Absolutely 'Pure Makes the food more delicious and wholesome ROVt BAKtNO POWDER CO.. NEW YORK. 8 4 1y. The Commonwealtli. THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1S99. Ice Cream Supper. The Ladies' Aid Society of the 3etho i;-t cutirch oi Scotland Neck v. ill j-.'VO "n ce cream supper on the i.iu'.t of Juno the 30th.' Proceeds for H1 benefit of the parsonage. !ii t IScglsct 1'car Over. r;v,-- troubles quickly rejuii in serious . jes, and the man who neglects his :: ."i. iir.K rogard for health. A bottle V ; rr. Iron lihtcrs taken now and then ' ; v.n liver in perfect or-'er. If the "has developed. Browns' Iron Kilters y. -.-e it iK-rmanently. Strensrth and .'.',: a: ways follow its use. ; i. . "livajSuteraiii ecld by all detler3. LOCAL NEWS. JUNE JOURNEYERS. :::.aL.4mUKCOENTS. Land Plaster. A Car Loral of Nova Scotia Land r;-i ;tor ;v.A arrived. M. HOFFMAN & BKO. .nr.-:-! Earlv and Late Flat Dutch iu,L"v Cabbage Plants for sale at iM.uO l ei' thousand. W. R. Walstox, Scotland Neck, JS. C. CONGRESSMAN BLAND, OF MISSOURI, ..e::cr known as "Silver Dick" Bland In; 1 a comparatively poor man, it ia -ai l. without Life Insurance. No 'i-o this distance from his home lea -vs or inquires why he did not carry Lin: Li KAXCE. Most of those who rcrcl i'.c.-e lines may die poor, bat there h a way for many of them to kvve -on:.3 life insurance for their 1am THAT WAY IS To Save Money. 'ih-j w:iy to save money in Scotland 26,-!c-:md community is to s;ead what yv.i do .-pond for the best goods, wheth er it Ic dry goods, groceries, furniture or what not. The Best Goods Arc- -,vays to be found at the right place ; and the General Verdict "With the trading public here is, that the right place is HoSman's. In these days of practical tests for even-thing, from Liquid Air to a Fly ing Machine, TAKE NO OJNE'S WORD, about Goods at Hoffman's, Though they all give good reports both a ! Unest quality and lowest prices. You bettor make a personal visit, siead your OWN MONEY and be convinced. Vhi!e the summer is passing and good - are going and prices promising to advance, NOW IS THE TIME to save money by purchasing at Hoffman's. The First Cotton Bloom. Monday morning we received from Mr. J. E. Allsbrook, of Sanford, S. C, a cotton bloom, which he wrote was plucked J une 16th from cotton ia a 100-acre field averaging IS inches high. One Colored Man Stole Fkom An other. A few davs asm nffinw T XV Dunn brought before Mayor Terry a colored man named George Lee, charged with stealing cloths from another col ored man who worked on the farm of Mr. W. T. Whitehead. He was sent to jail to await trial at next Crimnal court. Bonds for Caledonia Farms. Saturday's News and Observer says : The Executive Board otthepenitcn tiary yesterday deposited a written re quest with the State Treasurer to issue and sell bonds in amount sufficient to raise $64,165, for the purchase ot the Caledonia farms and to cover the ex penses of issuing and selling the bonds. It was originally intended to buy also the Anson farm, and it may be done yet, but as the lease on it does not ex pire for some months yet, the commit tee will take its time about making the purchase. For the purpose of buying both the Anson and Caledonia farms the Legislature (chapter 607, Laws of 1899) authorized the issue of bonds to the amount of $95,000. As the Cale donia farm can be bought for $64,165, there is still left $30,835 for the pur chase of the Anson farm at some future date, if its purchase is deemed expe dient. Death of Mr.. J. H. Parker. Cheap Lumber. Sice Kiln-Dried Ceiling and Floor ing at GO cents per hundred. S. B. KITCHIN, M.j-Om Scotland Neck, N. U. Save Your Barns. Tobacco hrirns nro r.ffen rinrnfirl he- cause the tines are not properly fitted. We manufacture flbs to fit. Give us your order. E. C. JOSEY & CO. Lime ! Lime ! A car load ot Lime just received. R. C. Josey. Clearing Sale of Slippers and Low Cut yhoesSse N. B. JOSEY. Don't Forget to leave Your Order for Tobacco Flues. N. B. JOSEY. See Our Wash goods for Summer N. B. JOSEY. hto-dste Gent's Collars at N. B. JOSEY'S Paint. We have just received a full as- sr-r::n?nt of Star Brand ready mixed iWIYT .. i.f i . outs us utJMJie j':i uuje. R. C. JOSEY & CO. Almost every citizen in Halifax county knew personally, or knew of, Sheri ff Parker," of Enfield. For some time his health has been poor and for the past few weeks his condition had been regarded as critical. He died at hi3 home in Enfield last Friday, and the following interesting facts about him were given m a letter from Enfield to the News and Observer June 16th : 'Mr. Jas. IT. Parser, popularly known as "Sheriff Parker," died here to-day. Mr. Tarker has been in failing health for the past few months. Some two months ago his end was daily expected, but his indomitable will prevailed and to the surprise of hi3 friends Mr. Parker recoyered sufficiently to drive out and superintend the work of his farm. This was, however, but the flickering of the candle before the light became extinguished. He was confined to his bed but a few days, when the end ame calmly and peacefully this morn ing. 'Sheriff Parker was in his 77th year. Ho was bora in Halifax county, and '68 years'ago married Miss May Scott, who suryives him. The issue of this mar- iage are Mr. W. F. Parker, chairman County Commissioners ; S. W. Parker, of Oxford ; R. B. Parker, Enfield ; Mrs. A.M. Garrett, deceased ; Mrs. A. S. Bar- bee, Chapel Hill ; Mrs. ft. R. Pollock, Ilingwood ; Mrs. A. M. Bracy, deceased ; Mrs. Cary Hunt, Enfield. "Sheriff Parker was indeed a wonder ful man in many ways. Mis education was limited to 8 months at school. Still by determined and studious efforts he was a self-made man, had excellent business capacities and '"amassed large estates. He was, probably, the largest real estate owner in the county. Most ol the town of Enfield belonged to him. "Mr. Parker was a member of the Ma sonic order, and had held many import ant positions." A FRIGHTFUL BLUNDER Will often cause a horrible Burn, Sld. Cut or Bruise. Bucklen's Arni ca Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly neai u. uures old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boils, corns, skin eruotions. .Best -File cure on earth. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co., Druggists. ENFIELD NOTES. At R. G. Tosev's. t Another big lot of that 10c. India "men. iAn't fail to ses it. IT f! Josey &. Co. beautiful line of Fans. Very Cae;ip. x. n. .Trwvv fr. Co. Piques while and printed latest R. C. Josey & Co. Slices for everybody and at all prices. R. C. Josey & Co. Gen is, we have just received a good ne - ihia Coats and Vests ior sum- ei 've"i" at exceptionally low prices. Jt f! .Tnsvv Ar. (In. TWiite Mountain and Arctic Ice vieam freezers. . R. C. Josey & Co. Oxen Wanted. Those who have Oxen to sell will IIo:i e write me staling quality and E.P.HYMAN, Hobgood,N.C. Rev. A. W. Setzer, of Greenville, came Wednesday. Miss Fannie Harrell went to Martin county on a visit last week. Mr. A. E. Bobbitt, of Littleton, was here a few days ago on business. Miss Minnie Ethridge returned to her home in Whitakera Tuesday. Miss Sallie Salsbury, of Hamilton, has been here some days on a visit. Misses Lizzie Hyman and Nannie Hill went to Rocky Mount Tuesday. Mrs. J. E. Hancock went to More head City Saturday to enjoy the breezes. Miss Helen Vann, of Hertford coun ty, is on a yisit to her uncle, Rev. R. T. Vann. Mr. J. E. Bullock, of Conetoe, has been here this week on a yisit to Mrs Madry. Mrs. J. A. Manning, of Wayerly, Va., came a few days ago on a visit to her mother. Misses Annie and Onie Dunn went to Enfield last week on a visit to relatives and friends. Mrs. J. E. Condrey went to Tarboro last Sunday to be under the care of Dr. Julian Baker. Miss Nonie Hoffman left Saturday for New York, where she has gone on a visit for the summer. Miss Pattie Vaughan, who has been at St. Mary's School in Raleigh, has been home several days. Dr. A. C. Livermon left Thursday for Tate's Springs, Tenn., to take a few weeks' recreation for his health. Mr. J. W. Madry and wife, of Penelo, in Edgecombe county, were here Sun day to visit his mother, Mrs, P. J. Madry. Miss Maggie Shields left a few days ago for Salem, where she has gone to spend some time on a visit to Miss Clara Vance. Miss Nannie Smith, who has been teaching In Beaufort county, has gone this week to Chapel Hill to attend the Summer School. Miss Nan Smith lelt yesterday for Durham, where sheV has gone to take summer instruction in a branch of the New York Conservatory of Music. Mr. Henry Wilkinson, of Oxford, the popular representative of the American Tobacco Company on the Scotland Neck market last season, came down Tuesday. His friends were glad in deed to see him. Col. A. L. Smith, of Charlotte, was iere this week on his return from a trip to Norfolk and Newport News. His many friends here are always glad to see him. He has good words for Scotland Neck and thinks the town has a promising future. Dr. C. N. Hunter, of Enfield, a young physician who passed a successful ex amination before the State Medical Board at Asheville a few weeks ago, has located in Scotland Neck for the practic of his profession. The Com- ionwealth welcomes Dr. Hunter and hopes for him success. Our people will remember him as druggist in Mc- Illhenny's drug store here a few years ago. - (Correspondence to The Commonwealtd.) -r-, T - lO QQ -VT- t tt Prlrr died last Friday and . . . j 1 C (tO V. - w Tarr t T A hftrnfithv and the Ma- . . . . -TT 2 L!n sonic order officiating, ae was m ijis A 1 76th year, and commenced nie wnn ut uma hi-.t hv industry and econo- ItVWV) - J f my accumulated a great deal of proper ty and was the second largest tax-pay er in the county a iuw years agu. Tr Wm. Bustin. a Confederate vet eran, died at his brother's, Mr. .W. D. Bustin, yesterday and will be nunea ai the cemetery here this evening. Another stemmery is being built and Randolph Bros, are having brick and sand hauled to finish their stores. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tk3 Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of The University. RINGWOOD NOTES. WninAti - en nrft I f A a tYlArt 0 10 ittta to if eta vrcJi o uiiii VnU lO Mi L1A U UiA,, ljjAMJii . KjImers Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, promptly cures. At druggists' in fifty-cent and dollar w 1 1 III- sizes, iou may nave a sample Dome by mail free, also pamphlet telling all about it. Address, Dr. Kilmer & Co Bmghamton, N. Y. Where Paint is Needed. Once when riding on a railroad train by a village a lady remarked to the riter of how much some of the houses needed paint. She closed her obser vations by saying, "Paint helps almost mything but a lady's lace." Some of the people of Scotland Neck have reached the same conclusions, nd we have observed that several per sona are painting their houses. Among those observed are Capt. W. H. Kitch- n's new residence on Main street ; Mr. G. C. Weeks' residence on Main street ; Mr. Bennett Allsbrook's on Main trefit : Mr. T. W.Fenner's new cottaae the knit tin er mills on Greenwood street; Mr. Johnson Allsbrook's cottage rn Seventh street: Dr. R.M.Johnson's residence on Church street, and per haps some others. Wo nlso note a new cottage house being built by Mr. E. Shields on Tenth street near the L. L. Kitchm place, and !iitv a now not.t.nfi'fi bv Mr. J. K. Bolton on the corner of Greenwood and Ninth .treats. Mai. J. B. Neal has recently nnfc new wallina around his yard. Sneh improvements are a pleasing sign of prosperity and we snouid do glad to see mucn more oi it. HOW'S THIS? Wo nffpr One Hundred Dollars Re- xtrarA far nnv case ot Catarrh that can VCAAV v J not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. x? J Hheney co.. irons.. loiedo, u w thfl nndereiened. have known F. J. Cheney lor the last 15 years, and be lieve him periectiy nonorame in aa npes transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm, West & Truax, Wholesal Druggists, To ledo. O. W aiding, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole sale Druggist, xoiedo, u. TToii's Catarrh Cure is taken intern aiiv n.'tine directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price oc. per Dome, ooia Dy an Druggists. ; Testimonials iree. , Hall's Family Fills are the best. . The growth and expansion of the University should be a matter of pride to every North Carolinian. In effici ency, patronage and public favo? it is now second to none in the South. Its requirements are exact, its standard rig id, its tone of life high and manly. Its academic roll is the largest in the South, and in all its history it has never been so close to the people, and so able to serve them. Ambitious and needy boys should remember its motto is equality, opportunity and self-help. Why wi-ro 25,003 EOTTLE3 OF P.OB -HTS' TASTELESS 25c. CHILL TONIC o;d tiio first year of it3 birth ? Answer Joeauseit is the BEST AT ANY PRICE, guaranteed to cure, money refunded if it fails, pleasant to take, 25c per bottle. It is sold and guaranteed by E. T. Whitehead & Co., Druggists. Barn and Stables Burned. At a late hour Saturday nio-ht Mr. Xawrence Whitehead, who lives sever al miles in the country, discovered that his barn and stables were on fire. The buildings were entirely consumed, with his farming implements and all his log carts and log wagons. It was said that he did not save so mnnh nsn act gear. He lost no stock, but the other loss as complete, and without insurance. It is thought that it an incendiary. WOULD NOT SUFFER SO AGAIN XVU 1F1 Y TIMES ITS PRICE. I awoke last nisrht with severe noma in my stomach. I neyer felt so badly in all my life. When I came rtnwm t.n work this morning I felt so weak I could hardly work. I went to Miller JUcOurdy's drue store and their recommended Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It worked like magic and one dose fixed me all right. It certainly is the finest thing I ever used for stomach trouble. I shall not be without it i hereafter, for I should not P9rft tr on dure the sufferings of last night again ior nuy times its price. G. H. Wilson, Liveryman, Burerettstown. VV Ash in of -in Co., Pa. This remedy is for sals bv E. Whitehead & Co. Atheletic Association Entertainment. CoirespoMueiice to The Commonwealth.) Einowood, June 10, '99. The past lew nights have been cool, and the crops look worsted. At a vocal union at Hickory, near here, there were a thousand people present from Enfield, Rocky Mount, Hilliardston and elsewhere. There is considerable sickness ma larial fever and flux. Tobacco crops are above the average and corn and cotton are fine. The M. P. Church which is being rebuilt is nearly completed. Some of the Masonic fraternity at tended the funeral of Sheriff Parker, whose death is very much regretted. The telephone line here is a great convenience. There are a few loafers around, but this is no time for loafing. "Work" is the watchword. CATARRH On Thursday nieht of last week- them was a pleasing entertainment in Tem perance Hall for the benefit of Scotland Neck Atheletic Association. The entertainment consisted nf recitations, tableaux, &c. The pro gramme was well rendered and elicited hearty applause. A nice little amount was realized for the Association. On the same evening the Ladies' Mission ary Society of the Baptist church gaye an ice cream supper on the lawn in front of Temnerance HalL Tb o re ceipts were not verv lare. hut the en tertainment and the cream supper to- getner made quite a delightful even- ng. 198. Catarrh of tlie bowels, be cause it is most prevalent in the summer months, is called summer catarrh. Itsurprises many that bowel trouble is catar rhal. Dr. Hartnian's books make this plain. Write to the Pe-ru-na Medicine Co., Columbus, O., for them. They tell all about catarrh and how Pe-ru-na cures it wherever located. "I had chronic diarrhoea for fifteen years," writes Mr. T. E. Miller, Grand Prairie, Tex. "I tried many medicines and doctors in vain. At last Pe-ru-na was recom mended, and it relieved and cured me at once." Mr. John Harting, 633 Main St., Cincinnati, O., writes: "My wife and myself took your Pe- ru-na for chronic diar rhoea and it cured us. No doctor or medicine we tried before helped us." Mr. Edward Wormack, Ledbetter, Tex., writes: "Pe-ru-na fnr bowel troubles is unequalled f 'E? by anything m my ex perience. I owe my life to Pe-ru-na, and shall always recom mend it to those suffer ing as I was." Mr. John Edgarton, 1020 Third Ave., Altoona, Pa., says: "I suffered from dysentery for three years I took' Pe-ru-na and am now well." Vine Hill Male Academy, New Methods, Thorough, Graded cpATT o'nwrrr r School System for young boys, tot o l la o D . K , . c. WrJte for uII particle Louis R. Wilson (University of North Carolina), ( rrinntnai-6-15-tf Davj d M. Pr. ;xce ( Wake Forest College), rrmcipais. -THY A BARREL OF- Point - Lace - Klour. It is very fine. Eve -y barrel guaranteed. Now is the time to use Tea. We have the famous G-un Powder and Oolong brands. Our Tarbell's Cheese, Finest Elgin Butter and Re liable Brand and Smoked Meats and Lard is the finest made. Phone 78. W . H. ALLSBROOK. ipfe r2: ins: CURES WHfcHf- Alt Fl SE FAILS. Beet Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use In time. Sold bv droecists. ira 3k s75) 7S r5 7S 7S f? SX ,T ,- sts r-., -r-. s" x sr IC vtx iy iy is vg ei j -i. vy y i ls' vg k 1 Best assortment usually found in a retail ...Hardware Store... Farming Implements, W ood and iron Pumps and Punro ifips. Mill &u plies and Pipe outings. 1 Tobacco Kiuie. ) Cook Stoves, Ice Cream Freezers, Cart Material, Building Material, Lime, Bicycle Sundries. I The American Field Fence. The best woven wire fence on the market. Screen Doors and "Windows. 8tar.Beady Mixed Paint, f Aiiythiiio; not in stock will be ordered promptly." R. C. Josey & Co. lhe above figures tsll a remark- i able story ; they represent almost 13 exactly the per centage oi cures made by RHEUMACIDE the wonderful new constitutional cure for RHEUMATISM. The g other two pe- cent, were not cura- H ble, or failed tD take medicine ac- 3 cording to directions. Thousands m have been cured. In view of the fact that many physicians think rheumatism is incurable, it must be true that RHEUMAC1DE is the greatest medical discovery of the ase. Particulars and testimo nials of many well known people sent to all applicants. Manufactured by The Bobbitt Dnuo Co., Raleigh, N. C. Sold in Scotland Neck by E. T.iWhitehead & Co., and by Druggists generally. 1-12-ly. Price, $1 per bottle. m i temoer my entire chock oi RIBBONS AT COST, f ! m 1 m I WE 1 Come and examine them. Mits. A. M. Riddjck. WJ OFFER AGENTS or 1 RMS BIO MONEY In Exclusive Territory. Our Fire and Burglar proof Safes sell at sight. City or Country. OUTFIT FREE. NO CAPITAL NEEDED. Agents actually getting rich ; so can you. One Agent, in one day, cleared $73.40. ALPINE SAFE & CYCLE CO., 9 1-1 5m. CINCINNATI, 0 The Perfect Harness Hooker and Detacher. . . . "I use the Perfect Hooker." - Can be used on any single harness. You use No Single tree, No Traces, No Shaft Tugs, and you save from $4.00 to $ 6.00 on a set of harness. No galded shoulders, as springs relieve the strain. No sore back, for Hookers take the weight. No wabbling of front wheels, as the power is directly attached to the shafts. To the trotter it aids speed and evenness of gait. Its cheapness places it in reach of the masses; its safety makes them use it, and its sim plicity of construction points out its advantages allot which make it the greatest invention of the age. Cost, Time & Danger Reduced to a Minimum. Absolute guarantee that the Hooker is more comforta ble for the horse than any harness known to the world. Three grades are made, from the heaviest dray to the seventeen pound sulky. Any lady can hitch the horse to the buggy in one-half minute. Two hooks and the horse io iioVio AVianlntpdV SnfAl Sn.vps -Tiifft ! Saves vonr Buggy! Pull the cord and detach your horse in one sec ond. It never breaKs. it never slips. For further information address, O. A. CAMP, Scotland Neck, N. C. County rights for Halifax, Edgecombe and Nash counties. A Farm Library of unequalled value Practical, Up-to-date, Concise and Comprehensive Hand somely Printed and Beautifully Illustrated. By JACOB BIGGLE No. 1 BIGGLE fiORSB BOOK All about Horses a Common-Sense Treatise, Trith over 74 illustrations ; a standard work. Price, 50 Cents. No. 2 BIGGLE BERRY BOOK All about growing Small Fruits read and learn how : contains 43 colored life-like reproductions of all leading varieties and 100 other illustrations. Price, 50 Cents. No. 3 BIGQLE POULTRY BOOK All about Poultry ; the best Poultry Book in existence ; tells everything? ; with23 colored lifc-likereproduction of all the princij at breeds; with 103 other illustrations. Price, 50 Cents. No. 4 BIGGLE COW BOOK All about Cows r.nd the Dairy Business ; having a great sale; contains E colored life-like reproductions of each breed, with 132 c ther illustrations. Price, 50 Cents. No. 5 BIGGLE SWINE BOOK Just out. All nbout Hogs Breeding, Feeding, Butch ery, Diseases, etc. Contains over 80 beautiful half tones and other engravings. Price, 50 Cents. The B I OGLE BOOKS are unique,orip;inal,useful you never saw anything like them so practical, so sensible. They are having an enormous sale East, West, North ariU South. Every one who keeps a Horse, Cow, Hog or Chicken, or grevs Small Fruits, ought to send right away for the BIQOLE BOOKS. The FARM JOURNAL Is your paper, made for you and not a misfit. It is 22 years old; it is the great boiled-down, hit-the-nail-on-the-head, quit-after-you-have-sa id-it. Farm and Household paper in the world the biggest paper ofits size in the United States 01 America naving over a million and a-balf regular readers. Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKS, and the FARM JOURNAL 5 YEARS (remainder of 1899, iooo, 190:, 1902 and 1903) will be sent by mail to any address for A DOLLAR BILL. Sample of FARM JOURNAL and circular describing BIGQLE BOOKS free. WIZMER ATKINSON. CHAS. F. JENKINS. Addrers, FARM JOURNAL Philadelphia udson's Encifish Kitchen, .317 Main Street, NORFOLK, VA. -0 C 0- The only Up-to-date Restaurant in the City, -o- -000- -o- For Ladies and Gentlemen. 00-0(;0-0-0- Strictly a Temperance Place. 33 tf. -0- ALL MEAL3 25 cents. Knot 3 Tii wlieii M See It The Value, Superior!- ty, variety and Ransre of our work guarantee Pleasure & ISiHSS Front to those wno btiy from us Our work merits ap proval for Quality of Material & Neatness n f Wnrlr- ) manship in buggies. . and ....Phaetons. For Every Dollar Spent Will is Yea M Fall VaM Repairs of all kinds as well as first-class manufacture. Bicycles Repaired on the Shortest Notices Try us once and you will come again. 4-27-tf Tiie CaroiinaBuggy Company. SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. A. MCDOWELL, Peesidext. FRANK P. SHIELDS, Cashiee A. B. HILL, Aes't Cashier. The ScGtlaiiu MM, SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. SOLICITS THE ACCOUNTS OF BOTH INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS , , FIEMS. 10 10 J :

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