IF YOU ARE A HUSTLER rou WILL ADVERTISING BUSINESS .... -WHAT STEAM IS TO- Machinery, 1M ADVERTISE c YCCB Business. "EXCELSIOR" IS OUR MOTTO. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.00. E. E. HILLIARD, Editor and Proprietor. SdOTLA3rfD 3STEOK, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1901, NO. 24. Send Your Adveetibemest in Nowi Thai Great Propellis o Po wer. VOL. XVII. -5ew Series Vol. 5.; Why let all your and friends think you must be twenty years i oiusr liiua yuu aicr i j 1 J Yet it's impossible to lnnk vniina with the A ' J "O -' "1 color of 70 years in fc 4 the hair. It's sad to J look prematurely old .1 in this way. Sad be cause it's all unneees- J sary; for gray hair msy always be re- L stored For over half a cen tury this has been the standard hair prepara tion, it is sn elegant dressing ; stops fall ing of the h2ir; makes the hair grow ; - and cleanses the scalp from dandruff. -T ' $i.00abofvs. A3 druggists. " I havo been using Aver's Hair Vigor for over 20 jfears 'and I can heartilv recoiumencl it to the public as the best hair tonic in existea.ee." Mrs. G. L. AtKESSos, April 24, 19D. Ector, Tex. If yon do not cbta'.a jl3 the beceSts yoa eipeeted from tho 'Vigor, vzita the Doctor abont it. Address, 4 4 C. AYES, Lowsll, ETass. f A Jy .4 , TKOFESSIGS-AL. JJR. A. C. LIVERMON, Dentist. 0?icE-drer inew Whitbead Building Office hours from 9 to 1 o'clock ; 2 to i o'clock, p. m. SCOTLAND NECK, N. 0., D R. J. P. WIMBERLKi, " OFFICE HOTEL LA WHENCE, ' SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. D K.H.I. CLARK, Office formerly occupied by Claude Kitchin. Main Street, ' Scotland Neck, N. C. D R. W. J. WARD, Surgeon Dentist, EjsriF.i.n, N. O'Tio over ILirrirfon's DniiT Store. C J A. JUUNN, f I ATTORN S Y-A T-L TJ'. Scotland Neck, N. C. Practices wherever his services rc-iiiired. arc DWARD L. TRAY lb, Ailonicy and Counselor at Law, HALIFAX, N. C. f'T' Money Loaned on Farm Lands. Buy You; BUGGIES, UNDERTAKINGS AND riCXJSE FRAMES from JOHN B. HYATT. R. C. Brown's old st.n 1, Tarboro. First-class goods at low prices. Restore Vitality, Lost Visor and Manhood Cars Impotency, Night Emissions, Loss of Msm. 6 PILLS CTS. ezcess ana inciscretion. ST A. nerve tonic sna L'blooa Duiiasr. bnngs rtbo pmic glow to pale chnaks and restores the Siv firn nf mntli. Bv mail 50o per box. 6 boxes for C2.50, witU cur bankable g-aurantee to enre cr refund tlie money paid. Send for circular and cri-j of our bankable guarantee bend. NsrvilaTaiiists (TIXLOW LABEL) EXTRA STRENGTH Immediate Resells Positively Rnaranteed cure for toss of Power, Varicocele, Undeveloped or Shrunken Orgaas, Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia, Nervous Prostra tion, Hysteria. Fits, Insanity, Paralysis and tho Kesults of Exees?ivo Use of Tobacco, Opium or Liquor. By xoa.il in .plain package, $1.00 a kox, 6 for $5.00 wiui oar bankable SJar fcntee bond to core in SO days or reftma money p.Ud. Address " NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sts.r CHICAGO, tiJU Far sala by E. T. Whitehead & Co. Sj Ianl X33k, N. C. V. - FORJAURIA Use nothing but IffiCnair'S BlOOu and Liver Pills. - W. 11. Macnaiu, Tarboro, TT. C. ' or E. T. Whitehead & Co., !i2 K. r - Scotian 1 Nerk NV Cf.- TO CURE A CO'.D I7i OJiEDAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine.-"All druggists refund the money it it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's Bignaturo is on aea box. 25.3. , lit w to its gJ log OSII THE EBITOSS'S LEISUBE H0TJSS.J Point Paragraphs cf Things Present, Past and Futnrs. " The farmers ofth3Stat3 bave had a serious battle with the grass in their crop3 for the past two weeks. Perhaps not irux score of years have They bad ann-r, nr BTnftrinncd with rraS37 CTORS. "--- O - ' but they have fought nranfuily and ar3 gaining a noble victory. There 13 not more heroic work done anywhere than by the tillers of the soil, and no people do so much-towards taking care of the balance of the world. This is the time when the people are listing their taxes. "It behooves every one to swear as truthfully about the valuation of his property as about any thing else Not to mines words, there is no doubt abonMhe 'act that some men, yes.many men, perjure them selves ia swearing falsely about the value of their . property. This . impies sioa is general, so much so that cer tain steps have been taken to have it avoide'd as much as possible. It Is an individual matter with the tax payer, and men cannot be too careful about it. With all the enthusiasm that ha3 been wrought op in thifStata over gen eral education, teachers and parents w411 do well to impress upon pupils that the matter of acquiring an educa tion ia a personal work for the learner. With- all the "provision, which the Stale makes for the education of the children, it is all a failure unless the opporlnni ties are properly appreciated. You cannot weld a piece cf hot iron to a pieec of cold iron. In order to weld them successfully- both pieces must be bo the good ana ample prepara tion for the education of the children can never educate them. The child ren must &o appreciate the opportuni- tiQ3 driven them r, 3 to, rnake 0:-t ! of them. Aad to properly impress thisi uvon them is no small pirt of the work of parents and teachers. JTotn Dixononade a sweeping state ment in his address, at Wake " Forest commencement concerning what will be done in the way of building cit'es during the twcnfielh century. He said that the people of this country will not build cities, in the twentieth century Lut will giye attention lo the development cf tLe .jural districts. Tha most that the -people will do with reference to ciliee, ha said, will be to clean puUlhe "pig pens" they nave al ready built. This is-quite a significant statement, especially when we consider the great stream of j ollution and evil that ilows from the conditions of city life, as de tailed by Mr. Dixon. - v We would all fondly hope tljat the prophecy of the distinguished lecturer who has been a student o tha social life of this, country for a dozen years cr more, may come literally true. f Notice. North Carolina, ) the Halifax County. ) Superior Court. Suj Miry G. Mabry, W. E. Mabry, M. L. Lee, Laura Lee, E. L. Lee, J . G. Lee, Sarah J. Ilardv, John H. Hardv, Lou W. Lee, T. li. Lee, Mnllie Crawley, John Crawtev, Edward Hardy, Snm T. Hani j1, Tom Hardy, "Ben Hsrdv, Curtis Hardy, Frances Hardy. Alice R. Lee, Mollie Falfcner, Billlo Falkner, Ueliie Yerscr, Jessie Yerscr : . against R. J. Lewis, Leiia Saunders, Wm. Saunders, Mamie Kaskias, James Has kiu3, daughters of R. J. Lewi?, Tom Hardy, Ezra Crawley and Lula Crawley, minors over li years old. The de'end-.-inis above named will take notice' thaf n action entitled as abo has been commenced before the clerk of tho Su perior court of Halifax county for the sale of the land described in the com plaint ih these proceedings for parti- ti:)n. brtia laua siiuaiea in auuie State and county in BritjkJeyyil'.o township knawrr as the Elizabeth Lee place containing 200 acres ; and the said defendants wili further take notice that they are required to appear before the clerk of the Superior courtrof Halifax county on the first- day of JLufy 1'JOl, at the court house of said county- in North Carolina and , answer-. or demur to the complaint in said proceedings, or the plaintiffs-will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said com- plaint... - ; '--' ; This the 20th day cf May, 1901. STERLING M. GARY, - ; J 23-tf Clerk Superior Court. S. G. Dasiei., -Atl'y lor Fetitloner.y Tb's signature is on every bar of the. genuine Laxative Broaia-Qafome the remedy tfeit tr:'"fra- -o 3. THE EM SAT. Intp?r:s Snssrstiticn. . EAILHOAD SCABS. Richmond Dispatch. - J In almost, every person there is a vein of superstition, the vein in gome cases being so prominent as to Influ ence materially the action and thought ot the man. Such a person, dominated by belief in signs -and omens of ill luck, is usually denominated supersti tious,v and it sometimes occurs that persons otherwise very intelligent make themselves almost ridiculous. One ofho most widely prevalent su perstitions is that which mates the number 13 ah ill omen. This superstition ia especially preva lent among theatrical people, and i3 frequently observed cmong traveling men, as well. So general is the objec tion to the number that lew hotels can be found with a room numbered 13, and if by chance a -theatrical man or woman ia put in a room thus number ed, or cn wL'ich the number' has been changed from 13 to some other, the probability is that he or she will dz mand another room. " - AS INSTANCE ON RECORD. An instance is on record in one of the smaller towns of the Estate wherein two young women who had been as signed to room 37 discovered that the number was formerly 13, and at once demanded to be given another room There was no other room vacant at the time, and though this was adesirable room in every other respect than the number, the pair gave it up in the middle of the night and went out to seek quarters at another hostelry. The number 313 is especially avoided by some, "being . regarded ' as doubly un lucky. Am3ng(the popular. cigns and omens of ill kick is the black cat, an animal' that has long been regarded 'by many as a creature oi ill portent. The black cat figures prominently in fiction, and is clatafied s?mong the "uncanny things of earth. The nuperstitious of the ne fTvn t"vn, ffin frroupiitlv lauehed at. ? . ... gent ones, ar9 very sby of felines of such sombre hue. Like the raven, of poetic fame, the cat has become known as an omen of ill luck." When a blacK cat appears at a houte and takes up its abode there it is regarded as good luck, but when the cat crosses one's path ia the night time is supposed by many to bode no gppd for the unfor tunate person. - - - IN THE DANVILLE YAKDS. In the city of Danville In the railroad yards of the Southern the black cat recently inspired such a wholesome dread that its appea?anee was viewed with trepidation by many of the yard employees. Among the yard crew there ia said to be a beliet that whenever a black cat is seen to cros3 the tracks of th5 railroad at night it is ominous cf the death on the , rail of some one of the employes. . A few years ago sev eral fatal accidents to trainmen occur red in, or near, the yard, and it be came rumored that whenever oneof thssts casualties occurred a black cat had been seen to cross the track in froat' cf the locomotive or train on whieii the victim of the omen was rid ing. Such an impress'on did this su perstition make-rja eomeo! the men that at times they have been known to ask to be relieved lrom dufy on the night when tha prophetic feline with Eery eyes blazing hsd been observed to cross the yard. Just why a black cat should inspire any more terror than a cat of another color no one attempts t6 explain. But it is undeniable that tho appearance of this prophet of evil, especially when the Eight is unexpected, causes no little fear to many people. Posiibfy the weird story of Elgar Allan Poe's has had something to do with the black cat superstition, but whatever the origin there is no doubt of tha existence ot the prejudice tp this particular color of cat. Like the figure 13, and the gruesome contents of the witches caldron, it has come lo be re garded as uucanuy and ominous of ill. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE. CURED by h eal applications, as they cannot reach the'cliseased portion of the ear. Tiiere is only one wav to cure Deaf ness, and that ; is by constitutional - - -r-w i .a ""- remeaics.. ; ueaines is caubeii oy hu inflamed condition of the mucous lin ing of the Eustachian Tube, j When this tube irets- inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed 'Deafness ia the result, and unless the inflimma- tioa can ba ti"kcn out and thts .tuba re stored to iis normal condition, hearing will be destroyed focevfer : nine case- out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing Lmtan inflarried coadrpon of the mucous surfaces." - Wr- will srive Oao Hundred Dollars for an"v case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that earmot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, F. J. CHENEY ct CO., Toledo, O. eSold by Druggists, oj. - v ' Hall's Family Pills are the beat. THEY TWO Mrs. Frank A.. Breck in Youth's Companion. They are left alone in the dear old borne, After so many years, When the house was full of frolic 'and fun, Of childish laughter and tears, They are left alone, they two once more Beginning life overagain, Just as they did in the. days oLyore, Before they were nine or ten. And the table is set for two these days ; The children one by one Away from home on their separate ways " When the childhood daysere done. How healthily hungry they used to be ! 'What rompin? they used to do ! And mother, for weeping, can hardly see ' To set the table lor two. , They used to gather around th9 tire" While some one would read aloud, But whether at study or work or play. Twas a loving and merry crowd, And now they are two that gather there At evening to read or sew, And it seems almost too much to bear When they think of the long ago. At, well ! ah, well ! 'tis the way of the world ! ' Children slay bnt a little while And then into other scenes are whirled, Where other homes beguile ; But it matters not how far they roam Their hearts are fond and true, And there's never a home like the dear old home, Where the table 13 set for two. The Penalties cf Wealth. The National Magazine for June. Isow, is money power the only strength of man? Let ambitious youth analyze the life of the million aire ; if very wealthy, he is more ex clusive than a royal potentate. It re q"uire3 more men to guard him from intrusion' and possible assassination than it does to protect the President of the United States. The mass of beg ging letters, the carayan of callers all after money, recruits irito seryice sec retaries, doorceepers, and a squad of detectives. With all his wealth, ne is simply a human: being like you and 1, for the possession of gold cannot make him aught else although money does increase his powar for good or evil, and bis re?ponsibility for use or disusa. The sense oi power over fallow mor tals ia the fascinating siren that , holds him captive. - Personally, he has to skulk into his ofibe and bury1 himself behind wallsln country places to 6e- nrn rst and leisure. He crows eo suspiciousof humankind, that he "will see no one who is not vouched for with more pomp and red tape ' than a courtier in the palmy - day Cf the Rourbons of France. . Think a moment ! Is it the man with millions alone that you desire to admire. and emulate, whose declining years havo no sunshine or radiance ex cept the glitter of gold? Or is it that man whose heart and impulse beats with love and helpfulness for others ; who gives himself to f3llow-kiud 1 Ynn know them : That old school teacher, that pastor, physician, busi ness mart, lawyer, farmer no matter what profession or trade. He won the highest degree obtainable in life. He helped others, withstanding the stings oi ingratitude, and his. triumph is re flected in the lives of useful citizens in contented homes. HIS LIFE SAVED Rv n H A M R ECLATS a COLIC UHOLERA AXD DIAKRII03A REMEDY. "I am sure that Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy-atone time eayed my life," says A. E: Lafa- iette. of Gregory Landing ClarK county ML-souri. ' "I was in eucn naa suap ii. at. thfi doctors said I could not live. Whpn I was at the lowest ebb, one cf my neighbors brought in a bottle ol Diarrhoea. Remedv ana l toon is anu " ' . , . i ir.dnt. relief. I soon cot up ana Lnnil. That was nine years ago and I am si ill in good health. Since then that m3cicme has always been in my K.o'flnd nlwavs will be. It is the bet ton earth." For sale by Whitehead & Co. "That wa3 a very lucid document you prepared' said tha friend. "Yes," answered the statesman dubiously "I made it so lucid that I am alraid the public will fail to regard it as able . j r A " inert nn Star. ana proiouuu. u.. Dyspeptics cannot be long lived be- . n...i-hnonf cause to live requi.es uumwyw.. Food is nut nourishing until n is aig- ested. A disordered siomacn cauuu digest food; t must have assistance. Kodol Dyspepsia Uure aigesis aa biuu. of foodV without , aia irom y "stomach, allowing it to rest and regain its natural functions. Its elements are exactly the same as tne natural digestive fluids and it simply can t help but do you gooa. "A well trained mind brings success." "Not at all ; pegging away for. successJ is where a man gets his well train; a mind."r-Chieago Record Herald- Call at E. T. Whitehead & Co's drug store and get a free sample ofCntfm berlain' Stomach and Liver Tablets. They Are an elegant physig. They also improve the appetite, Wreaglhcn mcnlate the liver ana i Thotf p.rft Pasv to take ana uuncw j : . i. pleasant in effects PBOEIBIT PROFANITY. A Chicago Firm Do3s It." A USELESS HABIT, Chicaso.IIerald-Record. The action of the big packing firm of Swift & Co., in posting notices forbid ding profanity on the company's prem ises will receive the unqualified com mendation of every person who has any conception of the elemental de- Icencies of hfe. It is not necessary to inquire into the immediate causes which led Swift & Co., to post the order. Its signifi cance lies in the fact that a great cor poration Employing 5,000 persons in its packing establishment should con ceive it to be necessary or desirable to lorbid indulgence in profanity among its employes. The presumption is that the corporation was impelled by con siderations which affected its own in terests as well as the morals of the em ployes. Profanity among employes in such an establishmeat as that of Swift & Co., is provocation of bad temper and bad eeling. It not only lowers the moral tone of the employes who are com pelled to listen to it, but it is a breed er o dissention. It is the firebrand that kindles a hot temper and turns hatred into violence. It is easy to see, therefore, that it may lower the efficiency ot a large body 01 em ployes', i ' . As a matter of fact there is- not a shadow of excuse for profanity in any relation or exigency ol life. It adds no lorce of power to speech. It is the con fession of vocal impotency in the man who uses it. The blustering, bloviating blasphemer who flies into a rage and pours forth a steam of profanity uponl all occasions is a man who is not to be eared. When it comes to a question of vocal dynamics the man whose speech is as clean and sharp as a hound s tooth will inspire most fear and res pect. " - The Americans havo the reputation f being the most profane people on j earth. In no other land or clime aoes the common speech reek with the pollution ot profanity as here. The Japanese, the most docile, sweet-tem pered, artistic, and ingenious people on earth, never poison the atmosphere of the "Flowery Kingdom" with pro fanity. There are no oaths or cuss words in the Japanese language. t A traveler in England, Germany, or France very rarely hears the name of the Deity taken in vain. The continent al languages do v no appear to lena themselves to such vile and variegated profanity as the Anglo-Saxon tongue is -capable of. Profanity is vile, drsgustms, and use less habit. It is the one abhorrent blisht upon a language that is destined one day to become the coirimon vehicle f all human thought. Stop it 1 A GOOD COUGH MEDICINE. Tt sneaks well . for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy when druggists use it in their own families in preierence to onwnthfir. "I have sold Chamoer Iain's Cough Remedy for the past five years with complete satislaction to my lf and customer?," says Druggist J Goldsmith, Van Etten, N. Y. "I bave 0itrva !ifed it in mv own family both tor ordinary coughs and colds and for th couffh lollowmg ia Enppe, nuu find it very efficacious." For sale by E. T. Whitehead & Co. . Rapid Transit: "Passenger (to Southeastern Guard) "How long have you been on-this line ?" Guard "Ten years sir." Passsnger "Oh, I suppose you came down from London? I only joined the train at Maidstone." Glas gow Evening Tim33. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been uted for fifty years by millions of mntbara for their children while tcetn ing, with perfeet success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best wnwtv for LHarrnoea. it win relieve the boot little sufferer immediately Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure acd ask lor "Mrs Winslow'sbootc ing Syrqp, and take no other kind. "Pirat Citizen Of course." we don't want to put a premium on politica corruption.. Second Citizen I should say hot ! We can get all we want at far. Puck, j V .. ' ' - m . Eczema, wltrbeum, tetter, chafiing nd all skin tortures are .,i,i nnrftd bv De Witt's W itch Hazel Salve. The certain pile cure. A Pretty Good Sign : "What makes m m ' 1 .I Itt you thinlc snes in iovb wu jvu, Tom?" "Oh, she called me You bor r;d, mean thing !' last night." Phila delphia Evening Bulletin. "C" WtraTail7 The "C" with a tail is the trade mark of Cascarets Canfly Cathartic. Look for it on the light bine enameled metal box I ' Each tablet stamped C. C. C. Never sold ia bulk. All druggists, ioc AVEBTINQ BAIL. H:w Thd Inventor Saved His Vine Yard. On August 9, 1S97, says Eugene P. Lyle in Everybody's Magazine, an un usually frightful storm passed over Styria, Austria, from border to border, and crossed into Hungary. It lasted two hours and twenty minutes, and travelled at a speed of over thirty miles an hour. Its path was five miles wide, and nearly eighty long. Some of the hailstones measured fully two inches in diameter. The same day was made memorable by a second storm, similar to the first, and almost paralled, except at one point where the two paths crossed. Hall cannon at that time were hardly known, btt their inventor, Burgomaster Albert Stiger of Windisch Feistrltz in Styria, had already set up stations -among his own vines. During the two storms he and his men fired over 2,000 shots. These appeared to break the violence of the tempests. At any rate, the Burgomaster gathered a magnificent harvest of grapes that year, whereas his neighbors, who had not experi mented with cannon, lost one-half, and three-quarters ot their vintages. ' Mr. Stiger's vineyards, moreover, were in the midst of the rayaged district and just under the centre of the crossing ol the two storms. The agricultural records of Italy are filled with similar cases. At' the planters' convention of Casale in ISfiO, 600 delegates from all parts of the country testified. Once a single iso lated cannon reduced the damage from 70 to 10 per cent. During a storm at Ozzano 500 shots were fired from eleven stations. .Result, no hail ; but less-than a mile away from the' last cannon the hailfe'l, violently, Several delegates told of hail commenc ing to fall, but stopping as soon as the firing began. Others noted that the thunder and lightning also ceased. In one instance the hail became lumpy snowilake?, then big rain-drops, and finally a two hours' sLower. "A few months ago, food which - I ate for breakfast would not remain cn my stomach for half an hour. I used one bottle of your Kodol Dyspepsia Guro and can now eat my breakfast and other meals with a relish and my food is thoroughly digested. Noth ing edual3 Kodol Pyspeps'a Cure for stomach troubles' II. S. Pitts; Arling ton Tex. Kodol Dyspepsia Cnre digests what you eat. Dusty-Roads "Sometimes r get tired of this outdoor life. 'Do jou think it's healthy to sleep on the ground every night?" Weary Wag gles "H'm ! What a question that is ! Don't you kuow that more people every year die in their beds than any where else!" Boston Transcript. You may as well expect to rnn a steam engine without water as to find an active energetic man with a torpid liver and you may know that his liver is torpid when bo does not relish his food, or feels dull and languid alter eating, often has haadache and some times dizziness. A few doses ol Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will.restcre bis liver to its normal func tions, renw his vitality, iusprovo his digestion and make him feel like a new man. Price, 25 cents. Samples free at E. T. Whitehead & Co's drug etcre. How did he commit suicide?" in quired the eager reporter of the Yellow Enterprise. "He went into tho bull pisluie." growled tha life insurance agent, "with one of your art supple ments sticking out oi his pocket." Brooklyn Life. r ""The Doctors told me my cough was incurable One Minute Cough Cure made me a well man. ' NonU Silver, Xorlh Stratlord. N. II. Because vou ie not iouna reiiei irom a eiu- a m m . born couen. don't despair. Une JUiu- ute Cough Cure has cuied thousaids and it will cure you. Safe and sure. A letter Is a convention by proxy. Its particular re ison for being written determines its character. It should be taken as one clasps a hand extend ed through space, but throbbing and vital. June Ladies' Home Journal. llr. James Brown, of Portsmouth, Va. oyer 00 years of age suffered for years with a bad sore on nis lace Phvsicians could not help him. Dc- Witis Witch Hasiel Salve cured him permanently. Tii. hnrn writer finds even in the humblest some trait that may b3 of in terest either to himself or others. Danger, disease and death follow neglect ot the bowels. , Use DaWiu Little Early Risers to regulate them aad you will add yearn to your M3 ana lire to vour years, i-asy to tase never gripe. Lots of, fellows are willing to :et themselves in hot water il they can only get in the swim. . The bilious, tired, nervous man can not successfully com pete with his healthy rival. DeWittV Little .Early Risers tbo famous pills for constipation will remove the cause of your troubled n o mmu Dyspepsia Cure Digests wliai yon cat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in eilicieury. It in stantly rclievcsand permanently cures Dvspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomacn, Nausea, Sick Headache, Uastralgia Cranipsaiid all other results of imperfect digestion. Price jOc. and Si. Large site contains 2V, ttmei small aiie. JJcok all r,bout dyspepsia laaHeUf rc Prepared by E. C. DeWlTT A CO Cbicaao. WANTED TRi'STvor.Tiiv .mkn aki women to travel and advertise lor old established house of solid financial islanding. Salnry $7S0 a year and ex penses, air payable in cash. No can vassing required, (iiye references ami enclose self-addressed stamped en velope. Address, Manager, 335 Canton Bulding, Chicago. WILMINGTON WELDON R. R. AND BRANCHES. AND ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD COMPANY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. CONDEXSEl) PCHEDULH. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. dated -Jan. ia, 1!)01. I 0-3 A. M.'l'. 51. V. 11 CO, K bs M.A. M.'l'. M. Leave "Weldon Ar. Uocky Mt. l o;t: a w Leave Tarboro 12 21 0 00 IiV. Itc ky Mt. Leave Wilt-.oa Leave Seluia I.ir. Kn v-.l l..vili ...1 or, 1 .Ml 7 :s.-. P. M. 10 M 10 its n x 12 2 40 A. M. r. in 12 r.j 2 40 10 Ar. Fioreiw.-e lv. ooi.iMioro V, 7 fil B 2 X. W. S .-H 4 :ik It 00 '. M. i Lr. MaKiiolia Ar. Wilmington r.M. TRAINS GOING NORTH. a! H-3 i S. -a -Jj A. K II fio 12 l.i 1 fi"l V. M. 7 V, n :i.-. 12 11 Lv. Florenco Lr. Fayctteville Leavrt Suliiia Arrive Wilson A. M. f. M. A, M. as 11 in 12 2a Lv. W' '..nlnirton Lv. ViMtiiolla Lv. Uoldslioro 7 to N !!! 4 no :i7 I". M . 2 ar. 3 'M . M. 1'. M.;l'. M, 10 4'ij 1 IK n r.rf i :, Leave Wilnon Ar. Rocky Mt. Arrive Tarboro Leave Tarboro Lv. itorky lilt. Art Weldtitt 101 12 4.' "Y'm 2 31 ...A... it no 12 4 :i2 l i'.ft A. M.I V P. M. M. fDaily except Monday. Daily ex cept Sunday. Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, Yadkin Division Main Line Train leaves V ilmihgton, JJ 00 a. m., arrives Fayctteviiie 12 0 p. m., leaves raycttc- llle 12 2. p. in., arrives ban lord J 4.1 i. in. Returning loaves Sanford 3 0" p. m., arrives Fayetlcville i 20 p. m., leaves Fayettevillo 1 z p. m.,ariives Wilmington V L';j i. in. Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, BennctUvillo Branch Train Jeavqs Bennettsvllle 8 05 a. in., Maxton ! 0ft m., Red Springs 0 ."0 a. in., Ilopa Mil', 10 65 a. in., arrives Fayettevillo 11 10 a. m. Returning leavrs FayeMc- ville 4 45 p. m., Hope Mills 5 55 p. ni., ;ied Springs h t p. m, Maxton U ! p. m., arrives Bcnnettsville 7 15 p. m. Connections at iayettevillo witt train No. 78, at Maxton with the Caro lina Central Railroad, at lied Springs with the Red Springs and Bowmoro Railroad, at Ranfcid with the Seaboard Air Line and Southern Railway, vt Gulf with tho Durham and Charlotte ' Railroad. Train on the He 'tland Neck Branca Road leaves Weldon 3 :55 p in., 1 1 a li'r 1 :17 p. rr... arrives Scotland Nerk at 5 :03 p. m , Greenville 0 :57 p. ni., Kins- ton 7 :.r5 p. .m. Returning '-mvcS Kinston 7 :50 a. in., Greeny iilo 8 :52 n. ci., arriving Halifax at 11:18 a.n., Weldon 11 :33 a. m., d uiy except huii. day- Trams on Washington Jirancn jeavo Washington 8 :I0 a. m. nivl 2 :"() n, m., arrive Parmele 0 :I0 a. in. and 01 p. m., returning leave Parmele '.) . zn. and 6:30 p.m., arrive Washington' 11:00 a. m. and 7 :o0 p. m., daily ex cept Sunday. Train leaves larhnro, .t;., Cany except Sunday 4 :.-i'J p. in., t unuay, 4 :15p. m., arrives j'lymoutn i :i'J p. m., 0 :10 p. tci.. Returning, leaes Ply mouth daily except Sunday, I :" p. in. and Sunday 0 .00 a. m., arrives Tarboro 10:10a. m., 11:00 a.m. Tram on Mid'and 2Z. C. Branch leaves Giiubborodaily, except Snndiiy. 5 :00 a. in., arriving Sinithfis'd ( :10 a . m. Returning leaves SmithheM 7 :; 0 m. ; arrives at Goldsboro b n. n Trains on Nashville Branch leave Rocky Mount at 0 :?''. in., i :i0 p. m., arrive Nashville 10 :'20 a.m. ,4 :03 ri.nj.t Spring Hope 11:00 a. m., 4 :25 p. ir. Returning leave Spring Hoic 1 1 :i0 : . m.. 4 :55 p. ro., Nashyille Jl:l-ia. in. 12 :10 a. m., C ;00 p. in., daily except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves War saw for Clinton dally, except Sunday, 11:40 a.m. and 4 :25 p. m. Rsturn mg leaves Clinton at 0 :5 a. m. and 2 :50 a. m. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North daily, Hi! lal Via AWli-luiwu-a. H. M. EMERSON, . Geu'l Pas3. Agent, J. R. KENLY, Gen'l Alannger. T. M. EMERSO: LMtliji Manj n7 !

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