r The Commonwealth. THURSDAY, JULY 2a, 1901. SPECIAL AiNOUCEiLENTS. . . - 150RK ..SAUSAGE in oil i at 12c. Heinzs: I'i.' klcs, Sweet, Mixed - :d Sour.- "Hot Bread 1 wire a week. A full and complete line oi'Grocer- the time. 4 - Pitt "m IV " J OUTTERBRIDUE. - ;:. otlnnd Neck, N. C. - r Theme No. 54. .. - (: ;ES, KO AD CARTS WAG- tue "" -celebrated Auburn. !r..r.-e.-?:md Mules. See oir light Jf; . iluL-dss. . Terms reasonable. PRINCE &CO. :-,,:,: Xeek,'N.' C. - - . 5-30-tl." T -'mITkB NOTICE. As I am to be i -nvay tor fie next 30 days parties '.vi-!i:;!ur Lumber can secure the same !,v cilii'-S oa my son, Mason Dunn, ffh will tase all orders ana give them ... .rjrr.t attention, S. F, DUNN. 30,000 Early ajid -Late Flat , Dutch Cab base Plants v for sale at $1 per thousand W. It. W ALSTON, Sell :rn3 Neck, - - North Carolina, arg ai ns We . f fer "Iare,ains - in lee O ;i i 1 1 Freezers, Screen Pdors mikI Windows, Apiije ivd.Ts. . s0." Crescent Bicycles with (limh Tires for 25.--': - n. u. J9SEY&C0.V Ilardware Store. -1U CYCLES HEP AIRED During' vacation I will re pnir Bicvcles at' It. G. Josey k i'n.'s Hd'w Store. 'VT; Emerson. Weeks. Shears, Scissors, .Butcher Knives sharpened at R. C. Joey & Co.'s IIw?d. Store at of eadi. ' ' " If rou need Tobacco Fines iT'-'i" f hem now. I will only be in.-! king them a few days I(Miger. G. C. Weeks. FIRST-CLASS--PAINTING. I am prepared to do all ' kinds of Painting, at . . . Rock Bottom Prices. J. C, WILIJFdRD, ' Scotland Neck, , - -N. C. At Futrell-Hardy Hariware Store. Tha Btnner Warehouse. 'Banner Warehouse . on North Side street will open August 8, 1901,"and will le under . entirely new manage ment. The proprietors of the Banner Warehouse will guarantee ybu their best efforts to make your tobacco bring ifsva'ne. " -. : ' - 7 - Mr.0. C. Wjlkerson who has been couriered with the-Kinston market for the last five years, and" Air. J. A. Kitchin, whom all the farmers ia the county know as a successful farmer and a business man, will run the Ban ner Warehouse: A ' , These two gentlemen will Bee that aH tobacco entrusted with them will receive their prompt attention. 7Thip ainrket opens this year under the most favorable conditions it ever ha?,-With such men as are runningthe Banner the iarmors need not fear their weed will be given away. Mr! Wilkerson, one of the proprietors, has ' some good oraers for all grades of tobacco. Furmer-3, rernrnb3.rthat whatever is t' the interest of this market is to your interest. Bung your tobacco to your n jtr,e market. You are. guaranteed the very best prices for your), weed. Thd r.eople ol Scotland Neck have de-tertnine-l to make ajsuccessfal market here and with such determination and such men In charge as the' proprietors 01 the Banner Warehouse ; you can brins; yonr tobacco here expecting the li'M-X market prices. 7 v- J) J t take this word for it but just 'l!'55 a load to the Banner and see for CoiXMBus, Ga.. Aug, 2 fT 1872,: r" O.J. Moffett Dear - Doctor i e give your TEmTHl-NAV (Teettiins I'ftdei i) to our little grandchild- with hap:!3st results. The effscts l were almost mimical, aod certainly more B'lisfactory than from - anything- we everus-d. ."v v- lours very truly, JOSEPH S. KEY, Pastor of St. Paul Church. Bishop , Southern . Methodist Church.) : - 'J : ' .1.-" 8 q: Broke her Arm. Little Elsie, daughter of -Mr. and Mrs. 0.. A. Snipes',, fell from: a- sofa a . iew days ago and broke her arm. We will thank any of our sub- Eoribers who will send us copy of Ths Commonwealth dated June 20- ISGL Our extras of that xz are "exhausted and we uecdLf; Supy. , yioG CnotEBl Jlr. 11. 1. Alisbrook miornsed The Com moS'wealth a , few. dajs-ago tbt ;he and many other farm ers -in, fact naoatot tbe farmers in the community -have lost large .'number Of hogs this year from, cholera; Littleton Female College Is attract ing much attention, iujt now and rPresldent Rhode" is doing much toward solving tte problem of the education Ot young women in the South. " Moved Into His New Home. 'Mr. Frank P. Shields has moved into' his handsome new residence on . Twelfth street. His new home la- quite prettv and attractive and adds greatly to thai part 01 tue town, ;. - - Believing Dr. Seth Ar nold's Balsam a reliable remedy for all oowei disorders, we hereby guarantee every 25e bottle sold by us to give sat isfaction or money refunded. E. T Whitehead & Co. Special Meeting. The exercises of the B. Y. P. U. meeting In the Baptist "uu"- last xnaay mgni were some thing mere than ordinary. Mr. Her- oert xaeDowell read a selection t n the education of young men, vMr Albion Dunn, read an essay on the evolution of a Wake Forest student, Mr. "Stuart Smish read. an essay:"Public Educacion in North Carolina." Mr. O. J. Moore sang a tenor solo and Miss Huldah Josey alsoang a pretty solo at the close. . " c Db. Shields Mayck. The town commissioners formally accepted the resignation of Mr. W. T. Cl9meutas mayor last Friday, and ; elected Dr. J. E. Shields mayor to succeed him. Dr. Shields has accepted and has entered upon the duties of his office. The new mayor is In full sympathy with the spirit of progress in the town and win give our people good service in his re sponsible office. He has many friends all through the State who w,ill join in congratulating both him and the town on his election. Central Academy an Industrial School for boys nd young men located at Littleton, N. C, is a school where any boy rich or -poor, of pluck and good character, can' secure an educa tion. We like such schools. Trie Boaid of Education. The county board of education was in special session - at the court house Monday. Superintendent Brame was with the board and made known some of his plans for the : work he will do with the schools. -Teachers who toid certificates that will expire during any school Term they may be teaching will be required to. stand new examination before The certificate is renewed, or they will not receive pay for work be yond tfcelimit of the present certifi cate. . " ' ' . - The board made- apportionments to the -several school districts of the county, which we shall print next week. Our columns are too crowded for it this week. - : Scotland Neck Tobacco Market. Scotland Neck tobacco market will open Thursday August 8th. Arrangements have been completed for running both - warehouses. Mess. W. H. White and Peyton Keel will be proprietors of the Star warehouse, and Mess-J. A. Kitchin-jmd O. C. Wilket son will be proprietors of the Banner. All these gentlemen are'well known to the people of this community, ex cept ilr. Wilkerson. "He comes from Kinston where he has been engaged In the tobacco business for six years and had experience before. - " 'fc ' There is .considerable enth usiasm oyer the good prospects of tho - market here and farmers who have ' tobacco to sell may rest aesured thai, Scotland Neck market will not be surpaseed in good prices by any market in tnia re- ; MissHocVaday'Dead, Last week's Roanoke News said: ftMiss.Susan A Hockaday, who lived in tne 1 xreep ihA Daeb creek .section of the county, died ait her home 'lest Friday, Miss Hockaday was well known to many of the older peo : 1 j . - " ' ple of Halifax county. She leaves a large circle of relatl ves 'and " friends. Her nearest neighbors, who knew her intimate! v. and speak in loving terms of her s a neighbor and ; friend, say that from the time .ber. brother was killed in the civil war she was never known to take her bonnet off. Just wbYeherefused to uncover her head, alter the loss of a brother, no one ever knew. She wore the bonnet day and nirht and clung to it while asleep, and when Phe was laid to rest ' her'bonnet was Dlaced on her head, just . a ehe Kirf wnrriltialife for the past thirty - cv - Pam to her "ashes, and rest to her soul." . :;3-V:- Pi. -Your bowels canjje trained aswel as Vour mr'3rpur brain.'f Cas carets Candy Cathartic . tram your THE PASSING THRONG. Summer Heat Moves Many People. Miss Mattie Tillery. Brinkley is visiting in Mr. J. S. Jenkise went Danville, to Va., Monday. .-S .-'' -JiC '-' Mr. J. P. Ware -is home from a vlit to Oxford,' , " -V' . '.'. ' . Miss Retta Job nsoa returned Friday from a visit to Greenville, . ' . . -.j. " Mrs. Mollie Hastfett is home from visit to Conoho. " - : ' Miss Sallie Wilkf hs returned Thurs day from a visit to Enfield. - . Rev. B. Craig, of Tarboro, spent a day in town last week.- -"7" " Mr.Harvy Wall left -Thursday for Clayton. . ' - : ' - Mrs. J. C. Mullen returned to her home in Tillery Saturday. ' Miss E.'ayine Pittman left Saturday for Durham to visit friends. Mrs. T. W. Fenner, of Halifax, is here yisi ting friends. Mr. M. D. Alisbrook, of Weldon, was in town Monday. - - - Mr. S. M. Gary, of Halifax, was In town an hour or two one day last week. Miss Fatlle McDowell came up from Greenville .Friday to visit friends. " 7 ' - - . - - r Mr. Zeb Johnson, of Greenville, was bere last week visiting his people. Sir. and Mrs. K. Alisbrook went to Tarboro Wednesday to visit relatives. Miss Annie Bell Everette, of Ever etts, is here visiting Miss Lottie Har- rell. . ' Misses Bessie and Margaret Shields are in Coneto on a visit to Mrs. T. T. Cherry. . .--..- " Miss Kate Bagtey returned Monday from-a pleasant yisit to friends In Lit tleton. ' 5 . Mrs. L. W. Bagley left Saturday for Wake Forest where she goes to visit her father and other relatives. Mr. N. Biggs went to' Thomasville Saturday to attend the meeting of the board of trustees of the Baptist orphan age. . . : - Mr. Ruf us Gardner Is home from Richmond, where he attended the bus iness college. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McNaughton, of Ereretts, jvere in town last week yislt ing relatives. y Miss Mary Harrison returned to her home in Littleton Saturday after visit ing Miss Rebecca Smith. Misses Lottie and Jennie Tillar, of Emporia Va., are here-visiting Mrs. S. F. Dunn.,, -, , : ;-: Mr. Jacob Manning, ' of Yale, Va., pent some time here visiting his mother last week. iI Misses AnnirLiggs and Helen Vann and Mr. J. A. Pittman spent -a day in Hamilton fast week visiting friends. Mre. F. W. Gregory, ol CroweUs, spent a day in town lajfc- week- the guest of Mrs. C. W. Dunn. Mr.:G. W.. Livermon, of Kelford, ppent Sunday hero witn nls brotner Dr. A. C. Livermon. ,,; . Mr. George Parker, of Rocky Mount, was-in town a day last week, visiting Rev. M. L- Keeler. - Mr. Joeeph Shields and daughter, Miss Eva, returned Wednesday from a trip to Greenwood, Miss. - - - - " v Mr. Milton Hudges, of Portsmouth, s nere visuing jauiuy t Air. James Cotten. - - - Messrs Reginald" Gray and Tyler Wheeler left Sunday for : Wilmington wnere they go for recuperation.,. Mies Fannie -Gray accompanied by her sister, Mrs. .llancocK- leu Thursday for Littleton to spend some time. -' ; . -" --"v - ' ". ':"" Rev. M. L. Kesler left -Monday fer Thomasville, where he goes to attend the meeting of the board of trustees of the Baptist Orphanage. S Elder A. J. Moore came down from Whttakers Friday and -filled his ap pointment at Kehukie Saturday and Sunday. ;:3-:;V--"'-S.5? r:.-- Mis Itfary Lawrence wnf away Wednesday of last Tveek, returning to Pbiladelnhia, where she resumes, ier work as a -trained ' nurse. ' She had spent some menths at home, with her latner. , r.X .: Mrs. B. G. Smith and family left Friday for Valle Orucis, where tney will spend the summer.7 In the fall they will. go to New York; where .they will rAsida. -Tbev arc clever ana hi nflonle and Scotland Neck regrets to lose them as residents. . Miss Daisy Woolen returned fburi- day o her heme m L-aurange visit tothe family of Mr. Jra. Jwiwaras She made many friends .here during her short stay and they wHl be pleased to have another visit from her. ; : Vof infonta and ndldren. CASTOR I A Bws the Miss Birdie Savage returned Tuesday from a visit to .Enfield.. Mrs. Lili. Flttman went to Green ville Tuesday. - -, - Mrs. Knight; of Washington, is here visiting Mrs. Dr. S. Haesel!.' Mr. S. F. I)unn came home from Georgetown, S C. Tuesday. - Mrs.1 A. S. Dunn webt. to Enfield Tuesday,;, ''-C'-i'r Mr. O.. K . Taylof is Hi Macon attend ing the Methodist District Conference. Mrs. R. A. Patterton, of Ordana Wis , who bsh been visiting her, sister, Mrs. C. W. Dunn, left Tuesday- Miss Hester Powell, of Tarboro, came Tuesday to visit Miss Lizzie . Hy- man. '":;--v - : -: Miss Ella Burroughs, ot Everetts, is here visiting, her brother Mr. C. F. Burroughs ; MrsrDavenport, of Winton, has re cently visited her sister, Mrs. Dr. S. Hassell. r : Miss Susie McDermott, of Washing ton, D. C. is here visiting Mrs. O. A. Snipes. ". . - Mrs! C. T. Lawrence and children returned Tuesday from . a . visit to friends in Portsmouth. Mrs. W. O. Allen has been spending some time on a visit - to Mrs.' N. Biggs and other friends this week. .'" ' - '. . :-- Ji '' Mrs. W, T. Tyler is back from a visit to friends and relatives in Gran ville and Warren, and is frPsh for her duties as teacher in Art Department of Vine Hill Female Academy. Her work in this .department has proven yery satisfactory. Rev. G. W. Fisher came down from GaryBburg Saturday and' preached in the Methodist church Sunday -morn ing and night. He is pleasantly re membered here, having spent some time here in a revival meeting some years ago. Hit sermons were upnit- ng to bis audience and they will like to hear him again. Mr. Ezra G. Guard, of Clevea, Ohio, was one of the most interesting visitors to Scotland Neck last week. He spent a day and night here and those who were so fortunate as to form his acquaint ance greatly enjoyed knowing him. He is a farmer of extensive observation and experience and Is making a - tour of North Carolina and other Southern States making investigation in the conditions of real estate. He is in the service ot the Union Central Life In surance Co., of Cincinnati, and has been sent out by the company with a view to lending money in real estate. Mr. Guard is quite an intelligent gen tlemen t and greatly interested our ! farmers and-others about farm meth-, ods, crops, etc., in Ohio.- He paid The Commonwealth a pleasant call, and we should be glad to see him again. Mrs. Wakefield, of Portsmouth, is here visiting her ' sister, Mrs. S. B. Kitchin. . De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve should be promptly applied to cuts, burns and scalds. It sooths and quickly heals the injured part. There are worthless counterfeits, be sure to get De Witt's. E. T. Whitehead & Co. Resolutions Complimentary - Clement. to MY. It has been known sometime that Mr. W. T. Clement would soon leave Scotland Neck to make his home in Enfield for the next season.. He has been mayor of Scotland Neck since the May Selection, 1900. " A few days ; ago the board of town commissioners passed the following resolutions: "v ' Whereas, Mr. W.T. Clement, mayor of Scotland-Neck for more than a year, has offered his resignation because his business interests call him elsewhere ; Resolved, That In accepting bis resig nation we do so with deep regret, and hereby express our appreciation of him as a most excellent citizen, and a falth- ful, efficient and. impartial , public officer. " - ' . . -:;.'...;:- That as mavor of the town his ad ministration has been satisfactory, his relations with us. have been pleasant, and we feel sure that his departure will be regretted by all the' citizens of the community- -"rs':' '.-"'--' ''-;':.; We heartily commend him to. the best considerations of the people among whom he may make his home. By order of the board of commission ers, this Juiy z, iwu - . - - S T. H. Pritchard. Sec. if I am indebted to One Minute Cough for mv Dreaent -good health and my life. I was treated in vain Dy aoc tors for lune trouble following la grippe, T. took One-Minute Cough Cure and recovered my health." Mr. E. H. Wise, Madison. Ga. E. T. Whitehead & tJO. - The piles that annoy you so will , be quickly and permanently, healed it you nse J Jr, De Witt's witcn nazet oaive. TtAwiirn of worthless counterfeits. E. T. Whitehead & Co. -CH Ths Kind YwllawAlwysteg ' A bad eoraplexion generally results irom macule uvor wni , how. c -j-u all such cases, T)eWiH's LitUe Early Samoa. ;rj9 The tripping- feet the sparkling eye the graceful movement be longiiot aione to the budding maiden. These graces are the right aye '.duty of every woman until the hah whiten and regal dlgfaity replaces them. 7 . w - ; sThe mother who guards liel strength has so much more to de vote to the care and education' of her dear ones. - She should be a comfort a cheer always. 'Yet how many feel Jhab-they have the strength to properly bai lee the home ? The world is list less, weary and morbid. Its blood moves sluggishly and is full of im purities. It needs a kindling, in vigorating tonic to set it afireit needs Pe-ru-na, - - THE ONE MEDICINE in the worldwhich women- may rely upon positively. Pe-ru-na ij good for everyone, but particularly for women. The various weak nesses which afflict their delicate or ganism spring from inflammation of catarrh of the mucous Hning.and Pc-ru-na is a specific for catarrh in any organ of the body. An congestion of a toucouj membrane simply means catarrh of ths organ affected. This Is. why Pe-ru-na cures all sorts of troubles where other remedies fail. If there is a catarrhal atfection the matter with you anywhere Pe-ru-na wiU cure you. - w Death of Miss Nannie Howard. Miss Nannie Howaid died Wednes day night July l'tb, aged 1 years. She bad been' sick for some weeks with fever and her death' wafl not unexpected..- . . ' '. , ' ' " The remains were interred in the town cemetery. - Thursday afternoon, Rey. M. L.. Kesler conducting the services. - say "consumption can do eurea." Nature alone won't do it. It needs helo. Doctors say - - t c"vUU9 aiiiuic3a 11 is the best help." " But you must r continue its use even in hot pveather. ; ' ' . ' If ..yea laavc not tried it, send for free sample. ! ' - SCOTT & TSOWNJJ, ''Chemists, ' . .50-415 Psartfctrcet, ; S Ne-ar Yorlr. ' 50c and $i.co; nil druggist. ' . r"I wish to truthfuUy state to you and the readers of these lew ' lines that your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is , without question, the best and only cure for dyspepsia that 1 have ever come ir contact with and-1 have used many other preparations. John Beam, West Middlesex, Pa." No preparation equals Kodol Dyspepsia -Cure as it contains all natuural digestants. It will digest all kinds of Jood and can't help but do you gocd. E. T. Whitehead & Co. Practical Education . IN ' - Agriculture, Engineering, Mechanic Arts, and Cotton Manufacturing; a combina tion of theory and practice, of study and manual training'. Tuition S20 a year. Total expense. including ' clothing and board, Thirty teachers, 302 students. . Next session begins September 4th. - For catalogue address Geo. T. Winston, President . :. 'A jn.c. college Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, RALEIGH, N. C.. HON.- MLW. RANSOM, . t5x-U. S. Senator from North Carolina, "I take very great pleasure in recom mending Dr. Worthingtons Cholera and Diarrhoea Medicine. Dr. Worth- ineton was a7: gentleman ,01 eminent skill in his profession. 1 have observ ed for thirty vears the effects of his medicine. It is my duty to state that it has proved almost and infallible rem edv. E. T. Whitehead - & Co. PriceJ 25c. - . . : - - v - CANOV-CATHARTIC 3 Genuine stamped CCC Never sold In bulk. . Beware of the dealer who fries to sell r something lust .stood." , r SAVES TVV'O FROM DEATH. "Our little daughter had. an '. almoat fatal attack of r whooping cough ; and bronchitis," writes Mrs. W. K. Havi land, of Armonk. "but, when all other remedies failed, we saved her life with Dr. King's isew juiscoyery. Our niece Who-bad Consumption in an advanced 1 - . - a' . , ; j I I : 1 . Stage.' aiso usea mis wonaeriut nieui- cine and to-day she is perfectly: well." Desperate throat and lung diseases yield to Dr. King's New Discovery as to no other'' medicine on earth. . In fallible for Coughs and Colds. 50ctand 1.00 bottles guaranteed . by. E.; T Whitehead Co. Trial bottles free. IhstiRd tog Have Always m$& ;W;Q'fi.-0Mt!iB.Bi Scotland Every necessary Equipment for handling Tobacco m all quantities. The Market will have a good corps of first-class and experien ced Buyers and T H E-B A N N E R will see to it that every Farmer Gets the 'Top Notch" on Every We shall give Our - Personal - Attention to every sale and shall spare no pains to make it to every farmer's interest to place his Tobacc o - Wit h - IT & Biff Proprietors. Ds SUr.ir.lER IS HALF CONE, AND HALF OF OUR SUMMER BAR CAINS HAVE CONE TOO. What are left are the are still lower. How these prices? ''QdSRea'd- them and be wise one time and buy: Ladies' and Children's Slippers.- Children's . and Misses' formerly at $1.25 now 50c Ladies'- formerly at $1.50 now 98c. Men's Shoes.-Celebra-ted Selz formerly at $3 and $3.50, now $1.98 and $2.23. B(e sure and gains, before these goods are sold and they ARE OINri IrAST at these prices. Neck, N. C. Pile. Firs U. KITCHIN &WILKERSON, best yet, as the prices can any one disregard Yard wide Sea Island - Cotton fully worth 6c and cannot be bought for less than 5 1-4. cents whole- . sale we are selling at 41-2 cents per yard. . White and L in e n Skirts. A - few left over which we are offering at one-third former price get your Bar- 'Mil '. ill - ..--Mi i cm m ''', r ! ; I w -fit! 1 At- I !'' if) ;) ' 'S ill; m. aw - - 2 " ? Hi !! -.' ' "'. ': .'Ji' . -. -r- r - -i 13 A - -i'., '' :l w if 0 Scotland Neck, North Carolina. Ttv. . - -uawn) 13 on every cox 01 fop goBuuiv Laxative BnMiso-iDiiiniRe T. WhtteEtaoTA uo. I w-All f '13. ICC . i ,' '-'$ ic -wedy that .--I- r---TL--;:- 1 Rira bruce eratiryiDg r E.

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