(7 Support Of Local Newspapsrs .New Eern Journal. fi??,. i Tha local newspaper is not a chant Sfefcvgf 5 jjbl3 Inpntut;r,n but a local industry, There is so poison so highly contagious, ! ingt fi3 muc.n as a cot ton noil! or any ivc aiu so aescrw Ixm't hi -' '"'5cti,::od!Coascl:av2t?isarr.c-ried, and j It has just- as much right to do th c f'ioclor r.cys you are rell. Hatryper-j of m pe0p!o tLeir individual sons nave been dosed v.itli mctcim j rej : 1 , . Voizr'i for T.ionths or years, J.nd pro- j nnd united patronage, S3 aoes too nourerd cuvi.i to realize vhou too lit J jopaj ,v.rr;.uant, who will complain if lust the disease -was oulv covered up . ,., -.-1 . driven from the 'a-:y per on goes away from to.va to ii:.r? f sj. surface to break j jiny the goods bfi has for sale. c-its"2!r r.nX te their sorrow and moriifi-; " " ... c-ilii find those ncare;t and dearest to : The cit?z3n3 of the town will enm" lhc:n have bevn i-fected by this loath- , , j, e of tbeir loC;ll some disease, for r.o other poison js so . surely trr.ns:i;itted froin parent to child n-W!prer and the paucity of its this. Often a bad case of Khetnnatism, 'j CaUrrh, Scrofula or severe skin disease, j now, and never think I bat the lea! an eld soiJ or ulcer developii:- in nncole i Ut sm. illness is dne to tbem- hfe, can be traced to blood poison con- lla rise S2s of tho Pi&sst ! sc5e3' t!,e!r ra3ager snPPrfc of U Jife, for it remains smoldering in the sys- The newspaper, its editing and teni forever, unless properly-lreatcd aiul nnbTication, and the cost of ipsuing driven out in the be.Ti:imr.(. b. S. b. 13 i the only antidote for this peculiar virus, i if, is a bust lies'? proposition for Us the only remedy known that can over come it and drive it out of the blood, and it does this so thoroughly and effectually that there is never a return of the disease to embarrass or humiliate you afterwards. gZy, fili dfi cures Contagious Blood t fA. N tr's Poison in any and all stages; contains no proprietor, as much so as is the sale of goods to any merchant in ibe town, cny the support of the local news piper is of far more importance to a town, than is the proposition that every person shall give full support to every local merchant. at the same time builds up the general local matter is of such yital im- health. ! . Our iittte book on contagious blood p jrtauco m sny community as the poison is the most ccnipleteand ruc- ; ,ectipn and bll?Idiog up of its local tive ever issued: it not only tens all , 1 - about vo be in the hands of everyone seeking a cure. Send for it. 4r THE SWIFT SPECiFiC CO., ATi-AKTA, CA. byj- g,.3'J? bJii mineral tc break down 'd your constitution ; it is purely vegetable and the on!' blood puri fier k'noTTB that cleanses the blood and rat this disease, but also how to cure ' r,ew?pfiper. irself at home. It is free and should I ? Fcr DON'T LET THEM SUFFER. Often children are tortured with itch in s and burning eczema and other skin Y , , ffS'fj " A-ataes rut Bncilen 8 Ainici oave S t-ot- 2Uoliiip n3ls the raw sorQe expels inQamatiou, POSITIONS GUARANTEED, leases the skin without a scar. Clsan, Under $3,000 Cash Deposit. s tr tyrant, cheap, there's no salve on nui-rocd Faro raid. ea -fh pa a;fod. Try it. Cure guaran- Cpca all t. GosSex--'8. ery Chap Board. to.A Onlv 2Sft t T5 T. Whitehead A ?pca all yoai-1 Goth Sex-'8. Very Cbsap Board. je ,J OnI' 25a at Oeoriria-Alalfauia business Collt'sce, , ,' 51 W r ? T T 7 V, I MUiOl mirnn I V !f i A AND GRAVESTONES WE FAY THE FREIGHT, AND GUARANTEE SAFS DELIVERY LARGEST STOCK IN THE SOUTH. Illustrated Catalogue Free. THE COUPHR MARBLE WORKS (Established 1848.) 150, 1C1 and 1G3 Bank St., NORFOLK, VA N. IrBclell Sz Son. Sen oral CommlssloE Morchafc. IT Commerce Street, . - - - Norfolk, Virginia. All Country Troduce, Cotton, Peanu's, Teas, Fruits, Flour,Feed, Hay, Grain Lumber, Shingles, and in manufaeiuicd a tides. Cons snments respectfully solicited, and corraspondonce will be promptly aiiswerel. Also asenta for the sale of Hemlock Role Leather of superior quality. Tanned by Queen City Tannery, Titm-vilie, Pa. Te can furnish this Leather by the roll to cours-ry merchants at low piicts. Our fee returned if vtq fail. Any one sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent ability of same. "How to -Uain a patent" sent upon request. Patents secured tbrougn us advertised ior sale at our expense. Patents taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, in The Patent Record, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, VBGTQR EWMNS a G, Patent Attorneys,) 1 V 3 tr" avm 7 $3-qo a year A c:ni a dan vien aac Ti 1! T eacling f 5 Hjiijcr o year P of A Weekly Newspaper and aa Illustrated Magazine ia one. Tells the story orici-iiappenings every week ia brief, clear-cut paragraphs. Lyman Abbott :2 E&lor-in-chief, aad Hamilton W. Mabie the Associate Editor. W W 5 . n M O E'li? ..::'V.or of" Hov ihe Other Half Lives" will e :r. Tim Ovr. i.r e-; r.n intensely human and vivid ,-int t't h!.- oxfCftences as a chiid in Denmark, iijvv.irsr.t i-i America, a workman, a traveller, -r.orttr, i-.i-a i;n:.iy a student of tenement house il-'pr.iS. a;-.'! .-.a fXicient aid to Theodore Roosevelt rcor.-i!,i.;nj the Mew York police. Mr. Riis iLcs with ir.iplicitj', humor and vigor. RALPH CON NOR Under this pseudonym were written two of the most striking of recent novels, " Black Rock" and " The Sky Pilot." A new novel of Canadian and Western life by this author will appear in The Outlook during the year. In spirit, humor, pathos and strong character-drawing it is even superior to its predecessors. ABBOTT v!U commute a series of important papers on funda mental political principles as applied to twentieth cen'ury problems. It will be called "Thb Rights cfJVIam, 'and .'iil define industiial, educational and reIiiot!, as well as political, rights and duties. I SPECIAL 1 T introduce The outlook to new read ers we will send it Tor two months' triai for 25 cents pro vided this paper is mentioned. Address THE OUTLOOK, NEW YORK M . f fit I E3 .This is a peeil nl limited cifer to tfce IrcsdenoftbiA PP" j THE NATIONAL MAGAZINE, Edited by Joe Mitchell Chappie, your 50c. reaches us on or before January 1, 19C1. Think what this means ! It places the cleverest, bright est and most up-to-date magazine ia your hands every month for a year for half ths regular price! much less than it costs to publish it. The "National" is thoroughly American, now in its 13th volume, fuil of just the reading you want from cover to cover. Timely Topics, Washington Affaire, Bright Stories, Clever Illustrations. Over 100 pages each month. President MoKinley Tins snbscribed for and read the 25A'rIO?;Al,', for years. Send your 50c. to-day while ma kr. a ir - n.Jf J m n . I ne national jviaazine, yi oeuioru it., tsoston. GOV. AYCOCK'S ADDRESS. Continued from firpt page. sounds, hillsi and mountains, sufficient to satisfy our dreams of wealth ; with a frugal and industrious population read to toil jw.-t awaking folly to ths possibilities before them. All that we need "to compls Ibe circle of our feiici;ies" is peace. Let hatred and bitterness and strife cease from among us. Let the law ever where reign su preme. The highest tet of a great people is obsdisnca to law and .a con sequent ability to administer justice. It hhall be the earnest aim of my ad minstraiiou to foster ood feeling and to enforce law and order throughout the state. From Currttuekto Chero kee the law must haya full sway. The mob has no lace in our civilization. The courts are the creation of the con stitution and the juries are drawn from the people. If changes ba necessary in order to secure a better and more certain admL-tration of justice, you, gentlemen of the legislature, can make i he?e changes ;bnt it should be distinct ly and finally understood ot all men that safety can be found only in obed ience to law. I wish to say to negroes of tais state in this connection that they have been misinformed if they have heard that this administration will be unfriendly to them. Their every rigu t under the constitution shall be abso lutely preserved, they will find security in right conduct and certain punish ment for failure to obey the law. Let them learn that crimes which lead to mob law must cease and then mob law shali curse our state no more. I call upon all upright negrcea to aid me in 8upressing crime in all its forms. The white people owe a high duty to the negro. It was necessary to the safety of the state to base suffrage on capacity to exercise it wisely. This re sults in excluding a great number of negroes from the ballot, but their right to life, liberty, property and jus tice must be even more carefully safe guarded than ever. It is true that a superior rce cannot submit to the mle of a weaker race without iniury ; it is also true in the long years of God that the strong cannot oppress the weak without destruction. I said on April 11th, 1900, and I now repeat, it as a deep conviction that "universal justice is a perpetual decree of Almighty Gcd, and we are entrusted with power not (or our good alone, but for the negro as well. We hold our title to power by tenure of seryice to God, and if we fail to administer equal and exact j ustice to the negro whom we deprive of suffrage, we shall in the fullness of time lose power ourselves, for we must know that the God who is Love trusts no people with authority for the purpose ot enabling them to do injustice to the weak." Let us serve the state in this spirit aim! with wisdom and the people will continue to trust us, but if we depart from this plain and just way, power" will drop from our hands, for the amendment has, I believe and trust, brought with it a freedom, of thought, of criticism and of action that will be swift to withdraw a trust abused. With the education of the whole peo ple ; with a fair and impartial election law; with peace everywhere, there will be nothing to prevent us from working out the high destiny of our state. Thought will be set free, opin ion can have its full sway and every man will be able to declare the inmost feelings of his Leart. We shall have problems and differences, but. we shall have the intelligence to solye the prob lems and the good spirt to harmouize our differences. I come to the high task to which the people called me with many mis givings. I know, if not adequately, something of my weakness and like wise know, if not to the fullest extent, ibe many difficulties which will beset oiy way. I come to the work humbly, with deep anxiety and with an earnest desire to terve the people well. The uanner of my coming makes it all the more incumbent upon me to search my heart that I may have no impure motive there ; one who has been trust ed after such a fashion as the people uave trusted mo owes the highest obli 4tion of uprightness in thought and iction. Chosen by my party unani mously, elected by the people by a najority such as has never been given to any pother man, I am bound by eyery obligation to serve to my utmost. Tbe task is a difficult one. I shall make mistakfs. When 1 shall have done tne right thing I shall even then some ti utB ba misunderstood by my friends who will see my action nut irom my standi oint as the governor of the wnule people, but froji tueirs. Wheu I shall liave done wrong I shail nut expect ap proval ; I do not. wish it. I want to know my mistakes to the end that 1 my correct them, because I am certain that I shall be judged at last by the who'e tenor of my administration and by no one particular act, I have been elected as a Democrat. I saall administer the high office to which I have been called in accordance with the policies and principles of that great party, but I wish it distinctly understood that I shall strive to be a just governor of all the people without regard to party, color or creed. The law will be enforced with impartiality and no man's petition shall go unheard and uuconsidered because he differs from ms in politics or in color. My obligation is to the state and the state is all her citizens. No man is so high that the law shall not be enforced against him, and no man is so low that it shall not reach down to him to lift him vp if he may be and set him on bis fflpfc at?ain and bid blm God kneed to better things. I shall need the support of every citizen of the state. My work is your work ; I am but your servant and it I serve you wisely it will be because my 6ars shall be constantly open to coun sel that I may know wisdom. But with ail the aid which can come from men, I shall fail uules-a I haye the guidance o! that God who rules the destinies of states and nations and men, to whom with reverence I commend this good state and her gracious peo ple. CURES BLOOD POISON. Scrofula, Ulceus, Old Sores, Bone Pains Tkial Treatment Free. First, second or third stages postiyely cured by taking B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm). Blood Balm kills or destroys-the Syphilitic Poison in the Blood and expeis it from the svstem. At the mmi time Botauic Blood Balm builds tip the shattered constitution. Have you sore throat, pimples, copper colored spots, old sores, ulcere, swell ings, scrofula, itching skin, aches and pains in bones or joints, sore mouth or falling hair? Then Botanic Blood Balm will heal every sore, stop the aches and make the blood Pure and liich and give the r'ch glow of health to the skin. Over 3000 testimonials of cures. Botanic Blood Balm thorough ly tested for 30 vears. Sold at Drug stores, $lmci tiding complete directions. Trial treatment ol B. B. B, free by ad dressing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and tree medical ad vice given. Don't despair of a cure as Blood Balm cures when all else fails. "Of course, John," said bis wife "I'm obliged to you for this money, but it Isn't nearly enough to buy a real fur coat." uell replied the brutal man, you'll have to make it go as fur as you can." Philadelphia Press. The merited reputation for curing piles, sores and skin diseases acquired by DeWitt s VVitcn Hazel Halve, has ied to the making worthless counter feits. Be sure to get only DeWitt's Salve. E. T. Whitehead & Co. "I wish to see a bonnet," said Miss Passe, aged forty. "For yourself, Miss?" inquired the French milliner "Yes." "Marie, run; down stairs and get me hats for ladies between eigh teen and twenty." Tid Bits. Sore and swollen joints, sharp, shoot mg pains, torturing muscles, no rest, no sleep. That means rheumatism It is a stubborn disease to fight but Chamberlain's Pain Balm has conquer ed it thousands of times. It will do so whenever the opportunity Is offered Try it. One application relieves the pain. For sale by E. T. Whitehead & Co. Druggists. Bain tha Of BTOHLIA. Ths Kind You Haw Always Boagtt j ins una tou Haw Aiways i "i never.saw sucn a town as yours declared the Goyernor. "Every un married man there u trying to enlist" "Don't blame 'em," responded the bachelor representative from the place of question. "The girls there have organized a cocking club." Sel. C i i HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Tol edo, O. We the undersigned, have known F. J.Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm- West & Teaux, Wholesale Druggists, Toled i, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. - '. ' Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blool and mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Sick Man Is this the Western San itarium? New Girl (mystified) This is Dr. Blank's house. Sick Man Yes, but doesn't he take sick people to nurse sometimes? New Girl Oh, maybe he dees. There's tw or three skeletons in the back office. -Register. THOUSANDS SENT INTO EXILE. Every year a larg3 number of poor sufferers whose Junes are sore and rack ed with coughs srs ur-reel to to to an othet climate. But this is costly and not always sure. Don't be an exile when Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption will cure you at home. It's the. - most infallible medicine for Coughs, Colds, and all Throat and Lung diseases on earth. The first dose brings relief. Astounding cures result irom persistent use. Trial bottles free at E. T. Whitehead & Co.'s Drug store. Price 50c. and $1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. They Pass Daughter "But he is so full of absurd ideals." Mother "Never mind that dear. Your father was just the same before I married him" Brooklyn Life. Wile I ordered that gown, dear. Husband Didn't I tell you I could not afford it? Wife Yes; but I thought it all over and and concluded tbat you would be more unhappy not to nave me get it than if you couldn't pay for it. Set. HE KEFT HIS LEG. Twelve years ago J. W. Sullivan, of Hartford, Conn , scratched his leg wiih a rusty wire. Inflammation and blood poisoning set in. Fur two years he suffered intensely. Then the best dec tors urged amputation, ' hut," he writes "I used one bottle of Pilectria Bitterf audi 12 boxes ot Buck (en's Arnica rfalve and my leg was e-otind and weil as ever." Fui Eruptions, Eczema, Te -ter, Salt Rheum, Sores and all blood disorders Electric Bitters has no rival on each. Try them E. T. Whitehead & Co. will guarantee satisfaction or refund money. Only 50 cents. Thought better of it : "Might I in inquire whose umbrella that is tbat you are carrying?" asked Mr. Perrys ville of Mr. Westpark. "You might." "Then I won't." Pittsburg Cronicle Telegraph. A PROMINENT CHICAGO WOMAN SPEAKS. Prof. Roxa Tyler, of Chicago, Vice President Illinois Woman's Alliance, in speaking of Chamberlain's . Cough Remedy, says : "I suffered with a severe cold this winter which threat ened to run into pneumonia. I tried different remedies but I seemed to grow worse and the medians upset my stomach. A friend advised me to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and I found it was pleasant to take and ll relieved me at once. Iam now entire ly recovered, saved a doctor's bill, time and suffering, and I will never be without this splendid medicine again." For sale by E. T. Whitehead & Co. I? fry lift. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and v.liieL In use lor over 31 years, lias Dome inc t-iti;vilX and has been made iumecc 'jy''y sonal supervision .since iis i,,,.' Allow no one to decei ve y( , , f'v All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-tfor.d" ;U oij Experiments that trifle with and emlanrcr the ? ;(!, j Infants and Children Experience against i; : ;ui:!,. What is CAST Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor gone, Drops and Sootmngr syrups, it is Afr.'; j contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other y.?,tx, substance. Its age is its guarantee. It tie; -treys v(l!li and allays Feverishness. It cures XManluwa ; y:. Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Consilium! and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, ivi 'slit,, Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and n;;tiii.! si- The Children's Panacea The Mother's GENUINE CASTORIA Bears the Signature of A 3 Miss The Kind You Hare itas M In Use For Over 30 Yeare A. THE CENTAUR COMPANY. TT MURRAY RYftEET, NEW VORK C7V. BaflBsCatEM The most soothing, healing and an tiseptic application ever devised is De Witt's Whiten Hazel Salve. It relieves at once and cures piles,' sores, eczema and skin diseases. Beware ofj imita tions. E. T. W btahead A. Go. - i Bhfliiii U&ci "Why haven't yon congratulated that bridal couple?" "Can't do it! I can't congratulate her because I know him, and can't congratulate him be, cause I know her.'' Der Floh. 5 S mnm im f'jA WA mi UK '-' hi SIM X Ti B m tl a Nobody knows all about it; and nothing, now known, will always cure it. Doctors try Scott's Emul sion of Cod Liver Oil, when they think it is caused by im perfect digestion of food. You can do the same. It may or may not be caused by the failure of stomach and bowels to do their work. If it is, you will cure it; if not, you will do no harm. The way, to cure a disease is to stop its cause, and help the body get back to its habit of health. When Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil does that, it cures; when it don't, it don't cure. It never does harm. The genuine lias this picture on it, take no other. If you have not tried it, send for free sample, its agreeable taste will surprise you. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, 400 Pearl St., N. Y. 50c, and $1.00 ; ail druggists. A. MCDOWELL, Prksidknt. FRANK p. W. R. BOND, Ass't Casiiieb. I7 Tie Scoliann SecS Banlr SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. SOLICITS THE ACCOUNTS OF BOTH INDIVIDUALS FIR1I3. Hudson's English I'- 7 A 347 Mam Street, NORFOLK, VA. 0 0 0 The only Up-to-date Restaurant -o- - 000- -o- For Ladies and G-entleme; -0-0-oeo-o-o-Strictlv a Temperance Pkce. 00- -00 ALL MEALS 25 cent.-. Frank T. Clark ( SUCCESSORS TO COOKE, CLARK & CO. Norfolk, Virginia... 5 n iimlQer.s' llarfhvare, Mantles, Tiles, drat; s. Polished Plate Glass, Mirrors and Window (i!a Oils, Varnishes, Hooting and Sheathing Pa" 9-lfJ-ly NORFOLK & CAROLINA B.R. CONDEJNSED SCHEDULE. Diiled Jan. 19th, 1898. No. No. flOJ i9 j P. M. 1 A. M. Stations j No. 18 P. M. No. :fio2 A. M. 2 20 2 40 3 03 9 46 3 17 10 00 3 50 10 31 4 15 10 50 1 36 II OS 4 53 21 21 9 00 Lv Norfolk Ar 9 20 Pinners Point Drivers Suffolk Gates Tunis Ahoskey Aulander 5 55 5 35 12 21 Ar. Tarboro 5 39 5 05 4 50 4 20 4 00 3 41 3 27 Le 2 31 10 05 9 50 9 28 12 8 39 8 21 8 01 7 48 6 45 Ar. Lv. 6 35 12 50 Rocky Mount 1 55 6 17 f. M. P. Al. P. M. A. M- 'Daily. fDaily except Sunday? Trains No. 49 and 48 solid trains be tween Pinner's Point and Wilmington. Train No. 49 connects at Rockv Mt with train 23 for ah points South and No. 78 train for all points South and No. 78 train f.r all points North. G. M. SERPELL, J. R. KENLY . Genr'i Man. Snp't Tains. T. M. EMERSON. Gen'l pa8. Agent. fill J Ml WHOLESALE OEFAftTMSMT. '?;; air ! -G-'ilrtSl!-" ! JjMWR'.riC'y-; Woodside's Wharf, Norfolk. Va Compare our Work with that oi our Competitors. ESTABLISHED IN 1865. CHAS' H- WALSH' m Marlla iri hrh WTORKS, Sycamore St., Peteibujg, Va. Monuments, Tombs, Cemetery Curb ing, tc. All work Mrlctly llm - ;class and at Lowest Prices. il S) I ALSO FURNISH IRON J!H-t-t- resigns sent to auv aodress iron t writing for theu; i 'pkio cl.n rj ceased and limit as to price. I Freajr-Freight on ail Work. ! rorDrui Our Sent Frp 3ii Request. Drunkenness and Drug Using. rieaa writs as. Oorrmpondenoa Pbfidentisl. THE KEEtEY INSTITUTE. Dept.K CY THIS SOUTHS ' fcS THE i:cnn:'i-.v-fi rev THS PUOFiTS CGMPA?J!Ca Q:i'iOiiL:., AGENTS MH. i'.-l KICK TmSiTttn ' - coMPENSATiori v : BEVE2RLEY D. ftU? VROIfjU TA mm lst.VSce-Pr&s''t. JUL! AW A1. 3rd.Vice-Prcs't Cdr.i 1 C III III "SS Greensboro, H.C ,V -JZT. ti J

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