V '; s -.: ii It- . II : i ft.-; I- In i The Commoiiwealtli. v w MILLIARD. - - - - Editor. - Published Every Thursday. Entered at the Post-Office at Scotland Neck, JV. C, an Second Class matter. THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1896. LET US LINE UP. The Commonwealth does not pose as any one's political monitor, or spe- cial advisor ; but we confess to a feeling 5mrtinr. at the doubt and uacer- . , .x.ui Dnnratic tam.y " ""V " highway m norm campaign has opened and candidate , .. .11- C Um I Watson and otners are auuressms people in the various parts oi tne State ; but almost every day there is some sign sent out from headquarters at Raleigh, like unto the sign in some secret service, intimating that some - ' tmng new win soon U1UUS w light or the unexpected will turn up rishtsoon. Tuesday s JNews & UDserv - er said that something will soon come .;n vQ ayrr to light that stars." Well, now, if it is to make Demo crats see but stars even by which they may be enabled to wade out of the darkness that gathers and crowds around them, in the name of all good, let it happen, and the sooner the bet - te There is no cainsaying the fact that tne iiemocrauc pariy in orwi aroii- x a T it n IS na has seemed more at sea on the threshold of this campaign than it has 4 ,-Qo, ytnra Time has been, and that not far Dacic, wnen it was not so. wnenmosti ' I a a. Tm x good Democrats now In the State first began to exercise their kingship in the I use of the ballot they knew what was before them and what kind of warfare they had to make, and what the color of the enemy's uniform. But it seems late coming in this campaign. The maneuvres of this campaign re-1 mind one of a fakir at a countv fair "Xow you see it, and now you don't." About two or three times a week it goes out in some newspaper that there will be fusion on the electoral ticket There will be fusion of some kind which will save the votes for Mr. Bry an, but it can't be told exactly how ; and about as often some one else thinks it cannot be done, or words to that ef fect. Jfow, in the name of thousands of good and loyal Democrats - in JNorth Carolina, who are willing to do their auty ii meycannnd it, ahe com- moxwealth calls upon the leaders, the committees, or whoever is to do it, to trive us some definite work- and final And if it is not yet known how we must work, do let the Greek admoni- tion be observed until some rdan of work can be settled upon : "Say some thing better than silence, or keep si lent." It takes enthusiasm to do such things as fight a political battle buc- cessf ully ; and we need to know our enemy's position and who he is to in spire such enthusiasm. ANOTHER ILLUSTRATED EDITION. I no KOlAifrn IVlAwa At I InaamrAr ia An I terprising. Last Sunday's issue was twenty pages. It was a fish, fruit and trucking edition. It showed many fine views of truck iarms and fisheries in Eastern Carolina and was quite cred itable to this part of the State and to the enterprising management of the paper. BRYAN TO VISIT NORTH CAR OLINA. It has been announced on the author ity of Democratic State Chairman Man ly that Hon. W. J. Bryan, Democratic candidate for President, will visit North Carolina during the campaign. He will mafce three regular speeches, one at Raleigh, one at Greensboro and per haps at some other point. He will make a two days' trip through the State and will speak from the rear end ot the car at many of the larger towns. The people of North Carolina will not be slow to hear Mr. Bryan wherever he speaks in the State. HOKE SMITH RESIGNS. Hon. Hoke Smith, Secretary of the Interior, has offered his resignation, which will go into effect September 1st President Cleveland has announced that ex-Governor .Francis, of Missouri, has bccoUitad ia JJjr. Smith's ctsd. SHORT CROPS. Rain. Drouebt and Heat Have Done The Work. NORTH CABOLINA. Raleigh. C, August 24. The State crop bulletin issued to-day says the past week was more favorable for crops and especially for farm work than any since the middle of July, owing to .he hfinfififii.nl rains at many points i d te rature below normal TJie extent to which cotton is cut off js variously estimated at from 25 to 50 per cent. Shedding continues on san- Uy lands. It is opening rapidly and will all be picked by the middle of oc- tnW Rain ia needed to mature the I bolia. t south Carolina, Columbia, S. C, Aug. 23. The di j rector of the State Bureau of the Unit- ea otaies vveamer bcu vrup owuvo said in his last report : "From all por- 1 . , t , I deterioration, due to excessive heat and want of rain. Not a single report was I received, but it is stated that cotton is 1 failing. So general and extenaea is the injury done by the want of rain I that only Sea Island cotton escaped and that is ripening prematurely." GEORGIA. Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 22. R.T. Nesbitt commissioner of agriculture, reports as follows on the condition of the Georgia cotton crop : The early planted cotton Cabout hal 1 the crop) started off well and made a I good crop, which is now matured and 13 Picked The balance of the cron. however, came un late on account ' q Aprfl flnd Mfly Thig late I cotton made rapid growth and up to I August 1 looked very promising, but I witnout any matured rxrns. excessive- . a It 11 "Wl ! V aot ana weatner oi tne past I f hrfift wfifiks has riiined this cotton. . .j-,- . , . j causing shedding of leaves, forms and young bolls and leaving only a few half-grown bolls on stalks. Rains now can do this cotton but little good un- Hess there should be an unusu ally late fall, when possibly a little j top crop might be made. On August 1st the crop promised splendidly all over Georgia, but now it will be agree- ably surprising if the State makes 70 P cent- of a croP LOUISIANA. -wBaton Rouge, La., Aug. 2. The following statement of the crop in Louisiana was made to-day by G. G, Lee, commissioner of agriculture of Louisiana : The cotton crop throughout the State has been cut short for the past three weeks from 10 to 30 per cent. The uplands or hill sections of -the State, embracing the parishes of Union, Claiborne, Webster, Bienville, Jackson, Caldwell, Winn, Grant, Lincoln, West- lorn O.atnhmrtit WTeatarn Onaffitia rtart. . ' ' L . 0 . ' , , , . , I bine. De Soto and Caddo are short from 70 t, 80 per cent. It is in these par- ishes that the drought, with the exces- sive hot weather of the past four or five wfwa us prevaneu miu mmusi, win- 63 aboye named, to 45 per cent. Rapideses is from 25 to 35 per cent, short, as is also Caddio, Bossier, St. Landry, Pointcoupee and West Feliciana and East Feliciana 50 per cent, short. The Florida par ishes are from 40 to 50 per cent, short, Estimating last year's crop at 100, the total crop of the State this year will not oyer 50 to 60 per cent. TENNESSEE, Nashville, Tenn., Aug. 22.-The State commissioner of agriculture has not heard from more than half his agents in the counties in regard to the crop statistics for the month of August. An estimate based upon the returns I mation from other places, the crop is put at obout 50 per cent, of the average. The effects of the protracted heat and drought are painfully apparent in the amage 10 ine com and cotton crops and it is not unlikely that 50 per cent, is too high an estimate for these sta ples. Later returns, however, may ma terially alter these figures. POPULISTS ENDORSED KITCHIN. At the county convention at Went- worth a lew days ago, the Populists en dorsed Mr. W. W. Kitchin, Democrat ic nominee for Congress from the Fifth District. If the Populists throughout the district endorse Mr. Kitchin, he will almost certainly be elected. TO BE ELECTED. The folllowing officers are to be voted for in North Carolina this year : Electors for President and Vice-President. In the State Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Treasurer, Auditor, Attorney General, Superin tendent of Public Instruction, two Jus tices of Supreme court. In the county Sheriff, Register of Deeds, Treasurer, ; Coroner, Surveyor, three county commissioners, and in each township there are to be elected three Justices of the Peace and a Con- -.. : t. .... stable. STATE NEWS. Raleigh, N. C, August 22: From information receivedjfrom different por tions of the State of -North Carolina Governor Carr feels satisfied that the cotton crop for this year has been in jured nearly 40 per cent on account the excessive dryness and intense heat, The Raleigh Correspondent to the Wilmington Messenger says : "Mrs. C. P. Pickford, of Lynn Mass today sent to Joseph G. Brown, Treas urer, $500 for Pickford sanitarium for colored consumptives at Southern Pines. The sanitarium will be built under the supervision of Dr. Scruggs, a colore physician of this city. Northern capitalists have this week purchased 4,000 acres of land in War ren county, for use as a game pre serve." A telegram dated at Suffolk, Va Aug. 22, said : A large mob of enraged citizens, arm ed with rifles, swords and pistols, this morning before day made a desperate attack on a crowd who are styled - the sanctified band on Chowan river, near Montrose, 2i. C, forty miles from Su folk. The sanctified band numbers 103 men, . women and children and were sheltered in four arks anchored fifty yards from shore. One woman was killed and several men wounded Since operating in the locality their in Alienee had become so great that con gregations of old churches were disinte grated and hundreds were converted to the new doctrine. The moral in fluence was of a baneful character, Husbands and fathers feared for their wives and children and domestic ties were broken- Tne band meanwhile was preaching sanctification and holi ness. The men of the attacking mob fought with desperation, indicating a determination to oust the intruders. xne leaders oi tne sane ti tied band are Sadie Collins and a man named Lynch." RINGWOOD NEWS. (Correspondence to The Commonwealth.) Rixgwood, N. C, Aug. 24, '96, Cool and fall like weather. Tobacco curing about over. Crops ordinary uotron picKing will commence soon The crop is quite short. Mrs. Patsy Smith, aged 87 years, died on Wednesday last. She had been con fined to her room a year or so and had sunerea a great aeai, out sue was a nr -1 . . . . christian and has gone to rest. She had 10 children and numerous grand children and great-grand-children. She did what she could while living and now enjoys the reward. Two colored men engaged in a fight on Mr. Simpson's Woodlawn farm and Dit on eacn otners lips.. Large pieces oi one s under and the other s upper ip were bitten off and both are marked 'or awhile if not for life. Dr. G. E. Matthews dressed the wounds. Mr. Charlie Harvey, of Raleigh, a very clever and courteous young gen tleman, is visiting the family of Mr, W. V. Bobbitt. The pleasant sociable at the elegant home of Mr. L. Vinson was much en joyed by the young people and visitors from a distance. Mrs. Irene Herbert and son of Kin- ston are visiting Mr. John Weller. Miss Annie Huggins of Goldsboro is isiting Miss Maggie Bullock. Mr. Ed. Simpson went to Wilson ast week and spent a couple ot days with his mother. Mr. A. VV. Threewits who has been quite sick is rapidly improving, to the delight of his many friends. Miss Annie Garrett of Weldon who has been visiting relatives here has re turned home. Quite a crowd from here attended a picnic at Panacea Springs last week and bad a very pleasant time. Edgar. You and Your Grandfather Are removed from each other -by a span of many years. He travelled in a slow going stage-coach while you take the lightning express or the elec tric car. ' When he was sick he was treated by old fashioned methods and given old fashioned medicines, but you demand modern ideas in medicine as well as in everything else. Hood's Sarsapanlla is the medicine of to-day. It is prepared by modern methods and to its preparation are brought the skill and knowledge of modern science. Hood's Sarsaparilla acts promptly upon the blood and by making pure, rich blood it cures disease and establishes good health. . $100 Reward $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dsease, requires a consti tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting direct ly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease," and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative poweis, that they offer One Hundred Dollais for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO., To ledo, O. Sold by druugists, 75c. VJanted-fln Idea 2 think Omnia ttatnc to pates tf wit a. Attar- MIRACULOUS 'ESCAPE. Correspondence to The Commonwealth.) Weldon, N. C, Aug. 25, 1896. Miss Agnes McGee of Weldon was crossing a high bridge in Mush Island driving a hor?e to a buggy. When nearly across tbe bridge the horse be came frightened at a hole in one of the planks and backed off the bridge a dis tance of about 20 feet, the buggy fall ing first and both Miss McGee and the horse falling on the buggy, but neither were hurt. The buggy was slightly damaged. Some persons who were near went to her assistance, and got them out with little trouble. An excursion passed here from Nor folk to Littleton to-day. Numbers of colored people took advantage of the cheap trip and joined the excursionists. Our school building will soon be completed and will present a nice ap pearance when finished. Mr. Jones, the principal, has arrived and is ready to' commence his school duties. Mr. Ju lian Bagley of West Point, Va., has al so returned to school. A great many of our people are out of town for a lit tle recreation. The Methodist church is undergoing repairs and will be ready for use in about two weeks. SENATOR LUCAS FOR CON GRESS. At the Democratic Congressional Convention in Washington Tuesday, State Senator Lucas of Tyrrell county was nominated for Congress for the First District, Senator Lucas says he is going to win. Mr. John H. Small was ; made elec tor. Notice! North Carolina Halifax County, Superior Court, Nov. Term, 1896. Harry Hyman vs Dinah Hyman. Let the defendant, Dinah Hyman, take notice that the above entitled action has been begun in said court by the said Harry Hyman against her for a divorce on the ground of aban donment, the summons returnable to the Nov. term of said court, to be held m the town of Halifax on the eighth Monday after the last Monday in Sep tember, laUb, when and where defend ant is required to appear and answer or demur to the complaint of the said plaintin. Given under my hand this the 24th day of August 1896. Sterling M. Gary, 8-27-6t. Clerk Superior Court. FAVETTEVILLE - MET ACADEMY, Fayetteyille, N. C. Recognized as a school of the very best rank. Thoroughly prepares for any college or for the practical duties of life. Endorsed by patrons from ev ery section, four States and nearly ev ery college in N. C, Va., and S. C. Number of boarders limited, hence the individuality of the student is con stantly kept in view. Teachers and pu pils form one household, thus mating the home element very prominent. Dis cipline is strict but parental. Not a single case of serious sickness since its foundation. Terms very moderate. Next session begm3 September 2, 96 For catalogue, address, Col. T. J. Drewry, C. E.. 7 16 2m Principal. Tie : Uniyersitv, 36 Teachers, 534 Students. Tuition JfbU a year, Board $8 (eight dollars) a month. 3 Full College-Cours es, 3 Brief Courses, Law School, Med ical School, Summer School for Teach ers, bcnoiarships and loans for the needy. Address PRESIDENT WINSTON. 7 2 2m Chanel Hill. N. C x j Johnson's Chill and Fever Tonic cures every time. Cost 50 cents a bot tle if it curces : not one cent if it does not. For spJ hv E. T. Whitehad & Co Norfolk College For Young Ladies. Norfolk, Va. Superior School for all Studies. Lit erary, Art, Music. Yearly cost only 5t2(A. Send for catalogue to 7 2 2m. A. P. PIFER, Prut. HUDSON'S ENGLISH KITCHEN, 187 Main St., NORFOLK, VA. Is the Leading Dining Room in the City for Ladies and Gentlemen. Strict y a Temperance Place. All meals 25c w Hudson's Surpassing Coffee a specialty. 1 16 ly Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator oi wesiey Johnston, deceased, late of of Halifax county, N. C, this is to noti- ly all persons havme claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or hFf!re the 1st day ot August 1897, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please malm immioto payment This 27th day of July 1896. - - A. G. WlLLCOx. AiW.- . Brinkleyvilte,N. (J., . : 7 30 6fr Are the Messengers of Sense, the Telegraph System of tne human body. Herves extend from tbe brain to every part of the body and reach every organ. Nerves re like fire good servants but bard : masters. Nerves are fed by the blood and are therefore like it in character. Nerves will be weak and exhausted If the blood is thin, pale and impure. Nerves will surely be strong and steady if the blood is rich, red and vigorous. Nerves find a true friend in Hood's Sarsapa rilla because it makes rich, red blood. Nerves do their work naturally and well, the brain is unclouded, there are no neuralgic pains, appetite and diges tion are good, when you take nn LnJ(Q)(Q)(c; Sarsaparilla The One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. 91. Prepared only by C. I.. Hood A Co., Lowell, Maw. j, r.t the best family cathartic tlOOU S PUIS and liver stimulant. 26C- Notice! By yirtue of power in me vested by that Deed of Trust which was executed to me on the 26th day ot June, 1895, by W. C. Pendleton and his wife, Ju lian Pendleton and his wife, Charles W. Lawrence and W. E. Lawrence, I shall sell for cash at auction in Scotland Neck, on the 5th day of September, 1896, the following described real es tate, to wit : that land in the village of Greenwood formerly belonging to W. T. Lawrence, and bounded by the lands of Mrs. Amanda Ferrall, the Roman Catholic church lot, and by the public road which passes the residence of tne late D. Edmondson, and containing about four acres. This August 11, 1896. W. A. Duxx, 8 13 4t Trustee. OFFICE OF TILLERY'S - Roanoke River Line. The Only Line Reaching all Landings on Roanoee River. Connec tion writn Norfolk and Southern Rail road at JSdenton, N. C. 'Services regular and prompt. RATES AS LOW AS ANY. T. W. TlLLERY, 5 14 tf General Manager 9 SUMMER DISEASES The Ideal Remedy for all diseases of the stomach and bowels, such as Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Indigestion, Dys pepsia, Cramps, Loss of Appe tite, etc., is that standard of all medicines. Do Kirurs'Si IJOYflliGEHPTuEfl. Tfcowsanda of Certificates att t thfact. Mr. Li. T. Collier, Kosciusko, Miss., Bays: "My bowels would act from ten to twenty times a day, of a bloody, mucus nature. My kidneys were very badly out of order. I was treated by the best physicians, and they said I could live but a short while. I then commenced using Royal Germetuer. En three weeks I could eat anything', and do as much work as ever. I con tinued the Germetuer, and can -testify that I am entirely cured, and that Germetuer did the work." 1 It is as pleasant to take as lemonade, and builds up from the first dose. It cures dis ease by removing the cause SoI3 by Ortijtrst a, Oao DoUav. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY THE ATLANTA CHEMICAL CO,, Affi Write for 48-page Book, Moiled Fre. Use GERMETUER PILLS and GERMETUER COUGH SYRUP. 8 6 1y(h) Tine 1 Female Academy. INCORPORATED 1812. A BOARDING & DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. FULL CORES OF TEACHERS. Careful instruction in every depart ment, music department under skillful musician from New England Conservatory of Music. Elocution and .Fnyslcal Culture under a student from New England Conservatory College of Oratory and Emerson School of Orato ry, .Boston. Terms very moderate. For further particulars address the principal, MISS LENA H. SMITH, 7 y Scotland Neck, N. C, NORTH CAROLINA AND MKCHANIC ARTS. Ibis College offers thorouirh in Agriculture, Mechanical, Civil and Electrical Engineering, and in Sniflnno General academic studies supplement all these technical courses. Expenses per Session indudinq Board : For County Students. S Qinn For all other Students, - 121 00 Apply for catalogue to .-. - ' ALEXANDETl O. Wot t jnir'.,. Raleigh, N. C., : Praridant. vfmm Wd MNP M EN Are peculiarly benefited by P. P. P., Lippman's Great Remedy, the most wonderful Tonic and Blood Cleanser in the world. P. P. P. restores shattered nerves, gives strength and tone to tho entire system, revives the worn out, nervous and debilitated You cannot but be nervous if your blood is impure. P. P. P. gives the proper nourishment to the blood, and cures nervous pros tration, debility and nervous head ache. P. P. P. cures that' tired, languid, " all g'one ' feeling, cures dyspepsia, in digestion, and that awful distress of the stomach. P. P. P. cures that weak, nervous con dition, that dreadful jumping of the heart, followed by dizziness and sink ing spells. Make your blood pure by taking P. P. P., Lippman's Great Rem edy, and ycu will be well and happy. Women are benefited, their organizat ion regulated, and their weakness and lassitude cured by P. P. P WEAK, TIRED PEOPLE should take P. P. P., Lippman's Great Kemedy, without delay. While not actually sick, you feel weak and tired, ready to get sick, and what you need is strength to drive out of your system that which is the cause of Spring Fever. P. P. P. is needed at once. Mrs. Hattie Mylius, of 70 East 8Ctn street, New York, says that she was in poor health, and that her case devel oped into nervous prostration. She suffered from nervous headaches, and at times was unable to do any work at all. She could not sleep, and was so nervous that she would have to get tip. at all hours of the night and walk the floor, and the opening of a door would startle her. But her weakness and nervousness is all gone. 1. P. P. was what saved her. Her appetite improved, her nervousness is a thinjy of the past, and she thanks P. P. P., Lippman's Great Remedy, for her com plete restoration to health. Sold by ail druggists. LIPPMAN BROS., Apothecaries, Sole Prcp'ra, Lippman's Block, Savannah, Ga. WE DYE TO LIVE! Compere & Eon, - Parisian Dye fforft - mi m 1 a 1 mm - npisg, - scoirmg, AXD RENOVATING, 107 Church St., and 107 Main St., NORFOLK, VA. gjST'Fuaory 560 Church St. 12 o 3m CHOWAN MURFREESBORO, N. C. The Next Session Begins Wednesday September 2nd. Besides the regular preparatory and collegiate departments, Music and Art, a JNormal department has been added for the especial training of those who have teaching in view. Book-keeping, Stenography and Typewriting have al so oeen added. Experienced and ex ceiient teachers have been secured, buildings haye been put in good repair, and the healthfulness of the place is unsurpassed. Address for terms, etc., REV. W. O. PETTY, Pres., or REV. SAM'L SAUNDERS, i 2m Associate. LITTLETON MH SCHOOL -AND- lit College Preparatory Course. Com- mercial Course, Penmanship, Short hand and Typewriting. BOARD VERY CHEAP. Opens Aug. 25, '96. Address L. W. BAGLEY. Triii.. 7 9 2m Littleton, N. C. m . . mm. -rfti "V iJ BAPTIST FEMALE INSTITOTE, INSTITUTE PEACE INSTITUTE For Youn ladies. J- RALEIGH, N. C. No superior work done faculty it has ever had. The advantages offered in Literature, Languages, Mu sic and Art are unsurpassed. Address, 6 25 2m G. W. Coughenour, ROM.PT ATTENTION TO ALL BUSINESS AND ALL WORK POSITIVE . ":; LY GUARANTEED. -"Money Saved U Money Made Make Monev bv Savinait. 7 23 tf . . ' " Tfniiim Tr.MsiiMAf ervvri ivnwrriir w n PORTCR'O ANTISEPTIC HEALING OIL For Barb Wire Cuts, Scratches, Saddle and Collar Galls, Cracked Heel Burns, Old Sores, Cuts, Boils, Bruises, Piles and all kinds of inflammation on man or beast. Cures Itch and Mange. Tli Ccr, Oat n 8ro tIU ttref matte? iftu tfci e'.l hu ten aspllti. Be prepared for accident by keeping it in your house or stable. Alio ruggicts lell it on a guarantee. MO Cure, No Pay. Price S cts. and $1.00. If your Druggist does not keep it send us 25 cts. in pot. tage stamps and we will send it to you by mail, Parlf, Tenn., Jan. Suth, Pear Bin I have uted Portor'a AalUrptla Hrallai Oil for Htroni and Saddle UalU, Scratches and Barb W ire Cut with tiarfiict satisfaction, and I heartily recommend it i, all Uvarr and Stockmen. . C. B. IRVINE, Livery n1 Feed PUhle. BABY BURNED. Gentlemen .I am pleased to speak a word for forrr'a Antlasptle Iloallaa Oil. My baby was burned a lew timntlii an, and after trying all other remedies I applied your "Oil" and the first application gave relief, and In a tvw days the sure was well. I alto used the oil on mr stock end find t!mt it is the best remedy for this purpose Uiat 1 have ever usrd. Yours, C. T, IX WIS. Paris, Tenn.. January 28. 1894 aaCFaCTCRBD BY PARIS MEDICINE CO., ST. LOUIS, HO. Forjsale'and guaranteed by E. T."WHITEIIEADfc CO., 7 4 Gm Scotland Neck, X. C BAEGAI1TS Mrs. White's. For the next CO days I will sell all trimmed hats and fancy ribbons at cost. Mits formerly sold at 25c. and "0c. now offered at loc. and 25c. C. B. Corsets at 85c, former price $1. Call and see me before purchasing elsewhere. Very respectfully, MRS. W.'ll. WHITE. Don't Stop Tobacco. HOW TO CUKE YOURSELF WHILE USING IT. The tobacco habit grows on a man until his nervous system Is seriously af fected, impairing health, comfort and happiness. To jult suddenly is too se vere a shock to the system, as tobacco to an inveterate user becomes a stimu lant that his system continually craves. "Baco-Curo" is a scientific cure for tho tobacco habit, in all its forms, carefully j compounded alter tne lormma oi an eminent Berlin physician who has used j it in his private practice since 1872, with out a failure. It is purely vegetal:, and guaranteed perfectly harmless. You can use all tho tobacco you want wbilo taking "Baco-Curo." It will notify you when to stop. We give a written guar antee to cure permanently any case with three loxes, or refund the money with 10 per cent, interest. "Baco-Curo" is not a substitute, but a scientific cure, that cures without the aid ot will pow er and with no inconvenience. It leaves the syhteui as pure and free from nicotine as the day you took your fu st chew or smoke. Cured by baco-curo ani gained thir ty pounds. From hundreds ol testimonials, tlio originals of wnich are on file and oen to .inspection, tho following is presented : Clayton, Nevadn Co., A rk., Jan. 28, 1 815. Lnreita Chemical fc Mfg., Co., La Cro-s, Wis. Gentlemen : For forty years I used tobacco in all its forms. For twen ty five years of that time I was a great sufferer from general debility and heart disease. For fifteen years I tried to quit, but couldn't. I took various rem edies, among others "No-To-Bac," "Tho Indian Tobacco Antidote," "Double Chloride of Gold," etc., etc., but nono of them did me the least bit ol good. Finally, however I purchased a box of your "liaco-Curo" and it has entirely cured me of the habit in all its forms and I have increased thirty pounds in weight and am relieved from all the numerous aches and pains of body and mind. I could wri to a quire of paper upon my changed feelings and condi tion. Yours resiHJctfully, P. H. Marbury. Pastor C. P. Church, Clayton, Ark. . Sold by all druggists at $1.00 per box : three boxes, (thirty days' treatment), $2.50 with iron-clad, written guarantee, or sent direct upon receipt ot price. Write for booklet and proofs. Eureka Chemical & Mfg. Co., La Crosse, Wis., and Boston. Mnsa. 4 10 4m JAMES DINWIDDLE, M. A., (University of Virginia) Piincipal. Manufacturer fc Dealer in ALL KINDS OF (I DRESSED LIBER. Contractor and Builder.

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