rN - , s Highest of all in Leavening Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report The Democrat. THURSDAY, MARCH 19, "JC. S PEC I A L A NOl NCEM ENTS. WANTED n office boy that can rc:il print aii'i writing and who wishes to learn the printer 'a trade. He mu?t i.e v. iliing to work and he subject to the n'id rules ot a well-ordered print ing establishment. I'reler one who live-1 in Scotland Neck. E. E. Hii.i.iako. NEW SIMM Ni GOODS. I have ju-t returned from the North vi'ii markets with a full line of Spring and Summer Oood.", and am ready to ofTer to the public the cheapest lot of oods ever put on the market here. Come and see myocele, it is more com plete than U lias ever been. A. L. I'l'KRINGTO.V. Charges for services ot my Jeney P.uU Exile of St. Larnberth Sth, are (I. W. Ukya;;. New Spring G-oods. Cood- coming in and Rest Bargains I ! earlie-t buyers. See what we have and buy what you want almost at your own price. N. R. Jose v. Tobacco Flues. We make Tobacco Flues at the Hard ware Store. J 'rices guaranteed. J 'low Castings, Hoes and Farm Im plement? cheap at The Hardware Store. Anything in the Hardware line may be had lor low prices at The Hardware Store. Chickens won't go over it The wire net fence at The Hardw are Store. NOW IS THE TIME TO USE Mqphqip'qK nnri XTmrPi q m. v . b m zm They Keep off Malaria. GILT EDGE TESTIMONIAL I have used your RIood and Liver - Pills and they are a valuable and quick York I. Garrett. For pale by E. T. WHITEHEAD fc " CO.. Scotland Neck, N. C. 10 3 Gm. Why suffer with Coughs, Colds and LaCripiKi when Laxative Rromo Qui nine will cure you in one day. Does not produce the ringing in the head - like Sulphate of Quinine. Put up in ! tablets convenient for taking. Guar anteed to cure, or money refunded. Price. 2- cents. For sale by E. T. Whitehead fc Co. Mrs. W . H. White Has returned from the North and will have her Spring Millinery open in a few davs. i Governor's Proclamation. M.jU.UU KliAUU. ti ttt nv VnnTii Capht.tva. ) - Executive Department. ) . Wherens nftifi.il information has i l.nnt vnrtAIi-AI r f t li i T lkvin ft m OTl t ftllt ? tv of T fall fax stands charged with mur- der of J. N. Harrell. And whereas, it appears that the said Robert Whitaker ; has lied the State, or so conceals him t -elf that the ordinal y process of law 3i cannot be served upon him : - Now. therefore, I, Elias Carr, Gov ; ernor ot the State of North Carolina, by virtue of authority in me vested by law, do issue this my Proclamation, of : fering a reward of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars for the apprehension and delivery of the said Robert Whitaker - to the Sheriff of Halifax County at the , Court House in Halifax, and I do en--jom all officers of the State and all A good citizens to assist in bringing said criminal to justice. Don'? at our city ot Raleigh, the 13th da j of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight 3 hundred and ninety-six and in t the one hundred and twentieth - year of our American Independ- ence. Elias Carr. j B;i thfi (iovcraor : S, F. Telfair, Private Secretary. -,I DESCRIPTION": Robert Whitaker is a negro dark ,"t ginger-cake color, about 35 years of age, "i about six seet hich and weighs between - 1'" and m pounds. " 3 P. 4t :5 March April May -Are the months to give especial atten :.t'un to the condition of your physical 'be.iltb. If you pass salely through these months and find yourself strong 'and vigorous, on the arrival of warmer " weather, you my reasonably expect that you will be well in summer. Now "13 the time to take Hood's Sarsapanlla, because now is the time when the .blood must be purified, enriched and - 'lyituiized, and because Hood's Sarsapa nrilla is the only true blood purifier rominently in tbe nublic ev-e to-day. ood's Sarsapanlla has power to make 'you health v and guard your system gainst die.ise Truly astonishing. Miss Annette N. loen, Fountain, Minn., says : "Avers Therry Pectoral has had a wonderful lect in curing my brother's children severe and dangerous cold. It was i iir i ii mi in' iwuv ur wt-u ii v t n Qir LOCAL NEWS. Get that if loO offered bv the Govern or for the capture of Robert Whitaker. Accidentally shot. Rennie Ware, son of Mr. J. P. Ware, while handling a pistol a few days ago, was accidental ly shot in the leg. The wound was not serious. Occoneechee Farm. We call spe cial attention to the ad. of the prolific corn advertised from this famous farm When you order corn from this model farm or have any correspondence con cerning it, please mention that you saw the ad. in The Democrat. Commencement. We received an invitation to the commencement exer cises of of Baltimore College of Dental Surgery March 13th. Dr. C. A. White head, son of Mr. W. T. Whitehead of this community, is a member of the graduating clas3, and Dr. E. F. Early, of Aulander was valedictorian. Almost a fire. Last Saturday about 2 o'clock the alarm of fire was given at Mrs. N. B. Cotten'a on Depot street. A crowd gathered in almost a moment and soon extinguished the llames, which were catching on the top of the house from the chimney. There was very little damage. Over a hundred years old. A colored man named Neptune Anthony died recently at the home of his son, Peter Anthony, at the age of 110 years. He was twice married before the Nat Turner insurrection, was able to walk about until a few days before his death. He did his first plowing when he was a lad with a wooden plow. His father came from Africa. Paste it in your hat. Frequently persons wishing to take trains at Pal myra on the Norfolk and Carolina road do not know just what the sched ule at that point is. Here it is : Morning train to NorfolK, 7 :34. Noon tram from Norfolk, 11 Afternoon train to Norfolk, 3 :04. Afternoon train fromNorfolk, 5 :2E "Worth its weiojit in gold." The editor of The Democrat while in Nor folk last week, had a conversation with Mr. E. W. Poyner about Dr. Harvey's remedies, advertised in this paper. Mr. Poyner is a groceryman in the western part of the city. He said that he had a sore hand that gave him much trou ble. Three good physicians treated it and told him it would have to betaken off. He consulted Dr. Harvey who be gan treating the hand at once, and in two weeks it was well. Said Mr. Poy ner, "Dr. Harvey's remedy is worth its weight in gold." Card of Thanks. Mrs. N. B. Cotton asks The Demo crat to express her thanks and appre ciation for the timely aid the good people of the town rendered last Sat urday in promptly putting out the fire, and thus saving her house. Dowden Was Not Hanged. Henry Dowden, the colored man who was convicted of the murder of engi neer M. M. Dodd in Weldon some weeks ago and was sentenced to be hanged in Halifax Tuesday, was not hanged. His counsel effected an ap peal to the Supreme court, and his case will probably be heard at the pres ent session in time for May court in this county if a new trial is granted him. The gallows was all arranged and read7 to do the work, but was undis turbed Tuesday except by those who went in to look at it. Crowds ot col ored people were about Halifax, some going on wagons, some on buggies and some on toot. One colored man walk ed from Palmyra Monday night through the rain. Why not make fi.ve barrels of corn per acre instead of one? Use Carolina Bone and Potash, a cheap but reliable corn fertilizer. For sale by Biggs fc Johnson. State Farm in Fine Condition. Superintendant Leazer went yester day to the new State farm near Wades- boro. He has just returned from an inspection of the farms along the Roa noke : thev are, he says, in excellent condition, better than ever before at this season of the year. There are now at the Roanoke farms only eight hun dred convicts, the smallest number there at any time in the last three or four years. Things at these larms have been so systematized that they run like clock-work. A hundred and sixty convicts have thus far been sent to tbe new Anion county farm. Temporary arrangements have been made for their accommoda tion. No new buildings have yet been erected, but some of the old ones have been torn down, and re-built. The pen itentiary people have to begin at the beginning and "make a farm. All the work being done now is prelemina ry. The crop for the year will be first put under way and then the permanent improvements will begin. News & Ob PERSONALS. Mr. A. L. Purrington hasl-eea North purchasing spring good. Iiev. W. J. Smith went to Halifax Saturday to fill his appoint n.ent. Miss Mattie Wis wall of Beaufort county is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. A. Perry. Mr. J. R. Tillery spent Tueday night in town. He is always cheerful and bright and lives much in the fu ture. Miss Pattie Hardison of Wiiliamston has fieen on a visit to Mrs. E. T. Whitehead and- to have some dental work done by Dr. Liverrnou. Mr. C. C. Con per, of the Couper Marble Works, Norfolk, is in town. Mr. Cou per is always clever and agree able, and those who have business in his line will be fortunate in seeing him. Mr. Reeber of Pennsylvania who vv.is here last year in the butcher business, has returned with his family to live in Scotland Neck again. He likes this country and climate. Roanoke Union. The Roanoke Union of the Tar Riv er Baptist Association will be held jit Enfield. March 27-29, 18M. programme : Friday. 2 p. m. Devotional services by Rev. R. T. Vann. 2 :30 p. m. Organization, roll of churches called and delegates enrolled. 3 p. m. Reports from churches by pastor or delegates. 3 .30 p. m. Ought there to be a good Religious Newspaper in every family? E. E. Hilliard. 7 :30 p. m. Sermon. SATURDAY. f :30 a. m. Prayer and Praise Ser vice Rev. J. K. Howell. 10 a. m. What is the true relation of pastor and members and the duty of each to the other? Revs. W. V. Sav age and E. D. Wells. 11 a. m. What are the popular ob jections to Baptist principles and prac tices? Revs. R. T. Vann and J. O. Alderman. 1 :30 p. m. What Duty does God re quire of us to Orphans? Revs. 10. J. Elwards, J. W. Powell and Hon. W. A. Dunn. 2 : 30 p. m. What are the Duties of the Church towards the Temperance question ?--E. E. Hilliard and the Wil son pastor. 3 :30 p. m. Miscellaneous business. 7:30 p. m. Tbe Pdble. Col. I). Worthington. SUNDAY. 10 a. in. Sunday School Mass Meet ing conducted by the pastor. 11 a. m. Sermon. 7 :30 p. m. Sermon. From Littleton ana Vicinity. (Corrpspondence to Tnr. Democrat.) Littleton, N. C, March 17, 1890. Mrs. Bob Morris ha been visiting friends and relatives in Enfield during the past week. A tight took place here Saturday af ternoon between Mr. John P.Johnston and Mr. Bat. Shearin. Report says that Mr. Shearin got the worst of it. Rev. R. R. Michaux, of Liberty, an aged minister of the M. P. church, is visiting his old friends in Halifax county now. There will be a Christian Endeavor Rally at Corinth church the 20th inst. Rev. T. M. Johnston, from Henderson will be there. There will be all day service. Invitation is to all who wish to attend. B as den. Martin County Court. Correspondence to The Democrat. J Williamston, N. C, March 18, '90. Martin county Superior court met in Wiiliamston, Monday, March lGth, Judge E. T. Boykin presiding. There are several visiting lawyers, among whom are Mess. Gilliam it Gil liam, of Tarboro, Ward & Gailord, of Plymouth, Blount, ot Greenville, Rod man &. Nicholson, of Washington, and Bridges, of Tarboro. Following. Is a list of the grand jury : J. W. Manning, foreman, J. L. Whit field, J. A. Everett, Edwin Manning, J. J. R. Whitfield, J. L. Hines, H. N. Cooper, G. W. Andrews, W. A. Brown, J. J. Taylor, C. T. Johnson, McG. Rid dick, W. A. Rawls, T. L. Gibson, J. T. Price, G. W. Holliday, J. H. Johnson, C. T. Peele. On the docket there are no cases of particular importance except the civil case of Thomas, administrator lor Carraway vs. Parmele-Eccleson Lum ber Company, and the case of the State vs. David Clark, for an affray growing out of a political . discussion. There are several divorce cases and other cases of minor importance. Mrs. Anderson, the aged mother of Mess. J. Wr. and A. Anderson, mer chants of this place, died at her home Sunday night. She was much liked and respected by her friends and ac quaintances and will be much missed by her sons. Dr. Kilgo, President of Trinity Col lege, lectured in the court house here Sunday morning to a large audience. His theme was "Christian Education," and his discourse was much appreciated by his hearers. He preached Sunday OUR NORFOLK DIRECTORY. With Wrscrn to Deal. ! ll wi:i i worm .'::.vui!!it' i m. j Democrat, if Len you h.oe any bus ! uc or rrepondenc w:th our Nor folk advert is-, you w:M tell them vu notice their ad. in tin papr. The Democrat has pl.i.nt buit;e- relation with a nurrJ-er of j.ri.,,n :t. Norfolk ; and we c.i'l the attention our readers to the following go.d rr. :, who are de.-i roils of doing h-i-in- wil the gxl people of Seotlsn l Neck :vA community. ( u v r K i: E - 'N . This firm ha Uen running their ad. in The Democrat fur ome months, and they are so pleased ith it they continue. Tbo-e wtio have dyeing and cleaning to have done can not do U-tter than to send to these gentlemen. Tneir front rooms look like a new clothing store. Clothes that they dye and clean look like new one-. They are one of the reliable coneenn m Norfolk. JOHN O. (H'.jvii:. For venrs Mr. Gamau'e has carried a card in The Democrat occasionally. He likes it as an advertising medium and bid for business from our readers. All kinds of piping, tiling, lime, iatlis, brick and such like building material Mr. Gamage lurnishes. He has a spe cial run on well and sewer pipe. Mr. Gamage is one of the most reliable men in Norfolk and all who deal with him find him so. COOKE, CLARK CO. These gentlemen wish to furnish building material to tbe readers of The Democrat. They carry an ad. in this paper all the time, showing that they get business from this section and ap preciHte it. We commend them to our readers and take great pleasure in say ing that they are first-class business men in every way and treat their cus tomers well always. VIRGINIA CANDY COMPANY. These gentlemen say they made pur chases before the recent trust on cakes and crackers controlled by tbe New York Biscuit Co., and can sell at prices lower than others who had to purchase after the trust was formed. They are very obliging, energetic, up-to-date bus iness men, and all who do business with them are pleased with the tran saction. HEATH-fMITII Co. These gentlemen named several gooo. customers they have in Scotland Neck, and epoke in high terms of them all. ! They do a large whole-sale business and are amongst the cleverest and most wide-awake men in Norfolk. For soine time they have been carrying an ad. in The Democrat and they continue it, showing that they appreciate their customers in Scotland Neck and ad joining towns where The Democrat circulates. cou per marble works. You could not do a wiser thing in the way of post morton arrangements than to leave your order with these gentlemen for your tombstone to be put up after you die. They will at tend to the matter if they live the longest, and if they die first their busi ness is on such a solid foundation that you can rest assured their successors will fill the order properly and prompt ly. Their marble yards present many works of artistic beauty. They have greeted our readers for years and years with a standing ad. and so well pleased are they with the orders they receive that they continue it. HUDSON'S ENGLISH KITCHEN. When you go to Norfolk somehow you get hungry. The din and bustle of business may have something to do with it. Anyhow you get hungry ; and there is no better pbee to find most palatable satisfaction for "the inner man" than Hudson's English Kitchen, 187 Main street. The best coffee you ever drank and always a good meal more than you can eat for 25 cents. Mr. Hudson thinks his ad. in The Demo crat draws customers, or tells them where he is his table draws them. He continues his ad. DR. JAMES HARVEY. Dr. Harvey cures tne suffering. Elsewhere we give what a sufferer said to us his medicine has done for him. There is nothing that equals Orino co Guano for producing tobacco of the finest texture and color. For sale by Biggs ik Johnson. Farmers Bone is the be?t allround Fertilizer made. Good for all crops. For sale bv Biggs & Johnson. I have moved my tin shop acres Mam street opposite the Carolina Bug gy Co., where I am prepared to do all kinds of Tin, Stat ImJo , e Wort Hoofing and Guttering a Specialty. Prompt attention givtn to even the smallest orders. Tin Shop ! Sewing Machines and Furniture of all kinds repaired at short notice. James A. Robinson, Main St., Scotland Nect, N. C. 2 20 tl LOSS OF VOICE After Acuto Bronchitis CTEXD IT CSISG AYER'S Cherry Pectoral A PREACHER'S EXPERIENCE. i "Three rn :.:L- . I '.- k i vi--. t j lent coal w L.t. h I .t:. attack j j of acut- br.-r. !:::-. 1 :. !:. !f - I urid'-r n.-ds.-.i! tr-.i:n:-:.t. i at t?:e ; I end of t" m -r.T!,- w .i- :, !-t:. r. ' ( I found i: v - rv. d.' n!t pr-.ch. S and cou. luded to trv Avu'- Cherrv i rectoral. The first bottle gnve me great relief ; the second, which I am now taking, has relieved me aimost entirely of all unpleasant symptoms, and I feel sure that on- or two hot ties more will effect a permanent cure. To all ministers suffering from throat troubles. I recomim nd Aver's Cherry Pectoral. " E. M. Beawlk.y, D. D., Dist. Secretary, Am. B.ipt. Publication Society, Petersburg, Va. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral GOLD MEDAL AT THE WORLD'S FAIH. AYER S LEADS ALL OTHER SARSAPARILLAS. '.V W Vi 'TOBACCO G Li AN Bl;ick Creek. N. C, Sept. 2o. F. S. Koysler Dear Sir- I used Orinoco this sea-on and can safely .-ay it is the be-t I have ever n-ed for tobacco. 1 only u-ed I'.ihi pounds per acre, and it grew rny tobacco large- and with the finest texture of any I have ever grown. J export to use l.OOO pounds per acre the coming year. Mv tobac co up to the present lias sold for -lh per hundred. Your t ru I v. 1.. G. W. Bvreloot. I. 2. . 'F.S.RaYSTn CUAHO CO. 3reoru. n.c. & korfolk.vaO: BIGGS ,t JOHNSOX, AoENTS, Scon.AM) Neck, N. C. Sale of Valuable Land. Whereas on the 20t f i day of March. lS'Jl , K. V Bullock executed n deed of trust to Albert K. Shattuck upon the tract of land hereinafter deseribed to secure a loan of $1 ,-K'O. oo made to him on said day by the British and American Mortgage Co. (limited) : and whereas said ll. C. Bullock has failed to pay his notes given for said loan and set out in -aid deed of trust at the time that be therein contracted to do, and the said British and American Mortgage Co. (limited) have reque-ted the said Albert 11. Shattuck. trustee a aforesaid, to foreclose the said deed of trust ; and whereas the said Albert K. Shattuck declined and refused to exe cute the said trust conferred upon him and the said British A American Mort gage Co., (limited) m pursuance of pro visions made in .-aid deed of tru-t, have appointed tbe undersigned K. L. Travi trustee in the place and .-lead of said Albert Ii. Shattuck and requested him to execute said trust Now, therefore, I, the said K. b. Travis, substituted tru-tc a- afore-aid. by virtue of said deed of trust, will on Monday the ::otli day of Apr,! lS'JO, at the court bou-e in Halifax town, sell to the highest bidder at ( ub lic auction for ea.-h the tract of land conveyed by said deed of trust, and therein described as follow-, to wit : A certain tract of land adjoining the lands of Andrew Gunter. Wm. K. Bil Jups, D. ('. Clark and other- nd des cribed as follows, viz : Beginning at a stone on tbe road leading to Enfield in front of James Biliup-' nouso and run ning S. Ci W. to Uie main run ot Burnt Coal Swamp, thence up .-aid run to a bowl gum on Andrew ( iunter's line, thence along -aid Gunler's line -V. b E. three hundred and forty-seven (-517; poles to a gum in d branch, thence along W. E. Bilkips' Hue S. -J 7 E. one hundred and, forty-ei.ht (1 1, p"ie- to four sweet gum-, s.rid Billup-' comer, thence along said BiKups' line S. oil W. one hundred and -eventy (1 70,. poles to a stake on .-aid Enfield road, thence along .-aid road to the U-'inn;n?. containing in the aggregate five hun dred acre-, more or less This is fine agricultural land and i located in a verv de-irab!e eoinmun'.tv. This March Pd. lt.fi. E. E. Trvtc. 3 J 'Lt Substituted Trustee. XP NOTICE ! In pursuance of an order, made in the special proceeding- now jendlng in the Supe-iior court of Halifax county, entitled. K. C. Whitehead v-. Sam C. Whitehead and Lydla Whitehead. I will, on the J."th day of April. 1 :'. in the town of Scotland Neck, N. -eil at public auction for ca-b to the highest bidder that tract of land in Halifax Co., on which said Sam C. Whitehead now resides, containing about 7 acres and bounded by the lands of said B. C. Whitehead, Amos Cherry, the lands of the heirs of tne late John Harris and others. This the 10th day of March 1896. Claude Kitghin, 3 19 6t. Commlioner. -or ! M KKTi : v m b..:d.r lb) !-.- I ,e. , ; - i . . i ' 'a' "--. - (- I .:: . . 1 . r. ik I O ' k- loil'er . I !ee- I , .i;- i:i:n - VI i- r I s; 1 . j r hud Vo.v Nb.-a .-, o ',n , ( ' - i : J . . r ' 1 ! T t 'i.e.--.' -.; , ! . 1 ! - li- i. .'.. n-ou's '"oii! and !' ' i if it cutce- ; in -t o:. i-i . . f . . : - n.,t. 1 .: s ( y P I W . . ; ! ,v ( "O. Compere & Son, Parisian Dye Works, nautili AND KF.NnVATING, 107 Church St., and loT p,i!, .-: . NoIM'oEK. V . fjEF F'irtnru '.', Chin-. , St. I - " .'t i OCCONKKCIIKK lAird SEED CORN OCCONEECHEE PROLIFIC FOR SALE. The ' cconeeche' l'rolifii- - three ears to the .-talk with -mail o.b M.o.e- I- .i-.fil-d ' '. ' Price. Per I t -,.. "... OCCONEECHEE FAR ITS, DI KIIAM. N. DCCOIiSrXHES f.';m. JNO. 0. GAMAGE, WOODSIDK'S EODGE. WII BF. - N of; f . I. i; . Shell Lime, Land Plaster, KOCKEAND UMK. CEMENT. -bWl K AM W lib I'll'E. Drain Tile, Chimney Pipe. CoiU and Lime, i a l:. :, 19 om Ca rol i n i MA N V FA' First-class Buggies, Carnages. Surreys. Wagons and Carts. A SPECIAL REPAIRING DEPARTMENT, A FEEL FORCE OE HANI j.i !- : . , . 1 I worker-. rni.n-, iJ.u.iner- .o.i OER FACILITIES are e-pial to ulactory in the country turnm.' oi.t THE BEST OP AS LOW AS IT CAN RE HAD and -nr work :- a- ' ' ' can lie done. Order- .-olici ted :u-A all b-.-:i. - I ! 1 '"' Our Shotm are now complete i.i.d ac t:. i ' of the publi.-. Carolina M A H ILL SI1PPL1R1. Steel Enameled Ware. rpsaiTCIIEK K OINTS N ! ' V ' '. ! - 1 i t , , , .. . ' , . - ' I II- - " ' 1 lie ' ; ,S v . t s. r. in . , 1 f a j I I - I- ! i" : . - - on TEKEF: - "I' ;di t!.- - . ..... i - - i!.e 1 ,u-l -w- . v ! . t:-- ft e MATEEIAL i t- Buggy Ccnpany, M-oTLAND NEK. N. C. n." server, March 13 3 19 tf night, also.