Absolutely 'Pure Makes the food more delicious and wholesome ROYAL BAKING POWOEB CO., NEW YORK. 8 -i ly. THURSDAY MARCH 9, 1899. PEANUTE WANTED. Will pay highest market price for twenty ear lond.. Also 100 cars cotton seed desired, ileal and hulls for sale at low price. R. J. MA DRY, l-12-3m. Scotland Neck, X. C. Think Will Have to Vaccinate. Last Monday Dr. V. O. McDowell went i ) Weldon, called by Dr. I. E. Green lor the purpose of consulting over the small pox situation in the county. Besides the investigation made by Dr. Green himself, Dr. Ten dletor, who has recently made obser vation ot the disease in Colorado, said that th3 cases at Weldon are undoubt edly small pox. This is true, no doubt, of the disease all over the State where it has bee" arfjudgid by the phsiciaus to be small p xx ; ;;nd the pbj-sicians in their con sultation Monday found no way of stamping it out of the county except by ger. oral vaccination. The county commissioners, by spe cial c;i!l of chairman W. F. rnrker. olesewhere printed in this issue, will be in session in Enfield next Tuesday, and it will doubtless be a question with them as to whether or not they declare for compulsory vaccination, statis tics from countries in svhich vaccination has been made compulsory show largely in favor of the compulsory system. We suppose that the chief question with she commissioners would be the matter of cost th.3 county. LOCAL NEWS. Use Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup at once, if your child Las croup or bron chitis. Waste no time ; delay may te rtarerous. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup cures at one. It is the most excellent medicine sold. A bottle costs only 25c. Rheuma?ide is not recommended lor the cure of every il! ; it does r.ot euro everything. But it is a certain cure ior rheumatism, and is a fine b'.ooi purifier and laxative ; try it. SPECIAL A :O0UMCEMENT3. At Hay's New Grocery. Good Line of Best Groceries, Con fectioneries and Fruits. S. C. Ray & Co. Pennv and Gedde's Fancy Elgin Butter, and "TIDAL WAVE" Flour, the Best on the Market. "Tidal Waye" Flour is always fresh, ground in Norfolk by Norfolk Milling Co., and every barrel is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or money refunded. S. C. Bay & Co. A Correction. In the obituary of Mrs. Salsbury last week the type made the writer of the obituary report the 10'h verse of the nineteenth Paalm. It should have been 10 verse ot nine tieth Psalm. Be Sure to Read Them. Don't fail to read the article on the first page, "Present. Day Thoughts" by G. Grosvenor Da we, who first began to write for The Commoxowalth two years ago over the noai de plume 'Nemo." Also the second article by Dr. Curry, taken from the Religious Herald, on fourth page, is quite inter esting. Tobacco Buyers Goxe. The to bacco market closed here for the sea son last Saturday and the last cf the buyers, Messrs. H. Wilkinson and W. T. Clements, left for their home in Oxford Monday. The people ol the town and community became greatly attached to the clever tobacco buyers and others who were connected with the market for its first year, and then stay here will be pleasantly remem bered by our people for a long time to come. Complimentary to Mr. Gray. From West Point, Miss., comes the following announcement of an "At Home" : AT HOME MESPAMES MACON AXD ANDREWS, COMPLIMENTARY TO MR. JOHN B. CRAY. THURSDAY, MARCH THE SECOND, EIGHTEEN HUNDRED AND NINETY-NINE. EIIIIIT TO ELEVEN I. M. A Little Off. The Wilmington Messenger is a lit tle ofL It printed last Thursday that Dr. Stephens, of Clinton, had come to Scot land Neck to treat a case of srna!lpox,but it was a mistake. Dr. Stephens did come to Scotland Xeck last week to see Mr. A. C. Peterson, but Mr. Pe terson was suffering with erysipelas and not smallpox. Thus far there has been no case ol smallpox in Scotland Xeck and not much m the county. t Morrisetle's. The "Tidal Wave" has arrived Best Flour on the market. Every barrel sold under positive guarantee. If not satisfactory money refunded in every case. S. W. Morrisette. FOR FIFTY YEARS. Penny and Gedie's Butter has been a standard brand in North Carolina. Best Northern Butter that can be had. S. W. Morrisette. THRESH SUPPLY HEINZ'S SWEET T Mixed and Sour Pickles, Sauces, Ketchups and Baked Beans just re caived at TAYLOR'S. A LL VARIETIES SEED OATS AT Reasonable Prices at TAYLOR'S. TjIXTRA EARLY SEED POTATOES ! i The earliest and best Irish Potatoes yet introduced here 10 to 14 days earlier than the bliss, at TAYLOR'S. JOSEY'S BARGAINS. T ARGE AND ATTRACTIVE LINE Li of Percales, Prints, Ginghams, Ducks, itc , for early Spring Wear. Just received. Call and see them. N. B. Josey. yOU SHOULD SEE OUR NEW I . line of White Goods Piques, Cords, Welts, Ducks, &c. this week. N. B. JOSEY. UJE HAVE ON HAND AND FOR Vj SALE. 800 husheis Corn. 900 bushels Black Spring Seed Oats. 300 buhe!s White Spring Seed Oats. 700 bushels Feed Oats. 150 barrels Flour. (Voight's High Grade. Njne better.) Bought cneap and we will sell cheap for CASH. X. B. Josey. Big "lre In Greenville. The Greenville Reflecter giyes ac count of a big fire in Greenville Thurs day night. It was the leaf tobacco factory of Strause Brothers. The storm was raging and it was supDGsed that perhaps the lightning struck a tele phone wire which caused a lamp on a desk in the office to take fire, but no one knew. The mud was so deep that the firemen could not get the fire engine to the fire until it was too late. A store house near by the fac tory caught and was burned. The loss was $30,000 with -?23,000 insurance. Name Changed. The Wilson Advance has been changed to the Wilson News. Messrs. Chas. R. Emry and E. E. Britton be come editors and proprietors of the pa per and propose to make some change in its make-up, etc. ; but it will still be a solid Democratic sheet standing for white supremacy. It is now S-page and is improved in appearance. The Commonwealth welcomes the new management into the field of journa lism and foels sure they will do what their known ability bespeaks for them. A Home Marriage. At Hoffman's. One ?ar load of White Oak, Rust Proof and Black Oats just received. Be sure and try us before you buy else where. WE HAVE also just received a car load of Stock's Patent Flour which we bought before the advance and we are seiiing it at old prices. WE HAVE j nst received a car Toad of Hay and expect a car load of Corn this week. We shall sell it at close prices tor cash. M. HOFFMAN & BRO. Lime! Lime! A car load ot Lime just received. R. C. Josey. On Tuesday, February 28, 4 o'clock, p. m., at the heme of the bride's la ther near Scotland Neck, Miss Sallie Bnley, the daughter of Mr. Wiley Bnley, was married to Mr. W. C. Crit tendon, Rev. R. T. Vann officiating. The attendants were as follows : Miss Ida Davenport with John Askew; Miss Mattie Askew with W. S Shields ; Miss Gertie BriJey with Charley Askew ; Miss Annie Shields with J. II. Briley. They received 'many band some presents. On Thursday at 7 o'clock, a. m. they took the train at Palmyra for Newport News, where they will live. Their many friends wish them a long and happy life, and The Commonwealth joins in the good wish . AHOS KIE NOTES. MARCHERS MARCHING- Getting into the Spring Flutter. Dr. Billirnger, of Washington, was here a day last week. Mrs. J. E. Hancock and daughter went to Rocky Mount Tuesday. Major Spier Whitaker, ol Raleigh, is here on a visit to Mr. W. A, Dunn, Miss. Lucy Savage who was here some days returned to Rocky Mount last week. Mrs. A. M. Riddick lelt Monday for New York city to purchase spring millinery. Mr. W. B. White, of Washington, came up a lew days ago on a visit to friends and relatives here. Mr. W. C. Biliings left Monday for Danville, Va., where he was called by the iilness of his brother. Mrs. Rebecca Smith left to-day lor Richmond where she has gone to visit her daughter, Mrs. Barraud. Dr. W. R. Wood's many friends will be glad to learn that he has about re covered from an attack of grippe. Mrs. J. M. Tiliery and family, of Tillery, returned a few days ago after a visit of some days to relatives here. Mr. L. D. Cutchin, formerly of Whitakera, has taken a permanent position in Mr. L. H. Fountain's gro cery store. Mr. O. Ryder, who has been spend ing some time here with his son, Rev O. Ryder, left Tuesday for his home in New York State. Rev- II. T. Vann went to Raleigh Tuesday to be present at a meeting of the board of trustees of the Baptist Female University. Mr. M. A. Smith left Monday for Philadelphia where he has gone to purchase machinery for the new knit ting mill with which ha will be con nected at Weldon. Rev. J. E. Underwood, Presiding Elder of the Warrenton District, preached in the Methodist church here Sunday morning a id night, and held Quarterly Meeting Monday morning. His termons were well rendered and have been the subject of favorable comment. Mr. Waller L. Cohoon, the bright traveling agent for the Raleigh Post, was in Scotland Neck a day or two last week. He secured quite a good list of subscribers here, had many good thing3 to say for our people and seemed well pleased with his visit. Mr. Cohoon graduated from Wake Forest college last June and did soma good work in the last campaign. Mrs. W. O. Allen came down from Wake Forest Tuesday to join her hus band who has been at the Alexander place near Palmyra for some weeks. They will live there this year and will be engaged in farming. The com munity is to be contra tuiatfd on their coming, for they are certainly a de sirable acquisition to any place. A gentleman who knows them well said to t:s recently that any communi ty ought to feel fortunate in having them as members of it. REFUSED TO BE VACCINATED. (Correspondence to The Commonwealth.) Ahoskie, N. C, March 6, '99. We are haying a great deal of wet weather now. The mill plant is being pushed rap. idly and will be completed soon. Mess. M. Hoffman, B. F. Gray, and R. J. Madry. were in town last week. Mr. J. L. Bell made a short visit to friends and relatives in Northampton county Saturday. The state analyst of New York says Royal Baking Powder is purer and of more leavening strength than any oiher. (Correspondence to The Commonwealth.) Whitakers, N.C. March, 7, '99. The town authorities were kept busy last week trying to enforce tb.8 com pulsory vaccination law which was passed here a few weeks ago. Some of our people for good reasons (as they khought) refused to comply, whereupon warrants were issued for them and they were arraigned before Mr. Overstreet, (mayor pro tem) tried and fined. There was a case of smallpox report ed here last week, but it was a mistake, we are glad to note. Elder Moore preached in the Baptist church Sunday. Miss Nannie Battle visited Battleboro last week. Mr. W. C. Taylor returned from Nash- Tuesdav. Miss L. M. Garrett left Tuesday lor Rocky Mount. Miss Lula Moore, who is teaching at St. Lewis, spent Saturday and Sunday h ?re. Mr. W. S. Knight ani Mrs. J. H. Burnette are convalescent- Mrs. E. P. Land continues sick. Mr. L. B. Land and daughter, Miss Tempie, weie here Monday. Miss .Nannie Whitaker, and nephew, Endorsed by .the Governor e West Virginia's chief magistrate recommends Pe-ru-na, the National Catarrh Remedy and Nerve Tonic. S V S i HJ u v EPRESENTATIVE .-1 EV I3S aES are slow to speak for publication. This is be cause their influence so ctvcpA,. Tho ment of Governors, Senators and Congressmen guarantees merit. Public words such prominent officials must. Tia Kn knowledge. The recognition which the catarrh remedy Pe-ru-na is constantly receiving by men of national .lame is very gTaxnymg-. Among recent letters from persons of eminence is the following from Governor Atkinson of West Virginia. The governor says: Charleston, West Va., March 9, 1898. The Pe-ru-na Medicine Co., Columbus, O. Gentlemen: " I can recommend your pre scription Pe-ru-na as a tonic. Its reputation as a cure for catarrh is excellent, it having been used by a number of people known to me witn tne very best results." Very truly, Gov. G. W. Atkinson. Catarrh is the national disease. Not an American family is free from it. The search for relief and cure is con stant. Experiments of all kinds are continually made without result for good. Ignorance of the causes and nature of catarrh is universal. Catarrh is elusive, persistent, penetrating. It Ill J J - v 'V1J . ' For this national malady there exists the national scientific remedy Pe-ru-na which for forty years has been doing a grand work. Pe-ru-na is the unflinching foe of catarrh anrl rwTwimt i may exist. It is the prescription of Dr. Hartraan, President of the Surgical Hotel, Columbus, O., who gives personal attention, without charge, to a voluminous correspondence on the subject of catarrhal diseases. Dr. Hart man's books on catarrh are mailed on application. All druggists sell Pe-ru-na. Got. G. W. Atkinson Of West Virginia. Hj 9 fr ib i iaj i udson s tnaiisn Kitcnen, 317 Mam Street, NORFOLK, VA. 0 0 The only Up-to-date Bestanrant in the City. o- oco- For Ladies and Gentlemen. -0-0-C'JO-O-O- Strictly a Temperance Place. -o- ALL MEALS 25 cenfs. 3 3 tf. A. McDOWELL, President. FRANK P. SHIELDS, Cashieb A. B. MILL, Ass't Cashier. & JUL to SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. SOLICITS THE ACCOUNTS OF BOTH INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS- FIRMS. 10 10 lv Etjas E. Guy. Elias L. Guy. Lkic S. Guy. ZEL IB. a-Trx- &d SOUS, Plumbers and Gas Fitters, - AND DEALERS IN- ALL GOODS PEHTAINIKG- TO ABOVE TRADES Xo 35 BANK STREET, Cor Plume. STEAM AXD WATER IIEATIXf, I ESTIMATE; CHEERFULLY SPECIALTIES. j C.IY'EN. NORFOLK, YA. 3 3 ly. little Frances Whitaker, ol Gold llock, spent Thursday in town. The time for prayer meeting hns been changed from Wed nes lay to Mon day night. Brethren Ilosi and Wil liams propose conducting their prayer meetings jointly, two nights in the month in th3 M. E. and two in the M. P. church. Madame Rumor rays that the wed ding bells will ring for us very soon, and the Madame keeps up pretty well with what is going on. Anotner cold wave sfruek here Monday. f Arc To a W safe 5 Weakness manifests Uself in the lcs.3 cf ambition and soiling bones. The blood is wat-y; the tissues arc wotinjr tbs door is being opened for disease. A bottle of Browns' iron Bitters riken in time will restore yonr etrcngih, soothe your m-rves, rsake your blood rk-li at:-! red. Do yu: 7:nrc! fod than an exyxwivo special con v;.;; r-f rry-.lkine. B:-ov.-ns' Iron lHcrs is ecW '"j ":! Our new stables are .well filled with good I Horses tliat we offer I at Low Prices. toticei HAVING QUALIFIED AS ADMIN istrator of 'he estate of the late Creecy Norfieet, I hereby notify all persons having claims against said de cedent to present the same tome on or before March lit, 19C0; otherwise this this notice will be pie sided in hsr of re covery. This February 15, 189;). W. T. HANCOCK, 2-23-Gt. Administrator. j It is an easy matter to claim that H a remedy has wonderful curative H power. Tbe manufacturers of RHEUMAQIDE leave it to those who have been per manently and positively cured of RHEUMATISM to make claims. Among those who have recently written us voluntary letters saying thev have been cured are : Eev. J. L. Foster. Raleish, N. C. ; Mr. J. E. Robinson, Editor, Goldsboro, N. C, Daily Argus ; Mr. A. Daus, a prominent merchant, Macon, Ga., and Mr. W. R. Duke, a rail road man, Kansas' City, Mo. Eheumacide "Will Care You. Manufactured by The Bobbitt Dbug Co., Kaleigh, N. C. II Sold by Druggists generally. Price $1 per j bottle. 1-12-ly. RESS MAKING. 11 We keep a good lot constantly- on hand. SEE OUR STOCK BEFORE YOU BUY. We think we can saye you money. BIGGS & JOHNSON, SCOTLAND NECK, N. C Dress Making and General Sewing at reasonable pr'ces. MRS, LAURA ?. HOPKINS, 2-16-tf. Scotland Neck, N. C. Si!yie Floral Nursery. OUR CATALOGUE FOR 1899 ia now ready. We have the FINEST STOCK of XLOSSS, EULBS. and Ornamental Plants, In North Carolina. OUR trade extends from TEXAS to CANADA. Send for catalogue and SEE how LOW we sell the BEST PLANTS. Respectfully, JAMES M.LAMB. Fayetteville, N. C, 3-9-3m. Notice. BY VIRTUE of power in mo vested by that deed which was executed to me by Fannie M. NichoHs which is (bih- "recorded in Register's office for Il.tiihsx county, in Book , on page 610, 1 shall sei! for Cash at aucti on in the town of Scotland Neck, on tha 13th day of March, IS.".?, tbe pro perty therein described, to-wit : Lots Nos. 5 and G on Block "iG, ac cording to the map of Scothm-1 Neck, and also Lot No. 7. This FebV, 9. '99. W. C. Maxwell. 2-JG it Trustee. igh Grade Canned Goods. California Lemon, Cliiij? Peaches in extra heavy syrup. California Apricots in extra heavy syrup. Bartlett Pears. Apples, Tomatoes, June Peas, Jelly in 3 pound cans, Eagle Condensed Milk, Lunch Tongue, Sliced Ham, Chipped Beef, Corned Beef, Vienna Sausage, Salmon, Potted Ham, Tur key and Tongue. Phone 78. W. H. ALLSBROOK. HARDWARE STORE ! We have just opened a full and complete line of the best and most up-to-date Hard ware, and can fill any order usually given through the trade. At The Lowest Fricss You can get any article of Hardware to be found this side of Baltimore. Special Attention is directed to Blip ai Lilr Belting. Ill Mm including ALL KINDI5 of PIPE-FITTLNGS A V) PACKING-, and ENGINE TRIMMINGS'. ISSlI We are prepared to thread and fit engine pipes of all sizes, and fit stove pipes to order. We are iea.lv to accommodate any ilem ind in the Hardware Trjido. Scotland Neck, N. C. THE HARDWARE STORE, Ft. C. JOSEY & CO., Proprietors. lKD's Eye v gives ohly A Qiimpse AT R e men C. JOSEY & GO'S. araain After a dozen years business experience we offer to our customers by all odds the Very Largest Stock of Goods we ever carried, and the Best Assortment at the Lowest Prices. Our Brass M Dipartnl Mrte terns for very little money. (hpifn hrr the flnoritiflT" Nearly two thousand pairs of bflUub IIJ IBS yinllly. Ladies' Gents' and Children's Shoes of the most popular make at amazingly low prices. PlnftinrJ PlnthinnrTI An' 0110 ,nav bess like a rich UllllllW! UlUiUlllg,.. man with littlo money. Come and let us fit you. F-ffi 0 n 1 1 o"i -30TI 0 From, a paper of pins to . whole family MiObOlmliuUliD. outfit. Call early for the best bargains. R. C. Josey & Company. Scotland Neck, N. C. ST OF SPRING GOO Being Opened -AT THE- Racket Store. PILES OF STANDARD SHOES. NEW NOTIONS ADDED. School Children's Supplies at LOWEST PRICES. G- .A- C-A-IMIIP- Wmte & PauLll, Cor. Main and Tenth Streecs, SCOTLAND NEC K, N. C. HAVE UFXEIVED FULL LINK OF Fall ai Mr Gums, DIIE.-S G )OI)S. Clothing, Dry Go;ds, Mm, k Sloes, Hits, aed 1 Fine use ;! m-mii. Mar 7 ly. tiiflinistrator's Notice. TJAVJXG QUALIFIED AS ADMIN AA istraior of Edwin Whitehead before the ClerK of the Superior Court of Halifax county, all persons having chums against Lis estate are notified to present them to me on or before the first day of ilarch. 19U0, or this notice will he p!o:ided in bar of recovery. This I -'ebruarv 20,'189L. N. B. JOSEY, Adm'r 2-23-Gt. of Edwin Whitehead. Iimen s ai Grave in Our Illustrated Catalogue No. 10, which we mail free, contains a vnriety of designs of Alnrble and Granite BJemo.-ials suitable , for Cemetery or Church, and will help 3 on in making a proper selection. Write for it; we will satisfy you as to prices. We amy I lie largest slock of Gravestones, Monuments and Siatunry in the South, and have unsurpassed facilities for theexecution of memorial work of any sue. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS, (Establish:! y0 year1?.) 159, 161 and 163 Bank St., NORFOLK, VA.

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