Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report LOCAL NEWS. The Commonwealth. THURSDAY. DEC. 17, 1896. SPECIAL AOUSCEUENTS. Announcement to Merchants. To the Merchants of Eastern North Carolina : We announce that we are now ieady to fill your orders for mattresses, hav ing a large stock on hand, and all made in the latest Boston shape. We are the largest manufacturers m the State, and do claim .to give you the best Double Cotton Top Mattress, in fancy and piain blue ticking, ever offered be fore. We have special freight arrange ments to all points. Orders filled the dav thev are received, they will be higher. Very Halifax, X. C. Order early, as trulv. HALE BROS. Heaters Below Cost. Before you buy a Stove or Wilson Heater be sure to call on us as we are closing them out at less, than cost. M. Hoffmax & Bko Cranberries for Christmas at M. C. Cooke's 10c a quart. Fresh Oysters at M. C.Cooke's. Send in your Christmas orders early. Christmas Goods. AVe invite the public atten tion to our superb line of Christmas 'goods. Nothing even approaching our stock in these goods has ever been seen in Scotland Neck before. The prettiest things and the most of them can be found at our store ever seen in the town before: aiuHt will take less money than ever before to buy them also. If you have much money to spend you can save a good per cent, "on it by purchasing from us, and if you have on ly a little to spend you can get more useful and pretty things for it with us than an v where else. E. T. Whitehead & Co. I have a Christmas supply of Rais ins, Fruits and Citron. Seedless Rais ins 15c. per pound. Other Raisins 10c. X. B. Josey. Horses and Mules. I shall have a car load of young horses and mules in Scotland Neck by Dec. 23rd. and will sell them at prices to suit the times. Bargains for ail who wish to purchase. .T. R. Tiller y. 1-2 10 3t. For Sale. Peter Sons' 500.000 cabbage plants from Henderson's and George Tate & seeds best a:id earliest varieties. N. B Dawsox, 12 3 It. Conetoe, X. C Situation Wanted. Situation wanted as salesman or book-keeper. Ten years exerience as salesman and three years as book-keeper. D. P. Haskitt, 12 3 It. Palmyra, X. C. Horses ! Horses ! ! We have iust received a new lot of horses. Come early and get your pick MOKREFSETT & SOX. , The Board of commissioners last week appointed Mr. T. W. Fenner tax collector for Roseneath and Palmyra townships. Official appointments. Sheriff J. T. Dawson has appointed the following persons deputy sheriffs : C. W. Dunn, C. P. Simmons,. George W. Shearin, A. H. Greene, J. H. Xorman and K. E. Kilpatrick. Moses Williams, colored, has been appointed county jailer. ExTERPRisixo.-j-Among the enter prising business men of the county are Hale Brothers of Halifax. Their mercantile business is one ot the most successful in the county and they please their customers. They have been quite succesolul in the manufac ture of matresses and they find their, sales satisfactory and the business grow ing. Thn is all the result of care and industry. Useful max ix his towx. Mr. George B. Curtis is one of the most useful men in the business circles of Eufield. When the tobacco market opened there the town needed a bank, and some thought they could not get along without one ; but Mr. Curtis has greatly aided the business by cashing the checks of the tobacco buyers and other business men. Mr. Curtis is an enterprising business man and holds an important place In his town and community. - Witnesses axd Jvrors. During the Criminal Court in Halifax last week 230 witnesses proved tickets for attendance on court, and 100 jurors also proved attendance. For the wit nesses the cost was $1.00 a day and mileage, and for the jurors it was $1.50 a day. The witnesses attended each from one to four or five days, and so the cost would average for them as much as $3.00 a piece. The holding of courts is expensive. Mr. Sawyer to Rich Square. The Methodist Conference held last week removed Rev. J. K. Sawyer to Rich Square. Mr. Sawyer has been in Scot land Xeck for the past year and has done faithful work for the churches on this circuit. His friends regret to see nim leave and follow him with good wishes for his success on his new charge. Rev. Rufus Bradley has been placed in charge of the Scotland Xeck circuit. Death of ax ixfaxt. The infant child. Gertrude O'Berry, of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Jones died last Saturday, aged 10 weeks. It was buried Sunday after noon in the Baptist cemetery, Rev. R. T. Vann conducting the services. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Jones sympa thize with them in this their bereave ment. It is peculiarly affecting to them, being the third child they have Inst, within the oast few vears. Ihe Commonwealth extends sympathies to them in their sorrow;. Solicitor Daniel. Mr. V. E. Dan iel of Weldon has now been Solicitor for this District two years, and ' we doubt if he State has any more faith ful officer. He looks well to the State's interests, piepares his cases well wher ever he has an opportunity and is cer tainly no respecter of persons, but strives to have justice meted out to all alike, regardless of race or color, posi tion or prestige. Halifax county has cause to be proud of Mr. Daniel both as a talented son and as a faithful and useful servant of the State. Land Posted. THE SOCIAL. SWIM. Coming and Going Every Week. Mr. Paul V. Tillery, of Tillerv, was here Sunday. Mr. J. R. Tillery, of Tillery, spent Sunday night in town. Mr. Jas. L. Josey has moved into his new residence at the Xorth end of chiich street. Miss Annie Howell ot Tillery has been visiting Miss Amelia Harrell recently. Mrs. D. M. Prince went to Goldsboro last week to spend the holidays with with her parents. Miss. Bettie Davis of Tarboro has been on a visit several days to Miss Amelia Harrell. Mr. D. O. Camp of Skippers V. A. was in town last week visiting bis sis ter, Mrs.'C. T. Lawrence. Mr. S. T. Gray of Edgecombe was m town Saturday and Sunday visiting his relatives. Col. T. C. Mcllhenny of Wilming ton spent a night here last week with his son Mr. J. K. Mcllhenny. Mr. J. K. Mcllhenny went to Wel don last week to attend the funeral of his brother-in-law Mr. X. M. Lock heart. Mrs. Perry, relict of the late James F.Perry after several weeks' yisit to the family of her fatherinlaw, Mr. J. A. Perry, of this place returned to her home in Wilmington last week. The editor of The Comonwealth left Monday for several points in Wake and Harnett counties. He is away on a business trip and will stop at Wake Forest, Raleigh and Cary, and a day or two at his old home in Harnett. Imprisonments from Criminal Court. The following imprisonments were the result of the crowded docket of the Criminal court last week : Paul Adams for assault and battery. Pleaded guilty and was sentenced 30 days in county jail. Roger Hockaday, convicted of larce ny and was sent to the State prison one year. Jim Makie, pleaded guilty of carry ing concealed weapons and was sen tenced, to four months in jail. Alonzo Moore pleaded guilty of lar ceny and was sent to State prison one year. Andrew Carter pleaded guilty of lar ceny and was sentenced to State prison one year. George Crawtord pleaded guilty of an affray and was sent to' jail for 30 days. Riddick Branch, charged with mur der, pleaded guilty of manslaughter, and was sentenced to the State prison for ten years. Walter Henderson pleaded guilty of resisting an officer and was sent to jail 3 months. Richard Shearin pleaded guilty of larceny and was sent to State prison one year. Virgil Lockhart was convicted for larceny and was sentenced tothe State prison one year. Joseph Bates was convicted of as sault and battery and was sentenced to jail 6 months. Alexander Hollowav was convicted of damage -to property and was sent to jail 3 months. Charles Jones pleaded guilty ot house breaking and was sent to jail 3 months. William Frazier pleaded guilty of gambling and was sentenced to 6 months in jail. Of the 113 cases before the court there were only two or three acquitals. Many cases were disposed of by sus pending judgment on payment of cost ; but the cost in some of them was very heavy. Quite a number of cases were continued. I herebv give notice that my land known as" the William Black land, bounded by the lands of J. G Shields. J. P. Ware and White's mill pond, is posted, and all persons are forbidden to hunt with dogr or gi n, or otherwise trespass on the same under penalty ot :1w. R. G. Dennis, 12 3 tf Per F. P. Shields, Atty. Sweet Home-Hade Flour. I have a quantity of flour from home made wheat for "sale. Made by the roller mills of Dr. R- D. Flemming of Warrenton. F. P. Shields. 12 3 tf G-ood Home For Rent. The Miss Pattie McDowell property in Greenwood on which Mrs. Rasberry now lives. Good house and garden. All in good repair. Six acres of tend adjacent which will be rented with the house and garden, or separately. Also a small two-room house on corner of lot which may be rented separately from the other property. Appiv to editor of The om moxwealth. T6"our Delinquents. We have called the attention of our readers to the fact that some of them are behind with us. It is desirable that all settle up by the end of the year. Xothing but cash will pay our expenses, and we need every cent that is due us, and count on those who owe us to re lieve us at least by Christmas. Enfield's Improvement. There is much difference between the appearance of things m Enfield now and two or three years ago. Carts, wagons, drays and buggies are now rumbling along all the streets and there is a general air of business that pleases one. The tobacco warehouses have greatly enlivened business and the en tire community has felt its effect. There has been considerable improve ment in new buildings in the town for the past year. The people are general ly bright and more hopeful than they have been in many years. A HORRIBLE DEATH, Corrteiioiulence to The Commonwealth. Brixkleyville, Dec. 14, 1890. John Avent, one of our most highly resrjected colored cstizens, met a sudden and most terribly shocking death last Friday afternoon. He, was topping trees for Mr. William Sledge, when a large limb caught him, mangling his body, breaking one of his' legs and caus sng almost instant death. He was con scious of the fact that he must die, of fered a feeling prayer, sang a hymn and died. His body was lowered from the tree with ropes. He was a shining example to. his colored brethren. Hon est and hard working and by his indus try and frugality he had accumulated right much. If his example were fol lowed the cry of "hard times" among the colored folKS would in a large meas ure be solved. Mr. E. H. Davis of the Tarrepin sec tion killed a few days ago. a hog eleven months and four days old weighing 864 pounds. Who can beat it? Mr. Da vis is a conscientious Christian gen tleman, and a most excellent farmer and stock raiser. Services at Harriss' Chapel were large ly attended on Sunday regular preach ing day. The Sunday school will haye a Christmas tree on Christmas night, and in connection with that a most interesting programme of recitations, dialogues, &c. will be rendered. Mr. W. T. Mabry, the efficient Superinten dent, is a live Sunday-school man and has special gifts in training children A rare treat is in store for those who come. All are invited. W. Death of Mr. N. M. Lockhaft. Mr. X M. Loc'iiharl died at his home in Weldon Tuesday affern.J (f l:lsf week, aged 41 years. He bad been Gil gaged ior the past yerr copying old rec ords in the Register of Deeds orhce iu Halifax. It was only last June that The Co.mmoxwealth chronicled his happy marriage in Baltimore to Miss Sadie Mcllhenny, sister ofMr. .1. K. Mcllhenny of this place. Mr. Lockhart was cultured and re fined and had many friends and admir ers. The Co.mmoxwealth sympathiz es with the widow who was but a short time ago a bride, and with other rela tives and friends of the deceased. SPRIXG HOPE NEWS. (Correspondence to The Commonwealth.! Sprixg Hope, X. C, Dec. 14, '96. On the night ot Xov. 25th Mr. S. R. Wilder of Franklin County and Miss Roxie Barber, ot Spring Hope, were married at the home of the bride's father, J. T. Fulford, J. P., officiating. A good deal of tobacco was sold on our market last week. Sellers generally ; satisfied. Cotton is bringing low prices, yet it continues to come. Quite a crowd thronged our streets Saturday. Xot a drunken man was seen in all the crowd. An election for stock law or. no stock law will be held here on Jany. 19th, 1897, to include about oue halt of Manning's Township. Tnere is much feeling being manifested both for and against it. Mr. J. H. A. Edwards has moved in the new store house just completed by Mr. Matthews. There will be several changes in bus iness circles another year ; also there is a prosject now of more than one new firm opening here the first of January. W. H. Griffin has rented the Timber lake building with a view of doing bus iness here. S. M. Wheless sold his storehouse on north side of Railroad to R. E. Copeland ana S. R. Woodard. Spring Hope is an inviting town to capitalists. It has a vast prosperous country surrounding it. Two saw-mill men were here a few days ago rooking around at- the timber interest witn a view of locating a large saw-mill and nlaning mill to work timber for north ern markets. Our forests afford as fine timber as can be found aay where in our State. On Saturday evening Death visited the home of our townsman M. A. Grif fin and took from it fiis infant child about six modibs old. Now & Thex. 7 i: 2 00 1 09 16 05 7 40 2 ro 2 T)0 13 98 4 13 15 18 63 90 10 83 2 14 11 20 1 00 4 00 3 75 12 30 8 50 ! 7 80 S 50 8 50 7 80 4 00 MFIELD WAREHOUSE; ENFIELD, N. C, For the sale and purchase of Leaf Tobacco, SOW READY FOR THE 1896 CROP.v Commissioner's Meeting Third Day. The new Board of county commis sioners was still in session when we went to press last week. On Wednes day they were in session tor the third day. The following accounts were al lowed : Harrell 's Printing House J R Patterson, conveying pris. J H Fenner, work court house Emry & Pierce, goods A H Green, conveving prisoners T E Vaughan, II E King, C P Simmons, L R Whi taker, P Wiluins, recording voters C J Tillerv, registering voters W J Warren, W V Bobbitt Chas James, registering voters R G Reid. jail account C V Andrews, W P White, J W Parker, registering voters T L Vick, A E Carter, tobacco for eounty W L Stainback, conveying pris It W Pauper,- burying pauper W R Shaw, jam tor's account Robt L Stokes, Gorman Keene, llobt Brinkley, register voters T X Harrison, 3 days as com missioner and mileage J H Xorman, 3 days as commis sioner and mileage C P Anthony. 3 days as cora- sioner and mileage J P Futrell, 3 days as commis sioner and mileage A A White, 3 days as commis sioner and mileage Mc M Furgerson, 2 days as clerk Mr H J Wood was elected superin tendent of the couniy home at a salary of $20 per month, same as former su perintendent received. W R Xeville was elected janitor at a salary of 75 cents per day, when in act ual service. County attorney E T Clark and chairman T X Harrison were appointed a special committee to ascertain the in debtedness of the county and report at the January meeting of the Board. -0- We have a good Corps of liberal buyers with orders sufficient to taU a I its full market value, all tobacco that may be placed on our market. Wo have a commodious, well lighted and arranged WAREHOUSE for showing fine tobacco to the best iossibIe advantage. Large orders, ample capital, long experience enables us to guarantee at all times THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOR EVERY PILE F roSACO PLACED OX OUR FLOOR. SO LOAD UP and drive straight to the Enfield Warehouse and you will make no mistake. 9 10 3m BURWELL & COLE, PROPRIETORS. List of New Magistrates. Following is a list of the new magis trates ot the County who qualified the first Monday in December, by town ships : Brinkleyville B. Y. Harris, col., H. J. Hewlin, col. Butterwood A. E. Carter, Henry X. Clark, A. L. Alston, col. Conocanara J. M. Pittman, col., S. P.. Shields, col., Austin Uliery, coi. EnfieM R. W. Wilkins, J. B. Hunter, A. B. Meacham, col. Faucetts W. C. Powell, W. P. Walker. Robt. Robinson, col. Halifax J. A. Pope, L. H. J ones, col., Willis Pierce, col. Littleton W. M. M. Martin, W. E. Fletcher, Matthew Martin. Palmyra J. G. Cain, H. L. . t t -mrr i James, Alfred Moore, fccotiana mecK Collin Gray, Isaac Evans, col. Wel don J. J, R. Shaw, col. W. C. Hill, col., J. H. Pearson. - Bargains at Grady's. Our Catalogue. We irive only a partial list of the many pretty and use- AVl,o.r. an in TTnlifrtX Call On L. G.Grady for anything you need in fu new articles which Weiiave jewelry or repairing ol watcnes anu Djace(J jn stOCKlorOUr CUStO trpt the nest bar- .l. . i;ioi;k.s. jiiou gains in Millinery there. mers. Here are orae of them i TTandsome Pictures & Picture Frames, ri4-4-nn Qoori "WcmtPfl the Inrgest and best assortment of Toys UOttOn foeeu W X1L LtJU. Fire-works l a abundance, I will pay highest cash prices for Id,-, yew and Stan(jard Books, Fine let of 000 Bushels of Cotton fteea. -iso a have meal and hulls for sale cheap. R. J. Madry. Scotland Xeck, X. C. Full line of Warner's Corsets. X. B. Josey Bibles, Beautiful Albums, mnasome Dressing Cases, Music Racks, Easels, Handsome Minora, a large lot of very PrAt.tv Vases. Cuds and baucers in pairs, Beautiful Writing Deskp, Ladies I Work Boxes, Shaving Cases, Whisp Holders and Brushes, Backgammon Special Inducements offered on Dress Uoard&c, &c. ' , )ods '-' : . N, B. JQY. i r , E. T. WHITEHEAD & Up. And Still They Like It. That excellent household conven ience, the Economy Flour Bin, sold here by Mr. M. F. Brown and his em ployes, Mess. Carroll, Cox and Ham rick, is growing more popular with the housekeepers. These gentlemen are taking orders from a great many house keepers and they will soon have them placed in many pantries to the delight of the housewives who have purchased them. Mr. Brown, the manager, is quite clever and so are his employes. They are prompt in all their business en gagements, and all who have had deal ings witn tnem since iney nave ueen in the community are pleased witn them. The Commonwealth has had personal business with 'them ;and finds them prompt and accurate. Good Tobacco Sales. - At Burwell and Cole's warehouse in Enfield December 10th the following fine sales of tobacco vere made : For Mr. David Bell, J3ST0. 0. GAMAGE, WOODSIDE'S LODGE WHARF. - NORFOLK, VA. Shell Lime, Land Plaster, ROCKLAND LIME, CEMENT, SKWKU AND WELL IMI'K. Drain Tile, chimney Pipe, coal and Lime, TAK. ETC.v. 11 'Hi inn Card of Thanks. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Jones take this method of thanking the people of the town generally for their kindness to them in the illness and death of their little babe. Thev wish to thus make known their sincere 'gratitude and sq preciate the kind attention shown them in their trouble and bereavement. m. B. WMiTCER & GO., Manufacturers and Dealers in Fine, Pure,Hanfl-mafte, Life-Size Crayon & Pastel Portraits. First-class Artists to execute our work ; as low prices as can po.-.-ohly bo mado consistent with the quality of such work, and a just and liberal treatment of our patrons will constitute our claim upon the confidence and patronage of our friends and the general public. A personal inspection is cordially invited and. will convince any who will so favor us of our ability to guarantee satisfaction in everv particular. Write, or call on us at our oflice, at 102 CLAIRBORXE AVENUE, NORFOLK, VA. AGEXTS WAXTED. 1 1 ,r J. P. .GENERAL Christmas Entertainment. The Dramatic Club will render the interesting play "Little Ruby" on the evening of Dec. 25. Tickets on sale at E. T. 'Whitehead & Co.'s drag store. Reserved seats 50c.-. general admission 35c, children 25c. Entertainment will begin promptly at 7 o'clock, imme diately after the play the public Tire cordially invited to the dining rooms of the Hotel Lawrence, w here the ladies ol the town will serve an elegant supper. Many attractive features will be ad ded to make the evening enjoyable. The proceeds will be given to the mili tary company. Everybody come and haye a good time and help the boys equip themselves. ANDERSON & CO., : COMMISSION : MERCHANTS For the handling of COTTON, CORN AND PEANUTS. Country Produce of Every Description Solicited. Liberal Cash on lmiKicntnents. Prompt Sales and Immediate Ilet'irns Attention Paid to the Return of Kmply Co. .p Vdvances made Special oul ('rates. REFERENCES 11 20 nn -Citizen Hani-and .' "' ''" ' ruUij of Norfolk. 15 ROANOKE Ilfif'K, NOKFOLK, VA. While some aim WeKtee And others claim, ,,, ,e: HT.S. Township Constables. Following is a list of the township constables in the county who have giv: en bond : S. A. Hux Faucett's township; H. G. Jenkins (coloredWeldon township. Moses Williams, (colored) Halifax township. C. C. Burgess (colored) Butterwood township. C. B. Harris (colored) Littleton township. Jackson Oliver (colored) Enfield township. Ringing noises in the ears, snapping, buying roaring, caused by catarrh, all disappear with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Xy ' 65 pounds (,- 6c. 3.90 48 " 12 6.00 82 " " U'i 12.09 87 17 11.79 42 " 40 16.80 72 " - " 35 24.60 78 " " 22 17.55 60 " " 10 6.00 52 " 4.85 25.22 586 " " ' .$126.75 For Mr. J. H. Parker 69 pounds 4 119 " " 10 44 " 17 75 " " 40 78 " " 40 57 " " " 30 77 " " 40 76 " 35 293 " " 1? 248 " 6 1136 2.76 11.90 7.48 30.00 31.20 17.10 Wanted-An Idea Protect your idean: they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WKDDEKBtTRN CoT'Patent Attc vWaahlagton. D. C..for tbeirtijgo prttfC Lih7irDQD Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, consti pation, sour stomach, indigestion are promptly cured by Hood's Pills. Tftey o tneir worn n n easily and thoroughly. f?i (1 fl Best after dinner pills. I II II 25 cents. All druggists. U " " Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. The only Pill to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Rice's famous Goose Grease Liniment for the cure of all aches and pains, croup, colds, &c. For sale by E. J Whitehead fe Co., Wholesale Agenls, Scotland Xeck, X. C. And What Else I AVell, Ave can't mention all our new and pretty Christ mas iroods but we call spe cial a ttention to our fine line of Beautiful Wedding- Pres ents of various kinds, Fine Lamps, Manacures, Fine Chi naware, and a thousand oth er pretty and useful things which our customers must see to appreciate. In truth, we have the finest display of Christmas goods ever shown here, and we have put them down at such prices as will sell them. E. T. Whitehead & Co. BY QVR CW in PRICED OUR LINE uj- Clothing, Dress Goods, Furnishings, BooUs, Shoes, Hats. Cloak.-, Notions, Novelties, and everything lhai yui want i unsurpassed. We can please you in anything you want, and Ktuti-.ii.ifi! that you can not get better bargains anyvh'-rtj. We have a select line of Furniture in the latest styles l'ri s lower than ever. N. B. r LAND SALE. By virtue of a decree of the Superior court in the cause therein pending in which J. E. Shelds, administrator oi W. 1r Shields, is nlaintiff. and W. 1). 30.80TSbields and others are defendants, I I . m . 26.60 will sell for cash in the town ot bcot- 38.09 land Neck, on the 2nd day of January, 14.88 1897, the land described in the petition, being one-sixth undivided interest in $210.81 that tract of land adjoining the lands of W. D. Shields, K. M. Johnson nu others. xbeing a part of the Pope and Masotf tracts. This Nov. 18, 189G. J. E- Shields:, 11 26 4ti Commissioner, : A. S. FOEEMAST, . G-eneral Commission Merchant, Wholesale Shipper and Dealer in All Kinds of Fish, Game, ORDERS RECEIVED BY WIRE OR MAIL HAVE TROMI T ATTENTION, Old No. 8, New No. 20 Roanoke Dock, 1129:im NORFOLK, VA. c. Furniture. Furniture. DO YOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY IN BUYING FURNITURE IF SO CALL ON Kern's, Old Market Square, Norfolk. We handle a large and complete line and guarantee entire satisfaction. Mail orders promptly attended to. For bargains call on Kern's in Old Marke t Square, Norfolk, Va. 11 2'J Cm Goods.