&Pd8w kiss ' Bczema is caused by an acid humor in the blood coming iu contact with tha skin aud producing great redness and in flammation ; little pustular eruptions form end discharge a thin, sticky fluid, whica dries and scples off ; sometimes the skin 13 hard, dry cn 1 fissured. Eczema in any form is a tonnentln;:, stubborn aisease, and the itcbinf and burning at times are almost unbearable; the acid burning hum or S'eui3 to oosa out and set the skin on ike. Salves, washes nor other exter nal applications do any real good, for aa Ion-;- m the poison remains iu the blood it will keep the skin irritated. SAD FCZM OF TETTZFI. "For three years I liad 'i'etter on ::iy hands, vh.'ch cv.used them Vj fv?-j11 to twice their Sural Mz?. Part of the time the rii; ease was in the form of run ning sores, very pain ful, and calling me much discomfort. Four doctors sail! the Tttter bad progressed too far to could me. was complete-.- cured. Tfcis no-n HttJ I have never since seen any sign of mv old trouble." MRS. I,. B. Jackson, 1414 McGee St., Kansas City. Mo. S. S. 3. neutralizes this acid poison, cools the blood and restores it to a healthy, natural state, and the rough, unhealthy ski:: oecomes soft, sinootu and clear , cures Tetter, Erv - ri sipelas, Psoriasis, Salt t-i. -sr? Khpntii atlrt all ssin hJS k tm diseases due to a pois- 2 oned CC(rid;ti011 cf the blood. Send for our book and write us about your case. Our physicians have made these diseases a life stud', and can help you by their advice ; we make no charge for this sen-ice . All correspondence is conducted in strictest confidence. THE SWIFT SPECiFiC CO., ATLANTA. GA. ,71). v Th For FREE POSITIONS GUARANTEED, Under S3.COO Cash Deposit. Ealiroad Faro Paid, pen all year to Both SX"S. Very Cheap Board. Georgia-Alabama Business Collftg, MOIIITS A! WP. AND lie ciireu, :n:i tncy i'VlSa'"Vv! 1 1 ;ok o;i!y three A--'. rlVV-SaWhi. s of S. S. S. and i,fV.-v.-.V'ii?vi35B' jn-.cletelv cured. 9i , s- v-wr-' vffJ was fifteen vears jj S. N. General Commission Merchant. 17 Commerce Street, flnf ton. Pflanuts. 1 VUUiJl ? -m. -l WA. wwy -w w j j , Lumber, Shingles, and in manufactured a: tides. Consignments respectfully solicited, aad corrospoudonce will be promptly answered. . , Ais.0 agents for the sale of Hemlock Sole Leather of superior quality. Tanned by Qaeen City Tannery, Tituevilie, Pa. We can furnish this Leather by the roll to country merchants at low piices. Our fee returned if we fail. Any any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent ability of same. "How to obtain a patent" sent upon request. Patents secured through us advertised tor sale at our expense. Patents taken out through us receive special notice-, without charge, in The Patent Record, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE- Address, VICTOR J. EWAltS & CO., (Patent Attorneys,) Evans Building, WASHINGTON, D. C. 1 I 1 if TfcSs s n wrtecial E ilrs iea efftr to the The National or oaving t L H a Lab 10 M The Outlook $3.00 a year x cent a day A Weekly Newspaper and an Illustrated Magazine ia one. Tells the story o world -happenings every week in Brief, dear-cot paragraphs. Lyman Abbott is the' Editor-in-chief, and Hamilton W. Mabie the Associate Editor. JACO A. R I I S The author of" How the Other Half Lives" will give in The Oltlook an intensely human 'and vivid account of his experiences as a child in Denmark, an immigrant in America, a workman, a traveller, a reporter, and nailv a student of tenement house pix-blcins, and an efficient aid to Theodore Roosevelt in reorganizing tha New York police. Mr. Riis writes with simplicity, humor and vigor. LYMAN ABBOTT will contbute a series of important papers on funda mental political principles as applied to twentieth century problems. It will be called "Thb Rights of Man, ' and will define industrial, educational and religion as well as political, rights and duties. T - Stole Threa Bales Of Cotton. Littleton News Reporter. 1 wo jaded hordes were driven into turn yesterday morning about 7:30 cVI-ck by Wash Hawkln?, of Wanen t .iii, baulirifir three bales of cotton which h id i'sen stolen near Gr ve Hill. Acta i, JJawKirs created UKpie?on and Chief ( I Police Ivicg Blurted m pursuit of b!m overtaking him scd Wiiliifii Kenr r.-jy i:Cir Va n. Hawkins eonfes- ci ;o fhe stealing of too ctron but tii ew tbe burcen of the crime on Kearney, who htd bired tho team lor th.it purpose, ud had remained in bid visile Hawkros carried the cotton to the df pot. Cards are out for Kear n j.v'a marriage to the daughter of one of the nmrt highly reacted colored cuizena of Warren county at an early d .te. Justica of the Peace M. E. New ssra bouod them over to Warren court v. the sum of $200 each. S.ra and swollen joints, sharp, shoot ing fains, torturing muscles, no re.t, no f'een. That means ibeumat'sm. ! It !3 a ftunborn disease to fii;ht hot I C'$ tmberlaio'ti Pain 13 dm bas conquer- 6" u iu . " "'V T whenever Hie opportunity U offered. -1 T . m. . .-I . . . t ac T n-1 . I l t of Ti It. une application re-ieves iuo pun. For sale by E. T. Whitehead & Co. Druggisis. TLe average iawver will work hard on any case that appears to be feexiole. j A TOOK MILLIONAIRE ! 1 atelr starved in London because he c: n'v1 not digest, his food. Early use o! Vr. Kings New Lite Pills would have saved him. They strenaithea the atom jach aid digestion, promote assimila tion, improve appetite. Price soc. Money bnck If not satisfied. Sold by ' E. T. Whitehead & Co. druggist- P RAVESTONES ! u PAY THE FREIGHT. GUARANTEE SAFE DELIVERY LARGEST STOCK IN THE SOUTH. Illustrated Catalogue Free. THBOOUPKE MARBLE WORKS (Established 1848.) 159, 161 aud 163 B.mk St., NORFOLK , VA IrEdell & Son. Norfolk, Virginia. Peas. Fruits. Flour, Feed, Hay, Grain one sending sketch and description of THE NATIONAL. MAGAZINE, Edited try Jot Mitchell Chappie, i your 60c reaches us on or before January 1, 1501. Think what this means I It places the cleverest, bright est and most up-to-date magazine in your hands every month for a year for half the regular price 1 much less than it costs to publish it The "National" is thoroughly American, now in its 13th volume, full of just the reading you want from cover to cover. Timely Topics, Washington Affairs, Bright Stories, Clever Illustrations. Over 100 pace each month. President McKinley has snt?ribct fnr and read the "Natiohai." for years. Send yonr BOc. to-dar while you think of It. Subscription price $1.00 a year alter Jan. 1. Address Magazine, 91 Bedford St., Boston. Reading for nea S WT en ana w omen, m 52 numbers a year RALPH CONNOR Under this pseudonym were written two of the most striking of recent novels, " Black Rock " and "The Sky Pilot.'' A new novel of Canadian and Western life by this author will appear in Thb Outlook during the year. In spirit, humor, pathos and strong character-drawing it is even superior to its predecessors. SPECIAL OFFER To introduce The Outlook to new read ers we will send it for two months' trial for 35 cents pro vided this paper is mentioned. Address THE OUTLOOK, NEW YORK THE COST OF A BOY. I read the other day that it costs five thousand dollars to bring up a city boy, and educate him and dret him well. I paid to myself : "That is because everything in tha city has to be bought, ard living is high." But 1 begn to study th thing and I found out that even a country boy costs hi parents a great deal. When you count what a boy eats and what he wears, and th3 school-books i3 has to have, and tha doctors' biilrf which have to bs paid when he gets the measles or scarlet fever, be will cost his folks at hom3 at least oue hundred dollars a year. If a boy is pretty bad to smash things, or to kick his shoes right out, be costs more than that. So that when I am twenty- one, and old enough to do for myself, 1 hall hve cost father more than two thousand dollars. Mother cooked my victnals, made my clothe:! and patched them, washed and ironed fer me when I was a little fellow aud whenever I was etck, and she never charged anytbiug for that. It she were dead, and father had to nire all that don, it would cost an other huudred dollars a yer more ; and that is two thousand dollars' worth of work mother will have done f jr me by the time I am a man. Four thousand dollars for a boy ! What do you think of that? These are bard times. When par ents put four thousand dollars into a b-jy, whst have they a right to expect from him? Is it fair for a boy to play truant at school? Is it fair for him t play ball, go in swimming, or hang around town a'l tbd time, when maybe bis father's potatoes are not dug nor the wood brought in for bis mother? I j it lair for him to disappoint them by swaaring and drinking? Is it fair to forget his parents, and neglect eveu to write them letters? Some of our parents have put about all the property they have into as boys and girls. If we make whisky decan ters of ourselyes, they will be poor in deed ; but if we make good citizens and substantial men, they will feel as if they had good pay for bringing us op. Boys, what are you worth to your parents? The Advance. STEPPED INTO LIVE COALS. "When a child I burned my foot frightfully," writes W. H. Eads, ol Jouesville, Va., "which caused horrible leg sores for 30 years, but Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured me after everything else failed," Infallible for Barns. Sea Ids. Cuts. Sores. Bruises aud Piles. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co. 200. To do God's work we must do it His way. SEVEN YEARS IN BED. "Will wonders ever cease?" inquire the friends of Mrs. L. Pease, of Law rence, Kan. They knew she had been unable to leave ber bed in seven years on account of kidney and liver trouble, nervous prostration and general debili ty ; but, "Three bottles of Electric Bit ters enabled me to' walk," she writes, "and in three mouth 1 felt like a new pereon." Women suffering from Head ache, Backache, Nervousness, Sleepless ness, Melancholy, Fainting and Dizzy Spells will find it a priceless blessing, Try it. Satisfaction is guaranteed. E. T- Whitehead & Co. Only 50c. The rays of happiness, like thore oi light, are colorless when unbroken. DON'T LET THEM SUFFER. Often children are tortured with itch ing and burning eczema and other skin diseases but Bucklen's Arnica Salve heals the raw sores, expels inliamatiou, leaves the skin without a scar. Clean, fragrant, cheap, there's no salve on earth s good. Try it. Cure guaran t3ed. Only 25c at E. T. Whitehead & Co.'s Too much tensibility creates un hppiness ; too much lust-isibility creates crime. A RAGING, r.OAhllSG FLOOD h ashed down a teiegraph Iiu which C taf- C. Eilis, of Lisbon, la., bad tore pi r. "Standing waist deep in icy wa te ."he writes, "gave ma a teriible coid snd cuugh. It grew wore daily, Fi.aUy the bet doctors in Oakland, Neb., SS'OVix City and Omiba s ;id I hd Oonsiur-pthin and could not live. rn'o I began using Dr. King's New Discovery and v-xsuboiiy cured ty six a i;i!a,i." p.s?ivly guanuseed fui Jough, Colds and all Thr ac and L,u.ig troubles by E. T. Whitehead & Co. Pris;e 50c. The christian who works as hard as if everything depended on himself and s unconcernedly as though everything seperded upon God, has a nearly per- ect working theory. Don't use any of the-counterfeits of e Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Most f them are worthless or liable to cause jury. The original De Witt's Witch ilazel Salve is a certain cure for piles, -czemn, cuts, scalds, burns, sores and .in diseases. E. T. Whitehead & Co. There are thousands of people who live on the cold, dark side of life. What they need is light and love. ; : m The One Day Cold Cure For cold in the head and sore ti rosi Kcr mott's Chocolates laxative Ouiai 3, ihs " Os Day Cold Cure." People don't seem to be any better in 'whe new centurythan they were in the ld some are even wome. The One Dny Cold Cure. Cold in head and sore throat cored bv & mott's Chocolates Laxative Quinine. As easy to w xor Tna Birds. Charlotte Observer. " The Ea'eigh Post favors a law to prohibit the killing or catching of quail in this State for five years. We would not go to this limit, bus certain ly the birds of the Stata should oe bet ter protected or soon there will be none. Our own pot hunters are bsd enough, but rich men come down to North Car olina from the ivfrtb, s-cire large tracts ol land for the huiiiiiig privil eges, paying the taxes on the land in full compensation, and killing every bird they can hit. Happily they mixs oftener than they hit, but they do a good deal of damage nevertheless. It rakes so little to tempt the cupidity of some of our people, that the little board money they pay, along with the taxed oa the land that they tramp over, is about all the money these "sportsmen" leave in the State in return for the harm they do. But the present bird law is not en- forced. It prohibits the exportation o? birds ; as matter of facta great many are f-hippedout of the State. ' It prescribes the days when shooting may begin and shall stop, and it is violated at both ends. But we North Carolinians are markedly inappraciativo. of many of the good gifts of the Lord. He has endowed us with a noble forestry and we destroy splendid trees for the bark tnat is on them and sell the bark to steam tanneries for the cost of hauling. Walnut and many other fine timbers are sold for a song and are shipped North to be converted into furniture. Dynamite is exploded in streams and a hundred minnows are killed in order to get ten big fiish to fry. There Is waste, destruction, on every hand, and a people who are as indifferent as are ours to their wealth of forest and stream cm not be expected, to be regardful of the birds of the air. It is a pity, though. 1RIAL TREATMENT B. B.BFREE. CUBES BLOOD POISON, SCOFULA, ECZEMA, RHEUMATISM, AND ALL BLOOD TROUBLES. The Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) treatment for impure blood and s&in disease is now recognized as a sure and cjrta n cure for the most advanced -Uigs of cancer, eating sores, eczema, itching skiu humors, t,cabs or scales, syphilitic blood poison, scrofula, ulcers, persistent eruptions, pimples, boils, ache and pains in bones, joints or back, swollen glands, risings and bumps on the skin, rheumatism or catarrh, or any form of skin or blood diseases. Men, women and children are being cured in every State by B itanlc Blood Balm for purifying the blood, ?nd expelling the germs and humors from the entiresystem, leaving the tkin free from eruptions, and rosy with evidence of pure, rich blood. No sufferer need longer despair, help is at band, no matter how many ciscour- agements you may have met with, Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) cures permanently and quickly. To eatisfy the doubters we will give to any suffer er a trial treatment absolutely free so that they may test this wonderful remedy. B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) sold by all drug stores with com plete directions lor home treatment for 1. per large bottle. For free trial treatment, address Blood Balm Co., 8 Mitchell Street, Atlanta, Ua., and Trial Treatment will be tent at once. Write to-day. Describe trouble, and tree medical adviqe given. Over 3,000 vol untary testimonials of cures by using Blood Balm. Thoroughly tested for 30 y ears, SUPPOSE. What a marvelous change in the treatment ot horses would quickly oc cur if men were treated exactly as they treat their horses ! In that case whips would seldom be used. Jerking the bit would cease : also Yelling, cursing, pjunding and kicking. Check-reins would be very slack. Blinders would be discarded. Clipping aud dockiog would go "out of style." Big loads would rarely be seen. Axle-grease would have a boom. Better roads would be loudly de manded. Wide tires would be universal. Racetracks would be "For Sale." Stables would be iiht, uien and airy. Horsns would bs watered frequently, I-d regularly, aud iiuve a variety aoi euffitfieu(y of food aud u deep, eolt otd Mi night. All which proves how mean, ciuel and fixiiir-h iue mcu ie. H emue Kduc-'ior, Honolulu. Quality nd uot quantity makes De Wm's Littie Early Kierssnch a valu able little liver pills. E .T White! e & Co. ad No matter in what land the Chris tian is or under what sky, be turns his eyes heavenward, be looks home ward to the bliss and rest above. FOR OVER F1FY YEARS. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been Ufed for fil.fty years by millions of mothers for their children while teeth ing, with perfect success. It sooths the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of tbe world. Twenty-five cents a- bottle. Be sure acd ask for -'Mrs WinsJow 'smooth ing Syrup, and take no other kind. Cut this out and take it to E. T. Whitehead & Co's. drug store and get a free sample of Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver Tablets, the best physic. They also cure disorders of tbe stomach biliousness and headache. Those are the Tosts. Selected. Of dignity : Never forget your self. Of unselfishness : Never remember yourself. Ol a clerk : Not what he earns, but what be spends. Of happiness : Tbe art of forgetting actual unhappiness. Of unfaappiness : The habit of for getting actual happiness. Of a millionaire: Not what he spends but what he earns. Of beauty : Not that it is perfect, but that it alwavs attracts. Of a good comrade : How much you enjoy talking to him. Of purity : Not what it has not seen but what has not touched. Of charm: Not how much you feel it; but how keenly you remem ber it. Of a student : Not how much he knows but how much he wants to know. Of a realist : Not that be never de picts ideally, but that he never depicts falselv. Of a fine man : Not tha harm that ha does not do but the good that he doas do. O! fascination : Not how keenly you remember it, but how much else you forget. Of the worst pessimism : Leading a a poor life and preaching what you practice. Of a woman's power : Not how ex clusively ,ou thinK of her v. hen she is there but how often von think of her when she is not there. Of virtue : Not what it does not do but what it does not want to do. O Bears tha Bignsturs f Thn Kind Ynn Haw ihvaw RrM More than half of the unbappiness of tbe world comes from a perverse unwillingness to look on tbe bright side so long as a dark side can he dis co vered. Nobody knows all about it; and nothing, now known, will always cure it. Doctors try Scott's Emul sion of Cod Liver Oil, when they think it is caused by im perfect digestion of food. You can do the same. It may or may not be caused bv the failure of stomach and bowels to do their work. If it is, you will cure it; if not, you will do no harm. The way, to cure a disease is to stop its cause, and help the body get back to its habit of health. When Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil does that, it cures; when it don't, it don't cure. It never does harm. The genuine has this picture on it, take no other. If you have not tried it, send for free sample, its agreeable taste will surprise you. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, . 409 Pearl St., N. Y. 50c. and $1.00; all druggists. N3EFCLK& CAROLINA R.R. ( OXDEiNSfcD SCHEDULE. Dated Jan 19th, 1898. No. 1103 No. I No . I No. 49 Kt..M-.o 18 I P. M. A. M. P. M. A. M 2 SO 9 00LvNorfolk Ar.5 55 10 05 2 40 9 2 Piuners Point 5 39 9 50 3 03 9 46 Drivers 5 05 9 26 3 17 10 0 Suffolk 4 50 12 3 50 10 34 Gates 4 20 8 39 4 15 10 50 Tunis 4 00 8 21 4 M II 06 Ahoskey 3 41 8 01 4 53 21 21 Aulander 327 748 5 35 12 21 Ar. Tarboro Le 2 31 6 45 Ar. Lv. 6 35 I 12 50 Rocky Mount 1 55 6 17 P. M. P. M. P. M. A. M- Daily. fDaily except Sunday. Trains No. 49 and 48 solid trains be tween Pinner's Point and Wilmington. Train No. 49 connects at Rocky Mt. with train 23 for all points South and No. 78 train for all points South and No. 78 train fcr all points North. G. M. 8ERP3LL, J. R. KENLY Genr'l Man.' 8up't Tains. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Pat. Agent. 9 I I hi ffrt-w. niivnh ! I I W 111 II BPJ I EATWI M.II1I1I.U.W..HUI..H..I.. ..imi.rniHI AVefietahierTeparatioii Ex-Assimilating dazToouandHegula- ting lhe5Teht and Bowels of lTomoteaT5Ifion,CIiceTful nessffiidBestContaiiis neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narc otic. mSmt' AncrfMt Remedy for Constipa tion. Sour Stomajch.DianiiDea. WoTmsrrvulsions.reverisn neas and Loss of Sleeb IfccSumle Signature ot NEW "YORK. if ifir EXACT C0PTT Of WRAFPEB. a. Mcdowell, president. W. R. BOND, He ScoH Neck' Bit, SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. SOLICITS THE ACCOUNTS OF BOTH INDIVIDUALS AND 1 ! FIRMS. in 1 h Hudson's English Kite 347 Mam Street, The only Up-to-date Restaurant in the ci-v -o ooo o- For Ladies and G-entlemen. -o-o-ooo-o-o- Strictly a Temperance Place. oo- ALL MEALS Frank T. SUCCESSORS TO Norfolk, SASH.DOORS Builders' Hardware, Mantles, Tiles, Grates. Polished Plate Glass, Mirrors and Window Glass Tnint Oils, Varnishes, Hoofing and Sheathing1 I Elisor. 9-13-ly ' rnstan HMtnir., Compare our Work with that oi our Competitors. ESTABLISHED IN 1865 CHASM. WALSH lm Mi d Grtniu WORKS, Sycamore St., PehlRsbcug, Va Monuments, Tombs, Cemetery furl. .-e, worn Bincuy cret- .class and at Lowest Prices. I ALSO FURNISH IRON FEKCIK6, VASES. &C. Ueslmi8 sent in onn a writing for theiu i itHj Ue age of de- .AnflM anil lMta a w "iwiw Be mj price. I Prepay Freight oa all Work Laundry, Cleaning and Pressing, kinds o Clothes. Work enarant . "w rncea. W. O. SMITH, ' 5 7 Seotlnrl NaaV W rt JWa Btiiet, Mar EpiacoptI church.' 9 For Infants and Childis-.; The Kind Yea Have Always Oogh! Bears the Signature of r tm cetrraon commny, mtw -uk c'tv- -EANK P. Sllll I l.r..,..,t Ass't Cashiek. NORFOLK, VA. 0 0 -00 25 cents. 3 :-' i'. Clark Co., Lie-. COOKE, CLARK & CO. Virginia. AUD ELM ;W'; V;o-Jsiu':.-'V,': INSURANCE CGVim SI '-I sTiBJn'sli ECOMO.ICLLV WVTV BY THB SOUTH '"S TiGX?, ! successful isu;viuz3-; i THE PRODUCCWACEJit THE PROFITS TS3ATIM COMPAJ.1E5 CWO XXV'V' AGENTS AND "3 j PICH TEHRITOn' & i sCC? J COMPENSATION fcr tiCC 3 i 1 1 saanags ' c'i DEVERLEY B.MUNE?0r.3 TO ST VIRQINIVS NEWTCJ JULIAN v$. CAMP- Ord.Vice-Prca't CGen &fJ' I A w JF7 Jf FB A iM JP For Over Thirty Years MOT11II i g U THE OVIST KVI ' K i y 3 iiTARTliU vrm A.CASH iSUSX'J ! 11 QITTI-T i! I pv J - -----

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