imoiiwealth. A FKW DAYS OUT. Ki-KMBEU 32, 1901 N1 pi i'NrEMENi'- Olaus 1 ,- .'. - -V '"'ling 'Vun-t'a?, .Malaga kes. Any- t make the !-U- h.-i J - Shall ap :':'! ? No, G. Tylor & Outterbrklge, North Carotins. - r'i. i:AY & CO.'S is head : .-. for Christmas tiiem at nay's Ideal Fashionable " ... .--!ic;U:on. Write for samples. :f ' ' W. A CRAWFORD, ; rn Rocky Mount, X. C. roHnr, Seed Wanted. In in the mnrket again this season i ,. ; ,;!a;u s pay the highest cash, . "ex ' prioe for yonr cotton '-- V:;;in'i hiiils constantly kept O.K.Taylor! "Tktits AND Con F EC- tton f. - J - or your noi- ,i v Fi ii i ts a ml t oinection- v) to J. D. Ear & Co. Xhpy have the best assort- i'lit in town. IN otice. I,:r.d Neck lode No. 470 A. F M v.:ii hold iceular cnmmunica h -r-liy evening Dec. 12th 1901, ?-'r iic-U for election of officers v.hv b refreshments. All matn :sv;:ci. 0 IT. Hertiixg, Secretarj, ;eo. T. Andrews, W. M. Land Posted. A'! rer-ons nrs hereby forbidden, ic-:ia!y of law, to hunt with I? or ":; n, on any of the lancU of the '.ct':;. t i as the "Uir-hop arm. nu Hill in HaUiax county, ! h 'irsd?d by the lands of f . - t i n V. D Park- and others. pe.'. 2. 1901. It. C. Josey. 12-5 4t J. E. Woolard 'f;r:-i- fail control of Air J. M. ;: ' Bracket, Scroll and Baluster ;t fit, any unfilled orders win he filled e! f :-ura orders solicited. Prices f : :y. J. S. VlUK, H;f Mauaeer. Tor iVfLL Save Money if oi buy your Christmas ho; ui. ot .i . JJ. Uay Oc Lo. ? them at the corner. Bazaar! DtiiW 12. 13 and 14. (Iiristraas presents for old and yiuino-. Supper every iiiirht and lunch on Satur day. To be held at the of- by Indies of the Episcopal eiiurcit. At R C. Josey's. Fh Line of Furniture, imdsome Chairs a special ly. All suitable for Xmas K. its. A liiost handsome and ap picdiii ive display of Gentle men's Neckwear. AT TAYLOR'S for X mas Fresh Supplies of Cran Wrics, (Vlerv and Fruit All Choice and h' 0 0(1. O. K. TAYLOR. Cabbage, Plants. I Lave a large quantity of Cab b Vhnts for sale : Late Flat Dutch, 'P -fe -ssy WakeSeid, Early Jersey VtKeSel. Packed in baskets and K:pj-ed to any point c. o. d. - W. R. WALSTON, l-12- f Scotland Neck, N. C. k 'Ve in i, I) C'tr'i-i Fiats:' and c and ev BROTHERS'. ive received Currants, Rals i?as Fig'?, Nuts, CranbrerritfS, , -Ilaoe AJear.ali kinds of Fruits. Hue of ot Rnyster'a Car.dv .ever n. A freh lot of Haraea ' ats Cakes, Florida Oranges cn thing else you want GRAY BEOS. Teaeher Wanted. SP.iither tfJflnl.oi- Kr r.rim'il V f?A- P'i'iasLt of Eiiliold Graded Serif ols, .vhiif) i! p,e Wjh ne an exaoiinatiou of arp!icaijts f j.- iilC position at ray office r,fi...ld a Saturdsy, Des. 21, at 9 v- SK. a. ni. By order of the School H:i E. S. Sheppk, fc'niTerintendent. 15 MiiWEtes sufficient to give you most delicious tea biscuit using Royal Baking Powder as di- A pure, true leavener. Branson's Almanac for 1902 ia at hand. It is a valuable publication and has been before the public for many years with growing favor. Raleigh, N. C. New Stock. Sea Prince & Co.'s ad vertisement of new stoefc. It ia ahead or auything ever brought here. They will soon open sales stables at Ilobgood and Enfield. Died in Wilson. News has come that Mrs. Maria Hodges, relict ot the late James Hodges, died ia Wilson Tuesday. No particulars of the death were learned. Ladies to do writing at home can get'work at once, salary $20,00 per month. Send self addressed stamped envelope for full particulars etc. Address, Sirs. C. W. Christian, Tillery, N. C. Bev. J. C. Jones Returns. The people ot Scotland Neck will be pleased to learn that Bev. J. C. Jones has been returned as pastor of the Methodist church here. He is a favorite with the people of Scotland Neck, regardless of denomination, and is a clear and forceful minister ot the gospel. HURRYGRAPHS. Gathered From Highway, Railways, Byways and Other ways. Mrs. Joseph L. Barnes. En'ered into life eternal at her home near Dawsons, N. C, Monday evening, December 2, 1901, Nannie Applewhite, beloved wife of Joseph L. Barnes, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Apple white, in the 32i year of her age. Her sufferings, which had been very great fcr more than ttvo weeks, were borne with patience and fortitude; not a murmur escaped her lips, and she was thoughtful and considerate nf others to the last. Everything was done that medical skill could suggest, and she was faithfully and tenderly nurssd by loving hands, but nothing could arrest the disease. She gradual ly grew worse until the summons came calling her away. No fear of death disturbed her, but with unwavering trust in her Saviour the sweetly passed into the presence of the God she loved, there to bask forever m the light of his countenance. Loving hearts went with her even to the banks of the river and in thought could follow her as with the angels sent to bear her sweet spirit home, she swept through the gates of glory, and imagire her rapture when "within the walls" her freed spirit took in the glories of Para dise. Never from childhood did she wilfully cause her parents pain or grief. She was a dutiful and devoted daughter, a tender, loving wife and sister, a faithful, conscientious mother, a kind friend and a consistent Chris tian. Every one who knew her loved her. How she will be missed 1 Her husband and little children will mies her lovina:, tender care ; her parents, her sweet home coming, and friends her unaffected sympathy. Early in life she gave her heart to God, and ever since, has led a conse crated life. Her virtues and graces of character will ever be treasured as a sacred heritage from him who gave us in her lila a sweet and" beautiful ex ample of how a Christian should die. God grant we may so live that we may meet her ":n that blessed home to wlmb' she has gone to be forever with her Lord. "Father, in thy gracious keeping Lava we now thy servant sleeping." ' A. Mrs. Elizabeth Dickens went to En field Saturdiy. Mr. S. D. Hancock, of Weldon, was in town Tuesday. Mr, W. T. Clement, of Enfield, was In town last week. Mr. P. H. Gorman, of New, York, was here Sunday. Mr. W. T. Tyler spent a day in Hen derson last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Allsbrook spent Tuesday in Weldon. Mr. E. O. Pleasant returned to his home in Oxford Wednesday. Mr. R. C. Josey went to Richmond Saturday and returned to-day. Mr. Archie Day went to Murfrees boro Monday to visit his people. Mrs. F. W. Gregory, of Crowells, visited Mrs. C. W. Dunn this week. Mrs. Claude Kitcbin left Thursday to visit her parents in Wake Forest. Misses Fancy Hoard and Errn Shields, of Ilobgood, was here Satur day. Mrs. C. F. Burroughs returned from a visit to her parents Ayden Thurs day. Miss Helen Perry returned Monday from a visit to Raleigh and Roanoke Rapids, Mrs. N. B. Futrell, of Mount Olive, is here visiting her sister, Mrs. P. A. Rasberry. J Mr. ana Mrs. Cbas. McNaughton re- j turned to their home in Everetta Mon day after visiting relatives here. Mrs. F. P. Stallings, of Smithfield, has taken rooms at the Scotland Neck Hotel and will be here for some time. Mr. A. P. Kitchin, of Roxboro, form erly of Scotland Neck, has decided to looate here and practice law with his brother, Hon. Claude Kitcbin. Mr. J. L. Scott, secretary and treas urer of the Burlington Coffin Co., was on our streets last week shaking bands with his relatives and friends. Mra. W. 0. Allen, of Palmyra, went to Wake Forest Tuesday, being called there by the death of ber sister, Mra. W. P. Johnson. Mess. Howard F. Jones, of Wilson, general superintendent of the Carolina Telephone Company, and Geo. A. Hol derness, of Tarboro, are here to day. Mr. S. T. Burnett, of the Hobgocd community, has sold out bis posses sions there and left "this morning for Texas where he will make bis future home. Mr. Burnett is energetic and we doubt not be will show the Texans a thing or two in farmtnr. The following ladies and gstlemen from other places attended the german here Thursday night: Misses Dora and Fannie Safer, Helen and Urtie Daniel, Julia Gregory, Mary McMahon, Virgie Nelson and Miss McNamamra, of Halilax ; Miss Rhienhart, of Lincoln ton, and Miss Ross, of Charlotte. Messrs. M. F. McMahon and Ernest Satf-r, of Halifax, Henry Burgwtn, of Jackson, T. B. Higgins, cf Tillery, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Fenaer, of Hall fax. Through Wake and Harnett. 41 The editor of The Commonwealth spent a few days last week in Wake and Harnett. The same old bills and dales and dashing, dancing streams are there as years ago, but changes in oth er things are marked. The passing of a decade or two writes new lines even on the face of nature. Familiar names are heard for' which there are no answering1 yoices ; the Etately forest hera and there has fallen before the woodman's axe ; the fields are not just as they were in the long ago. Heme which were then only "poor land" are now fertile indeed, and some which were then fairly fertile are now the "pine thicket''" or the sedge field. . Faces which were bright and laugh ingly gay have become furrowed with care ; locks that were "raven" then now show the frost of years ; - and the then auburn hair now has the ''silver threads among the gold" ; the then prat tling child is to-day the sturdy young man or the lithe and graceful young lady. Some changes are pleasing while others are sad. The school bell tolls from more steeples now than then, and the children trooping their way to school know more of the modern idea of country school life ; but we doubt it their rudiments of education are bet ter founded than in the days when everyone, large and small, took at least one turn a day at the long lines in the old "blue back". poor crops all along. It is usual to hear from every part of the State that crops are poor, but the people of Scotland Neck - and Halifax county have no conception cf the destitution in some parts of other counties. In some parts of Wake and Harnett renters who pay stipulated rents did not make the rent, to say nothing of paying for supplies. While we would net be an alarmist, we say plainly that we are more convinced than ever that people generally need to practice economy more rigidly than in many years. FOR OVER FIFTY YEAR?. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for fitty years by millions of mothers for their children while teeth ing, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It wili relieve the poor little sufferer . immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Twenty.five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wioslow'e Sooth ing Syrup, and take no other kfnd. One More Week, At Edwards &o Co.'s Chris r;.i as i-LOTIUXG. IL BARGAINS IN x i -r? ivn eTTmr.H ""lC?J fl;f r..i.. I. .if H u'Harei:K' Suit Rnn' Over. j - i - . : ; 1 1 -4 uiiii in hum. .if n u ?:u' v;h:r, others say or what they Uveitis, ' k. a 1 vou see nr rare bar- ED WARDS & CO Peanuts Wanted. Jam in the market to pay highest for Spanish Peanuts. O. K. Taylok. Ye., only one more issue of The Commonwealth this year; and we hope our delinquents will remember to settle with us. It is a small matter to those who owe us a dollar or fifty cent?, but sev eral small amounts make much to us. But a word to the wise is sufficient. No one can reasonably hope for good health unless bis bowels move once each day. When this is not attended to, disorders of the stomach arise, bil iousness, headache dyspepsia and piles soon follow. If you wish to avo d these ailments keep your boweU .regu lar by taking Chamberlain's Stomach ind Lirer Tablets when qJ They are so easy to take and mild and gentle m effect. For sale by 1. Whitehead & Co. druggists. - A VICTORY TO BE PROUD OF Is the final and absolute cure of a sore throat, in which the rawness and ten derness have been spreading danger ously near those guardians ot me, tne lungs. The luxury of a sound throat and robust lungs is most keenly enjoy- ed by people who, naving sunereo an the couseauences of "a little, cold, you know," have been rescued from misery and danger by Alien s lung uaisam. Clek S. M. Gary to Wed. The following invitation has been received in The Commonwealth office : Mr. and Mrs. George Gilliam invite you to be present at the marriage ot their daughter Emily Gregory to Mr. Sterling Marshall Gary Tuesday morning, Bee. the seventeenth nineteen hundred and oce at half past ten o'clock St. Mark's Church Halifax, North Carolina. Keep Your Boweb Strong. Constipation or diarrhoea when your bowels are out of order. Cas carets Candy Cathartic will make them act natur?.ily. Genuine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold m bulk. All f3r.icrcriafas. IOC. A. J. Snell wanted to attend a party, but was afraid to do soon account of pains in his stomach, which he feared would grow worse. He says, "I was telling my troubles to a lady friend, who said : "Chamberlain's CoJic, Cbolora and Diarrhoea Remedy will put you in condition for the party. I bought a bottle and take pleasuie in stating that two dose3 cured me and enabled me to have a good time at the party." Mr. Snell is a resident of Summer Hill, N. Y. This remedy is for sale by E. T. Whitehead & Co. GoldA Silver An Abundance of Both in every form of pretty things for Xmas. A most attractive line of new and valuable silverware including many beautiful and useful household articles. Large assortment of Clocks, Watches, Beautiful Chains and Jewelery of all kinds. H. VV. MlXON, Jeweler and Optician , with E. Tr Whitehead & Co. Scotland Neck, N. C. BO YEARS EXPERIENCE ' -rn.e- kit . Biro F f Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description may qnlckly ascertain onr opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent tree, uroeet agency ior secunnKpausnw. Patents taken throoRh Mann A Co. receive tpteua notice, without charge, in tha Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrat ed weekly. Lamest cir culation of any scientiflc journal. Terms, $3 a year; four months, (L Sold by all newsdealers. nuilfl & Co.361--'' New York Branch Office, 62S F St, Washington, D. C Married In Windsor. On Tuesday Dec. 10, 1901, at 11 o'clock, a. m. at her home in Windsor, N. C, Mifs Julia Tadlock was married to Mr. Waiter M. Hancock, of Scot land Neck, Rev. S. B. Barnes perform ing the ceremony. Following were" the attendants: Miss Mae Lewis Sprulll, of Quitsna, N. C , with Mr. Willie Tadlock, of Wind sor, N. C. ; Miss Julia Stokes, ot Wind sor, with Mr. W. M. Gray, of Scotland Neck ; Miss Maggie Snell, of Windsor, with Mr. E. Duke Sprulll, of Qaitsa ; Miss Allie Tadlock, of Brambleton, Va., with Mr. Willie A. Tadlock, of Wind sor. After the marriage a sumptuous din ner was served to the wedding party with a large number of visitors and friends. In the afternoon the bridal party came near Scotland Neck to the home of Mr. Thos. Hancock, brother of the groom, where a reception was tendered. The wedding supper was fine and the guests were loud in their praises of the occasion. lne groom was accom panied to Windsor by Mr. W. T. Han cock and Mr. W. M. Gray, one of the attendants. The bride is a stranger here but popular in her own community. The groom is an intelligent young farmer and enjoys the warm congratulations of a host of friends. COUGHS AND COLDS IN CHILD REN. Recommendaliox of a Well Known Chicago Physician. I use and prescribe Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for almost all obstinate, constricted coughs, with direct results. I prescribe it to children of all ages. Am glad to recommend it to all in need and seeking relief from colds and bronchial afflictions. It is non-narco tic and safe in the bands of the most unprofessional. A universal panacea for all mankind. Mrs. Maey &. Mel esdy, M.' D., Fh. D., Chicago, 111. This remedy is for sale by E. T. White head & Co- Fire at Hobgood. One dy last week Mr. W. T. White at Hobgood lost his gin house, presses, five bales cf cotton and a lot.of cotton seed. The fire was caused from a match which had been dropped on the floor. Some one stepped on it and it caught and ignited lint cotton. DON'T TOBACCO SPIT and SMOKE Your Lifeaway! You can be cured of any form of tobacco using easily, be made well, strong, magnetic, full of new life and vigor by taking AfO-TO-BA C, that makes weak men strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days. Over 800,000 cured. All druggists. Cure guaranteed. Book let and advice FREE. Address STERLING REMEDY CO- Cbicaao ex New York. 437 J. E. Odom. Fruit and Produce Commis sion MerclM Roanoke Dock, Norfolk, Va. Norfolk, Va., Dec. 2, 1901. EGGS AND POULTR . Eggs, stiff, per doz. 2324 Old Hens, each 3032 Large Spring Chickens 2527 Medium " " 152 Small " " 1215 Turkeys, per lb. 910 Dtessed Greese, each. 5565 Dressed Chix, per lb. 10 12 Pheasants, each, " 405t HAMS, ETC. Smithfield, fancy, per lb. 20 " new " " 15 Va. cured, 6 to 8 lb av'ge I416 N. C. cured, 6 to 8 lb av'ge 1416 " " 10 to 12 lb av'ge 1214 Middlings, per lb lell Shoulders " " 10$11 Dressed Hogs, per lb 78 HIDES. Dry Flint, per lb 1213i Dry Salt, per lb 1012 Green Salt, per lb. 7i8 PEANUTS. Peanuts, fancy, 23 " strictly prime. 2 Prompt attention given orders for Apples, Oranges, Potatoes, Cabbage, etc. Write for daily quotations. HORSES AND MULES. Fine Load Just Received Some Extra Fine, Large Mules Good Driving Horses. See onr Stock. PRINCE Cc CO. Sale Stables. : . ' Scotland Neck, Hobgood and Enfield IVleXlCcin win reaJil? overcome Loss of Hah, mrr . a a. Diseased Hoofs and Scratches in hor- iflUSuing Lllllltietlt ses mules and cattle. Farmers try it. A toad under a harrow suffers no more than the faithful horso that is tortured with Spavins, Swinney, Harness Sores, Sprains, etc. Most horso owners know this and apply the kind of sympathy that heals, known j far and wide a3 - - .. .Mexican! Miastainig Lmiment.vN Never fails not even in the most a frgravatcd cases. Cure3 caked udder in. cows quicker than any known remedy. Hardly a disease peculiar to muscle, skin or joints that cannot bo cured by it. JVlexican " 1110 remedy on the market for B . . , Wind Galls, Sprains and Skin Lumps. JVlUStang JLinifTlenT Itkeepskorsesaudmulesinconditiou. ARE f tif ANY YOU Wgm HEAD deaf? mm- NOISES? ALL CASES OF DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE NOW CURABLE a by our new invention. Only tl'.ose born deaf are incurable. HEAD NOISES OEAOE IMMEDIATELY. F. A. WiRMAN, OF BALTifcrtOKE, SAYS: r.Ai.TiMORF, Md., JTnrch 30. ivr. Gentlemen .- Beins entirely cured of deaf nes. thanlzs to your treatment, I will now give you a full historv of mv case, to be used at vour discretion. , About five years asro mv risrht ear began to sing, and this kept on getting v.-orse, until I lost mv hearing in this ear eniiielv. . , ' I underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three months, without any ; ucce, consulted a num ber of physicians, among others, the most eminent car .specialist ot tins csty. wnr 10111 me mrii onlv an operation could help me, and even thai only te mwranly, that the ncad uoiucs would then cease', but the hearing in the affect-d ear would he lost forever. T tVion enm vmtr nIVfmsptllpllt ami lent 2 IV i:l a iS ev.- i Ol II rap:., ail'l ui'inci '' Bient. to-dav, heartily Our treatment does not interfere with your usual vmipation. Efend YOU GAH DURE YOURSELF AT HOiE ata";' INTERNATIONAL AURAL CLfNIC, 596 LA SALLE AVE., CAGO, ILL. Afterlhcd used it onlv a few inyr, r.cconmir; to vour direction?, tne noises censeii. nno. after five weeks, mv hedrine; in the clir-cavrd ear has ieeu tut irely restored. I thanli you and beg to remain Very truly your... ... r. A. VUT1MAK", 730S. r.roadway, IUltimorc, lid. TE7 That Times are Hard ! That Money is Very Scarce ! That Crops are all Short! That Economy is Needed ! Yes, they say all these things, and they say something else; They say that it makes lit le difference when you go to U For there is such a pack of Holiday Goods and every and all kinds of other goods at such low prices you forget Hard Times!. Short Crops ! Scarcity of Money ! But the very coming to our s'.ore s "Econ omy," for we save you money on every pur chase. We can't tell you All about it ! Just come and see for yourself. Your money's worth and more every time. In our great stock you can find anything you want, from a dainty Xmas present to a family outfit. Join the crowd and come along. The friends of all, Rfl. Hoffman & Bro., Scotland Neck, North Carolina.