f ft if Ml I m m f. it . .3'- V ,3. fc , II. J .-r v r-4 - 4 V - ,1; ! . J 4 -..t 1 Id 1 1 i 4 f 3 MP 1 4& 4 fl o Cancer, Scrofula, Old Goroc, As the blocxl contains all the elements necessary to sustain life, it is itnpor- l9hfMMr9Br4!rTW99 tant that it be kept free of all impurities, or it becomes a source of disease, nffC7lfffHWlfIIff poisoning instead of nourishing the body, and loss of health is sure to follow. m Some poisons enter the blood from without, through the skin by absorption, or rfF33tJBf&Mj inoculation ; others from within, as when waste products accumulate in the system and ferment, allowing disease germs to develop and be taken into the B9M0tM OaM circulation. While all blood troubles have one common origin, each has some BSmBWmM m mjMJUMMj peculiarity to distinguish it from the other. Contagious Blood Poison, Scrofula, m mmm Cancer, Rhevmalisin, Eczema and other blood diseases can be distinguished by pgS0ff9MG MmGGKGm a certain sore, nicer, eruption or inflammation appearing on the skin. Every blood . disease shows sooner or later on the outside and on the weakest part of the body, or where it finds the least rrtfctance. Iilanv mistake the sore or outward sign for the real disease, and attempt a cure by the use of salves, liniments and other esterrul applications. Valuable time is lost and no permanent benefit derived from such treatment. ELGG3 FfiQ&DLES RZQISSRE BLOOD REMEDIES; the poison must be completely and perma nently eradicated the blood reinforced, purified and cleansed, or the disease goes deeper and saps the very life. Mercury, potash and arsenic, the treatment usually prescribed in this class of diseases, are violent poisons, even when taken in small doses never cure, but do much harm by adding another poison to the already overburdened, diseased blood. S. S. S., Nature's own remedy, made oi roots ana nerDS, attacks ine aisease in the blood, antidotes and forces out all impurities, makes weak, thin blood rich, strong and healthy, and at the same time builds up the general health. S. S. S. is the only purely vegetable blood purifier known, and the only one that can reach deep-seated blood troubles. A record of 50 years of successful cures proves it to be a reliable, unfailing specific for all blood and skin troubles. Free FJSsdiczS Troaimontm Our Medical Department is in charge of skilled physicians, who have made blood and skin diseases a life study, so if you have Contagious Blood Poison, Cancer, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Eczema, an Old Sore or Ulcer, or any similar blood trouble, write them fully for advice about your case. All correspondence is conducted in strictest confii dence. We make no charge for this service. Book on blood and skin diseases free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, 6a. mil Harris Springs, South Carolina. A Chief Southern Resort for Summer Rest and Health. The Strongest Lithia Water and Best Sulphur Springs Known, Finest climatic Advantages for Sufferers from Rheumatism and Nervous Troubles, TJp-to-Datef Hotel A ccommodations With all Preparations for Amusements. Fine Music- Two Concerts Daily. A Most Delightful Place, and the Many Testimonials of Fhysicians, Druggists and others G-uarantee all that can be said for the Celebrated Water. BOARD AT EASY RATES. Address, Mention this paper. Harris Lithia Water Company, Harris Springs, S. c. NORFOLK & CAROLINA R, R. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. Dated Jan. 19th, 1893. No. No. I I No. No. tl03 49 J Stations. 4S U02 P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. 2 20 2 40 3 03 3 17 3 50 4 15 4 36 4 53 5 35 6 00 9 00 9 20 9 k; 10 00 10 31 .10 50 11 CO 11 21 12 00 12 21 Lv Norfolk At. Pinners Point Drivers Suffolk Gates Tuni3 Ahoskey Aulander Hobgood Ar. Tarboro Le o 5 30 5 C5 4 50 4 20 4 00. 3 41 3 27 2 53 2 31 10 05 9 50 920 12 8 39 8 21 8 04 7 48 7 08 6 45 44 The Best Bed on Earth." Don't Be Deceived! Ar. LiV. 6 35 I 12 50 Rocky Mount 1 55 6 17 P.M. P.M. P.M.A.M Daily. j-Daily except Sunday Trains No. 49 and 48 solid trains be tween Pinner's Point and Wilmington Train No. 49 connects at Rocky Mt with train 23 lor all points South and No. 78 train for all points North. G. M. SERPELIi, J. R. KENLY. Genrl Manager Sup't Tains T. M.EMEitSON. General Passenger Agent n FcrFREE POSITIONS GUARANTEED, Under $3,000 Cash Deposit. . Railroad Faro PaiO. Open all year to Both Sexes. Very Cfceap Board. Georeia-Alaoama Business College, . Moeon. (toorglA YOUNG MEN WANTED, with fair Education and good character to LEARN TELEGRAPHY, Railroad accounting and Typewriting. . This is endorsed by all leading railway com panies as the only perfect and reliable institution of Us kind. All our gradu ates are assisted to positions. Ladies also admitted. Writ9 for free cata logue. (Fall term opens August 15th.) Globo Telegraph College, Lexington , ty. 6-14-5m Essentials in Public Schools. Washington Post. Mr. Thomas Brenan, one of the trus tees of the Chicago public schools, who has for more than thirty years been a careful observer of educational meth ods and their results, brings a serious charge against the schools of that city. He declares that the avarage country boy coming in from the backwoode,is more valuable to the business man than the boy graduate from the Chicago schools. The reason asigned for the alleged sup erior value of the boy from the coun try will be interesing to the parents of children at school and to those who are charged with the reeponsibllty of arranging and carrying out the course of study. The reason Is that the "amount ot time spent in the public schools upon studies that are not es sential is fully as great as that given to reading, writing and arithmetic. They have tried to make everything of the school boy, and they have prevented him from becoming anything." That Is, perhaps, too strong a state ment of the case, but there is undoubt edly a good deal of truth in it. Al though the tendency to overload' the pupils and to reduce the time devoted to the rudimentary and Indispensable branches have been apparent In both urban and rural sections, it has been far more pronounced in the former than In the latter. Other things be ing equal, the city boy ought to be more useful and succesful in business in a city than his cousin from the country. The city schools are kept in operation for a longer period each year than those in the country. Cities af- brd many facilities for intelectual and moral improvement that are impossi ble in the agricultural regions. And if it is suggested that the city boy is more exposed to temptation than the boy on the farm, the suggestion is but another reason why the former ought to be worth more than the latter In al most any department ot business. The school graduate fresh from the country has before him temptations to evil which have faced the city boy ever since he emerged form cradlehood. Of the two the city graduate and the graduate from the backwoods the lat ter is far more likely to fail a vlotim to the lures of vice In town. The overcrowding oraze, the attempt to cram the minds of school children with an infinite variety of knowledge and the consequent neglect to teach them to read well, to write good En- llah in a good hand and to give them a thorough arithmetical training, ap pears to have subsided. That is cer tainly the case in this city. Have you a ssnse of fullness in the region of your stomach after eating? If so you will be benefited by using Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets. They also euro belching and sour stomach. They regulate the bowels too. Price, 25 cents. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co. Druggists. First Cook Lady "Why did you leave your last place?" Second Cook Lady "The missus went and got a hat like mine." The great success of our Royal Elastic Felt Mattress, which is due to its merit, and also our vigorous advertis ing, has caused others to put Mattresses on the market which they are offering for less money and claiming they are "Just as good as the Royal Elastic Felt." Don't be deceived by same.- We emDhaticallv denv that thev are " Just as good," and are ready at any time to eompare ours with others. If your local dealer does not handle them write us direct for descriptive pamphlet. N.C. Sole Manufacturers, G-oldsboro, - - v Our fee returned if we fajL Any one sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent ability of same. "How to obtain a patent" sent upon request. Patents secured through us advertised tor sale at our expense. Patents taken out through us receive special notice, 'without charge, in Thx Patent Recokd, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE Address, victor j. Evnr:s a go (Patent Attorneys,) IT HAPPENED IN A DRUG STORE. "One day last winter a lady came to my drug store and asked for a brand of cough medicine that I did not have in 8tock,"8ays Mr. C. R. Grandin, the popular druggst of Ontario, N. Y."She was disappointed and wanted to know what cough preparation I could rec ommend. I said to her that 1 could freely recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and that she could take a bottle of the remedy and after giving it a fair trial if she did not find it worth the money to bring back the bottle and I would refund the price paid. In the course ot a day or two the lady came back in company with a friend in need of a cough medicine and advised her to buy a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I con sider that a very good recommendation for the remedy." The remedy owes its great popularity and extensive sale in a large measure to the personal rec ommendations of people who have been cured by its use. It is for sale by E. T. Whitehead & Co. Druggists. The Boy That Laughs. I know a funny little boy Tbe funniest ever born : His face is like a beam of joy Although his clothes are torn. 1 saw him tumble on his nose, And waited for a groan But how he laughed I Do you suppose xe struck His funny bone? There's sunshine In each word be speaks. His laugh is something grand ; Its ripples over "ran his cheeks Like waves on snowy sand. He laughs tbe moment he awakes. And till the dnv ia done : Th schoolroom for a joke he takes xdb lessons are out lun. No matter how the day may go, You" cannot make him cry ; He's worth a dozen boys, I know, Who pout and mope and sigh. wide Awake. Bean tbe Sm X 0 X A. uti3 ftina nx Haw Always Eogtf Sillicus "Th-iiJ.sie tells us to love our enemies." Cnicus "We do Most of us are our own worst en emies." ! Coach Syrap. Tastes Good. lima, hom wrarnggiro. Give the Best of Yourself. Selected. A lady gave us a rule, not Ions since, by which she bad succeeded in inter esting her lively, fun loving boys, so they pieferred to remain at home even ings instead of seeking amusement else where. She paid, "I remember that childreu are children, aiul must tiavo amuse ments: I fear taut the abhorrence witn which some good parents regard any play for children is tbe reason why children go feway for pleasure. Hus band and 1 used to read history, and at the end ol each chapter ask soice questions, requiring the answer to be looked up if not given correctly. We follow a similar plan with the child ren jsometimes we pla; one game, and sometimes another, always planniog with books, stories, plays, or treats of some kind, to make the eyenings at home moie attractive than they can be made abroad. I should dislike to think that any oue could make my children happier than I can, so I always try to be at leisure in the evening, and to arrange something entertaining. "When there 19 a good concert, lec ture, or entertainment, we all go to gether and enjoy it ; and whatever is worth the price of admission to us old er people, is equally valuable to tbe children, and we let them see that we spare no expense where It is to their advantage to be out of an evening. "But the greater number of our evenings are epeut quietly at home. Sometimes it requires quue an effort to sit quietly talking and playing with them when my work-basket Is filled with unfinished work, and books and papers lie unread on tbe table ; but as the years go by, and 1 see my boys and girls growing into home-loving, mod est young men and maidens, I am glad that I made It my Tule to glye the best of myself to my family." There Art No More Self-Made lien. "From the highest home to the low est In America this Idea of castle has entered, destroying our old high, ideals and making us pretentious and vul gar," writes "An American Mother,"of "How we Lead a Simple Life," In the October Ladies' Home Journal. "Tbe idle rich man covets high soslal place with a hunger that is both ridiculous and tragic. If he has money enough he buys a titled busband for his daugh ter. He tries to establish a precedence for himself over his neighbors by claims of high descent. Nor is this apprecia tion of rank confined to the leisured class In this country. It is universal. No candidate for office finds it neces sary now to pose as a self-made man or to put his respectable ancestors out of sight. The self-made man is no longer the popular hero. On the contrary, noble ancestors are in such demand that tf we do not haye them we invent them as we do air-brakes or motors, or anything else necceesary to our well-being and comfort. The rich American finds it easy to have a coat-of-arms and a pedigree as to have a dress-coat. He seldom goes to Burke or the Heralds' College for these things. He plants and grows his own family tree as he does his maple at tbe front door." JERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood Cnrolmpotencr, Night Emissions, Loss of Mom. orr, au wasting diseases, all effects of self-abuse or excess and indioemtinn. A nerve tonlo and ,blood bnUder. Brings the sink clow to pale chee&s and restores the fire of youth. By mail S3 .SO. with tmr bnka.hln ffB.nHiAa .w.. or refund the money paid. Send for circular aw 01 our oanxaoie guarantee bond. EXTRA STRENGTH 60 PILLS 60 CTS. NcrvitaTablets am-. am a fTELLOW LABEL) immMIHIC KCIIlIt. Positively guaranteed cure for Loss of Power. Varicocele, Undeveloped or Shrunken Organs, Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia, Nervous Prostra tion, Hysteria, Fits, Insanity, Paralysis and the Liquor. By. mail in plain package, 91.00 a ox, O for S5.00 with our bankable gnar ""u wuw m con in ovi nays or rexuna money paid. Address N ER VITA MEDICAL. CO Carton & Jackson St&, CHICAGO, ILLS For sale by E. T. Whitehead & Co. Scotland Neck, N. C. . FOR MALARIA ue nothing but Macnair,8 Blooi and layer mis. W. H. Macnaie, Tarboro, N. C. or E. T. Whitehead & Co., 22 tf. Scotland Neck N. C Notice. Haying qualified as administratrix in the estate of Mrs. Mary Jane Hy man, deceased, I hereby give notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make payment. All persons having claims against said estate will present them for payment within twelve months from this day or this notice will be pleaded in bar. This September 15, 1900. Maey E. Acsbon. 9-27-6t Administratrix. mmm Finest Finish. Best Work of the Art. Guaranteed to Please. S. K. ALLEY. Tarboro, N C ,.rv 1. ::: l-lll'ilJSIII J lelablfePrcTjara&onlbrAs- similaiirig tteToodandHegula tjrig ihe S tojmiriEilBGwels of EromotesTSgesHon,Cbeerful TassaiKiEfeslC0fltaIns ndffler OpmuOIorptiine cor Mfleral. MotNabcotic. 'mm AperfettBemedy forConsflpa doSoar5tDmach,Diarrhoea, WoTTOsAJnvulsionsJevrjrish rass and Loss or Sleeb WSitnie Signature of YDHK. .mi..if ifE las EXACT COPy 0 T WttAE&Ea. 11 r-s ?-i For Infants and Child rPy. The Kind You Have Always Bough; Bears the Signature of A All For Over Thirty Years Mfifwf tmb ciiifu co.wiit, hew rem cita ' www Mom VST r 1 ens m Gmestflii WE PAY THE FREIGHT, AND GUARANTEE SAFE DELIVERY. Largest Stock in the South. Illustrated Catalogue Free. THE COUPIR MARBLE W0EK3, (Established 1848.) 159, 161 and 163 Bank St., NORFOLK, YA. Vine Hill Female Acade SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. Opens the Second Session, under the present mannpxMiient, September 4, 1900. The corpsof Instructors represents six prominent insti tions. Courses : Literary, Music, Art, Elocution. Charges moderate. For catalogue, address, L. W. BAGLEY, Prill. 7-19-2m Ask For The Celebrated Chase City Cheroot. It is mado by Hand and out of the Best Quality of Ci?ar Tobacco Clipping and is equal in quality to the ayerage 5-cent Cigar. Manufactured by 215 3 for 5 cents. THE CHASE CITY CIGAR AND CHEROOT CO., Chase City, Vihcixia Hudson's English Kitchen, 347 Main Street, NORFOLK, VA. 0- -0- The only Up-to-date Restaurant in the City. O O oo o For Ladies and Gentlemen. -0-0-000-0-0- Strictly a Temperance Place. 00 oo ALL MEALS 25 cente. 3 3 tf. l IMS i YVoodsMes Whai S. N. Iredell & Son, General Rnmmioci in M 17 Commerce Street ,U" lll-WWM,IW' v. x Ait J8 rtreet - - - Norfolk, Vienna. Lumber, Bh!lSSSa,' Pea8' Pru,ts' Flour- Feed' 11 'y' ' Consignmenta rectf.n Quf?cared articles, answered. reflpectfuI1 elicited, and correspondence will be F ,t! by oSifSAl."1?1 Hnlock Sole Tt ,Ufv Tanned m. We can' furniirthT; by the m X -''Sr.: M (' V. " '

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