i: ud; JL. ndfl.; r )nimonwe alth, h ;. IaKCH 1, WOO. SPECIAL A Ol'MOMNTS. Q& our a I arrel of Our Point Lace on Bloora Fiour. We can find letter. J-ivery buret guarameeu nev rot una ea. ile Syrup, Gunpowder and Oolong iMocba and Java coffee. W. H. ALLSBROOK. 73. tilWSKI PLAYED IN pw Days ago, and the Atlantian lev naci never neuvu sul-j piaymg kJl.J. come to id Neck, but something else v.-i f I st tbe reonle as mucn, wnien Iinfc-r lingers in the lap of spring'" tot ce true always : for sometimes ue ihul there isn winter weathei rt r for the first days of Spring. v iielher that be trua or not. l oi. e lioog tnat is alwavs true. ,t I- that 11 si sareams ALWAYS AT CAN BE HAD OFF m some special bs in the Left-Over i fill! j 4Uy it o.rrnn i AN'S rj.nns can now W.utsr Goods will soon be on r.iv.l OUR STOCK WILL be LARG Eii than ever, and so she GOOD left OYER MUST GO, price or no price, to make room for r c re Lr your owu interest you mus our Clearing Out Saks itt TEX DAYS. lve been taking stock and hnd I)i)S and ENDS that are in here but will be useful in any id. These mav all be bad at h PRIE. pver tire m making money for B and in doing the bandsorre I our customers at the sane Here to prove Yours truly, OFPMAN & BRO. A'CY New York Had will return oext week. She to see her friends at our X. ii. Josey. f WOMAN THE m m m IS w ! say, and they are generally led to it. is much entitled to the arsatns of the Season. )port unity is now on at thf Store. f you care at all for bargains Winter 9- Dress Goods, jle.?se you, save you you g!ad you have to bay. 'int little 'ijo'.v. The I actually a v of Spring ) -S already it and you can hem a; most at ir own price. A irgai n for every Jenny spent. Come vand Come Quick. inon?,i waitec c 1. c AH DS. Are being receiver JV'ul tell yon more about eetc. N. B. Josey. s Hew Daparture am) Department. )? opened up a full line of nd propose to sell them, p PER CENT, as they are )d, bat as we sell otbet I living, reasonable profit. eed a Coffin see our stock 31. HOFFMAN & BRO. tk, N. C. f . hjJ'R FURS to ITEINFIELD & CO., Enfield, N. C. rices paid for Furs of all ire agents for New ork J l-18-2m 1NDS COUNTRY LARD : F. P. SHIELDS, i Scotland Neck, N. C i,LION OF BRICK for Cash only. Do not jend ut the money. urders for cash only. D A. MA DRY, (Scotland Neck, N. C. Scotland Neck Temperance Association meets the first and third Tuesday evenings in each month at 8:15. You Or Your Friend Or Some Ose Else. Mr. R. E. L. Gunter, of Enfield, was in town Tuesday. Minn T.pna Andmwn amA im fmm See The Farm Ad,-Speciai attention j Everetts last week id called to the advertisement of the "Polenta Farm" by Mr. S. R. Buxton. Tiiaxks. Mr. Pri.tchard wishes to express through The Commonwealth his thanks to those who assisted in sav ing his house. Mr. Hyman's Big Hog. Mr. E. Hyman,of Palmyra, killed a hrg one year and 10 months old which weigh ed 515 pounds, and they say ne was not very fat at that. Died, Mr. James Shirley died in Greenwood Saturday morning, aged 66 yeais. He had been sick for some ti m e and had been in a lingering condition several weeks. He left a wife and child. The remains were intarred Saturday near Hobgood. Almos i a Fire. Last Sunday morn ing about 10 :30 o'clock while Mr. T. H. Pritchard was at Sunday-school, his house caught fire Irom a detective flue and and barely escaped being burned His neighbors and others answered the , : 3 . i aiarm ami exunguisueu me uie nun-, out loss to the house of more than a few dollars. Rx?mnis:n Operatives. Mr. J. K. Bolton went into Northampton cow,.,,, l ist week looking for operatives for the ScotlandMeck knitting mills. He se curtd thirty five and they will come to town and commence work as soon ds liouses can be procured for them. Mess. Andrews &. Coughenour have also secured some new operatives tor their knitting mill recently. A Fatal Accident. Mr. W. H. White has gone to Rich mond on a business trip. Mr. I. M. Meekins, of Elizabeth City, was in town Saturday. Mr. J. L. Scott was here last shaking hands with his friends. week Mr. J. J. Trotter, of Eeidsville, who has been book-keeper in the Scotland Neck tobacco market for two seasons, and who has many friends in Scotland Seek, wiil have deep sympathy from h;'S fi ieudd bore in the detail of the death of bis son, Mr. J. H. Trotter taken from Fan-brother's Farrago, of Danville, V a. : "Mr. Trotter v,Tas well known in this city and was the book-keeper of the firm of Overbey & S wanton Bro ', wholesale grocers, on lower Main street. He returned yesterday evening from a business trip of over filty miles in the yicinity of SwansonviHe, and it stems one of his horses had given him -oois trouble on the trip, and after getting his supper he determined to test the animal. So he secured a light road cart and hitched up the horse and Parted out with a negro boy ; they drove to the North Side and the norse went along all rigut until a point on Claiborne street was reached, where be bilked and Mr. Trotter struck him wah the whip. Then the horse began to run and kick, throwing the boy out, who, after watching the spirited ani mal until out of sight, became alarmed and walked over to this side and in formed Mr. Ed Swanson, who conducts a livery on Market, of what had hap pened. "Mr. Swanson mounted a horse and went immediatly to the place indicated by the boy, and found the body of Mr. trotter in the street dead, lying near the horse, which was standing. Dr. S. E. Hughes was sent for, but found the young man dead when he arrived, as he had evidently been Killed when thrown out. Mr. Trotter was a native of Reids vi lie, N. C, where he leaves a father, Mr. J.J. Trotter, a mother . and two sisters and four brothers." Mr. E. T. Whitehead went to Phil adelphia last week on business trip. iir. j. u. learner went 10 wiuiams- ton Saturday to visit his home folks. Mrs. P. V. Tillery, of Tillery, came Monday on a visit to her relatives here. Mr. T. W. Fenner came down from Halifax Saturday and returned Tues day. Mrs. P. J. Madry returned Tuesday irom Edgecombe where she went to visit her children. Mr. Brooks Huff, of Nash county, was here last week on a visit to the family of Mr. S. F. Dunn. Mrs. J. B. Brewer, of Baltimore, is here on a visit to friends. She is the guest of Mrs. R. C. Josey. H. Kitchen and wife went Capt. v W. W. and A. P. Kitchen. to Boxboro last week toviB.. WUD' Charged as an Incendiary. Some two or three months ago Mr. N. D. Parks, ot Tillery, lost his bum and stables, and perhaps a horse, by fire. He thought it the work of an in cendiary. A .white man named Levy Merritt who was at work for Mr. Parks had been discharged the day beiore the burning occured at night. Suspicion rested upon Merritt, but he was not arrested until last week. Under a warrant he was arrested by Mr. C W. Dunn and brought before Mayor J. A. Terry. Mr. Claude Kit chin appeared for Mr. Parks in behalf of the State, and Mr. W. A. Dunn ap neared for the defendant. The evidence seemed sufficient to bind him over to court, and he was ac cordingly bound over. He gave bond, Mr. Ellen, of the Cro wells community, becoming bondsman. i GOVERNOR Uses Pe-ru-na For Colds OF OREGON in His Family and Grip. CAPITOL BUILDING, SALEM, OREGON. A Letter From the Executive OfSce of Oregon. If troubled with rheumatism, give Chamberlain's Pain-Balm a trial. It v.ll not cost you a cent if it does no good. One application will relieve the uiii, It also cures sprains and bruises in one-third the time required by any other treatment. Cuts, burns, frost hiiei, tjninsey, pains in the side and chest, grandutar and other swellings ire quickly cured by applying it. 3 very bottle warranted Price, 25c Had 50 cts, at E. T. Whitehead &Co.'s O.uii Sio-e. k School Entertainment. On last Friday night Miss Lena Smith gave a public entertainmeut at irr school in Clarksviile. The enter oiiw mntcomsted of music, recitations, s ii2s, etc. A good crowd attended on! the evening's entertainment was a ! t enant one, nnd reflected credit upon lie lea:hin.i; doue in the school. "Yielding to the persuasion of my leaier, 1 changed chill tonic and tried Roberts, and found it tbe best I ever wed. and shall continue its use." W. si. Corprew, Jamesvi'le. N C, to the Roberts Drug Co., Suffolk, Va., August 14,1809. 25c. per ixHtle. Look tor the red cross. Much Advertising A.visable. A little advertising is better than none, and much of it is nearly enough. Then the profits from any invest ment are sure and steady it should be enlarged rather than contractel- Ad vertising :s just such an investment, nnd hence it appeals to the business instinct of every progressive merchant. Philadelphia Record. We have saved many doctor bills iince we began using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in our home. We keep a bottle open all tbe time and whenever any of my family or myself tegin to catch cold we begin to use the Cough Remeqy, and as a result we never have to end away for a doctor and incur a large doctor bill, for Cham berlain's Cough Remedy never fails to cure. It is certainly a medicine of of great merit and worth. D. S. Mear ke, General Merchant and Farmer, Mattie, Bedford county, Pa. For sale by, E. T. Whitehead & Co. Druggists. Sherrif j" A House of Soutbdaston spent a night in town last week, the guest of Mr. J. P. Futtreli. Mr. and. Mrs. F. P. Stallings, of Lit tleton, spent Sunday here yisising Mrs. S. F. Dunn, Mrs. Stallings' sister. Mr. Welsey Peebles, of Gaylord, Beaufort county, spent a day or two last wees shaking hands with his old friends. Mrs-F. N. Lilly, of Moyock, N. C. is here on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs T. B. Haskett. Mr; Lilly was here Sunday. Mrs. W. H. White left this morning for New York where she has gone to purchase her millinery goods for spring trade. Mr. W. J. Grimes, of Hamilton, is in town shaking hands with his friends. He isjrepresenting the Penu Muturl Life Insurance Co. Miss Foy Allen who has been on an Bxtended visit to her sister, Mrs Meek- ins, of Elizabeth City, has returned to her home at Palmyia. She spent Sat urday and Sunday inScotlandNeck the guest of Miss Annie Biggs. Mr. and Mrs. M. Oppenheimer came over from Rocky Mount Sunday to visit their father, Mr. A. Oppenheimer, who is still sick. Mr. Oppenheimer returned home Monday and Mrs. Op penheimer remained here during this week. Chitls fevers and malaria yield to Roberts' Chill Tonic, if you get the geuuiue,with a red cros on label. SSc No cure, no pay. Deaih of Mrs. Edwara Dbrule. Mrs. Edward Debrule died at her home a few miles in the country Fri day, February 23, at 3 o'clock a. m., aged about 38 years. . She had been in a lingering condi tion lor quite a long time and her death wsts not unexpected. She left husband and daughter to mourn their loss. Tbe remains were interred in Nahala cemetery Saturday, February 24th. A. R. De Fluent, editor of the Jour nal, Doylestown, Ohio, suffered tor a number of years from rheumatism in his right shoulder and side. He says : "My right arm at times was entirely useless. I tried Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and was suprised to receive rel ief almost immediately. The Pain Balm has been a constant companion of mine ever since and it never fails." For sale by E. T. Whitehead & Co. Druggists. Anotner Good Step. Last week The Commonwealth men tioned the fact that the property just east of the depot is to be developed as "East ScotlaudNeck." Tbe public generally will be elad to learn that tbe gentlemen who have purchased the property have also pur chased the long row of small houses along the railroad, owned by Mr. J. Stern, and will have them removed. This will open the view to"EasF" Scot- landNeck" and will mako it more des irable as a place for buildings. Trees are being set and already some useless bouses on tbe properly have been torn down. HE FOOLED THE SURGEONS. AH doctors told Renick Hamilton, of West Jefferson, O., after suffering 18 months from Rectal Fistula, he would die unless a costly operation was per formed ; but be cured himself with five boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the surest Pile cure on Eaitb, ana the best Salve in tbe world. 25 cents a box. Soid by E. T. Whitehead & Co. Drug gist. Mexican Liver Pills cure all liver ills. Price, 25c. It is very hard to stand idly bv and see our dear ones suffer while awaiting Ibe arrival of the doctor. An Albanv (N. Y ) dairyman called at a drug store therefor a doctor to come to see his child, then very sick with croun Not finbing tbe doctor in. he left word for him to come at once on his return He als bought a bottle of Chamber lains Cough Remedy, which he hoped would give some relief until the doctor should arrive. In a few hours he retur ned, saying the doctor need not come. as the child was much better. The druggist, Mr. Otto Scholz, cava the family has since recommended Cham berlain's Cough Remedy to their neigh bors and friends until be has a constan? demand for it from that part of the country. For sale by, E. T. White- ' & Co. Last Blue Pencu A number of names Will now be dropped from our mailing list because they have allowed their subscription to run too far behind and have not t . ... mace refill ttaneess we have asked. --1 We regret to lose any subsc?lbr,- but we cannot afford to send the pa per any longer to those who pay no attention to our notices and show no di posit ion to pay what they owe. If a man can pay a dollar a', all it saems that three months is sufficient tiotice, and if he is not going to pay it he could at least drop a Card and say so. We shall be glad if those whom we drop after to day will pay up and re new ; but we assure all there is no per sonal feelifig in tb? matter, but only a business necessity causeg' lii to' drop them. We have served all faithfully and shall bs glad if all will treat us as well. CUBES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good, in time. Sold by druggists. Z? Cure Cold Jn. riead. Kertnott's Chocolates Laxative Quinine, easy to take and quick to cure cold in head and sole throat. The One Day Cold Cure. ' Cold in head and sore throat cured by Kev mott's Chocolates Laxative Quinine. As easy ";o take as candy. " Children cry for them." Hyler's Dyspepsia Tablets pleasant, easy to take, and give permanent re lief. 30 day treatment, $1.00. Mailed on receipt of price. Mordock Cure Co., Atlanta, Ga. Be&ra lio Signature i The VctrtijrTO Always Bought Ladies For relief of women, Ches ter's Tansy Tablets, worth their weight in gold. A safe and certain monthly regulator mailed. Murdoch Cure Co., Atlanta, Ga. The One Day Cold Cure. Kertnott's Chocolates Laxative Quinine for cold iii the head and sore throat. Children take them like candy. Write Murdp'ck Cure Co., Atlanta Ga., enclosing 2c. stamp for Free Sam. pie of Murdock s Catarrh Cure or Hyler's Dyspepsia Tablets, They pro pose to cure every case of Catarrh or Dyspepsia. The One Day Cold Cure. "' For cold in the head and sore thjjoat use Ker tnott's Chocolates Laxative Quinine,- the " On Day Cold Cure." O Bean the Signature of i The Kind You Have Always Bought The One Day Cold Cure. For colds and sore throat nse Krmott's Choco lates Laxative Quinine. Easily taken as candy and quickly cure. Easter Friendship Hearts. Don't wait but come at once and see everything you want in the Jewelrv line. We have lust received a large and complete lina in Solid Gold, Silver and plated Broaches, Scarf pins. Pin sets, Girdles, Hair Ornaments, Brace lets, Friendship hearts and Easter hearts. We carry a lull line of Jewel ry and Silverware and can help you select a Brithday present, Engagement present and Wedding present. E. T. WHITEHEAD & CO. FREE OF CHARGE. Any adult suffering from a cold set tled on the breast, bronchitis, throat or lung troubles of any nature, who will call at E. T. Whitehead, & Co's., will be presented with a sample bottle of Boschee's German Syrup, free of charge Only one bottle given to one person, and none to children without order Irom parents. No throat or lung remedy ever . bad such a sale as Boschee's German Syrup in all parts of tbe civilized world. Twenty years ago millions of bottles were given away, and your druggists will tell you it3 success was marvelous. It is really the ouly Throat and Lung Remedy generally endorsed by pby icians. One 75 cents bottle will cure or prove its value. Sold by dealers in all civilized countries. ? P s V..' w out rain ai4 V h 3 cured at ii i. us r flMk The Governor of Oregon Is an ardent admirer of Pe-ru-na. He keeps it con tinually in the house. In a recent let ter to Dr. Hartman he says : State of Oregon, ) Executive Department, V Salem, May 9, 1898. ) The Pe-ru-na Medicine Co., Columbus.O. : Dear Sirs: I have had occasion to use your Pe-ru-na medicine in my family for colds, and it proved to be an excel lent remedy. I have not had occasion to use it for other ailments. Yours very truly, W. M. Lord. Any man who wishes perfect health must be entirely free from catarrh. Ca tarrh is well-Mgh universal; almost omnipresent. Pe-ru-na is the only abso lute safeguard known. A cold is the bo ginning of catarrh. To prevent colds. its victims. Pe-ru-na not only cures ca tarrh, but prevents. Every household should be supplied with this great rem edy for coughs, colds and so forth. It will bo noticed that the Governor says he has not had occasion to use Pe-ru-na for other ailments. The reason for this is, most other ailments begin with a cold. Using Te-rn-na. to prompt ly cure colds, he protects his family against other ailments. This is exactly What every other family In the United States should do. Keep Pe-ru-na in the house. Use it for coughs, colds, la grippe, and other climatic affections of winter, and there will be no other ail ments in the house. Such families should provide themselves with a copy of Dr. Hartman's free book, entitled "Winter Catarrh." Address Dr. Harfc V;)U.G MAN. See our new Spring Styies of Shoes and Hats. Are now on N. B. Josey. A .ttiCHuKES FOR SALE. Thirty Bushels of Artichokes for -; le. Price $1.00 a bushel. Leave or der with Morrisette Brothers or my seif. W. R. W ALSTON, 2-15-lt Scotland Neck. gEED OATS, all varieties, Grias, " Clover and Garden Seeds, at Tay lor's. 2 8 8t WANTED. One 10 horse Station art? R.iln Scotland NecTc. S. B. K ITCH IX, 'F YOUR CHILD DIES we can give L you the Best Bargain in a Coffin. M. Hoffman & Bro. BAKGAINS IN SECOND-HAND ewiiik: Mat-bines from $2.&0 up. A Bargain in eerv one. New Machines also of the most improved style. C. T. Lawrknck, 2-l-2m Scotland Neck N. C. to cure colds, is to cheat catarrh out of man, Columbus, Ohio Car Lots? No, UttiM. UM North Pryor at We do not advertise a ear load, because we do not misrepresent ourselves nor our sroods in adver tising any more than we do across the counter. We represent the Michigan Stove Company, The largest Stove Makars in the world, and we will have quite a number of their "G A RL AN D3T' on our floor bM week. All "GARLANDS" havS r certain portion of that in destructible metid known 8 Aluminum mixed in the Iron. Ting u!!s ul the pores of the Iron, thus preventing the lots of heat anil giiafds against cracking ard hreskinsr. All the Cvcns ;;re Alumi nize'd. This makes in side of Ovens t right nd sleek, rtfljcf'ng the l:!it so that your baking can be fit: en if there ii any light in the room. Can't teil you in this epacc U about this, the Leading Stove of the wos UL J u-1 c::i! nnd h-t US show you its merits. You will readily i-co that it I tl foremost Stove of the world. Watch this ad. next week will tell you something more of them- A written guaran tee goes with each ' 'Garland." R, C. Josey & Co.'s Hardware Store. Ask For The Celebrated Chase City Cheroot. It is made by Hand and out of the Best Quality of Cigar Tobacco Clippings and is equal in quality to the ayerr.ge o-cent Cigar. S for 5 cents. Manufactured by THE CHASE CITY CtGAR AND CHEROOT CO., 2-l5 ClIASE ClTV, VlKGIXIA. pjeMMeeMeMMMWeMMWiiMii i e mw w 1 1 ii imi iiii wim urn n i n iimnn m i n 1 im I shall offer for sale bv Public Auction at, th Court House door in Jackson, N. C, to the highest bidder on the terms mentioned bow on Monday, mm b mm pp.n as oo, the That valuable tract of land known "POLERJTA FA3i!" situated in Northampton County, N. C, on the north side of the Roanoke river containing about two thousand acres. Desirable Shape About 900 acres being e'e red, about 700 acres can be easily re-opened i.n me DHiance in s .vamp and waste. The swamp is fairly well timbered with cyj ress, p-rslrnmon, gum, etc. The land is very reductive s:.ri ved j-.dfij ted to Corn, Cotton, Rice, Peanuts, Truck or any crop that can be grown in ibi climase. VEGETATION 15 TO 20 DAYS EARLIER THAN NORFOLK. All necessary tenem aut houses, barns, stab'e-i aa-l out house-. Tba Iov lauds are kept fertile by an occasional overdo v of K.-.anoLe liver. Six miies from Rich Square, the nearet railroad station and posr. oluce Detr, wild game and fisU abound in season. LABOR PLENTIFUL AXD'CIIEAP. This farm has been under the personal and direct management of tbe late owner, John W. Buxton, for the past sixteen years ai.d duriug this time has been greatly enhanced in producti eness aud consequent value. Tbe already fertile lands yielded readily to the improvements offered aud im cost Ijhs been spared to bring about the highest st te of cultivation Hundreds of acres of excellent pasture well watered a'ld affording fooa lor hundreds of cattle, make H one of the very best stock faims in Eastern North Carolina. Defaced infor mation as to tbe location, present out-put, etc. of the farm or any. feature con nected therewith will be cheerfully given on application to the unitsrsignel Executor. TERMS OF SALili One third cash and balance in three rqual annual in stallments. - . - SAMUEL 11. BUXTON" Executor John W. Buxto . deceased. WOR SALE. One 100-horso power A ii. t on ary Boiler. S. B. KITCHIN, Scotlmd Neck. QOTTON SEED W ANTE D W ILL pay the highest cash price for 100 car loads Cotton Seed. Have a large stock of lresh Hullj and Mesl on band hut I will exchange for Seed. 1000 bushels white corn for sale. 10 5-Gm R. J. MADRY. BUGGY BLANKET LOT. About 2ud or 3rd of February I left a bug gy blanket m J. B. Edward's store Scot land Neck, black on one side and red on the other with large deer. Some one took it and left one in its place which is still here. Shall ba glad to have mine returned. F. JAsrER SAVAGE. WEED POTATOES ! Buy the best. The Earliest. Tried beside the Bliss here last year ; result just doubl ing tbe Bliss, being 10 days earlier, be sides bringing in market oOc. per bbl. more. Taylor's Grocery Store. . 2-8-2t EATH MUST COME TO ALL, and wo are prepared to assist in giving a nice burial to your loved one or friend by furnishing you a good Collin at a reasonable price. M. Hoffman & Buo. TIT ANTED. PEAS. Will pay bigb- est cash price lor few hundred bushels black and unknown field peas. O. K. TAYLOR. W K REMAINDER of the season we are selling Heating stoves at cos.. R. C. JOSKY & CO.'S Hardware Store. J. W. Perry Co., Cotton Factors, n Norfolk, Va., Feb., 26, 1900. COTTON. FIRM. Strict Middling, Middling, Strict Low Middling, Low Middling, Tinges, Blues and Stain B. E. Peas, f 3 00 per bag. I'EAN LTS. Fancy, 2 to 2J Cts. strietly Prime, 2ft to 2i " iVme. 2 to 2 " Low Grades, 1 to 2 " Machine (picked) l to 2 " Spanish, 85 cents bushel. Yours truly, J. W. PERRY CO. Livery Sties First-class turnouts on hand all the time. Passengers carried to any places in the country at reasonable rates. B. F. GrRAY, Prop., 1-2.J tf Scotland Neck, N. C. A single trial is enough to prove you can buy nothing better than Taylor's Flour, Lard, Butter and Cheese. Not in ThsTnut! Who or What ? Tie Potter Wall Pdper Hills, BUFFALO, N. Y .pot i vn v f Samples Shown, measui meni and estimates given on ah orders. .J. Y. SAVAGK, 2 8 tf Scotland Neck, N. C