Sale of Land for Taxes NEW APRIL FACES. Revival in the Methodist Church. t N.rl few- WA 15f m m m kes the food more cleisaous and wnoiesome ROVAl OAKINS POWOER CO..KEWVOSK. -i ly. SUSSES Mr. R. B. Peters, of Tarboro, was here last weak. Mr. T. W. Feuuer came down from Halifax Monday. March the I2th we began a series of meetings, which we expected to be In strumental in producing a revival of religion, nnd wo were not disappointed. March the Uth Rev. E. C. Glenn, of Rev. W. A. Ayers, of Bethel, spent a Bae$gh, N. C, arrived. His arrival y was hailed with delight by the Meth- dav here last ween. - m w rp;ii,.r vAantnr, c rwHicta of Scotland Neck, and his de- here last week shaking hands with his parture regretted by all the Christian friends. Jen hi y. At KJ i' s hiub nionweaixJi. is$;o. T,- ,c. rnnrket price for Al-o l'.;0 cars co.ttor: : ami hnlis fi r sale I?. J. MA DRY, Scotland Neck, X. O LOCAL NEWS. vJil Ai iha i nun IQ J-t 11 IHO SUSS 53 IW G 00 PS IN EVERY D E- r;Mv m, and we will the nmucst go- as icai iiaw -.-,vn in this town, We v :n:r.xii:iits that have been Si Tin??, and haye purchased it choicest novelties of liiul all vi-q ask oi you is to 1 exam mo for yourself. Axn ESS GOODS mj JV ' i - - jtfmraings have neyer been and will do credit to any the s-ize oi ours. viii s- iLcm to yon. IRA SOLS AM UiUt5KtLLr iirl aist-- ana -Kiris ars uic the Xeiv York market, and ,e pleased with them. They bli')U'?-t selections we could )f a thousand styles frv, NEVER BEFORE HAD Heiisnre of showing such prat- Hihbous as we have now. LlSV. OF LADIES A. XV ten's Sailor Hats are the new on the market. No one has them, but savs they are the i': v have ever seen in this Hufham Coming. Dr. J. D. ilu1ham,of Henderson, will be here Sunday and preach in the. Baptist church, and will baptize at night. Name Changed. The nama of the postoffice at Buie's Creek academy in Harnett county has been changed from P.e's to Buie's Creek. At the commencement the sermon vill be preached by Rev. T. JN. Ivey, ediior of the Raleigh Christian Advo ate May 14th. The literary address will be delivered by Di. E. W. Sykes, oi Wake Forest, May, 18th. The Snow. Of course everybody knows about the snow, but a seven our snow-storm on the 4th day of nril is worth mentioninsr. That is , hat Scotland Neck had last Tuesday It looked for all the world like a mid- vintAr snow-storm from 7 o'clock in (he morning to 3 o'clock in the after noon. It was four inches deep and lad the ground been frozen it would hnvft been a deen snow. Plenty of It here vet. "The oldest inhabitant1 savs be neyer has seen anything like it here in April. ki: and 'ctticoats. hot VOU LOOK AT OUR Th'jy are beautiful will like them. TXE OF SHIRT AV AtSIS kirts has r.o comparison, lney y sciecteu. juvery utii;'i for. Prices antuqnaiity v.-ecau ltislactory. M. llOFFMAS tV 15RO. riCE! in to the mcien-jnt weaitier o-nponed my milimery open 1 Fridav, April 7, 'U'.h Ml?. A. M. Riddick. Dr. A, C. Livermon and Dr. W. O, rf.T.-wfi!l snent Monday night m Tarbor o. Miss Estelle Cotten, ot Baltimore, workers, irrespective oi aeaumiuaiiuu He preached fifteen sermons and con ducted a Dumber ot Bible readings and prayer meetings. His sermons were plain, yet forcible presentations of Bible truths. Tne simplicity of his has been here some days on a visit to serra0ns adapted them to all classes of hearers. His words carried force with them. Every word seemed to be ac companied with the power of the Holy Ghost. He presen'ted great funda mental truths of the Bible, viz : Re generation conditions of regeneration &c, with such plainness of speech and power ot the Holy Spirit, that all un derstood and were powerfully wrought Hia sermons on "Prepare to ra33t thv God" -But he was her friends. Miss Lida Wiikinsm returned home to Bellhaven-Monday, after a few weeks' visit to Miss Annie Biggs. Mr. W. H. Wyehe and family, who have been living some time in Fayette ville, haye returned to Scotland Neck to live. Mr. E. Lndford, of Plymouth was hare la-t week looking after some lum bar interests. He Is a most pleasant Laper" were used by God in the con- gentfeman and our people are always glad to see him. Mr. John D. Biggs, of Williamston, has been here several days on a visit. He has just returned from Baltimore where he has been several sessions taking a course in dentistry. Mr. Cawley, of the Xesbitt Lumber Co., of New York, waa here Saturday and Sunday. He thinks that our weather this season is a match for any thing to be seen eyen in New York or Philadelphia. vietion and conversions of a large unmber of persons. It wa3 not a mere to of animal excitement. JSo one who attended the services regularly tirJH mil irn anv snch a statament. Sev eral nersons who have Uvea in town for more than 35 years, some over 40 years, have said they never knew such a spiritual awakening in Scotland Neck. It was a topic ol conversation in the homes, on the streets and in the stores. Numbers of . Christian lay workers from the- sister churches were fully Handsome Fortune In One Deal. The Tarboro Southerner saya that in IS74 Judge Phillips, of that town, pur chased for $25,000 some land near Norfolk. A few years ao heVsold a portion of it for 5fa2,000, and now he ?ells the balance for SfllU.UUU. xnis gives a profit of $125,000. The inter est on the investment for the twenty- five years and the commissions paid for oiling this property may be said to re duce the net profit to $100,000 a very comfortable, fortune, all due to the wis bm and fore-sisht of t he wise and sue cessful Judge. table Hogs for Sale vounjr 'e ti ; chin i and (). sows Berksh ire, I. 0. cross. Ex- si n Mav and June from full I.C. Will pell cheap. Address L. J. Baker, Palmyra, N. C. Lime : Lime i load oi Lime just received. K. C. Jo.SEY. week we are receiving Our New Goods You should See Our r 1 P b m traces, iiamourgs ivc. Skirts as low as 25c. See This N. B. Josey. Death of Miss Mary Parker. Miss Mary Parker, of Tarboro, died .it the home of Mr. R. C. Josey, Sat urday morning April 1st, at 2 o'clock, nfter an illness of eight days. She iime from Tarboro Hist one .vceis before her death perfectly we rhAnisrht followinsr her arrival she o was taKen very She MOST VIOLENT GASES HAV MERE PIMPLES. To whom it may coTJcern : I shall sell at the court house in Halifax on Monday, the 1st day oi May, 1899, the following tracts, or parcels, of land to satisfy taxes and cost on same : SCOTLAND XECK TOWSTHIP. Wm. Arrington 93 acres house tract, H. H. Arrington 7 acrea Millie Smith land, Quinton Jones, 13 acres, piny woods land. Margaret Hawkins, 7 acres, Mil lie Smith land, The greatest care should be given to any little sore, pimple or scratch which shows no disDOsition to heal under ordin- IDSCEOCn IT SO ary treatment. No one can tell how soon these ArrtAntU A I rifial A5 will develop into Cancer of the worst type. So many people die trom Uancer simply De cause they do not know just what the disease is; they naturally turn themselves over to the doctors, and are lorced to submit to a cruel ana aaneerous operation the only treatment which the doctors know for-Cancer. The disease Hillie Clark, 1 town lot, promptly returns, However, ana is even more vioiem ana uesiruwuve man v v i mwn lot other external treatment can have no effect whatever upon it. The cure must come from within the last vestige of poison must be eradicated. -v. Mr Wm Walnnlo. of Walshtown. S. D.. saV8!"A little blotch about the size of a pea came under my left ata rrradnallv CTOwinf larerftr. from which shooting pains at intervals ran in all directions. 1 became greatly alarmed and consulted a good doctor, who pronounced it Cancer, and ndvispd that it hp cut out. but this 1 could not con sent to. I read in my local paper of a cure effected by r ft R and Hpf-idfid to trv it. It acted like a charm, the Cancer becoming: at first irritated, and then discharging vonr This exaduallv errew less and then discon- $6 72 7 58 2 25 Wm. Smith, 2 acres, Guy Smith, 2 acres, home tract,- Mack Staton, 4 acres, home tract, G- S. Roberson, 1 town lot, land, Kenneth Smith,35 acres, Baker land, Anderson Underdew, 10 acres, home tract, !f 142 1 42 81 143 3 86 2 85 96 9.36 1 26 VivSj ped off and now only a healthy little scar remains where SfefV what threatened to destroy my life once held full sway." Kilffln' t fnr Panrror IS Swift's Sneeific Xuaitivcij mu uiiij uu v a C. W. DUNN, Collector. THE BLOOD CONOCONABA TOWSSHir. W. H. Cook, 4 acres, F. K. Cameron, 133 acres, niny woods, because it is the only remedy which can go deep enough to reach the root of tne aisease ana xorce it oui m nit sjottsui jjclmu,.ivuv.J . - - 0 -- -r i inn t.h Mrxwl-thA rpal RPt of the diseasebecause the blood can Mrs. Harriett Adkms, 190 acics, M.JX0 iV U ---r w - . , - JtUl UU iSUV Ud-tif. lliDloU UiJ. y -. ST . , 3 Q t" :ti n Iter nny rn eft nf -finrnfnla. Eczema. Rheumatism, Contagious Rnrps. or anv other form of blood disease. Valuable bookson Cancer and Blood Diseases will be mailed free to any address by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia. High Grade Canned Goods. Mrs. B. F. Tlllery and children left aiive to the great necessity of work- this morning for Durham. She has gor e jng to save immortal souls, and dm o join her husband who has been there gocd work along that line. Some who about three weeks. the uommon- Were members oi ineuinerenv uuuiuuco n-uii.TH (nmrasnna them to the eood n town said they were converted Cu people ot Durham, and regrets to lose ring the meeting. If the meeting did them from Scotland Neck. no other good thau what it did to tne 7. - members of the churches, viz : in the De. Bull's Cocgh Syrup is a great memDe a Ure(h medicine of intrinsic worth. It re- eonTerdinu, iu a - - raoves a couyh or cold quickly and number, the building up of a large cures severe throat and lung affections 0 cent jn tn0 faith, it was a most n an astonishingly short time, bold 0,v... There were, in the church and out, between 70 and 75 conversions, tnllv half that aumber or more re- Following are the tax list takers and Ljmed. Forty have given their assessors appointed by the county com- lame3 to j0in the Methodist church full the have piny woods, Bennett Allsbrook, 25 acres P. W. Buck land. John Fenner, 150 acres, Milhkin land, W. E. Gray, l,u3b acres, .Look ing Glass, Daniel Deyereaux, 100 acres, Looking Glass, Wyatt Edmonds, 27 acres, Kitch- in land, Preston Edmonds, 30 acres, Shields land, by all druggists onlv 25 cts. List Takers and Assessors- rOBACCO PLANTERS ! should use JOSEY'S lieh Grade Tobacco A1" was not thought dangerously sick at first but in a day or two alarming symptoms .Wplnr.prL She bearan to sink and never rallied. She contracted senou sold from which bronchial trouble se m. an d this was the cause of death She had every possible attention tha cculd be given. Deceasea was some thing more than bO years oia. one was a woman of fine character and had many friends here. Her remains were taken to Palmyra Saturday, put on the train and carried to Tarboro, where t hey were interred Sunday. A' large con course of friends attended the funeral in the Primitive Baptist church. The sermon was preached by Elder Bass, of Rockv Mount. The body was accompanied to Tar boro by Mr. G. C. Weeks. Guano Fcr , B. Josey. MUTE WE ATI TOPv. LADIES ter seen m Scotlana secic oeiore ; Creiahton $2 Shoe. The ladies' t. Every pair warranted. Also tford Ties si $1.50. Every pair pted. Baats all lines ever sold A perfect beauty. Don't miss rst bargains. EDWARDS & CO. nissioners this week by townships. The name appearing firstfor each town- hip is list-taker and the other two assessors : TSnnlrlftwille L. Vinson. F. M. Parker, S. B. Hunter. Butterwood T. C. Alston, L. L. Al len, Jos. Townes. Conocanara J. A. Norfleet, W. S. Biggs, Ghas. Hancock. Enfield W. J. Applewhite, J. R. Whitaker, S. G. Whitfield. Faucetts R. B. Brickell, J. C. Butts, W. C. Daniel. Halifax J. M. Grizzard, M. H. Clark, Ira Shaw. Littleton J. V. Newsome. T. '."Ma guire, J- E. Johnson. Falmyra Henry WThite, B. T. Har rell, R. J. Shields. Roseneath W.T. Whitehead, Stuart Strickland, W. R. House. Scotland Neok E. W. Hyman, Sam D. Hancock, W. P. Roberson. California Lemon, Cling Peachos in extra heavy syrup California Apricots in extra heavy syrup. Bartlett Pears Annies. Tomatoes, June Peas, Jelly in 3 pound cans, Eagle Condensed Milk, Lunch Tongue, biicerl nam, unppou ueei, Marceiius Smith, 400 acres.Coch- Corned Beef. Vienna Sausage, Salmon, Potted ixam, lur- ran iand, key and Tongue. Phone 78. W. II. ALLSBROOK. Weldon B. F. Gary, J. B. Brickell, heart-felt thanks, and 34 have been admitted into communion. Two haye joined Presbyterian church and some ioiaed the Baptist church. The Methodist church has always s'ood for an experimental religion. We believe in a Christian experience "We know we have pas?ed from death unto life." We claim the only con ditions of salvation are repentance and faith ; or faith that includes repentance is the only condition ot salvation. "Repent and believe the' gospel." "Except ye repent." renounce sin m principle, in practice and in. sympa thy "Ye shall all likewise perish We stand with ail Christians in fight ing sin, in any and all forms. As plstor, I feel profoundly thank ful to Almighty God for what he has Anna fnr tho pitlzftns ot this tOWH du- ring our meeting. I am glad so many did not know denominational lines Jn working for the conversion of sinners. We were Bimplv God's children. All have my Ben A. Pope. Dr. Bull's Cough Syeup will cure threat and lung trouble witnout lail. For grippe, influenza and a deep seated cough or cold, it is the best remedy offerea to the public. The doses are small and a bottle costs only 2uc. Proof of the pudding lies in the eating of it. Proof of ROBERTS' TASTELESS CHILL TONIC lies in the taking of it. COST NOTHING if it fails to cure. 25 cents per bottle if it cures, on its merits by E. T. Whitehead & Co., Druggists "Praise God Ugt) uuvv. from whom all bless- OLIVER RYDER, Pastor o? M. E. Church South. Jury L.ists. KH SUPPLY HEINZ'S SWEET peel and Sour Pickles, Sauces, hups and Baked Beans just re Jl at TAYLOR'S. VARIETIES SEED OATS AT fcasonable Prices at TAYLOR'S. A E ARLY SEED POTATOES ! ho earliest and best Irish Potatoes htroduced here 10 to 14 days fer than the bliss, at TAYLUIi o. fflGE AND ATTRACTIVE LINE i r. KEY'S BARGAINS. KALrL A show case of Laces KKX) vards. Your choice- o cents rd. Value double. N. B. Josey. rereuos, Ac. for ceivsd. Call and saa tbem. N.B.J OBEY, The following jury lists were drawn by the commissioners this week : CRIMINAL COURT, MAY 8th. James P. Smith, J. J. Whitaker, Henry S. Biggs, Geo. W . Jones, Neal, J. T. Whitfield, W. J. Lilea, W H. Carter, J. A. Musgrove, S. G. Whit. field, B. D. Fenner, Joe Sternes, F. M. Dicicens, W. H. Bntts, Jno. R. Whita knr. J. H. Batchelor, W. R. Shaw, R. H.Pittman, C.N. Parks, J. E. Wool ard, A. Vaughan, J. L. Burgess, W. P Threwitts, J. C. Randolph, Jr. J. B. Vimon, -R.T. Bartholomew, Jesse a f!,rtr.. Charlie Simmons, J. N. Minshew, W. H. Cook, Wade Carter J. W. Pittmaa; E. L. Pike, Jas Minshew, Geo. W. Pettitt, J. M. Higgs SUPERIOR COURT IN MAY FIRST WEEK. R. H. White, S. E. Hammel, V. R. Dickens, Geo. W. Crawley, W. B, Wick ens, K. Jenkins, Wm. Coppedge, Wiley Matthews. R. E. L. Gunter, J. a. Health for ten cents. Cascarets msl e f an hnw ls and kidnevs act naturally, Sold strictly degtrov niicrobe3j cnre headache bi!- iousnessand constipation. Alldruggists. T onir for t.Tip. "Bio- Saw Siffn. walk in and be convinced that we cany the best assortment of Hardware usually found in any retail hardware store. Farming implements of all kinds to meet the wants of our farmers. Wood and Iron Pumps. " See our line of cook stoves, iiixceisior and O. K. All sizes and prices. We manufacture Tobacco Flues, and ttti 1 1 moat rnm ristition in -prices and VV iiV U j; quality. Building lime always on hand. narriacre and Cart material. Sash, "Hnnra nnrl "Bl illflS. Wp! have iust added, a full stock ot -Rmtznlfi Sundries. When your whee needs anything let us furnish you at surprisingly low prices. G-ive us a trial. THE HARDWARE STORE, Scotland Neck, N. C. R- C. JOSEY 6c CO., Proprietors, A. J. Parts, 230 acres, piny woods, W. E. Parks, 1 lot Spring Hill, T. A. Taylor, 100 acres, King land, Walton, Whan & Co., 50 acres Hines land, 25 acres Baker land, 30 acres Cochran land, lrvin Howell, o!S acres, piny woods, Mingo Jackson, 50 acres, part of Lodge land, Walter B. Jones, 100 acres King tract, 108 acres Mason tract, 5 28 3 10 4 SI 1 24 4 25 45 64 614 145 1E6 1175 6 45 5 92 2 85 5 ns 3 43 2 85 5 50 C. W. DUNN, Collector. Horses k Mis. AHOSKIE ALBUM. (Correspondence to The Commoswbai,th,) Ahoskie, N. C, April 6, yy. Mr. G. L. Bell, of Suffolk, was the guest of his brother, Mr. J. L Bell, Sunday. Mr. E. H. Hardison went to Wil liamston Saturday to see his home folks. Mr, J. W. Branning came op from Edenton Sunday. Mr. R. H. Bryan, of Norfolk, spent Sundav with Mr. J. L. Bell. Miss Inet Copeland came from Franklin Friday, where she is at school, to spend Easter at home. Mr. C. E. Matthews, conductor on IYERY-DAY HfcROISM! Struggling through life, cursed with ca tarrh, is a common experience. How ever neroic uic fight catarrh gen erally wins. LWk Under some name or other it gets the best of us. Frank E. Ingalls, Waco, Tex., and thou sands ol others have been nermanently cured of catarrh rv Dr. Hartinan's successful remedy Pe-ru-na. Here is Mr. Ingalls' letter: IP 11 "' - iilS? line OI iUllllIlfl.V, naunin v and Bonnets just received. Big lot of Tcrcnon Lace 5, b and l()c. yarT. Valenciennes Lace 2, 3, i and 8 cents yard. The latest thing: m Neckwear. Shirred Ribbon for dress trimming o to 15 cents, yard. The newest shades' m plain and mwy Mousseline De Sole,. 50c. to $1.50. Tnffeta. Silks in all colors, lurquoi and Old Blue, Coral Pink and the berry shades. Our new stables are well filled with good Horses that we offer at Low Prices. We keep a good lot constantly on hand. SEE OUR STOCK BEFORE YOU BUY. We think we can Faye you money. BIGGS & JOHNSON, - SCOTLAND NECK, N.C. Mul- NEW MILLINERY W. & P. passenger train, went to Wil- jyr.S. li. Hartman, Columbus, u. mlneton Saturday. Deb Srn: " Pe-ru-na and Man-a-lm mington &aturaay. have cured me of one of the worst cases The W. & f. began running a f catarrh anv one ever nan. my cat freight and log train Monday Tho A. C coaches a dark color instead of red. Prints Ginszhams, early Spring Wear. Brinkiey, T. H. Neyille, J- J. Edmond- !ir SHOULD SEE OUR I&w ire .f White Goods Piques, Cords, Its, Ducks, &c.ahis weevt. ' N. B. Josky, IfiBtT Butts, J. R. Collier, J.W. Carlisle, N. F. Minshew, Brinkiey Alls- brook, H. A. Harris. SECOND WEEK. Jno. W. Fletcher, B. L. Cherry, C. T Maxwell, Hassel Bell, J. H. Burton, V W. Kay, N. D. Parks, Gabriel Mar row, Jno. A. White, J. U.Bass, J. H Rrvau. Jno. H. Shearin, Jr., 1. O Alston. Jr.,.Tas."Wr. Nicholson, J. H Pear, Tom Goodridge, S. W. Bell, u F. Moore. " o nnifV remedv andone that is ,. .. . iu r aniA inr cu uicu ib i-s vw cotiana rsecit, . ..y.., - u n..ra mend une minuie wu of Brio. But no orders filled without the mey. it. a. i a l iv i , 4-6-lm IUJOiiu " . . . ;on tiettne grocer buubuiuw I . .. ., ' jt ' ni,k. it; T White- ct baking powder for Royal, tor m me inronmuuwubu . , . i r was so severe mat x was t-yt hnsiness. that of con- a I UUlVU UXM U ' L. are painting their duct0r on a railroad; hut I am now PROOF. It is an easy matter to claim that a remedy has wonderful curative power. The manufacturers of RHEUMACIDE leovp. it, to those who have been pei- manently and positively cured of RHEUMATISM, to maKe ciaims. Among those who have recently written us voluntary letters saying they have been cured are : Rev. J . T. Woater. Rnleich. N. C. : Mr. J. E. Robinscn, Editor, Goldsboro, N. C, Daily Argus ; Mr. A. Daus, a prominent merchant, Macon, Ga., and Mr. W. R.'Dnke, a rail road man, Kansas City, Mo. Ehetimacide Will Cnre Yotu Manufactured by Thb Bob bitt.Dmo Co.. Raleigh, N. C. Price $1 per 1-12-ly. Sold by Druggists generally. bottle- entirelv well." Ordinary treatment of catarrh is for local relief. Cures are not expected. Tlr TTn.rt.Tnan's method eradicates ca tarrh absolutely. Get his latest book and learn how to comhat tms msimouh disease. The Pe-ru-na Medicine Co., Columhus, O., wiU mail Dr. Hartman s hooks free on application. TT. A. Scott. Burt, Tenn., writes: " I feel very thankful to my Maker j 'TTipVUcine that I am cured. I would not he without Pe--rn-nn, in the house." Ta.-Tia Tiaa heen curing catarrh for Tt. nlucks out the roots . r.il1s oeonle up. All 'OI Calami nun M. druggists sell it. - " rvnn.-rfnl SlEcovery . 1'he last quarter of a cenfary records o- ,ioT-f!;i .liccoveries 'a medicine, but noi.e that have accomplished more for humanity than tbatsterhng M jHNuehoM and neither r.ian, woman or chi.d can i take it wi'i-ort dr vine tne rrs;utsi ucc.. BrowM?ir0n Bitters is obi by aUdealera. f 1 ill I li ra m MOlllliil!!!! u Silk and .1! Fl gauze Pnnpr fnns B to 25c fans in different shades 25c. to $ 1. Wliifp mi mania SI. 50 to S2.00. The newest thing in stamped goods. Designs in fish, pansies, strawberries, ot ron .Violets and many others. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Hose in black and tan, plain and drop stitc h 10c. to 25c. , - 7 , R & ii. Uorsets, an sryies auu ii-w. Call and examinegoodsandgetpricls. Yours very truly, MUS. W. H. WHITE, OUtt CATALOGUE FOR 18'J9 H now ready. We hayo the FINEST STOCK of X3VSXlGRS3X2rJ0, aiid Ornamental Plants, in North Carolina. OUR trrde extends from TEXAS to CANADA. S?nd for catalogue and SEE how LOW wo sell tha BEST 1 mi Ul U.! U 0Ti1iQU si iliInN yiyliuu wljich v,o niail jMarb'e and r for Cemetery Our Illuslratcd Cafalogi.e No. 10, free, contains a variety of Jetigiw t Granite Memorials suitai-Jt! for nhHi.-h. and will help om in makjug a proper selection. Write font; we will satisfy you as to prices. We carry the largest stock of Gravestones, Monuments ancLStaluary in the South, and have ensnrpassed facilities for the execution of memorial work of any size. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS, (Established vear?.) 159, lttl.and 163.Bank St., NORFOLK, VA. PLANTS. 3-)-3ra. Respectfully, JAMES M. LAMB.' Fayetteville, N. C. Wc are prepared to banish telephone sen ice to the public and solicit patron- RATES FOR SI-.UV an. P.usiness Phone?, " H per month. Residence Phones, 1-50 Two ol either for 3.00 It is our purpose to give good service, and to this end wc ask all subscribers to report promptly any , irregularities in the service. rggOnr signed contracts prohibit the une of phones except by subscribers, and we request that this rule be rigidly enforced. i&l always does the best work. ! head & Co.