ADVERTISING tS TO YOU WILL ADVERTISE TOUB Business. i c a 1 1- w w -W'll Ai C i. L'A Ai Machinery, p n IF YOU ARE IIUST1D 1 ME UQMMONWBALTHJ t Gkk T TrcOi ki t i?:c POWER. E-E HILLIARD, Editor and Proprietor. "EXCELSIOR IS OUR MOTTO. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $i.oo. -TIaders VOL. XHI. Sew Series Vol. 2. SCQTLiAND NECK, N, C THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1897. NO. 52 Send Your Advertisement or Now. iAT YOU Wish your Advertisement TO KEACK is the rl:i.-58 who read this rner. The Same., Old Sarsaparilla. That's Ayer's. The same old jarsaparilla as it was made and sold by Dr. J. C. Ayer SO year ago. In the laboratory it is different. There modern appli ances lend speed to skill and experience. But the sarsapa rilla is the same old sarsaparilla that made the record SO years of cures. Why dont we better it? Well, we're much in the condition of the Bishop and the raspberry : " Doubtless, " he said, " God might have made a better berry. But doubtless, also, He never did." Why don't we better the sarsaparilla? We can't. We are using the tame old plant that cured the Indians and the Spaniards. It has not been bettered. And since tre make sarsaparilla com pound out of sarsaparilla plant, ve see no way of improvement. Of course, if we were making some secret chemical compound we might .... But we're not. We're making the same old sar saparilla to cure the same old diseases. You can tell it's the tame old sarsaparilla be cause it works the same old eures. It's the sovereign blood purifier, and its Ayers. For sale bv E. T. Whitehead & Co. Scotland Neck, X. C. PROFESSIONAL. R.A.C. LIVERMON, OfncE-Over the Staton Buildings OSce hours from 9 to 1 I o'clock, p. m. o'clock ; 2 to SCOTLAND NECK, N. I f A. DUNN, ATTORNE Y-A T-L A W. Scotland Neck, N. C. Practices wherever his services axe tsqcired. AVID BELL, Attorney at Law, ENFIELD, N. C. Practices in all the Courts jot-alibi and adjoining counties and in the Supreme and Federal Courts. Claims selected in all Dart3 of the State. jS. J. WARD, Surgeon Dentist, Enfield, N. C. Mice over Harrison's Drup Store.1; DWARD L. TRAVIS, Attorney and Counselor at Law, HALIFAX, N. C. If Honey Loaned on Farm Lands. HOWARD ALSTON, Attorney-at-Liaw, LITTLETON, N. C. FURGERSON. . ATTORNEY-at-LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. 59lv tt. V. MATTHEWS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.-Collection of Claims a specialty, 2ly ENFIELD, N. C f-C. A. WHITEHEAD, DENTAL Surgeon, ,r-,-,.. V . y,C Tarboro, N. C. jSOn EK6USH KITCHEN, 187 Main St., NORFOLK, VA. Ute Leading Dinins Room in the for Ladies and Gentlemen. Strict J Temperance Place. All meals 25c lHcdson'a Surpassing Coffee ;wltv. 116 It ANNUAL STATEHEllT. HALIFAX COUNTY'S EXPENSES. For Year Ending Nov. 30, 1897. Annual reports of accounts audited and approved by the Board of Com missioners of Halifax county, N. C. and also of allowances for which no vouchers are filed, lor the twelve months ending November 30th, 1897, in accordance with section 713 of the Code. DECEMBER 7, 1896. W H Capell T C Harrison and S True blood registering names 14 07 A A Hux, beet tor county home 7 06 W W Rosser, serving notices 2 40 Han-ell's Printing House, printing 2 38 8 Mitchell, lumber for county 4 59 K E Kilpatric, serving notices 7 20 W T Shields, " " 12 60 B F Gary, holding inquest over Farrin Branch 27 00 W W Pittman, registering names 1 77 W M Gray, " 1 77 Turner Dixon, " " 1 77 D C Fenner, A P Robinson and Geo W Shearin, registering names 11 94 U R Reid, goods for county 85 J H Green, conveying prisoner to jail 2 50 J FranK . Brinkley, annual account etc 29 70 W M Cohen, goods for county 23 30 Pl Stainback, " " " 2813 A A Hux. J C Butts and Louis Wil liams, registering names 3 18 J S Marshall, conveying prisoner 1 50 W B Howerton, 3-5 allowed lor A vents Bridge 7 20 J P Merritt, registering names 2 13 J Frank Brinkley 1 day as clerk 2 00 L D Browning, Supt, county home and labor 41 35 3 H Strickland, B B Steptoe aud L E Griffin, registers 4 94 J D Askew and Silas Baker, registers 5 43 J W Northington, G Sandy and R Rich Harper, registers 9 14 James Morris, work at jail 25 Geo Williams, W S Hocaday registers 3 71 J Frank Brinkley, recording orders December 7, 1896 3 50 Wade Smith registering names 5 45 Harrell's Printing House, 7 15 J R Patterson, conveving prisoner to jail , . 2 00 J H Fenner, work pn county home grounds 1 00 Emry & Pierce, goods county 16 05 A H Green conveying prisoner to jail and serving notices 7 40 L E Vaughan, Jr, conveying prisoner to jail 2 50 B E King, conveying prisoner to jail 2 50 C P Simmons, L H Whitaker, Pleas ant Wilkins, registering voters 13 98 C J Tillery, registering voters 4 13 W J Mohne, W V Bobbilt ana Chas Jones registering voters R G Reid, jail account 15 18 63 90 C V Andrews, W P White ana J M Parker, registering voters T L Vick. registering voters 10 83 2 14 A E Carter, tobacco for county home 11 20 W L Stainback, conveying prison er to jail R W Carter, burying pauper W R Shaw, janitors account 100 4 00 3 75 Robt L Stokes, Norman Skinner and Robt Brinkley register- mg voters Mc M Furgerson 2 days as clerk 12 30 4 00 Total amount allowed for December 1896 $453 82 ' JANUARY, 4, 1897. J H Allsbrook, building bridge C W Dunn, conveying prison ers to jail L D Browning, superintendent county home J T Dawson, holding court &c ivr W Williams, iail acct Dec 130 00 700 4125 66 67 132 00 75 9 40 225 12 50 900 78 19 W R Shaw, removing records W F Parker, lumber etc W R Shaw, waiting on court T C Newsome, repairing bridge Hale Bros, goods forjaii . . county J J Cobb, wood for jail . G P Williams, repairing bridge 50 9 00 23 15 w Hf Cohen, drugs county C H Hale, lumber and nails Emery & Driscoll, repair bridge C H Willcox, arresting lunatic 2 15 60 00 100 28 00 W F Hunter, building Dnage 1019 TCmrv & Pierce, goods county W G Purnell, conveying prisoner C H Hale, goods county homex 100 35 Henry JSeville, repair'g bridge svlih Tradine Co, lock etc 150 60 Lewis Cook, repair jail, vault . S M Gary, recording jurors &o 3 25 1517 Edw Clark, M H uiarit 2 30 4 87 7 65 2 00 examine lunatic Mason Sykes, registering names Emry & Co, goods iail Wm Roberts, convey'g prisoners Newin Faucett, register'g names J H Wbite, repairing bridge J N Brown, drugs county , 2 33 1 50 1 30 2 05 ( goods jau M H Clark, examining etc E IAllsbrook, Supt co t J X Cherry, registering names u.Mii' Printine House, 2 30 2 50 487 38 25 John H Fenner, work co bouse 100 4 87 John u Jane, reg & ""rr: -m tt riiark. iudgm't book 244 L 5 25 W B Tillery, goods co home 19 36 100 150 4 50 LOUIS AMI VIS, cuuj 6 v Robert Parker, " 4 W R Neville, janitore ace . .i.,tnnr hnn vet to be A genuine guw; V . . -. . a Pennine biooa . .aran ill i ii iiuu bv w rt.or nd over again it has . . mfoines as the stanos aionis AniA.Ttpratlve in phar- most reuauio macv. It stood a one at the Woria i T. Whiteheaa Tair. For sale ny & Co. . S J Clark, sheriff Dec term 6 criminal court 13 75 McM Furgerson, transc records 17 67 " " " record orders etc 21 20 Geo A Branch, inquest over body J G Spain . 20 60 T N Harrison, spec committee 25 00 McM Furgerson, clerk 2 00 Total amount for January 1897. " $ 857 49 FEBRUARY 1,1897. Sheriff J T Dawson, handcuffs 9 75 W R Neville, 4 days janitor 3 00 S M Gary, coal and freight 67 87 t .Norman, conveying prisoner from Beaufort 35 00 J Jj Barkley, reg names 4 13 S A Hux, arresting and convey ing lunatic to jail 2 90 E Hilliard, print report ot Com 4 00 Sheriff J T Dawson, conveving prisoner to asylum 19 55 A Kil patrick examining and committing lunatic 145 Harrell Printing House, printing for Register's office 4 99 Isaac Robbins, making coffin 2 00 S J Clark, ex-sheriff 2 pr leg irons 6 00 I Allsbrook, Supt Co fence and labor 37 50 II J Wood, Supt Co Home 41 25 H Howard, whiskey Co Home 50 Wm Roberts, conveying four prisoners to iail 4 00 Harrell Printing House, printing for Clerk's office 5 50 McM Furgerson, recording orders 28 45 " 187 pur chase returns 28 05 Hale Bros, goods for jail 17 90 " " Co Home 63 00 M W Williams, jail acc't Jan 185 70 W M Cohen, drugs o Home 22 10 C W Dunn, conveying prisoner 2 70 Wm Baker, registering names ' 2 d4 W G Purnell, conveying prisoner 2 00 James Morris, making coffin 2 00 Sam Brown, conveying prisoner 1 00 Roanoke News, annual statement 42 15 McM Furgerson, 3 days clerk b 00 Total amt for February 1897 $652 78 MARCH 1, 1897. C P Simmons, rebate on taxes 2 00 2 00 2 00 3 50 46 1 30 C Shearin, R Neville, W M Perkins, W P Whitaker, M Mullen, arker&'g bridges 143 88 Sid Alston, building bridge 24 00 T Dawson, summoning jurors 27 00 R H Walker, special coroner 14 60 C Faulcon, burying pauper 2 00 Henry Neville, building bridge 12 00 David Taylor, making coffins , 4 00 H Cheek, mauling rails Co home 9 00 J H Fenner, work at C H 2 00 W E Bowers, 3 Co Treas books 16 73 HJWood,court crierNov term'9b 4 50 " " services Supt co home 41 zd T Dawson,washing for 3 lunatics 3 50 M W Williams, jail acc't Feb 241 70 G Jenkins, conveying prisoner 2 00 W D Smith, meat for co home 5 00 W T Parker, goods " " " 73 59 A L Stainback, " " " " 6 83 R Purnell, milk for sicK 3 62 Hale Bros, goods co home 11 oo " " " jail zi oz K E Kilpatrick, con prisoner 1 50 B I Allsbrook, suptco fence 2 50 McM Furgerson, recording orders 15 36 Harrell Printing House, books 18 00 CWDunn, con pns and ser orders 4 30 S A Hux, serving 5 road orders 3 00 W E Whitmore, convey lunatic l vo JBGray, conveying prisoner from Williamstono Scotland JNeck m zv Wm Roberts, con 6 prisoners b 00 Jno N Brown, goods court house 1 9b " co jail o ou W M Cohen, " co home zz uu W RNeville.janitor and haul coal 8 50 J H Fenner, inspecting timber 5 00 Jim Morris, making coffin 2 00 Edwards & Broughton, stationery w G H Hale, goods co home and jail 1 80 vVMMartin, tobacco for co home xo w N Stainback, grate for stove 1 25 C Williams, C A Williams, re moving rafts from Hill and Kimball bridge 15 00 2 00 120 100 W H Day and W R Sledge, ex amining Miss m ana .Tim Morris, work at court house J E Daniel, overcharge purchase taxMEMartin Jany to July yo McM Furgerson, 2 days clerk 4 00 Total amt for March 1897 $883 35 April 5, 1897. Gus Pittman, burying 2 paupers 400 B F Higgs. building bridge near Burnt Coat 12 00 Sam Brown, conveying prisoners 2 90 n w. Trine anrvinz notices : 60 t Tt -Eiit-rrarairi cnnvevinsDrisoner 1 OU o .-t.. K co TK AT TJrrwn fir 11 PS lor 1HU o uo o uii" " ' " - i ornnds court nouse mnn.t. co. home 34 61 J. XI liOliioxu) TTHmnnrla to US6 J Xl MOI- man build. Culpepper bridge 18 00 J L Judkins, goods co nome " . M L7I 1 460 Ed Hammill, building briuge near Ringwood 28 00 J H Norman, conveying prisoner 300 J H Norman, serving nonces 1 20 1 50 K E Kilpatrick, conveying pns Geo A Branch, repairing bridge Jno H Fenner, work court house 300 100 Geo A Branch, holding inquest 26 40 Will Brown Dr J C Hill, post mortem 10 00 10 00 20 00 24 95 u j n cpain Hale Bros, goods for jail tt " co noiHo E Clark, goods co home A Ij Stainback, goods co home 6 60 4 75 700 1100 28 56 Wm Prince, Jr.. repairs co now Harrell's Printing House, rIJ rnm Mill THRH1 . weiuuu iq n Mc M Furgerson, recording orue tt t -nrA pnnt. f o home 44 OU P N Stainback, goods co home 16 40 Singers, public speakers, actors, auc- MAflra. teachers, preachers, ana ai HoKio tn overtax and irritate 7iuy. 1 r.. find, in Ayer's Cher- Mral a safe, certain and speedy A timely dose of this prepare Uon has prevented many throaUroa ble. For sale Dy su. x. Co. B I Allsbrook, paid R W Hyman repairs county fence 30 00 E T Clark, salary county att'y 50 00 Wm Roberts, conveying prisoner 4 00 W M Cohen, drugs cohome 25 45 C W Dunn, conveving pris : 2 70 B I Allsbrook, supt co fence 2 50 Louis Cook, repairing handcuffs 1 00 J H Norman, conveying pns 2 50 Mitchell & Dunn, to use S Meyer 3 bridges over Beech Swamp 437 47 M W Williams, jail acct Mch 801 80 4 13 3 55 390 P V Randolph, reg 413 names W T Parker, goods co home W B Tillery, goods co home J T Dawson, services Mch court E A Cuthrell, ex lunatic : Nick Harrington, rebate on tax r Mrs S O Fitzgerald, rebate on tax Mc M Furgerson. 2 days clerk 7 50 2 05 2 00 2 00 400 Total amt for April 1897 $1,232 05 may 3, 1897. J.W Anthony, rebate on tax 2 32 J H Miushew, rebate on tax 5 33 J T Dawsonservices Cnm court 78 10 Harrell's PrintingHouse 4 50 M W Williams, jail acct April 160 08 C W Dunn, conveying pris 2 70 T N Harrison, goods co home 200 29 J H Norman, fertilizers 10 00 Hale Bros, feeding iurors 16 90 " " goods 12 15 Mc M Furgerson, record orders 20 75 A H Green, conveying lunatic 30 40 E L Burt, repairing bridge 7 50 J D Wood, repairing bridge 25 35 W R Neville, janitors acct April 4 65 John H Fenner, work court house 100 Edw T Clark, blank books 1 30 Peyton Keel, removing raft 1 00 Sam Brown, conveying prisoner 1 00 Edw Cheek, pr scales co home 2 00 Thomas Mills, work co home 3 00 H J Wood, supt co home etc . 43 25 M W Williams, wood for jail 2 00 W M Cohen, drugs co home 29 47 P N Stainback, goods co home 7 25 T N Harrison, com settling with former Register of Deeds 25 00 Weldon Corn Mill, meal cohome 14 20 Jack Oliver, conveying pris jail 1 50 Sam Johnson, work at jail , 1 00 C H Hale, goods for jail 1 00 Geo S Knight, burying paupers 4 00 W M Inge, timber county home 3 30 B I Allsbrook, supt co fence 2 50 W R Neville, janitor's acct May 2 00 R W Wynne, labor co fence 67 50 Mc M Furgerson, clerk 2 days 4 00 Total am't for May 1897 june 7, 1897. $798 29 Grant Savage, rebate on taxes 2 00 W E Gray, " " " 2 00 W T Parker, goods co home 31 04 W M Cohen, drugs " " 31 80 N Harrison, goods " " - 109 41 B E King, conveying prisoners o 00 AH Green, " " 100 " " arresting lunatics z oO C W Dunn, conveying prisoner 2 50 J T Dawson .summoning jurors&c 65 40 B I Allsbrook, supt co fence 2 oO M W Williams, jail acc't May 67 00 H Fenner, work at court house 1 ou H Norman, conveying prisoner 3 00 M VBarnhill, labor removing rft 1 50 S P Johnson, goods co home 2 75 G A Branch, inquest Wm Jones 21 40 McM Furgerson, record 'g co orders 40 Hotel Waldorf, feeding jury 13 65 H J Wood, supt co home 43 25 Harrell Printing House, printing 9 42 W R Vick, work for co home 1 40 Hale Bros, goods lor jail 40 i " " co home o ou K H White, conveying prisoner o Oo Harrell Printing House, printing ZU oU Louis Pike, repairing bridge 1 50 E T Clark, 1 salary co att'y ou uu 1 " ser investigate g co anairs zo uu McM Furgerson, 4 days clerk 8 00 Total amt Jor June 1897, $440 97 july 5, 1897. A H Green, conveying lunatic 18 75 19 35 3 60 50 E A Cuthrell,examin'g lunatics Berry Penly, witness -W B Dickens,l box soap co home W H McGwigan and L Vinson R N Harper, guarding prisoner Bob. Taylor, removing raft - 4 25 200 100 90 5 00 37 08 TOO 6 50 Wm P Richardson, keeping gate N Harrison, box meat H Fenner, work court house W B Pullen, repairing bridge W M Cohen, drugs co home 39 00 WLStallings, conveying prisoner 10 10 C W Dunn, conveying prisoner ; z ou T Dawson, serving notices . - oz 4U MW Williams, jail ac't June 72 60 T?rnfili(h Tradine Co. 1 pr scissors do a w Dunn, eonvevine prisoner 5 40 R T Allsbrook. sunt co fence z OO Louis Cook repairing jury box 50 MiM Fnreeraon. record Z orders ZX ou Mrs H J Wood, making clothes 11 93 Edwards & Broughton, tax book. 175 24 88 4 69 Weldon Corn Mill, meal P S Cook, lumber co nome ! tt tt U " 4 29 H J Wood, supt co home 43 25 Wm Pierce, jr, repairing pipe jail 4 50 W Dickens, burying pauper 2 00 Elias Draughan, burying pauper D A Smith, . ' 200 2 00 McM Furgerson, clerk 2 days W R Neville, 2 days janitor W J Mohorn, tax list Brink'ville 4 00 1 50 township - 30 00 J E Rue, Butterwood township R S Berry, Conoconara " 25 00 25 00 30 00 35 00 30 00 D Whitehead, Faucett " R Wilkins, Enfield " Ed Cheek, Halifax W M Martin, Littleton 30 00 L E Griffin, Roseneath 25 00 30 00 30 00 J A Perry, Scotlana .ecK R W Hyman, Palmyra " McM Furgerson, l aay cieric 200 Total amt for July 1897 $685 87 To Keep off the Grip. Some people imagine there's no use tn,iriff to keeD off grip, but the only people who are peculiarly liable to grip are those whose- systems are run down, if vnn have built up your system lor the winter, all you will need is to take nrorjer care of yourself; but if your utA is thin or impure the thing do is to take several bottles of David's SflrsanariUa. The great blood purifier and strength builder. ' - august 2, 1897. The Commonwealth, pub notices jt tt tt Roanoke News, " " Nelson Ward, coffin pauper S A Hux, conveying pris to jail B I Allsbrook, supt co fence 3 00 2 50 650 2 00 3 00 2 50 C W Dunn, conveying prisoners 15 00 340 16 40 23 30 250 5C65 538 100 feeding prisoners Jos D Biggs, sheriff Martin co conveying prisoner to jail W M Cohen, drugs co home Enfield Enterprise, pub'g notice Harrell Printing House, prt'g J H Fenner, work court house Hale Bros, goods for jail H J Wood, supt co home etc W B Tillery, goods county home 6 60t 43 25 65 W G Purnell, conveying prisoners 3 00 E A Cuthrell, exam'g lunatic . 85 T N Harrison, flour co home 14 40 Ur a Altord, removing ratts o uu G A Branch, holding inquest 22 40 Wm Roberts, conveying prisoner 2 55 C W Dunn, conveying prisoner and expense from Martin co 18 7a M W Williams, jail acct July 132 60 T Dawson, conveying lunatic 19 30 Mc M Furgerson, record'g orders 17 35 W E Bowers, amt paid for indi gent pupil Institution for Deaf, Dumb and Blind, '96 15 00 Mc M Furgerson, 1 day as clerk 2 00 W R Neville, 2 days janitor 1 50 W T Parker, goods co home 20 00 Tom Richardson, burying pauper 2 00 H Davis, work on Weldon township tax list 15 00 Total amt for August 1897 $480 33 SEPTEMBER 6, 1897. T Clark, 1 salary county atty 50 00 J H Norman, conveying prisoner . and serving road notices 11 40 H Fenner, work court house 1 00 Weldon Corn Mill, goods cohome 32 35 Mc M Furgerson, recording orders 6 50 " transcribing records 65 bO C W Dunn, serving road notices 3 60 " " conveying prisoner 2 50 I Allsbrook, supt co fence 2 50 U Skinner, convejing prisoner 1 00 W G Purnell, conveying prisoner 4 00 Gao A Branch, holding inquest 17 40 Dr I E Green, salary B'd Health from Oct 1, 1896 to Sept 1, '97 458 33 Jno N Brown, goods . for jail . 4 85 " " " co home - 1 50 T Dawson, conveying lunatic 22 50 A H Green, conveying lunatic 15 20 H J Wood, supt co home etc 43 25 M W Williams, jail acct August 178 40 A L Stainback, goods co home 4 00 Lee Bryant, repairing 1 00 H Allsbrook, part payment re pairs Merritt Bridge 100 00 S A Hux, serving 3 notices 1 80 W T Parker, goods co home 13 00 Mc M Furgerson, making report to B'd of Equalization 7o 00 Harrell's Printing House 25 60 TNHarrison, exam'g and revising tax list lOOOO Wm Prince, Jr, work co home 1 50 M Grizzard, repairing bridges 6 75 T N Harrison and W E Spruill, examining lunatic 2 00 W E Dempsey, burying pauper 2 00 N Harrison, goods co home 71 ou E Carter, 414 lbs tobacco co home 20 70 W M Cohen, drugs co home 28 25 Mc M Furgerson, clerk 2 days 4 00 W R JXeville, 2 days janitor 1 50 H Davis, balance on taking tax list Weldon township 10 00 Mc M Furgerson, transcribing old records 14b 28 Total amt for Sept 1897 $1,587 27 OCTOBER 4, 1897. A Johnson, rebate on taxes 2 00 sham Hawkins, " " " 2 00 RLJoyner, " " - 5 Oz H Fenner, work at court house 1 UU Louis Cook, " " " " 50 T Dawson, services Cr Court 69 yo M W Williams, jail acc't Sept 255 95 McM Furgerson, record orders i 2o ' " placing 5760 names Id bU " making out tax list 454 14 Emry & Co, goods co jail - 1 75 Emry & Pierce, goods co home - 7 51 Jack Oliver, conveying prisoner 1 80 H J Wood, supt co home 43 zo Gid Williams and Gid Alston re- - pairing bridge 10 00 T C Newsome, repairing bridge 15 00 A Neville, lumber for bridge I UU W B Hunter, building bridge 94 75 OPStailings, building 13 bridges 310 70 JN Applewhite. " " , " 04 04 U Skinner, conveying pnsonerr o uu TEWhitehead. board and bury'g 10 00 T Mills, repair wheels co home 1 00 IT Norman' convey' prisoners i ou Harreil Printing House, blanks 2 67 " " " bOOKS o iu S M Garv. copying tax bonds etc 33 25 Hale Bros, eoods co home 6 66 ft jau bzu H Howard, whiskey co home 1 00 W K Pittman. repairing bridge 12 00 N Brown, goods court house 4 ID The Commonwealth, pub notices 5 00 B I Allsbrook. supt co fence 2 &0 a W Dunn, convevinsr prisoners .UU B Y Harriss. rebuilding bridge 12 ttd V Wood, making coffin Z UU CPSimmonsrrestandconlunaticl7 10 T N Harrison; goods co home o4 0d W M Cohen, drugs co home lo 75 Roanoke News, pub notices z OU A A White, inspecting bridge 2 00 W R Neville, iani tor acc't 5 25 M.M "Furireraon. 6 days clerK o uu T N Harrison, chairman, attend- ne erim ct under order Judge b oU Total amt for October 1897 $1,597 97 NOVEMBER 1, 1897T Gus Adams, rebate on taxes 2 00 3 87 J D Wood, building bridge 39 84 A G Jenkins, conveying prisoners 2 00 9 45 S M Gary, minute DOOK S .1 Thorne, building bridge 12 00 People with hair that is continually falling out or thoee-that are bald, c stop the falling, and get a good growth of hair by using mil's Hair Renewex, Sold by E, T. Whitehead & Co. G P Williams, repairing bridge 35 00 R i Milliken, conveying prisoner 1 80 J E Hunter, repairing bridge 1 50 McM Furgerson, recording orders 20 80 t A Hux, conveying prisoner 4 50 M Byrd, rebate on taxes 2 15 Harreil Printing House, printing 18 35 Emry & Pierce, goods co home y 11 89 W Lynch, caring for and burying ' child of lunatic at co home 3 00 H Fenner, work at court house 1 00 C H Hale, goods jail 145 11 35 2 15 16 00 3 25 W M Cohen, drugs co home McRae Allen, rebate on taxes W K Pittman, building bridge W B Dickens, goods co home W P Richardson, keeping fence and gate at Ransom bridge 6 mos 5 00 Wm Roberts, conveying prisoner 1 00 1 J JNewsome, repairing bridge 15 00 B I Allsbrook, supt co fence 64 60 T N Harrison, goods cohome 33 70 H J Wood, supt co home 43 25 Emry & Co, goods court house 25 T N Harrison,. goods co home 41 54 W S Miller, repairing pump 2 50 W R Neville, janitor's acc't 1 50 M W Williams, jail acc't 141 50 J H Allsbrook, repairing bridge 40 00 cutting limbs' 5 00 T C Newsome, repairing bridge 18 00 McM Furgerson, 2 days clerk 4 00 Total amt lor November $615 19 Amounts paid Clerk Superior Court, Justice of the Peace, Sheriff, Solicitors and witnesses for December term crim inal court, 1896, whole and halt fees as follows ; Amt paid clerk S M Gary 229.85 " Sheriff J T Dawson 4 40 " ex" S J Clark 3165 WE Daniel 109 50 " Justices etc 104 83 Paid witnesses whole fees as follows : Sam Taylor 5 30 Jesse Perkins 5 50 James Taylor . 4 40 Ben Bell 5 4Q Jesse Perkins 5 30 Ben Bell 5 30 Jas Taylor 5 30 Beady Powell 5 30 HP Leigh 3 90 Corinth Jones 1 90 ChasFlagg 190 R J Day, 3 90 W G Purnell, 4 90 C Harrison 4 90 Ben Daniel - 4 90 Allen Hardy 4 60 Henry Mills ,4 70 Lafayette Alston 4 60 NG Felts 7 90 Henry Lynch 4 70 II L Merritt 2 30 T L Hammell 2 30 A Smith 3 90 H Hoover 3 90 G A Savage 3 90 Walter Hinston 4 00 Joe Taylor 4 10 Monday Branch 4 00 Henry Clanton 1 90 Louis Davis 1 90 Ed Walker 1 90 H B Dickens 1 10 R L Fenner 1 10 John Meekins 1 90 Geo Gilliam 1 10 Paid witnesses one half fees as fol lows ; Robert Easton 7 05 Daniel Newell 7 00 G-W Buffolowe 6 35 Hilliard Brown 95 35 70 35 45 45 45 45 85 85 85 85 55 55 35 55 Henry Mills W E Ivey Warren Simmons Willie Lowe James Lowe Ben Francis Davy Johnson Richard McGee Ann Thompson George Thompson Ben Thomson Hardy Richardson Wade Richardson W T McMarks Thomas Gusset Thomas Richardson Joe Stanbury 2 35 2 35 2 35 4 70 6 05 6 05 2 35 4 40 145 195 205 W H Marks Sol Mills Phil Copeland Aholphus Shearin WO Rosser W H Shearin W W Koy - Dudley Daniel x Kiah Hyman Herbert Johnson b 60 R Anderson 2 05 John Lewis A C Peterson 5 10 510 510 2 55 Joe Stern W M Gray J A Perry 1 55 05 B T Harrell 2 B I Allsbrook 3 60 John Branch 10 Bug Parker 1 Gus Diewry 1 45 95 Major Stith l Dick Davis 1 95 95 Wm Roberts - ' " 1 45 J W Lynch ' o w Bryant Rudd - 5 90 J E Daniel J a Powell 1 85 Pollock Johnson 2 00 Gregory Vaughan 1 85 Rebecca Carlisle i uo Olive Carlisle 1 Ann Carlisle - 105 Ed Allsbrook 1 95 Henry Grant 1 S Calvin Ponton 1 SK David Stainback 1 & Fowst Stainback 195 Bnstin Purnell 1 95 Jim Ptirnelt 1 95 VV O Purnell 2 55 E A CiithreH ' 1 45 Henry Wessioa 195 WH Clanton 73 J A Purnell 72 Arthur Pair' ' . " - 73 Jne Williams 1 95 There is no disease more uncertain in Its nature than dyspepsia. Phyddans my that the xvmiitoma of no two eases acne. It u t.4hn nmi difficult to mak a- com HioimnoiL No matter how aerere. or under .im! rliaimiTflTiiiiriiriaeMekTiHi.Fr""' Iron Bitters will cure ft. . Invaluable in all diseases of the stomach, blood and nerves. Browns' Iroa Bitten i sold by all dealers. 195 2 55 2 55 180 2 45 155 1 55 155 2 55 155 2 20 220 195 2 95 2 95 2 95 205 2 05 1 55 "2 05 165 145 1 50 1 50 1 50 150 140 2 55 2 05 3 20 3 80 1 05 2 45 205 440 3 45 3 70 185 130 2 55 2 55 2 55 2 55 105 B E King Lafayette Falcon " T N Harrison Davy Epps R J Bond J T Mosely M J Webb R Richards John Barnes Ellen Carter Nancy Curtis Wade Carter Ezra Quarles Willie Wood Jas Richardson Warwick McMillan Delia McMillan W M Gray W N Herring T L Branch E W Dickens Wm Simmons Jim Day Wm Harvey Gabe Lynch Ben Shearin Frank Cullom H Fenner King White W White W G Purnell John Randolph VV G Purnell. T J E Hockaday B K Powell Ed Cbappel Tom Brooks WRook Dallas Wynn Geo Williams R B Faucett C H B Howerton Lawrence Jones Total amt forDec. Cr Court 97 $893 18 Amounts paid Clerk Superior Court S M Gary, Sheriff J T Dawson, Jus tices, Solicitor W E Daniel and wit nesses tor special term April Criminal court, whole and halt fees as follows : Clerk S M Gary $232 10 WE Daniel 116 50 Justices " 4 84 12 Sheriff J T Dawson - 32 25 Ex-sheriff S J Clark 22 85 Ex-clerk J T Gregory 1 53 Whole fees paid witnesses as follows : A McDowell 3 10 Stephen Ellis 610 3 10 3 10 3 10 5 10 310 610 610 550 5 40 7 80 260 950 6 40 6 40 4 10 3 10 5 60 560 2 30 560 5 60 560 20 00 4 80 1 90 190 10 00 4 10 3 60 W Boone J D Perry M A Smith L Bell G W Gay Claude Allsbrook G W Bracy Sam Ashe Tom Ashe Jas Brinkley Mary Davis W T Green E Wilkinson Wm Bullock Florence Farmer Wyatt Gary H Mclver H H Riddle Abner Bennett Joe Blackman Dolph Logan Andy Person Dr H B Furgerson Ben Daniel Sam Brown Wm Roberts Dr J R Pope Bud Whitehurst Will Bawls C Boyette 10 10 10 10 10 10 70 30 30 30 30 30 C L McDowell E Bowers F Dunn T Brinkley J A Perry H Parker Charles Stokes Jesse Milton Stephen Bonfield Davy Rankin Preston Watson Andrew Borden 2 30 Paid witnesses A fees as follows : L C Newsom 5 90 T Whitman 6 40 H L Moore B J Gadsey 4 10 12 75 8 15 5 85 10 25 10 25 290 2 90 610 3 80 E Rue . David Harris F M Partin Bobin Coley P L Powell J H Pittman D L Edmonds Dudley Cotten Charles Matthews 1152 7 80 7 95 605 5 10 160 155 4 35 4 35 435 190 6 70 6 15 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 30 480 Wm lvey, Jr Skinner Pearson Ed Borse J S Adderholst Henry Crowell G 8 Mingea William Johnston Shade Vinson James W Scott Sandy Speed Wm lies W T Williams W G Garner W F Hudson John Short Tom 'Hockaday Henry Spears Henry Clay James P Hill Jno L Turner William Roberts John Bobinson A Light LH Hale Robert Ousby William Anderson W J Gardner H J Garner Li F Rook D C Lawrence Willie Jones Jno Riddick Norman Hannon E A Cuthrell Sam Brown Phil Gee Sam Brown Will H Lester :i 60 95 3 05 3 05 205 2 05 2 45 130 2 30 330 130 1 80 1 80 95 95 95 95 195 145 145 Joe Hawkins I I J Continued on Fourth Page. Abram Hargrove