r- -- 1 TWENTIETH fEVTTTRV FIVRRS OTio uommoiiweaiLii. THUKSDA X .1 ANUAtvY 24, 1901. SPECIAL M CEMENTS. RD TINS. Bid; supply Second- Hand 50 lbs. Lard Cans on hand at 20o. each. Taylor's grocery store. ALESMEN WANTED. Energetic men and women in every town in bsoith Carolina and Virginia may fi'irt rjrofitab'e employment with us. -'i terms are most nnerai ami u.v a i - ".H f j-. . j- ,1 s w-aa NORMAN L- SHAW, Tth UMrtv. Dmkesiirar.cn, a. " e- "Nor; s.OST. Well crown half Bui mikI ba!f Ciach black and whit r-oued. Answers to the name ,:Sly.'' Will reward atv one to return nun to jilS. R W. FITTMAM, Scotland Neck, N. C. Furniture sale. Then Fmitnre of the late A. Oppenhei- Eir wili ie scUl privately between thi- ti ns and the First of February. Some go d bargains in it. Apply to M. HoFAMAN, Scotland Nock, N. C. Mr. Alsop Married. The Enfield Ledger priuts ihe fol lowing concerning the marriage of Sir B T! Alarm snnnf Wr. S. S. Alsnn. n! K 1 ' . . I" I ' J ; w . v. - - l - 1 I that town : "rr S. T5. ATsod and Miss lntt Siyase were married at the home the hi ide's brother. Mr. J. T. Savage at 7 p. m. Thursday, January 10, Sev G. G. O'Neil, of the Baptist church officiating. The wedding was a ver ouiet affair, only a few of the intimate llricnds being present. -M. "Mrs. Alsop is one of .nheia s pop- fen'.'ir vonne ladies. Mr. Aisoo is one j - f of tl:e rising young men, being thf f junior member of the firm of Smith & Alsop. I "A host of friends extend conara li gations and best wishes for a loag and shinny married life. 1 No one can reasonably hope for good 1 health unless his bowels move oncf leach day. When this is not attended ito, disorders of the stomach arise, bil- Boon follow. If vcu wish to avoid these ailments keep your bowels regu lar bv taking Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets ?ben required They are so easy to take and nsiid and epntio in effect, lor smb by h.. I. Whitehead & Co. Druggists. President G. W. Ccughenour. The Norolk Virginian-Pilot of Fri day gave nil item of news concerning Cliton Hosiery Mills at LamberlV fPoint which will Interest our readers an this community. It said : "This new establishment ha3 eom fpleted its plant, in a substantial build flng 48 ieet by 96 feet, two stories high. iThe factory is equipped with forty knitting machines. It will have an lout put of 240 dozen a day. The pro "Mr. G. W. C ughenour, formerly of ennsylvania and late cf - Scot'ano (Veck, N. C, is president and general yaanager. Mr. Coughenour is a prac tical hosiery manufacturer and recent Sv sold bis prosperous factory at Scot- i - - and Neck m order to enjoy the super ior advantages offered by a location st Lambert's Point. Norfolk is one of jfche best distributing points in the feoutb, and the new factory, which will fetart up today, has the brightest out flook for a large and inert asing trade." . Persons who suffer from indigestion eati not exnect to live long, because thev c mnot eat the food required to nourish the bodv and the products oi he undigested foods they do eat poi n the blood. It is important to cure Indigestion as soon as possible, and the best method of doing this is to use he preoaration known as Kodoi Dye Jpepsia Cure. It digests what you eat jtores all the digestive organs to per fect health- E.-T. W-- 1 - Resolutions. Icotland Neck Lodge No. 61, 1. O. O. F. Scotland Nfeck, N. C, Jan. 15th, 1901. Wl.nrona. hnmess renin res the de- iarture from our midst oi Past Grand id District Deputy Dr. J. R. Pop: nd Whereas, by his departure the Lodge losing one of its oldest and most teemed member!?, who has by his dividual efforts held the. members gether as a Lodge in times of adyer- tv and who has ever been ready to Jbare the burdens of the worthy dis tressed brother, the widow or the or bban, be it : I Resolved, That we extend to Broth r Pope enr hearty thanks for his past jervices, our sincere regret I-r his de- lariure and our best wishes lor his future prosperity, and be it : I Resolved, That a copy of these reso lutions be mailed to the Lodge of Odd fellows to which Brother Pope may I ...... m lecome altacnea ana tnat a con, oi bins be published io the Scotland Jfec'c i;omtaon wealth and in tbe Corry .no. ncwfpapei. Thomas B. Higgixs, Spencer J. Vick. Mason A. mith. Committee. This season there is" a large death pte among children from croup and ang troubles. Prompt action will tvo the li ttle ones from these terrible iseases. We know of nothing so cer ,in to give instant relief as One Min te Cough Cure. It can also be re Ed upon in grippe and all throat and ing troubles of adults. Pleasant to wnueneaa & oo. Oysters and Coffee Served at Scotland Neck Hotel - Every Friday Night. 25 c. for Oysters and Coffee. JgjyLet every citizen read the no tice and be at Futrell's opera house to- - , , ,rri T Oltk li'.gni l inursuuy, uau. . Mr. Walker's Appointment. Rev. Vr. Walker, pastor of the Presbyterian hurch, will preach in Temperance flail next Sunday night at 7 o'clock. Death of Miss Johnson. Miss Bet- tie Johnson died Saturday night near . . . -ID town, agea auoui io jeaia. re mains were taken to Goose Nest Sun- lay for interment. Prince & Co. See that unique ad. f Prince & Co. They are selling stock u a hurry and are pleased with their patronage thus far, and with the pros pect for a growing business. Called to Baltimore. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Tyler were called to Balti more last week by the illness oi Mr. Ziilie Jenkins, Mrs. Tyler's brother. They returred Monday and report that Mr, Jenkins is better. Count Us Better. The Rocky Iount Motor says there is "one or two rnitting mills in Scotland Neck." To oe accurate, Brother Kinlaw, you can My there are three knitting mills and of t Suirs mm, as well aa n uumuw i i : T i 'I .-. . n 1 1 Lrt r other hustling concerns. We giye nearly all the space on 1st and 4th pages to Governor Aycock's uddress. This cuts down much of our space tor legislative proceedings and all jf our editorial space. But we could orint nothing better than Governor Aycock's address. Every sentence in ;t is a gem. Death of a Young Man. Mr. Rich ard Brantley died at the home of Mr. ; Asa B. Pope, Friday, Jan. 18, 1901, j asred about 20 years. Ihe remains were taken to Nahala Presbyterian church Saturday for interment. The young man had been sick for several months with the dread disease con sumption. The Commonwealth ex tends sympathies to the family. To be Married Jan. 30th. On Jan. 39th Mr. William S. Bnnkley, former- y of this place, and Miss Emma ; Strabbar, ot Savannah, Ga., will be ; narried. They will take a southern ! trip and theu return to live in bavan- . nan. The Commonwealth extends I .Ninsratnlations and eood wishes. Mr. ! Biinkley's many friends here will re joice with him in the happy event. Not O. K. Taylor. The Common- ... . .. n n lTTd aoK laat. wpftir tnat dir. O. vv. tha hnsinAs, of "Mr. Taylor." It was not Mr. O. K. Taylor, as some supposed, but Mr. Tayloa who came from Bertie county i here some months ago. Mr. O. K. Taylor is still doing a thriving grocery business and keeps a live advertise ment 'n The Commonwealth all the time. $500 REWARD. We will pay the above reward for any case of Liyer Complaint, Dyspep sia, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Con stipation, or Costivenes8 we cannot cure with Liyenta, the Up-to-uate Little Liver Pill, when the directions ire strictly complied with. They are mireH Vecetable and never fail to give ;a Mention. 2oc. boxes contain . 10U Pills. 10c, boxes contain 40 Pills, 5c boxes contain 15 Pilis. Beware of substitutions and imitations. Sent by mail. Stamps taken. Nekvita Med rr!AL Co.. Cor. Clinton and Jackson S.'s . Ghlcaeo, III. orsaie oy xl.. a w ienau v,u., i..ss.0, ww Seck,N. C. IMPORTANT FACTS FOR FARM ERS. Cost of Different Kind of Fence Per ioo Yards For xo Years. Rail Fence $16.30. PianK $17.90. Wire $12.15. Your rail fence takes a large fence row that is worth something each year and your fence is subject to be thrown down by stock, blown down m storm, or burned when fire gets to it. Your plank fence is a strong fence, but is subject to b8 burned and when your posts decay some the force of wind against th8 plank will break the posts off before entirely rotten. The wire fence is fire and 6torm proof and stock cannot throw it down as they do a rail fence. The posts will last longer because the storm has no power on the wire, and will last 15 year instead of 10 yeara with repairing oi posts. - This wire fencing dan be had by applying to the Wlnterville Wire Fence Co., Winterville, N. C. (Cures a Cough or Cold at once. Conquers Croup, Whooping-Cough. TTnarsaness. Bronchitis. Grippe and nanEnmnf-jnii. Mothers Braise it. AS TIME ROLLS OH WARD THE THROBBING MASS OF HUMANITY IS NEVER STILL. Mr. S. C. Bellamy of Enfield, was here Monday. - Mr. W. B. Grimes, of Hamilton, was here last week. Mr. E. P. Hynian was up from Hob good last week. Mr. W. L. Harrell, of Hamilton, was up last week. Mrs. Pugh returned from a visit to Richmond Friday. Miss Annie Knight returned from Henderson Saturday. Mr. T. W. Fenuer, of Halilax, spent Tuesday night here. Mr. Chas. McGwigan, of Enfield, was in town last week. Mr. T. F. Roberson, of Battle boro, was in town this weeK. Mrs. J. E. Bullock returned to her home In Coneto test week. Mr. W. G. Lamb, of Wllliamston, spent a day here last week. Miss Delia Skittletharpe returned to her home in Plymouth last week. Mrs. W. W. Kitchin, of Eoxboro left this morning, after several weeks' visit here. Miss Dora Coburn, of Roanoke Rap ids, was here this week visiting Miss Maggie Bolton. Elder A. J. Moore, of Whitakers, was here Sunday and filled his appoint ment at Kehukee. Mr. W. H. Harrington, of Greenville, . - i . : . r came up tnis morning io visit nis daughter, Mrs. J. B. Edwards. Miss Sallie Wilkins, of Enfield, came Monday to take charge of the milli nery department of Morrisette Brothers' store. Rev. W. J. Smith, of Charlotte is here. His many friends are glad to see him, and to see him recovered from his illness of several weeks. Mr. Walter Brinkley, of Richmond, spent a few days here last v week visa ing his relatives. He has been away from Scotland Neck ten years and say s ! there have been many changes here in that time. Dr. I. N. Clark, of Hamilton, has lo icated in Scotland Neck for the practice ! of medicine. He leaves Hamilton at j the protest of a large constituency and i is welcomed lo Scotland Neck by his ' many friends here. Dr, Clark 6tands ! high in his profession in the communi- ty of Hamilton, where he quite a number ot years. practiced Don't nee any of the counterfeits of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Most of them are worthless or liable to canse injury. The original De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve is a certain cure for piles, eczema, cuts, scalds, burns, sores and ekin diseases. E. T. Whitehead & Co Death of Mr. Oppenheimer. Mr. A. Oppenheimer died at his home in Scotland Neck Thursday Jan. iwi,Bgea o years, He was born in Germany and - came to this country when he was about twentv-five vears old. He landed in Bridgeport., Conn, and lived there un til about thirty-fivo years ago, when he came South lo Petersburg, Va. He lived there until about twenty two "years ago, when he moved to Scot land Neck. He lived here several vears. and then moved back to Teters- l 7 - Knrrr tfi a niimhpr nf VPiHSl. A f ft W vears ago he moyed back to Scotland en for fiifty years by millions of 8 . ' . . mothers for their children while teeth Neck and has lived here ever since. ing with per?ect BUCCess. It sooths More than a year ago he was stricken the child, softens the gum, allays all with paralysis, from which he never recovered. For the past few weeks he had been declining and ni3 death was not a surprise. . The remains were taken from Scot land Neck on a special train Friday morning to Halifax, and there put on an early train and taken to Petersburg, v Thim fho inidrmimt. cwfurrpti T af ti iiMV mmv in the afternoon. The body was accompanied by his ,.,5f. Hi ann an a flannhter. Mr. M. VT lIVy U 14 WVi umvwww- j nf Rnp.kv Mount, and Mrs. M. Hoffman, of this place, Mess. a TInfTman. David Hof- fman. Joseph Stern, and Mrs. M. ,Ttrti.w Mount. tl VA f V J.HVV Deceased had many friends in this and he was on eood terms ,uu and ' had a niiu - nhnnrv-, word for every one as long as he was able to walk the streets. Mr. Oppenheimer left a wife and three children, Mr. M.. Oppenheimer, of Rocky Mount, Mrs. M. Hoffman, of this place, and Mrs. Gross, of Philadel phia. The Commonwealth extends sym pathies to the bereaved. Pensin preparations often fail to re lieve indigestion because they can di frpst onlv albuminous foods. There is one preparation that digests all class es of food, and that is Kodol Dyspep sia Cure. It cures the worst cases of indigestion and gives Instant relief, for it disrests what you eat. l. w nits- o heaa and Co. EE wra Doctors prescribe it. . it .. a Va ns JL Quick, sure-results. Get only Dr. Bull's ! Prjjae. 35 GQ-:, Dr. Boll's PUIs care Constipation. Fifty pills, 10 cts. Coughs and Tie Roberts Family, cf Falls City, Neb., Are Healthy and Happy A Rare "We Think Pernna Is The Greatest Medicine On No man is better known in the stato I of Nebraska than Mr. Carl T. Roberts, contractor and mason. A typical Amer icanactive, shrewd and full of busi ness sagacity. He is not only a provider for his family, but a protector. In a recent letter to Dr. Hartman he writes,- among other things, as follows : "Our boy, James, had tho membranous croup, ana alter ne recovered ne was subject to repeated attacks of lung f eyer. Oar boy, Charlie, was also subject to at tacks of pneumonia and pleurisy. Our third boy, John, was subject to fever and ague (malarial) and liver trouble. Your .remedy, Peruna, cured my boys entirely, and now I have three of the healthiest boys in the state of Nebraska, Which I attribute to your medicine. My 7ife had stomach troubl e which Peruua Just Like He Preached Neck. In Scotland- Governor Aycock attended church at i the Baptist Tabernacle Sunday morn ing and pronounced the sermons by tliv. R. T. Vann one oi the finest he evr beard. News and Observer 21st. Home Wedding. At the home of the bride at Bras- well's X Roads, Wednesday night Jan uary 1G, 1901, at 7 :30 o'clock, Miss Oliyia Brasivell was married to Mr. Thomas Staten, Justice W. G. Hedge- peth, of Hobgood, officiating. The Commonwealth ex'.ends good wishes to ths happy couple for a long life and a good share of prosperity. Cut this out and take it to E. T. Whitehead & Co's. drug store and get j a free sample of Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver Tablets, the best physic. Tbey also cu?e disorders of the stomach biliousness and headache. Important Meeting. There will be an important meeting I G the citizens of Scotland Neck in Thursday FuttreiFs new opera nous: night January 21, 11)01 at 7 o'clock. Some very important matters to thfc town will come before the meeting, such as amending Uie town charter, considering the question ot a graded scbool, and other things. Let as many as possibly can do so be present. FOR OVER FiFY YEARS. Mrs. Winslow's Soothine Svrup has pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world, rwenty-hve cents a bottle, lie sure ard ask for "Mrs Winslow's Sooth ing Syrupjind take no other kind. Death of Mrs. Little. I Mrs. Priscilla Little died at the home ot Mr. Peyton Keel Monday J night aged, about 79 years. She had I suffered with heart trouble which was i the "inflnediate cause of her death She was the grandmother of Mrs. Kee with whom she had made her home for some time I The remains were interred in the I Baptist cemetery Tuesday afternoon, Rev. O. Ryder conducting the burial exercises are grown and selected with special reference to their adaptability to the soil and climate of the South. On our seed farms, and in our trial grounds, thousands of dollars are expeaded in testing and growing the very best seeds that it is possi? ble to grow. By our experiments we are enabled to save our customers-much expense and loss from planting varieties not adapted to our Southern soil and climate. Wood's Seed Book for 1901 is fully up to date, and tells all about the best Seeds for the South. It surpasses all other pub lications o"f its kind in helpful and useful information for Gardeners, Trackers red Farmers. Mailed iree. Write for it. T. W. WOOD & SONS, SscJ Growers. & Merchants, J RICHMOND, VA. - IASGEST SEED HOUSE !H THE SOUTH. 1 Wood's S680S ROTECTS THE yf J also cured. Altogether for my whole I familv we have used nineteen bottles of Peruna, and have thus saved $500 in doctors' bills. I am a contractor and mason by trade, and am known all over Nebraska. I have had a stomach trou ble which has been greatly reliered by your remedy, Peruna, for which I am still taking it. We think It is th e great est medicine on earth." C. T. Roberts, Falls City, Nebraska. Mr. T. G. Walker, Carneiro, Kansas, writes : "It is with pleasure that 1 re port that I am better than I have been for many years. I believe Peruna is without a doubt the best medicine that was ever used in a family. It has cured my nervousness, with which I had been afflicted for a great number of years." It is a fact of ever-Increasing astonish Growing Town ! This is what is often sai of Scotland Neck, And We Two men cussing terday, and one re marked to the other : Hoffman will do a bigger business this year than ever before' And this is what we have set our pegs to do and propose to do - it. Whatever your needs may be in the way of supplies of any and all kinds, in Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, La dies' and Gents' Goods of . every description, together with the Very Best Groceries and Feed Supplies of- all kinds, you can find in abundance with us, and we are pledged by all our former deal ings to giye the best bargains to our custo mers -every time. Vine Hill Female Academy Scotland Neck, N. C. L. W. BAGLEY, A. B., Principal. This school is one of the oldest in the State, and was never belter equipped than at present. Her instructors represent six prominent institutions. Expenses are very moderate. Healthy locality, excellent community, live find nrnsneroua town. A it.r Christmas exercises resume for new pupils to enter. Buy Your BUGGIES, UNDERTAKINGS AND PICTURE FRAMES from JOHN B. HYATT. R. C. Brown's old stand, Tar boro. First-class goods at low prices. Grip and Catarrh. Sight in These Days. They Say, Earth." ment that so many otherwise sensible and provident people will, for the neglect of so simple a precaution as to have a bottle of Peruna at hand, bring npon themselves the needless suffering and foolish expense that a practitioner of medicine is forced to witness every day. As soon as tho value ot Peruaa is fully appreciated by every household, both as a preventive and cure of these affections, tens ot thousands ot lives will be saved, and hundreds ot thou sands of chronic, lingering cases oi disease prevented. Peruna Is a bouse- bold safeguard. - A complete work on chronic catarrh sent free to any address by The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio. Grow With It ! were dis- business yes M. Hoffman & Ero. on January 2ad. This is a favorable time 11-22-tf TJ7 T. PARKER, White Corn, Mixed Oats, 200 lbs. Salt, WttDON, N. G .55. .38. $1.00. J.W. PERRY &C0., Cotton Factors. Norfolk, Va., Jan. 21, 1901. COTTON. STEADY. Strict Middling, 9 11-16 Middline cotton. -lo Strict Low Middline. V Low Middline. vi Ttliies and Sandy. 8 to ' B. E. Peas, $3.25 per Bag. EANUTS. QUIETY No demand for Lew Grades. Fancy, Stri!l:' Prime, 3 cis. 2$ to i'J cU. i'jL to 2 cts. U to 2 eta. rime, Low Grades, Machine picked, If to 2 CtK. Manish Peanuts. 82ic. fl bushel. B. E. Pear, ?" a V feanut Bags, 68 In. 8 oz. e$ J. W. PERKY & C7. TAYLOR, THE Pioneer Grocer of theTowi The first to undertake the Exclusive Grocery Business here six years ago, having weathered the storm thus long (while many competi tors have dropped in and out) still solicits the patron age of the good people of the town and community. Remember. Taylor's Grocery Store Is Strictly Headquarters for anything in the way of Staple and Fancy Groceries, as well as all kinds of Feed Stuffs, etc., carrying the most Complete Line of any house in the county. If you are a visitor to our store call again ; if not, call on us for anythingyou may desire. Country Produce Wanted. and HORSES : We have Stables in Hali fax and Weldon where "we keep a good lot of new and fresh MULES1 HORSES I A rare opportunity we give to those wno wish to buy Good Stock Cheap! Kemember our Stables in Halifax and Weldon. J. B. ASKEW & BRO., Scotland Neck, North Carolina; 1-10-tf Notice. Stale of North Carolina, Halifax County, In the Superior Court. Millie Johnson vs Andrew Johnson To the defendant Andrew Johnson : You will take notice that an action entitled Millie Johnson vb Andrew Johnson has been commenced against you in said Court. The purpose or the action is to obtain an absolute divorco from you on account of your having abandoned the plaintiff without caue prior to the first day of January, and living separate and apart from her for more than one year prior to that date, and you are required to be and appear at the next term oi tne ouperi or Court to be held fur said county at the Court House in linn fax and answer or demur to the complaint wblcb has been filed in this action witbin tne time required by law, and let tbe ae fendant take notice that if be fails to - a ......KtMt answer oraemur io ice cum piaiu within tbe time required by law, the plaintiff will apply to ihe Court for Ihe relief asked in the complaint. This Dec. 14i b, 1900. Sterling m. uaky, Clerk Superior Court. 12-20-6t New Year, New Horses, New Mules, New Goods, GALORE. Yes, Ave have some of our best goods yet, such as Shoes, Hats, Clothing, China Tea Sets, Lamps, Pictures, etc., which we are selling at low down ' prices. Also the best as sortment of Tobacco and Snuff to be found in town. Mason's Stand ard Soda Crackers and Cakes always on hand. Fresh Fruits, Candy, Nuts, Prunes. Figs. Dried Apples, Peaches and eve rything usually found in a first-class store. Give us a call when looking for bargains. "Vilson Allsbrook. t

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