The Commonwealth. E. E. HILLIARD, - - - - Editor. Published Every Thursday. Entered at the Post-Office at Scotland Neck, N. C, a Second Class Matter. THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1896. DEMOCRA TIC NOMINEES. For Governor : CYRUS B. WATSON, of Forsythe. For Lieutenant Governor; THOS. W. MASON, of Northampton. For Secretary : CHAS. M. COOKE, of Franklin. For Auditor : R. M. FURMAN, of Buncombe. For Treasurer : B. F. AYCOCK, of Wayne. Supt. Public Instruction : J. C. SCARBOROUGH, of Johnston. For Attorney-General : F. I. OSBORNE, of Mecklenburg. For Supreme Court Judges : A. C. AVERY, ot Burke, G. H. BROWN, of Beaufort. Delegates at-Large to Chicago : THOS. J. JARVIS, of Pitt. E. J. HALE, of Cumberland. A. M. WADDELL, of New Hanover, J. R. WEBSTER, of Rockingham. Electors at Large. LOCKE CRAIG, W. C. DOUGLAS. THINKS THEY WILL FUSE. Mr. Claude Kitchia returned from Raleigh Monday. He lingered around the capital city a few daya after the convention, and he gives it as his opinion that the Populists are deter mined to defeat the Democratic State ticket at all hazards. He thinks the leaders are willing to fuse with the Re publicans in order to defeat the Demo crats. But let ns hope for the masses of the Populists to vote with the Democrats. Indeed, it seem that there is no other consistent course for them to take. The Populists for quite a while now have rung the changes on free silver, and nothing else ; and now that the Democrats have made a clear and une quivocal platform for free sliver, have nominated a Stat ticket, every man of which is an avowed advocate of free ilver, if Populists are sincere, to be sure, they will now co-operate with the Dem ocratic party in the effort to secure what both are fighting for. IT. IT. KITCHIN FOR CONGRESS. Mr. W. W. Kitchin was nominated fr Congress from the Fourth district by the Democratic convention at Greensboro last week. His many friends in Scotland Neck and Halifax county will be greatly gratified to learn of his nomination and sincerely hope he may be elected. Mr. Kitchin is a talented young man, la of singularly pure life morally, is a fine debater, a good lawyer, ana a most excellent choice for the people of his district. Xo better selection could have been made. Mr. Kitcbin's ability is well known almost throughout the State ; and when he spoke before the Democratic State convention in Raleigh last week, he was given an ovation that would have been an honor to the oldest and most experienced leader in the State. The Commonwealth bespeaks a If ve ly campaign between Mr. Kitchin and Mr. Settle, his opponent, and a victory for Mr. Kitchin in Xovember. DEMOCRA TIC CONVENTION. The State Democratic convention was held in Raleign last week. The platform adopted and the ticket nomi Xiated we print elsewhere. It was a great convention, and was classed as one of the ablest ever held in the Htate. There were giants, intellect ual and physical, in it, and the work done by the convention is entirely sat isfactory to the Democratic party all over the State. The Republicans wiil riot like the very popular ticket that was nominated. Almost every one says it in the strongest ticket that could hare been made. The question of one or two conven tions came up, and though largely in the minority the Halifax county dele gation voted tor two conventions in ac cordance with the sense of the county convention held in Halifax last week. The strong men before us inspire hope in Democracy's cause and the de termination to win in the fight is al ready spreading through the State like prarie fire before a driving wind. A GOOD SELECTION. The Democratic executive commit tee of the Second Congressional dis trict acted wisely in electing Mr. W. A. Dnnn as tneir chairman. Mr. Dunn is prudent and wise in his movements as a leader, and yet progressive at every point and always fights to the finish. The Commonwealth congratulates the Democracy ot the district upon the selection of the committee and the committee on the selection ot their chairman, and feeU assured that no stone will be left unturned for our vic tory in November. THE CONGRESSIONAL CONVENTION. W e had learned only a few facts about the Congressional convention at Goldsborb when we went to press last week ; and it was therefore not full. From the Goldsboro Argus we gather the following accurate account : Hon. F. A Woodard was nominated by F. D. Winston of Bertie ; Dr. W. P. Mercer was nominated by Dr. E. G. Moore of Edgecombe ; Mr. George W. Sugg was nominated by Capt. Swift Galloway of Greene. The first ballot stood : Woodard 259 3-5 and Mercer 67 2-5. The nom ination of Mr. Woodard was made unanimous. Capt. Swift Galloway, Mess. W. A. Dunn and Paul Jones were appointed to wait on Mr. Woodard. Maj. T. L. Emry and Mr. J. W. Grainger were elected delegates to the national con vention. Mr. F. D. v mston was elect ed presidential elector. executive committee. The Executive Committee was an nounced aa follows : F. D. Winston, Bertie ; Don Gilliam, Edgecombe ; T. M. Jordon, Greene ; W. A. Dunn Hal ifax ; L. Harvey, Lenoir ; W. H. Joy ner, Xorthampton ; Jos. E. Robinson, Wayne; M. J. Hawkins, Warren; John D. Gold, Wilson. Mr. W. A. Dunn was made chair man. MR. WOODARD SPOKE. After the business of the Convention was over Mr. Woodard addressed his fellow citizens in a fitting speech ex pressing his appreciation of their con fidence and thanking them for their support. It is indeed quite a compliment to Mr. Woodard that he nas thus been endorsed three times in succession by the Democrats of the Second district. Mr. Woodard is now serving his second term, having stood a contest for his seat by H. P. Cheatham and won in the fight as he did at the polls. Mr. Woodard's record as a Represen tative m Congress has been satisfactory, except where there .vere some con flicting claims about post offices, and the like ; and no living man can give per fect satisfaction under such circum stances. The Commonwealth congratulates the Democrats of !he district in the selection ot their standard-bearer, and predicts a full vote for him at the polls in Xovember. The people of Scotland Xeck remem ber with pleasure and pride Mr. Wood ard's opening speech here in the last campaign. It was one of the clearest and most lucid arguments on the tariff that has ever been heard in the dis trict ; and Mr. Woodard's canvass this year will be a strong one, for he is al ways up to date on every question that concerns his constituency. 'A DEMOCRA T OF DEMOCRA TS." Mr. J. P. Caldwell editor of the Charlotte Observer, the leading advo cate of the gold standard in the North Carolina Democratic press, said editor ially in his paper from the State Con vention : "The nomination of Cyrus B. Wat son, of Forsyth, by the Democratic State convention last niyht, was made in grea't wisdom. He is a Democrat of Democrats, a clean man, a man of high ability, spotless record and approved fidelity and courage, well equipped with all the weapons of political war fare, fertile of resource, ready, bold, tireless. He will traverse the State from the mountains to the sea and rain anch blows upon the head ot Russell as will maice that worthy curse the day he was 1orn. "Mr. Watson's speech of acceptance was in a lofty strain. It was memorable for its grand dignity and it went to the hearts ot the convention and assured the delegates that tbey had made no mistake in their choice ot a standard bearer. "Three times three for Watson now and for victory in November." "J.P. C." OLD NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE, 40 cts. per hundred. OVATION TO NORTH CAROLI NA'S NEXT GOVERNOR. A special sent out from Winston June 26th, gave the following account of the ovation tendered Hon. Cy. Wat son, Democratic nominee lor Governor, on his return to his home in Winston : "Hon. Cyrus B. Watson, North Car olina's next Governor, was given a grand ovation when he arrived home from Raleigh at 1 :30 this afternoon. Several thousand people were at the de pot in carriages, on horse back and on foot. When the engineer gave the sta tion signal the Davis School cannon (which had been sent to the depot for the occasion) began firing salutes, the factory whistles blew, warehouse bells rang and the crowd yelled itself hoarse. This continued long after the train had rolled up to the passenger depot. In the welcoming party were Mayors Crutchfield and Hauser (both Repub licans,) Forsythe Riflemen, firemen with engine and hose wagon. The brass band was also on the scene and it hel pe ed to honor Forsyth's favorite son by rendering a number of inspiring selec tions. "As the train pulled up to toe station Mr. Watson was standing on a car platform from which he was taken bod ily upon the shoulders of the most en thusiastic admirers and placed in a handsome 'coach and four' comprising a splendid carriage drawn by four beau tiful iron gray hcrses Amid the tre mendous uproar of booming cannons, ringing bells, shrieking steam whistles and the shouting throng, a big proces sion, headed by the band wagon and comprising a long train of carriages, including many on bicycles and other conveyances filled with many of Winston-Salem's most prominent citizens, both Democrats and Republicans, was formed and moved off to Main, street and thence down through Salem to the public square, where a great throng congregated to demand a 'rousing' speech from their 'next Governor.' "The outer gallery of the Salem Fe male Academy was used as a rostrum and after the presentation of a large bouquet of flowers in behalf of the la dies of ihe Academy to the next Gov ernor, Col. F. H. Fries introduced Lieu tenant Governor Dough ton, who spoke briefly but encouragingly and then made way for Mr. Watson, who said it was impossible for him to express- his feel ings and would have to leave it to their imaginations what was going on in his hot and restless heart He waa not looking for any such demonstration as this. Mr. Watson explained how he became a candidate for the nomination and made apt allusions to the cam paign. He was tired and would have to be excused from making extended remarks." STAND BY THE PARTY The Goldsboro Argus, which has teen a .strong gold paper, comes out in pronounced expression for loyalty to the Democratic party. It says : "In the meantime, however, south ern Democrats shonld stand by their party. The Southern people have nothing to gain and much to lose by a division of the Democratic party. "It is much the wiser policy to wait and see what the outcome of the pres ent political situation will be before taking any step likely to injure the party. "As for the Argus, it is for the Dem ocracy, if the party gets wrong, to help get it right again ; but always in the party and for the party." The Biblical Recorder ot June 21 was a special educational number and it was a gem of beauty. The special cover was artistic in design and showed a stroke of enterprise that is seldom seen in religious papers. It was well filled with articles on matters oi eaucaiors m toe state, lhe paper ought to be filed in every home for re ference on the subjects discussed in its columns. President J. B. Brewer who has pre sided over Chowan Baptist Female In stitute at MurfreesDoro lor fifteen years or more recently resigned, and Rev. W. O. Petty of Yorkviile, S. C, has been elected President of that institution. More Curative power is contained in Hood's Sarsaparilla than in any other similar preparation. It costs the proprietor and manufacturer more. Jt coats the jobber more and it is worth more to the consumer. More skill is required in its preparation and it combines more remedial qualities than any other med icine. Consequenly it has a record of more cures and its sales are more than those of any other preparation. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best medicine to buy because it is an honest medicine and thousands of testimonials prove that it does actually and permanently cure dis eaese. PERSONAL. Free 64-page medical reference book to any person afflicted with any special, chronic or delicate disease pe culiar to their sex. Address the lead ing physicians and surgeons of the United States, Dr. Hathaway & Co. 22 South Broad street, Atlanta, Ga. PLATFORM ADOPTED BY THE DEMOCRA TIC ST A TE CONVENTION. All Men of Ail Political Parties Invited to join in a Fight to the Finish ' for Free Silver and Good Government. Whereas, the Democratic party had its birth in Mr. Jefferson's great con test against the centralization ol the powers of the Federal government, and in behalf of the strict construction of the Federal Constitution embodied in the tenth amendment thereto, m which all powers not delegated to it were ex pressly reserved to the States, respect ively, or to the people : and whereas, the Republican party has ever been the party of centralization, resolved. 1. That we appeal to the people to observe this fundameutal difference be tween the Democratic party and its tra ditional enemy in respect to the pow ers of the central government. 2. That the Constitution of the United States recognizes both gold and silver as the primary or redemption money of these State?, and that, in the words of the National Democratic plat form of 1884, "We believe in honest money, the gold and silver coinage of the Constitution, and a circulating me dium convertible into ouch money without loss." . 3. We favor, independently of other nations, the free and unlimited coinage of silver and gold, without discrimina tion against either, at the present legal ratio of 16 to 1, and we condemn the st'stem which m a time of peace, with millions of silver bullion lying idle in the Treasury, has forced the govern ment within the short period of two years, to issue $262,000,000 ot bonds, entailing this enormous debt upon the people in order to maintain its credit upon a single standard and a gold basis. 4. We condemn the action of the Secretary of the Treasury in following the Republican precedent of paying the obligations of the Government in gold which were specificially made pay able in coin. 5. We hereby instruct our delegates to the National convention, both as to platform and candidates, to advocate and vote as a unit, unflinchingly and at all hazards, for the restoration of sil ver, and otherwise in oledience to the letter and spirit of the principles herein enunciated. We further instruct our delegates. State and district, to ue all their efforts to abrogate the two-thirds rule, if nec essary to secure the nomination of a candidate m complete, in hearty, and in known accord with the principles herein enunciated by us. 6. We warn the people against the threatened combined evils of the gold standard and the McKinley Tariff. These twin monsters go bahd in hand in their mission of destruction, drawing the very sustenance from the body of the people, and concentrating all wealth and power in the hands of a few. 7. We denounce the McKinley Tar iff and all other forms of protective tar iff legislation, and favor the constitu tional tariff for revenue only. 8. We favor the repeal of the un constitutional tax of ten per cent, on State banks of issue. 9. We declare ourselves in favor of a graduated income tax m order that wealth may bear its due proportion o the burden of supporting the govern ment, and we tavor an immediate amendment of the Constitution of the United States authorizing its levy and collection in express term?, leaving nothing for judicial construction. 10. We are unalterably opposed to legislation by which monopolies and trusts are created and fostered. We in sist upon the faithful execution of the existing law3 against the same, and up on such further legislation as may be necessary for their suppression. STATE AFFAIRS. II. We point with pride to the economic and stainless administration of the State government whenever De mocracy has been in power. 12. We favor the enactment of such an election law a3 will secure the pun ty ot the ballot, and lor the mainte nance and protection of the right of suffrage to all the citizens of the State, 13. We favor the continuance of the system of public education estab lished by the Democratic party, and pledge ourselves to its increased effi ciency as the condition of the people and public revenues may justify. 14. We favor the prompt, impartial and just administration of fhe criminal law of the State, and point with pride to the fact that a Democratic legist x . . ture nret enaciea a law against lynching, and that the faithful execu tion ot the same has virtually suppress ed that crime in the State. We cordially invite all men, regard less of former political associations, to unite with us, in a fight to the finish for free silver, for low taxes, for higher prices, for agricultural products, for the economical administration of govern ment, and lor the freedom and individ ual sovereignty of the American citi zen. We declare our belief that the peace, prosperity and happiness of the people of North Carolina depend on the defeat of the Republican State ticket in the cooing election. LIKE GENTLE SHOWERS. Kina Words For Scotland Neck. (Correspondence to The CoJfaoswuiTB. 1 Roaxoke Rapids, June 26, '96. Your correspondent is continually hearing something kind said ot Scot land Xeclc and her people. I was a hotel clerk in Weldon three cr four years and was necessarily thrown with a great many strangers and often heard them refer to their trip to Scotland Xeck, and I am yet to hear one un kind word of your town. The com mercial traveler never had an unkind word to say of Scotland Neck and a hotel clerk can learn as much or more from that dare concerning a town than any other on earth. If it deserves praise or censure it will be sure to get it. And tbey always spoke in praise of the town and its people. Well, any town with such intelligent, enterpris ing go ahead men in it as yours has, must necessarily go forward. It has three nice churches whose pastors are among the most intelligent christian gentlemen in our land. Large congre gations attend them all. In addition to those they have a bank which is doing a good business, a knitting mill which gives employment to about 125 operatives, a twenty thousand dollar hotel. They also have schools second to none m the State for a town of fif teen hundred inhabitants. This town is indebted in a great measure to The Democrat, now The Commonwealth, for its success. It has been untiring in its efforts to build up Scotland Xeck and it has succeeded and deserves the hearty support of its citizens, and I pre sume has it. The gentlemen in charge of the bank, telegraph office, post office, hotel, and Com mox wealth office are among the most courteous and gentle manly men to be found in any town The merchauts of this town are all good business men and are successtul in bnsiuesa. You seldom hear ot any financial trouble with the business men of Scotland Xeck. The town is noted for health. Fifteen years ago this town was without shipping of any kind, but with their usual vim its citizens went to work and raised money and then a railroad was built and now they have a freight and passenger train either way daily except Sunday with as clever and efficient set of men in charge of them as ever pulled a throttle or punched a ticket. If Scotland Xeck possessed the advantages that some towns have it would soon have a popu lation of five thousand. Mr. Editor, You may take this communication and do as you please with it. It goes to you unsought. The writer has simply voiced the sen timents of himself and hundreds of others. He has no axe to grind at the hands of your good people. W. B. Whitehead. PLYMOUTH NEWS. rorTespontlorice to The Commonwealth.; Plymouth, X. C, June 20, "JO. We are sorry to learn that Rev. J. L. Cunninggim who went off sometime ago to take a few days' rest Is sick at the home of his sister in Durham. We hope for his speedy recovery and return to his people. There is comparatively ppeaking very little sickness in onr town now. Iam persuaded that Plymouth can show as good health record as any town in Xorth Carolina ; yet a great many peo ple believe that coming here means to give the undertaker immediate pat ronage. What Plymouth needs now more than anything else is a first class school. If the people wanted a school they could have it, for there are as good chances here to build up a first class school as are to be found. The Roanoke Rail Road and Lumber Company will begm regular work at their new mill this week. The new mill is quite an improvement on the old. There are five large saw mi lis here and all are doing well. We like the new name lor your pa per and think the change wise ; not that we object to the word "Democrat," for that word has a musical ring in our ears, but because we think the new name more appropriate in view of the fact that there are are so many papers in the State and elsewhere that are styled "Democrat." Constipation Causes fully half the sickness in the world. It retains the digested food too long in the bowels and produces biliousness, torpid liver, indt- n n ns gestion, bad taste, coated tongue, sick headache, in Pills somnia, etc Hood's Pills cure constiDation and an Its results, easily and thoroughly. 25e. All druggists. Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. The our Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. TRINITY COLLEGE, DURHAM, Ji. C. Trinity offers courses in Mathemat ics, l-nilosophy, Latin, Greek, German, rreuco, Xneiisn, il3tOrv. Poitlfnl science, .Political Economy, Social science, Chemistry. Astronomv. Min eralogy, Geology, Physic?, Biology and BEAUTIFUL LOCATION, BEST ED UCATIONAL ENVIRONMENTS AND THOROUGH INSTRUCTION. 1181 to 1220 pays all Coileee ex penses per year. Next Session open Sept. 9, 1896. For catalogue, address 7 2 2m Pmaidaiit. FEATEP For Three Years He SafTsrefl coia Hardly Breathe at Kight One Nostril Closed for Ten Years. Mr. A. M. Ramsey, of De Leon, Texas, was a sufferer irom caiarrn m is worst form. Truly, his description oi his sufferings seem little short of mar velous. Instead of seeking his couch, glad for the night's coming, he went to it with terror, realizing that another long, weary, wakeful night and a struggle to breathe was before him. De Leo. Texas. Messrs. Liftman Bros., Savannah, Ga., Gexts: I have used nearly four bottles of P. P. P. t was afflicted from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet. Your P. P. P. has cured my difficulty of breathing, smother ing, palpitation of the heart, and has relieved me of all pain. One nostril was closed for ten years, but now I can breath through it readiiv. I hav e not slept on either side for two years; in fact. I dreaded to see night come. Now I siep s.-undlv in any position all night. I am 50 vears old. but expect soon to be able to take hold of the plow handles. I feel glad that I was lucky enough to get P. P. P., and I heartily recommend it to my friends and the public generally. Yours respectfully, M RAMsEy The State of Texas. . Countv of Comanche, " Before the undersigned authority, on this day, personally appeared A. M. Ramsey, who, after being duly sworn, says on oath that the foregoing statement made by him relative to the virtue of P. P. P. medicine, is true. A. M. RAMSE. Sworn to and subscribed before m this, Augusts, ..j M LAMBERT, X. P.. Comanche County, Texas. CATARRH CURE0 BY P. P. P. (Lippman's Great Remedy) where all other remedies failed. Woman's weakness, whether nervous or otherwise, can be cured and the system built up by P. P. P. A healthy woman is a beautiful woman. rimples, blotches, eczema and all disfigurements of the skin are removed and cured by P. P. P. P. P. P. will restore your appetite, build up vour system and regulate you in every "way. " P. P. P. removes that heavy, doTvn-in-the-mouth feeling". For blotches and pimples on" the face, take P. P. P. Ladies, for natural and thorough organic regulation, take P. P. I'.. ipp inans Great Remedy, and get well at once. Sold by a!! i1ruj?ists. LIPPMAN BROS.. Apothecaries, Sols Prop'r, Llpprear.'s Block. Savannah. Ga. UPSON'S ENGLISH KITCHEN, j 187 Main St., NORFOLK, VA. I Is the Leading Dining Room in the ; City for Ladies and Ociitle-rr.en. Strict ' ly a Temperance E'lace. All meal -c. ' SHrdson'd Surpassing Coliee a Specialtv. 1 10 ly PEACE INSTITUTE. FGSImrei &mNo superior work done anywhere, TTorth or Soiith. I" h r """ : faculty it h;i over hd. The r.'v.i;ip of!erod in I.ito; T.. . : - sjc and Art are'-od. Addrf, JAMES WXTVIDME. A f T.nlveritv . Vt.!:i: 6 23 2m ' I': in-".' Marvelous Cmres! PROF. JAS. HARVEY'S ityHERB REMEDIES are unequa'ed by any and excelled by :. no. 1 Rheumatism, Eczema, Scrofula, eura!gia. Catarrh. Di-ppsai, anl all : of the blood. For any sore where the bone l not affected, cure is w Letters stating your ccomplaint, if accompanied with stamp, will receive : attention. OFFICE AND LABORATORY. 277 Church Street. 12 5 lv Get in your order, Befirafcc Flour has Advanced Sugar will Follow. Drop us a Postal for Special Trices on Cakes, Crackers and Candy. Virginia Candy Company, Manufacturers and Jobbers, 41 Roanoke Avenue, .Norfolk, va. Fresh Roasted Pcnnut3 Daily. KILN RESSE RESSE I have just received from tlie N. C. Lumber compa ny a nice lot of Dressed Lumber, consisting of Flooring, Ceiling, Moulding And Weatherboarding of all kinds. All Will lie soli at LUMBER YARD IN THE REAR ) . OF WHITE & PAULL'S. 5 PORTER'S ANTISEPTIC HEALING Oil 'ft r, t For Barb Wire Cuts. Skriv.:-"-Saddle and Collar Gall. Crick 1 Burns, Old Sores, Cuts, B Piles and all kinds of isdan:r.-..i. - - J man or beast. Cures Itch ani Mi-r- tit Sirs, C?t BTi tU ijit S4j? :u ... lit ttta Be prepared for accident! hmse orstabte. AMOrugglitStell iti No Curt, No Pay. Pr.ce ij ctt. i $:.-.... Druggist does not keep it send ui a; cm. tags stasips and we will ses i it t-J yrj ; Der Sir : I hT tn4 PsrW mtiit;n H with jwrfsct utiifactioii, sad I iir 7 rwt:a:: C. B. ISVCTE. L:-T7 1 ! ?- BABY BURNED. rentier! tt .I i p to tyk AntUcpti H?llaOti. Mr tbr wn fc i?-: t . ajr. and after tryini all otier rm.ii I j;.: ; and tie rrt asD.ioarioa rOf. aai in t St ore was well. I aL ut i the oil on inr rirt -. ; ; . ; it i tae b!t renWy Jortala purpote teat I ..a'e ' Pari, Trnn.. January 2. K-4 alCFiCTTRIO BY PARIS MEDICINE CO., ST. LOCI, M For rale nnd guar: tee-1 ' E. T. WHITKHKA 1 1 : 7 4 0m Scotland N-. :. I "' AT- Mrs. White's. PRETTIEST AND CHEAFE.-T 1.I.VK 'F H.'w EVER SHOWN IN" SCOTLAND XECK. lavici itj unniiii C. D. Coret.a t fortr.- : i : Sailor Hat from l-"e to -5.. (jive me a call before p'ir?:.--' . Ml-:-, vr. it. v: r : ; : Notice! ILiyinj qrMlifed -;- the f 5t--'tf of Wflt. ('l.rr. I hereby notify ;' r .irtie- : "'i claimr- :i'.-i:r!-t -1 t same to n;c "ii o" bef-.tro T:i!y l-r. I and all pei'ri -.' ?.-! 1 entc-r-lc-i-iO ni:io -c.-t.i 'T.'j'V. "'i'! f.? ; -as p'.-;b!o. Ti.'i the l.'th uiy 1S. A ': .- :;:.. - (I.J , Cuwi z K:t" !::v. Norfolk, Va. lu M ly DRIED 1 UiWBE Very low Prices. m 43 i S. F. DUNN, Scotland, N. C 416M