IF YOU AHEDUSTUfl YOU WILL ADVERTISE TOUB Business. IS TO A T7- TTVflH BUSINESS VHAT STEAM IS I TTT VI fMONWJ H K k)L, JLJOL lacliinery A2VEBTISING T KKiT FKOrELLIXG POWER. B. E. HILLIARD, Editor and Proprietor. "EXCELSIOR" IS OUR MOTTO. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.00. That u -T CLASS OF READERS THAT VOU If isli your AdTertisement XO KKACH .the class r-- VOL. XIV. New Scries Vol; 3. SCOTLAND NECK, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1898. NO. 47 TEE EDXTOB'S LEISURE EOUES. Points and Paragraphs of Things Present, Past and Future. Mm Mothers! Ths discom forts and dangers of child-birth can be HfflOK a avoided. V.'ineofCardulJ ,elieves ex pectant moth ire. B E tonetothegen- italorgans.and ... 'Viom in condition to do their work Srfecdy. That makes preg JScy lew painful, shortens tabor and hastens recovery after Siid-birth. It helps a woman tear strong healthy cnuoren. J. has also bronght happiness to thousands of homes barren for Tears. A few doses often brings jovto loving hearts that long for a darling baby. No woman should neglect to try it for this trouble. It cures nine cases out of ten. All drnggists sell Wine of Cardui. f 1.00 per bottle. Fur advice In cases reculrine pedal directions, address, gtrin wmploras. the " Utiles' Advisory Department," Tie Chattanooga Medicine Co.. ChatU sooga.Tenn. MrC, 10TJISA HALI, of Jefferson, Ca.,sysi "When I first took Wins of Cardut we had been married three years, bat tould not have any children. Bum Sooths later 1 had a fine girt baby." iarre m? iiavii.iii "Passing events" baye been such and so rapid that we have let them slip for two weeks, bat we shall now try to take them up for this column again. The Commonwealth feels glad with all the State that the crisis has been passed and all can now set face to the future and "redeem the time." Let us go to work with a will and set every energy to build up our waste places and make good the promises that our commonwealth will yet flour ish. The sudden transformation of gov ernment in Wilmington has no par- aellel, perhaps, in the history of any city in tbe country. A complete MUCH DECADENCE. LIEE AN AGED INFIDEL. Present Day Thoughts. By O. Grosvenor Dawe. a country of magnificent resources. Possibly a strong figurative presenta tion of it can be found in imagaining a mutinous crew, bickering among themselves while a hurricane is threat ening not only the unworthy sailors, but the ship beneath their feetr and its priceless cargo, aa well. We cannot deny French impetuosity and courage, but it is not the courage of the British hollow square, where every man stands or falls by every other man,1but ratber the courage of the Homeric individual (Written tor The Commonwealth) COmbat. And these tWO forms OI COUr- As to France : 'It would be very age are the marks that show one nation easy indeed to write of France in light, to be in step with the civilization that sarcastic vein, because of a great many magnifies the rights of others ; and the MEN WE ARE IT FACING TEMPTATIONS OF SUC CESS. other nation, beneath all its glorious trappings of art, literature, .courtesy and what not, to be barbaric, still. of her opera bouffe performances in both recent and historic times. The Impulse must be somewhat curbed, however, for fickle and almost amusing though France may be, her own great national destinies and 1 the individual , I destinies of her millions are involved turning it into license, for those who in tbe outcome of policies that may be nave power, and oppression for those and are flippantly entered upon. wh0 are without power, it would need a prophetic pen to state. Whether she I doubt not, however, that when his- rise to comprehend that fra Whether France will eyer learn to carrv liberty with dignity, instead of obange in a day, at a time well removed from a regular election, showed what I tory lB written a hundred years from I ternity is not a mere word, and that as was the almost universal sentiment now. the "Fashoda incident." with its a word it is naught, but as a spiri t it is .nnMmin(r t.i, a o-ri cMr.tr ffnnmmont outcome of hostility towards England, everything, no one can , . ... will b tnnnd to h thnntrh annarent- however, seems true that she would Md proved .H too ,1 ,h. meomp. tZSte better wipe it oS her b ncy of the orhcers in charge of the I . . vs ir. J have it remain there a lie. Whether city. wav. it reminds one of Dr. Talmadge's denial of Eq uality, by her horrible It was a vigorous illustration of rev- doe and his experiences with the ice injustice in the Dreyfus case, is a mere I 1 a mwm i m . I - tm a v AMm t T Aft 4 Ti Q . olution in a day, and will go down as cream freezer. This unhappy canine ty finding cream in a freezer, inserted his onai ;uoenuiior, umo head and and lapped it all up. Then, The latter seems the truth,alas IWheth nlavmnrl rtr a .Tifnf inQtaad nf riavintT I GF sh6 sense enough to draw his head I t a :i. V..k r I4 Uo net nefioarl I Q UIGUV, PUoUCU lb through one of tbe most trying crises one ot tne notable events in isortn Carolina history. PROFESSIONAL. iTt AO. L1YEKMOJX. p u will dare at the dawn of a new out century, and after a century of appar s . I ent struerellnes towards lieht, to de- ill iui iiuci auu dj i -w ran blindly hither and thither about ciare tnai me civu power m a repuuuu tr.fi vard. Talmaee wiselv remarks on ought to be and is subordinate to the -r m V - I I mm. X l . in ber history, remaps tne tension thft hrevitv of tha doe's measure, and mm tary power, some saa pages ui uer -J on all minds was never more intense .he length of his subseauent aeony and 'nture history will be needed to record ,. . . xt.s i sit-: rrv.; nt, n i- am tnese OOUDtS aDOUC ner imure are tnan n nas oeen ior inirijr w ciaij uuuiuwuuu. uw m 6" i . , a , u id for the doe whatever he afterward not alone doubts, but actual questions days; ana me reeling ui res. u Ui - --- Wht.hir hfl loaea an African outpost, SUtierea, ne sun naa inn cream, mere- i i,a iiinafratinn fcila to fit the cass or in fact all her colonial possessions, The Dark Valley Of Prosperity, When the Rough Riders Invade New York, and carry things with a high hand, swaggering under their j weight of glory, posiug theatrically in public places trading on their new found honors, and boasting of their own bravery then it is but fair to say that they are in danger of not being equal to tbe supreme test of success. This is true of some, but not of all. Many of these brave men have had the courage of simplicity, of true and manly simplicity. They have avoid d tbe centre of the stage, and, while Saturday Evening Post. havine the coniciousness and satisfac- The great test of the individual is lj0 ! Qf brave deeds nobly done, they not poverty, it is wealth ; it is not fail- do not court the calcium light of pub- ure, it Is success ; it is not struggle, ituc approbation; they do not hunger is attainment. fo the public kisses of silly eirls. In days of battle against adverse con-They do not arrange the leaves of their ditions, man has his mental faculties laural wreath in the streets ; they do unified, consecrated and focused on the I not stand in the market-place polishing conquest of his environment on I their own balos. placing himself on a higher plane. f He bears tbe trials of daily life and its The testing power of success and discouragements as bravely as he can, prosperity is shown in a large pict- because the Angel of Hope points out uresque way in the nation to-day, with SEKD YOUK ADVXETISXMXZrT xx Now WE PAY THE FREIGHT AND tlB.fll IS - Alt IT COSTS. This s-pieee parlor Ker.airaa, ana sofa, and two parlor chairs, highly polished frame. nnun rr anv. and uphol stered ia velour or tapestry, largest i site, and suit-,1 able tor any parlor .1 in tne land, tiS-O) il and freight paid earth. Such a bargain as this vouhave never . seen before, no 1 matter now old yon are, neverwiU iSy- reach the century mark, which we hope you will. Further com meat to unnecessary, except that if yen want to know of thousands of such bargains, send for our 1 60-page furniture catalogue, and if you want carpet at such prices as most dealers cant buy for, send tor our ten-color lithographed carpet catalogue, and what youll find ia these two books will teaeh you some thing that yoaH want to remember tar many a day. Rememhar Christmas is coming, aad sensible people give sensible gifts which sensible people most ap preciate. Something for the home is the bast of all presents, and our catalogues win suggest to you what is best. Address (exactly as below) JwI.IIB. UUW BUI4 Dept. 809. to him the lieht shining through the its stage still occupied by the brave (lnnrla shown him the ereen fields and defenders of the nation, while the I Comuare our Work with that of restful pastures just beyond ; whispers I scenery and setting of war are being to him heartening words of sweet as-1 packed away for future need. surance of happier days to come the I But this testing by success is a pro- days when his dreams shall all come cess going on among us every mo- true, ment. It touches every phase of life. Pntnrr.onir.a.tnin and nrflssure of I It reveals many weaknesses besides V II UWe, u,uw wwssaau I anxiety is lightened, when the mists of vanity. doubt and hope deferred melt into the There is the man whom poverty dawn of realization, when the future found generous, charitable, helpful in seems assured then comes the relent- thought and act, planning the good he our Competitor j. less test of8uccess. t The American nation is to-day fa cing the temptations of succes. We have defeated a third-rate Power of the earth ; we baye surprised and startled Europe with the force of our arms and the bravery and skill of our soldiers ; we have risen like a modern Colossus of Rhodes and straddled two hemi spheres. We have been victorious in the first "war of humanity" in history. But let us be great enough, as a would do when wealth came to bis hands. Too often, when prosperity does come, that man is transformed into a selfish, grapping member of so ciety, bard and penurious to his em ployees, forgetful of old associates, ar gorant and assertive to his subordinates. ESTABLISHED IN 1865. CHASM WALSH' . WORKS, yjSycamore St., Petersbuag, Va. Monuments, Tombs, Cemetery Curb ing, t&c. All work strictly first class and at Lowest Prices. I ALSO FURNISH IROS FEKCIN6, VASES, &C OmcE-Over the Staton Building, Office hours from 9 to 1 I o'clock, p. m. SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. come over the people of the entire Stt is such aa to eive relief to many . T i i is unimDOrtant in comparison with 7 - loix'rance. &s x imid jumuuiiou - nf those whowroueht "on the other Lvirta n-a it win Hrtm rlnv be seen her retaining in herself a genuine em- I V. . . , I kmimonf r4 tha raal firtnoa nf t.hft crftflt I nonnla nnf. t.n hfl carried aWaV bV OUT side." that notwithstanding tne nonsensical i tr-F " - - i . . . ? i AnmmAT. r)orirm i aiiniFtcB. vv h n ivo rtrauucu uuwm And truly should it be a matter oi chubw uw ""'"i'"000""" - Kitchener hipped the Khalifa in time to prevent his swallowing , Marchand, like the sparrow that flew higher than an eagle, TWaf crna aAnt. tn anv ndrlrAaa frAa. Tn There are some men who, having wrting for them please give age of de- attained some position of prominence, I ceased and limit as to price. vitalized some great opportunity, made truly should it be a ,lock:2to, h.nksg,vDg oo ,h, rto. .vH"i(:rrm the crisis has been passed ana mat. with so little real trouble. The Dem- Price of Zeace in Africa. success. the Cubans from the hands ot tyranny, and now it is our duty to prove to our selves and to the world that our cause was just and our spirit true, by pro- 15 I A. DUNN, ATTORXE Y-A T-L A W. Scotland Neck, N. C. Practices wherever his services are required. 'SitHHanlv irtnlrinor a round Vf saw I - j : ---i;Aat nmmihla mnmAnt ...t end nloinl vift- i- tr,M U hid in fr.fi finfflfi'fl win? - - --- -- ,mluS) Bl rac u.. r uraws mu- ith dismay about a hundred natives nrnnPr novrnment for these new tory ; but the Republicans are as glad yet we willingness oi ctouKu ihriOA men io nsit a uwasuuuo aat.j a success that a thousand others could equal had they the chance, stand aloof in their uesumption of unique ness and exact tribute from all con temporaries. - Like Gesler ot Austria, they place their bat on a pole in the public square and demand that all. men should bow to it. Their natural voice becomes deep and orotund, they have an over-weening sense of their I at heart that it is all over as are who gained the victory. W. H. Day. DAY & BELL, A TTORNE YS A T LA W, ENFIELD, N. C. fatal war was a wise move, if results bad justified it. They regarded the "Fashoda incident" as a splendid means Those who have made observations of diverting the attention of the home 'Each head was crowned with nrith at the conclusion that profanity seems hayetoe;aare. TiW. iS to be more common than for some that in some way we Were the object time past. Those inclined to swear Franceislike the averaee human of their gat heriug. Even while we have doubtless felt that some things heart . it haa ar ie8g to fear from ene- gazed other warriors arrayed for battle a proper uoveriiunjui. - " own imrjortance. they have an air oi in war costume standing in a mass not warda of the nation. constantly thinking and acting the far from our camp," writes Henry M. There i(j danger that our success will thought "It is I, even I, who have Stanley, the African explorer, in the yai arrosant and as- done thIa miirhty thine. November ladies' iiome journal, ae- . that we shau feel we can over- scriptive of an encounter with the sav- . . . j world 0ur dream of I Prepay Freight on all Work. MENTION THIS PAPER. 3 1 lv Still Leads And Still Rapidly Selling. ages during one of his early trips into territorial expansion may sweep us into channels of new danger. Let us be ware of the treacherous phases of suc cess, the subtle tests that will bring to th mrtapM national weakness, unnoted The world is so small and eternity so great, the acts of any indiyidual so trifling when compared to the sum ot all thought, the success of any invid- ual so dependent on the co-poeration, sympathy and help of those around him, that no one man can do any act .... n i f TT.l! Practice m an tne Vyouns oixmn- i i .. I1L u t, wBi.mvit - ,, lnnr counties and in the connected witn tne criBis just f"00 mies wiinuut iuuB .uv, - rauio Du,.-e fax and adioinine Siinrfimfi and Federal Courts. Claims collected in all parts of the State, which than from self-treachery within. In My men instinctively buckled on or undeveloped in our days of struegle. tht jastifie8 hia Kejng carried away by (Theman whojpicks his steps carefully hig 8UCce88 on a rough road is less liable to iau a man who has accomplished aught than the eelf-confident vain man wrap- . . . .. . life hafl fi ht feel I R. W. J. WARD, Surgeon Dentist, .i i.-HRoA 4ha nrnfanitv annus' ""uw r - i .... . . , ...ii-u I . l . . , . on Bat fact, the strengtnoi tne enemy ,yr accoutrements ana preparea meir up ia the mantle oi ms " enn5ne nieasure in it. but he must nas Deenmore ur twill be increased by the weakness and weapong and I sent two guides out to infalnbluty and so sure of his pah feel tbat his new power ever open to -u .nniilniiinng am errOnCOUS. isau. I . .. rru T.;i1 17 a. I ... :n. 1 1. I . . ... 1.:.. I . . ... buuu i irresolution wunm. mo xun the natives to parity quieuy wiwi mem, words are never justifiable, no matter pubjic is not yet thirty years old, yet ftnd to ascertain whether they had arm Office over Harrison's Druf Store. pWARD L. TRAVIS, Attorney and Counselor at Law, HALIFAX, N. C. gMoney Loaned on Farm Lands. how urgent the necessity for emphatic nQ Qne can in it any other than ed againat ua, and while the interview Esfield.N. C. Uneech and action. We have noteu sign8 Df decay ana premaiurBsoiw. nasted i tound tbe necessary wm w that some of the most active workers The rosy ngnt oi wuuwu, "M mlke a lew preparations w iuw " 1 .... ... rnnrl ot "Liberty. Fraternity, Equal- nrfiflROn9bleness. m i. d.i am i nomnn iirn wm n i -' - i .in. tne law powhw - . .AaA 0,irBiv awav. till these . s njr, ua. uwi --v i "xne gumes on reiunuug to us rc- that he need not watch his steps. . , new responsibilities, new duties. t His should be the genuine thankful- As a nation, we should accept our ness for being equal to his opportu- successes with modesty, with calmness, nlties, for being able to make full use T,rl with dienitv. We should see that of the talents committed to his care, j there haj been much in the war of His should be the noble pride of . . . . , . I . . 1- ' ,U naS f which we have no ngnt to db prouu. irusteesnip, uu p nmnonnced as if they had endeavored of an aged mndel, who believes noth . iti nro-l ;cr hnnp nothing, and whose age to empuaoiOT w" --n o- - I - fanity, The only machine to date fitted with ball-bearings, and therefore the lightest and easiest machine on the market. WHEELER AND WILSON Sold under a positive guarantee on easy terms for the money. 0WARD ALSTON, Attorney-at-Law a . - r MAfnnitv nr anv i ... . . remarkably iree iron, a words are uttered-instead of w"n laitn that the gathering was hostile We started infa fight with a criminal proprietorship. kind, andtbeir mnueiu, j - and feeling witn tne quavery hecame one oI OUr men, it was said, Df nreoaration, and more of our As we walk through the dark valley .... 3 JoAtTAuAn I - J T '-.Ua Km 1 1 AtTAQ TinT.ile I - - - . i I " I .-.I mm had stolen a calabash oi mine ana some igyg perished by Government neg- 0 prosperity, let our constant wish and Also new machines exchangea ior butter and they insisted on payment. tQan feU ifore the shot and shell prayer be : "Oh, that my heart and life old machines of any make ; or for The price was four yards of sheeting 1 of tne spaniards. Let the measure of may ever be simple, true and humble, a- Rhoon One felt tempted to laugh that such a Qnr 8UCCS8S ge us new courage, new tnat i may not exchange all that Is HOS, Cattle Or DUeep. small matter should wear so serious an confidenCe, new faith ; but let the n me for a petty triumph that C. T. LAWEBNCB, aspect. The cloth was measurea, ana element8 Qf our weakness maice us can iast but a little 1" I beotiano bbbb, . w. Hi. r. UAT1JS, omuniuau. 2 24 tf. does not save from foolishness. It is a the men who fJ.HU, VUUI1"V"vh j hnvfi mismanaged France, and upon I . , l , A nannUterl mil. Tt not our farmers forget to sow the popuiace wnu u TTimiriaa lareepart of management. some wheat. 1,1 c M. FURGERSON. .a ULlVVk- I pifflHrJIlLB Jl It shows that broaa . ideg with the injunct- f.,fi more humble, nobler i O MT I . . . I w LlVl U imwM. i . I ni1mnoimi of human rights anul i n.WV.mit anv ntTAnsivfil . . .. :-U nnn. nrvarav tttttvtoN X C. , , nf .k;. community, and " . . . trnm ion lo and stronger to wieiu uu B ..w- LITTLETO,iN. V. the breadstuff of this commun j, trustworthiness is still far from . , T . - th imDression that .. u- r raaivfin and the a A all onrtnn flt I I icuiai.,,""- lot IU8 UWUfiw v " farmers cannot afford to sen cotton gemi-Latin race. the affair WOuld soon be settled. It was worId Ifcentsand pay i cents ior , confirmed at seeing them accept tne What is true of the nation is equally Take The Commonwealth. 9 91y ATTOBNEY-at-LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. pAUL V. MATTHEWS, A TTORNE Y-A T-L A W. Home supplies raised at home win France ha8 been blessed by a few cloth and prepare to depart. But the of indivnai8. Our soldiers and make farmers at least independent lfish men like Thiers, but these namber of tbe natives naa n haye been brave and heroic; Uiaa.o " .1 . - in i.. T."' ., U trash emiarl nan I . . . I . .. . . i Aiin or not. T,nt. hfiP.n in sunicient nuuiucio enormousiv. t,ow ,,v faced danger unaaum-eu , whether tney asoirations ol designing brought its own leader, and these new . to their oppor. rnt:.i. tkamiann ior BOW1UE I is-f . . , a ,1J """J ""'v I " Mwancr hnnPfl to see men, and The uoMMonwin HARDWARE STORE! Collection -r, those who are equally fatal headers, greedy or envious, demanded . lauding the to a Republic whimsical men. Watch satisfaction. They halted those who Admirala who led OUr ships to victory W . . in th a t me. . . fwontv.five or thA ninth ind Clamorously wraug- . .., M u-.s Tha Rp.nerals I ULi-Lv7 Ul iJJ.s ZTTT n " , .... ofthe up' i::,e.thi wnA- M.Bi.tt. Z.wWre, and can nu any omr Wehavejast opened a roll aad coinplete line of the best and most up-to-date Hard- ENFIELD, N. C. counties iwu - r..ymA' nines. There is lack- to tetnatmany";7ui;y Ve the wisdom for many men of many planted wheat. Upon inquiry ther in unity ; but learned that more had been planned .8noIackofanin8i8tentindividu than usual, and that the tendency to ality that is content with drowning raise larger quantities, is growing. . tbe yoice of th, 'oppenent greatei nni I H K i inniTTPrHii k no w auu l UUIOs A. WHITEHEAD, DENTAL Surgeon, Takbobo, N. C were fully nroosed, and that the hot i,nBn,. nd the more dangerous dispute would end in mutual slaughter, ambugh and ever and. pestilence, are SL .b... jointed .ay o. - K.. r,ncDiiilv th mass aliened iiseu at a bow-shot from tbe camp, while a bodvot about two hundred natives started off on a dog-trot toward a thicic bush behind the camp. Efforts to avoid a fight eventually failed." . C akin BArHnT1 nlant wheat the farmers ui -L - make their own flour. It u rn.aat.or home- will be a means oi muu 6 independence. - A Sore Sign f Croup. . -.j uo ia nnhiect in a cnnu We are prepared to furnish telephone service to the public and solicit patron- KATES FOE SERVICE. IJSfiZSSSi Busing PhAnAi. 82.00 per month, proach ot tne u. BOOn a8 the Eesirlence Phonw, 1-50 - JJ Cough Kemeu , ftf tne Two if either for 3.00 - Jcbi omes ho ap, it will pre- It is our purpose to give good service, Yhe attack. Many motne and to thisendTaskl all subscribe to venj ThUdren always keep Jta. report promptly any irreguianu ""my atand and nna tue HerviCfi. I . . Mni.n rrnuun - i uie use ot pnones except. y , V 5 Vi I ant to tane. and we request that thw rule be ngioiy fcead & Co enforced. a. V..a ml I I rtCft a recent development, uu found throughout the history of the nrpmt Republic : changing the calm, i.5Mi ntmosDhere of thought into J"""w . . 1 ha ha hnt. nassion-scenieu n ,.jj-.,oi aron. It is this love ior personal triumph ; this "rule or ruin' Maimer of the average xiouv. mVer : this passion for dramatic situ- ' - . x tions though France pensn, tnat ma thinkers feel alarmed lor tne mture "Late to bed and early to rise, pre- a hatter and wiser. JS.. l. wnite- bead A Co rinnAroii hv the nation. But JUDIllJ Vvaw. j these leaders must not become intox icated by the spirit of their success. They should feel the iust pride of bav- ing done their duty, not tne petty vanity of posing as heroes. "Rut snme of them are showing as There is a Baptist preacher in fcreor- mucn eagerness to face the camera as T?ii77arrt. hut it is said that tha,, aa tn face the cannon, wnen a glCft UatUVU aa-. J I VUrJ - " he frequently preaches warm sermons, new picture of one oi our newiy u. .. ...... u io w cessful Generals comes out every day, allot wnicn provea m- 1 . ... lfnrm in a wueJl 1I Bpcaio ... much in a name, airer an. u.., i-tnwwnue noses, that show self-consciousness in every move then . t m-nTTrim I . . a l wmmw nAinff llf A N T E D SEVJKRAIj ikubi there is aanger oi sucu xao VV worthy persons m this state to unabie to stand his success, At The Lowest Prices You can get any article of Hardware to be found tliis side of Baltimore. Special Attention is directed to , Mr oi Leatler Belte mil Fixtures includinff ALL KINDS of PIPE-FITTINGS AND PACKING-, and ENGINE TRIMMINGS. manage our business in their own and i i r io m i ii i v iiiiiua nnnrnv muuucai aw u i - . work conducted at home. Salary Many a household is saddenea dj straight f 900 a year and expenses deatn becuee oi me iaiiu j,.i:- i ca nn mnra.no lftsa I h.nri a af and absolutely certain cure aenuite, uuuauwi . - -.,. I ..i.w urnnthlv 75. References. En- for croup such as one Minute Cough close eelf-addressed stamped envelope, Cure. See that your little ones are HerbertE. Hess, Frest., Dept. M. protected againet emergency. . A. Chiceb. - (Dominion vo.) whlteneaa vo. We are prepared to thread and fit. C 11 J Ct- r.4--NvrA rkinoc - engine pipes oi an sizes, mu ut awv- pa order. We are ready to accommodate any demand in the Hardware Trade. . THE HARDWARE STORE, B.ottodNMk.N.0. B.C.JOSEY4CO.,rtoprIrtot, - v .Si- .1

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