1: If n Fin 5 n r: u y til H i ?1 L5 Ed ER mSk P5S RH -en I VBHiJB.0LB.Ba a J N H M F f H 0 8 0 s. Oil hi? There are dozens of remedies recommended for Scrofula, some of them no doubt being able to fllTOrfl tmymiTOTT 1-a!!nf Kilt ft SJ is. nl.ilnt-oln HfHi W':71" M Ih! the only remedy which completely cares it. ' "V-' lJ Bcrofula.isoneofthe most obstinate, deep-seated r)hnl;i4 TSlrn oiooa diseases, and is beyond the reach of the bU'dhl&Ii! L?sUi&ui many so-called purifiers and tonics because some . , , , ' , thing more than n mere tonic is required. S. S. S. is equal to any bJood trouble, and never fails to cure Scrofula, because it goes iov,-n to the seat of the disease, thus permanently eliminating eyery The-fieiiotiS consequences to which Scrofula surely leads should imprefS upon those afflicted with it the vital im portance of wasting no time upon treatment which can not possibly effect a cure. In many cases where the wrong treatment has been relied upon, complicated glandular sweuings hare resulted, for which the doctors insist that a dangerous surgical operation is necessary. Mr. H.E. Thompson, of Milledeeville, Ga., writes: "A bad case of Scrofula broke dut on the glands of my neck, which had to be lanced and caused me much suffering. I was treated for a long while, but the physieians were un able to cure me, and my condition was as bad as when I began their treatment. Many blood remedies were used , but without effect. Some one recommended S. S. S. , and I be?ran to improve as soon T had tntun fow Krtio continuing the remedy, I was soon cured permanently, ml have never had a sign of the disease to return." Swift Con a '. M 5 t's Specifie- IS? is the only rem?4iy which can promptly reach and cure obstinate, deep-: blood diseases. By relvincr unon it. and not ei-nerimpntino- with ttw n bo-caiiea tonics, etc., nil smlierers from blood troubles can be promptly cured, instead of enduring years of suffering which gradually but surely undermines seated various me constitution. t. b. b. is guaranteed purely vegetable, and never fails to cure Scroiala, Eczema. Cancer, Rheumatism, Contagious Blood Poison. Boils, i etter, I impies, bores Ulcers, etc. Insist upon S S S. ; nothing can take its place. x:0i5f on vlooc- an(i skin diseases will be mailed free to any address by the Swift fcpecihe Company, Atlanta, Georgia. t 7. 3 v S 5 " "i - e P ; '. rt- SI K - S r: RALEIGH, N. C. One oi the bet, female pchools in the South, end the cheapest for advantages given. Send for catalogue. 0-15-Um Jas. Dixwiddie, A. JI. mm E3 rr-s - - ii HELEN KELLER, Wins Admission to Sadcliffa Coilega Thotsgh, Desperately Hanaioappefl. Eoston Evening Transcript. Miss Helen Keller, having completed under the tutorship of Merton S.Keith, her preparation for coHen's in three years instead of in the four which bad been assigned by some of her friends f )r the purpose, went to Cambridge in Juue ht to take the regular entrance examinations for Radcliffe. She had successfully given the usual subjects at the preliminary examination, two years ago, and these remained for this en trance examination. Geometry, alge bra, elementary Greek, advanced Greek and advanced Latin. It is quite certain that no person ever look a college examination with so heavy a handicap we may s.ry with so many kinds of a handicap as Helen Keller's on this occasion. As all the world knows, she could not fee the ex amination papers nor bear the voice of an examiner. n he natural method: 1 communicating the questions to her would haye been to rrnke ue of the finders of her old-time "teacher" and interpreter, Miss Sullivan. Miss Sulli van does not know Greek or Latin or tse higher mathematics, and while she is ab;e to serve Helen by communicat ing to her printed Greek and Latin, letter by leter, she could not even if NOW I LAY ME DO WN TO SLEEP. The fire upon the hearth Is low, And there is stillness everywhere ; Like troubled spirits, here and there, The firelight sha'dows fluttering go. And as the shadows round me creep, childish treble breaks the gloom, And softly, from a further room, Comes, "Kow I lay me down to sleep." ud somehow, with that little piayer, Ana that sweet treble in my ears, My thought goe.s back to distant years, And lingers with a dear one there, And as I hear the Child's "Amen," My mother's faith comes back to mo. Couched at her side I seem to be, And mother holds my hand again. Oh, for an Hour in that dear place ! Oh, for the peace of that dear time ! Ob, for that childish trust sublime! Oh, ior a glimpse of mother's face ! Yet, as the shadows round me creep, I do not seem to bo alone Sweet magic of that treble tone, And "Now I lay me down to sleep." Eugene Field. pr : jfif -rv m J ll 1 9 i Pis Sii rnmmi I till The man who neyer tries to do any thing and the. man who tries to do everything are both foolish. 1 : - . . .. xuung tneciii war, as well as in our mis war wim Spain, diarrhoea was one : the mOft troublesome diseases the irmy Lad to contend with. In ranny instances H tiecame chronic and the o!d soldiers still suffer from it. Mr. David Fay lor of Wind Kidge, Greeiie Co., p.u. is neof these. He uses Chamber lam's Oolic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy an t says he never found any thing that wuuJ.i give such quick re- f. If is hir fi;ilo hv li'. T Wl.iiahn.rf III- she had been so diVpned, have given & Co. r the slightest assistance m answer ing the examination questions. But it vnen two women have difTcrer i-iot ttirt.. - l . was oeemed best bv all concpmpH tn r" " L1JC- tUI!t"-a eacu oiner pecu- 'ioui even me remotest f'tgseation or possibility of assistance. A gentleman found Mr, Vininsr. of the Vor. tr -Jia pis "n. .vm. M''l'..-wm .,'IH:H -:i jSVegeJablaPreparationfcrAs simHatiag theToodandRegula ling theStomachs sndBowels of PromotesTKgesQon,ClffieTfui tiess andBest.Conta!ns neither Opium .Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. iwifc? US' iy T 1 W0M5 SruillMtt" til JXiiPhASii V.'ITHOUT IT. LOOK FCW THS RED CR033, IS A CYSTEM Dl'!iDEiVES APPETITE !C : is The 5;r.dyGup money refunded if jr fans to-eurs von. 113 CM ILL TON P sp.&rrierjycnirsMsplfs, If Sold and guaranteed by E. T. White head & Co., Druggists, at wholesale and rota. I ha,ve the only Eeal, Sure-Enough REFRIGERATOR Ever in use in Scotland Xeck. From now on I shall keep on be : Cheese, Butter, Fruits, Chickens. Melons,! (in season) and whatever else needs to additional points of Helen's handicao. De kept coel. Added to my former large stock : li-esh Pineapple, Baked Beans, Sold 'strictly Bean 13. New Lot of Pie and Table Proof of the pudding lies In the eating was found Mr. ining, of the rer- of it. Proof of ROBERTS' TASTELESS kins Institution, who had never met CHILL TONIC lies in the takine of it. Helen TCftllpr nnrl vchn utoo . . ....v, 0 uUllo uu- uuaT JNUrrmivi4 if it. fatio tn os . 1 ' - w .uw w T HA V. . Urj iW DnaWe torenkto cents per bottle if it cures UCi wuo cuiua iaKe toe examination m ftam.rtfa w DflDers as fast na th and write them out in Braille charac- T" " bltehead& o., Druggists ters, the system of writing in punctur- The worst that can be said of little ec points now much used by the blind. vlces 18 tnat tney won't stay little. The Questions thus lrner,-iVnrl k J were nut TTn,.,. ua-TJIT' FOK 0VEK FIFTY YEARS amination room, m the presence ot a rs v lus'ow's Soothing Syrup has proetor, who could not communicate ,b.een for yer fiy years by mii- with har. nnfl ,t,o , u,uiuo ior ineir cniidren while wu jjbi an- teeinin". with r,o,-w.f .. i. swers on the typewriter. soothes the child, softens rh'. Here, howeyer, came in one of the a,la3TS aI! pain, cures wind colic, and is tne dpsc remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immedi ately. Sold by Druaeisis in everv nart t ,, . .. f"-- ' worm. JLwenty-hve cents a Dottle. Be sure and ask fnr "lUra Winslow's Soothing SvriiD.and tatenn vfknH I.; 1 . . UtUCI ILJUU, 4.77.IW Mx.Senna jtrsat &ett Peppermint aSi & ien'MftSaia f i!s7-tSccd -Clsrificd Sugar Aperfecf Remedy for CenstiDa- tion, SourStomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish cess and Loss OF SLEEK Tac Simile Signature of YORK. For Infants n,ndChildren. You Have Always Bough! Bears the Signature of UHW V cvx mm li u EXACT COPV OF WRAPPEB. IrJ J' Ose H S4T IVJ" For Over I Thirty Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. WMOTON & 1 AS I) EKA S'l) ATLANTIC II AIL ROAD ('( SOUTH' TKAIXS 001. ' DATED July 31. IS'.O. I.en vo Wc();ti Ar. Kofky Mt. Leave Tarboro Lv. HocU.v Mt. I.envo Wilann jA-n ve-Si'l'iia I-.V. Fa.viittoTnio Ar. I'loruiico Ar. UoMfliori) Lv. Goli,-il)(iio Lv. Mnjrnolia Ar. WiiuiinfrtoTi A. M ; 12 :.: i i II' L'l' 1 ' i(t 1 's Hi; 11 : 7 r' m! a."j'i'.', TRAINS GOIXG ;; A ! Lv. Floronnn I a in IjV. Fa.vettfviKc! 12 i' Len ve Senna Arrive Wilson Lv. W ,iiint-ton Lv. Japnolia Lv. Gold.jboro Lea ve Wilson Ar. lio(;I;.v Mr, I. M. Arrive- Tarboro I Lea ve Tarboro 11 3 air I A. M. I 1 l.i v. Ro ):y Mt. Ar. AVekion 4 . '. I'. M. T-U- a. . . aucib are two systems of Braille writ ing the English and the Ammn with Tomato Sauce, Pork and There are marked differences between them very much such difference as those between the two principal svs tems of shorthand writing. Helen b. A A. Etc. No man who liaints hia nnco riirrlif T-ll . 1 . ...... Ui-ui xveiier nas oeen accustomed to the 10 klcK "is wife paints her cheeks English system, in which nearly- all r . Always bring me your Chickens and the books which have been nut into nh IS! n rV?k wb?.n ?on buy Eggs, and anvtbiasr else for barter, T -.S. W. MQRBiSETT. iNew Lot of Flower Pots to-day. Largest Stock ol and ... .v jn.na. as me arrange- uiarrhoea Remedy. E. T. Whitehead uisiit wua iur. vining was completed lt wlJ1 refund your money if vou uul a uav ur iwo oeiore, and as it was MUSU aner using it. it is not known to her that he did not. t- everyw?e admitted to be the most the En?h'h Brnm - successtut remedy m use for bowel , IU ao iunussiLue complaints and the . KkiAA , co YEARS' 5 1 I ' r t v Copyrights &c. ' -Anrwe sending a slcctrb on.t descrintion may finlckly ascertiti oir opinion free wbcthr an lnven. ioa lprnltRy patentable. Corumnnicn fiPPt f Sfntiid Handbook on Patents eent fi-ee. OHoat ssencr fur securing patents. Patents taken tbrorich Sluau & Co. receive tpectal notice, wifiout cbsrgo, ia tlie tl-elve can 5 A3 T.nrcest eir- ernis, f 3 a stleaiers. rauNN & New York Branch OSlce, 65 F StH Washington. D. c. NflRFQK & CAHGLiNAB. R. V OS'DENfeUD SCHEDULE. Dated Jan. 19th,i803. SXATIOKS, No. 2o. I tl03 HO I P. M. I A.M. Xo. So. U02 2 20 2 40 3 03 3 37 3 50 4 15 4 30 4 53 5 35 G 00 P. M. A. M. 9 00 Lv Norfolk Ar. 5 55 10 05 l 0 Pinners Point 5 30 0 46 . Drivers 5 05 10 to Suffolk 4 50 10 34 Gates 4 20 10 50 Tunis 4 00 11 0G Ahoskey 3 41 11 21 Aulander 3 27 12 00 I-Tobsrood 2 Z'A 9 50 9 26 9 12 8 39 8 21 8 04 7 48 7 08 12 21 Ar. Tarboro Le 2 31 6 45 Ar, jlv. UNDEETAKEES' SUPPLIES in Eastern Carolina. Orders by mail and wire Solicited. N. B. JCSEY, 7 15 tf. Scotland Neck, N. C, m mh Use nothing but l!.nnirJa Ulnm! and Liver Pills. W. II. Macnaik, Tarboro, N. C. or E. T. Whitehead & Co., 9 22 tf. Scotland Neck. N. O. he (Jnivsrsity 0, ortii Carolina. t do j 12 50 Eocky Mount P. M. P. M. 155 617 -T. M. A.M Daily. IDaiJv excpni. snnHav xrains jno. 4y and 48 solid trains be tween Pinjier's Point and Wilmingcon. Train No. 49 connects at Eocky Mt. withlrain 23 for all points South and j.iu. io irain ior an points JNorth. JJJ.bEEPELL, J. E. IvENLY, iir i manager Sup't Tains. T. M.EMEESON, Genl Passenger Agent SeoUui M isplsss Mags We are prepared to lurnish telephone service to the public and solicit patron age. EATES FOR SERVICE. Business Phones, Residence Phones, Two of either for $2.00 per month. 1.50 " " 3.00 " " 1 1 is our pu r pose to gi ve good service, nd to this end we ask all subscribers to report promptly any irregularities Jn the service. Widest patronage and fullest eauir lueui, iu its nistorv. jrumi t.v -ah Students, 495 ; 3 Academic Courses ; 3 tiecuvo courses ;. Professional Schools m Law, Medicine and Pharmacy. New Buildings, Water Works, Splendid uioraries, iiaooratones, etc. Advanced Classes onen to womon l union, !bO a year ; Board, $8 a month Ampie opportunity for self hrlr Scholarships and Loans ior thn nwnW' Free tuition for teachers. Summer school for leachers, 24 Instmntora 147 students. Total enrollment 644, Jb or catalogue address, PRESIDENT ALDERMAN, b-22-Sept 1 Chapel Hill, N. C. S. R. Alley, "Drofessional i hotographer, TARBORO, N. C. Call and see the latest style of Carbon Pic tures. 9-22-ly "Our signed contracts nmhiMt the use of phones except by subscribers, uuo request mat tnis rule be rigidly enforced. Send your orders for Job Printing to tins of fice. First class work and low Drices. to make any other arrangement. She er tails, had to puzzle out the unfamiliar meth- ,lablQ ol of writing, much as a writer of the Pitman stenographer might use his S3nse of logic and general intelligence by a tour de force, to enable him to read the Graham shorthand ; and this labor was added to the other labor of Helen Keller's examination. To add to her difficulties, her Swiss watch, made for the blind, had been forgotten at home, and there was no one at hand to give her the time. She worked in the 'dark with regard to the time which remained to her as she went along from question to question. Put r.lrn . 1 J suo- ijassuu me examination tri umphantly in every study. In ad vanced Greek, which her'tutor regard ed as her "star" study, she received a ti O 79 it' ... wDicn is a very high mark. Yet here, the time and the Braille difficul ty worked most heavily against her. What her marking was m other stud ies, is not known; it is only known that she passed them. Helen Keller is now ready for ma triculation as a student of Radcliffe College. Her passing of the examina tions, especially under such circum stances, is in itself a wonderful achieve ment. No particle of its seventy was aoaiea ior her because she is deaf, dumb and blind, and no precautions' were remitted because she is known to be incapable of deceit. She sat in tota darkness and alone, without the touch of any friendly hand. . A slip pricked wnn untamiliar characteis was nut be fore her, and her typewriter clicked out its quick and true response to the hard questions. That was alL Will any other human being in such world of silence and darkness, ever do much? The question may well be asked, wil Helen Keller now take the regular col lege course? Who will interpret to her the lectures m foreign languages which she cannot hear? No one can do this. No lecture, even in English, can be translated to her iu the manual alpha bet as rapidly as it is spoken. Her usual interpreter knows no foreign tongue. Who will read to her all the required matter of the courses of read ing, none of which has been put into raised print? It is beyond mechanical possibility to give her all this through her fingers. The obstacles aDDaar in surmountable. But that rs the princi pal reason why Helen Keller is m. cnned to surmount them only one that nev It is pleasant, safe and re- No amount of culture will make a man stop snoring in his sleep. Why were 25,000 BOTTLES OF ROB ERTS' TASTELESS 25c. CHILL TONIC sold the first year of its birth ? Answer Because it is the BEST AT ANY PRICE guaranteed to cure, money refunded if it fails, pleasant to take, 25c per bottle. It is sold and guaranteed by E. T. Whitehead & Co., Druggists. ware. Hardware. (e1 Best assortment usually found in a retail .;. Hard ware Store... Farming Implements, Wood and Iron Pumps and f Pump Pipe, Mill Supplies and Pipe Fittings, Steam f Pipe trom to 2 inches cut and threaded to order. Ihw Horns Sewing Machines, 1 The best Machine for the money on the market. (3) Cool; Stores, Heating Stoves, Cart Material, Build ing Material, Lime, Bicycle Sundries. The American Held Fence. Cotton Gins, Sash, Doors and Blinds." Star Beady Mixed Paint. Anything not in stock will be ordered promptly. -i r;;l!l ':':-.i 1 n i-'f-jd :i:!0 ;; '" p. in., i5J- ;!!: ves in. ;.h '0- ie ii-d .it "!l ix.. Josey 8c Co. if a The Value, Superiori ty, Variety and Range of our work guarantee .Pleasure & irronx to j.-, i ii Liiose who h oiiy irom v us A man of letters has but little show in a breach of promise case. BRAVE 11 EN FALL as a Uncertain Zlea. There it; no disease more uncertain fn i. nature than dyspepsia. Physieians say that the symptoms of no two cases agree. It is therefore most diffimiitiAn..vi. "'A diagnosis. No matter how severe, or under .uSiuocusxM;pBiaauaeKs yon, Browns' Iron BittcK-will rare it. Ti.T-ni.Au n diseases ofthe stomach, Mood and nerves. Victimg to stomach, liver and kid ney troubles as vveil as women, and an icHi tuts resinis in jcss ot appetite, ju mo oiooa, backache, ner vousnes, neaaaelie and tired, listless, run-aown teehng. jiut there's no need to feel like that. Listen to J. W. Gard ner, Idaville, Jnd. He mvs- "BTio- trie Bitters are just the thins for a man when he is all run down, and don't care wnetner he lives or dies. It did mnn to give rce new strength and good nn- petite than anything 1 could take. I can eat anything and haye a new lease on life." Only 50 cents, at E. T. Whitehead & Co's Drue Stor. uwkiio guaratiieeu. Wise men are wrong much oftener than fools are right. SWAMP-BOOT. Ia not recommended for everything; but if you nave Kianev, liver or blad der trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. At druggists in fifty cent and dollar sizes. Yon may have a earn pie Dome of this wonderful new discovery by mail free, also pamphlet lc,1,uS aoout it. Address, Dr. Kil mer e uo., iiinghamton, N". Y. s-'d Tllill! ?il611 loll S06 It y&z ' W VJV ft f l w li S. H. Hawes & Cfl -DEALERS IN- 9 82lichmond'Va- NOTICE. Having: qualified as exntriir nf n. William R. Wood, all nerfiona hrlHi , C w'u" agaiust nis estate are notified to present to me duly verified W. A. Dunn at Scotland Neelr- N. n " on or before the 10th 'day of August, 1900, -'Persons indebted to the estate' are requested to make immediate set This July 31, 1899. MAMIE C. wnon Our work merits ai proval for Juaiity of o.u.xeria.1 at. Neatness o f Work manship in Buggies and TI - Tl n . ZZ " wuwuo for mu mm mm tm De Yon-Git. Foil Yaliis Repairs of all kinds as well as first-class mannffl Bicycles Repaired on the Shortest Notir xry us once and you will come again. The Carolina Buggy Company. SCOTLAND NECK.N. C. Wriite & Paul, 4-27-tf ,Cor. Main and Tenth Streets, immmw ciothin SCOTLAND NEC K, N. C. HAVE RECEIVED FULL LINE OP Ms Mar 7 ly. a. Mcdowell, president. A. B. HILL, Ass't Cashiek. n er DRESS GOODS, g, Dry Goods, Fiag Line pf Hcck-wear. fDaily except ifond;.-.-. t eept Sunday. Vvilirjir.gton and We'd, in la'iKin lnyision Mnin A,. leaves Wilmington, d (ID t. m Fayclteville 12 15 p. m . , fo: ; ville 12 25 p. tn., arrives He p. in. Returning leaves Sjiri p.m., arrives Fayette il'e leaves FayetteviUe 3 50 r v iimingion o yu p. m. Wilmington and Weldou Riul'o-d Bennetts ville BrancbTrnfn !;-rrs Bennettsvllle 8 15 a. m., .Maxima" iV-.-o a. m., Red Springs 'j o.i n. r.i jr, ,", Mills 10 42 a. m., arrive? Fayo-.tcvilio 10 55 a. tn. Returning leave.-. 5.-p't-ville 4 40 p. m., Hope Mills i Red Springs b 35 p.m., Jlfixt-.n V,?, 1 m o i- r i i . T 1 . . . . , . . ..." ' t- Connections at Fuyetievi.'k' v, train No. 73, at Maxton with h"? lina Central Railroad, at !'ci , : with the Eed Springf and ;..! Railroad, at Sunfurd villi thr. An Lino ' and Southern Gulf with the Durham and r; '.,, Railroad. Train on the Sc -tTand Xo ': Road leaves Weldon 3 n tn.. ' . ', 4 :15 p. m., arrives Scotlai!,: - 5 :08 p. m., Greenville 0 :-"7 ; : ton :.;o p. m. ReUirt:-;;:..: Kluston 7 :50 a. m., Greer. ',: ra., anivmg Halifax at 1J :! Weldon 11 M3 a. ra., daily r:. day. Trains on Wafhington I5ri:i..'' Washington S :I0 a. tn. and 2 r:. arrive Parmele 9 :10 a. m. :u ,l ; rn., returning leave Parmele 5? : . . and G :30 p.m., arrive Y: - 11 :00 a.m. and 7 ::!D p. n:.. -: cept Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro, X. ('.. d-i except Sunday 5 :30 p. m., ; 4 :15 p. m., arrives -Plymouth V : : m., 0 :I0 p. m., Returniti-r, 1. ' I month daily except Sunday, 7 :"0 . and Sunday I) :00 a. m., arrive T.: ' 10 :03 am., 11 :00 a. m. Tram on Midhuid X. C. T-, leaves Goldsboro daily, except i 7:05 a. rn., arriving Sirithfi.d'.l ii-.l-. m. Returning 'eaves SmithJleM. ' . a. m. ; arrives at Goktxboro 10 :'S r. i Trains on Nashville Bmr.eh !':. Rocky Mount at 0 :30 a. rn.. ;! -J ' r arrive Nashville 10:10 a.m!,-! ;. i, Spring Hope 10 :i0 a. m.. -I : Returning leave Spring Hope II ; m.. 4 :55 p. m., Nashville 1 1 :22 a. o:2op. m., arrive at Ruckv 11 :15 a. ir:., 0 .00 p. m., rtr.ilV Train on Clinton Br.ir.cii Iravr saw for Clinton daily, except Ki ll :40 a. rn. and 4 :15 p. m. j.1: ing leaves Clinton at 7 :00 a. :n. i :i0 p. m. Train No. 78 makes cloce coitntc ' : at Weldon for all points Norih !;.;! all rail via Richmond. H. M. EM EH SON. Geu'l Pas. Awil J. R. IvENLY, Gen'l Alannger. T. M. EMERSON, Traflic o ; Sewing MacMne if 5 s -. V .-V -MT. 'Ctir )!'.' la t.iiJ , m MM Nuc IM. a A p, tf h a mU & BEST I fyzrf Lrl Xt'' SCOTLAND -NECK N. C. flGEJVTS WANTED IN ALL VI v.v.upieu territory. Wheeler & Wirsnv Ar..-',-. r.n . For sale by o-itt -: Scotland Neck, N. C. 8-3-6t Executrix for W n WrA THE ACCOUNTS OP BOTH INDIVIDUALS AS I Pi3B cu I uuks . wiu ojrnti ueaienk Book ;f 10 V - t -3 J-? r -i--Z'-J.2 "cula rs tent f -t si