net u standing bet ween the niaotif.ft i oiil M-'a t hat e;-i . h a': I e r: v guai.i.nee.l ;, rote a:o 1 ! th-- I- L II! LL- AND LIAIH:. Lhid-KTLK M'S l llYFIL lird-TYI'Mol l I i: UK-i!b-HFMo;i:ii aok' I n" 111;. .Vn-!i:v;Li: fia li: D'.u-M 1 1 A-L K.-. '7ih-XMUi:AL;L. tb-LM ; l: I I'LL. ni. iO ate 1 1 , 1 1 1 t ' i -1 tri u it -in. in 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 if o : i' i i I ! i. ; - Wo i We will '' ia I 1 1 . one a !e t o el I re a U.v of t he d i " - a r i ' ; n .! a ed . i-'.iiiitu to O - wt . i!! dieetfuiU return ohii' hint y. Your- It iih . i r-i ",t'TT,'fp'T,7T' A " Scot'afal Ni-ek, . PORTER'S ANTISEPTIC HEALING Oil For Barb Wire Cuts. S raV:k .Saddle and Ca liar falls, Cra V- 1 1 1 Bam -,dd. Sor. vC:i-. lioi!--, Bra' a . I.'!.- , a.al all k;:c! , f i :i!l.L?:ir-: ::' a.:i !...,:! r ..f. ,'i:.-C . Itth a:.d . T.j r-:-, r l :r i f." I'-c ' " ' r ;i a i r .- - c ; r : ;. Ail tf janit.'.i fc II it on a gualf!te ' i C:!-1. No f5. 1 'r ' " ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' I . '-! k - ,i : t S' ral c t. ' -. in ,):a'::.; ii...'vri..la:.Ji!U;'a!;. iai.-. I t foil'T t llce Hllt I I -i ' . it.:.'. I i-f...y rcv:..r:.i..i .1 ' . i i.iVi.: f i... . L. !;. I!:VIXr. l'fy ir. S I - S Lt', - - ; -if. ! ift. v'-; f r r. r ' ia !::.. i.. PAULS MEDICINE CO., ST. I.OI H, MO -For -a!e anu ua.rau'ecd by K. T. W HIT K II II A D .v ''i, 0 0 l:n Scotland Xeck, N. C KSmTSTRM!ELf5e C3.-R1GHTS. C.W I OBTAIN A PATENT? For rr-rat aner ari'l an cont wmon. write to 11 I N N V C O.. vho fie hart nearly CftT ynr' eij;rieri.-e iq the i''itRt bns:r.-!i. Omnnjurnr. tion.H ftru t) Cf;'l-r:tl3l. A 1 1 a ndbnk of In lomstifo cjii-misr aim brw f ot. t;nti tta.m nCi'i tree. A i -so a ca'. ai'utj OX IecliATS. jc-ii oral tctisat xiic t- ! n-'j. l'at-r.t. tiK'-ii tr.r'iTiiti Wui.n Ci. f-lTW er-rc.z; r:oi(. - in the i-ntiic Anif rir-nn. tl'u ar fcsotJaJ.t U-T'r? ti:" t - ' " cat toil ts tut !t.v.'t.!.-r. i ttt r. a-i a;-r, lt?-i w oklr, ta .art y il;n: trjt'-a. br t..f t..e lar-.'tft ir-uiKa c t ar.T f-.eiti.uc '.r nun W...rl.. fy'.i H v4Z: Sr.-J.t : v.: '-r.t lift. JiuUdio K.utioc. t: i nthty. .'.' a r-'r. t"r e rr.t'i;, . cent. Kvinyr.ui'n r oj-i i bj o. j-i-1 I ii pinte. in coiois. anl j.ti.t'.'rai u if t'-" t-.ot:.g. with plan, t-Uublmtf tuilrttrrt i w lt. Ia!'-st lcaik.'ii ana stfcurr; Cfintrat i. 1 I I ' li I ' . r . . , 1 1 r : ' ! n. i ' . ,'". l I'.U-n.. I' if ' , . -i Ii . .' L-".I!i !!!:; :..'.' . i - ... . , 1 . , I ' '' " i d -! . - 'i I - t-- i - . . . :o t atid ! o 1 . t.fu-1 fa..:; '. r !! -' - --Jicb - - ...... , a .J-vrr 'f.li-. I -i-'-i - V. ! ' ZlSiZ:-'-' lorrf... a a: d .di 1 - - i- , -o a . do -1 ' I. i ' ' i!j iur !frtiMinr!jt - i ; r t 1 ' W s, - w." '- i i - '1 OR. H. 0. HYATT'S SANATCHIUM, I p, r i k CO,, Mi r (OMMKMON M:UTlMN, i i: i i : i ... .' .. i- r .' i i. -1 - 'Ml ' I 1 ! ,e r t i r i Ho; Crif j t r . . I la- 1,1, .- II ' 't I '';m n (.! 1 n lc ; - .1 . I '-e - a- S!o-... 'lb Mielided b -ute fio-. J l i-l - . I ' : . !. - o, ! ! p. r '. i - o- d .. I I Wh I!. l n , . e ; ! , i : - 1 I i ! I '.' I - '' ' lt I pit ! I ; - -:e foe t A t It l-oi: ovi ): I II i V Y 1 1 mi As ! i o.!' Mrs W i - - -f i.-i-. 1 fa ' I i t I s. I . , 1 1 I : i i v a Me t I -oot ! i a , :.i -ti-o' I 1 1 i : i poo e a - I l! I i ! t . the 1 - a e . ; .;.- ,,. la- I- M. t C'.-- 1 I I m :." i t v 1 ! .CM el , O ! Wind- s ' I no .a 1 , i ; i : i 1 of : i 'ti , ; i , li lt It ' o ':.' ... i ... ' , . - i i.v lat.d . i. f W i 1:1 "- i ILL - ID a- i . ,i i .. . I foe l-'e; i i I sti: EhT i;i'i.il;.l, J!' I eat .tt K- -bin- :'-. I !' n'l. Nourt-ldne Ii 'a!- at all I :!--hoc-shop f.,r ja.iKing and n-1 1 1 : : . -g .loii.N Kor.iii:.oN. Min Mreet, Scotland Xeck, .V. C. i V! , a- i a !..' ' i ' I : : - - 1 ' ' s P .... It,-!: i 1 1 f n .i y anon i' eiei -J in :.' ' 1 u ii 1 1 i ; : -" , ; ' . ' -. I hi..m. !,. '. . : ' ' . .-( o. i- ' 'A ., , . o : I : , , . - i I i.:...v.n ! b Li W ' ' aba I i , . 1 1, ' : 1 s A Y A 1. 1 ! ' 1 . 1 . I 1 l (TV m J 1 "