W0U1Q All asit "Youth's Companion. In a certain New England village thftrft is a little Irish cobbler whose conversation is much esteemed by hi fellow-citizens for the amusement which thev are Drettv sure to derive from it. "Good morning, Mr. Mooney V said a customer one dav. coins: into the shon with a nair of shoes to be mend- r A ed. "I hear vour wife is ill. What i the matter?" "It's mesilf that's tried to find a ray son for Norah's being took sick since yistherday morning," said Mooney. "Unless it's the heat. I don't know what the trouble is. "Day before yistherday she was as well as iver she was. Ye mind it was a powerful hot day, day before yisther dav? Well. thin. JNorah took 'no no- 0 tice av the weather, no more than usual. She picked blueberries all the morning ; thin she made a blueberry me for dinner, and she ate the halt av that pie, and a quarter of a wathermel on I d bought, and she relished lvery mouthful. "Thin she made the rest av the blue berries into a nice cake for supper, and she ate the half av that me eating the rest, same as I did av the pie and the last Quarter of the wathermelon : and what wid frish doughnuts and the last end of Mrs. Mulcahey's wedding-cake, she made out a fine meal. And in the evening:, it being so terrible hot, she made a pitcher av lemonade, and drunk the whole av it. "It's the quare thing her being took sick yistherday morning afther bein so well the day before," said Mr. Moon ey. "She ate twice what I did, and remimber snaking to her about her fine appetite, wjd the heat and all ; and here she is flai on her back since yis therday morning !" "As if a brick were lying in my stom- ' anh" is the rlesfM-int.inn nf a dvsnert,ir of his feeling after eating. - - -x j x- x This is one commonest symptoms of indigestion. II you have it, take Sha ker Digestive Cordial. Not only this symptom, but all. the symptoms of Indigestion are cured by Shaker Digestive Cordial. So many medicines to cure this one disorder. Only one that can be called successful, because only one that acts in a simple, natural, and yet scientific way. Shaker Digestive Cordial. Purely vegetable, and containing o4 dangerous ingredients, Shaker Diges tive Cordial tones up, strengthens, and restores to health all the digestive or gans. m Sold by druggists, price 10 cents to $ 1.00 a bottle. Water given the fowls once a day in to iKAflther is not the best plan. .Twice a day is the least it should be given them, and three or more times would be better. ANOTHER SMART WOMAN. My husband is rpoor but proud and he does not want me to work ; as I have nothing to do I get restless, and after reading in your paper Mrs. Russel's ex perience selling self-heating flat-irons, I concluded I would try it. I wrote to J. F. Casey & Co., St. Louis, Mq., and they treated me so nicely that I felt very much encouraged. As soon as I got my sample iron I started out and sold 8 irons the first day, clear ing $12. I have not sold less than 8 any "clay since, and one day I sold 17. I now have $225 clear money, and my husband does not know I have been working, but? I am afraid he will be mad when I tell him. Have I done right or should I quit work and leave him to struggle alone? Ax Anxiocs wife. You are doing just right, your hus band should be proud of you, go right ahead and show the world what an en ergetic woman can do. That self-heating iron must be a wonderful seller, as we hear of so many that are succeed ing selling it. The best food lor moulting hens is lean meat. To have hens lay in win ter, the early moulting hens must be fed on food that will assist to renew the feathers. A CHURN THAT CHURNS IN ONE MINUTE. I have been in the dairy business all my life and have many times churned for an hour before butter would appear so when I heard of a churn that would -churn in a minute, I concluded to try it. Every day for a week I used it, and not only could I churn in a minute but I got more and better butter than with the common churn. This is very important information to butter mak ers. The churn works easily and will cnurn an ordinary churning in less than sixty seconds. I have sold two dozen of these churns in the past month. Every butter maker that has seen me churn in less than a minute bought one. You can obtain all desir ed information regarding the churn by addressing J. F. Casey & Co.-, St. Louis, Mo., and they will give you promgt and courteous attention. A Dairyman. HOW A WOMAN PAID HER DEBTS. A lady in Lexington says : "I am out of debt and tnanks to the Dish Washer business. In the past six weeks I have made $530.00. Every housekeeper wants a Dishwasher, and any intelli gent person can sell them with big nrofit to himself. The Dish washer is lovely, you can wash and dry the fam ily Dishwasher is lovely, you can wsh and dry the family Dishes in two min utes, and without wetting your hands. You can get particulars by addressing The Mound City Dish Washer Co., St. JLOU18, JM.O. Anere is oig money in ingi r rrt i . i f 1 business for ana agent, l expect to clear $4,000 the coming year. I need the money, why not make it. .' Miss C. E. - m mm mm m from TT.S.Jottrnat of Hedtebtt Prof. W. H. Feeke, who makes a specialty of Eoileosv. has without doubt treated and cur- ed more cases than any success is astonishinsr. IXVlliK jmVBlCUUl j CIS We have beard of cases os ae years' standing Qirci curea Dy him. He publishes a aiuaoie ork on dis ease, wmca senas n a larsre bot tle of bis absolute cure, free to any sufferers wnomay sena tneir r. u. ana express aaaress. We advise any one wishing a cure to address Pra.W. S. EEEKE, 7. 4 Cedar St.. ew YArft MILKSHAKES AND LEMONADE. I eat at Robinson's. I Don t. Nourishing meals at all hours.. Shoe-shop for making and repairing JOHN ROBERSON, Main Street, Scotland Neck, N. C. Judicial Sale. By virtue of the power contained in a decree of the Superior Court of Halifax County, N. - C, rendered at March term 1806 of said court in the action entitled Minerva Pittman against John T. House and his wife, Francis A. House, I shall sell at the court house door in Halifax, for cash, on Monday the 23rd day of November, 189b, the real estate described in the complaint filed in said action, situated in said county of Halifax and described, as follows, to wit : One tract of land lying in and around Palmyra, bounded by the lands of William R. Cherry and others, containing one hundred and seventeen acres, more or less : and an other tract of land lying on the Palmy ra and Tarboro road, containing two hundred and forty six acres, more or ess, situated in said county. Both said tracts of land are now fully described in said complaint, and in the mortgage from said J. T. House and his wife, x rancis A. House to JN . J . ittman, recorded in the office of the register of deeds for Halifax county, N C, in book 76 A, page 92, to which reference is made far a particular des cription of said realty. This Oct. , 9, 1890. Henry Johnston, 10 15 6t. Commissioner. PERSONAL. Free 64-page medical reference x)ok to any person afflicted with any pecial, chronic or delicate disease pe- uhar to their sex. Address the lead- physicians and surgeons of the I United States, Dr. Hathaway & Co. 221 Smith Broad street, Atlanta, Ga. Weakened One Man's Constitution Until it Brought Him to Death's Door. Mr. James S. Han i , . .. a well-known and highly respected citizen of Cleve land, O., was for years a sufferer from dyspepsia and general debilityi and in his weakened condition, resulting from the above causes, he had the additional ill-luck to fall a victim to malaria from this complication of disorders. Mr. Hair ison's condition was becoming very serious, when he..commenced to take P. P. P., Lippman's Great Remedy, Its effects were marked and immediate. Bead his letter to us. . Its earnestness is apparent: , Gkntlkmen: For the benefit of all suffering from dyspepsia and general debility I beg to submit my testimonial as to the efficacy of your P. P. P., Lipp man's Great Remedy, as a positive cure for all the distressing complaints from which I suffered. My system was also full of Malarfa and my condition was growing very serious ; I had no appetite, was losing strength and was completely broken down in health, but now my health is completely restored, and I can eat like a field laborer, without the slightest fear of any serious results, I take great pleasure in tellms- the world that P. P. P. did the grand work ui res wring me to my accustomed health. Yours truly, JAMES S. HARRISON, Cleveland, O. If you get up feeling tired and sf unid. P. P. P. should be taken it will make you feel well, P. P. P. cures eczema, that tortur ing, itching disease of the skin and blood. If your blood is kept pure, you Will not be disfigured with pimple3, pous ana Diotcnes. P. P.. P. is the deadly foe and van quisher 61 rheumatism. Its effects are immediate and lasting, and it not only relieves, but nermanentlv cures. ' Scrofula, which is hereditary and deep-seated in the blood can be cured by r. P. P. It is the one and only posi tive cure for this dread disease. Sufferers from kidney troubles find immediate reliet when they take P. P. P. as it cures all irregularities and re stores to nature her proper functions. Sold by all druggists. UPPMAN BROS., Apothecaries, Sole Prop'rs, LJppman's Block, Savannah, da. I'Janted-fln idea Who can think of some simple thing to patent? Write JOHN WEDDERB protect yonr laesa: tner mar hi OSS WBIWEHBUKH CO, on wealth. aimns'ton.yU. c, of two handled C.for their llr fijion prly rr ta OOP OY Sfiist PORTER'S ANTISEPTIC HEALING Oil For Barb Wire Cuts, Scratches Saddle and Collar Galls, Cracked Hee Burns, Old Sores, Cuts, Boils, Bruises Piles and all kinds of inflammation on man or beast. ' Cures Itch and Mange. Tha Bore, Cut or Sua via nerct matter titer the oil ait ceea sppuea. Be prepared for accidents by keepinar it in your house or st awe. ai l uruggisis sen II on a guarantee. No Cure, No Pay. Price 25 cts. and $1.00. - If your Drussrist does not keep it send us 2S cts. in pos tage stamps ana we win sena 11 10 you oy man. Paris. Ten 11.. Jan. 20th. 1894. TMrBir;T hn-ra nwd Poller's AatiseDtie Healing Oil for Harnoss and Saddle Galls. Scratches and Barb Wire Cuts with perfect satisfaction, and I heartily recommend it to all Livery anil stoclsmen. v. Jo. JUlvlJS, -Ldvery anu 4ueu otauie, BABY BURNED. ' GsntlgmeTi . I am pleased to sieak a wond for Porter' V.:;!crptle Healla- OH. My baby was burned a fewnionths go , b nd after trying all other remedies I applied your "Oil" ind the first application gave relief, and in a lew days the rare v. :ia well, i also used cue on on my stock ana una mat it is tiia best remeuy for this purpose mat 1 nave ever useu. Yours, U. X. JL,iSVVls. Paris, Tenn., January 28. 1894 -" BAKCFACTCRED BY PARIS MEDICINE CO., ST.-XOUIS. MO. For sale and guaranteed by E. T, WHITE HEAD & CO., 7 4 Gm Scotland Neck, N. Are You Afraid b TO READ BOTH SIDES OF THE QUESTION? The New York Journal 2s the only Metropolitan paper indorsing Bryan and Sewall and it daily publishes articles fcy the leading financiers of the country on both sides of the question. U Silver Gold tt versus It is progressive, liberal and always espouses the cause of the masses. Every broad minded man should read it, whether Republican or Democrat Daily - 1 Cent everywhere. BUDSCrlptlOil for One Month, including Sunday - - - -40 cents Two Months and a Half - - $1.00 Send subscription fo The New York Journal, Circulation Department, NEW YORK- 9 17 2m B. C. CAELISLE, CaMflfit Maker 1 FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS. Upholstering and General Repairing. A FULL LINE of METALLIC, WAL NUT AND POPLAR CASKETS. Also Cheap Coffin of All Sizes. 9 6 6m Tarroro at n . Branson's tt Director! FOR 1896. is now being delivered to the sub- scribere The 8th Revised Edition. The fullest record of the Business of the State that has ever been made. Only a lim ited number printed. . Order at once of the publisher. Price $5.00. LEVI BRANSON, 9 17 5m . Raleigh, N. C. "VATT, TW IT TO T TXT TP I Vi 1I.Cj 1U JJ. V Jlj ! Compere & Son, Parisian Dye Works, - Steal.-Eyeing, - Scouring, , AND RENOVATING, 107 Church St., and 107 Main St., NORFOLK, VA. Factory 560 Church St. 12 5 3m I B I III A BEIARKABLE LETTER office of F. A. GULLEDGE. Verbena, Ala.., Aug. 31, 1896. Mr. A. B. Girardeau, Savannah, Ga. Dear Sir : In reply to yours of the 29th inst., I will say that I freely en dorse all atou or. others have said or could ever say about Johnson's Chill and Fever Tonic. Two month's ago father who is 85 years old, was tricken down with Bilious,. Fever, and came near dying. I begrfn at once with the Tonic cuing him a dose every two Lours. 1 called in our family doctor and told him what I was. doing. He said it was the right treatment and ad vised that I continue it. He caJled asrain the next dav and saw the effect of the Tonic and gave nothing himself. Within a week mv father was able to walk about the house. 1 persuaded him to take a second bottle and under its use he has grown strong. Although 85 years old on the 24th ot last June, he has to-day taken a horseback ride of six miles unattended This is. only one of many remarkable cures performed bv the Tonic that has come under . my personal obsseryation in the last 24 years that I haye been selling the Tonic, If this remarkable medicine cost $5 a bottle and could only be obtained in London, there would be widespread in terest manifested in it and vigorous ef forts made to obtain it. ' But the fact that it sells for 50 cents a bottle and this returned if you are not pleased with the medicine, lead many people to overlook it altogether. I use it in every casein my own fam ily and in my own immediate influence, Don't think that I have ever been call ed on to refund the purchase price of a single bottle. Had one customer tfho came sixteen miles for a bottle lat week. Yours very truly, F. A . GULLEDGE. For sale by - B. T. WHITEHEAD & CO., , - Scotland Neck, N. C It. E. L. PITT, TARBORO, N. C. BICYCLES OF ALL KINDS ON HAND. v- ; V -If, Iver Johnsons, $100. Fitsburg, $75. Specialty m repairing. All parts famished for any bicvele inanufac tured. . x- PLUMBING AND ST GAM FITTING AT LOWEST PRICES. G 25 ly OFFICE OF TILLERY'S - Eoanoke River - Lms. MXyThe Only Line Reaching all Landings on RoanoKe River. Connec tion with Norfolk and Southern Rail road at Eden ton, N. C. 9 jta? Services regular and prompt. RATES AS LOW AS ANY. T. W. Tiller y, 5 14 tf General Manager Itch on human aad horses ana all animals cured in 30 minutes bv Wool- brd's Sanitary Lotion. This never ails. Sold .by E. T. Whitehead & Co. .Uruggist, Scotland Neck N. C. 114 92 1y. HO KOBE EYE-GLfil 5E5 WEAK no I203E EYES. MITCHELL'S ye-Salve Certain, Safe, and Effective Remedy for SORE, WEAK, & INFLAMED EYES, Producing Long-SIghiednes9, & Restor ing the Sight of the Old. Cures Tear Drops, Granulation? Stye Tumors, Red Eyes, Matted Eye Lashes, AID FK0DOCIJ8 JUHX RELIEF A5D FERMIEST CURE. Also, equally efficacious when used In other inaladies, such a Ulcers. Fewer Sores. Vamors. Rait Rheum, Bern. Piles, or Wherever Inflammation exists, SZlVCSIElJuSB mJUU FB may be used to advantage. Sold by all Drsi?ss:a r.t SS Ce&u. 11 14 ly (C) Tie Conpr Mart worts 111, 11S and 115 Bank St., NORFOLK, VA. Grave Stones 1& ly OLD NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE, 40 cts. per hundred. fill Igpll Atlantic coast Line W. & W. R. R. AND BRANCHES. jfONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Sept 27, '96. No. 23. No. 35. Daily. Daily. A. M. P.M. No. 41. Daily A. M. Lv. Weldon 1155 9 44 Ar. Rocky Mt. 1 00 10 39 Ar. Tarboro, Lv. Tarboro, 12 12 Lv. Rocky Mt. 1 00 10 39 Lv Wilson 2 10 11 18 LvSelma 2 53 Lv Fayetteville4 36 1 07 Ar Florence 7 25 3 14 5 45 No 47. . Daily. Lv Wilson 2 13 7 35 Lv Goldsboro 3 10 9 35 Lv Magnolia 4 16 8 29 Ar Wilming'n 5 45 10 00 P M AM TRAINS GOING NORTII. No -78 No 32 Daily Daily Lv Florence 8 40 . 7 40 . Fayetteyille 1110 9 40 LvSalma 12 34 Ar Wilson 1 20 11 35 . AM P M . No 48 No 40 - Daily Daily Lv Wilmington 9 25 7 00 Lv Magnolia 10 52 8 30. LvSelma 12 01 '9 36 Ar Wilson 12 25 9 55 . . , AM P-M No 78 No 32 No 40 Daily Daily Daily P M P M , P M Lv Wilson 1 20 11 S5 10 23 ArMockyMt 2 17 12 11 11 05 Ar Tarboro Lv Tarboro 2 23 12 12 Lv RockyMt 2 17 12 11 Ar Weldon 3 32 1 01 A M Train on Scotland Neck Branch road leaves Weldon 3.55 p m., Halifax 4.13 p m, arrives Scotland Neck at 5.05 p m Greenville 6.47 p in, Kinston 7.45 p m. Returning leaves Kinston 7.20 a m, Greenville 8.22 a m. Arriving Halifax at 11.00 a m., Weldon 11.20 a m, daily except Sunday. Trains on Washington Branch leave Washington 8.00 a m, arrives at Par mele 8.50 a m, returning leaves Panne le 9.50 a m., arrives Washington 11.25 p mFDaily except Sunday. " Connects with trains on Albemarle and Raleigh Railroad and Scotland Neck Branch. Train leavea Tarboro,' via Albemarle & Raleigh road Daily except Sunday, 5.30p m, Sunday 3.00 p m, -arrive Wil liamston, 7.1& p m., 4.20 p. m. Ply mouth8.30 p m, 5.20 p m. Returning leaves Plymouth, Daily except Sunday, 6.00, a. m. Williamston 7.30 a m!, 9.58 a-m. Arrive Tarboro 10.40 a.m. 11.20 a m: Trains on Southern Division. Wilson andayetteville Branch leave Fayette rille Branch leave Fayetteville o.UO p m, arrive Rowland 7.1JL a m. I'eturn- ing leave Rowland 7.35 a m, arrive at Tayetteville 9.19 a m. Daily except Sunday. - . Train on Midland, N. C, Branch leaves Goldsboro, daily except Sunday 0.00 a m, arrive Smithfield 7.30 a m. Returning leaves Smithfield 8.00 a m, arrive GoJdsboro 9.30 am. Train on Nashville . Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 6.20 p m. arrives Nash 7.15 p m., Spring Hope -7.40 p m. Returning leaves Spring Hope 8.00 a m., ISashville o.3 am. Rockj Mount 9.15 a m., daily, except Sunday. Iram on Clinton branch leaves War saw for Clinton daily except Sunday at 0.20 p m., and 11.15 a m. Return ing leaves Clinton at 8.20 a m., and 3. 10 p m connecting at Warsaw for Clin ton, daily, except Sunday at 6.20 p m. and 11.15 a m. Returning leaves Clin ton at 8.20 a m., and 3.10 p m., con- at Warsaw with Nos. 41, 40, 23 and 78. Trains No. 57 South bound and 14 North will stop only at Rocky Mt, Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Iram INo. 16 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North daily. All rail via Richmond,and daily except Sunday via Bay Line, also except Sun day, with Norfolk and all points north via Norfolk. JOHN F. DININE. R, KENLY, General Hit't Suf't Teans. T. M. EMMERSON, Gen'l Pas. Agt. NORFOLK & CAROLINA R. r7 " CONDENSED SCHEDULE. Dated Sept 27, 181)6. Daily ex. San. South Bound Trains. Daily ex. Sun. North Boun Trains. - , Stations. No. 103 No. 49 No. 4S No. 102, P. M. A. M. P. M. A. M 210 8 40 900 9 29 '944 10 18 10 38 11 00 11 14 11 57 Lv Norfolk Ar. Pinners Point Drivers Suffolk Gates Tunis m Ahoskey Aulander 600 5 35 5 11 4 57 4 23 4 05 3 45 3 31 2 54 2 35 10 5 9 30 2 25 2 50 3 05 9 84 8 51 3 43 4 02 4 30 8 31 8 15 9 33 4 45 7 58 5 25 5 50 Hobgood 7 19 12 20 Ar, Tarboro 6 55 Ar. Liv 5 57 1 25 Rocky Mount 2 o5 6 30 P. M. P. M. P. M. A. M. iNonoiK to Jtocky 3iount and connects with Af C. L. Train 23 for all points soutn. No. 103 connects at Hobgood for all eastern Carolina points, also at Rocky Mount witft A. C. L. train 27 for all points south. tvt to : u . u. io caxnes puiiman panor car Rocky Mount to Norfolk and connects for all points north. For all information schedules call on or address G. M. SERIrELL. 3. R. TRTSTT.V JJiauager sup't Trains. 1. JJl. JSMERSGN, Gen'l Paseengejr Agent CAN be CURED. We will SEND FREE tyv. nau s taiga J. BUilLC: a - v "1 nri SUFFER. ANY LONGER! GW Pott Of fice. Stat and Countr. and Am nUinl. dTHE HALL CHEMICAL CO., o 3S6m. 0S I 1 U y I. P. LEE &CO., COTTON FACTORS commission Merchants, 28 ROTHEEIl 'S WHARF, NORFOLK, VA. iS-LIBERAL ADVANCEMENTS made on Bills of Laling, or i shipment in hand. s 610 8m GIVE US A TRIAL SHIPMENT. Enfield CEO. B. CURTIS tk CO. -ARE FARMERS! SAVE YOURMONEY, FOR WHICH YOU HAVE TOILED SO HARD by calling to see us before making 3our purchases elsewhere. We linndle nil kinds of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, HARDWARE, CKOCK ERY, Etc. Our prices, are marked down to suit the times. Give us a call. qEO. B. CURTIS & CO. 917 tf . Enfield, N. 0. White Cor. Main and Tenth Streets, HAVE RECEIVED FULLLINFOF DRESS GOODS, - clotMng, Dry 'Uotio&s, Boots,' Shoe:,' lit:, Mar 7 ly. A. McDOWELL, President. Fall ana Wmter 4 A B. HILL, Ass't Cashier. Tlie cotlii id M, SCOTLAND SOLICITS THE ACCOUNTS OF BOTH INDIVIDUALS AND FIRMS. THE 'CAROLINA oj -MANUFACTURERS OF- First-class Buggies, Carriages, Surreys, Wagons and Carts. A SPECIAL REPAIRING DEPARTMENT. A FULL FORCE OF HANDS workers, Smiths, Trimmers and OUR FACILITIES are eoiiiil to uiactory in the country turning A Full Line Of Harness of all Grades. A SPECIAL HORSE-SHOEING test scientfnc principles. J9CTAN EXPERT UPHOLSTERER who can make your old furniture .ook new. Carolina "Buggy Company, 3 19 tf C. E. HOLLAND & CO., ' SUFFOLK, VA., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal, Ice, HAY, GRAIN, FLOUR, FEEDSTUFF, Agricultural and Building Lme, Bricks, CALCLNE AND NOVA SCOTIA LAND PLASTER, HAIR AND CEMENT 0 ' 4 30 1 v ' SELLING OUT SALE!- WE HAVE DECIDED TO SELLOUT OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF MEN'S . BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S READY-MADE SUITS, AND TO DO SO WE OFFER THEM AT AND BELOW Cost for Mens' Suits worth $5 be lit $4.7o. A large lot of Clay-worsteds, Cheviots, Hairline and fnanv other quali ties at Sacrifice Prices. Children's Suits worth and fnr mprlv until ut rf!! 9." Si'"? $2,75, $3.50 and $5, you can now buy for Overcoats from $1.75 up. Men's pants at made a big reduction in Boots, Shoes, Hats, Dry Goods, Notions, Gapes, . CLOAKS, LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Call and see us before you buy your Guarantee .TO SAVE YOU MONEY. vve want you to call and fee for what we say. It is no humbug, but a The Sale will only last for 30 days. J. COMEITS CLOTHING AND SHOE HOUSE. 910 3m AND is the Place -AN THE MEN.- & Paull, SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. Goods, and a Fins Line o! Heck-wear. FRANK P. SHIELDS, Casimkii. NECK, N. C. BUSINESS 10 10 lv 51 .0, nil the 'time engnged, Including Wood Pointer. the best nd we compete with imy mini We curry out the same class ol work. DEPARTMENT conducted on the la SCOTLAND NKCIC, N. C. 72e, $1.12, $1.87', $2.10, nnd f'-LflO. Rock Bottom Prices. We have also 4 Fall and Winter Goods and we will solid fact. Don't fortret th r,1nr Ms, W mm Titf Days Opposite Postoffice, Scotland Neck, N.C n - i

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