Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report MM -I XS&D Tlie Commonwealth. THURSDAY. FEB. 25, 1S97. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. Announcement to Merchants. To the Merchants of Eastern North Carolina : We announce that we are now ieady to fill your orders for mattresses, hav ing a large stock on hand, and all made in the latest Boston shape. We are the largest manufacturers in the State, and do claim to give you the best Double Cotton Top Mattress, in fancy and plain blue ticking, ever offered be fore. We have special freight arrange ments to all points. Orders filled the day they are received. Order early, as they will be higher. Very truly, Halifax, N. C. HALE BROS. Sterling Silver Wedding Presents, nam Gold Rings, and Special Bargains in Diamonds. Satisfaction guaranteed at the old Established House of Bell, trie Tarboro Jeweler. See his ad. else where. 2 2otf. Enlarge Your picture. Will have your picture enlarged and furnish frame for $2.98 till frames on hand are closed out. N. B. Josey. G-. W. WHITLEY. SHOE-SHOP near Post-office. - Good repairing done promptly at LOW PRICES. 2 25 4t. 5 -ROOM Dwelling for Rent. Wilson Allsbrook. 2 25 4t. Scotland Neck, N. C. New and'Pretty Sil verware We have just received the largest and handsomest shipment ot silver ware we ever offered to our customers. Handsome Tickle Dishes ; Orange, Cof fee and Berry Spoons; Oyster, Frui and Meat Forks; Tomato, Jelly and Cake Servers; Sugar Tongs; Cream, Gravy, Oyster and Soup Ladles, with many other pretty things. E. T. Whitehead & Co. "Wanted. An experienced woman for cook. To one who can furnish good references as to ability and honesty a good home will be given at large wages. Also wish a young woman for nurse at good wages. Address JNO. L. WATSON, Portsmouth, Va. Cheap Quinine. Sulphate ot Quinine reduced to 40c. per oz. E. T. Whiiehead fe Co. Gar Lots. We haye a car load of Hay, Meat, Oats and Flour. Will sell low for cash. M. Hoffman & Bro. 2-4-tf. Save Your Hams. Save your hams by using bug-proof paper bags for this purpose. A sure preventative; At Taylor's. Patapsco Snperlative flour at Tay lor's. - . f New corned herrings at Taylor's. Guano. Piedmont Mt. Airy Guano, good for Corn, Cotton, Potatoes, Tobacco, Truck &c. For sale by D. P. Haskttt Scotland Neck, N. C. 2 11 tf FOR 0ER FIFTY YEARS Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind collie, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sulferer Imme diately. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for ''Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. 1 21 ly. Big Bargains at the - Millinery. All felt bats, trimmed and untri na med, at and below cost. Colored silks and velvets at cost 25c, and up. The only store in town that keeps the cele brated TL. & G. corset, 50c. to $1.50. Black and colored kid gloves $1.00 to $1.50 per pair. Headquarters for stamped goods and embroidery silks. 'MRS. W. H. WHITE. Jan. 11, Sale of Valuable Lai. By virtue of the power vested in mo bv the last will and testament of the late P. Eliza Pittman, I will on Monday the 5th day ol April 1897, expose to public sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door m the town of Halifax, that tract or parcel of land situated in the county of Halifax and known as the ' "Merritt tract," bounded on the north by Beech Swamp ; the lands of O. C. , Stalling!) on the south and east, and on the west by the tract of land of P. Eliza Pittman known as the 93 acre tract ; containing one hundred acres more or less. This 16th day of Feb. 1897. W. J. Burgess, Executor of P. Eliza Pittman. mamnrim mm LOCAL NEWS. Quarterly Meeting. Rev. W. S Black, D. D., presiding Elder of this district, will hold quarterly meeting in the Methodist church of this place next Saturday and Sunday. Columbia Guano Company's ad. We call fcpecial attention to the adver tisement of this company on the first page of this issue. Boyd & Young, of Enfield, have orders for 100,000 pounds scrap, and want to buy it in a few days ; also 250,' 000 pounds of tobacco .for pressing orders. Found dead near Littleton.- Walter Kirkland was found dead near the railroad three miles from Littleton on last Friday morning. The coroner was telegraphed to hold an in quest, but we have not- learned the re sult of-the inquest. Camp & Andrews moved. Messrs. Camp & Andrews have moved their goods to the drug store next door to the Hardware Store. They are in a nice store room, one side of which they occupy for dry goods and the other side is used as a drug department, managed by Mr. M. D. Higgs. Colored Man's Philosophy. A colored man who is serving a term in the penitentiary was .asked, "Don't you have a hard time?" "No, sah, Boss," said the convict, "I feels mighty safe. Every night when I lies down I knows dere's somebody gyardin' me, and numn can' hurt me 'tall." ' ' Ralph Bingham's Entertainment. The celebrated Ralph Bingham, known as the "boy orator," gave an entertainment in Temperance Hall on the nignt of the 17th. The entertain ment consisted of performance on the violin, recitations and declamations. It was highly enjoyed by those who attended. He had a good audience. The entertainment was given for the benefit of the Methodist Parsonage, and the sum realized was about $30. New Hotel Waldorf. Mess. Hale Bros, have thoroughly renovated the old Southern 1 el at Halifax and now call it New Hotel Waldorf. Last Monday was the first public day at the court house since they have opened the hotel as managers, and they gave a most ex cellent dinner. There was abundance of the best of food and it was most ad mirably served. They propose to make a first-class hotel and their first outlay for the general public bespeaks success. Marriage of Mr. R. S. Collins. Cards announced the marriage yester day of Mr. Robert S. Collins and Miss Lucy Bruton Taylor, daughter ot Mr. Simon B. Taylor, of Catharine Lake, N. C. The people ot Scotland Neck remember Mr. Collins as a student in Vine Hill Academy here some years ago. He has many friends here who will congratulate him on the happy event. He was a pupil of the editor ot ; The Commonwealth, and we feel deep ly interested in him, congratulate him upon this happy era in his life and wish the happy couple a full share of life's richest blessings together. Four Months in Jail. Last Friday Mr. Claude Kitchin went to Raleigh in the interest of Robert Moore who was sentenced in the Crimi nal court in Halifax last February to four years in the penitentiary for kill ing the young man James in the knit ting mill here. An appeal was taken to the Supreme court and a few days ago the case was heard. The Supreme court affirmed the action of the lower court and Moore was subject to the sentence in the peni tenti ary. His at torneys presented peti tions to the Governor who commuted the sentence to tour months in jail, and Moore went into jail Monday to serve out the sentence. Commissioners' Meeting. The county commissioners were in session at a called meeting last Monday, all the members being present. The following accounts were allowed : J. T. Dawson 4 pr handcuffs $ 6.00 Roscoe Neville work at court ... . 3.00 S. M. Gary coal for county 67.87 J. H. Norman prisoner to jail 35.00 J. L. Barkley reg names in Con. 4.13 S. A. Hux conveying lunatic 2.90 The Commonwealth printing . 4.00 J. T. Dawson conveying lunatic 1955 J. A. B. Kil patrick ex'ming lunatic 1.45 Harrell Printing House, books 4.99 Isaac Bobbins coffin for pauper 2.00 S. J. Clark 2 pr leg irons 6.00 B. I. Allsbrook county fence . 37.50 J. T. Dawson handcuffs and nipper 9.75 H. J. Wood county home . - 41.25 J. H. Howard whiskey for co home .50 William Roberts convey prisoner 4.00 Harrell printing house, books, &c 5.50 Rice's famous Goose Grease Liniment for the cure of all aches and pains, croup, colds, &c. . For sale by E. T. Whitehead & Co., Wholesale Agents, Scotland Neck, X. C. 12 17 3m THE SOCIAL SWIM. Coming and Going Every Week. Mr. Matt, Tillery of Tillery was here last week. - Mr. H. S. Hyman went to Richmond Monday. Mr. John D. Biggs went to Williams ton Tuesday. Mr. Henry White of Hodgood was here Tuesday. " Mr. K. H. Cutchin of Whitakers was here Saturday. Mr. G. Hoffman spent a night in Tarboro last week. Miss Annie Lewis has gone to Balti more to study Millinery. Mr. G. M. T. Fountain of Tarboro was here last Saturday on professional business. Mrs. Driscol, of Roanoke Rapids, came Tuesday to yisit her sister, Mrs. K. Jenkins. Miss Lizzie gavage of Franklin Va., came last .week on a visit to Rev. R. T. Vann's family. Mess. Wells Tillery and Paul V. Tillery spent Monday here visiting at Mr. J." P. Futreil'a. Mr. W. H. White left last week for a trip South in the interest of the Southern Sweet Gum Co. Miss Mary Lawrence, who has been some months as a nurse in a hospital in Philadelphia, came home last Friday. Mr. B. F. White left Monday for Newark, .N.J. He goes to start on his spring and summer trip for his shoe house. Rev. John Mitchell, D. D-, ot Wake Forest, spent a day here this week. He has many friends here who are always glad to see him. Mr. J. A. Pittman returned Monday from Winston where he has been on ac count of sickness in the family ot his brother, Mr. W. L. Pittman. Mrs. Shepherd, of Virginia, returned home Monday. She had been on a yis it to Mrs. C. T. Lawrence and to have dental work done by Dr. , A. C. Liver- mon. Mr. Joseph Cohen has just returned from Baltimore where he purchased a new stock of goods which he will soon place In the store this week vacated by Camp & Andrews, next door to E. T. Whitehead & Co.'s drug store. Death of Mr. T. W. Manning. Mr. Thomas W. Manning died at his home in Scotland Neck Thursday morning Feb. 18, 1897, aged 61 years. His remains were interred the follow ing afternoon in the Baptist cemetery, Rev. R. T. Vann, conducting the burial services. - Deceased was among the first settlers ot Scotland Neck proper. He came from Virginia and settled here nearly twenty-five years ago, and had lived here all the time to his death. He was a most industrious and deligent man, toiling constantly through the stretch of three score years, and striving to earn an honest and honorable living. He left to his family and friends the legacy of a good record in the field of manly toil and a good name amongst his fellows for honesty and integrity. Ot him no one said aught. He was a quiet and peaceable citizen attending to his own interests and leaving others to do likewise. He had many friends in the town and surrounding country who deeply regret his "death. He had the grip, from which he declined into something like pneumonia and gradu ally sank until the grim messenger summoned his spirit away. He .leaves a wife, three daughters and one son. The community deeply sympathize with the stricken family in their sore dis tress. The Commonwealth feels the loss of a friend in Mr. Manning's death and joins in sympathy with the sorrow ing family. The Popular Douglas Shoes. There is no shoe made for men's wear that has attained a greater popu larity than the celebrated W. L. Dou glas shoe. The fact that they combine style and quality at a low price has given them universal indorsement. The manufacture of these shoes has made it possible for a man in the most ordinary circumstances to keep himself provided with footwear ot as good style as the market affords the extremely low price at which they are sold placing them within reach of all. The only cheap quality in them how ever is the price ; in all other respects they grade as high as any shoe in the market. Their lasting qualities have been fully tested and found to be un equalled. They are not only of good style when new, but retain their shape and excellent appearance until com pletely worn out a very rare quality in even the highest priced shoes. They are sold in Scotland Neck by E. Shields, who has just received a new invoice of the various styles. y The Best Way to Cure Disease is to establish health. Pure rich blood means good health. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the One true blood puri fyer. It tones up the whole system, gives appetite and strength and causes weakess , nervousness and pain to dis appear. No other medicine has such a record of wonderful cures as Hood's Sarsaparilla. Hood's Pills are the best after-dinner pill ; assist digestion, prevent constipa tion, zocenta. A Double Trial. , There was a little excitement In a trial before Justice R. E. Hancock here Tuesday. Mr. Cnas. Pender had in dicted Mr. T. E. Whitaker for assault with a deadly weapon, arid Mr. Whitaker had indicted Mess. Pender and J. T. Allsbrook tor shooting at his house and turning out impounded cattle which Mr. Whitaker had taken up belonging to Mr. Pender. The first case was decided against Mr. Whitaker and be was bound over to court in $150 bond. The second case was dismissed at Mr. Whitaker's expense. Mr. Whitaker's bondsmen were Mess O. T. Lawrence, D. A. Madry and A. S. Dunn. Mr. Whitaker represented his own case and argued it, and Mess. W. A. Dunn and Claude Kitchin appeared in Mr. Pender's favor. There was a little excitement when Mr. Whitaker objected to some of Mr. Dunn's arguments, but it was soon over. No Criminal Court. There was no criminal court in Hali fax this week. Jurors and witnesses were all on hand at the courthouse Monday morning ready to serve the county, but there was no Judge to preside. Judge Meares has resigned and the Legislature and the Governor not agreeing on a judge for this district, the court was not held. The court will be held perhaps about thefhst of April, when the judge appointed will call a special court. The Trne Eemefly. W. M. Rapine, editor Tuskilwa, 111,, "Chief," says : "We wont keep house without Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. Ex perimented with many others, but nev got the true remedy until we used Dr. King's New Discovery. No other rem edy can taice its place in our home, as in it we have a certain and sure cure for Coughs Colds, Whooping Cough, etc. It is idle to experiment with oth er remedies, even if they are urged on you as just as good as Dr. King's New Discovery. They are not as good, be cause this remedy has a record of cures and besides is guaranteed. It never fails te satisfy. Trial bottles free at E. T. Whitehead & Co.'s Drug Store. VI xl Aim rra nma m Tn i uu Fnrrno I hav an ahenlnto remedy for Consumption. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been already permanently cured. So proof-positive am I of its power that I consider it my duty to send two bottles free to those of your readers who have Consumption,Throat, Bronchial or m-i. se Al - sit ..! tUntw Lung i ruuuic, u uicy wm write uic ujbu. txnress ami mstofSce address. Sinceretv. T. A. SLOCUM, X. &, IS3 Pearl St, Hew Tart. V Tne Bditonai ana mmuu jpuagamenc ox thi Fgr Qwnteo tala gwwwia Proportion. Pretty Wall Papers ! We can supply you with any and all kinds of .Wall Paper in the latest and prettiest designs, at astonishingly low prices. It is direct from the great man ufacturers, United States Wall Paper Co., of Cincinnati, and is the latest and most up-to-date paper on the market. IS. T. Whitehead fc Co. SL B. ALLEY, raOTMEAPHEl Tarboro, N. C. NEW STUDIO OVER JOHN BATTLE'S SHOE STORE. SIDE ENTRANCE. - ggTWILL BE GLAD TO HAVE ALL MY, FRIENDS AND PAT RONS CALL AND SEE ME. Reasonable Pricer AND All Work Guaranteed First-clxfc 6 27 tf Tim ill Ms itiby. INCORPORATED 1812. A BOARDING & DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. FULL CORPS OF TEACHERS. Careful instruction in every depart ment. Music department under a skillful musician lrom New England Conservatory of Music. Elocution and Physical Culture under a student from New England Conservatory College of Oratory and Emerson School of Orato ry, Boston. Terms very moderate. For further particulars address the principal, MISS LENA H. SMITH, 7 I tf Scotland Neck, N. C, When Your Watch N . OR Clock NEEDS REPAIRING SEN D IT TO JAS. II. BELL, The Jeweler, TARBORO, N. C. TOrders by mail receive prompt at tention. 2 18 ly minion BiGiousroess Is caused by torpid liver, which prevents diges tion and permits food to ferment and putrify in the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache, 3dl Insomina, nervousness, and, d not relieved, bilious fever Q" I H or blood poisoning. Hood's I U I II 3 Mils stimulate the stomach, u " H W rouse the liver, cure headache, dizziness, con stipation, etc. 25 cents. Sold by all druggists. The only Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. See Here ! YOU can save from 20 to 50 per cent, on all orders for Fruit and Orna mental trees by buying of J. IT. Savage, Scotland Neck, N. C. Agent for Emporia Nurseries, Emporia, Va. 1 7 ly I am prepared at my new quarters to serve my old Friends and customers from North Carolina with the best Tonsorial : Service. You get a .' QUICK AND EASY SHAVE, fJST' .Remembering your liberal patron age in the past I hope to receive it still. No. 62 Roanoke Avenue hear cor. of Avenue and Main Street, Norfolk, Va. DOLISON WHITEHEAD. AT Vaughan's. FRESH GROCERIES Best NEW YORK STATE BUTTER. Dr. Pope's Country made BUTTER, Yellow as GOLD, cows fed on rye. HOMINY, GRITS, OAT FLAKES, BUCK WHEAT, BEANS, EVAPORATED APPLES, CANNED FRUITS, MACARONI, FAVORITE Ground COFFEE, Vegetables, &c. Nicest Line of Candies and Fruits in Town. Shield Brand Condensed Milk at 10c per can. . " All Fresh and Bought Right, and Will Be Sold Cheaply Call soon While they are fresh. Nice Lemons & Oranges at lc. each. A. Vatjg-han, Post Office Building. 1 7 tf Scotland Neck, N. C. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refnnced. Price 25 centaper box. . For sale by E. T. WHITEHEAD & CO. B. C. CARLISLE, t r. FURNITURE OF-ALL KINDS. Upholstering and General Repairing. A FULL LINE of METALLIC, WAL NUT AND POPLAR CASKETS. Also Cheap Coffins of All Sizes. 9 0 Cm ' TARBORO, N, C. Sale of YaliMe Fan. Bj-'virtue of povver in me. vested by that deed of trust executed to me on the 5th day of Feb. 1892, by C. G. Minchew and wife Lucy, I shall sell for cash at auction in ' Scotland Neck, on the 6th day of March, 1897, the follow ing described tract of land That land which said C- G. Minchew purchased from Epraim Dickens' estate, less what he told to John Pittman,. and bounded by the lands of Tiney Whitehead, John H. Harris, Robert Whitehead, and the part sold' to said John Pittman, and containing about two hundred .and seventy acres. Feb. 8th, 1897. G. S. White, 2-ll-4t. v Trustee. Subscribe to The Commohwzalth. urn if m THE & WASHINGTON, N. C, March M, 1 mm IN THE STATE AND SOME FROM OTHER STATES. FIRST RACE MEETING ON March 3rd, 4th and 5th, 1897. The track is now considered by experts to be the best and fastest half-mile track in the Stat9. The Citizens Race for a $200 Purse Will be a hotly contested race of nearly all North Carolina horses, and you may expect 2 : 25 to be badly beaten in this race. BICYCLE RACES. -THE- Washington - Cornet - Band Has been engaged for the whole three days, and will be on the grounds in full uniform. New and Attractive Entertainments of Various Kinds. ZR.-A.HjIRO-A ids WILL RUN EXCURSIONS FROM ALL POINTS AT ONE-HALF FARE RUNNING ON TAR AND PAMLICO RIVERS WILL ALSO MAKE SPE- CIAL RATES TO OUR RACES. SPLENDID HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS . " AT MOST REASONABLE RATES. A - GENERAL - ALL - T. P. Washington, N. C. Harness ! -CALL J. H. "BROWN, WHEN IN WANT OF Harness & Saddles. tiSF 'Repairing done any time on short notice. 9 3 6m J. H. BROWN, Tarboro, N. 0 JNO. 0. GAM AGE, WOODSIDE'S LODGE WHARF, - NORFOLK, VA. Shell Lime, Land Plaster, - ROCKLAND LIME, CEMENT, SEWER AND WELL PIPE, Drain Tile, Chimney Pipe, coal and Lime, NTAR, 11 26 Um Manufacturers and Dealers in Fine, Fure:Hana-maae, Lite-Size Crayon & Pastel Portraits. First-class Artists to execute our work ; as low prices as can possibly be madtf" consistent with the quality of such work, and a jiust and liberal treatment of our patrons will constitute our claim upon the confidence and patronage of our friends and the general public. . A, personal inspection is cordially invited and will convince any who -will so favor us of our ability to guarantee satisfaction in every particular. Write, or call on us at our office, at 402 CLAIRBORNE AVENUE, NORFOLK, V A. AGENTS WANTED. II 26 tf J. P. ANDEKS0N & CO, GENERAL COMMISSION For the handling of COTTON, CORN AND PEANUTS. Country Produce of Every Description Solicited. Liberal Cash Advances made on Consignments. Prompt Sales and Immediate Returns. Special ' Attention Paid to tbe Return of Empty Coops and Crates. REFERENCES : Citizens Bank and Business Firms Generally of Norfolk. 11 26 3m 15 ROANOKE DOCK, NORFOLK, VA. A. S. FOREMAN, G-eneral Commission Merchant, Wholesale Shipper and Dealer in - All of ORDERS RECEIVED BY WIRE OR MAIL HAVE PROMPT ATTENTION. - ' Old No. 8, New No. 20 Roanoke Dock, . 11 29 3m NORFOLK, VA. M 51 1897. THOGI ROUND - GOOD - TIME. Howard, SECRETARY. Harness ! ! OJS- ETC. MERCHANTS Fish, Game,