Tlie Commonwealth. jTdA V NOVEMBER 14, 1901. Good Things for Your Table! Fresh Tork Sausage. Aj.,.V Freh Cakes and Crackers, fine Assortment Canned Goods. ( JELLIES, tV,, ) PRESERVES, 1 " ( TICKLES Tyler & Outterbridge, ceot!:ii! 1 N'ck, North Carolina crews warenouse. i:. II. CREWS & CO., Props. Kueky Mount, N. C, Highest, Trices for Tobacco the year K.unfl. The place for farmers to save poaey. 8-l-3m. e House and Lot FOR SALE. Ii:i!f nete lot with a good 2-story f: t!i:e building on it in Essex, Halifax c v.rtv- 8611 upon easy terms, v-nt cheup or will turnisn a stock or live hundred dollars worth o! a r; fc nd of poods upon satisfactory ffjuruy. Address or call on G. W. SEXTON, Nick, Nash Co., N. C. Ideal Fashionable Tailorirs Samples and Measure blanks sent on application. Write for samples. W. A CRAWFORD, 9-12-3 m Rocky Mount, N. C. Coal! Coal! If you want the best coal see me be fore you buy. Can save you money. R. J. MADRY. cotton Seed Wanted. Am in the market again this season and trill always pay the highest cash, or exchange price for your cotton seel. Meal and hulls constantly kept. O. K. Taylok. Cabbage Plants. For sale at $1.00 per thousand. lO.tXXi Late Flat Dutch. 40.000 Large Jersey Wakefiield. fWnOO Early Jersey Wakefield. Packed in baskets and sniped to any point C. O. D. by W. R. WALSTON. Scotland Xeck, N. C. 10-3L4t. Land Posted. Having leased the hunting privil eges of my lands, I hereby forbid all persons to trespass thereon with dog or gun. ll-7-2t. Mrs. J. N. Smith, Per. W. E. Smith Atty. Save your Money By buying your goods of Edwards & Co. Yuu can get special bargains in Clothing for Men, Bovs and children OVEtt COATS. The Best for the money ever seen here. SHOES. Cheaper and better than ever. Call and get our prices. very truly vours, EDWA'RDS&CO. Bargains at R. G. Josey & Co'.s JUST KECEIVED a new line of John Kelly's Shoes. Every pair war ranted. R. C. Josey & Co. THE GOODMAN SHOE is the best shoe for school children. Sold by R. C.Josev&Co. IF YOU NEED anvthine in Bovb' Underwear see R. C. Jo&y & Co.'s stock. WHOLE ROOM FULL of Furniture aid will give you a bargain in it. R. U- Josey & Co. IS IT A RIDE? Then let us sell you the buggy. Lot on hand that mast be sold and they are going low town. R. C. Josey & Co. Sbi Arrivals. Fresh TTnTninvfirits. Rprtis. JJrifnl Apples and Peaches, woanuts, MixedNuts loose dm layer Raisins, Figs Dates, fine Candies etc. ALSO AROTHBR SOPPLY W tfioes, Hats, Caps, Dry Jods, Notions and Fancy "oods. GIVE US A CALL. . The best of Grocer ies always on hand. Wilson Allsbrook. Land Posted. Notice is herebv given that all per " are forbidden under i.enaltyof law n-.wubdogorgun on the lands j , Ranoke river, belonging to the inrihS?50 Gllano Co- of Baltimore, Md., Farn !V g What are kQOWn "Rlver Sm;7' "neTree Farm," "Norfleet m and also "Gibson Woods Jn.. , us )oia the lands ol W. U. . ultn harm'' j i iir 1 " ",rth, and others. tUAiKLiN, per W. P. Dabdkn. U-14-4t. ld.r : t JdT,fv " wto With bNUMi Ti-aj. ttttl2rJlei cnre canptu forever. The Finest Cake Is made with Royal Bak ing Powder. Always light, sweet, pure & wholesome. Moved into His new Home. Mr. O. A. Snipes has moved into his hand some new residence on Greenwood street. Called to Jackson. Mrs. Dr. H. I. Clark was called to Jackson, N. C, Tuesday by the death of her brother, Mr. William Barrow. Died at 110. Mary Barnes, a color ed women well-known in the com munity of Mary's Chapel, died Tues day at the advanced age of 110. Improved his House. Mr. Jas. L. Josey has greatly improved bis band some dwelling house recently by build ing a porch all around the front. Will Keep Hotel. Mr. J. E. Woolard has moved into the hotel on depot street recently occupied by Mr. C. A. Camp, and will keep it open for the public. Died From a Bitkn. A young col ored women named Lucy Whitaker who lived near town, caught fire a few days ago, and her clothes were almost all burned off. She died Tuesday night from the effects of the burn. Mr, Whitakee's good Ceop. Mr. W. P. Whitaker who lives near En field made on a one-horse crop this year 5 bales of cotton, 400 bushels pea nuts, 100 bushels corn, $260 worth of tobacco, 1000 pounds pork, potatoes and vegetables for family use. 'Tis Said, "There's nothing new un der the sun," bnt Prince & Co. have on sale a one-horse wagon that is ahead of anything heretofore seen in this section. They have a full stock of up- to-date, light, stylish and improved buggies and are selling a great many of them. Lewis H. Bellamy, a colored teach er at Lawrence, died some days ago. He has been a teacher in Roseneath township for some years and bore a good name and the respect of those who knew him. For a number of years he has been a subscriber to The Commonwealth. They did not Maeey. Last Friday a marriage license was issued from the register of deeds office in Halifax for Air. Ernest Lawrence and a young lady named Miss Messenger at Tillery. Mr. Lawrence's father, upon learning of his son's intention to marry, thought he was too young and so succeeded in preventing the marriage. HURRYGRAPHS. Misa Lizzie Powell Married. On last Friday in Enfield, Miss Liz zie Powell, of Scotland Neck, was mar ried to Mr. W. T. Eure, of Halifax. The bride is the accomplished and attractive and popular daughter of Mr. E. E. Powell, of this place, and has a host of relatives and friends here who wish her Ions life and great happiness and prosperity. The groom is a well known and pros perous farmer of the county and has a host of friends who warmly congratu late him. The Commonwealth joins in all the good wishes and congratulations. TO THE PUBLIC. ; AllUn UJW WVP KMmjmm aw g X of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I U A .nil baa a very severe cuugu wu w feared I would get pneumonia, but after taking the second dose of this medicine I felt better, three bottles of . J nnA (ha naina In m V ii curcu ui j wit f"- - j chest disappeared entirely. I am moat .. . i i.t. a respectiuiiy yours ior unuw, - Meyers, 64-Thirty-seventh St., Wheel ing, W.Va. For sale by E.T. White head & Co. Boisterous Negroes, Tuesday about noon a car load of nAmra- who had been in the timber woods, stopped here on their way to Parmele, and near Mr R. V. Kitchin wood yard they became boisterous. snm of them seemed to have on a con siderable amount of "red eye" and they kept cursing about until Mr. juicnin became tired of it an- called a halt on them. Some words ensued and Mr. Kitchin let the matter be known up town and if the train that was carrying them had not pulled out there would have been som arrests. Warrants were issued, but the disturbers were off and gone. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for fifty years by millions . of mothers for their children while teeth ing, with- perfect success. 'WjnjJ the child, softens the gums allays al nain, cures wind colic, and Is the best medy for Diarrhoea. H""1 onrror. Immediately. tne poor iitw rv-.-.- . . Sold by Druggists to WJ-rtrf world. Twenty -live - . . rure and ask fo'M. Window Sooth iug Syrup, andake no other kind. Gathered From Highways, Railways, Byways and Other ways. Mrs. B. T. Harrell went to Hamilton Thursday. Mr. S. C. Ray spent Sunday in Wil liamston. Mr. O. J. Moore spent Sunday at Whi takers. Mr. John House, of Hobgood, was here to-day. Mr. Eli Ray came up from Williams- ton Thursday. Rev. G. W. Phelps went to Hender son Tuesday. Mr. W. G. Hedgepeth was up from Hobgood to-day. Mr. Edward Dunn came home from Raleigh Saturday. Miss Fancy Hoard, of Hobgood, was in town last week. Mr. W. L. Hall returned from a visit to Weldon Saturday. Mr. J. A. Pittman has returned from a business trip North. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Josey left this morning for Richmond. Mr. E. K. Hassell is home from Kin ston visiting his people. Miss Bertha Durham, of Tillery, spent a few days here this week. Mr. John B. Tillery, of Tillery, came down this week to visit his daughters. Mr. T. W. Fenner, of Halifax, spent Sunday here and his friends were glad to see him. Mrs. A. B. Hill went to Rooky Mount Friday to visit her son, CapL W. J. Hill. Rev. J. E. Underwood, Presiding Eider of this district, has been here this week. Misa Pauline Shields left Wednesday tor New York to visit Miss Katie Has-sard-Short. - Miss Marie Burgess, of Rocky Mount, was in town last week, visiting Mrs. J. E. Condrey. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Whitaker, of Enfield, spent Sunday visiting rela tives and friends here. Mr. W. T.Clement, of Enfield, spent Sunday here and his many friends gave him a warm handshake. Mrs. R. T. Vann returned to her home in Raleigh Tuesday after visiting her many friends here. Mr. B. A. Pope, of Weldon is here spending a few days hunting with Mr. J. M. Tillery and others. Mrs. J. J. Turner returned to her home in Raleigh Saturday after yisit ing Mrs. C. T. Lawrence. Dr. A. C. Livermon returned Tues day from Norfolk where he had been on a visit to his brother, Mr. G. W. Livermon. Dr. Julian Baker and Miss Gray, a trained nurse, of Tarboro, were here last week, having come to do profes sional work. Mr. Curtis Prince came from Golds- boro Saturday and will be associated in the stock business with his brother, Mr. D. M. Prince, as a member of the firm of Amos M. Prince & Co. Mr. W. H. Britton, of Pendleton, Hertford county, was here a few days ago visiting his brother-in-law, Mr. W. M. Deloatch. Mr. Deloatch accompa nied him home and visited Ahoskie and Windsor. Mr. E. B. Lewis, of Kinston, private secretary to Congressman Claude Kit chin, has been in town several days do ing some special work in Mr. Kltchin's office. Mr. Lewis is clever and agree able and the people of Scotland Neck are glad to have him here. Administrator Notice. Having qualified as administrator on the estate of Eugene Staton deceas ed, I hereby notify all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to me for payment by the 14th day of November 1902. Other wise this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to the e.tate will please make im mediate payment. Stuaet Smith, Administrator. Nov. 14th 1901. ll-14-6t. Palmyra Farm for Sale. Good farm, 139 acres, with good wa ter, good dwelling, barn and stables. A 50cre pasture enclosed. Plenty of Umber for farm use and some mill timber. Land highly improved, some making bale of cotton to the acre. Price and terms made known on ap- pncatl00tW.B.HIGHSMITH. ia3-tf v Palmyra, N.C. Farmers' Institute. A farmers' institute will be held at Scotland Neck November 22, 1901. The object of the Farmers' Institute is to draw together the farmers of the country around to discuss with them subjects relating to their business- such as the profitable use ol fertilizers, the kinds of fertilizers best adapted to various soils and different crops, im provement of worn soils, the use and value of cotton seed and cotton seed meal, the marketing of crops, feeding and care of stock, and other questions of interest and value to farmers. Prof. Kilgore, State Chemist, and Dr. Butler, State Veterinarian, will deliver addresses. . AH farmers who give attention to their work and are trying to conduct it successfully are invited and urged to come to the Institute and to ask ques tions and join in the discussions. Meeting will open at 10 o'clock. Taxes in the County Increased. The tax books for the various town ships of the county have been given to the tax collectors. The recapitulation on the tax books, done in the office of the register of deeds, shows some interesting figures comparing 1900 with 1901 : 1900. Property value in county 14,142,274.00 Taxes on property, f 39,395.02 1901. Property value in county $4,564,202.00 Taxes on Property, $ 44,466.80 In 1899 the railroad tax in the coun ty amounted to $6,334.76. In 1901 the railroad tax amounts to $8,963.37. The tax on bank stock in the county for 1901 is $363.27 against practically nothing before. Oyster Supper. On Friday night, Nov. 22, 1901, there will be an oyster supper at the Scot land Neck Hotel. It will be under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society of the Baptist church and the proceeds will be for the benefit of that church. A feast of good things may be ex pected. "Last winter an infant child of mine bad croup in a violent form," says Elder John W. Rotters, a Christian Evangelist, of Filley, Mo. "I gave her a tew doses of Chamberlain's Cough ttemeay and in a short time all danger was past and the -child recovered." This remedy not only cures croup, but wben given as soon as the first symp toms appear, will prevent the attack. It contains no opium or other harmful substance and may be given as confi dently to a baby as to an adult. For sale by E. T. Whitehead fc Co. Marriage at Littleton. The Littleton correspondent to the News and Observer of 10th said : "A very beautiful marriage, inter esting to a great many friends of the happy contracting parties in the States of Virginia andj North Carolina, was solemnized at Littleton on Wednesday, Nov. 7. Owing to a recent family bereave ment the service was performed at the home of the bride's father in the pres ence of immediate friends and relatives. The bride was Miss Susie A. House, one of Littleton's fairest and most ac complished daughters, and the groom was Mr. Charles Dowtin, of Norfolk, Va. They were surrounded during the ceremony, which was impressively per formed by Rev. J. D. Humble, pastor of Littleton M. E. Church, by Miss Irma Johnson and Miss Sallie Hoube, who acted as bridesmaids, and by Mr. Erwin House and Mr. Henry Dowtin, who officiated in the capacity of groomsmen. The beautiful wedding service was enhanced by the simple elegance of the surroundings and at its conclusion the newly wedded eouple left for a bridal tour to the principal olties of the north. A very handsome supper to the bridal party was one of the special features of the evening pre ceding the happy event. "The bride is the daughter of Mr. James H. House and has been a uni versal favorite in this section of the State. The groom is very prominent in the business circles of tidewater Virginia and is regarded as one of the most prosperous citizens in the vicini ty of Norlolk. "The heartiest congratulations were showered upon them and the best wishes of all our people follow them." NO REASONABLE MAN Imagines that a neglected cold can be cured in a day. The uncountable air cells in the lungs are Inflamed and the throat is as tender as an open sore. But time and Allen's Lung Balsam will overcome the cold and stave off con sumption. The cough will cease and the lungs will be sound as a new dollar All druggists sell Allen's Lung; Balsam In Our Vest Pocket. Dear, delinquent subscribers, we have you in our vest pocket, but we wish to trade you off for what you owe us. We carry our delinquent list in our vest pocket and wherever you sae us we can tell you what you owe and we are prepared to receive it just when you will pay it. You think it is a small matter, and so it is, so far as yonr account goes ; but there are so many others who owe us as much as you do or more, it means much to us. Come on and settle up now, and let's start anew. History of tie Hit Husks Fails to record such phenomenal values, consist sisting of the LATEST NOVELTIES in Men and Bays' Suits and Overcoats and more than ever shown in Scotland Neck before. A large line of SCARFS ARID TIES just in from the Factory, and the largest stock of Underwear ever brought to this market. Our com plete line of HATS & CAPS surpass anything seen here before. MEN'S SHOES We have the best and most comfortabley wearing Shoe made. "We defy the world on prices. Come and see us and be - convinced. "Pro - Bono - Publico." We benefit the Public When we benefit Ourselves. 1UE Believe onr efforts for the Fall Wwill surpass yonr expectations. To see is to appreciate. Special Attention is Galled to Dress Goods and Trimmings, Men'n, Ladies' and Children's Shoes, Ladies' and Misses' and Children's Coats and Underwear and Gents' Furnishing. We invite yon to call early and often and we promise a cordial Jtelcome. Yours Respectiuiiy, M. Hoffman & Bro. Scotland Neck, N. C. ON A VVHFF1 the rider nqaenUymeets with disaster. Avery " "V handy and efficient doctor to have with you when en accident happens is a bottle of Mexican Mustang Liniment. Ulcers or Running" Sores j need not become a fixture upon your body. If they do it is your fault, for , MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT will thoroughly, quickly and perma nently cure these afflictions. There is no guess work about it ; if this lin- iment is used a cure will follow. YD 1 1 nflNT KNflVV howquicklyaburnorscaldcanhecurwl VU lUll I nilUlff Until you have treated it with Mexican Mustang Liniment. As a flesh healer it stands at the very top. ARE YOU DEAF? ANY HEAD NOISES? ALL. CASES OF DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE NOW CURABLE a by our new invention. Only those born deaf are incurable. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. F. A. WERMAN, OF BALTIMORE, SAYS: Baltimore, Mil., March 30, 1901. Gentlemen : Being entirely cured of deefness, thanks to your treatment, I will now give you a full history of my case, to be used at your discretion. About five vears ago my right ear began to sing, and this kept 011 getting worse, until I lost my hearing in this ear entirely. I underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three months, without any Fiiccef-s, consulted a num ber of physicians, among others, the most eminent ear r.peciaiist of "t'nisoitv, who told ine that only an operation could help me, and even tl:at only temporarily, that the head noises would then cease, but the bearing in the affected ear wjdld be lost forever." I then saw your advertisement accident all v in a New York p iper, and ordered your treat ment. After I had used it only a few days according to your directions, the noises ceased, and to-day, after five weeks, my hearing in the diseased ear has been entirely restored. I thank you heartily and beg to remain 1 Very truly years. f. A. V.'ERSIAX, 730 S. Broadway, Baltimore, Md. Out treatment does not interfere with your usual occupation. YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF AT H0ft!E -" INTERNATIONAL AURAL CLINIC, EOS LA SALLE AVE., CHIC.' HO, ILL Jtxamination and advice free, The Celebrated AUBURN Wagons, AUBURN Cart Wheels and Axles Set and Drilled. OUR GUARANTEE : "We will replace any broken steel axle, no matter what, the load might weigh or what the circumstances under which it is broke, FKEE OF CHARGE." If an "AUBURN" is not entirely Satisfactory, WE'LL MAKE ITSO Light - Pretty - N. c. - Buggies - On - Hand Oar Bneeies and Wagons are bought for cash enabling us to eell these Hig Grade Vehicles on very reasonable terms. Call and examine our stuck. A. M. Prince & Co. Mules and Horses. Scotland Neck,N. C FARMER 0 Mil i4 2 BY BUYING MONEY-SAVING TOOLS. Iff tai t0 sen(' catalogues of each W6 WaNl of the following to every Farmer in the State. WRITE A POSTAL CARD FOR ONE: The CORN CROP can be doubled by using a HDSKER and SHREDDER. It husks the corn and delivers into wagon or crib and shreds or cuts the stalk and fodder at the same time into splendid feed and delivers it into barn or stack. FEED MILLS, which grind corn and cob or shelled grain into meal. HAND or POWER FEED CUTTE2S, with travelling feed table. KORSE POWERS with FFE! MILLS Attached, and for rur.nii'g Feed Cut ters, Wood Sa"--, et.;. FANNING MILLS for grain ar.dsced. GS'.AIX CHILLS, both dice and hoe. Baggies, Carriages, Wagons and Har nPK. rem the finest to the humblest. We have ths largest ctcck in the South. S0RGHU5I MILLS and ETaporators. WIRE FENCING cf all kind.. The isst and cheapest and will czi a lifetime. Wood Patent nmXQ t'HCEXS l7 far the best. SEND FOB CATALOGUES OP ANY Ol' TlirJ Ai'.OVIi. THE IMPLEMENT COMPANY 1302-1304 East Main Street, s : 9-19-3m. RICHMOND, VIRGINIA They Work While You Sleep. While vour mind and body rest Cas- carets Candy Cathartic repair your digestion, your liver, your bowels, put them in perfect order. Genuine tablets stamped c u. i never soia in balk. All druggists, loc ' .Chronic Constipation Cured. The most important discovery of recent years is the positive remedy for constipation. Cascarets Candy Cathartic. Cure guaranteed. Genu ine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. Druggist.-, 100.

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