k V r?tvttni)iEQ dtescuurenr 'Pure Makes the food more delicious and wholesome WOVM. BAKHW POWDER CO., HSW VOWK. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mrs. Susan Proctor went to Wash ington We J nesday. Mrs. W. E .Walston returned Monday from a visit to relatives in Edgecombe. Mrs. Fannie Smith returned this week from a visit to her son in Tar- boro. Scotland Neck Temperance Association meets the first; and third Tuesday evenings in each month at 8:15. Things In Wake And Harnett. Commonwealth. ThTK DECEMBER 14, '99. Christmas Goods r: i , 1 O KVtT, -AI1AU U11U OUUl pk-kh. Cranberries, Malaga grripes. Figs, Dates, Cur rents. Seeded Raisins, Cit ron. Queried Coconnut, Pow ered Simar, Prunes, Clioco- (. ocoa, uysters every lmonds. Walnut, Pea- LOCAL NEWS. .!;1V. . fliiand Brazil Nuts,Oranges, ples and Bananas in quan- iet US IUIV? tll- We deliver goods free. . H. Allstoook. 'Phone 78. Ties. Jer. JETTON SEED WANTED. W ILL r the highest cash price for 100 car i Cotton Seed. Have a large stock (,' iresh Hull3 and Meal on hand that 1 t ;: exchange for Seed. 1000 bushels n jfe corn for sale. vo4m R. J. MADRY. Mr. A. McDowell was called The editor of The Common wealth has just taken a few days' run through Wake and Harnett counties, leaving to on 6tb and returning on 12th. A COLUMN OF MEDICINE TWO THOUSAND FEET filQH. A United States Senator's Letter. Franklin, Va., last week on account of the serious illness of Mist- Eunice Mc Dowell, his sister. ,Jtev. E. C. Glenn, of Raleigh, will preach in the Methodist church to night (Thursday). The public are in vited. Miss Mattie Satterthwaite returned to her home in Washington Wednee day. She was called home by the death of her father. She was accom panied by Miss Helen Perry. Now, Just a Word. Stkosg Wind. The wind was very strong here Monday night and Tues day morning. It blew down the new house which was being - built by Mr. J. D. Askew on 8th street east of Roa noke street. Buoke Her Akm. A lew days ago while some other childern were play iug at school several ran over Miss Grace Pope and broke her arm above the elbow. It was painful but she is getting on very well. Cotton Burked at Tillery. On last Friday a spark from a passing en gine ignited eome cotton ou the plat form at Tillery, belonging to Mr. P. C Greerorv. and sixtv-six bales were dam- ( ' - ID o - IT I i " a. aged. The loss was considerable, but the price. We have not missed a roads will soone a means of greatly the cotton was not entirely lost. single week, but have sect the paper developing that region. t xs.c v.rr wniiam stm. out every week, promptly on the day The Mills road from Raleigh has not nor whilA wnrblntr tV.ro ft of irom at nu luD J r"--j " -ww 0 i the shnna nf the Carolina Bucev Co. Saturdavwas struck a severelblow'in the we hope that every delinquent will try waiting for its coming t vo. The wound was so serious that it We found inthose counties that, as ia Eastern Carolina, people generally are in better spirits than for a few years past. There, as here, the crop yield was a little short this year, but the better price oi cotton has so well made up for it there is apparently gen eral contentment and a hopeful pros pect for the new year. The two railroads that have recently been built through Wake and Harnett, are opening up odo of the best sections of that part of the State. The Cape Fear ana Northern road running for the present from Apex, m VVake.toAner, in Harnett, will probably hi extended toLillington, the ooivnty seat of Har- UNITET STATES SENATOR McSNEEY, OF LOUISIANA. Hon S. D. McEnery, United States Senator from Louisiana, says the following in record to Pe-ru-na : Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing Co., Columbus, Ohio: Gentlemen Pe-ru-na is an exceUent tonic. I have used it sufficiently to say that I believe It to be all that you claim for it. Very Respectfully, S. D. McEnery. J. W. Perry Cc , Cotton Factors, NuEFolk, Va., Dec. 4, 1890. COf TON. QUIET. Strict MiJdlfag, . Middling, Strict Low.Mid&liugV Low Mlidlipg, 'Tinges, Blues and Slam B. E. Peas, $2.80 per Lag. 7 7 7 Three Car Loads Daily. And the first word is "that dollar." Some of our readers ov.6 us a dollar. Sunn nf fchpm owe less. Perhaps some nett. and then on to Favetteville. The of them owe a little more. Mills road running from Raleigh to Once more we remind euch that we Fuquay's Springs will probably pene- have tried to be honest and faithful in trate another i-ection of Harnett farther elvihcr them a naner this year worth uo the Cane Fear river : and these new yet ciossed the Wake line, but there is Now, we need the money due us, and I a fine section of Harnett, well timbered, To meet the demands for Pe-ru-na as a catarrh remedy during the fall and win ter three car-loads per day is required. Jew people comprehend what an im mense amount of Pe-ru-na this is. It is eighteen hundred dozen bottles of Pe-ru-na, each bottle containing twenty ounces. This amounts to twenty-one thousand six hundred bottles, or four hundred and thirty-two thousand ounces, or three million four hundred and fifty-six thousand doses. Three car-load3 of bottles of i'e-ru-na placed end to end in a single row would extend over four and a half miles; ar ranged in a column one foot square they bottle and believe myself to be perma nently cured. I have discharged all my help, am doing my housework alone, and weigh 155 pounds. Although I am 41 years old I feel as well as 1 aid at ib." Contractor Roberts in a recent letter to Dr. Hartman as to the merits of Pe-ru-na says : "Your remedy Pe-ru-na has cured my boys entirely of catarrhal troubles and now I have three i'KAIN LT3. Fancy, Strictly IViia?, Pr'nse, Low Grsdes, Machine (nicked) Spanish, 70 cents bushel. Yutirs truly, J. W. PERRY CO 23 to 2Ceutg. n to 2$ 2 to 2j 1 A to 2 if to 2 Wheel SCTf 3 n! 2 Oi Wilson iachine. T ANTED 10,000 Bushels Spanish reantits this week. N. B. JOSEY. Soil CHRISTMAS BELLS WILL SOON BE KINGING JOYOUS CHILDREN oV ARE SINGING; EVERYONE FILL- ' ED WITH GLEE V IT1NG FOR THE XMAS TREE WHERE THE FIN- EnT GOODS ARE BOUGHT BY THE COMMON-... WEALTH YOU RE.... TAUGHT: FINE DISPLAY JUST AT YOUR DOOR HERE? WHY, SURE. AT HOFF- MAN S STORE. became necessary to haye the eye re moved, which was done Sunday by Dr. J. P. Wimberley. Mr. Stamper is said to be getting along very well, consider ing the seriousness of bis trouble. Mr. Ogburn's Appointments. Rev. T. J. Ogburn, D. D., Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer of the Board Foreign Missions, Methodist Protestant church, is to preach at Whitaker's would make a column nearly two thou- One very flattering feature connected I sand feet high, four times as high as the I - . t . -n the development of H-rnett espe- highest catneorai rower in Europe, uu nearxy twice as jugu u mc umuiu tower. Remember, thi3 amount of Pe-ru-na is shipped daily to meet the enor mous demand for this wonderful catarrh remedy. The facilities of the Pe-ru-na Medicine Company are taxed to their utmost to to make satisfactory settlement by the first of January. There is no question with about the fact that most people are in dally, is the growing interest in educa- better condition to pay up little dues tion. Twenty-fiye years ago, the num- this winter than they have been for ber oi young men and young women several years ; tor while crops have not who bad gone to college or high schools been quite so abundant the price of since the war was smali. Now, in cotton has been good, and there is little every commuuity there is a good num- keep ttp tnia remarkable output, week excuse for not settling small accounts, ber of young men and young women after week, and month after month And to say no more, if all our read- who have either been to college or some ers will now be as faithful in settling high school. This is serving to stim un as we have tried to be in giving I ulate the spirit of education with those Wednesday night ; Speight's Chapel, ,h first-class paper, we believe we who have remained at home ; and in Edgecombe county, Thursday night ; . .. roun(j UD te vear reasonably many places these same young meu LRoseneatb, Friday night ; Whitaker's nappy with a bright face lor the open- and young women have returned from mg of the new year. 1 college and the high school ana are In a word, we need the money and conducting first-class schools at their must have it If possible. homes. And within a very few year all this will prove quite an upnmng influence for business, agriculture, so ciety and religion. The Commonwealth inleryiewed . To mention names wouia do inviai ton, where they had been for Dr. Hyatt Dr. j. P. Wimberley, health officer of for we enumerate all who ,o treat ,he boy'5 eJe for .be hurt hf tbe towD;thi8 morning. He - nine- -" ; received t three weets ago.iney leu peraons were discharged from the daV8 wandering again over the fieids Charlie's overcoat on the tram and Mr. hogpital last week, and all the remain- and hills which were the scenes of hap- ing ones will be discharged this week py childhood, and to shake hands with tne piaymaies oi muse oiu uayo no lonerer nlavmafe?. but grown into Phonal. Saturday night; Uraatora s L SnnHav at ll a. m.. and Enfisld at j night. Mr. Steptoe Hurt. This morning Mr. W. N. Steptoe's little son Charlie, returned with Mrs. Steptoe from Kins- Small-Pox About Over. This ever-increasing stream of Pe-ru-na finds its way into thousands of homes in every state in the union Pe-ru-na is as ef ficacious to cure the winter catarrh of New England as4he summer catarrh of Texas. Pe-ru-na is an absolute panacea for the climatic dis eases of summer and winter. It is the saf e-euard of the home amid the bliz zards of Montana, and the ever-present, never-failing remedy for the ills that beset thehouse- Mrs. O. T. Mc- Hargue.Bozeman, Moat., says: Pe-ru-na cured me of a supposed poly pus, catarrh and throat trouble. C. T. Roberts, Deni son, Ia. of the healthiest boys in the state of Iow a, which I attribute to the good effect of your medicine. My wife had a stomach trouble which Pe-ru-na also cured. Alto gether for my wnole family we have saved $500 in doctor bills. I am a contractor and mason by trade and am known all over Northwestern Iowa. I have had stomach trouble which has been greatly relieved by your remedy Pe-ru-na. We think it is the greatest medicine on earth." Mrs. Elizabeth Gran, New Athens, 111, says: Tor two years I had catarrh of the nose very bad. Sometimes it was so bad that I could not sleep at night. I doctored with two physicians, but they did not help me. I read about Pe-ru-na in the paper and got a bottle of it. I then wrote to Dr. Hartman and he said I should continue to take it. I took it until I wa3 entirely well. Whosoever follows Dr. Hartman's advice will get well." Are the nostrils stopped up? Is first one and then the other nostril stopped up ? Is there a discharge from the nose ? ..... v. :, ,f ' i Par 1 Ki?v: Rotary Motion and Ball Bearings Iff simplest WW BALL t5 1 W- " Siinta Claus j Steptoe went on tor it. as ne caina out the train was moving off, and wLen he jumped he received a severe hurt in his right ankle. A Day in Tarboro. The editor of The Commonwealth spent a night and a portion of a day in Tarboro recently. We enjoyed the hos pitalities of Mrs. Farrar'8 home, and it goes without saying that nothing was needed to make the entertainment per- except three. The work of stamping it cut by vac- stron2 an(i sturdy manhood taking cination and otherwise has been effec- their places in the ranks of those who tive. The trouble and danger are over are making North Carolina one of the C.ntlnr.rl Vo.!r io nnw rA nf thft gieuieoL D.aica iu urn and common wealth of states. scourge. "For down-risht honesty, tenacity to All may come and go in security now. truth, respsct for what ihey conceive to be the right, we believe we would place the people of Harnett in the front rank with any people we have Carev Barnes, son of Mr. J.J.Barnes, ever known. Harnett is destined in I AcA t. father's home near Dawson the near luture to show a aeveiop- Dcath of Mr. Carey Barnes. Unpacks for Some People Once a Y'ear. last Saturday, aged 18. He had been feet. The people of Tarboro wore their having chills tor some weeks. Ihey usual welcoming smile and were alive terminated in a yellow chill, which ... to business and enterprise to such a pr0ved fatal. The remains were inter- But for just Three Hundred ana degree that it was reiresmng to pass rea aunaay ai me xiemius uu.Ufrj Sii-ty-Five days in the year, save ouu- onest them. There is always some ground. da, a and .Holidays, mere is a ;n.n.omfnt in the town : and I r!nt down in the voune years ot a Display of ment and enterprise that will be a sur prise even to those who are to participate in it. We spent a dav at Wake Forest, and there are many marked improvements In that town! Handsome buildings have been erected on a number of lots which were vacant but a few years ago ; a laree cotton mill will soon be built hold in the sweltering heat of Florida. Mrs. Maggie Turner, Holly Springs, Miss., writes: "About fifteen years ago I was taken with catarrh of the head. I tried several dcotors and all the patent medicines I could hear recommended for catarrh. I spent several hundred dollars and found no relief. I was grad ually growing worse and was given up to die. Last September Pe-ru-na was recommended to me by a friend and I began to take it. I had no faith in any thing any more, as I was not able to sit up, and was a mere skeleton. Alter x had taken one bottle of Pe-ru-na I began to improve. I am now taking the ninth Is there dropping from the back part of the nose into the throat ? Is your sense of smell affected ? Do you have pain in the nose? Does your nose smart? Do you sneeze often? Are you troubled with nose bleed? Do you blow your nose frequently ? Is the discharge from your nose thick or thin ? Is your breath offensive ? Do you snore while lying on your side ? If so, you have chronic nasal catarrh and should attend to the matter at once. A short course of Pe-ru-na will cure you now, but if you put it off it will take longer. Besides the disease is liable to spread to the throat and lungs. Free books on catarrh sent by The Pe-ru-na Drug M'f g Co., Columbus, O. AGENTS WANTED 1JN ALU ur; ri tnriitorv. 'wiiKEi.Kit & Wilson Mt 'o Co., For sale by -iO-tt ' y C. T. LAWRENCE, Scotland Neck, N. C. PHOTOUMPHS Finest Finish. Best Work of the Art. Guaranteed to Please. - m i XT f S. R. ALLtii, Ta-PDoro.w.. Nice Things For All. the prospects are eyen brighter than hopeful life, the death of the son is a giying employment to many opera thev have been at all. The new rail- great sorrow to the parents, with whom JJT SSS ioad which has recently been opened the Commonwealth deeply sympa up is quickening busi ness somewhat, tbzea and there is goou reusuu . i .. :n ...fin. medium through Rev. Mr. Kyoer miuiui At thR r!ace where no one nets uio- ' , rr.j k.,nao. , . . hich to enlarge ifwiu BI pointed in looamg iui heliavo. is now leading -k.,k r sHand VJ!:UZJl"i'aZi all the towns In Eastern Aoirth Caroli- - . ft0natnlated lhat Bev UtOS UUU'JS, Vluao ' .. I - ..oaa cnaufor Gentlemen, Shoes for all, or na in V yz - milline interest of the ar ytliing else desired ; and that place you know before you see it. It is HOFFTJAW'S. gressau & .f.mnr, L rafm mtiirned to this station and it is all coming - - the cotton town. . ' . There are good reasons to obubvb that Tarboro will soon be a real nine him back V.'e propose to outstrip ourselves evrjn daring the remamaer ui xwf aLl you miss a bargain every time yuu p .i. our door. .nd every one who stops a day in Presiding Elder again. Other appoint- Congress . J ' ..nir fail to be so im- I mAnta m thAnountv : Lilttleton, A. K tne town cau ovj t o ". t?. Dressed. GoodchiiO ; w eiaon, j . u. oij , v tmnA it nleasant. as usual, to be noke Rapids. A. J. Groves ; Halifax, K there, and we always feel glad of an op- L. Davi8 ; Hobgood, W. A. Piland of business interests there. For pleas ant, polite, refined and intelligent peo ple, no place in North Carolina can surpass WakeJForest. The number of students is larger now than at any time in the history of Wake Forest ; and it is inspiring indeed to look upon the student body, observe their fine deport ment, the interest which the faculty ahmv in thef students and the evident lToTk -PP-- of the same on the part of For fafann.U(m add they, with the community, welcome faave seldom spenfc & few Havs ont sn iileasantlv. and we feel helped for our work in hay ing seen Tlie new laces which were not really new Qlr riao iiavintr hoard new voices which I AAJ' , , o . , I nyrnvi were neither really new vol ces ; ana xvxxj-l CUltES TO STAY CURED. All Druggi.-ts. j-3 Prica ?1.00. PA M Vine Hill Male Academy, SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. Methods of Instruction Modern and Prisctk-al. Bev. J. E. FTTl.T, COURSES If ENGLISH, LAN GUAGES, MATHEMATICS, BUSINESS PRTKHK W1T.PON". SUPI'S. lU-ib tf S. Meyer, the Hustler, S.H.H awes&Co., -DEALERS IN- Hichmond, Va. 8 2i-3m IS IN portunity to go again. fnr rheumatism Chamber- AO n w . . .. J niuc i SeSSiOIl Tain's Pain Balm is gaining a wid 7 v. rnutation. D. B. Johnston of Rich liut that is not worm nan a to on a the money you can saye by B-'tter come often. The oftener the better, you know. Yours for Xmas Tiade. TlinsA who attended the Conference at Washington have returned and re ported a most enjoyable meeting. A SURE CURE FOR CROUP. M. HOFFMAN BKO. : . uiwi u-ith mond, Ind., pas neeu that aliment since 1862. In speaking of it he says: "I never found any thing that would relieve naA nhamberlain's Pain Balm. It . . - r a. arts like magic with me. Jiy ioo- j .n;nv mn vfcrv mucn. swollen auu '"'"6 - TJ, r. m- K taken as a sum but one good appiicaouo,..r me. or saie d.i. wBu - onim, i having grasped hands again with those 1 Tti whose nresence and good cheer quick- T7.fi'!q en the pulse-beat of energy and bright- j en the prospects for the future. W U.O Tells Is up-to-date iu Quality of Goods, with a greater variety than any of Li3 CompetiiOi'9. PRsCES ARE DOW Twenty-five Yeabs' Constant Use without a Failure. Th first indication of croup is hoarseness, and in a child subject to sure relieved C EE N. B. 10SEY vou Peanuts. before selling bead & Co. "Fruit of His Folly Tilla irn the best. Cost " La uuiu -.. le.4 than any ed-. and thftv cr your money back. Price 25c. per Epjgcopal b-tt'e. Druggists. Following this hoarseness is a peculiar ! rough cougb. If Chamberlain's Cough v.mrlT i iriven as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the child hoarse, or even aner uie It Here! And he can make all glad, will giyc you He A Big Load of Tilings for Little Money. Whpn in Enfield save eome money by calling on S. Meyer, The Hustler. H Christmas Goods! YOU CAN FIND MEM AT LAND FOll SALE. Ey virtue of nulhoiity conferred by the will of tLe late Mrs. Anna M. Clork, I will sell at the court nouw loor in HuliIax,N.C.,ou Monuay, vv t. IS')i, thnt valuable tract ol land v vhich she died seized ul posess'2 . . . n- ,.l.S.. IT.ili'j". r-'( unty near Neal station, adjoioinj? lauds of Mrs. I-. M. uanara, iir. n. Arnold, Mi&s Sallie H. Clark and Walter Clark, containing 185 acre, more or less, and commonly known a 'Drews." TERMS: One third cash, balancu in six and twelve ir;niliP, with inter net. Title retained till purchase mon ey paid. Oct. 28, 18W). Also at same time and place one wx horfe engine, 50-eaw cotton gin anc condenser and one hydraulic cotUn press. WALTER CLARK. 1 1 Erecufor A. M. uiarK. "nOTF.S" and "EXCELSIOR" Heaters. Hardware Store. ? C.nur w w . . OC 15c. ; reseryed seats, oc. "O. K.' and "EXCELSIOR' Hardware Store CUNS at Hardware Store. Show naae rieht full ol Hardware Store Pocket Cheap Lumber. . a mAthora F Zr, iV to snend a pleasant even- never disappoints me au. .. opportunity to spena a . t , of a slngle m - - i .j..i,iAti v'ir - iMiiiuiDu. i d ua v jw , uenerai aUun--. -i . -TOflih it haanot provea NMI IIICI ill . effectual. No other preparation can i- . imintg.Km vein , ct TTU" I ShOW SUCU rt rcuuiu " -j STORY OF A SLAVE. !l"". withnnt a failure. For To be bound band and foot for years Mle by E T. Whitehead & Co. bv the chains ot disease ia tne worsi . - i jC of slavery. George D. Williams Santa ClaUS nf Manchester, Mien, tens uu "v" " , i -j dave IT made tree. Ha says: "My TJnpaCked...w. wife has been so neipiess iur . nnnacked at E. T. that aba could notturnu" whTtehead & Co.'s, and the happiness alone. After using - l'," a child for the holidays la IS WUUUB1IUJ I ' " J nantarM mere. Toys for all Toys oi uwf- Tho Tints Gossso n wrv rfderlv woman when an im- I nnrfonr functional cluuiee takes place. I Thi3 is called "The Change of Life.,: consumption are often contracted at j this time. Kilters, sue , I lmnruveu au . . . j: i rr . Xi. e Kiln-Dried Ceiling ana 8a remeajtor jemw tuTf 7 life-aize doll to a orawl BklV cures ueiuw"' ; melancholy, headache back- Ug Spider gau ic? t. c.n mnta ner hundred r S. B. K1TCHIN, 4-j3-(m Scotland Neck, N. O . nervousness, steep- tion irum for Xmas iun in nairs. - ' ... ,. . ROOD WAGONS.-A FINE LOT OF ftw pVesenta. A most beautiiui aispiay u NEW WAGONS, SINGLE AND to weak, sickly, rnn aowi y Medallions. - DOUBLE ALSO CHEAP BUG- ."" Don't forget the place E. T. White- GTES. R. C. JOSEY A COi Sold by E. 1. "nue - head A Co. - - I at at. I ., Q0T1ON SEED WANTED oee o. Qrder ?! aQC-k or S!2 S: Whatever Xmas goods or anything of Tour ieel. Will either ex- r nM Meal and a9tlPrjaZ!W . 1 Pri. r fidl Meal and Square our pi.ef, whitehead & Co. I M W - Pu:ing ciiiinge csh Price. 1 Good Meal Count guaranteed. CATHARTIC strengthens and purifies the entire system, ana nnngs wmaa over these pitfalls. Its effects have been wonaerrtu. is 5" ; menstrual troubles, put isesj 'natinPn ST T III! LAlAAa your druggist for the famous Wine of wlitt MET DT n IN)I For advice im cases requiring special directions; address the "Ladies' Ad- Department," -J.no laau Tenn. .ii,Hiir1fin Mill ' opaxa not The Racket Store! The Cheapest Goods you ever saw, ana tiwy must ne soia, regardless ot what others may say y Don't miss this op portunity to buy Holiday Goods, DryGoods and Notions. C. A. GAMP, PKOPBISTQR. Wanted-A Bird Dog. ! Notice. Setter, Pointer or both one thatj By virtus ot oecree filed In Edge- brings the bird prefered. combe Superior Uourr, 1 vm sen, no . , i a ,-oora nlrt ' Ti'P.sriv. Hinl9th dav of Deceoiber, Must not bs over a - , h,-n had Ai.i 1899, iii, front of the Scot!nd Neck and guaranteed never to h ie naa a.s , anu fe iBank, in the town of Scotland Neck, Halifax county, N. C.,one tract ol land in Halifax county. State of North Caro- spot Mrs Tier. Hmr and also ' - m T If. M mysnWr temper Irish or English dogs, will pav t CaSn. ; . I. lor,rla r, 11 LUi ijit'i' ' Address A. N. Dubois, rence, Scotland Neck. N . C. rCTPUE wh vegetable I ma na mm mm. m n&nu thcm utif ti i- ImL H. Mm QiBMiB$rW(0Ui' SH yinptcmiTeTioj,; Wiliiain Hod ues, and containing one hundred and fifty acres. It reins mt No. S in the division, of . t-he-landot ritetcs 131899. 1 ' JNO. M. SHERROD, ' Il-23-i4t C ' Commissioner 1 1000 Bales of Cotton Wanted. High est Pnco every fme. . a. jusivi. Just Keceived a Car Load of VoygtV Best Family Flour. N. B. JOSEY. . A few 100- Dozen of those 10 cen: t-tockings left. They are selling a G14C" N. B. JOSEY. Bisr Bargains this week in Olotbitu and Hats. N.B. JOSKY. "shoo Bu yers : N. B. Jv. 'a in head, quarters tor beet quality and Lowest Prices. t . PATENTS : ItDVTCE AS TO FATENTA3ILITY fZftfZlZ.' ! Notice 5n " ITcnUvo Aije " PLIlCli." Book; 'liow toobttin Patents 1 SbSIUfl 'llharge wcUsrnUs. No fe Wl j tWJto-BlaU Letters strictly confidential. Aaaraam j J4-

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