hW"" wholesome and rtrtlct . I L MP. Fovozn Absolutely Puro -w.i BHWN8 POWOW CO. ,ebraied for its great leavening .. ..,.t t.o ilthfnlnesfl. Assurea the ! common to the cheap brands. gOTAL BAM-"' POWDER., NEW YORK. jhe Commonwealth. "Tuesday. October 28, 1897. IgciAL AWOUNCEMENTS. Cotton Seed "Wanted. Iwillpay highest market price for idO ear loads of cotton seed. I have a Lited quantity of meal that I will ex- Annie lor seeu, w " " two tons of iir sale cheap. seed, Meal and hulls R. J. Madry, Scotland Neck, N. C INS AT JOSEY'S. Kg Cut in Prices to Continue One to five thousand bushels Rice tinted. ame, price Dy wire or mail. SS. IS, J OBEY. 9fln naira Ladies' French Kid Gloves m to date style worth $1.25. Our price Sc. j()0 Ladies' sice 15c. worth half dollar. J.1. -U. afl.O.EiX. 100 C. B. Dollar Corsets at 75c. N. B. Josey. 3,000 Men's 4 ply Linen Collars at It worth 15c. N.. Josey. 500 pairs Gu3s at 12c. N. B. Josey. NTB. Josey. Shirt Waist Sets. Our 100 Unlaundried Reinforced, 2,100 fne Linen Shirts 39c. each, which is lalfprice. N. B. Josey. - Last but not least something for Babies, 100 pieces Birdeye Diapering 2 inch at GOc. N. B. Josey. Oar Dress Goods department is up to late. Everything new and stylish at popular prices. Trimmings to match. IN. U. JOSEY. Don't buy Clothing before seeing ! oar bargains : Suits from $2 to $12.50. Overcoats 2 to $10. Pants 25c to $6. So trouble to show goods. s. B. Josey. A lew more belts left 5 to 15c. ; N. B. Josey. Lumber. Lumber. Fencing and Building Lasher 50 teats per hundred feet. . Ihe5orth Carolina Lumber Co., Tillery,N. C. COTTON WANTED. IB. Josey wants 1,000 Bales of am eetore November sin. see Mm before selling. THere will be service in Old Trinity Church on Monday next at 11 o'clock. Convocation. The Convocation of Edenton will meet in St. Martin's Church, Hamilton, on Friday, Oct. 29th and continue through Sunday. ahtekesting. That statement of Mr. R. W. Brown which we print on our editorial page about Halifax coun ty finances, is quite intetescing reading. isjsaih of an infant. The infantr childof Rev. George Simmons was buried in Halifax last Thursday It was brought from Lenoir county ' e it died of cholera infantum. " j Permanently injured. Mr. W. F. Butterworth's hand which was so badly lacerated by the colored man . who threw the stone at him some months ago, is permanently injured. He can not close the fingers to the palm of his hand, and it is somewhat difficult for him to hold a nail with that hand and drive it with his right hand. An Altercation. Tuesday Messrs. Jos. Stern and J. H. Futrell had a little altercation in which' Mr. Futrell cut Mr. Stern in the back. The wound was not serious. ' The case was reported to the Mayor who still has the matter under advisement. Meantime Mr. Futrell was restrained from going at large until the case could be decided. Capt. Kitchin to Lecture. We are requested to announce that Capt. W. H. Kitchin will lecture in the Male Academy to-night, Thursday Oct. 28th. His subject will be: "The causes of the Depreciation of Properties and the low price of Agricultural Prod- ducts.'Xecture will begin at 8 o'clock sharp. The public are invited and re quested to be promptly' on time. - THE MIXING CROWD. Some Come and Some Go. AND OP OTHERS WE DO NOT KNOW. Mrs. J. H. Futrell left yesterday tor recersburg where she ..has gone to visit her relatives. Mr. Dennis Simmons of Williams ton spent a day here last week on a visit to Mr. N. Biggs. Mrs. W. J." Hill left Monday for her noma m Jttocky Mount, after a visit to her relatives here. headquarters here .was Mr. J. L. Scott whose, are in Washington, D. C day and night last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wells D. Tillery, of Roanoke Rapids, were here last week on a short visit to their relatives. Mrs. Chas. McNaughton has return ed to her home at Everetts after a visit to her mother, Mrs. W, T. Joyner. Mr. D. Mc. C. Alford of Aulander was here last week to have some . den tal work done by Dr. A. C. Livermon. Miss Agnes Scott who has been on a visit here for several weeks Saturday returned to her home in Richmond. Mr. R. B. Peters of Tarboro was here Tuesday. His many friends here are pleased to note his success as one of WANTED A WHITE BARBER. The good people of Scotland Neck faire the services of a first-class white iakber, and guarantee good patronage to the right man. J. E. HANCOCK, Hk Xo. 117. Scotland Neck, N. C. 10 14 3t. J TIES AHEAD New life in business. New Fall and Winter Goods arriving daily at R. C. Josey & Co.'s. New Dress Goods Latest Styles. m Novelty Silks. New Trimmings. R. C. Josey & Co. ihe justly celebrated John Kelly 8 for Ladies are in the lead. Ev pair warranted by R. C, Josey & Co. V&ll and see our Gotham Hat best prettiest hat in the land. R. C. Josey & Co. T -a. .uuies, don't fail to see R.C. Josey c-8 Dress Goods before buying. ey have the cheapest and prettiest - we town. J' you want the best child's call for the Sussex at ' R. C. Josey & Co.'s. ! Hut a f Hanoi ran f Olll- "KQa COmnlfitft. Tr. will n vnli to I: our immense stock before buying. R. C. Josey & Co. mAn. ."wi'HLNG! Olothine! If shoe anti you j uaiv buoiu. You can iarwture on still find a hand at large stock of R. C. Josey & TP. . 1 " 8 ught a very large stock. We I,.: aat want and you want '7 we have. R.C.Jo dav.are 8aid to be advancing' every They hav'nt advanced at R. C. Josey & Co.V mmt at Harrell & Co.'s WhisT5'81 bargains in Red and . Ull Iannela. Jray Flannel for Ladies' Skirts. Androscoggin tag. Fruit Loom Reception to Mr. and Mrs. Barry. It was announced last week that Miss Sallie Edwards was married in Providence, Rhode Island, to Mr. Henry Milton Barry, Wednesday, Oct. 20th. They arrived in Scotland Neck Sunday on a visit to the bride's relatives heri . ... . . s monaay night a reception was siren at Mr. J., B. Edwards', the bride's brother, in honor of the bride and groom, and a number of the friends of the bride attended. She was reared in Scotland Neck, but has lived in rovidence for several years, and her many friends here felt much interest in her happy marriage. AWhlle liying here she was one of the popular and attractive young ladies of the town, and the same has been true of her during her residence in Providence. The groom is a member of the staff of the Providence Evening and Sunday Telegram, is popular and refined and has made a most favorable impression on those who have met him. The reception Monday night was pleasant and most admirably conducted by Mrs. J. B. En wards, assisted by Misses Leila Shields, Sadie and Helen erry, together with Mrs. S. W. Mor- risette and Miss Maud Edwards, sisters of the bride. The halls and parlors of Mr. Edwards' handsome home were brilliantly light ed, the guests were served with dainty fruits, enjoyed an hour of pleasant con verse with the' bride and groom and each other, and went away highly pleased with the evening's reception, despite the very inclement weather. The many friends of the bride here wish her great happiness in her wedded ife and congratulate the groom on his good fortune in his selection of a life companion, in which The Common wealth heartily joins. Mr. E. E. Norman. Secretary oi Washington Fair Association, return ed to Washington Monday from the State Fair at Raleigh. The Washing ton Fair will be held Nov. 9-12, and the managers promise a good time to all. Mr. N. M. Lawrence, Superinten dent of the Oxford Orphan Asylum, passed through town last week on his way from a visit to his farm near Hob- good. He said that his institution is doing well, and that there .are about 110 children there, which is its full ca- pacit WILLIAMSTON MARRIAGES. rn?,?ached and Unbleached ten HUter Bheeting. Line of Groceries. ' 0LD NEWSPAPERS FOB SALeS Scents per hundred. To Our Scotland Neck Subscribers For nearlv ten years we have been sending out to our - readers the best paper we could make with the patron age we have had, and we are .free to say that in the matter of subscriptions that patronage has been fairly generous. For a part of this time we did not send the paper to any one who did not pay in advance, and every paper was stopped when the time expired. We found that some of our best sub scribers could not always pay promptly in advance ; so we have let quite number run over time. A few days ago we -sent out state- ments to our subscribers away irom Scotland Neck, but did not f send state ments to our home subscribers, be- , - .1 .Ui tl n1 cause we - Knew mejr wu settle with us without that trouble. Now, kind reader, we have stood for every interest oi otuubuu ova community, and we hope you will come at onoe and settle with us and renew for another year, if you owe us . .... - ' - anything : and if you are para up w date we shall be glad to have you renew and bring a new subscriber if you can. It has cost us more to run the paper this year than ever before, and we sorely need every cent due us. Mr. Geo. B. Hughes of the Central Warehouse, Tarboro, writes his custo mers through The Commonwealth . I have just returned from the large exporTmarkets and findthe demand BtrSg for fine cutters, sfnd wrap- Don t rear wit - TOP PRItJJ aiwajra. Yours truiy, Geo. B. Hughes. Correspondence to The Commonwealth. - Williamston, N. C, Oct. 27, 97. Miss Belle Ellison resigned her po sition as organist in the Methodist church last Sunday morning. A more faithful organist a church never had. Miss Pattie Crawford was elected to fill the vacancy and will enter upon her duties at once. Mr. J. F. Leggett left here Wednes day morning ' for Baltimore where he matriculates at the University of Ma ryland to take a course in Dental Surgery. Last Wednesday at 8 a. m., at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. C. T. Ellison, Miss Belle Ellison and Mr. J. Gus. Goddard were united in matrimo ny, Rev. A . J. Parker, pastor of the Methodist church, officiating. Mr. Goddard is a successful merchant of Windsor. He is to be complimented on gaining the hand of Miss Belle. She will be sadly missed by her many friends. But Williamston's loss is Windsor's gain. At the same hour in the home of Mr. W. T. Crawford, Mr. J. G. Staten and Miss LoualliePoof were married, Rev. Mr. Ticnor officiating. Both couples were married with a ring. The many friends of each couple ac companied them to the train amid showers of rice from the old shoe. I am not sure just where the bridal parties will go during their wedding tours. One of the grooms called for a set of tickets to Paris the other to Klondyke. Both couples have the best wishes of all their friends, and we pre dict for each a haDDV life. J, ONE OF TWO WAYS. The bladder was createcNor one pur pose, namely, a receptacle for the urine, and as such it is not liable to any form of disease except by one of two ways. The first way is from im perfect action of the kidneys. The sec ond way is lrom careless local treat ment of other diseases. CHIEF CAUSE. Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kid neys is the chief cause of bladder trou bles. So the womb, like the bladder, was created for one purpose, and it not doctored too much is not liable to weakness or disease, except in rare cases. It is situated back ot and very close to the bladder, therefore any pain disease or inconvenience manifested in the kidneys, back, bladder or urinary passage is often by mistake, attributed to female weakness or womb trouble of some sort. The error is easily made and may be as easily avoided. To find out correctly, set your urine for twenty four hours ; a sedement or settling in dicates kidney or bladder trouble. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kid ney and bladder remedy is soon applied If you need a medicine you should have the best. At druggists fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sam ple bottle and pamplet, both sent by mail, Mention The Commonwealth and send your address to Kilmer k Co., Binghampton, NY. The proprietor of this paper guarantees the genuineness-ot this offer. A few weeks ago the editor was taken with a very severe cold that caused him to be in a most miserable condition. It the young business men ot Tarboro. H- , kl j, , , ... . . ... . xwv.iw. rwas undoubtedly a bad case of la grippe and recognizing it as dangerous he took immediate steps to bring about a speedy cure. From the advertisement of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and the many good recommendations in cluded therein, we concluded to make a first trial of the medicine. To say that it was satisfactory in its results, is putting it very mildly, indeed. It act ed like magic and the result was a speedy and permanent cure. We have no hesitancy in recommending this excellent Cough Remedy to any one afflicted with a cough or cold in any form. The Banner of Liberty, Liberty town, Maryland. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by E. T. Whitehead & Co. Mil ! X North Carolina, I Martin County. ) In office Clerk Superior Court. Notice is hereby given of the filing of articles of incorporation of the Boyle Manufacturing Company ; that the names of the incorporations are John P. Boyle,) D. C. Jones, Hamilton, N. C. T. B. Slade, ) and such others as they may associate with them ; that the principal place oi business is in Hamilton, N. C, and its general purpose and business is to manufacture lumber, shingles, hoops, and ash handles, &c. ; that the duration of the corporation is thirty years, the apital stock, three thousand dollars with privilege to increase to ten thous and dollars, divided into sixty shares of the par value of fifty dollars per share. This the 7th day of October, isy7. N. S. PEEL, 10 14 4t. Clerk Superior Court. I have just returned from the North and have the latest styles in all First-Class Millinery, which I will sell at prices to suit the times. Any Class LrAJJlJfio hats from 10c. to $10. Satisfaction Guaranteed in every Particular. Give me a call before making your purchase. MBS. A. 2. BXDDXCE, iite M. Hoffman. 1m Scotland Neck, N. C. Mention this paper. - Opppfl IT23 Entertainment. given in Tem- ittle Sunbeams' The entertainment peranceHall last Thursday, night by the "Little Sunbeams" of the Baptist Sunday-school, was high enjoyable. The hall was filled and the large audi ence enjoyed for more than an hour, the songs, recitations and tableaux by the children. The exercises were high ly creditable to the children and the management. Misses Lucy Dunn and Estelle Johnson managed the entertain ment and trained the children for their successful, renditions. The entertainment was gotten up in thfi interest of Missions : and a liberal collection was taken for that object, pen. vou the ! market Is strong. "I have never bad a days sicknes . in miOifA said a middle aged man the other dav. - "What pleasure it would be' sighs some poor invalid "to be m his place for a vear or two." Yet half of the in valids we see might be just as healthy as he, if they would only take proper ni of themselves? eat proper food and dieest it. - 7 It's so strange that such simple ttiinm are overlooked by those who want health. -- Food makes health. It makes strength and strength wards off sickness. "T'he man who had never been sick was strong because he always digested his food, and you could become the same ny neiping your stomach to work as well as his. Shaker Digestive Cordial will make you strong and healthy by making tne looa you not make vou fat. - Tirnittrifita sell it. Trial bottle 10 cents.. " - TT- :rV. Blood and Liver Pilla . " iit: They never S uETTrWhitehead I Co. ' : Subscribe to Th Coowalth. Notice. All persons having sections in Trini ty Parish -Cemetery will please pay their assessment as soon . as possible. It W. J. Smith, Sap't MRS. RIDDICK'S NEW MILLINERY NOW OPEN! NOTICE. Superior Court. NORTH CAROLINA, I Halifax County.- ( E. L. Travis and wile Jennie G. Travis ' ' vs. " John F. Felch, Olivia A. Felch, Henry Felch. To John F. Felch, Olivia A. Felc and Henry Felch, the defendants abov named : You are hereby notified . that the above entitled action has been commenced against you in the Su perior Court of Halifax by the plain tiffs above named to recover possession of a tract ot land in Halifax County, known as Hill's Bridges whereon Dr. Jno. R. Moore resided at' time of his death, and to exclude you from all in terest therein. You are required to appear at a ferm of our said Court to be held at the Court House in Halifax on the .eighth Monday after the; last Monday in September, 1897, and an swer or demur to the plaintiff's com plaint in said action. This October 13th, 1897. . STERLING M. GARY, 10 28 4t. Clerk Superior Court. Notice. ' I hereby notify all parties interested, that on and after the first day of Jan. 1898, I will have no interest in pasture formerly kept by J. H Lawrence, John Applewhite, Joe. Barnes, Bob. Allsbrook and others. 10141m. J.D.LAWRENCE. J. C. MEEKINS, JR. & CO,, Cotton, Hay, Grain and Peanuts. Special attention to Weights and Counts. 21 Commerce St., Norfolk, Va. Mention this paper. 9 30 3m. T170 STORES. I have purchased the grocery stock of Mr. A. Vaughan next door to Post Office, and will continue BUSINESS there with enlarged stock. Shall also continue business on West Main street three doors from corner of 10th. I promise GOOD BARGAINS to my customers. COME AND SEE ME. Wilson Allsbrook, filler is Coil Keep warm at little . COST. ". ...... - . Our Underwear Department is full. BEST BARGAINS' for the SEASON at Lowest Prices. When it Rains You need one of our Best Umbrellas. Come hopefully and go away happy. CAMP & ANDREWS. 10 14 tf. Scotland Necs:, N. C. UPSON'S ENGLISH KITCHEN, 187 Main St., NOKFU1.K, V A. Is the Leading Dining Room in the City for Ladies and Gentlemen. Strict y a Temperance Place. All meal 25c. pHudson's Surpassing Coffee a Specialty. Holy ITorth Carolina, ) Superior Court. Haliiax Co. W. A. Willcox vs. Mrs. Nannie Hilliard, Louis Hilliaid. Claude Hilliard. Sterling Hilliard f Notice. and lone Hilliard, the last bur named being infants without guardian. The defendants above named, Mrs. Nannie Hilliard, Louis Hilliard, Claude Hilliard, Sterling Hilliard and lone Hilliard. will take notice that an action entitled as above has been - commenced in the superior uourt oi fiaiiiax county for the possession of that tract of land near Halifax town known as "Chantillv" whereon avid Hilliard resided at the time of his death, con taining 385 acres, more or less, and to exclude the defendants from all interest therein. The said defendants are here by required to appear at a term of said court to be held at the Court House in Halifax on the eighth Mon dav after the last Monday in Septem ber, 1897, and answer or demur to tne plaintiff '8 complaint, which will be filed within the first three days ot said term. This October 12th, 1897. r STERLING M. GARY, 10 14 6t. Clerk Superior Court. Your attention is called to the new ad. elsewhere, of BELL, the TAR BORO JEWELER. He guarantees Satisfaction to his customers. Try nim. SALE OF LAND. B . . . 3 x a j . i y Virtue OI a juugmeuw nouureu ui Mav Termioav, ot the superior Court of Halifax County, in the action therein entitled Mrs. Mollie A. Farmer vs. E. G. Hales and wife William Ann Hales. I will Bell at public auction for flah at the Court-House door in Hali fax. "on Monday, November 22nd, 1897, that tract of land in Halifax County. N. C, Brinkleyville township, bounded bv the lands of Jr. Jtt. barker, J. w Nicholson, C. C. Yeverette and others, containing 100 acres, - more or less, which was conveyed to William Ann Hales by W. T. Gardner." E. L. TRAVIS, Halifax. N. C ' " " Commissioner. ctober21, 1897. 10 28 4t, 0 21 Scotland Neck, N. C. m r I I ' m WE WOULD TO THOSE WHO HAVE TOBACCO to sell RESPECTFULLY BEG THAT "SOU READ THE FOLLOWING SUGGEST IONS WHICH MAY BE OF BENEFIT TO YOU : I a TY1 1TI warehouse business strictly, AB- and-this means to see that you get the .very best price obtainable for every pile or your tobacco. I have the bpst business connections for ascertain ing the market prices on all grades, and this knowledge I propose to give you the benefit of. On V 1 PQ have given the utmost satis V..Uf oaivo faction to all who have been here, and I propose, if strict attention to the market will do so, "to hold and in crease iny sales till the crop is marketed. Sftll wi"h tyii onc and I have no fear K-roAA WAL1A 11113 that you willseek other markets. Prices are looking up and ev ery indication tor better, see that your tobacco is well graded and I guarantee a satisfactory sale ... jmmS VERY RESPECTFULLY, G-EO. B. HUG-HES, Proper CENTRAL WAREHOUSE 9 23 tf TARBORO, N. C. Vine Hill Male Academy. SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. "" o N Buildings and Appointments Modern. A THOROUGH ACADEMY. EicellGnt Literary Socles, LIBRARY AND READING ROOM. Ample Baseball, Sp aee for Kootball, Tennis, etc. SCOTLAND NECK. N: C. TEACHERS - WANTED !! OVER 4,000 VACANCIES Several times as many vacancies as members. MUST HAVE MORE MEMBERS. ftttsburg, Pa. ; Toronto, Canada ; New Orteans, La. ; New York, IS . Y. ; Washington, D. C. ; San Francisco, Cal. ; Chicago, 111. ; St. Louis Mo., and Denver, Col. There are thousands of positions to be filled within the next few weeks. Address all applications to UNION TEACHERS AGENCIES, Saltsbuko, Fa. 7 29 4m C. L. BASS, Manaeer. AGENTS WANTED FOR - JUVEKILE HOLIDAY AND STANDARD SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS By. the W. B. Conkey Company, the argest publishers ana manuiacturers oi books In the United States. J! west ine of new holiday and other subscrip tion books on the market.' Also agents wanted for "THE SILVER SIDE," the latest and best text-book on. the silver question by the great silver leaders. EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY. LARGEST COMMISSIONS. PRICES BELOW COMPETITION. L Writer once for circulars and special terms, stating your choice of territory, W. B. C0NEET COMPANY, W. 34i. 343. 345, 347. 349. 35 uw"nioi., 9 16 4t. e. o.w. CHICAGO 1TORTH CArSStNA, IV Halifax Co. J Superior Court. Nov. Term, 1897. Yancey Allen. '- vs. ' '.. Roxanna Allen. Let the. defendant, Roxauna Allen, take notice that the above -entitled ac- Mnn has been commenced in said Su- nerior Court by the said Yancey Allen for the purpose of getting an absolute divorce from her on the ground oi adultery and abandonment, committed bv her, the summons returnable to tne m m r L .November Term oi saia superior i.uuri, to be held in the town of Halifax on the 8th Monday after-the last Monday in September, 1897, it being the 22nd dav-of November, 1897, when and where the defendant is required to ap pear and answer or demur to the com plaint otplaIntiHv - - . :i i . . " S. M. GARY, 1 10 7 6t. Clerk of Su ierior Court Fall Term Begins September 1st. For Particulars and Catalogue address PRINCE & WILSON, Supts. 71tf- "KEEP - A - GOUT'" If you strike a thorn or rose, Keep-a-goin' If it hails or if it snows, Keep-a-goin' ! Taln't no use to sit and whine, When the fish ain't on your line ; Bait your hook and keep on try m' Keep-a-goin' J 'Spose you're out o' every dime? " Gettin' broke ain't any crime. Tell the world you're leelin prime Keep-a-goin' to S. IdOETXTEZEl, Agt. -Live, Up-to-Date Dealer in- Groceries, Fruits, YeptaMes ana Want Your Trade. Get My Prices, TheyH do the Business. Don't forget, I-am the only Exclusive Grocery Dealer in Enfield, N, C. Tie Norfett Dyeing, Gleam ai Resairmg: Co. OLD SUITS MADE TO LOOK LIKE NEW. ladies' suits, gloves, etc., cleaned and dyed at LOWEST RATES. Suits Dyed, $2. Hats Cleaned, 25c. Suits Cleaned and Pressed, 7oc. Boys' Knee Suits Cleaned and Pressed, 40c. Coats Cleaned and Pressed, 50c. Vests, 20c. Pants, 30. Overcoats, 75c. Write or see us in regard to Club Rates. PANTS PRESSED, - . - - - ... - - ItfJ. We employ only the best workmen. All work will be guaranteed satisfactory or no pay. Special attention given to an kinds oi repairing. . 441 Main St., Gladstone Hotel Building, NOBFOLK, Va. Mention this paper. ... 9 30 3m. , r-v n n o j V LAiUVI Great Removal Sale of Furniture. On or about the first day of August we move to our new Quarters 113 Old Market Square, and in order to save expense ot moving, we offer our entire Stock of FURNITURE and MATTING at prime cost, end us your orders before stock is picked over. If you want good Furniture cheap, Call at KERN'S 90 and 92 Old Market J , S. . ii oa a square, JxonoiK, va. ax v w.

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