lie Commonwealth. ItH V it J A i J A S U A i Y 31 . 190 I. SPE- lAi: M,tNCMNT$. ARD TINS Bu supply Seeond- li-.i.d 50 Jbs. Lard Cans on hand at !0e each Ta YjjOK'y Grocery Stotie. e Keep THE BEST Groceries! And solicit a share of the public patrou ?e. Our customers shail not puffer U,r wpRt of supplies at lowe.-t pi :ces Guod- de li vered an v w here i n town. A r Tyler & Outterbridge. l RIDE A " 1 o n a r ch" AND KEEP IX THtt FRONT. EITHER HUM'S rr..- si r RAY o-on t. N. C. Beotl and Neck, jhen you want Vinegar al ways buy tne uest -Apple nice lames If. Clark & Co.'s So. 1 Cider Vinegar as quite a reputation in pleas- 2: so manr. I It is now so!d m four states. Has )een inei in North Carolina and Vir gin; t f r the past thirty ye.irs, snd has ve 1 perfect sat! .-.faction. Warranted Kt ep pieties. I J. D. Ray & Co., I SCOTLAND NECK. )Vh'i'.le ard r.-tail dealers on this jjrei! known appie jui-?e. JAMES CLARK & CO.'S NO. I lDER VINEGAR h for ml by the iliowinir wei! merchants: Wnite & R. C. Joaev & Co.. E. Jhie!d. Wilson AMsbrook, J. D. Ray fc )o , Tyler Cutter bridge, . T. Han- jnck, E. V. Hyman, E. N. Nelson, Jlray brothers, of Scotland Neck. 1 Biker Robersoa, of Palmyra. I W. II. Randolph & Co., ol Tillery. I N. L. Steda:an, Tillery. .Mr Jennie Sta'en, Staten'a store. I W' Robinson, Brocket ts. I 3500 REWARD. Jk We will , pay the above reward for iv c.ise of Liyer Complaint, Dyapcp , Sick IIuHd:icht, Indigestion, Con- ipition, or Costiveness we cannot re with Liverita, the Up-to-Date ttle Liver L'iii, when the directions strictly complied with. They are fcreh Vegetable and never fail to give kit-faction. 25. boxes contain 100 Mis, lib. boxes contain 40 Pills, 5e xss contain 15 Pills. Beware of jb.-itutitn3 and imitations. Sent by jail. Sr-nrap taken. Nervita Mei al Co., Cor. Clinton and Jackson Chicago, III. For sale by E. T. jfbiiebeid Co., Drnggi3ts, Scotland Vk.N. C. i XFORTANT FACTS FOR FARM t ERS. st of Different Kind of Fence Per xoo K YaTrls Knr to Years. $10.30. $17 90. $12 15. Your rail fence takes a large fence r that is worth something each year jl j onr fence is subject to be thrown jrn by siock, blown clown m stcrm, burned when fire gets to it. bur plank fence is a strong fence, is subject to be burned and when r posts decay soma tne force 01 d asiainst the plank will break the s off before entirely rotten. The je fence is firo and storm proof and Bk cannot throw it down as they do jlil fence. The posts will last longer au?e tba storm has no power on the ie, and wii.'Iast 15 years instead of ear3 wkh repairing of posts. his wire fencing cm be had by lying to the Wintervilfe Wire ee Co., Winterville, X. C. Such little pills as DeWitt's Little rly Risers are vary easily taken, and By are wonderfully effective ine'eac- I . 1 1; 1 . ir v ig lmb liver cua uttfio. cj. . pitehead & Co, . Wruble & Co., Merchant Tailors. il open in the Scotland Neck (Brick) Hotel on Feb-U4ry 1st. 1901, with a foil line ot first-class goods. GUARANTEED FIT. lice next door to Bank. Notice. Notice is hereby given that applica nt will be made to the Genera! As ibly at its session of 1901 for a char for a Railroad to be run from Scot d Neck to some point on Roanoke rer between Edward's Ferry and jmuton. I I OR LaQies' s ill Fence ntc ire uio v UlUlUj oru, JLWJ.. Oysters and Coffee Served at Scotland, Neck Hotel Every Friday Night. ore. for Oysters and Coffee. A Nice Hog. Mr. Albert House a few days ago killed a hog under twe years old which weighed 346 pounds. R. C. McPheeson, Refracting Opti cian will be at Hotel Camp for a fen days longer. Eyes examined free ol cfjarge. Mr. McPherson has done sat islactory work for a number ot people in town since he came. Death of Miss Baker. Miss Em mi Baker, daughter of Mr. John Henr B iker, died here last Friday aged 22 years. J oe remains were lnierreo 11 tho Baptist cemetery Saturday, Rev. M. L. Kesler conducting the exercise. Har illness was only a few days and her death was a surprise. The Com monwealth sympathizes with tht striekeo. family in this their great di- tross. They Jmgle Welt. The Rocky Mount Motor gWes the fo'lowing item concerning the name; i a family in Halifax county : "A ladv in Brinkleyville, N C, wa aoked by a friend to tell her the nam of her four daughters. Though the were all grown, the mother bad never called the names all at one time ann ooih she and her visitor were muci ;n;!Med at the pretty jingle producer :y the pronunciation. The ladie n i nes are as follows : ' Lee Amelia, Pattie Lnvenia, Marait Ophelia, Sallte Cornelia." Death of Mr. Leonard Kit chin. Last Saturday the remains of Mr. Leonard Kitchin, son of the late L. I . Kiti-'hin, were brought here fronr Portsmouth, Va., and interred in tbe Baptist cemetery. lia died at his home in Port Norfolk, Thursday, Jan. 24tb,. aged about 30 ye trs. Ha had been sick but a few d ns. Pneumonia was thr cause ol his death. Ha left a wife and two ebU.ireu. He was a member ot tbe Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineer-. and his body was accompanied by re presentatives of the Brotherhood. Mr. Kitchin was born and reared ir Scotland Neck. Several years ago bf moved to Portsmouth. He was a pop ular engineer and was fast rising in favor with the railroad authorities. His death was peculiarly sad ant Thk Commonwealth joins the friend? ot the family in sympathy for them in their sorrow. Deatn of Mrs. Proctor. Mrs. Nora, wife of Mr. E. J. Proctor, died at her home here Tuesday night at 1 o'clock, aged 26 years. The Im mediate cause of her death was pneu monia. On the 9th of last May she was mar ried, and those who saw her in robust heilth just stepping out into real life little thought that before the an niversary ol her happy marriage, she would ba taken from the joys and pleasures of earth. She was a modest, quiet and most excel! nt young woman of manv charm ing and commendable traits of character. While she had no church connection she had expressed her intention to join tbe Baptist church, of which her bus band is a member. A good and true and tender life has thus passed out. She was an affec tionate wife truly a help-meet to her worthy husband, and she bore the high est esteem of all who knew her. The remains were Interred this af ternoon (Wedndsday) in the Baptist cemetery, Rer. M. L. Kesler conduct ing the service. The community generally sym pa thizas with the grief stricken husband and others sorely bereaved, all of which is shared by The Commonwealth, of which Mr. Proctor has been foreman for three years. No one can reasonably hope for good health unless his bowels move once each day. When this is not attended to, disorders of tbe stomach arise, bil iousness, headache, dyspepsia and piles soon follow. If ycu wish to avoid th9se ailments keep your bowels regu lar by taking Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets hen required. They are so easy to take and mild and gentle in effect. For sale by E. T. Whitehead & Co. Druggists. Cores a Cough or Cold at once, (rarnn-v Conquers Croup, Wrhooping-Cough. i cfl flQUQj Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Grippe and urm & f Consumption. Mothers praise iL Doctors prescribe it. Qnicksure results. Get onlyJDr. Boll's ! Pgpa TWENTIETH CENTURY FLYERS. AS TIME ROLLS ONWARD THE THROBBING MASS OV HUMANITY IS NEVER STILL. Prof. L. W. Bagley went to Littleton on business Saturday. Mr. S. D. Hancock, of Weldon wa was here Friday. Mrs. Annie Pittman has gone to live at her old farm home near Halifax. Mrs. G. Hoffman, accompanied by her husband, went to Johns Hopkins hospital last week for treatnrent. Mrs. J. T. Applewhite was called to Raleigh several days ago to the bedside of her son, Mr. W. J. Applewhite, who is ill. Capt. W. H. Kitchin has been quite ill for some days with pneumonia. His sons, Congressman W. W. Kitchin, c.f Washlugton, and Mr. A. P. Kitchin, of Lioxboro, have been called here on ac count of his illness. Mrs. J. H. Futrell came up from Portsmouth Saturday with the body ol Mr. Leonard Kitchin. Also his sister Pauline, came. Mrs. S. B. Kitchin who had been with her brother, aleo returned home with the body. Mr. J. Wilson Whitehead, of Gibson, spent part of last week in the commun ity visiting; his father, Mr. A. J. White- bead. Gibson is in the new county of Scotland and Mr. Whitehead gays tbe Scotch people over there are clever and thrifty. Mr. R. G. Allsbrook, of Tarboro, w&? here Saturday to visit bis parents. It is a source of gratification to Tbe Commonwealth and Mr. Allsbrook's many frieads here and elsewhere to note his line success as a young lawyer. He has just closed an important suit in Orange county from which he secured quite a handsome fee. Dr. F. H. Arthur and family left .Monday for Maryland where they will nake their home. He left Scotland Neck because of ill health, not having been well since an attack of fever a ear or two ago. He said he bad been tned yery considerately by the peo ple in Scotland Neck since he came here from Magnolia a few months ago. f he people heie also ilked him and hu patients were especially fond of him. Vhe Commonwealth hopes that his nealth may soon be rostored. Ha and Mrs. Arthur have made quite a num ber of strong friends during their brief residence here. Persons who suffer from indigestion 'an not expect to live long, because bey cannot eat the food required to lt urish the body and the products oi he undigested foods they do eat poi- vm the blood. It is important to cure ndigestion as soon as possible, and be beat method of doing this is to use hi prenaration known as Kodol Dys pepsia Cure. It digests what you eat tores all the digestive organs to per ct health. E. T. w- - CRIMINAL COURT. About Eighty Cases to be Tried. Criminal court was opened Monday by Judge A. M. Moore. Tbe following rand jury was drawn : C. B. Green, foreman, M. L. Morris, R. E. Shearin, G. W. Morgan, A. R. Williams, Albert House, C. J. Alston, W. E. Britt, J. S. Jenkins, Moody Lovegrove, W. C. Allbrook, H. L. Sal mon, T.J. Goodrich, A. L. Robinson, R. M. Ausbon, L. T. Garner, D. E. Cobb, C. B. Green, N. A. Brown. Judge Moore made his usual strong charge, covering tbe ground generally gone over by such charges. His charge was clear and instructive. During The charge tbe statement was made that the world is growing better and illustrations were given to substantiate it. the law should be enforced". Judge Moore made some strcngstate ments for tbe enforcement of law. He said that "75 per cent, of the homicides in North Carolina are traceable direct ly to the carrying of concealed wea pon.." "Let the grand jury go right down and present these men who carry con cealed weapons and let the courts pun ish them." He stated that 90 per cent, of the crimes in Halifax county are larceny, and suggested that the cause of this is explained in the fact that the State farms are here from which convicts are constantly damped out upon the coun ty. Mr. Hannibal Shearin was made of ficer to the grand jury. There will be probably eighty cases before the court this weee including tbe cases already on the docket and what will c me in from the grand jury. 42 PRISONERS IN JAIL. There are forty-two prisoners in jail. About.thirty-five of these are to be tried, and of tbe others some are serving out sentences and some are Federal prison ers. Solicitor Daniel is still a terror to evil doers. oolds HI 'eruna is a Sure Cure. HR. HARRY M. STEVENS, Mr. Harry M. Stevens, Midland Beach, j L. I., New York, proprietor of " The Richmond" Hotel eays of Peruna: "It gives me pleasure to testify to the value of Peruna, I have used it for years and have found H to be a most excellent family remedy. For colds, catarrh and similar ills, it is unsurpassed." Mrs. C. E. Long, box 214, Atwood, Colorado, in a recent letter to Dr. Hart man, sya the following : Enthusiastic Meeting. Futrell's new opera bouse was the scene of quite an enthusiastic meeting of the citizens of the town Thursday night 24th. Mayor Clement presided. A committee was appointed consisting of tbe town commissioners P. E. Smith, R. M. Johnson and T. H. Prltcbard to recommend change in the town limits. Tney reported in favor of enlarging tbe tewn three blocks east and three blocks west. A special committee was appointed to prepare an amendment to the town charter accordingly and with request to ask the Legislature to pass an act granting the citizens of the town the priv'lege oi voting on the question of a graded school, water works and electric lights at any time during the next two years. There was a strong feeling in the meeting in favor of a graded school, and a committee was appointed to in vestigate the cost of buildings etc. The committtee consists of tlo town commissioners, Piof. L. W. Bagly and Dr. J. E. Sbeilds. There was a strong leeling also for a railroad from Scotland Neck to Ham ilton. The ineating iidjournf d subject to the call of Mtiyor Clement. m 1 m In pursuance of a decrea made on January 29tli 1901 in the ppecid pro ceedin gs pending in tbe Superior court of Halifax county wherein Thomas 8. Norfleet as executor of William H. Smith is plain lifi nd Julia A. Smith and others are defendu nis : I will on the second day of March, I S01, sell to the highest bidder at public auction in he town ot Scotland Neck tbe land degcri bed in said decree as follows to wit: The parcel of land describe'1, in be petition as tbe tract of land pur- chared by Godfrey Hiil which is m ro par ticularly cescnted in tbe report t.f sale as follows : Begining at a gum on mill pond run N.' 4h W. 154 poles to Zeke Smith's lineT thence S. 40 W. 29 6-10 poles to Daaial Johnson's corner; thsnceS. AU E. 61 2-10 polee along run of branch S. 27 E. 21 2-10 poles to mill ran, thense don milt run to beginuing, containing 26 ares. Upon the following terms : one-third of the purchase money to be paid in cash tbe residue in two equal ann ual install ments at one and two years from th day of sate with interest from the day ot sale payable annually to ba eviden ced by the notes of the purchaser with nrivilege to the purchaser of paying the whole at any time before maturity This January 30, 1901. THOMAS S. NORFLEET, Executor ot Wm. H. Smith. Wood's Seeds are grown and selected with special reference to their adaptability to the soil and climate of the South. On our seed farms, and in our trial grounds, thousands of dollars are expended in testing and growing the very best seeds that it is possi ble to grow. By our experiments we are enabled to save our custom ers much expense and loss from planting varieties not adapted to our Southern soil and climate. Wood's Seed Book for 1901 is fully up to date, and tells all about the best Seeds for the South. It surpasses all other pub lications of its kind in helpful and useful-information for Gardeners, Truckers and Formers. Mailed free. Write for it. T. W. WOOD & SOUS, Seed Orowsrs & Merchants, RICHMOND, VA. LARGEST SEED HOUSE IN THE SOOTH. W w A Most Excellent Family Remedy. MIDLAND BEACH, L. I. "We can never thank you enongh for the change yon have made in our little one's health. Before she began taking your Peruna and rock candy she suf fered every thing in the way of cougbs, colds and croup, but now she has been taking your medicine a month, not quite one bottle full, and she is as well and strong as she has ever been in her life. Has not had the croup once since she began taking it, and when she has a little cold a few doses of Parana fixes her out all right." Mrs Nellie Courier, 14 Center avenue, of the New Year Passed . . For this time some have saved money and some have lost. Those who have ' saved are glad; Those who lost are sad. In the matter of trading it depends What You Buy and also Where You Buy it. offmans' Is surely the place for Saving Money in Scotland Neck. Our customers stick to us and bring oth ers. They "know a good thing when they see it" and equally as well do they know a good place when they find it. If you do not save your money it is your fault, for we freely offer the opportu nity. We are ever ready to serve "all. Always Some Special Barpins. M. Hoffman & Bro. Vine Hill Female Academy - Scotland Neck, N. C. L. W. BAGLEY, A. B., Principal. This school is one of the oldest in the State, and W8 never better equipped ihan at present. Her instructors represent six prominent institutions. Expenses are very moderate. Healthy locality, excellent community, live and prosperous town. After Christmas exercises resume on January 2ud. This is a favorable time I for new pupils to enter. Buy Your I BUGGIES, UNDERTAKINGS f AND PICTURE FRAMES j JOHN B. HYATT. ! II C. Brown's old stand, Tarboro. 1 First-class goods at low prices. mm ml Nbrwalk, Conn., writes: "Peruna has done wonders for my boy. I cannot pfalffe t enough. I think it fs the best medicirie n earth ; let me toll you why I think 60 i My son ha been afflicted with catarrh since he was a baby five months old, so thai for years I had to watch him all nigh: long; and keep his mouth open so lu could breathe, as he could not breath' through his nose. He has always bee; very delicate. "Since he commenced taking th Pe runa I can go to bed and sleep all night. He can breathe through his nose any way he lies, and all that hawking and spitting is gone. My boy is as wel: today as when he left off taking it and he only took one bottle." T. T. Lienallen, a prominent younj lawyer of Washington, D. C, and broth er of W. G. Lien allen, in the TJ. S. document room, has taken Peruna for catarrh and speaks of its ef ficacy in the fol lowing words. Mr.L ienallen says: "I am happy to write you that I am cured of what I thought, as well T. T. Lienallen as my doctors, an everlasting case of catarrh, and take pleasure in saying tha Peruna has done it all." Any one who wishes perfec. health must be entirely free fron catarrh. Catarrh is well-nigh uni versal ; almost omnipresent. Pe runa is the only absolute safe guard known. A cold is the be ginning of catarrh. To prevent colds, to cure colds, is to cheat ca tarrh out of its victims. Peruna not only cures catarrh, but pre vents it. Every household should be supplied with this great rem edy for coughs, colds, etc Address The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio, for a free book on catarrh. has Already . . Store 11 22-tf TJJf T. PARKER, White Corn, Mixed Oats, 200 lbs. Salt, Weldon, N. C .55. .38. m $1.00. Great J W. TERRY & CO, Cotton Factors. Norfolk, Va., Jan. 28, 1901. COTTON. 8trict Middling, Middling cotton, Strict Low Middling, Low Middling, Tinges, Blues and Sandv, B. E. Peas, $3.25 per Bag. PEANUTS. No demand for Low Grades. QUIET. Fancy, Btrictly Prime, Prime', Low Grades, 3 cts. 2i to 2? cts. i'ji tO Vt CtS. lit to 2 eta. Machine picked, If to 2 eta. Spanish Peanuts, 82 ic. a bushel. B. E. Peas, f:10 a hasr Peanut Bags, 68 In. 8 cz. 84 J. W. PERRY & Ca TAYLOR, THE Pioneer Groceicftlie Town The first to undertake the Exclusive Grocery Business here six years ago, having weathered the storm thus lon (while many competi tors have dropped in and out) still solicits the patron age of the good people of the town and community. Remember. Taylor's Grocery Store Is Strictly Headquarters for anything in the way of Staple and Fancy Groceries, as well as all kinds of Feed Stuffs, etc., carrying the most Complete Line of any house in the county. If you are a visitor to our store call again; if not, call on us for anything you may desire. Country Produce Wanted. iVIULES HORSES! We have Stables in Hali fax and Weldon where we keep a good lot of new and fresh r.TULES HORSES I A rare opportunity we give to those who wish to buy . Good Stock Cheap! Remember our Stables in Halifax and Weldon. J. R. ASKEW & RRO., Scotland Neck, North CarolinaJ 1-10-tf Notice. Stale of North Carolina, Halifax County, In the Superior Court. Millie Johnson VS 1 Andrew Johnson To the defendant Andrew Johnson : You will take notice that an action entitled Millie Johnson vs Andrew Johnson has been commenced against vou in said Court. The purpose cf the action is to obtain an absolute divorco frcm you on account of your having abandoned the plaintiff without raum prior to the first day of January, 189JI, mid living separale and apart from her for more than one year prior to that date, and you are required to be and appear at tbe next term of the Superi or Court to be held fur said county at the Court House in Halifax and answer . or demur to the complaint which has been filed in this action within the time required by law, and let the de fendant take notice that if be fails to answer or demur to the complaint within the time required by law, tbe plaintiff will apply to the Conrt for tbe relief asked in the complaint. This Dec. l ltb, 1900. Sterling M. Gary, Clerk Superior Court. 12-20-6t New Year, New Horses, New Mules, New Goods, GALORE. Yes, we have some of our best goods yet, such as Shoes, Hats, Clothing, China Tea Sets, Lamps, Pictures, etc., which we are selling at low down prices. Also the best as sortment of Tobacco and Snuff to be found in town. Mason's Stand ard Soda Crackers and Cakes always on hand. Fresh Fruits, Candy, Nuts, Prunes, Figs. Dried Apples, Peaches and eve rything usually found in a first-class store. Give us a call when looking for bargains. "Vilson Allsbrook. STEADY. 9 11.18 9 916 H 9 8 to 9

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