STILL ONE UNION. OUH LANGUAGE IS QN3L AND OURSYMPTHISS ARB STRONG. Some Bamttlng Thoughts. BY "NEMO." (Copyrighted.) Oar country is so vast, and it range of products and of climatic conditions so extraordinary, that the greatest safe guard up to this time against a fatal sectionalism has been the tendency oi both early and late immigrants to move from one place to another, subjugating new territory, and forming new states. Nature decrees that the material In terests of Montana, ior instance, shall differ from those of the sea-board states, but the travelled condition of many thousands of Montanians guarantees an expression of opinion on their part re garding public affairs, distinctly more national than could be expected from a population narrowed to views purely local. For a small nation, restricted in both space and possibilities, great pa triotic results may come from inhabit ants who do not choose to wander ; but for us, not crowded by neighbors, nor measured in any direction by less than ten hundred miles, the best promise ot endurance is found in increasing knowl edge of one another's .needs and prob We have been subjected to such a tremendous influx of foreigners and children of foreigners, in the past thirty years, that we easily find another great gain from the restlessness of our mixed population. Notwithstanding the fact that the inhabitants of some European nations, have come here by hundreds of thousands it is impossible to place the finger on any one portion of our country and say "Here public questions are entirely settled by voters who are more foreign than American in their ideas." Regarding our country as one great body, it is safe to assert that no condition except this one of mixing, would have enabled it to di gest and safely dispose of the millions who have come to it from every nation under Heaven. While there is still much to be desired in the direction of unity, nationally, we have accomplished a task that might well have been re garded as impossible ; the quiet, order ly, practically complete absorption of over three times as many immigrants as there were inhabitants at the birth ot the United States. Each wanderer has come promptly in touch with persons who cherished the spirit of freedom and has become so imbued himself that we are still one Union ; inseparable for ever, let us hope and believe. In Yorkshire, (England), it is a com paratively rare thing to find a man whose sons are scattered through the other counties ; let us say, for illustra tion, in Kent, Cornwall, and Northum berland ; but oi our old American fam ilics.both rich and poor, there are thous ands, conditioned like an editor of my acquaintance, whose blood relations are spread from Vermont to California, and down to Louisiana. The unconscious Z 11 . I .. . muueuce ui sucu connections worKS up on the imagination of the child so situated they are legion -until -its fervid fancy over leaps the farm fences, the valley walls, the rolling prairies, the beetling mountain-sides and our country becomes "My Country !" to him in a much wider sense than with the child whose relations are grouped closed around him. But we have by no means exhausted the advantages that have arisen from our restless spirit. Among other things it has aided in the maintenance of one language in general use. The children of immigrants in our public schools learn the language and the deeds oi Washington and Jefferson, oi Webster and oi Clay. The home training in the tongue of the foreign Fatherland is a trifle compared with the American in fluence of school books, and the play ground ; ior it is hard to exaggerate the ties of language. There have been in stances in our history where whole counties in the Northwest are exclusive ly Scandinavian; but the condition lasts only for a time, by reason of the children's learning our general tongue. Strange though it may sound, there are fewer definite dialects in our whole country than can be found in Great Britlan a Kingdom that could be al most packed away in one state, New York. Yet in that small country a Dorset man of low rank could not un derstand a Scotchman, and a Cornish man would be practically a foreigner to both ; but the national life in the most remote corner of our Texas is the same that courses in the piney woods of Maine, and the language is the same. A wise and travelled Englishman who landed in this country for the first time a few weeks ago, stated to me that no thing impressed him here so much as the fact that a journey of 3,000 miles BUCKLEN'S ARNICA bALVE. The best salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required.: It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunced. Price 25 cents per box, - For sale by E. T. WHITEHEAD A CO. overland, and 8000 miles around Dipugnt mm q uw uu luigii wniie a juuraoj ui continent of Europe, carried him into entirely strange conditions. But the extension of territory and the forward movement of the people will come to an end. In fact the end already is in sight, and the tide of population is setting back upon the older states like the bacic-water of a flood. A new century and new condi tions confront us. The call is for those who feel deeply and think broadly, to guide our destinies as we stretch forward to the unknown. Now. territory alone is insufficient for the continued greatness of any country. A concrete example in China with a vast area and teeming millions; all holding together like a pile ot brick, simply by reason of weight and not be cause of any actual union between them. Wealth also is no guarantee ; for if so why are we called on to record the almost complete decay of Spain, though wealthy beyond heart's desire two centuries ago? The Hindoo princes, puppets in power, swaddled In the lap of wealth and surrounded by the flashing glories of gems, illustrate again the foolishness of resting on wealth for peipetuity. Territory is no thing without national character. Wealth is as much. Furthermore, they that have relied upon the sword have perished by it. Alexander the Great made no permanent enlargement ot Grecian territory ; the Hebrews under David gained the full limits of their territory and enjoyed it only during one reign ; the Roman Empire crumbl ed from mere weight as soon as unsel fish devotion was withdrawn. Any widely read reader can multiply con firmations. The wise will consider these things in their hearts as well as their heads, Free Fills. Send your address to H. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a free sam ple box Ot Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their mer ts. These pills are easy in action and are particularly effective in the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weak en by their action, bnt by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigor ate the system. Regular size 25c. per box. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co., Druggists. Beautiful Truth. Archbishop Leighton. Divine grace even in the heart of the weak and sinful man, is invincible. Drown it in the waters of adversity, it rises more beautiful, as not - being drowned, indeed, but only washed ; throw it into the furnace of fiery trials, it comes out purer and loses nothing but the dross. A s baldness makes one look prema turely, so a full head of" hair gives to mature life the appearance of youth. To secure this and prevent the former Ayer's Hair Vigor is confidently recom mended. Roth ladies and gentlemen prefer it to any other dressing. For sale by E. T. Whitehead & Co., Scot land Neck. N. C. Lightning and Smoke. N. O. Times-Democrat. Many statistics show that of 10,000 smokestacks only three are struck by lightning during the year, while of 10,- 000 church spires 67, and of 10,006 windmills, 89 are struck by . lightning annually. It has been endeavored to explain this condition by the fact that the smoke discharged from smoke stacks takes the electricity assembled around the building along and distri butes it in the air, whereby the source oi attraction for the electric spark of lightning is not only diminished, but almost disappears. This also explains why people in the country kindle a large fire in the fireplace when a thunder storm is approaching. The True Bemedy. W. M. RaDine. editor Tiskilwa. Til.. "Chiei" says: "We won't keep house witn out JJr. lung's mew Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Colds. Ex perimented with many others, but nev er got the true remedy until we used Dr. King's New Discovery. No other remedy can take its place in our home as in it we have a certain and sure cure for Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, etc." It is idle to experiment with other remedies, even if they are urged on vou as iust as good as Dp. TTinc'a New Discovery. They are not as good oecause tnis remedy nas a record and besides is guaranteed. It never fails to satisfy. Trial bottles free at E. T. wnitenead ae uo. s Drug store. Tin l .Feili MajT INCORPORATED 1812. A BOARDING & DAT SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. FULL CORPS OF TEACHERS. . Careful instruction in every depart ment. Music department nnHnr skillful musician from New England conservatory ot Music. .Elocution and Physical Culture under a student from New England Conservatory College of Oratory and Emerson School of Orato ry, Boston. Terms very moderate. For further particulars address the principal, .- I : : f; . MISS LENA H. SMITH, -?atT Scotland Neck, N. C, PORTER'S ANTISEPTIC HEALING OIL For Barb Wire Cuts, Scratches, Saddle and Collar Galls, Cracked Heel Burns, Old Sores, Cuts, Boils, Bruises, Piles and all kinds of inflammation on man or beast. Cures Itch and Mange. Th flora, Cst Bsn vm mtw natter ittor ft on fcubuaftpplisi. Be prepared for accidents by keeping it in your house or stable. All Druggist sell it on a guarantee. NO Cure, NO Pay. Price s ct. and $1.00. If your Druggist does not keep it send us 35 cts. in pos tage stamps and we will send it to you by mail, Parif , Turn. , Jan. 20th, 1894. Dear Sir: 1 ham wi tHtirt atlafla Heallas Oil for Carnui and Saddle Gall., Scrateheaand Barb Wire Cut with perfect aatisiaction, and I heartily recommend it to all lXvr and Stockmjn. BABY BURNED. Gentlemen .I am pleased to apeak a woad for Partert Anttotptlo Beallaa OH. Mr baby waa burned a .tew months - J Tnr .11 ,h nMMliM I.ntlld TOUT Oil .i.'U, .11U J .... - - . . -- hA nef nnnliftAtian ff&ve rehef.and in a tew daya the -.ore waa well. I also ued the oil on my stock and find tha it is the best remedy for thie purpose that I have erer used. Paris, Tonn,. January 281894 OISUFICTEKBD BT PARIS MEDICINE CO., 0T. LOOTS. MO For sale and guaranteed by E. T. WHITEHEAD & CO., 7 4 6m Scotland Neck, N. HUN STREET RESTAURANT, MILKSHAKES AND LEMONADE. A I eat at Robinson's. I .Don t. Nourishing meals at all hours-Shoe-shop for making and repairing JOHN ROBERSON, Main Street, Scotland Keck, N. C. Wt PEATEP For Three Years He Suffered Could Hardly Breathe at Night One Nostril Closed for Ten Years. Mr. A. M. Ramsey, of De Leon, Texas, was a sufferer from Catarrh in its worst form. Truly, his description of his sufferings seem little short of mar velous. Instead of seeking1 his couch, triad for the night's coming', he went to it with terror, realizing that another long, weary, wakeful night and a struggle to breathe was before him. De Leon, Texas. Messrs. Ldptman Bros,, Savannah, Ga., Gents: I have used nearly four bottles of P. P. P. I was afflicted from the crown of my bead to the soles of my feet. Your P. P. P. has cured my difficulty of breathing, smother ing, palpitation of the heart, and has relieved me of all pain. One nostril was closed for ten years, but now I can breathe through it readily. I have not slept on cither side for two years: in fact, I dreaded to see night come. Mow I Bleep soundly in any position all night. I am 50 years old, but expect soon to be able to take hold of the plow handles. I feel glad that I was lucky enough to get P. P. P., and I heartily recommend it to my friends and the public generally. Yours respectfully, a. AC RAMSEY. The State of Texas, I . County of Comanche, s " Before the undersigned authority, on this day, personally appeared A. M. Ramsey, who, after being duly sworn, says on oath that the foregoing statement made by him relative to the virtue of P. P. P. medicine, is true. A. M. RAMSEY. Sworn to and subscribed before m this, August 4th, 1891. J. M. LAMBERT, N. P., Comanche County, Texas. CATARRH CURED BY P. P. P. (Llppman's Great Remedy) where all other remedies failed. Woman's weakness, whether nervous or otherwise, can be cured and the system built up by P. P. P. A healthy woman u a Deatmmi woman. Pimples, blotches, eczema and all disfigurements of the skin are removed and cured by P. P. P. P. P. P. will restore your appetite, build up your system and regulate you in every way. P. P. P. removes that heavy, down-in-the-mouth feeling. For blotches and pimples on the face, take P. P. P. - Ladies, for natural and thorough organic regulation, take P. P. P., Lipp man'a Great Remedy, and get well at once. Sold by at druggists. UFMIAN BROS., Apothecaries, Sole Prop'rs, i's Block. Savannah, Qa. s EAST PM orn (Paint Cam CORNS, BUNIMS UJ WAITS SPEEDILY ant) WITHOUT PAIN FCR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. UZPXZAH X29TS23S, Frtp'n, LayjiM's Block, SA VAN MAM, 6A. S. R ALLEY, PHOTOGBAPHEE Tarboro, N. C. NEW STUDIO OVER JOHN BATTLE'S SHOE STORE. SIDE ENTRANCE. ggy WILL BE GLAD TO HAY1 ALL MY FRIENDS AMD PAT RONS CALL AND SEE ME. Reasonable Pricer AND All Work Guaranteed First-class. 6 27tf H.E. L. PITT, ' TARBORO, N. C. BICYCLES OF ALL KINDS ON HAND. Iver Johnsons, $100. Fitsburg, $75. 49ySpecia!ty in repairing. All parts furnished for any bicvele manufac tured. PLUMBING AND ST 0AM FITTING AT LOWEST PRICES. 6 25 ly Itch on human aud horses ana all animals cured in 30 minutes by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by E. T. Whitehead fc Co. Druggist, Scotland Neck N. C. 114 921y. Tie Cfiapr Marble Ms 111, 113 and 115 Bank St., NORFOLK, VA 9 f sl a ,? .;.r.Z BaS' . jS Grave Stones U51y When Your Watch OK- Clock NEEDS REPAIRING SEND IT TO J AS. H. BELL, The Jeweler, TARBORO, N. C. MJ Orders by mail receive prompt at tention. 2 18 ly B. C. CARLISLE, Cabinet Mer i. FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS. Upholstering and General Repairing. A FULL LINE of METALLIC, WAL NUT AND POPLAR GA SKETS. Also Cheap Coffins of All Sizes. 9 6 6m TARBORO. X. T JOHN SKIP WITH, BOOT and SHOE-MAKER. Atlantic coast Line. W. & W. R. R. AND BRANCHES. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Nov 15, '96. No. 23. Daily. A. M. Lv. Weldon 11 50 Ar. Rocky Mt.12 52 Ar. Tarboro, Lv. Tarboro, 12 12 No. 35. Daily. P.M. 944 10 39 No. 41. Daily. A. M. Lv. Rocky Mt. 1 00 Lv Wilson 2 05 Lv Selma 2 50 Lv Fayetteville4 15 Ar Florence 6 55 10 39 11 18 107 3 14 545 No 47. Daily. Lv Wilson ' 2 13 .7 35 Lv Goldsboro 3 10 9 35 Lv Magnolia 4 16 8 29 Ar Wilming'n 5 45 10 00 P M AM TRAINS GOINO NORTH. No 78 No 32 Daily Daily Lv Florence Fayetteyille Lv Salma Ar Wilson 8 45 12 20 100 142 AM 8 35 10 33 12 22 P M "" No 48 No 40 Daily Daily Lv Wilmington 9 35 7 00 Lv Magnolia 10 02 8 30 Lv Selma 12 01 9 36 Ar Wilson 12 05 9 55 AM PM No 78 No 32 No 40 Daily Daily Daily p M P M P M Lv Wilson 1 20 11 35 10 23 ArMoekvMt 2 17 12 11 11 05 Ar Tarboro 2 23 Lv Tarboro 1212 Lv RockyMt 2 17 Ar Weldon 3 32 12 11 101 A M Groceries AND CONFECTIONERIES. One Door North of Stern's, Main St. 67 ly Scotland Neck. N. C. Subscribe to The Commonwealth. Train on Scotland Neck Branch road leaves Weldon 4.10 p m., Halifax 4.28 p m, arrives Scotland Neck at 5.20 p m Greenville 6.57 p m, Kinston 7.55 p m. Returning leaves Kinston 7.50 a m, Greenville 8.52 a m. Arriving Halifax at 11.20 a m., Weldon 11.40 a m, dailv except Sunday. Trains on Washington Branch leave Washington 8.20 a m, arrives at Par- mele 8.50 a m. returning leaves r'arme- le 9.50 a m., arrives Washington 11.25 a m. Daily except Sunday. Connects with trains on Albemarle and Raleigh Railroad and Scotland Neck Branch. Train leaves Tarboro, via Albemarle & Raleigh road Daily except Sunday, 5.30p m, Sunday 3.00 p m, arrive Wil liamston, 7.18 p m., 4.20 p. m., Ply mouth7.35 p m, 5.20 p m. Returning leavea Plymouth, Daily except Sunday, 7.30, a. m. Wuhamston 7.J0 a m. 9.58 a m. Arrive Tarboro 9.50 a m 11.20 a m. Trains on Southern Division, Wilson and Fayetteville Branch leave Fayette- ville Branch leave Fayetteville o.dO p in, arrive Rowland 7.11 a m. Return ing leave Rowland 7.35 a m, arrive at Fayetteville 9.19 a m. Daily except Sunday. Train on Midland, N. C, Branch leaves Goldsboro, daily except Sunday 6.00 a m, arrive Smithfield 7.30 a m. Returning leaves Smithfield 8.00 a m, arrive Goldsboro 9.30 a m. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 6.20 p m. arrives Nash 7.15 p m., Spring Hope 7.40 p m. Returning leaves Spring Hope 8.00 a m., Nashville 8.35 a m. Rocky Mount 9.15 a m., daily, except Sunday. Train on Clinton branch leaves War saw for Clinton daily except Sunday at 6.20 p m., and 11.15 a m. Return ing leaves Clinton at 8.20 a m., and 3. 10 p m connecting at Warsaw for Clin ton, daily, except Sunday at 6.20 p m, and 11.15 a m. Returning leaves Clin ton at 8.20 a m., and 3.10 p m., con at Warsaw with Nos. 41, 40, 23 and 78. Trains No. 57 South bound and 14 North will stop only at Rocky Mt, Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Train No. 18 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North daily. All rail via Richmond,and daily except Sunday via Bay Line, also except Sun day, with Norfolk and all points north via Norfolk. JOHN F. DIVINE, J. R. KENLY, General Sup't Sup't Trans. T. M. EMERSON, GenlPas. Agt. C. A. CAMP. mm G. T. ANDKE NORFOLK & CAROLINA R. R. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. Dated Sept 27, 1896. Daily ex. San. South Bound Trains. Daily ex. Sun. North Bount Trains. Stations. No. 103 No. 49 P.M. A. M. No. 48 No. 102. P.M. A. M 210 2 25 2 50 3 05 3 43 4 02 4 30 4 45 5 25 5 50 8 40 Lv Norfolk Ar. 6 00 10 5 9 00 Pinners Point 5 35 9 30 9 29 Drivers 5 11 9 84 44 Suffolk 4 57 8 51 10 18 . Gates 4 23 8 31 Tunis 4 05 8 15 ii w Ahoskey 3 45 9 33 11 14 Aulander ,3 31 7 58 11 57 Hobsrood 2 B4. 7 1Q w 2 35 6 55 12 20 Ar. Tarboro Ar. i it 5 57 1 25 Rocky Mount 2 o5 6 30 jr. m.. r. m. P f A r NO 23 Carrifis nilTlman . Norfolk to Rocky Mount and connects "'"V"-- v. i.. -i rain for all points No. 103 connects t TTnkrs n eastern Carolina points, also at Rocky Mrmnf. with A n t -a : a . y. . : , ' un z ior all points south. No. 78 d 1 pitiiur car JSSf to orfolk connect, iuiuui norm. orSarSsinf0rmati0n Hchedules 0811 on . ai. BJSRPELL, J.R. KENT.V IjAnH Hf . t t Tr,BSupt Trains. T. M. EMERSON, wn 1 Passenger Agent Pretty Wall Parjera ? Wft nan aiirtn1 . nttiiZt ayoc a we latest and prettiest designs, t astonishingly low price. It is direct from the great J27 ufacturers, United BUttJftfi? Pr" Cincinnati, and ir the latest ffi most np-todate paper on the market CAMP & ANDREWS, Proprietors. HEADQUARTERS FOR CHEAP Dry Goofls, Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Glotbin: . COME AND SEE OUR SAMPLES OF Spn'i it Smuiner Cloii THEY ARE BEAUTIES AND THE LOW PRICES WILL SURPRISE Tot Groceries, Cakes. Candies FRUITS AND CONFECTIONERIES. we Keep uauoiiauiiijr uauu a. uceu oujiij ii vuuuuj uuiier Irom tli Dairy Farm of Lawrence & Moore. 1 We are the Leaders both in Quaut? J Give us your trade and you will save money. Your Friends, CAMP & ANDREWS 1210tf The Money Sartn, I. P. LEE & CO., COTTON FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS 28 ROTHERY'S WHARF, NORFOLK, VA. 9 10 7m LIBERAL ADVANCEMENTS made on Bills of Lading, or shipment in hand. GIVE US A TRIAL SHIPMENT. Enfield is the Place -and CEO. B. CURTIS & CO. FARMERS ! -ARE THE MEN.- SAVE YOUR MONEY, FOR WHICH YOU HAVE TOILED SO HARD by calling to see us before making your purchases elsewhere. We handle kinds of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, HARDWARE, CEOCK ERY, Etc. Our prices are marked down to suit the times. Give us a call. GEO. B. CURTIS & CO. 9 17 tf Enfield, X. C White & Paull, Cor. Main and Tenth Streets, SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. HAVE RECEIVED FULL LINE OF 1 DRESS GOODS, Clothing, Dry Goods, IToiisss, Boots, Shoes, Sat:, ui a Fine Liu of M-n Mar 7 ly. a. JM.auuw.fcLL, President. FRANK P. SHIELD'S, Cash A. B. HILL, Ass't Cashier. ft MM Ml Ui SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. SOLICITS THE ACCOUNTS OF BOTH INDIVIDUALS AND BUSISE FIRMS. 10 10 l SIDNEY L. SEARS, IALER AND REPAIRER., 58 City Hall Avenue, - . Norfolk. Virginia. ViSrWAVERLY,' 'DUKE,' AND OTHER WHEEL5 .1.-' -JS1. lJSLF" SHP 0)y, A.T Repairing r " " : "J """"flen. Jtiave an ENAMELING OVE. " ne done in all ShorlAa an ni tj . . " jrnces xteasonable. T , VULCANIZING. I can also repair a Cut in a Tire one inch long, Permanently. 1126 6m an The WORFOLK STUDIO. -UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF P. M. TAYLOR, - - of North Carclina, S14 Main Street,0ld No. 156) Norfolk, Va. A 11 1 1 r tm ru Kinas 01 riiotop-ranhir Wrrlr Tmvon r- CD w T a vx J.'a. Uliu j Pastels and Water Color Portraits. Lowest Prices in the City. 11 26 tf Attention FARMERS ! IIZ0?Fi oice Seed Oats. We -white, Black and Red Bust proof. - WE HANDLE Mapes Potato Manure, THE BEST ON THE MARKET. PLENTY OP CORN AND FEED ALWAYS ON HAND. , . -. CL& HOLLAND & CO., Suffolk, V 4 301y

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