"vrtirTrrftir-" The Democrat. E. E. HILHARD, - - - - Editor. Published Every Thursday. YORK A GAINS T LISXE Y. TRK "LONE STAR" bTATE. Letter From Mr. J. T. Lawrence. Entered at the Post-Office at Scotland j wl tLe Charlotte 0b Seek, A. C, as Second Ctass flatter. It i? given out that Tyre York will run an independent race against Con-! T- , . . j A t ' (Correspondence to Tut Dekocbat greesman Linnev in theeightn district, 1 . . ,r . , Rich Red Blood Is absolotely eential to health. a. v It ia aecored ekailv ana nainrauy u7 Roanoke river to mouth o5 the r:n . leading from White' Mjil.ther.ee up' paid run to Wbi? mill. rhr.e !-!ic! Pianos and Our.. .S 7: ihe road to A nth THURSDAY. MAIICH, VJ, 'W. a YAXi:r:i:'s view server thinks that ! As a numk-r of my friend- requested uk; m iuhkb a memoraoie campaign. , me to wrjte have seJected Tm; l)EM. It fays : ockat as, a medium through which "The two are ho noariv of a kind, and j thev may .see and know how I am both so far out of the ordinary thaf a umTtLiifn 1 .rO Li-f.r tfini xav.iiI.1 f o An American offered for a toaat at a , , , ... memorawe. iotn are children oi ua- dinner in Paris the following : "Here j tnre joth are uI of naUve wit (,md in to the United States, bounded on the j here hoth meanings are intended to be North bv the aurora horealis, on the I given thin word) and hoth know a fretting along. Friends have poured in on me ince my arrival, so 1 have found hut little time to even write to my children. At 'J :-50 o'clock-, Feb. l7th we took a sleeper from Wekhn, arriving at At- t . . . A I t . - .i - II T.'l - . 1 ft l n , A - . nln. South by the proce-,i.n of the equi-; a,,ult'c uiiu.uaai i .n. u.u.rn u, --von ia he nip ana tuck a- to winch had i ing there two nour?, men cuangmg noxes, on the Fast hy primeval chaos, and on tlie West by the Iay of Judg ment." Tm: Democrat interviewed a reaJ, genuine Yankee a few days ago on fm opinion of the .South. While he did not refer to the latituuinous toast pro poed hy the American in Paris, he thought that the Southern people seem to have some f-uch idea of their section of country. lie pleasingly observed that the Southern people think that they have the greatest country In the world : and said this is a most hopeful sing for the South. The gentleman whom we interview ed has travelled much in many parts of the United States, and in answer to the question as to what the South most needs to hasten its highest possible de velopment, he said, that to begin with, the South is strictly an agricultural section. This, he said, makes it nec essary that agriculture should be made as nearly erfect as possible in order to make the foundation of other develop ments solid. To" do this, he said, the greatest need in the South now is that farmers shall personally oversee the business on their own farms. The farmer who hires a man to look alter the farm and himself udes to the town or village once or twice a day with no other business than to get his mail, will not do much towards developing the South. Strict attention to business person ally, said the Yankee, is what the Southern people need to learn. A man who has travelled in all parts of the country, as he has, must have made some observation worth remembering. These are some the Yankee had made, and we give them to our farmer friench with QMS own hearty endorsement. the better of any argument. Dr. York f' Old York" he call? himself) has le knowledge than Linney of the wisdom that is to le found in the books, but in other and more practical accomplish ments he over-matches him. They would make a pair to draw to. To hear them in a joint discussion would be worth going miles." A Rocky Mount correspondent to the Tarboro Southerner last week said : "One of Edgecombe county's natives, now a successful fanner in Nash, told this writer last week that his pay-roll on the farm in '95 was $000 a month, but that he sold farm products amount ing to over 114,000, and had more yet to market. This means a clear profit of over $8,000." And yet many per sons go all around the country taking a delight, it seems, in saying there is not even a square living in farming. There may not be f 8,000 a year for ev ery farmer, or even $S00 ; but any farm well managed will certainty .be self-supporting. News From Parmele. Col. A. K. MtClure, editor of the Philadelphia Times, visited Raleigh last week. He has yisited North Caro lina before and always has good things to sav for the State. cars for New Orleans. There we re mained an hour or two crossing "The Father of Waters,'' the train being car ried over on a stearaer. The transition from winter to ppririg was simply startling. As we passed along, the air was redolent with the perfume of llowers. Gardens tilled fiith growing vegetables greeted us on either side. Even the prairies, covered with green grasses, were dotted here and there with the lovliest wild llow ers of every hue. I have never in all my life met such nice officials. All we had to do wa to sit still. Baggage was all checked, transferred, and tick ets bought. Arriving inLulingatS :30a.m., Sun day, five or six hours earlier than we ex pected, we were met by our boy, Kit, with open arms. A most joyful meet ing. Quickly we reached the good wife and sweet childen who greeted us with a hearty welcome. His home is typi cal of Texas, surrounded by flowers and large spreading live oaks, covered with gray moss swaying with every breath of wind. All during the day the old "Tar Heels" were coming and going to hear from friends md loved ones in their old State. They are rightly named for never a people were knit more closely together or loyed their country better. All strangers and yet friends bound by bonds of love for the "Old North State." Remaining in Luling a week we boarded the Arkansas Pass, in company with our brother, Dr. O. D. Coppedge, of Concrete (another Tar Heel) for his home. Just a few hours' drive and we were with his dear family. We will not attempt a discription of the meet ing with them after lb' years of sepa ration. The Doctor is such a Christ like man beloyed by all ! It will seem to you almost incredible to hear that I am driving out every day paying no attention to roads and actually chasing the "mule-eared" rabbit, feeling five years younger than when I left. This heautitul country home Is surrounded by the most perfect scenery, a descrip tion of which I will give you in my next. J. T. Lawrence. Roai to the Loir p. nine Ai ia KMliru - j -y , tVin Hnod'i SarsaparllU, but ia lin- - a possible to get It from o-cild " Bnr Palmyra Precinct will ir. Iu io nil tonlca " and opiate compounds, ab- j tht part of Pa!rn ra Tw ni.i p, which Burdly advertiawi as Diooa pun- i not i:u-t..i-i i.i u i rtvirri flera." Tbey bave temporary, Bleeping j hereby e.ubli-ht i IVlilt; 1'Iat effect, but do not CURE. Tobavepura : P-lmyra. lit KN HATH TOWNSHIP. lood And good health, take Hood's Sarsaparllla, which has first, last, and all the time, been advertised as jast what it la the best medicine for the blood ever pro duced. Its success in curing Scrofula. Salt Rheum, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Nervous Prostration and That Tired Feeling, have made lb wreath Pre-.-inct vvi of K -fOr .tth Twnhip . Polling Pl.i'X K-.s.!:.jth ! heret fure. ) j :ncit;.:o r. . - l.re;.-! rv l urch 'a- LTU Sarsaparilla The Oe True Elool Purifier. All druggists. $1. j r.n arp riy vegetable, re riOOd S FlIlS liable and bemrflctaL :Sc ELECTION PRECINCTS AND TOLLING PLACES IN HALIFAX COUNTY. Established by the Clerk of Superior Court Under the Laws of 1895. t, I V There seems to be some foundation for the impression generally prevailing that there considerable wickedness in Raleigh. There will soon be organ ized, it is stated, a Tarkhurst Society there with the aim of raiding the gam bling dens and ether places of wicked- The Warrenton Record under the management of Editor J. R. Rodweil, is one year old. It has succeeded well and Mr. Rodweil feels encouraged to promise that for the year of volume two the paper wili make Improvements. Warren county ought to appreciate the efforts of the paper to build up her m teres ts. Tim U'nul,lnr,ln r. , truckers' mass meeting held in that town a few days ago to consider the matter of freight rates on truck. Freight rates are so high that the truck farmers say they might as well quit raising truck, for the shipping con aumes all the profit. A committee was appointed to investigate the mat ter and make efforts with all transpor tation lines for cheaxer freight rates. The following from the Durham Sun, credited to the (Jreensboro Patrio, will interest fruit growers: "Where the tree is sufficiently young to admit of bending or twisting without breaking, take the extreme top of a limb or small tree and bring it to the earth, bury it, and when it shall have taken root, cut off the other end of the limb or tree, and you will have thus reversed the or der of things, the body or heavy part of the limb being uppermost. New limbs, leaves and blossoms will put forth in due season and the fruit will be free of seeds and cores." The sooner you begin to fight the fire, the more easily it may be extinguished. The sooner you begin taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla for your blood disease, the easier will be the cure. In both cases, delay is danger ous, if not fatal. Be sure you get Ay era and no other. (Correspondence to The Democbat.I Parmele, N. C, March 10, 189f. The North State Lumber Co. have about completed their large new mill here, which is indeed a fine plant. The electric lights add quite an im provement to our town, which the Par-mele-Eccleston and the North State Lumber Companies haye in and around their mills. Mr. Jos. Lawson has returned to Parmele and accepted a position as lumber inspector. Misses Olennie Robertson, Mattie Burnett and Eifie Powell wfio have been visiting Mrs. D. S. Powell have returned to their homes in Wilham-ston. Mr. M. F. Klein, formerly of New York, paid m a visit for a few days last week. Mrs. John Crowell of Williamston is here visiting Mrs. J. H. Tweedy. We are glad to learn that Mr. Sam Smith who has been very sick is much better. Parmele is getting to be quite a rail road center now 1 1 scheduled trains. Mr. (J.J. Cherry superintendent of the planing mills returned last Thurs day irom ilmington, where lie had been for a few days. We regret to learn that Rev. R. W. "",C!'lH" Jir&oxierian minister, wiil I chest, always ready, al- move to Hobgood soon, but he will not ways efficient, always sat keep batcheior's hall any more. j istsf tory; Prevent a c.old Mr. . .1 . Mnith has about completed ' sick headache, jaundice, constipation, etc. 25c. his new dwelling here, which adds lots! The only Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. to our town. Mr. J. S.Norman, the popular mana ger of the rarmele commissary went to Washington Saturday and returned Monday. Misses Lula Johnson and Cornelia Manning are visiting friends and rela tives at Everetts. Mess. Jas. A. Mclver, Hughes Mayo and W. H. James spent Sunday in Tar boro. Mr. C. R. Speight, the poet, is again with us, and all are glad to see him. Much in Little Is especially true of Hood's Pills, for no medi cine ever contained so great curative power in so small space. They are a whole medicine St'oTL ANi .Ma k" TVV-HIP. Mary's hapt-1 Prcin.n H 1-oundrl s follows : limning at KdwarJ-' Ferry on R. an k mr. t b r-; i oe a!- 'i-c the road le.iding to HillV X Ibvid. thence aloi, the ro.nt from Hi!!'. X Road?, to Kelr.iky sv, ,;nip bridge thence dwn Kehnnv ?-w.imi r Smith' mill, thence .'.long the ro.id leading t Norlh-et's IVrry to Ko.nn-ke rm-r, thence up K"U:oke nvor t the Ugi li ning. Polling Place Mary't Chjjh Scotland Neck Precinct will include all that part of Scotland Neck Township which is n.t included in Mary lap el Precinct as hereby estabii.-hed. -'oil ing Place Scotland Neck. WELDOX TOWNSHIP, Weldon Precinct is bounded as fol lows : Beginning at the Weldon and Halifax Township line on Roanoke river, thence along the Weldon and Halifax Township line to the road lead ing irom Halifax to Hays A Road thence along said road to Day's X Roads thence alontr road to Tillman's X Road?. lhe Election Law ot lb)o, beclion o, tnen from Tillman's X Road? along (he provides that the Clerk of the Superior roaci to Koanoke Rapids to cart path Court of each county shall within twelve headin" to Mrs. Sallv Ann Medlin months after the ratification of the then the said cart path through Mrs. Act, establish, alter or create separate Medlin's house and vard to Roanoke places of Election in their respective river, then down Roanoke river to the 1 I - - - - 7 counties so us to provide a near as may beinnin. Pollintr Vlace WeMn. for everv three hundred and fifty elec- HP K.reeK i recinci wj.i mcuue a i tors, in every subdivision of their res- that "nrt r ?ldo" ""V . nerXivP nnnntips ivf.Pthir tmcli anVMl,. IS HOt lncllldfHl 111 W eklOU 1 reClIlCt as . . , . I.nml.v trl.llL.-liill P.illinir lMurT Ward. i earson tV. roweu s .uiu. i Pursuant to the provisions of said fCT" Registrars and Judges ol Election law, notice is hereby given that the composing the Precinct Hoards will following Precincts and boundaries and note carefully inat electors inii-l regis- Polling places have been established in ter in the Precinct in which they re Halifax county in the respective town- .sjde according to the boundary line- ships thereof : hereby established ; and that a failure BRINKLEYVILLE TOWNSHIP. to do so is good cause for challenge and Ringwood Precinct is bounded as fol- Vn forfeit their riSht to votc 011 elec lows: Beginning at the. point where f Vc only ask an enquiry .'. : 1; ! It t !','!--; j K . V " . r 1 " 1 f t .! - ; 1 1 Wc carrv the fullest tock !! :M I -v.! ' p- 5 5 w f.erf di-in-l '!. : h : .' . !': t the b: T . f 1 1 - p-jn-: WRITE n R iri.i. par inri.i AM MIATIoV III WALTER D, MOSES k CO, 1 ! r.m 1 "." X ,; n . ' 1! I ' 1 1 M Marvelous Ctiix PROF. JAS. HARVEY'S 'HERR REMi:i)lPS ;u. ur..Mu;.i d t o.v . ... . Rheumatism, EcMna, Scrofula. Neur.ilgi 1. '.if.n 1 b , I "j of the blood, l'or anv core wher the b-in" l- n .1 a :! i Letters .-tating your cc(nipl. lint, if accotiip.uiiil :tb -l in p. . atlenlion. OI'ITCE A N I l.AIWtR T(;V. J77 lor!, Norfolk. V; il' : iv PUls Are You One Of those unhappy people who are suff ering with weak nerves, starting at ev ery slight sound, unable to endure any unusual disturbance, finding it impos sible to sleep? Avoid opiate and nerve compounds. Feed the nerves upon blood made pure nourishing by the great blood purifier and true nerve ton ic, Hood's Sargapaiilla. Hood's Pills are the best after-dinner pills, 'assist digestion, prevent consti pation. 2.0c. You need a blood-purifier. Wa jnake this assertion with eontirlfn because it is a fact that there is scarce ly one person in ten thousand whose blood is free from humors, scrofula, acids, or some taint, either heredity or acquired. Timples, boils, eruptions are not the indications. Debility, lack of energy, depression of spirits, loss ef appetite, rheumatic pains, poor sleep, licauacne, uizziness, specks floating be fore the eyes, and many other symptons plainly indicate the need of a thorough cleansing of the blood. The longer you delay, the more difficult will be the cure. The medicine to take is Ayer's Sarsuaparilla, and the time to begin is now. Continue to take it through March, April, and Mav, or until you feel that health and strength are fully restored, which will be when all those painful and troublesome svmptoms are entirely removed. The young, the old the middle-aged alike need the potent but benign influence of Ayer's Sarsapa rilla, the best of blood medicines. Out of weakness oomes afmrK when the blood has been purified en acvx ci.i viuubo. oy Mood's tSarsa How's This ! We offer One Hundred Dollars re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured bv Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY, & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for the last fifteen years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially aoie to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggist, - Toledo, O. Walldlng, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood ana mucous surfaces of the system T",4:.. : .i if r . - irauuiumais sent iree. i ncezu3. per ooiue. j?old by all druggists. Scotlanfl M Breeflii STUD Is now equipped with three Standard Stallions of the finest individuality and beauty in North Carolina and by such noted sires as Norval 2.14 by the Great Electioneer, the greatest stallion that ever liyed, and bv Madrid the best Son of Geo. Wilkes 2.22, the second greatest horse that ever stood, and di rect descendants of the great Princeps, cenunei, etc. in short represents nearly all of the best families of American trotters. Call and see them and get particulars. We also have one of the finest Draft Stallions in Carolina and as fine a Span ish Jack as can be seen in the ennnt all of which will be stood at our stables tois season at such astonishingly low prices as to make you quit kicking about high prices and hard times. Call and see if we are speaking one letter too stong. L. H. TUBES, m. c. c. v. b., Manager. Executor's Notice. I, the undersigned, having this day qualified as Executor of the estate of Edward Hardy deceased, do hereby give notice to all creditors having claims against said estate to present their claims to me on or before 15th day or March 1867, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery on such claims. Curtis Hardy, Executor of Edward Hardy deceased. 3 17 t. " ' - - - the Butterwood and Brinkleyville township line crosses Bear Swamp, then down said swamp to Little Fishing Creek, then down said creek to Big Fishing Creek, then down Big Fishing Creek to the Enfield township line, then along said dividing line, between Brinkleyville and Enfield Townships, Brinkleyville and Faucetts Townships and Brinkleyville and Butterwood Townships to the beginning. Polling PI ace Ri n g wood . Meadows Precinct will include all that part of Brinkleyville Township which is not included in Ringwood Precinct as hereby established. Polling I'lace Knight s Store. BUTTERWOOD TOWNSHIP. Butterwood Precinct will include all of Butterwood Township as heretofore. Polling Place Jenkins' Store. CONOCONARY TOWNSHIP. Conoconary Precinct will include all of Conoconary Township as heretofore. 1'olling Place lillery. ENFIELD TOWNSHIP. West Enfield Precinct is bounded as follows : Beginning at the Enfield and Brinkleyville line on Big Fishing Creek, thence the Enfield and Brinklevville township lines, the Enfield and Fau cetts Township lines, the Enfield and Halifax Township lines to the Wil mington and Weldon Railroad thence South down the Wilmington and Wel don Railroad to Big Fishing Creek, thence up Big bishing Creek to the beginning. Polling Place Enfield. East Enfield Precinct will include all that part of Enfield Township which is not included in West Enfield Precinct as here by established. Polling Place Enheld. FAUCETTS TOWNSHIP. Faucetts Precinct will include all of Faucetts Township as heretofore. Poll ing Place Darlington Store. HALIFAX TOWNSHIP. Halifax Precinct is bounded as fol lows : Beginning at the mouth of Con oconary Swamp on Roanoke River, thence up Roanoke River to the Wel don and Halifax Township lines, thence Halifax and eldon Township lines, thence the Halifax and Faucetts Town ship lines to the county road leading from Halifax town to the Marsh store, thence along said road to the count v road leading from Halifax to Enfield, thence the Halifax and Enfield road to the Fork at Lake Tumblin, thence the county road leading to Tillery Station, 10 xiiierye mill run, or Conoconarv Swamp, thence down said run or swamp to tne oegmnrng on Roanoke river. Polling Place Halifax. Crowells Trecinct will include all that part of Halifax Township which is not included in Halifax Precinct as hereby established. Polling Plac Pea Hill Fork. LITTLETON TOWNSHIP. Gaston Trecinct is bounded as fol lows : Beginning at the Butterwood line on the Brinkleyville road thPnfP along said Brinkleyville road to Glas gow s gin, then the public cartway bv x . Aj:-c s intra aiong said cartway 1 TT rt uy iieury ujasgow's, then along said cartway by James Glasgow's to War renton road where the nubile. rniH forks, to Johnston's mill, then oirmo- said road to the Raleigh &. Gaston rail road at Uak Grove church, then the Eaton's Ferry road to the bridge oer 101k ureek, near S. John. ston's old residence, then down said creek to Roanoke river, then down Roanoke river to Deep Creek, then the Littleton and Weldon Township -..v., tlJ uiiciuii auurauceits 1 own- ship lines and Littleton and Rimr. wood Township lines, to the beginning xumug xiace snawa Store. Littleton Precinct will include oil mat part ol .Littleton Township which Is not infli-irlol i. n..r t- ; --u JU unsiuu xrecinct as hiatmnnw op tion dav. Given under mv hand this 11th day of February, A. D., 1890. Sterling M. Gary, 3 12 1 Cl'k Sup. Court, Halifax Co. Get in your order, B(1Ad Flour lias Advanced Sugar will I-!!- WOOD'S ACME PEA Is one of the finest flavored Garden Peas in cultivation. It is everbearing to a greater extent than any other sort; very productive, and the best of all for the family garden. WOOD'S VEGETABLE and FLOWER SEEDS Are unsurpassed for their freshness and high quality, and gardeners can rely on having a satisfactory and sur cess f ii 1 ga rden hy usi n g Wood's Seeds. Descriptive Catalogue and dulde to the Farm and Garden mciledfrec. Wrltfor it. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, RICHMOND, VA. 'Drop us a Po-tal for Special Price- mi Cakes, Crackers and (' Virginia Candy Coinpan; Manufacturers and Jobbers. 41 Roanoke Avenue, JNorfolk. va. JptTTre'Ii Ihiisp.Ml Pe.mut Daily. i 1 mm M P? r ib v. JEWE AND SILVERWARE!!! WATCHES AND CLOCKS PUT IX PERFECT REPAIR. We have engaged the services of Mr. J. d. Perry, who has just returned from the Chicago Watch Ma kers' Institute, where he took a thorough course, and in prepared to do ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING Ami Engraving. His office is at our show window in front. All work is 2m.ir.mfpol GIVE HIM A CALL B. T. "WHITEHEAD & CO., 4 25 tf Scotland N'-V V r - - , i . . Tobacco and Cotton Planter:, If you are going to 11-1; l oiano at a!!, u hy u 1 he ! huy the High Grad' Fertilizer- at neailv the -.in.e pn, - V, . lug well known High Grade i m,, : jeyGNii:s' HIGH GRADE Gl ANo l K l )u gZT'CA KG LP A G UE KELT G I ' A N i ' l: ! I : V 0".('Mi: CGI ION G1ANG. .('MK TGP.ACCG GI ANG. ff"('IiOV, KK AND SIA TE Pl.'Gl l ( J J n M EEC I A L VA LIE. "ACID AND KAINIT. We sell nothing less th:i: a 13 per cent. Acid, Guaranteed. N. B. J( )SK We are Displaying . Dress . Good this week. FIRST-CLASS DRESS-MAKING AND MILLINERY ESTA II L I S 1 1 M EXT, UKDEK SEW HOTEL. hereby established. Tolline Place LW. tie ton. PALMYRA TOWNSHIP. Xeals Precinct ia bounded as follows Beginning at Anthony Johns Crosa Roads, thence along the Xorfleet's Fer ry road, to Roanoke river, thence down ITew Millinery ! Fancy Silks and Brocade Satins for Shirt-waists a specialty. M. HOFFMAN k BROTHER. To The Ladies. "My best efforts will be to i.Ip.i all with the best of work at moder ate prices. I respectfully ask a -'share of vour Mis.s I illiax May Richardson-. Scotland Xeck, X. C, Feb. 12, '00. Formerly of Tarboro, N."C OLD NEWSPAPERS HERE 40 cent hundred,