SPECIAL AiNMUJiCEMENlS. V -7" ticx i.-l i ! G:r J'o;i:t La:e ol - .m Fionr. We can fin! Etery barrel gu;.r:n'c&. nip, Gunpowder an! Qolonj l ' and Java coffee. W. II. iiLL?B HOOK. r t 5G o onr rv. I. t? Cood. It will rn.tli P ' -: ' U . i .. a E a on almiM d'zzt- ft to see our grcii G-OCCU, rnw .V,, TJ- irum ou iv sua . .. . pi H It).'. 7," -r'i C 'I W If m-;. T-:r. ill r..i-iv ! i--ir. frro !. i it :' i.' Tffn-'toir.jC. Every '; :-''n' r- io: ,rv go ) Li--v.. ,. fevprv De- ni !i. O ': 'ero Li--p of Not loirs n: i.;r, of L.:d .' Neh- :".o hO''f,"nd oM;8r i!s. Sc iiV.d filVS nsouy. .O . I . O a .- - ... Li ti...- it 2 ? , , ? a r " 0 C5 Up IrrK tiiovrs. We call special at-t.-nliua' to the 'b.-indsw.iiio adveitite nieiit of "Buck sUyes"' in this iASf fy 1' iuirell-Hardy Hardware Co. Dis-TiLERY Captured. It has been gi ven out, through newspaper corres p.j.uieiice fiom Kaleih that an illicit cl - tiiii-iry w;id riJC8!)tly cuptuivd at Vo ir, ui this oi-imty. The ujjratora ' (A bn -'.iW:.-- e icitped. Vv'.-iK i;jiMSC. Mr. B. Kiddlck o; j.k, c-ii.ir-ji. tor for Mr, J. i. F.;Vffcir four brick flares, came o?sr iu.;:dy vvit-U a force of hands and c-.-urrUicnced work .uesuay morniuv. Kj i building a vvarehotise in the rear o! .-lore bitt'i first. IJiGii School Magazinr. We have r; ! ehed a copy of 'Eegeuoiiibe Higti Sfiio:d Mmj:mzuvj," published by ih s-.-d.-tA nnl faculty of Edgecombe High gchoof, at Crisp, Hi. 0- TbetdUois e o Vines Ooob nd Anne Brooks. It ii a creditable iutls publication for the eCLiO.,1. Kot'sd Thukk In The Woods. A few days ago r bileMr. W. F. Butter north hunting pear the mill site o" tl v Gray Lt;mberCo., he found at oui ti unk uiidt-r a pine tree. The b 1 1 iii 'had hi oken out atid a number r-' o d :et re r1, paper, bicycle fxf urea at." i.t-ie Sot. rat in it. the au.i. .-iit-ecsion to "Tom Sunders" ' Toti -iKiidtrJin-" . There n8 no clu. :;J to h.iti carried tha tiunU. ti)..n btu t r idriuly it biid been stolen. ?,Irs. S.'.TEit Will Opkn Boaedino House. Mrs. W. A. Sntef ha made :-iniir..s-n'!?nt8 to reopen a boardiu; hoiir9 rt her eld stand in Halifax. Thebi.rnins cf the hotel baatbrowr htr out for tome days, but she ha. prepared to accommodate the public i-'j-iin, and the people throughout the cor.!i!y viilbe'i;lad to learn it. She is out of tie bst hot I keepers in the country ! ao s the people of the coauty and th I traveliug public are to beeongratulater up the prospect ot her continued ! service in the hotel business. I ! .. . cTfann?r op my Wliiter gOi:(.: t;r iz i i?ren:;s?s. vttj-oi- a!n: tats wee; m foliov.-iru Death Of Mr. W.F. Draughan. IWWU . t- , 3 , a. " i i T . CL.',H!M!4, PANT C-"K)DS, y." : j ?viv He was 1 years old aod ife and s3veral grown child X X;. ii, v. -i '. A. CAT.:tr. TE . 0:i FIJ-TEBX YOUNG LADIES ?::-rt ypf.rs an'l older, to operate ' 'iiah! . si.'id d jieiee worir. ..i:.;.- ; 1 Co J;,;r w&?i. :.:s.n3Tti Kixr::;- 3Itu.3, C.-n-ktisy. Ya. !.OAI h-giuia Itoes anrt iu-J rtce'.vc-d. From 4 to o ;i. WiJi ?eil cheap, come and A special from Tarboro to Tuesday'; News & Observer gv8 the sad inte; iiyenee of the death of Mr. W. F iifj.hm at his home near Whitaker- I .i;!I,fi:t l.'-M'S : ren !.7r. Drangban was well " knowr I tbrcu;?hout his county and section. c.'-.tl i. no of the most respected and wei; to do farmers in E'lecoaaba county. He had many friends ail through this community, and The Commou-ws.m-TH fcela a person l loss in his Sidney J Stern. FAINT from fc COM Haruwa:' O D HAND SEWING MA-!!-:. i have made arragessenu Mr. O. T. Lawrence to handle sV. hand m schirjes. I put them root. v.t.rking oraer. Anyone wis.i; t-: buy a good rcichine cheap, will kf.: to call at my houso and t I have. St. T. H. liOLLINGSWOETH, viu-tt scotiaua Jet'fc. YOUi: CHFLD DISS v,e ean gir. iu iho Be?t B..r.'-':iin tu a Coffin. I M. IIoFI-'MAX (t. BkO. If tr-nbled with rheumatism, giv Chamberlain's Fain Balm a trial. I v. .II not cost you a cent if it does i. pood. One application will relieve th t ain, Ir, also cures sprains and bruise? in cue-third the time required by an; other neatizent. Cuts, burns, frost bites, quinsey, pants in the side n; cfccsr, raf.dular and other sweliinys are quickly cured by applying b 1'Jverv bottle warranted- Jfrice, 25 a:.d 50 cts, at E. T. Whitehead &Co.V Dat g Store. K Vlccling In The Baptist Church. fc' TAL Trices oa S. G. Tine Sash )oos inrl Blinds at E. C. JOSEY ATNH lNr SECOND-HANI' e .-.:' AisiCuifiO.?. hjcotVi-rranti iir .::-.'l:itt?a from ?2.50 up. i. iu er-rv one. New Machit.c 5 the ..n -t iinpf-'VPd pfyla. C. T. Lawrestk, 2:v. Scotland Neck. X.'C. ES ! TZflQ ! Pare Brol Plymouth i:-'-.s for s.ils oo cetH;4 pe; II. GARDNER, Scotland Neck. JPON SEErJ WANTED. WILL ii" Mgbrst Crt"?) price for 100 csr f Ci.ttoo- S.je'1. IIre a Jars? .stocl thU Hi-n.i ind v.feid on hand tb; t I Seed. Corn Meal 11. J. MAPHY. SUNDRJK- Si texc.b.-.oco for lie in Cur Lou E1 - III' BICYCLE Vye' n- IL C. JOS wj-e S'.or?. The meeting commensed in she Baptist church Monday night ot last wnek continue. Dr. Barron, of Char lotte, has been preaching twice every day. Great crowds flock to har him, especially at night. Hii sermoaa are strrn and convincing and many say tueyLava never be rl taa gosipel preached with such power. Quite a number of persons have pro fessed fjith in Christ and eleven per SOV3 united with the Baptist church Tuesday mht as one result of the meet i ,-?. The interest continues to grow and the meeting will continue through the week. i CAN DY CATHARTIC . Keir.0'3 Letter Discontinued If MUT COME TO ALL, anfl s-re prej-r-rid to sptist in trivinsa fctiri.:i ' our l ived one or frnd trt;shing you a good Coffin at e jiabhi Liice. II. Hoffman- & Eeo. BANGAiNS in Cook Stotesat C. V3; Y & CO.'S Hardware Bi:MAINDEH of the season r3 .-eM;n Heatins; ft'ive at E. C. J SEY "A CO.'S Hardware Store. f give you go:.-d photographs for money. (Jail at my tent on Main fan i !-3 convinced. bio.ranhs enlarged in Water Cob Sravon arid Pastel. AU work guar- id." S. C. BAY, f Scotland Neck. The One Day Cold Cure. rmott's Clioco'i3?2s ItsatSve Quini:- for I V. 1 .1 ,.... , l U!lAm.: IVa -" .i-n.. auu bv. m uuvat. v i amy.. wv. : candy. . Beadns of The CoMMOifWEALTH will remember that for several years we haveheen publishing weekly contribu tions bv G. Grosvenor Dawe, who first wrote a.s "Nemo." He informs us thf;t In i ; unable to continue (be work by reason o! the fact that othsr work pieces him. He says the work ha beeo '"a labor ot ioye," and that if the reaieia o: The Commonwealth "have ga'lDJsdone tithe as much of mental and moral discipline from reading the column as I have in writing it, the eETort has bean a success." We feel free to say that nothing has lean printed in these columns under ihe present management of the paper that has been more helpful to all who have read it. Both for the interest of our readers as well as of our own, we ? egret t hat the author is forced to dis continue the work. Scotland Neck Temperance Association meets the first, and third Tuesday evenings in each month at 8:15. You Or Year Friend Or Some One Else. Rev. G. L. Merrill, of Hobgood, bar been here this week. Mr. S. M. Gary cf Halifax spent Fri day night in town. v; r. A. McDowell went on bi.sifiess Thursday. to Norfolk Jndue T. N. Hiil, of Halifax, speu a dav in town bast week. Mr. A. B. Peterson, of Manning S C epent Sunday here visiting. Mrs. Gatsey Whicbard, ol Poro month, is here visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gray, of Norfolk, aie here visiting Mr. Gray's parents Eev. B. Craige and Rev. Mr. Farmti of Tarboro, spent a day here last wetk Mrs. J. B. Brewer left Friday f j her home in Virgiuia after soma wes kr visit to friends here. Mrs. Coliin Gray returned from r b ro Saturday wbere the had tu s-.'tne dayson a visit. l;r. W.F. Whitehead ot Suffolk. 1 t- b m here this w-ek. Hia friend? ; r a v alwujs tlad to see htm. Mr. G. W. Livttrmon ppent Saiurc; v l'.ht and Sunday hero visiting Lt Dotther Dr. A. u. Livermon. ;Miss Lessie Moore, of Pitt county, came up this moruingas special num io Mrs. 0. K. Taylor, who has beer, quite sick for some days. Or. J. B. Powers, of Wake Forest, spent Friday night here. He was called to v isit the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Joisy. He was in ' consultation vi;h Dr. Wlmberley; Drs. Julian Baser and S. N. Harrell, f Tarboro, were hre Tuesday to pa i special visit to Dr. W.O. McDowe:j. vho has been sick for some time. Un ir their special treatment Dr. McDon j11 is doing well and his many friendc tope for his speedy recovery. Victim Of Drink. A. E. De Fluent, editor of the Jour nal, Doylestown, Ohio, suffered for a number of years from rheumatism in his right shpulder and side. He says : "My ri.srht arm at times was entirely useless. I tried Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and was suprised to receive rel ief almost immediately. The rain B ilra has been a constant companion of mine ever since and it never fails." For sale by E. T. Whitehead & Co. Druggists. Robert Williams, a colored mar va. killed Saturday afternoon nea vingsboro, by freight train iNo 31. This train-pssed the town about 6 :30 ''clock. When found Williams wasor '.ha roadbed with bi head crushed. Cne engineer states that he saw - tbr nan on the track when he was about venty yards off and tried to stop his train. He reversed his engine, but it was of no avail. The train was heavily loaded and g dngatagood rate down a heavy rade. It was stopped about 300 yard be other side of where Williams was iiud. The coroner's inquest was held Sun- lay at Kingsboro, aDd the verdict of the jury was that the engineer and the train rrsw were, in no way to blame for the billing. The post mortem examina 'ion was made bv Dr. Whitehead, of iocky f Mount. The attorney for the A. C. L., Mr. Pope, of Fayetteriile, was present at the inquest. The man vas drunk and probably stretched hino- e!f aoross the track and fell .as'eeo No one attaches any blame to the rail road Tarboro Southener. A Gallon of rni'.S E?3EE: OIL mixed 7 SjF '';.-" . a' St.. Ms- makes 3 enllTR of the vertitcst tf jX s nf yew paint bill. Is fab vcvt. !-; PAINT SI Ttaj.'.I. -! ".:? r "t : ;(-: S.TT1 is (frati-it t:;::::-:. Vi:,": ir T'c,' f : v--' mif. ill, hflV Pl'l fii ii. t M'l ? t .- ANY cost, and is TO-f TjpgKjf wiy" mot to Crack. Br.TSTirR. Pptjtl or Cnrr. r. habi?.iat: paixt co., st. i.om, no. Sold and irnarattteed by R. O. Josey &Cg EKS. Mrs. Get Your, WO SENATORS' TESTIHONY. Tell What They Know .of Catarrh and Pe-m-na. Hon. Porter Johnson, wko has served fonr years as State Senator from the Fourth District In the city of Chicago, 111., and who also la the first Demeentic Senator ever elected from that district, writes: "lean heartily recommend Pe-rn-na as a catarrh cure. It cores when all other remedies fail. I applied to several doctors, but they were not able to care me. HON. EDWARD DWYEB. Senator 17th District, Chicago, III. Hon. Edward Dwyer, State Senator, Seventeenth Senatorial District, Chi sago, 111., writes : "Pe-ru-na cures when ill other remedies fail. I can heartily recommend Pe-ru-na as a catarrh rem edy. It has been two years since I was cured, and I consider my cure perma nent. I toek the remedy for two months and am now entirely cured. I applied to several doctors, but they were not able to onre me. I tried many remedies without avail. My catarrh was located chiefly in he head. I was afflicted with catarrh or seven years." , ' . Pe-ru-na cures catarrh wherever lo afed. Who is it that says Pe-ra-na vill cars catarrh wherever located ? Doctors say it, lawyers say it, preachers aay it, a vast army of men and women say it who have tried it. The old and the young say it. They say it in the cast, in the tvest, they eay it in the north and the outh. HON. PORTER JOHNSON Senator 4th District, City of Chieago, 111. I took the remedy for fifteen week and am now entirely cured. 1 1 has been a year and a half since I was onred, and I consider my cure durable. I was afflicted with the catarrh for five years. My catarrh was chiefly located in the stomach." Send to The Pe-ru-na Medicine Com pany, Columbus, for Dr. Hartman's latest free book on chronic catarrh, la grippe, etc. mew. JEWELRY and have your... Watch and Clock Repaired BY JAS. H. BEiJaTHE JEWJSLER, TARBORO, N. C. ; ' j. Send your orders for Job Printing to this of fice. First class work and low Drices id Yon Ever ofthe Stop and Think Li i, mm i '4 e Onr line is c'-ociit full of 'era. Pully Belts, Sash Bii -kU:. iii i -' hain Bracelets. Brooches, Scarf pins, Dumb Bell links Lorgoe'-e ch hains, Neck chain., Finger Rings of every sort. Oar good?, Qu s'iiis, and prices are right. Your orders will receive prompt attention. Call au-1 examine for iepainng a Specialty. Scotland Neck, N. C. J. D. PERRY, Manager l:D-... your.-e' 7 .Per Cent Investment. WITH TAXES PAID BY COMPANY . OFFICE IiS . C. Drewry, Pres. f. S. Vy ynue, Vice-Pres. ri. S. Jermtn, Treas. f. N. Htrldinir, Ally. iio. Allen, Secretary. 1. G Lat ta. V. Si. Primrose. TEN-YEAR $100 COUPON CERTIFICATES, with 20 Semi A nual coupoi w d S3 each. PavabV June and December at Commerci.-1 and F.inr.c Bank of Raleigh. Secured by first mortgaae retfident property worth nearly double ti?eam t-i.j of loans, with principal payable ten years afi date of issue, are beinir sold for a cash puyn'.e. of $85.00, which gives to the owner five and on. third per cent, per annum free of taxes or? fr- os and a profit of nearly twenty per cent, at maturity, making a total f nn t hsn seven per cent, per annum. This it one of the safest and best investment. n the market. Lo-:ns made on residence property on eight years' time. F. itrther particulars, address, MECHANICS AND INVESTORS UNION, '2-15 George Allen, Secretary, Raleigh, X. C. Ask For The Celebrated Chase City Cheroot It is made by Hand and out of the Best Quality of Cigar Tobacco Ciipr" and is equal in quality to the average 5-ceut Cigar. Manufactured by 2l5 3 for 5 cents. THE CHASE CITY CIGAR AND CHEROOT CO , Chape City. Vnmsu. Our New Press. This is a cut o :he handsome, up o-dato Bok and Job press which we baye just in stalled in The Com MOS WEALTH office. It is the latest and most up -to - rate Chandler & Price, manufactured at our special order n Cleveland, O R r -g. The Common WEALTH 15 nov admiiably cqf.ip pod for Book an Job work, promised promp ' ar.d strict nVMr. tifll to all cia-tst'-of "work 5-fit Give us your next order. Work rdv and chp::-!v i- s? J. Perry Co. Cotton Factors, Norfolk. Va., rSfar., 19, 1900, COTTON. STEADY. Strict Middling, 91 Middling, Strict Low Middling, Low Middiit.g, "inges, Blues and Stain . E. 1 'tMi-. -to 0 pr lag, TEAxNLTS Fancy, it ict iy Prime, Pr'rne, Low Graces, "'incnine (i u krd) j atn.sh, 1?5 cents btbf ! Yorrs J. .r 9f d t . t:f )$ t.. -2 2 io if :RV What? The loveliest Spring Hats, Flowers and everything in the Imo of Millinery that Scotland Neck has ever s'-t n. The Automobile rose iu hI! shsdes the la test flower and the "Miss Holbs' hat; that is to becoming to all. - 2Tot ia ThsT laarv v sB3 I T1 11 T. I When? The Spring opening. Friday and Saturday, March 23, 24. Where ? At Mrs. W. II. White's zrillinery tore, whre yon will also find a nice lot or silk wait& and elegant neckwear. For Iafaats aad Mldrsa. Ths Rind Yea Ilea Alwrs. Bg! Bears the Signatui'c cf six Sf C?--c WhoorWIiat? laMiWallPsBilis, BUFFALO, N. Y- BEST, CHEAPEST AND NICEST. Samples Shown, mensurmeriis and estimates given on alt orders. J.Y. SAYAGK, 2-8 tf Scotland Neck, N. C Hoffman's llsw Bapaituf A.D New Department. We have opened up a full line of COFFINS and pvopoe to sell them, NOT AT 200 PER CENT, as they are generally sold, but as we iell other things, at a living, reasonable profit. j When yon need a Coffin ee our stock before ,jou hnv. ' M HOFFM AN & BRO. Scotland Neck, N. C The One way Goid Cure For cold ia the head and sore it roat u e Ker mott's Chocolates Iaxative Qnioiie, tte " Ooe Day Cold Curs." old r f.' r ti nrl BOUGHT BEFORE ; THE ADVANCE. . I Pride of the Valley Corn, 90c. dozen, j ;rlv June Peas (itese Bod). 90; doe. ! ".est Tomatoes, $1 00 per dozen. ! :lifrnia Pe.rs, 20c. ; 'California Apricots 0c. i -''ii.e Ye11w ivuchfs, 18c. ; s-omrsn Cling. 22Ae. I '1 J Hfdnz .t CVs Mince Meat, 8.-. J V - : X- -V Pickle (('u.nm fie. daxen. "Vn a, , b. car.) 10.. .mperial Jelly. VJio IVt-oes, 8c. ; ned Apples pun" Dried) 8e. 'ring Bpans. I2-Jc. Hominy, (jii;s, Beatts, Pe, Trip. tongues Coi-r.eJ Beef. Boneiet P; i'Vet, and everything gicd to cat. OUR NEW LINE. Crockery, Glass-ware, Lnmpa, Flower Pots, Jardiniere, t tc. This department will have special attention. Call and -ee our pretty things. Our 5 and 10 cent specialties. The Wonder of the Age. To airi ve March 1st. Everything is advancing, but v have found a place where many articles tre st f If low. AH kinds of Counfrv Produce wan' Jd. MORRISLTT BROS. Get Your p"f Jli We are S-le Agents for the great 'Ves.ern Tailoriug Co. Have just re- cived thir Hndsome Line of Sam- .iesbi Spring and Summer Clothing 'all and get a CuamoU'ed F' Edwards & Co B" V'rfne of ai'th: rity c nferr"' i" .: of I.y ' de-r-i of tbe S':,i-r' ' : tir; o; lIr:M't--x 1'iift i.-..-i-.f-d in th ' e'dal Prut-, e:':.ii!g vt,i.;re: .b-h?: (1 .' .b. Adrrtiu:sf rator of Mrtha P. .r. nd other srt pbiintilf, H'id -T. R. Pop. 'amuel Pofe, and o her are defendi.niv, :vi! shall sell at auction in the town of Scotland Neck on the 7th day of Ap ril, 1900, the land hereinafter described, m wit : First Tract :- A parcel of land lying n the East side of Conoconara Swamp . t;d hfgiitning af a stal-e in the wpn W of the vh'li' if v ; y f tl P St f.i'arr. "ck Ki".s Branch .f WilniO'g m ana We'd .n Railroad 131 feet uor hwpgt of the 6 milepot and runninv ' hence across the right of way north :S. i E. ISo feet to an iron pott b i small pine 65 feet Irom said railroad rack, thence North 20. $ E. 4S0feet o a Spa.ih oak, thence N"rfh 18 K VfiO fe?-t to a S'Aer-t 5-'tm, an iron -f:il tt ibw old PipM tine, fbfnre imi ' l iliheMi b 30 i E. H002 ff e to . ;n v-i'st li'-pt.f til r!jr?( (if H;iV ' i .f: IV. ', i!..e. , , ' ..: it' :; ( 5 U t" O IT' t : North ol i W. 251 U: t. ti e : : n:..i contain i isg 42.,cr; s. m re or less. --. ood Tract :-The remainder ot th raft, home tn.t embraced in tia t No 1 td bounded !v larr4t of t.b N'" :1 Carolina Lumber Company, J. A. Nor M ee ? , W". H Hi3'f5o'pa,aml ot-cr-, u -iPnining 350 ;c--s. ;rrj.u of s If : F -r the ira- Br---. ".--t-riht-d ' aIi. For I he ce- i;ti tri'f, O'U'fmvth Ca-h, balance in ttot ff, attnu'd instabtntnrf1 with not--of purcl-aitf bearing interest fmrn ur '.f nal?. ai.'i ti! retain" ' lifl wD-h .:ili h- K'JOiifV 1" !.t! ' i i.i- rrh I'teC-M. l'.i(K) W. A lio.Mt & David B? l ;;.. iri.-houers. 8 5;. US' It Hgjfc GRAPE VINES. SILVER MAPLES. MULBERRIES, EVER.,REs;.NS, HOSES, GREENHOUSE PL NTS, P i NSY PLANTS. TOMA TO PLANTS, WTC. Write us wben in need of anythit g in this line. HONEST GOOO C ON EST PRICE0 OLLEN E WARREN, T?ivr-RSIUB NUKPKKIE8, 3-15-3:. Gteenvit "s C. ' rtr. LS? "". r.vaiia, la ru ITyor fit Largest sale of any lard in the world. Stamped with the approval of the United States Government. Swift's Silver Leaf Lard Grateful housekeepers know that they can depend on its purity, just as they can on the invariable quality of Swift's Premium Hams and Breakfast Bacon. Silver Leaf Lard is sold in all first-class groceries. Swift and Company CUesga St. Louis Ktnui City St. Joseph Ooub St. Paul Mattings Just Beceived. A wnliti'1 d nW contdgued u oat '2300 yaTii ri'ie trade Ch!?,!i and Jilp i-ie-p OitH.n Mattni : Will ...iit thw Mafi:ijtt( ,r.r It? II. M) the ::: itlr v.'hcU ! prb-e " t r. .' H n :.. N C vf:.' r i:i:.;.ri uit What k'J!d t iuj? n irq-ibe when . ?nnn d P", hot vvlt'.n !n ii u:el jv.'U : not a I -lays a-k !-.tt cued Mio. I' mi did wnue "tnn.l!M4 trutsc tvtnild to I'uht . '-! tr.it-:. ! bt the -vol 'd is f:o(0. in f.av V"hy? Bi'iiU'e tliw nub ,ii l! tx: o o f b'i " A ..Muo-rf-d !") Kj.it ' i- ;?i ' io.l by the "rt.vey f'f t;:jtt. A GrtM' P. . c t.'t v j)!vvprn.nt of m gwM. Irurli Kii"'v t lr; t itb ulid Uf free from I he mh l!V timr tUh ia hf-ir to tii ie (;itiiH if illicit mar b traced lo toe u ? o' bad b;oi'd miuI fVi'tsin that UMt!f "ionifisr up." -Nothing 1" worth ao-.pli'tu m iiuth thit has not bn fril Mrs Jo Per miii's Rsmpdj has bfwn tried, nd H has stood the 'rat. I ii known by it fruits ; whrrc'.er it goe It bri.i;s the blessings of 'rotb. P!iMc nn l false hood flv, bf''e It Th ru U hmvm tr-ed it and l!iov tir:i-s hot thre ir rt.ill nt!.T ih)!:uda waning to be vci-yinct'd Tb a't?i tw ti!tve -.td very t. s '- f !y It i a noiable btistraMon of it perv-rc:ry that muu tiorr;;tijj, opores tn t bit.trly ".! very .!:: tli'.t w:ll orlug him the deirf bN lit'art. H skeptically tusk : "II. "w cjv. .uj Ri'tijedv b 'o -I 'or v nifiy diif.vrrt I V I Oil..' )' .-.. to of a'i t;"-; ' '.!' I' if - - ' -t;."h .ie;!.i i. ;; ' . . - flif- !;: fr-tj l.J ', or y . ''V "US. mc-w, f fidpjivt'.o.'i iir rn?' t.i .ls tint follow i to-.' t.t - Try Urn. Jt)e Ivi .i'- liiiuv Will cure you. Iv'iow the tnun the truth tplmil w-A-et you lr. t A single trial is enough to prove you can buv nothing better than Taylor's Flour, Lard, Butter and Cheese. k 4 p-. ) A HATiYii UrtM PECAN. The llnest flavor, Urge Pize, thin stiell and good i-hape. Plant your wae'e btnis in Pectin, tbey will make you a goo-l living in a few years, and be a forfunpfor yOur children. (A nev er failing crop.) PRICE OF TREES. Each. Dos. 30 to 40 inches 30c 3.00 20 to 30 mrhe- 20o 2 00 10 to 20 i.ichss 10c 1 00 price of rurs. by mall postpaid.., .by mll postpaia.. z. by mail postpaid.. THO P BA v. .' 1 d iz 5 do 10 d. .... n .... 60 1 oo LEV. la cVflttins of row huxlcsl f-r ltiTe BMP t trip to the I-aria JEspofltloii, rldug(n4 7.': .?-

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