. . .'w , .... : . ... fBAMSWCES OP THE CON STITUTION. TJp:n Tlirea Articles are All Its Pro visions Eang. "The mulc-rs of our Constitution, in structed by the experience, of the Colo nies, by the State Constitutions already adopted, a,5d by earlier lessons from British lii.-fOi-y, found an easy agree ment uon the genen.i principle that the judicial power of tne United States should be vested in a separate and in dependent department, writes ex-Presi dent Harrison in bis "This Country o: Ours' paper in the December Ladies Home Journal. "Ihe division of pow ers will he made plainer by bringing to gether the opening sentences of the first three Articles of the Constitution : " 'Article 1. All Legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Con gress of the United States. "Article":, ine J&xecutive power shall be vested m a President of the United States of America. " 'Article 3. The Judicial power o: the United Stare; shall be vested in one Supreme Court and in such infe rior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish.' "Upon this three-fold frame the oth er provisions of the Constitution are hung. The limitations upon the pow ers c! the United States Courts will be more clearly understood if what has been before said in another connection be recalled here namely, that tne powers of (Jovernment m this country are divided between the Nation and the States upon the principle that certain powers are set off to the United States, and all other powers, save a few that are prohibited, are retained by the States. The Constitution enumerates the powers which the people have giv- en to the Nation. 'The Judicial power of the United States' is, therefore, such power of a judicial nature as the Con- stitution gives to tne United Mates no more. The. residue of the judicial pow er the people have reserved in the grant to the United States, and have given the whole, or .-ueli part ot this reserved power as pleased them to the State C.mrts.'- The New Life. Electric Bitters. Electric Hitters is a medicine suited for any season huK perhaps more gener ally needed when the languid, exhaust ed feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid and sluggish and the need of a tonic and alterative i- felt,. A prompt use of this medicine has often averted long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No medicine nil! act more surely in counteracting and freeing the system from the malarial poison. Headache, Indigestion, Con?tipntion, Dizziness yield to Electric Bitters. 30e. and $1 per bottle at K. T. Whitehead & Co.'s Drug Store. The devil might have thought out some more effective plan than the run ning of barrooms for desuoying souls, but the barroom is doing so much for him that he has not put any new plan in motion. A Gin: AT CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY. I want to tell you of my wonderful success. Being a poor girl and needing money badly, I tried the Dish Washer business and have cleared $200 every month. It is more money than I ever had before and I can't help telling you about, for I believe any person can do as well as I have if they only try. Dish Washers sell on sight ; every lady wants one. The Mound City Dish Washer Co:, St. Louis, SMo., will give you all necessary instruction, so "you can begin work at once. The Dish Washer does splendid work ; you can wash & dry the dishes'in two or three minutes without putting your hands in the water at all. Try this business and let us know how you succeed. Elizabeth C. Durham Sun. Each day brings tidings of somesud den death. Now it is a girl, young and fair, whose life promised felicity. Again some decrepit man, who saw the infant years of the century. Together they go, young and old, with reluctance or indifference, all into the dimness of the shadows. "Life is but the gates of death, sa Emerson. What more? '"Death is the development of a Higher life." A divine analogy, indeed. From death comes life. The rose that gave the withered petal to the autumn zephyr will bloom f again. The inarticulate music of love's sweet smile, frozen upon an ivorv mask, will tremble again on lips and eyes of sensibility. And man God's noblest work lays down a ruined organism to acquire a nature adapted to the tullness of a per fect life. This thought leads to the tri umphant exclamation of Paul : 'Oh, grave, where is thy victory ; oh, death where is thy sting." WTelcome, Death ! Thrice welcome, Life ! Stands at the Head. Aug. J. Bogel, the leading druggist ot Sbreveport, La., says : "Dr. King's New Discovery is the only thing that cures my cough, and it is the best seller I have." J. F. Campbell, merchant of Safford, Ariz., writes : "Dr. King's New Discovery is all that is claimed lor it ; it never fails and is a sure cure for Consumption, Coughs, and Colds. I cannot say enough for its merits." Dr iving's New Discovery lor Consumption Coughs and Colds is not an experiment It has been tried tor a quarter of a cen tury, and to-day stands at the head. It never disappoints. Free trial bottles at E. T. Whitehead & Co's Drug Store. B. C. CARLISLE, t URner FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS. Upholstering and General Repairing. 1 FULL LINE of METALLIC, WAL NUT AND POPLAR CA SKETS. II M i Arm its curb To the Editor : I have an absolute remedy for Consumption. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been already permanently cured. So proof-positive am I of its power that I consider it my duty to send two bottles free to those of your readers who have Consumption.Throat, Bronchial or Lung Trouble, if they will write me their express and postoffice address. Sincerely, T. A. SLOCUM, K. C, 183 Pearl St., Wew Toifc grgr- The Editorial and Business Management of this Paver Guarantee tnia geaerous Proposition. f.-r., .... f 1 fif If Ha W fa l-l-i&P.V Also Cheap Coffins of All Sizes. 9 6 6m TARBORO. N. C. Words are things, and a small drop of ink falling like dew upon a thought produces that which makes thousands perhaps millions think. THAT WONDERFUL CHURN ! I want to add my testimony to the list of those that have used the Light ning Churn. It does all that is claim ed for it ; you can churn easily in one minute and get a large percentage more butter than with the common churns. I never took the agency for anythihg before but so many of my neighbors wanted churns that I ordered " 30 and they are all gone. I think in a year every farmer will have a Lightning Churn, in fact they can't afford to be without one as they make so much more butter and a good little bit of money can be made in every town ship selling thee churns. By writing to J. F. Casey & Co., St. Louis, Mo., you can get circulars and full particulars about the churn. A Reader. -- n it MARRY THIS GIRL, HOMEBODY ! 1 have been reading in your paper about several men and women that have been very successfvl selling self heating flat irons, and I concluded 1 would see what a girl could do. 1 have worked 12 days and have sold 151 irons and have 218 dollars left after paying all expenses. Everybody is delighted with the iron and I sell one almost ev ery place I show it, as people - think they can't afford to be without one as they save so much fuel and time and don't burn the clothes. I know I can clear fiye thousand dollars in a year. How is" that for a girl t A Graduate. Splendid, my girl, splendid, you are a true American girl. Anyone can get eomplotn Herniation about the self lieafit :-uu by addressing J. F. CASEY- ':. CO., St. Louis, Mo. It seems to he r. winner as everybody selling it A CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY. I have made $1,640 clear monev in 87 days and attended to my household du ties besides, and I this is doing splen did lor a woman inexperienced in busi ness. Anyone.can sell what everyone wants to buy, and every family wans a Dish Washer. I don't canvass at all : people come or send for the washer, and every washer that goes out sells two or three more, as they do the work to perfection. You can wash and dry the dishe3 in two minutes I am go ing to devote my whole time to this business now and I am sure I can clear $5,000 a year. My sister and brother have started in the business and are doing splendid. You can get complete instructions and hundreds of testimo nials by addressing the Iron City Dish Washer Co., Station A, Pittsburg, Pa., and if you don't make lots of monev its your own fault. Mrs. AV. H. MARRY THIS GIRL QUICK. 1 saw in your paner that a 13 year old boy made $1.25 the first hour he worked selling the Perfection Metal Tip LampwicK. I ordered a sample and went to work and the first week I cleared $10, the second week I cleared $15. I expect to run up to $25 a week in the nsar future, as the Perfection Metal Tip Lampwick makes such a beautifr.l white light and does away with smoky chimneys and bad odor and saves oil, it is easy to sell. If you wish to try it send 13 two cent stamps to Miss A. M. Fritz, Station A, St. Louis Mo., and she will send von sum. pie outfit. This is a good way to make money around home. 10 22 13t Miss Tina W. Branson's State Directory FOR 1896. is now being delivered to the sub scribersThe 8th Revised Edition. The fullest record of the Business of the State that has ever been made. Only a lim ited number printed. Order at once of the publisher. Price $5.00. LEVI BRANSON, 9 I7 5m Raleigh, N. C. Johnson's Chill and Fever Tonic cures every time. Cost 50 cents a bot tle if it curces ; not one cent if it does cot JTo- 96 V E. T. Whitehcd & - I I JWivcrtUp q PIog -ovum 1 t TASTELESS nl 0 0 i3 La IS! lifj IS JUST AS GOOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICg50ctSr Galatia. Ills.. Nov. 16. 1393. aris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. Gentlemen: we sold last year, 6W tsoltlcB or riiOVE'S TASTELKSS CHILI. TONIC ana have ought three (crosa already this year. In all ow ex orience of 14 years, in the drag business, hnve e 3r sold an article that gave such universal satis. ;jtlo.i aa your cnic. Yours truly, Abney.Cakr &C0 For sale and guaranteed by E. T. WHITEHEAD & CO., 7 4 6m ' Scotland Neck, N. BE UILL1 ULdlAUllfliV MILKSHAKES AXD LEMOXADE. Hi.;:-?- 4 Wvv.n MX m I Don L. I eat at Robinson's. Nourishing meals at all hours-Shoe-shop for making and repairing JOHJN ROBERSOX, Main Street, Scotland Neck, N. C. WITH 1h u n ra $v ) He is now Cured, and He Thanks God sad P. P. P., Lippman's Great Rem edy, For It. Mr. George Urig-gs, of Moore, Okla.. suffered almost indescribable torment for three long1 years. Neuralgia held him captive. The right side of his fact was so budly affected that the slig htest touch would cause the unfortunate man intense agony. For several weeks--he could open his mouth just widt enough to be fed with liquid nourish ment, and in tbis manner life was sus tained. Ecad the following extract from his letter : Truth is' stranger than Fiction." NEURALGIA, CATARRH AND RHEUMA TISM COMPLETELY CURED. George L'riggs, of Moore, Oklahoma, writes that P; P. P., Lippman's Great Remedy, cured him of catarrh, facial neuralgia and rheumatism, af ter'three years of intense suffering. The pain lay in his cheek bone and temple, down the right side of his face, along his upper lip, and from the slightest touch he suffered agonies for weeks at a time. Could only open his mouth wide enou gh to admit a teaspoon, and any acid in his food would put him in torture. He had a consultation of the best physi cians in Texas, but all to no purpose. Catarrh and rheumatism were also causing him much trouble, until he tried P. P. P. He says he is well and will swear that there are no cases of neuralgia, catarrh and rheumatism, no matter how chronic or how old the cases are, that i. P. P. will not make a total cure of. Mr. Briggs winds up his testimony by saying he thanks God and our med icine, P. P. P., Lippman's Great Rem edy, for the great cure. Kidney troubles, if neglected, bring about serious and painful and very often fatal results. P. P. P. removes the irregularities, and cures the dis eased parts. s- Dyspepsia and indigestion, skin and blood diseases, can be speedily removed by P. P. P., Lippman's Great Remedy. Ladies, take P. P. P. and rid your face of pimples, blotches, freckles? yellow or muddy skin, wrinkles and vulgar redness. Sold by all druggists. UPPMAN BROS., Apothecaries. Sols PropVs, Lippst&a'a Block, Savuinaii, Ga. A BBMASEABLB LETTER. office of F. A. GULLEDGE. Vebbexa, Ala., Aug. 31, 1896. Mr. A. B. Girardeau, -Siivjinnah, Ga. Dear Sir : In reply to yours of the 29th inst., I jvill say that I freely en dorse all yoii or others have said or could ever say about Johnson's Chill and Fever Tynic. Two month's ago father who is 85 years old, was tricken down with Bilious Fever, and came near dying. I began at once with the Tonic giving him a dose every two hours. 1 called in our family doctor and told him what I was doing. He said it was the right treatment and ad vised that I continue it. He called again the next day and saw theffect of the Tonic and gave nothing himself. Within a week my father was able to walk about the house. I persuaded him to take a second bottle and under its use he has grown strong. Although 85 years old on the 24th oi last June, he has to day taken a horseback ride of six miles unattended. This is only one of many remarkable cures performed by the Tonic that has come under my personal obsseryation in the last. 24 years that I have been selling the Tonic. If this remarkable medicine cost $5 a bottle and could only be obtained in London, there would be widespread in terest manifested in it and vigorous ef forts made to obtain it that it sells for 50 cents a bottle and Atlantic coast Line. W. & W. B. R. AND BRANCHES. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Nov No. 23. No. 35. 15, 'U6. Daily. Daily. A. M. P.M. Lv.Weldon 1150 9 44 Ar. Rocky Mt.l 2 52 10 39 Ar. Tarboro, Lv. Tarboro, 12 12 Lv. Rocky Mt, 100 10 39 Lv Wilson 2 05 1118 LvSelma 2 50 Lv Fayetteville4 15 1 07 Ar Florence 6 55 3 14 No. 41. Daily. A. M. 545 Lv Wilson. Lv Goldsboro Lv Magnolia Ar Wilming'n No 47. Daily. 2 13 3 10 4 16 5 45 P M 7 35 9 35 8 29 1000 A M TRAINS GOING NORTH. No 78 No 32 Daily Daily Lv Florence 8 45 8 35 Fayetteyille 12 20 10 33 Lv Solma 1 00 Ar Wilson 1 42 12 22. AM P M No 48 Daily Lv Wilmington 9 35 But the fact Lv Magnolia 10 02 Lv Selma 12 01 rhia mtnmprl if vnn are not nleased with I Ar Wilson 12 05 fho mArlinlTiA. land manv nftonlft to I AM overlook it altogether. I use it in every casein my own fam ily and in my own immediate influence. Don t think that I have ever been call- single bottle. Had one customer who came sixteen miles for a bottle last week. Yours verv truly, F. A." GULLEDGE. For sale by E. T. WHITEHEAD & CO., Scotland Neck, N. C. No 40 Daily 700 830 9 36 9 55 p M No 78 No 32 No 40 Daily Daily Daily p M P M P M Lv Wilson 120 11 S5 10 23 ArMockyMt2 17 12 11 1105 Ar Tarboro 2 23 Lv Tarboro 12 12 Lv RockvMt 2 17 Ar Weldbn 3 32 U. E. L. PITT, TARBORO, N. C. BICYCLES OF ALL KINDS ON HAND. 12 11 101 A M Train on Scotland Neck Branch road leaves Weldon 4.10 p m., Halifax 4.28 p m, arrives Scotland Neck at 5.20 p m Greenville 6.57 p m, Kinston 7.55 p m. Returning leaves Kinston 7.20 a m, Greenville 8.22 a m. Arriving Halifax at 11.00 a m., Weldon 11.20 a m, daily except Sunday. Trains on Washington Branch leave Washington 8.00 am, arrives at Par mele 8.50 a m, returning leaves Panne le 9.50 a m., arrives Washington 11.25 a m. Daily except Sunday. Connects with trains on Albemarle and Raleigh Railroad and Scotland Neck Branch. Train leaves Tarboro, via Albemarle & Raleigh road Daily except Sunday, 5.30p m, Sunday 3.00 p m, arrive Wil liamston, 7.18 p m., 4.20 p. m., Ply mouth7.35 p m, 5.20 p m. Returning leaves Plymouth, Daily except Sunday, 7.30, a. m. Williamston 7.30 a m., 9.58 a m. Arrive Tarboro 9.50 a m. 11.20 a m. Trains on Southern Division, Wilson and Fayetteville Branch leave Fayette vi lie Branch leave Fayetteville 0.30 p n, arrive Rowland 7.11 a m. Return ing leave Rowland 7.35 a m, arrive at Fayetteville 9.19 a m. Daily except Sunday. Train on Midland, N. C, Branch leaves Goldsboro, daily except Sunday 6.00 am, arrive Smithfield 7.30 am. Returning leaves Smithfield 8.00 a m, arrive Goldsboro 9.30 a m. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 6.20 p m. arrives Nash- 7.15 p m., Spring Hope 7.40 p m. Returning leaves Spring Hope 8.00 a m., Nashville 8.35 a m. Rocky Mount 9.15 a m., daily, except Sunday. Tram on Clinton branch leaves War saw for Ivlinton nairvexnent ttunaav "The Only Line Reaching all at 6.20 r m.. and 11.15 a m. Return- Landings on Roanok-e River. Connec- ino- 1ovva mint at. fi 50 m orl 3. tion with Norfolk and Southern Kail-1 10 n m onntinr at. Warsaw for Clin- Iver Johnsons, $100. Fitsburg, $75. Specialty in repairing. All parts furnished for an bicvele manufac tured. AT LOWEST PRICES. 6 25 ly OFFICE OF TILLERY'S - Hanoke River - Line. road at Edenton, N. C. gjt!f' Services regular and prompt. RATES AS LOW AS ANY. T. W. TlXLERY, 5 14 tf General Manager Itch on huiian and norses ana all animals cured in 0 minutes by Wool- ford's Sanitary Lotion. This never day, with Norfolk and all points north ton, daily, except Sunday at 6.20 p m, and 11.15 a m. Returning leaves Clin ton at 8.20 a m., and 3.10 p m.. con- at Warsaw with Nos. 41, 40, 23 and 78. x rains sso. oi soutn Douna ana i North will stop only at Rocky Mt Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Train No. 8 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North daily, All rail via Richmonduid daily except Sunday via Bay Line, also except Sun- fails. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Druggist, Scotland Neck N. C. 11 4 92 ly. Co. via Norfolk. JOHN F. DININE, J. R. KENLY, General Sup't Sup't Trans. T. M. EMMERSON, Gen'l Pas. Agt. KO MORE EYE-GLftSSES tVlITCHELL'3 A Certain. Saf a, and Effective Remedy for SORE, WEAK, & INFLAMED EYES, Producing Long-sightedness, & Restor ing the Sight of the 01 J. Cores Tear Drops, Granulation? Slvs Tumors, Red Eyes, Matted Eye Lashes, ISO r&ODFCTffi QTICK RFtlEF A'D H R5U3EIT CUBK. Also, equally efficacious when lined In other maladies, such ri Ulcers. Fever Seres Timor, Salt Khecm, Earn. Pllea. or wherever inflammation exists, JMMTCMIELV0 mJLAj wrc may be u3oa to advant&gc. j Sold by all Dr assists e.S 25 Cent.. 11 14 ly fC) NORFOLK & CAROLINA R. R. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. Dated Sept 27, 1896. I Daily ex. San. South Bound Trains. Dailv ex. Sun. North Boun1 Trains. Stations. No. 103 No. 49 P. M. A. M. No. 48 No. 102. P. M. A. M 2 10 8 40 Lv Norfolk Ar. 6 00 10 5 2 25 9 00 Pinners Point 5 35 9 30 2 50 9 29 Drivers 5 11 9 84 3 05 9 44 Suffolk 4 57 8 51 3 43 10 18 Gates 4 23 8 31 4 02 10 38 Tunis 4 05 8 15 4 30 11 00 Ahoskey 3 45 9 33 4 45 1114 Aulander 3 31 7 58 5 25 11 57 Hobgood 2 54 7 19 5 50 12 20 Ar. Tarboro 2 35 6 55 riiB Conner Mamie Worts 111, 11$ and 115 Bank St., NORFOLK, ------ VA. VJanted-An idea Ideas: they may bring you wealtb. WEDDKRBURN ft CO., Patent Attor- Writ Ji Who can think of some simple thlnir tn tiAtnt? or iaeas: tney may Drinir you wealtb. mmm tor Grave Stones lb 1 y OLD NEWSPAPERS POT? sat v StiKS hundred. , Ar. Lv. 5 57 1 25 Rocky Mount 2 o5 6 30 P. M. P. M. P. M. A. M No 23 carries pullnaan parlcr cu Norfolk to Rocky Mount and connects with A. C. L. Train 23 for all points south. No. 103 connects at Hobgood for all eastern Carolina points, also at Rocky aiouBt witn A. U. L. train 27 for all points south. No. 78 carries pullman parlor cai Rocky Mount to Norfolk and connect for all points north. For all information schedules call on or address G. M. SERPELL. J. R. LENLY. Genl Manager Sup't Trains. T. M.EMERSON, - Gen'l Passenger Agent CAN be CURED. We vill SEND FREE h-r asaS a targe TRIAL BOTTLE? til wi HWT. iAi1 M. SUnXJl ANY LONGER I Give Poet Of. fice. State aad Ceoatv. and Am nlainlvi tTL. HAU- chewical coL l Vl DLtl eja. " I. P. LEE &CO., C0TT01T FACTOES AND GLOMM1SSION MERCHANTS, 28 ROTHERV'S WHARF, NORFOLK, VA. CLIBERAL ADVANCEMENTS made on Bills of La ling, or shipment in hand. 610 8m GIVE US A TRIAL SHIPMENT. Enfield is the Place -AND v CEO. B. CURTIS & CO. FARMERS ! -ARE THE MEN, SAVE YOUR MONEY, FOR WHICH YOU HAVE TOILED SO HARD by calling to see ua before making your purchases ekewlit'ie. W Ii.hkIIo 4ii kinds of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, HARDWAKE, CHOCK ERY, Etc. Our prices are .marked down to suit the time. Give us a call. GEO. P.. CtlilTlS CO. 9 17 tf K n field, N. C. Wriite & Paull, Cor. Main and Tenth Streets, SCOTI.ANP NECK, N. i HAVE RECEIVED FULL LINE OF Fall il rater Us r DRESS GOODS, MARK. Clothing, Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes, Eats, and i Fine line c! M-mn Mar 7 ly. a. Mcdowell, president. A. B. FRANK P. SHIELDS Ca.-iiiek. HILL, Ass't Cashier. At' ScoMi Ml Ell SCOTLAND NECK, N. C SOLICITS THE ACCOUNTS OF BOTH INDIVIDUALS .FIRMS. AND lU'SlN'ESS 10 10 1- THE CAROL! MA 16 A J -MANUFACTURERS OF- First-class Buggies, Carriages, Wagons and Carts 'II i3,yb, .0, A SPECIAL REPAIRING DEPARTMENT. g!&mA. FULL FORCE OF HANDS all tlie time engaged, workers, Smiths, lnmmers and ramtcrs. 90UR FACILITIES are equal to the Lest and we rompote ulactory-m the country turning out the same clays ot work. including Wo'.d Willi any ma We ( iin v A Full Line Of Harness of all Grades. A SPECIAL HORSE-SHOEING DEPARTMENT conducted mi the la test scientific principles. r AN EXPERT UPHOLSTERER who can make your old fmnituro Jook new. Carolina Buggy Company, 319 tf SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. C. E. HOLLAND & CO., SUFFOLK, VA., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal, Ice, HAY, GRAIN, FLOUR, FEEDSTUFF, Agricultural and Building Dme, Bricks, CALCLNE AND JiOVA SCOTIA LAND PLASTER, 1IAIK AND CEMENT 4 301v It. O. JOSET &c CO. A KE- wmi 99, , Dry Goods, Ste; HatuM Frafe The attention of the Ladies is especially lnyited to our line of John Kellv SIks. Our Furniture Department is larger than usual this season and we csn pleaee you inith in tixlvu nd prices Our Hard7axo Dopoaiincntlis still in the lead.

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