' Highest of all in Leavening Power.- Latest U. S, Gov't Report n o SmSH THE SOCIAL, SWIM. (5f Coming and Going EverWcek. Mullen Tillery, At the residence of the bride's father, Mr. John B. Tillery, near Tillery, Wed nesday iNoy. 11, 1896, Mis? Bettie Til- Mr. Howard Alston of Halifax spent lery was married to Mr. John Mullen. Tke Commonwealth. THURSDAY. NOV. 39, 1896. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. AOZQEJU'SEUX PURE LOCAL NEWS. a night in town last week miss Maggie Shaw has returned from a several weeks visit in Tarboro. Mess, ti. W. Bryan and S. P. Stal- lings went to Rocky Mount last week to sell tobacco. Rev. J. A. McKaughan performing the ceremony. It was a quiet home wedding with only the family and a few other friends I present. The bride an groom left on the Announcement to Merchants. uyste? supper. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist church will have an oyster supper for the benefit of the new parsonage to-night (Thurs day) at Camp's Hotel. The people of the community are cordially invited. Work of lightning. During the morning train for"Petersbure.Va..where Mr. W. G. Lamb of Williamston was Judge Jas. M. Mullen, brother of the I nere last week on business and on a vis- groom, tendered them it to his brother, MtJoseph Cohen left Monday for Baltimore to purchase goods for his clothing and shoe house. If T T - -w-w . ir. j . ,a. jrurvis oi Hamilton was a reception. Thence they went North on a ten days' trip, visiting Washington and other cities. The groom is a well known farmer of his community and enjoys the highest esteem of the entire community and of thunder storm last Thursday lightning here Sunday on a visit to her father, many people throughout the county To the Merchants of Eastern North Carolina: - We announce that we are now leady to fill your 'orders for mattresses, hav ing a large stock on hand, and all made in the latest Boston shape. We are the largest manufacturers in the State,, and do claim to give you the best Double Cotton Top Mattress, in fancy and plain blue ticking, ever offered he fore. We have special freight arrange ments to all points.. Orders filled the day they are -eceiyed Order early, as they will be higher. ; Very truly, Halifax, XC. . HALE BROS. truck a tree in Rev. W. J. Smith's . ird and" tnree chickens were killed by the shock. A clothes wire running from tbe tree to another tree near by has not been seen since. -Mr. Smith's little boy had just run past the tree wheu the lightning struck. He thinks that if the boy had been five seconds later running by the tree he would have been killed. ' oiiciju u AliBuroOK. ' The hririA ia WAll Irnrrcr. thmmUm Mr. M. Cohen has moved here and ttus section of the county and has is li ving at Mr. George Smith's new many admirers because of her many ad- A Card to the Public Good Home For Rent. The Miss Nina McDowell property in Greenwood on which Mrs. Rasberry now lives. Good house and "garden. All in good repair. Six acres of land adjacent which will be rented with the house and garden," or separately. Also . a mall - two-room house on corner of lot which may be rented separately from the other property. Apply to editor of The Commonwealth. JNotice. Owing to the condition of my health and my inability to attend to my busi ness matters,. I have placed all my notes, accounts, tind other business T matters in the hands ot Mr. W. A. Dunn. I will be glad if all of those who 'have unsettled matters with me will call on him immediately. Nov. 17, '96. Noah Biggs. Superior Court. November term of bupenor court will $pen in Halifax next Monday. The docket has quite a number ol cases divided about as follows : Assault and battery 23 ; trespass 1 Tseduction 1 : damage to prooertv 1 : larceny tf ; resisting omcer z ; carry ing concealed weapons 7 : a t tempt to wreck a train ; arson 1 ; murder 1. , There are other minor cases besides those mentioned. ' -. the Size house, where his' sons live with him. Mr. .1. M. Morrisette went last week te Elizabeth City to visit his old home section. He had not been thare in thirty-five years before. Mrs. Garabaldi ot Halifax returned home laatweek after a visit of several days to Mrs. Dr. J. R. Pope. Miss Addie Smith returned Friday from an extended visit to Birmingham, Ala., and other places. Mr. T.Tl Worsley of Rocky Mount spent a day or, two in town last week. He is interested in the Rocky Mount tobacco market and treats his custo mers cleverly. - - "" mirable qualities of head and heart and I her charms of Christian character. m s . ahjs commonwealth extends con gratulations and wishes for the happy pair a full share of happiness and pros perity, We. respectfully request every family in the county to examine the Economy Flour . Bin when the salesmen call, This is our means of advertising our goods, and the company pays its men good salaries for this express purpose. and requires them to show the bin at every-house, if possible, whether the parties wish to buy or not. Our sales- m men are sometimes met at the door with the salutation "We don't want to buy and consequently won't take up your time unnecessarily to show us your bins." If our men showed the bin to those only who wanted to buy before having seen it. they would fall far short of doing the duty to their compa ny that they are employed to do. Our main object is to lay a foundation for a future trade on the bin, and we are not depending wholly on the immediate or ders we take. -Consequently we want every one to at least examine the bin Some people have tuch a narrow idea of business that they see only the pres ent and never consider the future of LOST A pair of gold spectacles be lonsinsr to Anderson Mitchell. In case worn at the lower end. Finde mav leave tbem with owner or at this office and will be paid for trouble. Cotton Seed "Wanted. I will oav highest cash prices for 15.- 000 Bushels of Cotton Seed. Also I have meal and hulls for sale cheap. . It. J. Madry. Scotland Neck, N. C. ' Full line of Warner's Corsets. X.,B. Josey Special Inducements offered on Dress Goods. N. B. Josey. A DATDY THING TO 3ELL. I have been doing so well this sum mer selling combination dippers that I think it is my duty to tell others about it. I have not made as .much money as some I "read about but 1 . never make less than $3, and $5 a day ; the dipper can be used as a fruit jar filler ; a plain dipper ; a fine strainer ; a fun nel ; a strainer funnel ; a sick room warming pan. and a pint measure. These eight different uses makes the jdipper uch a necessary article that it sells at nearly every house, as it is so w t cheap, lou can get a sample oy sena- insr. ss I did. IS two-cent stamns to pav postage, etc., to W. H. Baird & Co., Station A, Pittsburg, Pa., and they will mail you a dipper, and you can go right to work. Anyone can make $3 or $4 a day anywhere. A Reader. A Nash County Diamond of of a Guinea Kgg. We are informed by a reliable busi ness man mat a iarmerin .jNasn coun ty found some time ago a" diamond of thl? siz3 on his farm. Our informant states that he saw it one evening about dark and it illuminated a small, room aoout jjdxio. .it was tound some vears ago. Tte business man states that he offered to advance $100 on it for the farmer to send it on to, be examined by experts.-Rocky Mt. Phoenix. The Colored People Celebrated. Last Friday the colored ipeopie cele brated Republican victory by a general gala day of parading music. &c. A band of music came on the morning train from Greenville and'several ..hun dred spent most of the day in a general celebration of their victory. . They pa-raded-ihe streets about 12 o'clock and went to their church for some speech making, and later in.the afternoon tfaey paraded again. - There were men, wom en and children of all sizes in the pa rade, some mounted on horses - and mules and one on a black ox, but most of the crowd on foot. ' They were very orderly and did noth ing more than make merry in a very conservative way; and The Commox- wealth sticks to it that Scotland Week ind community Jias" the cleverest col ored people in the country. - NORFOLK MARKET. PEPORTED WEEKLY BY . SMGE, SOiU CO, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Norfolk, Va., Nov. 9, 18'J6. COTTON STEADY. . Good Middling, - St. Middling - S. L. Middling, Middling, 7 . PEXUTS STEADY Fancy, Str.' Prime, 2f T." 9.1 x rime,------------------t Spanh, - -,-0.7o B. E. Peas per bag f 1.50. Fires Ter doz. .... ..... . -17 ao i : G-EO. L. PARKER, M M Watch Inspector. HIGH GRADE 1 ALWAYS OK HAND. Bridal Presents in Sidling and Plated Silver of. Elegant Designs. A FULL LINE OF THE - Best Spectacles - and Eye Glasses. EYE-SIGHT TESTED ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. 9 21 tf ; r7? iii!- - - 71 Porf (Vnsh gffim. Tastes ID ttmfl. BOMPf or-w . Death of Thomas. R. Ransom. The sad news has come that' Mr Thomas , E. Ransom, son of Minister Ransom, died at his home irf North ampton county, Friday Nov. 13th. Beinsf'" much interested in the late election and, the cause of Democracy he exerted himself until late on elec tion nicht and took cold whfch result ed in pneumonia. He had the atten tion of three physicians who rendered him all the' assistance of which medical skill was master, but nothing could loose the band ot the destroyer. Mr. Ransom was a young man of superior talent and a Chesterfield in urbanity. He" studied law at Chapel Hill after graduating from the Univer sity. In September 1S87 he secured license before the Supreme Court ffr practice law. Afterwards he practic ed law in Asheville, but abouf two years ao he settled down to the nractice of law at Jackson near his home, and he was fast taking rank as si lawyer of marked ability. A kinder and truer ffienct no one ever had. His grace of nfanner and fluency of conversation, with other qualities of real gentility, easily won tor him a phice wherever he went. The editor of The Commonwealth feels a personal loss in his death. Hav ing spent some time with him in the study of law, and' having been with him in the ordeal ot sitting before the Supreme Court which so tries a joung man's nerve, we learned to admire him for his real worth as a man and for his kindness as a friend. " The world is sadder for his death and the household from which he was the first to be taken is heavily borne down by this untimely sorrow. The Commonwealth extends the deepest sympathies. To Our Subscriber,. We desire to thank our subscribers for their uniform courtesy to us this year and we feel under many obliga tions to most of them for the kind treatment we have received at their hands both in the payment of their subscriptions and in other respects. So far as we know there is not one ruffle of feelingbetween us and a single one of our subscribers, the list ofwhich now numbers about eleven hundred, outside, ot exchanges teand advertisers. We are much gratified at this state of affairs- that we, can count at least five thousand Headers every week and leel on good', terms with every one, While we preier to ketep a paid-in-ad vance subscription list, we have not exactly done so for the past year ; and we find that a number of our subscrib ers are a little in arrears. We take this r - method of reminding them . that a great many, small amounts due by In dividuals make a large amount to us. Theeditor of The Commonwealth expects to be at the conrt house in Halifax every day next week, perhaps, except Wednesday, and shall be glad to have tnose who owe something on the paper to settle, if they can. If you are behind aqd it is not convenient to set tle, why just tell us so and tell us when you will and that will help some. Catarrh in the Heaa Is a dangerous disease. It may lead directly to consumption. Uatarrn is caused by impure, blood, and the 'true way to cure it is by purifying theblood. Thousands testify that they have been cjured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. ' Hood's Pills are the best after-dinner pill ; assist digestion, prevent constipa tion. 25c. Wanted-Aji Idea Who can think of oma slmpla thing to patent? A Household Convenience. One of the most bonyenient and most desirable equipments for the kitchen pantry is the Economy Flour Bin. It is manufactured in Cincinnati, Ohio, and is being sold now in this commu nity by Mr. F. M. Brown, assisted by Mess. J. F. Cox and H. A. Carroll. The article commends itself to every housewife, and any one who uses it for awhile would doubtless ask more than the price to part with it, Mr. Brown; the general manager - ol the business for this region, hts his headquarters at Tarboro. He comes to this community with splendid bank references, and he has opened a bank account with the Scotland Neck - bank. Mess. Cox and Carroll have, chaige of the work for Scotland Neck, Mr. Car roll being here all the time and Mr. Cox part of the time. , These gentlemen will spend- two or three months here and will doubtless call on all the housekeepers in the community before they leave. They are clever and polite and can- interest all housewives with their flour bin. Roanoke Union. The Roanoke Union will be held in Washington, N. C, Nov. 27-29th. PROGRAMME FRIDAY. 10 a. m. Devotional Exercises J. K. Howell. 10 :15 a. m. Organization. 10 :45 a. m. what Our Orphanage has Accomplished, and What it Should Accomplish F. T. Wooten, J. B. Boone. 2 p. m.- Religious Literature in the Home J. A. Rood, G. L. Finch, J. W Powell and N. B. Broughton. t 3 :15 p. m. Sunday-School Work in North Carolina J. R. Pace. E. C Wells, B. W. Spilman. Night Introductory Sermon W. V. Savage. , SATURDAY. 10 a. in. Devotional Exerc ises by J. A, McKaughan. 10:1; a. m. The Ideal Christian College D. B. Ricard, Dr. C. E. Tay lor. - 3 11 :S0 a. m. Our Undeveloped De nominational Power W. V. Savaere. Dr. J. W. Carter. I p. m. Undeveloped Power Con tinued. . 2 A5 p. m. The Mission Work Be ing don9 and to be done in North Car olina by Baptists -J. E. Ray, J, E White. , Night--Sermon. , SUNDAY. 10 a. m. Sunday-School Mass Meet ing led by N". B. Broughton. 11 "a. jn. Dedication Sermon Dr. J. W.. Carter. Night Sermon led DpThey Sell Liquor on Sunday? In the regular weekly meeting of the Temperance Association Tuesday night, Mr. F.P. Shields stated he had heard it stated on tne streets that any one who wishes can buy liquor m Scotland Neck on Sunday. Mr. Shields moved that the Associa tion appoint a committee to ivestlgate the matter, add if the report should be found true, co-operate with the town authorities in suppressing this viola tion of the law. - - - Mr. A. McDowell spoke in support of the motion and expressed the be lief that all neccessary is to -ask the saloon-Keepers whe have violated the law, to desist. President Hill appointed business. Our company has gone to heavy outlay of money in equipping its factory and getting its business es tablished on a solid basis, and our main interest is centered" in the future of the busiuess, and it is the ambition of the company to make the Economy Flour Bin as staple a household article as a cooKing siove or sewing macnine, or any other piece of furniture. There are many irresponsible agents' on the road of questionable character and wholly'unscrpulous as to the man ner of doing business, selling various kinds of goods, who if admitted into a house to display their samples, will bore the people to death for their pat ronage, and if they fail to get it will feel offended and show their dissatis faction very plainly by their words and actions. We take this opportunity of assuring the public that such will not be the case with any of our men, and if you are kind enough to look at the sample you will not be bored for an or der, but will be Kindly thanked for your - time ana attention and m ever' way treated courteously whether you purchase or not, and we feel that , our men deserve and will get the same kind and corteous treatment from the public. Our company makes It a rule to em ploy none but sober, upright business men ; men who conduct themselves as gentlemen Whether at home or abroad, and their continuance with the compa ny depends more on their proper con duct than it does on the amount of immediate business they do, and if any one iinds these facts to the contrary "they will be thanked for- reportTn g MeT1 same to the company's main office at Kansas City, Mo., or to the branch of fice at Tarboro. Asrto the responsibility of the com pany we refer to any of the banks of Kansas City, Mo., or any desired infor mation on this point can likely be ob tained through either of the hanks ot this place, or the Scotland Neck Bans. We will make Tarboro our headquar ters for this section of North Carolina, where we will be located fo? several months. Our office is located first building West side of Main St., next to the new bridge, where we invite all to call and see us. - We Keep one ot the bins with all apartments, filled in working order, and would like for every lady who comes to Tarboro to see iust how it works. Thanking our many patrons and the public geneially for the encourage- p ENHE LfrWAREHOU ; ENFIELD, N. C., For the sale and purchase of Leaf Tobacco, xNOW BEADY FOR THE 1896 CROP., -0- We have a good Corps, of liberal buyers with orders sufficient to take, at ita full market value, all tobacco that may be placed on our market. We have a commoaious, wen lighted and arranged WAREHOUSE for showing fine tobacco to the best possible advantage. Large orders, ample capital, long experience enables us to guarantee at all tfmes THE HIGHEST MAKKE"T PRICE FOR EVERY PILE OF POBACCO PLACED ON OUR FLOOR. e SO LOAD UP and drive straight to the Enfield .Warehouse , and you will make no mistake. 910 3m BURWELL & COLE, PROPRIETORS. The Leading Clotfiii ana Sitae Hoe ' IN SCOTLAND NECK ! ! Again we have received a tremendous stock of Fall and Winter G-oods, in fact so large; tHat we were compelled to give out con tract for another building 40x75 feet to hold them, if there was not another store ill Scot land Neck we could furnish you everything you need and thereby save you money every V ' rm .1, - - OUR STOCK includes everything needed to clothe the outer and suBtaiij the inner man. When you fail to find what you want in our store you are hard to suit. HtXlVfV 1 f.f- Mess. R. L. Hardy, A. McDowell, E. E Hilliard as a committee oflnvestiga tion men t given our business thus far, we and if the law has been violated as rerjort- are Very Respectfully, Two Classes. "The Copy Hook described two classes of weekly newspapers. The readers of The Coimoxwath may judge as to which says class. this paper belongs It There are newspapers and there are newspapers. In thebne class is found the banket-sheeted, sensational, high pressure publication, constantly pers piring like a foaming boiler and every one just as much afraid ot it. It is fill ed with charity to none but itself ; and malice to all who do not feow to its imperious will. I sometimes seems ito prosper, and is not infrequently wound up by the sheriff. The other class does not consider- it necessary to find a fresh sensation J;o publish each week, but gives what le gitimate news there is in good shape, carefully sifting the facts in order to be able to youch for .what it says. The paper contains not a line that the manly boy might not read to his moth er andsisters in the purest home. It has no business secrets ; is respected by its neighbors, though sometimes called an old woman by the other class ; and dwells constantly on the sunny side of conscientious well-doing." Prevent sickness and save doctor's bills at this , season, by keeping your blood rich and" pure with Hood' Saisa- ed ther will ask the saloon-keepers tol stop it ; and then if there should be persistence in the violation ot the law, by the terms of the motion passed by the Temperance Association they will urge a vigorous prosecution of those who violate the lawvN The Commoxwealth approves this - method of dealing with Sunday viola tions in selling liquor, and every fair minded , person in the town will ap prove it ako. M. F. Brown, Manager. Mr. Hocutt provoked. A correspondent Irom Washington to the Wilmington Messenger says that the first account of the trouble between Mr. E. J. Hocutt and one Roberts was incorrect, and The Commonwealth gladly prints the Messenger correspond ent's correct statement : , Last Monday morning when Mr. Ho cutt was on his way .to his office he was met by Roberts, who began abusing him without any provocation at all. Hocutt did not notice this. Roberts followed him into his office, then said something about wanting to send off I some money, still "cursine. Hocutt i told him he could not wait on him then and told him to-go out, as he did not wish to have any trouble. Roberts told him to put him out if he could, usiug most insulting oaths, calling Ho cutt an unmentionable name, at the same time placing his hand on his hip pocket as though he was going to draw a pistol. Hocutt seeing this snatched his pistol from a drawer in his desk and fired, the bullet striking the door fac ing, glanced and struck Roberts in the right breast. The wound was' not se rious and Roberts is now walking about the streets. Mr. Hocutt was not plac ed in jail, but gave $500 bond for his appearance at court. : Mr. Hocutt has never been in trouble of this kind be fore and bears a very good name in this community. Bflnotuisiniess Is caused by torpid liver, tfhiclr prevents diges tion and permits food to ferment and putrify In the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headacne, C3(d insomina, nervousness, and, if not relieved, bilious fever I Oifl II or blood poisoning. Hood's I II U II 5 Pifls stimulate the stomach, u . rouse tbe liver, cure headache, dizziness, con stipation, etc z cents, soia dj an aruggisis. uooas Xhe only Pills to tak with 1 i Sarsaparilla. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA bALVE. The best salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Jf lies, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunced Price 25 cents per box. . For sale by E. T. WHITEHEAD & CO. VJanted-An Idea Ma, Washington. D. Cfor tkefar aUKD Wbo ean think of some aimpte thin to patent f Pmtaet your fdM: they may Marnn weaitn. i Write JOHN WJtDDKBBURN CO.. Patent AW rs. White s. I have just retnrned from New York with a complete line of fall milli nery in all the leading styles and am prepared to fill all orders (local or mail) promptly. I also bought direct . .. from the factory a big line of the cele brated R. & G. CORSETS, known the world over as the best fit ting corset on the market. r from 50c to $ 1.25. have secured the services of Miss Hale, from Baltimore, as my mil liner for this season. I wish to thank my friends for their liberal patron- - age 'last season and; solicit a continuance of same. Will announce opening next issue. Very respectfully, '- " MBS.JW. H. WHITE. WE HANDLE NOTHING BUT RELIABLE GOODS AND SELL THEM AT REASONABLE PRICES. CALL ON US FOB DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS, CLOTHING, SHES?UM BRELLAR, CROCKERY, LOUNGRS GLA.SS-WARE, TIN-WARE, WOOD-WARE, HARD-WARE, TRUNKS AND TRAVELING BAGS, AND GROCERIES. FURNITURE! Lace Curtains and Curtain Poles, Canet and Floor Oil Cloth, men If you want the best Shoes for Ladies call for Zeiglcr Bi ns., and tor we have Reynold's the best known shoe in America. Clottiing Clotning. Our Clothing Stock is Immense and we can "sell you good all-wool Men's Suits from $2.50 up and Children's Suits from 85c to as fine ns yoirwant them. Call and see our stock before you purchase elsewhere and we will rave you money. M. HOFFMAN Cc BRO. St. G. JOSEY Sc CO. -ARE- hlnthinnr I Tlmr flnnilfl Miami ITnfa find TTntminliinwn . The attention of the Ladies is especially invited to our line of John Kelly Shoe. Our Furniture Department is larger than usual this season and we can please yon both in atylea nd prices. Our Hardware Department still in the lead; ,