7 r IF YOU ARF HUSTLER too win ADVEKTIKF YOG. Business. o Sexd Your Adyebtibemekt ni Now. sgggg Tk IS TO BUSINESS -WHAT STEAM I Machinery, imonw: E. E. MILLIARD, Editor and Proprietor. "EXCELSIOR" IS OUR MOTTO. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.00. I I ,T CllUT PrOVFLLIVG IYiVYFU A man LI .. M . - . ;.1 with o r -a " 11 U 1 1 -i.- i or nair is i !. I 1 ti &cu K ; the bis bsld spot b rod- ; U is not the q kind of a mark most i 4 men Iihc. fl I oo many msn in b J S their twenties are q bn!d. This is absurd f 4 J and fill unnecessary. j Healthy hair shows i m2n s strength, lo A . I - 5 t . P 3 tuna up tns fiair rrom J tne rccrs, to prevent Fy J end to always restores to fzded or orav -S 1 I WlV1 C5-- l3 n.nr. Notice that fj word, "always." And it cures dandruff. $ f .00 a bottle. All druggists. " jly 'onsiness calls me out among actr.aiiy feci ashamed every time i uuuiu oil my iiiit, lUj nair ir -iiis mm ana me oaitt spots 1 Si .l.c'B'ed jilaiiily. I began the use rl oi your Jiair iiror jess tcan tiiree months g. TocUiy I find I nave as i lino a IkuU of hair as I ever had. t t. i evirybody v. hat I used, and thev siiv 'it mtist he a wonderful V iv.iiedy.' " Geo. Yeabl, a vqc. u, tm-jaga, ill. F i TTs fcre a book on Thf 3alr ami I O Soalp which we Trill send free tipcj V l ro,'-ct. It you o not obtain i Ihe r l V;;f titii von cxnentpfl frrrr. tlifl nf 3 iLe V.iror. v.riie the Doctor about U. Address Ps. J. C. ATER, Lowell, Mass. F!10FE8fONAL. It. A. C. LIVESMON, icc-() the gtatoa Building. p hours from- 9 to 1 o'clock ; 2 to I'ciock, p. m. R. J. P. WIMBEKLKi, OFFICE HOTEL LAWRENCE, SCOTLAND NECK, X. C. 17. JOiiNON, AT I0K N E Y-AT -L A W , Vrixr.soK, NC. ?r.sctice in sill Courts. Special tr jt.inn given to Collections. S. v . J. WARD, Surgeon Bsntist. 6e over Harrison's Druf Store. A LUXX, r r o t; n e y-a t-l a if. H-?oxi..vsy Neck, X. C. .tcticcs v.hercver his services arv IYARD L. TRAVIS), i loruey end Connselcr at Lav., HAL.il ax, in. u. ?Jon.-;j Loaned on Farm Lands. uL V. MATTHEWS, TT0RXE Y-A T-L A W. Jul!ection of Claims a specially WHITAKE11S, X. C. K. HURST, CONOHO, IJ. C. ttractor AX D- WiIl contract for brick OOd buildings of all kind (Ie!e. Isest of references. are prepared toiurnish telephone to the public and solicit patroi:- RATES FOR SERVICE. ess Phones, $2.00 per montb. knee Phones, 1.50 " i either for 3.00 " " i our purpose to give good dervice, f this end we ask all subscribers to promptly any irregularities in l-vice. "Our signed contracts prohibit i of phones except by subscribers, request that this rule be rigidly sd. tE la grippe with Roberts' Taste- Chill Tuaic. 25c. Delightful to flbald- Ji& 4 ness, 1 fFi IK use F"C is H hi Wsplpfa M It V -77 I Lowell, Mass. k j f )v v V' v y f- --- A A. J t Try it. --vo'-." VOL. XVI. New Series Vol. 4. r3 EDITOR'S LEISURE E0UE3. P nits . and Paragraphs cf Things Present, Past and Future. -Tutlge Shaw wbi!e holding criminal court at Newtou a few dajs ago sen tenced a man for retailing liquor witb ont iiisnse to wotk on public road six months an I to pay a fine of $100. The Juclj:e said in his charge to the rand 'yry that !.e is convinced from his observation since he first went on the tench that "ninety per cent, of ! iha criminal cases in the courts are to b3 attributed to the use of whiskey.'" Chief Justice Jlale, of E Dgland, once said that from his observation of twen ty eirs four-fifths of the crimes of that country were attributable to the use of rum. Judge Shaw's per cent, is the highest charge we have seen made against the liquor for the crimes of the 1 aid ; and we do not question his cou c'usiou. Every one of reason and com mon sens: must sae and admit that no other evil eo menaces the highest In t?res(a of our citizenship. On, for the final rid-Jance of the mon ster evil! There is no more important matter to be regarded by our people than the protection of the forests. There are havy drmands for lumber all through the country, and the de mands for wood are also increasing. The much local building in almost 3vary community would alone make a drain on the limber, and the market f r lumber by shipment makes the drain ail the more accentuated. Then the many new manufacturing industries throughout the country make a heavy demand for wood to run engines, furnaces and the like. So he who can throw a protecting influence anywhere around the forests will do a gocd service to his time by doingpo. Soon lumber and wood will be in great er demand than they are to-day and it is north while for all to remember that there should be no useless devastation or forest growth of any kind. Times of high prices may not always be besf for every one, but such times are everywhere peferred to times of low prices. When one pays high prices for whit he buys he is more than ant to get a fairly high price for what he sells. High prices prevail for the most part when money circulates freely, and when money circulates free ly people are iuvariably in bitter spirits. So whether it is best or not, times of high prices bring greater con tentment than times of low price?. Of all classes o! persons, farmers o ibt to piosper most in times when the money value of iheir crops is high. When cotton H wor.h 6 cents it takes j 'ist as much land andlabor to produce corn and meat as it does when the same cotton is worth 9 cents. So the safe thing for the farmer is always to have corn and meat ; and then no mat ter for the price of cotton he is inde pendent. Ii cotton is low, with plenty of home supplies he can liye independ ently ; if cotton is high, with plenty of corn and neat he can grow compar atively rich. Cut with cotton low or high, with hqmc supplies to buy the farmer is al ways in bad plight. FREE BLOOD CUPS, AX OFFEK PROVISO FAITH. Bad Blood causes B'.ooi and skin Disuses, 1 rupmns, pimples, Scrofula eating sores. Uice;s, Cancer, E:zema, Skin Scaps, Eruptions and sore on children. Rheumatism, Catarrh, Itch ing II j mors, etc. For these troubles a postive specetic cure is found in B. B. B. (Botanic BSood Balm), the most wonderful blood purfier of the age. It ha been thoroughly tested , for the past thirty jears and has always cured even the most deep teated, persistent cases, alter Doctors and patent medici nes had all failed. B B. B. cares bv driving out of the blood the poisons and humors that cause all these trou bles ,and a cure is thus made that is permanent. Contagious Blood Poison, producing Eruptions, Swollen -Glands, Ulcerated Throat and Mouth, etc, .cured by B. B. B. the only remedy that can actually cure this trouble. At druggist, $1 per large bottle ; six bottles (full treatment) $5. We have faith in B. B. B., hence sufferers may test it. We will send a sample bottle free and prepaid. Write for it; .Medical advice free. ;'ih:kVtv-v-i:- AddressjBiaOOD Balm Co'., Ailafoa,Ga. SIR WALTER'S "LOST COLONY" Found in North Carolina. THE CF.0ATANS IN ROBESON. James A. Hollomon in Atlanta Journal. Washington, D. C. Feb. 24, 1900. Old you know that in Robeson coun ty, Xorth Carolina, there is a settle ment of fully five thousand Indians? Few people know this, and yet they are desendantsot that lost colony of Sir Walter Raleigh, about wh.ch there have leen so many sad reflections for three hundred -3ars or more. It is the last tribe left lingering on the Atlantis slope. They are known as the Croatans, or Halt eras Indians, and they have beeo overlooked, per haps, on account of never having claim ed the attention of the national gov ernment ; unlike, to be sure, those tribes of the western plains, among hom government agents are scattered here and there to educate and civiliza and make them useful. The Xorth Carolina Indians -ire in the district of Representative Bellamy, of Wilmmston. Many of tbem are good citizens and are among his most worthy constituents. It is through him that the beneficence of the Amer ican people has been asked for them. There is a lack of education and en lightenment among them that is ap palling. In speaking of them, Mr. Bellamy says : "They are a remarkable people. It is said by old residents that some of tbee Indians were volunteers in the Revolutionary war. That they sent two companies to the war of 1812 is well authenticated. "They made gallant soldiers, as a number of our oldest inhabitants can testify. From the earliest times up to year 1S35 they went to school with the whites, voted and shared in the priv ileges ot citizenship. But in that year the constitution of North Carolina was amended, and thereafter, for a period of thirty-three years, they were depriv ed, u.jL only ol the right to vote, but even of the privileges of education, un til the constitution of 1868 was passed, whereby they became restored lo citi zenship and to school privileges of the moat meager character, but such as oth er citizens enjoyed. "They were not permitted to attend the schools for whites, and therefore were forced, if they received any edu cation, to attend the negro schools. They refused to a very great deg-ee, on account of the intense antipathy they now have for the negro, the education in ibe negro schools uc til, through the instrumentality of Hamilton McMillan, Tr .1 l i I .... c xt . u rt i : I xq., iu0 iS.S.mu . inu aroun i , in it, gaye tnem separate schools ol ineir own. "At the breaking out of hostilities between the north and the south in 1861, these people, grown up in ignor ance, but quietly cultivating their lit tle farms, were rudely awakened by the Confederate authorities conscript inz them and usiug them to bui'd the im mense sand fortifications at New Inlet, on the Cape Fear river, known a Fort Fisher ; the same fortification j so cele brated as having been the scene of the greatest naval bombardment of the world's history, as compared with which an officer who was at Sebastopol said : 'The siege of Sebastopol as com pared with the siege cf Fort Fisher was but child's play "The work was hard and the Croatan murmured ; he then deserted and 111 to the swamps ol his native heath. The conscripting officers pursued him. Arresting an old Indian, they asked him why be deserted. He told them that he did not want to work or fight lor a people who treated him so unjust ly, that before 1835 he voted, he went to school, but since then he had be n deprived of both, and that he would neither work nor fight for the Con ed eracy. And thus it was they were ar rested and deserted. When 'at the close of the war many of them were in hiding, tbey committed acts of deprt dalion, for which they -were properly outlawed, and then arose the the band known as the Henry Berry. Lowery gang. For years they became a terror to the the country, and in the early seventies this band of Indians stot down and killed 27 white men from first to last among the wealthiest, the bravest, and best men of that county. The leader, Henry Beiry Lowery, was finally killed, peace and quiet was again restored, and under the benign influ ence and rule of our people, inaugrated in the year 18S7, they are becoming good citizens." AH Indians, as a rule, are true friends, USE DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP at once for bronchitis and grippe. It has stood the test and is positively a reliable remedy. Life is to short to ex periment with new so-called "sare cures." Bull's Cough Syrup costs - but 25 eta. J ;- X -. . . ,.' ' ; - : SCOTLAND NECK, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1900. but bitter and implacable enemies And the Croatans are no exception to the rule, fays Mr. Bellamy. In de scribing tbem be says : "They are brava but reck'ess. They are honest in their dealings. They arc intensely religious. They are restless, astive and energetic. Indolence and sloth are not known to them.. They are eaj-fsx for education. They 'are ca pable of intellectual acd moral devel opment, as Is attested by some among them. A number of them become suc cessful merchants. One of theni filled the position of United States nator from one of our s'&ter southern states. The deceudant of another become a member of cot gress." ( T am luhl that. t.hfirA or nArharm I WO , , , , . . i or three hundred descendants of this Indian trihA in thft Hints of fisi rein. and they are sctatted throughout the south. IT IS A REAL PLEASURE to us to speak favorably cf Paik-Kiixek, known almost universally to be a good and safe remedy for burns and other , Words,national goodness. The stren&th pains of the bod v. It is valuable not! , ,. . . . . , only for colds in winter, but for various !of a UatlOQ lhfc waata to ,Ive as a ummer complaints, and should be in i power consists of honesty and purity; ever;T family. The casualty which de mands it may come unaware. Chris tain Advocate. Avoid substitutes, there is but one Pain Killer, Perry Davis'. Price 25c and 50c. I DICTIOXARY GIRLS, i A disagreeable girl Annie Sfosity. A sweet girl Carrie Mell. A big-hearted girl Jennie Rosity. A smooth girl Amelia Rate. A clear case of a girl E. Lucy Date. A geometric girl Polly Gon. A not orthodox girl Hettie Rodox. A rich girl Mary Gold. A nice girl EllaGant. A flower girl Rhode Dendron. A musical girl Sarah Xade. A profound girl Meta Physics. A star girl Meta Oric. A clinging girl Jessie Mine.; A nervous girl Hester leal. A muscular girl Callie Sthenics. A lively girlAnnie Mation. An uncertain giri Eva descent. A sad girl Ella G. A great big girl Ella Phant. A warlike girl Millie Tary. THAT THROBBING HEADACHE. Would quickly leave you, If yon would use Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have provea their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them Only 25 cts, Money back if not cured. Sold by E. T. Wbit'iVal &Oo. Drug gist. Tfaat aclif)n , whjeh pro,.,,, the greatestippineSs f the greatest numbers Hutchinson. A FRIGHTFUL BLUNDER Will often ciusea horrible Burn, Scald, Cut or Bruise. Bucklen's Ar nica Salve, the lest in the wof'd, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores, Fever Sores, Ulcere, Boils, Felons, Corns, al! Skin Erup tions. Best Pile cure on earth. Only 25 cts a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by E. T. Whiteliead & Co. Druggist. Opportunities are opportunities on'y to him who is raady. SCROFULA AND ITS AWFUL AORRORS CURED BV Johnston's Sarsaparilla QUART BOTTLES. 'A. MOST WONDKHFUIi CURE. A Grand Old Itdy Gives Her Experience. Mrs. Thankful Orilla Hurd lives in the beautiful village of Brighton, Livingston Co., Mich. This venerable and highly respected lady was born in the year 1812, the year of the great war, in Hebron, Washington Co., New York. She came to Michigan in 1840, the year of "Tippecanoe and Tyler too." All her faculties are excellently preserved, and possessing a very re tentive; memory, her mind is full of interesting reminiscences of her early life, of the early days of the State of Michigan and the interesting and re markable people she has met, and the stirring events of which she was a wit ness. But nothing in her varied and manifold recollections are more mar velous and worthy of attention than are her experiences in the use of JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA. Mrs. Hurd inherited a tendency and pre disposition to scrofula, that terribly destructive blood taint which has cursed and is cursing the lives or thousands and marking thousands more as vic tims of the death angel. Transmitted from generation to generation, It is found in neary every family in one form or another. It may make its ap pearance in dreadful running sores, in unsightly swellings in the neck or goitre, or in eruptions of varied forms. Attacking the mucous memDrane, it may be known as catarrh in the head, or developing in the lungs it may be, and often is, the prime cause or consumption Speaking of her case, Mrs. Hurd says: "I vas troubled for many years with a bad skin disease. My arms anj limbs' would break out In a mass of sores, discharging yellow matter. My neck began to swell and became very unsightly in appearance. My body was covered with scrofulous eruptions.. My eyes were also greatly inflamed anj weakened, and they pained me very much. My blood was in a very bad condition and my head ached severely at frequent intervals, and I had no appetite; I had sores also in my ears. I was in a miserable condition, I had tried every remedy that had been recom mended, and doctor after doctor had failed. One of the best physicians in the state told me I must die of scrofulous consumption, as internal abcesses were beginning to form. I at length was told of Dr. Johnston, of Detroit, and his famous Sarsaparilla. I tried a bottle, more as an experiment than any thing else, as I had no faith in it, and greatly to my agreeable surprise, I began to grow better. You can be sure I kept On taking it I took a great many, bottles. But I steadilj improved until I became entirely well. All the sores healed up, all the bad symptoms disappeared. I gained perfect health, and I have never been troubled with scrofula since. Of course an old lady of 83 years is not a young woman, but I have had remarkably good health since then, and I firmly believe that JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA is the greatest biood purifier and the best medicine in the wide world, both for scrofula and as a spring medicine. This remarkably interesting old lady did riot lok to be more than sixty, and she repeated several times, "I believe .my life was saved by JOHNSTON'S i SARSAPARILLA." E. T. UTEHTEHEAD & GREATNESS IS GO 3DM ALL IN A HUSSY. Eavs a Tma Aim For Something. BY "ROSVENOE Written fcr The Coramonwe-lth. Five thoughts. The only ks:in greatness is the greatnesj of goodn-?s.. Other greatness rnny have its ghce lickings and tread a proud way to the grave, but the end thereof is h-s to l e desired than the end of a faithful horsr. The greatness of goodness is uot m en ured by weight nor yard-stick, put by the way ol opportuctieis of a life, smal . J ' t . ' and great, have been utilized for the l?l?"i?nt doing good to others. This being so, the royal ranks of. the great are a mixed company and t he small and the despised of the world aie right often the highest in rank, ! Nation.-! f reatuess i3, for those who see and forsee, summed up in two lust as the strength of a man cons sts. nct in the things ho hears of in others, ortl what he himseil a;;s. JNationi v. great tress is not a mystery. It is marie or marred by the iniiviu'vil.i compos ing the nation. Their thare of intelli gence, their honesty of purpose, their self-forgetfulness in the presence of public duty, are the measure of their nation. "They" aie not over in the next-countj-. What are yon doing for your country? A face of perfect peace is difficult to find. Our crowds are too eiiger for gain, loo hurried by social life, too anx ious about the morrow to have time to prepare a serene face for the world to see. Yet how lovely such a f:ice when, here and there we find it. It betokens the setting of money-ain down far beiow the gain ol culture, it shows the proper estimate of what lile is worth, it is a proof in its!f ol a belie! that in this world the nappy vav is to live wisely and well and to let line. Tbey who live to forty-five, when the Ley-day of life and desire is p.ist, with- out seeking and finding a defnu te way to spend the remainder of life are ob jects of pity. Unless w 3 discover by that time some great working tnr-ihon in the universe and fettle on ono fr ourselves this bustling, h-rrryina, h:s. k stering family of human beings will seem like a witless, aimless mob. With a working method for our own lives, the feelirg creeps into the hc.irt that there must be many mora like us and the world not such an aimless affair after all. The deepest human love is oft-times the last to speak of itself, for fear of being misunderstood. Rightly too. The dashing picture of a galloping horse is shown on many a . wall. A photograph of a galloping horse looks tinnaturna!, yet is the truth, whilf the picture we approve is a lie. A love scenain a play has to be like that horse, a picture ot love that all will reconize as they think it ought to be. Yet 1 t,o ko.n l.,,r r - "-"- " written that tells the truth of what human love is and can-do. That is locked in the hearts of those who know aii r- to., i,.',a rlo r till 1 v iiaii it iitiu 01 waa. 1 mji w nounced as unlike a play or a boo't. CO., Scotland Neck, N. C. NO. 10 T""f Tas Discoverer cf Swamp-Root at Work In Eis Laboratory. There is a disease prevailing In this country most dangerous because so decep tive. Many sudden deaths are caused bv it heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are often the result of kidney disease. If kidney trouble is allowed to ad vance the kidney-poisoned blood will attack the vital organs, or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. Then the richness of the blood the albumen leaks out and the sufferer has Bright's Disease, the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root the new dis covery is the true Fpecific for kidney, bladder : and uri"ary troubles. It has cured thousands i 01 apparently hopeless cases, after all other , efforts have failed. At druggists in fifty-cent and dollar sizes. A samp'.e bottle sent free . W ..." auuui owmP- Root and its wonderful cures. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Singhamton, N. Y. and mention this paper LIGHT A X D HEAT. L inter;. s c m ba tssoi to keap peopl e wrtrtn when riding by u-ing a Wes tern mail's gu-ird device, which is for med of wires an 1 curved plates mir rounding toe heated parts ol the lan iern !it!.l allowing H to h placed be neath t!i3 lap-robes wnile burning. Se lected. Tho One Day Cold Cure. For cold in the head and sore throat use Ker mott's Chocolates Laxative Ouinine, the "One Day Cold Cure." IRONING BOARD FOR SHIRTS. Toe neck binds of shirts can be more easily ironed on a mv burd, which has circular steel band set ono:. a end of the boird, with cl.unpi f r al ju-tin it to fit, the inten or of tha baad when ihy shirt is siipaed over iho board. Selected. Tit Gno Gay Go'c" Curo. For colds mid :;orc thiont hfc 1 jrmott's Choco lates L-'txruive (.fniuine. Easily '.aken as candy aud quickly cure. X a W L" MON SQU E SZ B R. The juice can be rapidly extracted irom liin n !y ;t now s-pu.!23r, which is f orn 1 of 1 oi -;oa of hnvy fpring wire 5'.iiit, into a spiral oil, with a han dle at the sr. all end ot the cone which t graced to prss the cone over half a 'siM i a ad sfpieezes it on a 11 tt sur fL'o Se'ceied. DR. BULL'S COUGH riYRUP is a grand old lemedy, used ior many j'ears and slid in public fav:r. It is with out doubt the best, meioiue for ail pul monary a fljctii. m. It always cjres. All dt uKiats sell it, fvr 25 cts. ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE. EVES BRIGHT S DISEASE IS NO LOXGEIl REGARDED AS HOPELESS. 11 you are suffering from kidney, bladder or uric acia trouble, and have despairid of getting help, you (T.u!rs try Swamp Root, the great kidney rem edy. Every reader of Tub Common wealth may obtain a Kimple t"ittie liee by mail, t-o vou may te.st it f T your t j i. ti. 1 . t. . .1. t ..1. . ten ana liiuv realize mo iruui 01 y0ur frienusa.id leliowciiize.. as re j gardd jM marve!ous tflit.Ht:y i)Iid m,ith. j i)r KumerV Swamp-Boot In e been tried and tested by thousands who stand : blah iu their community. If, is not tec- 1 ' ' - otnmendeci lor every ining, out ii ;oii have kidney, bladderor uric acid troub le it will be found just the remedy yon need. It brings back the rosy Hush of health an :-t:vrgth : it is a perihernial renuiider, and is u boon to tho weak and ailing. To he confronted nt.ddenly with the knowledge that Jiiiunt s aisea-e has hold of one was, at, one time, rquivul eut lo hearing a dein w;,rrcnt read but to-day, "thanks to the discoveries-ot sciet.ee and the lescaicLes f Jh. Kil mer, no case entirely hoj,e:Ce. Even those in advanced biaKS Lave L en res cued ..nd life prolonged by fiv..mp Rot. Tbis great remedy is j.-mely vei ti h!i and contains nothing that, could i aim the mot delicate child. It is ie..Kuii to take and the l ejtii.tr hiiv-cf.-nt ami one-dollar -sijes are sold bv ail drui'gi.-t. Send your name a. id ;ddie to Dr Kilmer it Co., l'-i:h:imtosj, N. Y,.-m-. a s imple b r'.tie .tti.I a bo i ttfili.ig - about Swamp-li nt and it; ;voi.d?i-i cures will he .etit Irec. There i'. ir-turr, tlir.n t" the syropttiiv? of no two therefore la i-fc !rii.',u't io fllacnosis. 27- ma tor hr:n wliatli-f;nise'-iK--psiaet!' iron Bitr Ts .vi:i cur; ir. ! disease4! ?'" ft'm:vn, 1 Broivns' irosi Kilters is NEW FOOT WARM Eli. A new foot warmer for aita'.-hment steam radiators i f-rmea ol a loi iron casting, with U--h-ip-d. H i ts t one side in which th feet ie.--t, i'' ojieniog in the unle-of the - i r conneetior; to the f , ;p ' it-eted. Mf xioas Live ills. Price, 2 -c. I'illp cure all livei tJl ill NORFOLK, VIRGINIA. 1TTH1S MODERN SCHOOL of Short k hand ana Business Training rank m.ng the foremost educational .natit tions of its kind in America. It pro pares young men and young wonra for business careers at a small cost, and places them in positions free. For further information send for our Illua trated Cutalone and new publication, entitled "Business Education." J. M. Resslek, President. WILMINGTON & WELOON R.R. AND BRANCHES. AND ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD COMPANY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING OUTH. DATED S " ?i Jan.l4.tuoo. :c- jll e - . A. II. V. to !p. m.'a. II. P II. Leave Weldnia 11 50 8 f8, Ar.Kock.VMt. 12 65 0 62 Leave Tarboro 12 21 6 00 Lv Kim ky Mt. ...1 00 " 52 "87 " i"Vo "l'j'iS Leave Wilwon 1 r.s lo 25 7 Id og j 44 Leave Schna 2 55 1103 Lv. Fuyetteville 4 30 12 20 Ar. Floruuce 7 :'5 2 24 1'. M. A. M. Ar. Goldnboro ""766 Lv. (ioldHboro jo t M Lv. .Miitrnolia g qd m Ar. WiliniuKton g 40 t P. M. A. II. P. M. TRAINS GOING NORTH. 5 el A. M. n 4 " 12 20 1 Mt 2 35 P. M. 7 45 ft 45 10 50 Lv. Florence Lv. Knyeitevllle Lcn vp Sol ma Arrive Wllsou 11 A. M. P. M A. U. Lv. W .nliiirton Lv. VrtKnolia Lv. GoldHboro 6 50 H 20 I 4 11 I 12 M 5 00 9 27 P. M. 2 35' 3 .10 I A. M. p."m P. M. Leave Wilsnn Ar. Itock.v Mr. Arrive Tiirltoro Leave Tarboro 5 41 II 33 i 25 12 09 I 7 Oil io nil 1 1 1 6S II 11 12 21 Lv. Rocky Mt. Ar. Weldon it :in 4 :2 I. M. 12 09 1 04 A. M. P M. fDaily except Monday. JDaily ex cept Sunday. Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, Yadkin Division Main Line Train loaves ilmintiton, 9 00 a. m., arrives Fayet teville 12 05 p. m., leaves Fayette ville 12 25 p. m., arrives Sanford 1 43 p. m. Re'urning leaves Sanford 2 30 p. m., arrives Fayetteville 3 41 p. m., leaves Fayetteville 3 40 p. m., arrives Wilmingtnn G 40 p. m. . Wilmington and 'Weldon Railroad, Bennettville Branch Train leaves BennettsviPc 8 15 a. m , Maxton 9 20 a. m.. Red Springs 9 53 a. m., Hope Vf Ills 10 -.2 a. m., arrives Fayetteville 10 55 a. m. Returning leaves Fayette ville 4 10 p. m., Hope Mdlls 4 55 p. m., lied Springs h 35 p. m , Maxton 6 15 p. m , arrives Bennettsvillo 7 15 p. m. Conneviions at Fayetteville with train No. 73, at Maxton with the Caro lina Central Railroad, at Red Springs with the Red Springs and Bowmore Railroad, at Sanford with the Seaboard An Line and Southern Railway, at Gulf with the Durham and Charlotte Railroad. Train on the Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Weldon 3 :35 d m., Halifax 4:15 p. m., arrives Scotland Neck at 5 :0S p. m., Greenville 0 :57 p m., Kins ton 7:55 p. m. Benirning I raves Kinston 7 :50 a. m., On-enyille 8 :52 a. rn., arriving Halif x at II :I8 a. m., Weldon 11 :83 a m., daily except Sun day. Trait's on Washington Branch leave Washington 8 :I0 a. m. and 2 :30 p. m., arrive I'armele 9 :10 a. m. and 4 :00 p. m., returning 1 ave Farme'e 9 :35 a. m. and C.30 p.m., arrive Washington 11 :00 a. rn. and 7 :30 p. m., daily ex cept Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro, N. C, dully exeept Sunday 5 30 p. m.,- Sunday, 4 :15 p. in., arrives l'lvmouth 7 :40 p. m., :10 p. m.. Returning, leaves Ply mouth daily except Sunday, 7 :50 a. m., and i-Minda- H :W a. m., arri ves I arboro 10: 0 a. m., 11 :00 a. m. Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves GoM.-'boro daily, except Sunday. " :05 a. m., arriving Smithfie'd 8 :10 a in. Keiiirinng 'eaves Smiihfield 9:00 a. m ; arrives at l!o!dboro 10 :25 a. D , Trains on Xasfiv il't Branch leal 4 Rocky Mount at 10 :00a. m.. .1 :40 p. m , arrive N.-ishvide 10:10 a m..4 :03 p.m -printf H'-pe 10:40 a. rn . 4 :25 p. it iienirniiii; leave Sjoitig Floe 11 :30 a. tn..4:55 p. m., Nashville 12 :15 m. tn., 5 25 p. tn , arrive at Rocky Mount II :45 a. m.. 6 :00 p m.. daily except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves War--.nv for Clinton dally, except Sunday, 11 :40 a. m. and 4 :(2 p. m. Return-i- 'eaves ('Moron al 7:00 a.m. and 2 50 p m. Train No. 78 makes clot connection t Weldon for all ioints North daily, 11 ri' via Richmond. H. M. EMERSON, Gen 'I Pass Agent. J. R. KENLY, Gen 'I Manager. T. M. EMERSON. Traffic Manager. FORJpljA Use not hm but Macnair'g Blood and Liver Pills. W. H. Macnair, Tarboro, N. C. or E. T. Whitehead & Co., 9 22 tf. Scotland Neck. N. 0 TT For Drunkenness and i r ir-fr-iirv-w w.wh. TNt KEEL IT Ssrit Free VVr zT wklU OaReseett. .K - -. '

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