Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report 1 rv a r mm Li V, CSD Dcsanimn cants Tlie Commonwealth. "THURSDAY. JUNE 25, 1896. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. llav, Corn, Hominy and Rice Meal, at Taylor's. Cotton Seed-Meal, Hulls and Bran at Taylor's. A most eveiy thing in the feed line at Taylors. DKVG BUSINESS FOR SALE. Any one who has a little capital and wishes to invest it in a nice little drug store in a prosperous town in Eastern Carolina, will do well to correspond Ti-itn the editor ot this paper. "Wood Wanted. We wish to purchase 33 cords of pine and 1" of oak, to be delivered at Vine Hill Male Academy by Oct. 1st. We prefer to purchase all in one lot, l.ut will contract for 5 cord lots. i is tf. Pkixce & Wilson, Scotland Neck, N. C. (Mention this paper.") Well eouipped Livery Stables for sale. Only Livery in town. Apply to J. M. MORRISETT & SOS., ; II It. Scotland Neck, N. C. Fnotograpns. I am now prepared to do your work and give you satisfaction In photo T;irlis. Mv time is limited in Scot- laud Xecfc, so all who desire work will do well to come soon. Respectfully, R. Hymax. Ladies fine shoes, 3 to 3J. 100 pairs Y. -ur choice for $1.00, worth double. N. B. Josey. Offering big bargains iro.xU. N". in summer B. JOSEY. New line ol shirt a vard. waist Goods. 5c, N. B. Josey. TTANTED : Several trustworthy gen Ml ' , tlemen or ladies to travel in JNortn Carolina, for established, reliable house. Salary 7S0 and expenses. Steady po sition.. Enclose reference and self ad dressed stamped envelope- The Do minion Company, Third Floor, Omaha F.Maw Chicago, 111. 11 14 Union at Roanoke Rapids. Rev. A. G."Wilcox asks us to state that for passengers going to the Baptist Union Meeting to be held at Roanake Ilapids Julr3, 4 and oth, the trains will stop at Roanoke Rapids siding and not at Holing. Death of Little Lucile Coughenour. Little Lucile, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Coughenour, died last Monday, aged about six months. For some time the child had suffered and with all the physician's skill and the patient nursing by parents and others, tne angel of death at last bore the little spirit away to the better land. It was buried in the Episcopal ceme tery Tuesday evening at 6 o'olock by the side of a little sister that died also at a tender age about a year ago. The Commonwealth joins the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Coughenour in sympa thy for tnem in this bereavement which has come to them in the death of their Mr. Davidson Sues tne Southern. The people of Scotland Neck remem ber very pleasantly Mr. B. Davidson of Gibson ville, N. C. He was in Scotland Neck at the invitation of the editor of The Commonwealth when the com pany was organized which now oper ates the Scotland Neck Knitting mills. All remember Mr. Davidson as a very practical and level-headed man. The Durham Sun of the 18th says : "Mr. lierrv Davidson, a well-known cotton manufacturer of Gibsonville, will bring suit against the Southern Railway for putting him off the train last night. It seems that Mr. David son claims he went twice to the ticket office but was unable to get a ticket, and when the conductor went to collect from him on the train he offered him the usual fare in money, which was re 1'ised by the conductor. Mr. Davidson allowed himself to be put off the .train so as to test the matter." Be Sure You Are Right And then go ahead. If your blood is impure, your appetite failing, your aervesweak, j-ou may be sure that floods Karsaparilla is what you need. Then take no substitute. Insist upon Hood's and only Hood's. This is the raedicine which has the largest sale in the world. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the One True Blood purifier. Hood's Pills are prompt, efficient, al ways reliable, easy to take, easy to op erate. Purify your blood with Hood's Sar 5aI'f rilla, which will give you an appe tite, tone your stomach and strengthen your nerves. Uj NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE, 40 cts. per hundred. r n rrcv n o n LOCAL NEWS. Nice dwelling. Mr. J. S. Bowers has completed his new dwelling on Main street and it is quite handsome. First corx. The Commonwealth is under obligation to Dr. R. M. John son for the first mess ot green corn. Improved. Mr. C. A. Camp, propri etor of Main Street Hotel, has had his hotel painted, which improves its ap pearance very much. First cotton bloom. The first cot ton bloom sent to The Commonwealth came in xuesaay .tune zo, ana was i- : m i - grown on the farm of Jim Davis, a col ored man. Examinations. Col. A. Prescott, county examiner, gives notice that ex animation ot teachers will be second week in July. Mr. Pitt's ad. We call special atten tion to Mr. R. E. L. Pitt's bicylce ad.. which appears elsewhere. Mr. Pitt's friends in Scotland Neck will be glad to learn that he is doing -well in Tar boro. Early cantaloupes. Mr. G. T. De Berry of Tarboro had ripe cantaloupes last Thursday, 18th. This was quite early, and judging from this fact, Mr. DeBerry must be doing well at his trucking. Will teach short-hand. Miss Lil lian Richardson, one of our very clev er milliners, will teach classes in short hand during the summer. ThosSKvish ing to sdudy it will do well to call and see her. About crops. The report from va rious parts of the couuty says that crops are generally good, but have suf fered some by the heavy rains. Tobac co is not so good as it promised to be two weeks ago but persons from about Aurelian Springs told us at Halifax Mondayjthat Mr. J. D. White of that section has an exceptionally good crop ot tobacco. Peace Institute. Elsewhere may be seen an advertisement of Peace In stitute, Raleigh, N. C. President Din widdie is well known throughout the State and the school over which he pre sides ranks as one of the very best fe male colleges in the State. Whoever sends girls to Peace may rest assured that they are under good and safe in struction. ' Death of Miss Wilcox. At her home in Halifax Tuesday night June 16th Miss Otelia Wilcox died aejed about 48 years. She was sister to the Mess. Wilcox of Halifax, had been sick for a long while and had suffered much. The remains were laid to rest Wednes day 17th in the old Colonial church yard, Rev. George Simmons conduct ing the service. A large crowd was present at" the burial, which gave evi dence of the high esteem in which de ceased was held in the community. Davidson College. We call special attention to the advertisement of Da vidson College elsewhere in this issue. We have before us a catalogue of that excellent institution and it shows it to be m a most prosperous condition. The college is one of the best institutions oi j learning in the country, and it is pre sided oyer by a most scholarly and ac-1 complished gentleman, Rev. J. B. Shearer, D. D. No one makes a mis take in sending his son to Davidson College. About Extra Copies. We propose to give every one of our subscribers value receieyed for his dol lar which he pays as the subscription price of this paper, and we believe we do. Frequently there is some article in the paper, an obituary, news item, personal mention, or something else, that maces it especially interesting to some subscriber, and he desires a few extra copies to send away. Well, friends, we do not print the paper simply for the fun of it. So if you want extra copies you need not be surprised if we tell you we expect you to pay lor them. But a subscriber may think that surely his patronage from year to year entitles him to an extra copy now and then for nothing. No it doesn't. We give a dollar's worth of papers on the regular mailing list to every subscriber ; and to expect us to give away extra copies because you have paid for what we have sent out on our mailing list is just as unreasonable as it would be to purchase your butter and eggs from your groceryman a year, and when you have extra company call in and ask him to give you a dozen eggs or a pound ot butter. It takes just as much paper ana jusc as much ink to print the extra copies as it does the regular list, and we are none the better off by giving away pa pers.;;' ' ' If you wish sample copies sent we will gladly do that and make no charge lor it I if you Bimply call for extra cop ies to send out for your own conven ience we expect pay for them 3 cents a copy. PERSONALS. Mr. R. B. Sabbury of Hassell was in town yesterday. Miss Viola Camp went to Tillery on a visit last week Mr. W. F.Coppedge of Halifax was in town Tuesday night. Miss Minnie Bladsoe of .Raleigh is visiting at Mr. S. F. Dunn's. Miss Mag. Savage went to Spring Hill and Tillery on a visit last week. Mrs. C. A. Camp has gone for a few days' visit to her mother near Enfield. Mr. Claude Kitchin left Tuesday for Raleigh where he has gone to the State Denocratic Convention. Miss Eleanor Smith left yesterday for Richmond where she has gone to visit her sister, Mrs. Barraud. Mess. W. A. Dunn and B. E. Pope and W. T. Vaughan went to Goldsboro Tuesday morning to the Congressional convention. Mr. H. C. Draper returned last week to Wake Forest where he -.will, spend his vacation in study for the work of the fall session. Col. A. L. Smith of Charlotte spent Snnday here with his relatives. He is always welcomed by his many friends in Scotland Neck. Miss Eunice McDowell came Tues day from Franklin, Va. She will spend a few weeks here visiting her relatives. Her many friends are delighted to see her. Dr. A. C. Livermon was - appointed essayist at the Dental Association at Morehead last week. This honor was conferred upon him by the Association two years ago also. Mrs. W. W. Kitchin returned to her home in Roxboro last week after a few weeks' visit to relatives here. She was accompanied home by Mrs. A. Mc Dowell and Miss Annie Kitchin. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Prince were call ed to Goldsboro last week by the last illness and death of Mrs. Hollowell, Mrs. Prince's mother. The Common wealth joins their many friends m sympathy for them in this sad bereave ment. A Night in Tarboro. The editor of The Commonwealth spent a night in Tarboro last week. It Is always pleasant to go amongst the good people of that town, but we did leel as we came away that they were never so clever before. Mr. O. D. Bell, proprietor of Hotel Farrar, makes his guests comfortable and does everything necessary to make the time pass pleas antly. The hotel is well furnished, ser vants are polite and the table service is good and the fare is good. - Tarboro is all the while making some improvements. The next greatest im provement ahead now is the building of an iron bridge across the river. -The contract was let for this some time ago and it will be built during the summer and fall. The tobacco market will be better this year than ever. There are two or Lthree new prize houses in course of erection and the facilities for handling the tobacco carried to that market will be better than ever. The cotton mills are running day and night, which shows that there is great demand for their product. The railroad facilities of Tarboro are fine now, and trains are passing almost ev ery hour. The new railroad facilities add to the trucking interests in the community. Superior Court had just adjourned and every one was saying good things for Judge Hoke. Some said he is the finest judge they have ever seen on the bench. And no one who knows Judge Hoke and has observed his work in a courtroom doubts the correctness ot the estimate which the Tarboro people place upon him. Tarboro is one of the best towns in Eastern Carolina and there are indica tioffIbf greater improvement still. We haye not had a more pleasant visit to any town nor have we met cleverer bus iness men anywhere. County Temperance Meeting. The Halifax county Temperance As sociation will hold its next meeting in Temperance Hall in Scotland Neck Thursday July 2nd. The meeting will be held at night in order to give per sons who come from the upper part of the county an opportunity to arrive on the train in time. The Association will be addressed at night by Dr. D. B. Zollicoffer ot Garys burg. Dr. Zollicoffer is a strong tem perance man, a god& worker and a fine speaker. It will be worth while for all the friends of temperance to turn out and hear Dr. Zollicoffer. There will be a business meeting ot the Associa tion the following morning, Friday July 3ra but it will adjourn In time tnr thnaa who come on the train to leave at 10 o'clock. The county Temperance Association bears about the same relation to the county that the Scotland Neck Tem perance Association, which has been organizkd several years, bears . to Scot land Neck and community. The county Association would A glad for the Scotland Neck Association to ioin in the work in advocaatinsc tem perance principles throughout the county It is an opportunity fordoing g ood in ft C94 causa. , ; DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. A Good ana Harmonious Meeting. Pursuant to the call oi the Demo cratic Executive Committee the Coun ty Democratic Convention was held in Halifax last Monday. Dr. I. E. Green, chairman of the ex ecutive committee, called the meeting to order. By motion of W. E. Daniel E. E. Hiliiard was made chairman of the meeting and D. E. Stainback and B. A. Pope were elected secretaries. The roll oi the precincts was called and the following were elected as dele gates and alternates to the Congres sional convention in Goldsboro Tues day 23rd: Brtnkleyvilijs W. V . Bobbitt, Dr G. E. Matthews, R. L. Stokes, Sydney Williams and F. M. Parker. Buttebwood T. C. Alston and W. H. Thome. Conoconaba Conoconara precinct, B. F. Tillery, W. H. Randolph, J. R. Weeks and W. D. Shields; Crowell's precinct, F. W. Gregory, W. T. Her bert. Enfield East Enfield,- R. E. L. Gunter, W. J. Applewhite, S. Meyer, David Bell, Wilson Pittman and C. E McGwigan; West Enfield, F. C. Pitt- man, Dr. J. A. Collins, J. B. Ricks, Rf1 B. Britt and J no. Leggett. Faucetts W. R Neville, F. H. Tay lor, J. C. Butts, S. P. Johnson, C. A. Harris, J. D. White, W. J. Lisles and R. B. Brickell. Halifax M. H. Clark, E. L. Travis, T. N. Hill. , Littleton J. W. Northington, J. H. House, Eugene Johnston, Whit Johnson and S. G. Daniel. Palmyra R. J. Shields, L. J. Bak er, T. B. Harrell, C. V. Andrews, W. C. Pender, E. Bony, J. L. Philpott, J. T. Johnson and W. C. Pendleton. Roseneath W. T. Whitehead, Dr. M. T. Savage and W. T. Vaughan. Scotland Neck E. E. Hiliiard, Claude Kitchin, W. A. Dunn, J. A. Pittman, J. P. Futrell, R. E. Hancock, R. M. Johnson, B. I. Allsbrook, C. W. Dunn, B. E. Pope. Weldon Weldon Precinct, B. F. Gary, D. E. Stainback, A. Prescott, W. B. Whitehead, I. E. Green; Deep Creek Precinct, T. L. Emry, W. F. Hockaday, V. M. Burton, G. F. Her ring, W. H. Allsbrook and J. C. Sim mons. Of the foregoing delegates to the Congressional convention the first half of the number named from each pre-1 cmct were regular delegates and the others for each precinct were alter nates. delegates to the state convention. The following were named as dele gates from each township to the State Democratic Convention which meets in Raleigh to-day. This comprises one regular delegate and one alternate from each precinct : Brinipieyville H. S. Harrison, W. V. Bobbitt. Buttebwood T. C. Alston, Capt. Jos. Townes. Conoconara W. M. Crump, B. F. Tillery. Enfield East and West Precincts David Bell, S. J. Clark, Dr. J. A. Col lins and C. E. McGwigan. Faucetts-F. H. Taylor, K. E. Kil- patrick. Halifax Halifax and Crowell's Precincts J. M. Grizzard, J. J. Dan iel ; and W. T. Eure and I. G. Shaw. Littleton Littleton and Gaston Precincts S. G. Daniel and J. W. Northington ; and J. A. House and R. L. Alsjjpn. Kosbkeath- Dr. M. T. Savage and W. T. Whitehead. Palmyra Palmyra and Neal Pre cincts R. J. Shields and G. Hoffman ; L. C. Bell and W. F. Butterworth. Scotland' Neck Scotland Neck and Mary's Chapel Precincts W. A. Dunn and Claude Kitchin ; J. B Neal and R. E.Hancock. Weldon Weldon and Deep Creek Precincts W. E. Daniel and T. C. Harrison ; T. L. Emry and J. C. Sim mons. DELEGATES AT LARGE. The following were elected delegates to the State convention at large : Dr. I. E. Green, W. A. Johnston. E. L. Travis, E. E. Hiliiard and W. J. Ap plewhite ; alternates, Dr. J. E. Shields, Eugene Johnson, S. Meyer, Maj. J. H. Mclver and W. V. Bobbitt. RESOLUTIONS dpERED. Just before the election of delegates to .the State convention Mr. VV. A. Dunn offered the following resolution which was enthusiastically adopted. Resolved, 1. That we favor the free and unlimited coinage of silver and gold at the ratio ot 16 to 1 by the United States immediately, without waiting for the concurrence of any other country. 2. That the delegates from this con vention to the State and Congressional conventions be and they are instructed to vote for no one who is not known to be tor this resolution. .. mr. daniels' resolution. .After the delegates were elected for the State and Congressional conven tions, Mr.'W. E. Daniel offered the fol lowing resolution and asked the con vention to pass it, which was done without a dissenting vote : Resolved, That the Democracy of Halifax county, realizing the eminent ability, legal learning and sterling in tegrity of Hon. A. C. Avery, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, do here by in convention assembled express their aDnreciation of his judicial ser vices, and instruct their delegates to cast the vote of the county for hia re nomination as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. :. ' . " "j maj. neal's resolution. Maj. J. B. Neal then offered the fol lowing resolution : , ResolvedKTh&t it is the sense' of the Democrats of Halifax county in con vention assembled that the delegates to the State convention be requested to vote as a unit not to make nominations. After some discussion oi the resolu tion pro and con, Mr. E. L. Travis of fered the following as a substitute which was accepted by Maj. Neal and carried by full vote of the convention : Resolved, That it is the sense oi this convention that the nominations for the State ticket be postponed until af ter the Chicago convention ; but this is not intended as an instruction to our delegates, but the matter is left to their discrestion after conferring with other State delegates. By motion the convention was ad journed subject to the call of the chair man of the county Executive Commit tee. An explanation. The foregoing re port of the proceedings of the conven tion is defective at some points, but the editor of The Commonwealth be ing chairman of the meeting and act ing as his own reporter, did the best he could under the circumstances. We make this explanation to satisfy our readers concerning any discrepan cies that may be observed. Death of Capt. W. E. Aaron. On June 22nd, 1896, at 5 :45, p. m., died at the home of his adopted son, Mr. W. W. Pope, near Scotland Neck, Capt. William E. Aaron. The 7th of next September would have wound up his 88th year. Though he had lived in this immediate community only two years, his reputation had preceded nim and his blameless life among us won the highest regard of all. Manly strength with womanly gen tleness, the sturdiest honor with the tenderness oi mercy these elements were richly blended in him. If a hu man being lives who ever spoke or thought ought to the detriment of Capt. Aaron this writer has never heard of him. Having lost his only son in his early married life, he chose and adopted to bring up as his own six children of others, some of whom were nothing to him by blood. ao nis nonor be it recorded tnat ev ery one of these foster children cherish ed for him the highest veneration and the warmest hlial love. Tne world is better for the life of such a man and sadder because he has died. Ot him one would expect to hear the fact that for sixty-five years he was a most ear nest servant ot God, and his life shone with the beauty of holiness. At the time of his death he was a member of the Baptist church of Scot land Neck. - The bodv was taken to his old home near Crowells June 23rd, and there laid to rest in the old family burying-ground. R. T. V. Township Committees. At the Democratic primary held in Scotland Neck last Thursday lor the voting precincts of Scotland Neck and Mary's Chapel, Mr. A. McDowell was chairman and Mr. W. E. Whitmore secretary. A motion passed that every Democrat in good standing be recogniz ed as a delegate to the county conven tion. Following were elected members of the executive committees for the two townships : Scotland Neck Dr. A. C. Livermon, W. F. Butterworth, R. E. Hancock, John J. W. Mitchell and Mfij. J. B. Neal. Mary's Chapel precinct C. H. Cocke, John Adams, J. H. Hopkins, J. S. Dar- den and Walter Hancock. Is needed by poor, tired mothers, over worked and burdened with care, debili tated and nm down because of poor, thin and impoverished blood. Help is needed by the nervous sufferer, the men and women tortured with rheumatism, neu ralgia, dyspepsia, scrofula, catarrh. Help Comec Quickly When Hood's daraaparilla begins to en rich, purify and vitalize the blood, and sends it in a healing, nourishing, invig orating stream to the nerves, muscles and organs of the body. Hood's Sarsaparilla builds up the weak and broken down sys tem, and cures all blood diseases, because n n n y Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1. Prepared only by C I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. . are the csly r4P Hood's Pills withHo - E. E. L. PITT, TARBORO, N.C: BICYCLES OP ALL KINDS ON HAND. Iver Johnsons, $100. Fitsburg, $75. 'firpxiHv in ranairine. All Darts furnished for any bicycle manufac tured. PLUMBING AND STJSAM FITTING , at t-w1cst PTMfSES v; '' t 6 2$ly -A !S C. E. HOLLAND & CO., SUFFOLK, "VA., . Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal; Ice, HAY, GRAIN, FLOUR, FEEDSTUFF, , Agricultural and Building Lime, Brioks, CALCINE AND NOVA SCOTIA LAND PLASTER, HAIR AND CEMENT. 4 30 ly T. E. HAYMAN. . T. E. WAVrjJAN tk CO., GENERAL COMlffl MERCHANTS. Wholesale Dealers in ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE. 25 and P. O. BOX 4y6 PHONE 764. 4 30 3m special drive in ladies' dress goods! Large line of plain and printed Lawns & Dimities. Check Muslin from 5oup. Just received a line of the celebrated John Kelly Ladies9 & Miss es9 Shoes and Ties. We have added to our already im mense stock of shoes the old and re liable Eac;le Shoes none better on the market. I C. JOSEI & CO. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA bALVE. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and nositivelv cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunced. Price 25 cents per box. Jror saie oy E. T. WHITEHEAD & CO. g m k o OQ a CO 03 H Q tSI 5 t OQ s 1 s 15 JEWELRY SILVERWARE!!! WATCHES AND CLOCKS PUT IN PERFECT REPAIR. We have engaged the services of MR. J. D. PERRY, who has just returned from the Chicago Watch Ma kers' Institute, where he took a thorough course, and is prepared to do ALL KlnDS OF REPAIO And Engraving. His office is at our show window in front. All work is guaranteed. y GIVE HIM A CALL S. T. WHITEHEAD A CO., Scotland Neck, N. C. 4 25tf SCOTLAND NECK STEAM DYE WORKS ilouBKiKQ Goods a bFECULTY Get price list. Address -- - Scotland Necx Stbajc DYKora Co, Cett!s3 ITeci IT. 0 H. J. HAYMAN. 27 Commerce St., NORFOLK. VH. ladies' ready made shirt waists. Gent's dress shirts in plain and pleated fronts. Percale shirts the very latest patterns pretty designs. All-wool Albatross worth 25c reduced to I5c. You should not make your purchase in straw hats before you see our Nobby line. NOTICE ! In pursuance of an order made in the special proceedings, now pending in the Superior court of Halifax Coun ty, N. C, entitled Mamie E. Hyman and others, vs. Robert Hyman and wife and others, I will, on the 11th day of July, 1896, in the town of Scotland Neck, N. C, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, that tract of land known as the old John R. Hyman home place, lying in Halifax County, adjoining the lands ot F. M. Mizell,the John Watson land, Brantley Currie and others, containing 108 acres more or less, being the same land on which said John R. Hyman resided at his death. Terms of sale: Ono-half cash, balance on the first day of January, 1897, title retained till all purchase money is paid. The land is sold for partition. This June 9th 1890. Claude Kitciiix, 6 11 5t. Commissioner I am Gratified with the patronage which I have received since I opened my Millinery. I heartily thank the ladies of Scot land Neck and community for the liberal share of trade they have thus far given me. It is My Purpose to do all in my power to please them. slUl. . Full line of Millinery of lateej Jnootjricefl. Al att Scotia hast

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