It- PLEA FOR GOOD TIMES. BUSINESS TALE FOB BUSINESS . HEN Who are taking the Wont of the Present Situation. Recently Press and Printer published an article byliarnhart Bros. & Spindler that is worth repeating. Here it is : Ha rd Ti mes ! Come agai n no more.' "We all sing it, we all hope it, hut do we know what hard times are? We ;ng it while we eat beef steak at twen ty cents .1 pound, oysters at fifty cents a dozen, and three kinds of bread at the Fiime meal ; we shout it while we g;nok cigars, two for a quarter ; we think it while we stretch our legs on coai for table Brussels carpet, before a blazing grate, with well groomed boys and expensively clad gins around us ; we shout it to our neighbors across our smooth lawns, or through our plate glass windows ; re groan it as we read "our morning and evening papers, our plentiful magazines and our costly li braries ; we' dream of it on our soft and springy beds, while our coal-fed furnace keeps t he whole house warm ; we maun der about it in our well-equipped offi ces, shout it through our telephones, ring the changes on it as we send tele grams and take expensive summer out ings. We meet in our political, social, literary and business conventions, and ring the changes on it while we are spending fortunes with railroads, hotels, restaurants and place3 of amusement. And yet, in these days we do not know wnat hard times are ; we think we do, but we do not. The writer knows of a time within his remembrance and he is no patri arch when, in one of the richest parts of one of the most favored states of the Union, the whole town of some two thousand inhabitants possessed alto gether not over $300 in money all ex change was by barter ; there was no cash payment because Ihere was noth ing to pay with. Among the best and richest families (and there were many who thought themselves well to do) beet steak was a once-a-week visitor ; rannct beef was a luxury ; oysters were an unheanl-ol dainty ; corn bread was the usual, wheat the rare food ; the cheapest pipe tobacco the dissipation ; cold bed-rooms, scanty wood fires, wool gey and calico were in the . house ; 6x8 winnow p.mcs were' helped out by hats, old pagers and rags; a weekly paper was .ui extravagance, and served sever al f.nilio3. Ten books made a, good, fair library' ; bedi were sla tted or corded ; r.ig carpets were occasional, ingrain ?:trce, and Brussels a tradition ; the "lc vacation was a rule to tho annuai TLcn!c in th-3 one-horse shay ; nobody had tlaTpj-lwoney or heart for conven tious or amusements. We men work el from 5 a. m., to 7 p. n. (the aristo crats shortened the time by two houi) and the women worked at all hours.- And yet it is doubtful if there was in those times such a universal spirit of unrest and dircontent,nuch a concert of growling, as to-day. Is it lair? "Ara we just? Can weaf - ford to waste time in bewailing bard times, when times are easy on us, and . treat us far better than we deserve? A manager once said with a chuckle : 'The mails hayebeen good to our house to-dny ; the first brought an order in ev ery letter, and the last one brought a remittance in every letter." We all know (mayhap we aw) persons who would have said : "Alas, we have fall on on evil times ; the first mail brought no money and the last mail brought no trade." Let us put aside these ugly tempers of ours ; look toward the sun ; smile at the shadow : all sunshine makes the desert ; "it's a pretty world, senor ;" en joy its beauties, let us borrow no trou ble, shed light on our neighbors ; quit us like men, and .times will seem (as they are) good. No sma II objection which young folks had to the old-time spring-medicines v.iis their nauseousness. In our day, this objection is removed and Ayer's Sarsananlla, the most powerful and popular of blood-purifiers, is as pleasant to the palate as a cordial. For sale by E. T. Whitehead & Co., Scotland Neck " t Saturday Sermons. ' Selected. If many men would devote their energies one half a earnestly . to the perfonrnnpe of duty as ihey do it find ing some way to avoid them, how much more satisfactory their lives would be to themselves and toothers. Secret prayer and communion with God is the never-failing fountain of strength and joy to a Christian. The pastor who enters into the feel ings and circumstances of his people being one of them in their sorrows as well as their-joys will live in their affections. Old People. Who require medicine to regulate the bowels and kidneys will find the true remedy in Electric Bitters. This med icine does not stimulnte and contains no whiskey nor ..other intoxicant, but acts as a tonic and alterative. It acts mildly on the stomach and bowels, ad ding strength and giving - tone to the organs, thereby aiding nature in (he performance of the functions. Elec tric Bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids digestion. Old people find it just exjcllv what they need.. Price 50 cents k ui H 03 at E. T. Whitehead, k Co. Drug Store. . -, Telling Blasts. Ram'$ Horn. It takes religion with sunshine in it to attract a child. Some very large trees bear very little fruit. Winking at sin will soon ruin . the eye-sight. A wolt in sheep's clothing is none the less a wolf. The rest or Christ is for all who will give up sin. Every temptation resisted is a trou ble escaped. Nothing is gained by starving the soul to feed the body. - No man who truly follows Christ ever has to stand alone. Every man helps the devil who talks one way and lives another. When you pray don't forget those who treat you despitefully. The best news ever told in this world was that God is love. Too many start to follow Christ who stop at the first cross-roads. The man who Jives a lie has a pack of bloodhounds on his track. The best place for a Christian is where God needs him most. Be careful where you step, and those who follow you will stumble less. Something to Depend on. Mr. James Jones, of the drug firm of Jones & Son, Cowden, III., in speaking of Dr. King's New Discovery, says that last wirfter his wife was attacked with La Grippe, and her case grew so ser ious that physicians at Cowden and Pa na could do nothing for her. It seem to develop into Hasty Consumption. Having Dr. King's New Discovery in store and selling lota of it, he took a bottle home, and to the surprise of all &he began to get better from the first dose, and half dozen dollar bottles cured her sound and well. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to do this good work. Try it. Free trial bottles at E. T. Whitehead & Co.'s Drug Store. God has called many men to preach the gospel, but none to defend it. Sooner or later every great thought will make its way around the world. Improve j'our time, and you can de pend upon it that time will improve you. BUCKLEN'S AllNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or monpy refmiced. Price 25 cents jjer box. For sale by E. T. WHITEHEAD & CO. ?ki 1 female May. INCORPORATED 1812. A BOARDING & DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. FULL CORPS OP TEACHERS. Careful instruction in every depart ment. Music department under a skillful musician from. New England Conservatory of Music. Elocution and Physical Cultnre under a student from New Englund Conservatory College of Oratory and Emerson School of Orato ry, Boston. Terms very moderate. Fos further particulars address the principal, MISS LENA H. SMITH, 7 3 tf Scotland Neck, N. C, Sale of Land For Taxes. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : ENFIELD TOWNSHIP. I shall sell to the highest bidder, for cash, at the court house door in Halifax, on Monday 3rd day of May, 1897, the following parcels cf land to satisfy taxes due on same for the year 1896 : Lewis Allsbrook, 150 acres, Beech swamp, balance $1.26. J. W. Boon, 100 acres, Boon tract, 2.76. G. W. Buff alow, 778 acres. RichNeck, 32.76. C. H. Buf falow, 60 acres, Beaver. Dam, 4.30. Mrs. E. J. Burgess, 100 acres, Home stead, 6.02. Isaac Burnett, 10 acres, Home, 1.04. Hasty Coleman, acre, Home, 1.04. W. L. Cotton, 140" acres, Bryant, 7.20. J. J. Cnllom, 64 acres, Home, balance 1.86. L. E. DeBerry, 140 acres, Dawsons, balance 3.36. J. J. Draper, 346 acres, Drapers X Roads, 14.92. Mrs. R. P. Dunn, 900 acres, Beech swamp, 23.22. B. F. Gary, 1,023 acres, Homestead, 17.76, Turner Har ris, Jr, 12 acres, Dawsons X Roads, 3.14. Leyy Ann Juno, 56 acres, Part Pitt man, 2.00. Malissa Knight, 170J acres, Part Lawe tract, 5.58. 5lajor Knight, 170J acres, Part Lawe tract, 6.60. Mary Knight, 200 acres, Part Lawe tract, 4.84. Ben Lane, 40 acres. Rocky swamp, I. 50. J. O. Lewis, 600 acres, Home, 27.26. I. N. Minchew, 400 acres, Mei ritts Bridge, 14.03. Geo. W. Mortise, 225 acres, Part Morris, 7.52. L. W. Motley, 52 acres, near Drapers, balance 2.54. Miss Mary Reid, 135 acres, Jno. Reid, 2.94. Walter Sneed, 58 asres, Horse Pen Branch, 3.94. J. H. S tail ings, 100 acres, Home, 5.26. M. W. Sykes, 100 acres, balance 2.64. Mark Taylor, 60 acres, Little swamp, 2.03. J. F. Turner, 190 acres, Home, 8.64. Spier Whi taker, 418 acres, Lewis place, 29.80. J. H. Whitaker, 1,063 acres, Lake shore, 33.78. Jno. R. Whitaker, 200 acres, Part old Homestead, 15.02. Mrs. N. U. Whitaker, one town lot, II. 24. Berry Wilkins,"50 acres, ad joining Drapers, ' 3.88. Miss L. D. Vilkin8, 270 acres, Jacket swamp, 6.44. Elias Barnes, 287 acres. Home, 13.28, R. B. BRITT, Tax Collector. April 1st, 1897. SALE OF LAND FOR ' TAXES FOR TOWN OF ENFIELD. Spier Whitaker, one town lot (dwell ing), 4.20. Mrs. J. U. Whitaker, one town lot (dwelling), 4.65. R. B.. BRITT, Tax Collector. April lt, 189T. " - TA5TELESS IK10L 18 JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE EOcts Galatia, Ills., Not. 16, 1S03. ?ari9 Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. Gentlemen: We sold last your, 600 bottles of TKOVB'S TASTELESS CIIILIi TONIC and nave ..ought three gross already this year- In all our ex perience of 14 years, In the drug business, have n over sold an article that gave such universal satis faction as your Sonic Yours truly, ABNX7, CABB Si CO For sale and guaranteed by E. T. WHITEHEAD & CO., 7 4 6m Scotland Neck, N. BRANT. MILKSHAKES AND LEMONADE. I eat at Robinson's. I Don t. Nourishing meals at all hours -Shoe-shop for making and repairing JOHJS ROBERSON, Main Street, Scotl and Keck, N. C. Are peculiarly benefited by P. P. P., Lippman's Great Remedy, the most wonderful Tonie and Blood Cleanser in the world. P. P. P. restores shattered nerves, gives strength and tone to the entire system, revives the word out, nervous and debilitated You cannot but be nervous if your blood is impure. P. P. P. gives the proper nourishment to the blood, and cures nervous pros tration, debility and nervous head ache. P. P. P. cures that tired, languid, ' all gone " feeling, cures dyspepsia, in digestion, and that awful distress of the stomach. P. P. P. cures that weak, nervous con dition, that dreadful jumping of the heart, followed by dizziness and sink iug spells. Wake your- blood pure by taking P. P. P., Lippman's Great Rem edy, and you will be well and happy. Women are benefited, their organiza tion regulated, and their weakness and lassitude cured by P. P. P weak; tired PEOPLE should take P. P. P., Lippman's Great Remedy, without delay. While not actually sick, you feel weak and tired, ready to get sick, and what you need is strength to drive out of your system that which is the cause of Spring Fever. P. P. P. is needed at once. Mrs. Hattie Mylius, of 70 East 86th street, New. York, says that she was in poor health, and that her case devel oped into- nervous prostration. . She suffered from nervous headaches, and at times was unable to do any work at all. She could not sleep, and was so nervous that she would have to get up at all hours of the night and walk the floor, and the opening of a door would startle her. But her weakness and nervousness is all gone. P. P. P. was what saved her. Her appetite improved, her nervousness is a thing of the past, and she thanks P. P. P., Lippman's Great Remedy, for her com plete restoration to health. x SoM by all dnrgxists. UPPMAN BROS., Apothecaries, Sole Prop'ra, UppSMn'a Block, Savaanah, Oa, ABBOTT'S :E8T PI! CarMCOMS, BUNMMS aai WAITS SPEEDILY ajsf WITHOUT PAIN FOX SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. . SJ8BeJB EetOOVsf PMRAHMsftsMf Sv . . Of tzz' WEA-'SCWVESRY wmmm Men S. R ALLEY PH0T0GBAPHEB, Tarboro, N. G. mvr STUDIO OVER JOHN BATTLE'S SHOE STORE. SLUE ENTRANCE. fiTWILL BE GLAD TO HAVL ALL MY F5IENDSAJND PAT RONS CALL AND SEE ME. Reasonable Prices AiS'D All Work Guaranteed First-class. 6 27tf H. E. L. PITT, TARBORO, N. C. BICYCLES OF ALL KINDS ON HAND. Iver Johnsons, $ 1 00 Fitsburg, $75. jS"Specialty in repairing. All parts furnished for any bicvele tured. PLUMBING AND ST HAM FITTING AT LOWEST PRICES. 6 25 1y Itch on numan and horses ana all animals 'cured in SO minutes bv Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co. Druggist, Scotland Neck N. C, 11 4 92 ly. 18 GeipF Marl Forte 111, IIS and 1 15 Bank St., INUltJbUliK, VA Grave Stones U&ly When Ynnv Watch OR a Clock NEEDS REPAIRING SEND IT TO JAS. H. BELL, The Jeweler, TARBORO, N. C. "Orders by mail receive prompt at- Mjmiou. 2 18 ly B. 0. CARLISLE, CaMMffisr ifl UMeilaifei FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS. Upholstering and General Repairing. A FULL LINE of METALLIC, WAL NUT AND POPLAR CASKETS. Also Cheap Coffim of All Sizes. 9 6 6m TARBORO, N. C JOHN" SKIPWITH, 000T and SHOE-MAKER, Groceries AND CONFECTIONERIES. One Door North of Stern's, Main St. 57 ly Scotland Neck. N. C. Subscribe to The COmohweaith. Atlantic coast Line. W. & W. R. R. AND BRANCHES. COXDENSED SCHEDULE. TKAlJfS GOI3G SOUTH Dated Nov No. 23. No. 35 No. 41. Daily. A. M. 15, HJ6. Daily. A. M. Lv. Weldon 11 50 Ar. Rocky Mt.12 52 Ar. Tarboro, Lv. Tarboro, 12 12 Daily. P.M. 9 44 10 39 Lv. Rocky Mt. 100 10 39 Lv Wilson 2 05 . 11 18 LvSelma 2 50 Lv Fayettevillel 15 107 Ar Florence 0 55 3 14 5 45 No 47. Daily. Lv Wilson 2 13 Lv Goldsboro 3 10 Lv Magnolia 4 16 Ar Wilming'n 5 45 p M 7 85 9 35 8 29 10 00 A ?I TRAINS GOIXG NORTH. No 78 No 32 Daily Daily Lv Florence 8 45 8 35 Fayetteyille 12 20 10 33 Lv Selma 1 CO Ar Wilson 142 12 22 AM P M ' No 48 No 40 Daily Daily Lv Wilmington 9 35 7 00 Lv Magnolia 10 02 8 30 LvSelma 12 01 9 36 Ar Wilson 12 05 9 55 AM P M No 78 No 32 No 40 Daily Daily Daily p m p M P M Lv Wilson 1 20 11 35 10 23 ArMockvMt 2 17 12 11 11 05 Ar Tarboro Lv Tarboro 2 23 12 12 Lv RockyMt 2 17 Ar Weldon 3 32 12 11 101 A M Train on Scotland Neck Branch road leaves Weldon 4.10 p m., Halifax 4.28 p m, arrives Scotland Neck at 5.20 p m Greenville b.57 p m, Kmston 7.oo p m. Keturninsr leaves runston .ou a m. Greenville 8.52 a m. Arriving Halifax at 1J..2U a m., Weldon JLJ..4U a m, daily except Sunday. Trains on Washington Branch leave Washington 8.20 a m, arrives at Par- mele 8.50 a m, returning leaves Panne le 9.50 a m., arrives Washington 11.25 a m. Daily except Sunday. Connects with trains on Albemarle and Raleigh Railroad and Scotland Neck Branch. Train leaves Tarboro, via Albemarle & Raleigh road Daily except Sunday, 5.30p m, Sunday 3.00 p m, arrive Wil- liainston, 7.1S p m., 4.20 p. in., Ply- mouth7.3i p m, 5.20 p m. Returning leaves Plymouth, Daily except Sunday, 7.30, a. m. Wilharaston 7.30 a Ha. y.oo a xn. iLrrive larDoro .J.ou a m. 11.20 a m. Trains on Southern Division, Wilson and Fayettoviile Branch leave Fayette- ville Branch leave Fayettevule 0.30 p rn , arrive Rowland 7.11 a m. Return ing leave Rowland 7.35 a m, arrive at Fayetteville 9.19 am. Daily except hunday. Train on Midland, N. C, Branch leaves Goldsboro, daily except Sunday b.00 a m, arrive Smithneld 7.d0 a m. Returning leaves Smithfield 8.00 a m, arrive Goldsboro 9.30 a m. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 6.20 p m. arrives Nash 7.15 p m., Spring Hope 740 p m, Returning leaves Spring Hope 8.00 a m., Nashville a m. Rocky Mount 9.1o a m., daily, except Sundav. Train on Clinton branch leaves War saw for Clinton daily except Sunday at 0.20 p m., and 11.15 a m. Return ing leaves Clinton at 8.20 a m., and 3. 10 p m connecting at Warsaw for Clin ton, daily, except Sunday at 6.20 p m, and 11.15 a m. Returning leaves Clin ton at o.zU a m., and 3.10 p m., con- at Warsaw with Nos. 41, 40, 23 and 78. Trains No. 57 South bound and 14 North will stop only at Rocky Mt, Wilson, broldsboro and Magnolia. Train No. 8 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North daily. All rail via Richmondmd daily except Sunday via Bay Line,rfdso except Sun- uay, wiui morions ana ail points norm via x-iorioiK. JUitB ij. ulvlJNx!;, J. R. KENLY, General Sup't Sup't Trans. T. M. EMERSON, Genl Pas. Agt. NOHFOLK & CAROLINA R. R. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. Dated Sept 27, 1896. Daily ex. San. South Bound Trains. Daily ex. Sun. North Boun Trains. Stations. No. 103 No. 49 P. M. A. M. No. 4S No. 102. P.M. A. M 2 10 8 40 Lv Norfolk Ar. 2 25 9 00 Pinners Point 2 50 9 29 Drivers 3 05 9 44 Suffolk 3 43 10 18 Gates 600 5 35 10 5 9 30 11 57 23 05 45 9 84 8 51 S 31 4 02 10 38 Tunis 8 15 4 30 11 00 Ahoskey 4 45 1114 Anlander 9 33 7 58 7 19 5 25 11 57 Hobeood 54 35 5 50 12 20 Ar. Tarboro 6 55 Ar. JL,v. & &7 1 2o Rockv Mount 2 o5 6 30 P. M. P. M. P. M. A. M. No 23 carries nullman imrtrr t .. Norfolk to Rockv Mount and connects with A. C. L. Train 23 for all points soutn. No. 103 connects at Hoheriofl for nil eastern Carolina points, also at Rocky jiiount witn A. U. L. tram 27 lor all points south. , JT TO a to RamM Tin Mm an narlrtr far Rocky Mount to Norfolk and connects lor all points north. For all information HhediilAa pall on or address G. M. SERPELL. J. R. TTFVT.v Genl Manager Sup't Trains. X. M. EMERSON, Genl Passenger Agent Pretty Wall Papers ! We Can 8UDDlv VOU with anv and all kinds of Wall Paper in tne latest and prettiest aesigns, at astonishingly low pnctsB. is aireci irom tne great ufacturers. United Rtaten Wall " 1 tman- ss Co.. of Cincinnati, and ia the lataaf most np-to-date paper on the market.' C. A. CAMP. CAMP & ANDREWS, Proprietors, HEADQUARTERS FOR CHEAP , Dry Ms, Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Glotlii Etc COME AND SEE OUR SAMPLES OF Sjii it SuiuEiHr doii THEY ARE BEAUTIES AND THE LOW PRICES WILL SURPRISE YCU Groceries, Cakes. Candies. FRUITS AND CONFECTIONERIES. We keep constantly on hand a fresh supply of Country Butter from the Dairy Farm of Lawrence & Moore. We are the Leaders both in Quality AND IM LOW PRICES. j0SJ"Give us your trade and you will . 12 10tf Enfield is the Place and - CEO. B. CURTIS Oc CO. -ARE 1? A DM TPD Q I save your money, for which you r iinMlljriu ! - have toiled so hard by calling to see us before making your purchases elsewhere. We handle all kinds of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, HARDWARE, CROCK ERY, Etc. Our prices are marked down to suit the times. Giye us a call. 9 17 tf - White Cor. Main and Tenth Streets, HADE MARK ITotions, Soots, Shoes, Hats, Mar 7 ly. a. Mcdowell, president. A. B. HILL, Ass't Cashier. He ScoM K Bai, SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. SOLICITS THE ACCOUNTS OF SIDNEY L. SEARS, GTCLE BE ALER ' 'AND REPAIRER. 58 City Hall Avenue, - - Norfolk, Virginia. for wvxx v AiivjLi , uJlU, U U I II E,J VV ri CGlvO. I have the BEST REPAIR SHOP in the citv. All Rennirinc gtrlcilr first class and done by Beat Workmen. ini. in 1 1 !. .. J , 1 J 1 '"8 " " ouaura ituu vuiors. j. VULCANIZING. I can also repair a. Cut in a Tire one inch long, Permanently. 11 26 6m The -SUNDER THE P. M. TAYLOR, - S14 Main Street, All kinds of Photographic Work and Crayon, Pastels and Water Color Portraits. Lowest Prices in the City. H 2o tf Attention FARIME Choice Seed Oats. We have AVhite, Black and Red Ktist proof. -WE HANDLE Hapes Potato Manure, , THE BEST ON THE MARKET. PLEA TY OF CORN AND FEED ALWAYS ON HAND. 4 301y f . Harness! -CALL I.H.BROWN, . WHEN IN WANT OF TT harness CZT-nepairina done any time on G.T.ANDREWS save money. Your Friends, CAMP & ANDREWS. (The Money Savers. THE MEN.- GEO. B. CURTIS & CO. Enfield, N. C & Paull, SCOTTuVND NECK, N. C. HAVE RECEIVED FULL LINE OF DRESS GOODS, er Cult clothing, Dry Goods, a&d a Fine Liss o! M-mvt. frank p. shields, casuu r. BOTH INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS FIRMS. 10 10 1" Have on ENAMELING OVEN. Ena . el- 4 " rices JisasonabJe. ORFQLK STUD MANAGEMENT OF - of North Carolina, Old No. 156) Norfolk, Vas TOLT AND & CO., Suffolk, Va. Harness ! ' on- & Saddles. thort nati ww-in a Co. m - . j - -V-f BROWN, Taebobo, "

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