I i t:1 St if-- a 3 I i! . J&V HOP,pPue?S - ? "I' "'1 "QOi ss fH ' jhT ,0!1 ss?uj,;'-i E ' 'k' ajeqD Ol 33J S3 tlg -Jns M3n0J M BE r . -3(B3jq joti op fl X v j- -31 II ""0 S53U E &7 Iff JsMlm a Pa'E s3u-"?r Kj lOIARANTES FfEVWAMnAftTnti 1 1? ifiLAILAil KVJ3 rlLLo To cure SICK HEADACHE, HABITUAL CONSTIPATION, and all diseases arising from f p.t digestion. They will purify your blood and make yourcomplexion as FAIR AS A LILY. They are erelatin coated. PRICE 25 CtkTS. Annual Keport. Continued from first page. Weldon Corn MiU meal co home 16 25 " Oil Mill cotton s?ed meal 7 35 House j iil acct and summon- ing jurors court lu. cu " Ilold'g June term of court 82 30 ' Gaining lunatic Raleigh 15 CO L II Allen repairing bridge 4 00 " Tak s tax list Butterwccd 30 00 J A 3 Kilpatrick taking tax list Faucetls township 30 00 W T Whitehead tasing list Eose- reoth township 25 00 J E Shields tak'g list SN township 40 00 Jno O'Burton taking list Weldon township 45 00 Gus Cheek ice ior court 1 00 B A Tope t wo days as com 4 80 " j rs salary as chairman 12 50 J Y Torthington 2 days as com and mileage 6 50 W R Harvey 2 days com 6 50 J II Norman clerk for board 4 00 Mrs S A ronton rebate on tax 15 20 W W Rosser taking tax list Brinklevville township 3o 00 F C Pittman taking list Enfield 40 0q F McGuire " " Littleton 3o UO 51 Gnzzard " " Halifax 35 00 W K Shaw waiting on board o W 51 Cohen drugs co home . 1VJ bU The Commonwealth printg for co 50 R H White tak tax list Pa'myra 35 OU W Nortbinaton 1 day on board 4 50 W R Harvev 1 da v on board 4 o0 PARKER'S i HAIR BALSAM i Cleanse, and lieactiflea the hair. Promotes m luxuriant growth. Never Fails to Bestore Grayl Sair to its Youthful Color, i Cures scalp diseases & hair in!!in. S tOc.andtl.t'Oat Drujgigt3 8-I.s-I yr Lumber! Lumber! I have on Land -ood lot of Lumber all the time, such as No. 4 Flooring, 4-4 Nar row Edge Box and Culls, Cypress Boards, Box Strips, Nos. 2, 3 arid 4 Ceiling. Other Lumber stuffs not mentioned. .S F. Dunn, Banner Warehouse, 4-4-tf Scotland Keek, N. C. S. A. L August, 1901. D E Anderson & Co goods co home 57 51 Weldon Gro Co meal co home 7 40 Eastern Hospital clothing and rail road fare for inmate o o J W Northingtou goods co home 21 35 H Norman issuing pauper and confederate soldiers' orders July 15 24 H J Wood painting bridge 15 00 W B Drewrv account for July 49 90 A L Stainback goods fecaall-pox patients 160 G S Allord keep'g rafts from bdge 6 00 Gary Johnson burying pauper 2 00 JIrs W A Sater feeding lurora 13 00 Daiiy Financial News advertising bond bids IU oo W E Pittman repairing bridge 3 oo C W Dunn conveying prisonera 10 60 C R Emry & Co goods co home . 5 45 B H Hale agt goods jail 7 20 B A Pope 1 day as commissioner 2 80 W R Harvev 1 dav as commis'r 4 50 W Northington 1 day as com 4 50 A Norfieet tak'cg tax list Cono conara 30 oo Roanoke Nev?s notiae special meet ing board 1 oo P N Stainback lime co home 1 25 W R Shaw 1 day waitV on board 75 Froehch Trading Co pen points register's office 50 51 5IcMabon & Sons mattress jail 4 50 " Goods county home o 93 J A House jail account July 202 oo 51 Gary examining lunatics 4 50 FLORIDA AMD WEST INDIA SHORT LINE. VESTIBULE LI51ITED TRAINS. DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE L'etween New York, Tampa, Atlanta, New Orleaus and Points South and West. 59 IS EFFECT MAY 26TH, 1901. SOUTHWARD. Daily Lv. New Vorlc, P. R. R Lv Philadelphia, P. R. R... Lv Baltimore, P. R. R Lv Washington, P. R. R... Lv Richmond, S. A. L. Ry. Lv Petersburg, No 31 . 12 55 p m ....3 29 p m ....5 45 p m ...655P m . . 10 40 p m 11 30 p m PaiK Xo 27. 12 10 a m 3 50 a m 640am 11 01 a m 2 40 p m 3 27 p m Lv Norlina, " 2 13 a m 5 55 P Lv Henderson, " 245am 6 23 p m Lv Raleigh " 4 10 a m 7 40 p m Lv Southern Pines, " 607am 9 30 p m Lv Hamlet " 7 20 a m 10 50pm Lv Colnmbia t " 9 40 a m 1 05 p in Ar Savannah " 1 47 P m 4 52 a m Ar Jacksonville " 6 10 p m 9 13 am Ar Tampa " 615am -540 pm Lv New York N. Y P. &N.t 7 55am 855pm Lv Philadelphia " 10 23 a m 11 26 p m No. 31. No. 41 Lv New York O. D. S. S. Co f 3 00 P m Lv Baltimore B. S. P. Co t 6 30 p m Lv Wash'ton N. & W. S. B 6 30 p m Lv Portsmouth S. A. L. Ry. 930pm 9 40 a m Lv Weldon " 12 16 a m 12 11 p m Lv Norlina " 2 13 a m 1 40 p m Lv Henderson " 2 45 a m 2 15 p m Lv Raleigh " 4 10 a m 3 55 p m Lv Southern Pines " 6 07 a m 6 iS p in Lv Hamlet " 7 23 a m 1050pm Lv Wilmington " 3 5 P Ar Charlotte " - 10 01 a m 10 15 p m Lv Chester " 10 20 a m 1 42 a m Lv Greenwood " 12 22 p m 3 46 a m Lv Athens ." 2 40 p m 6 2S a m Ar Atlanta t " 355 pm 800am Ar Augusta C. & W. C. 5 10 p m Ar Macon C. of Ga 7 20 p m 11 2Q-a m Ar "Montgomery's" V. P. 9 20 p m 6 30 p m Ar Mobile L. & N. 255am Ar New Orleans L. & N. 730am Ar Nashville N. C. & St. L. 640am 655pm Ar Memphis 400pm 82gam NORTAWARD. I Daily Daily No. 34 N03S Lv Memphis N. C. & St. L. " 12 45 noon 900pm "Lv Nashville 9 30 p m 930am Lv New Orleans L. & N. 8 00 p m Lv Mobile L. & N. 12 30 a m Lv Montgomery A. & W. P. 620am 1 30 p m Lv Macon C. of Ga. 800am 4 20 p m Lv Augusta C. & W. C. 9 40 a m Lv Atlanta f S. A. L. Ry. 12 00 noon Soopm Ar Athens " 248pm 1123 pm Ar Greenwood " 5 01 ptn 201am Ar Chester " 7 03 p m 4 10 a m Lv Charlotte 7 25 p m 5 20 a m Lv Wilmington " 3 05 p m Lv Hamlet " to 35 P f 8 10 a m LvSouthernPines " - ii 28pm 9 03 a m Lv Raleigh " 129am 1130 am Lv Henderson " 2 50 a m 1 05 p m Lv Norlina S. A. L. Ry. 334am 200pm Lv Weldon " 4 40 a m 310pm Ar Portsmouth " 7 00 a m 550pm Ar Washington N. & W. S. B 655 am Ar Baltimore B. S. P. Co. t6 45 a m Ar New York O. D. S. S. Co. - 1130 pm Ar Philadelphia N. Y. P. & N. t5 46 -p m 510am Ar New York ' 840 pm 800am A Pope 1 day on board H Norman clerk board 2 80 2 00 1 037 45 496 03 J B Hunter serv'e road notices 7 20 Commonwealth bl'ks clerks office and making tax col stub books 34 50 D R Anderson & Co meat co home 15 06 A II Green con v prisoners jail 2 00 S 51 Hale nails etc co home 85 B H Hrtle agt goods for jail - 9 49 W K Pittman let'g and rec bridgs 2 00 John Collins repairing bridge 5 2o 5Irs Js Hwerton feeding jurors 19 ou Burgess Johnston W 11 Shaw wait'g on court 1 day and work in court house yard 12 73 D S 51oss repairing bridge 5 00 W R Harvey 1 day as com 4 50 Dr I E Green 1 yrs B&lary supt health 100 00 David Bell I " " as co atty 50 00 S 51 Dickens convey'g 6 prisoners jail 6 00 Sam Cochran " prisoners jail 1 50 J A House jail acct aug 217 80 Gus Cheek ice ior court house 1 14 J W North'ngton 1 day as com 4 50 B A Pone 1 day as com 2 at) J H Norman 1 day clerk for board 2 00 and one day signing co bonds 2 00 W M Cohen drugs co home July and August 39 75 J H Harvey September, 1901. F. G Hales repairing bridge 10 oo G W Hainill repainng bridge 4 oo Harreil's Ptg House blks reg office 4 09 " Blanks clerk's office 9 12 E A Saunders & Son sugar and meat county home 67 99 51 Parker keeping rafts from Culpepper's bridge 6 oo J H Norman abstracts taxes to State ' tnd Corporation Commission 57 61 John Green work court house 2 U5 W Northington two barrels flour county home ,.800 R Patterson repairing bridges 6 50 Weldon Broom Co brooms county 2 50 T H Norman issuing orders 7 80 J T Bellamy remov'g rafts I'm bdge 2 50 W J 5Iohorn serving road notices 5 40 " Conveying prisoner jail 3 00 II Harvey conv'g J Burt jail 2 50 W B Drewrv serv and lab co home 52 51 A House hold'g 2 weeks court 88 90 " Summoning spec'l jury loo 15 00 G K Moore work on public road 37 18 ii Ij urant conv g prisoner jail 1 00 D R Anderson & Co meal co home 6 70 J F Cullom serving road notices 2 40 W B Highsmith sup co Sence July 954 62 October, 1901. Earle Norman building bridge 110 00 John Cook keeping rafts from Bellamy's bridge 10 00 Wm Wood con yeying prisoner 2 30 Weldon Gro Co meal co home 7 80 Harreil's Printing House blanks for clerk's office 4 70 B H Hale goods co home and jail 12 22 D R Anderson& Co.meat co home 121 37 J L Harris hay county home 5 83 Walter Jenkins replacing bridge 4 00 S 51 Hale goods county home 13 61 W R Harvey inspecting bridges 6 00 H J Harrison replacing bridge 5 00 W H Hayes replacing bridges 34 10 T S Pettitt nutting in bridge 3 do W B Drewry services and labor county home 45 62 G W Herring burying pauper 2 00 J A Perry let and reev'g bridge 2 00 J H Allsbrook building bridge 25 00 R V Kltchin lumber for bridge 4 96 S M Gary account rendered 37 95 Walter Bowers repairing bridge 2 00 The Com mvn wealth letter heads 3 00 N G Wyche work at co home 325 Jim Hines coffin for pauper 2 00 J R Patterson feeding small-pox patients 50 00 Richd Williams bridge account 21 50 J W Northington flour co home 8 25 E A Carter conveying prisoners 2 50 T C Alston let'g and reev'g bdges 1C 00 W 51 Cohen drug acct Sept 34 29 J H Norman making out tax and patting on stub books 564 55 John Green work at court house l oo J H Norman issuing orders etc 12 85 Sam Turnage burying pauper 2 00 F H Thome building bridge 22 50 Ned Bowser guarding small-pox patients 110 00 A H Green ' waiting on small-pox patients 21 00 51 McMahon & Sons mattreses for jail 11 50 J A House jail account Sept 254 00 W B Shaw waiting on board etc 3 43 Froelich Tra Co goods jail 3 10 W K Pittman letting and receiv ing bridge 2 50 51 Mc5Iahon & Sons goods co hom 23 41 S 51 Dickons conveying prisoners 9 60 E A Saunders & Co coffee co hom 10 64 B A Pope service 1 day as com 2 80 B A Pope service 1 day on sanitary board and quarter year's salary as chairman 15 30 W E Harvey service 1 day com 4 50 W E Harvey 1 day on san board 4 50 J W Northington services as com 4 50 " " services 1 day san brd 4 50 Dr Jno A Collins 1 day on san brd 3 20 J H Norman 1 day clerk brd 2 00 T68769 Hi Harlow Betsey Ausby Nancy 51oore " l Delia Daniel fc Eveelyn Bobbilt - Hugh Price T B Collins Harry Alston and wife Ann Curry Addie Alston aiandora Brasweli Penny Jones Tom Daniel Addline Lewis llsey Harper Pattie Bakerson 5Iatl Ddyis Frances Heppinstall Alary Jane Eichardson El Eoberson Polly Lynch Elisabeth Haitbcock Mary Redord 5Iary Conner Annis HLock Caley Perkins Alice Williams Joe Johnfon 51 rs 51i!es Peter Epps Susan Liles Ed Tillery Jjnkius inmily Newsom Lee Battle Burgess Mrs M J Little N swell Solomon Epbraim Walker Nancy Vinson Same Suiuii J W Harris Alex Vaughaa Lucy 51orris Ban Knight Jno Sank Mills T J Duncan Ann Gary Kltchin Bell Martha Pittman Henretta Williams Henretta Nicholscn 51ary Hamlet Martha Miles Burt Johnson Susan Cotton Wiley Daniel 450 12 00 18 00 18 oa 24 ot 18 00 12 00 24 00 24 00 12 00 18 00 18 00 12 00 3 00 18 00 IS oc 7 00 lo 5. 6 on 14 on 6 00 7 5 7 5,. 7 5o 5 00 2 o 2 00 18 ot 24 00 18 00 18 oo 18 00 36 00 24 oo 10 22 or I 12 o 18 00 18 oo J.4 U 7 5C 2 lot 18 oc 12 o. 12 00 24 00 18 00 12 00 12 00 24 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 4 00 Women as Weil as ien Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor and cheerfulness soon disappear when the kid neys are out of order or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is' not uncommon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kid neys. If the child urin ates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it, the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same srreat remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamn-Root is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, In fifty cent and one dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle by mail fro alsn namohlet tell- Home ot Swamp-Root. ing all about it, including many 01 mo thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer t Co., Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and nention this paper. NORFOLK & CAROLINA P. B, CONDENSED SCHEDULE. Dated Jan. 19tb, 1898. S. N. Iredell & So General Comciission Merchant. 17 Commerce Street, - - - Norfolk, Vh All Country Produce, Coiton, Peanuts, Pe;s, Fruits, Hay, Graf 11, ! Shingles, etc. SEND US YOUR BLACK-EYE PEAS. 1 Consignments respectfully solicited, answered. and corraspocdonca will be p; ASTH 1A CURE FPPi A sthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Perniaix nl Cure in All Cases. SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON REC EI IT OF I'OSTAL. WRITE YOUU NAME AND AODHICSS PLAINLY. 9 00 Lv Norfolk Ar. 5 55 $838 50 Amounts allowed Confederate sol diers for the year ending Nov. 3o, 19ol. 9 20 Pinners Point J D Hall 3o 00 J W Browning 24 00 T L Branch 36 00 Ben Neville 36 00 George Keeter 36 00 J H Lynch 24 00 WH Bryant 36 00 Tbeo Davenport 36 00 James Elliott 36 00 T J Hami'.l 36 00 J O Smith 36 00 J J Fletcher 24 00 William Rogers 24 00 Mrs. 5Iingia 3o 00 M D Lynn 24 00 Joe J Bell 24 00 C A Dickens 2o 00 J H Harper 24 00 T C Coley 24 00 Gus Winborn 24 00 J H Perry 16 00 W F Richards 24 00 Peyton Price 36 00 Stewart Medford 24 00 Giles Carter 2o 00 R E Warren 14 00 Joseph Hedgepeth 12 00 $73ooo No. I No. U03 j 49 P. 51. A. 51 ,2 20 2 40 3 03 3 17 3 50 415 4 36 4 53 5 35 Stations No. I No. 48 I 102 I P. 51. A. M. 9 46 10 0J 10 34 10 50 1106 2121 12 21 Ar- Drivers Suffolk Gates Tunis Ahoskey Aulander Tarboro La 5 39 5 05 4 50 4 20 400 3 41 3 27 2 31 10 05 9 50 9 26 12 8 39 8 21 8 04 7 48 6 45 Ar. Lv. 6 35 I 12 50 Eocky Mount 1 55 6 17 P. 51. P. 51. P. M. A. M "Daily. tDaily except Sunday. Trains No. 49 and 48 solid trains be tween Pinner's Point and Wilmington. Train No. 49 connects at Rocky 51 1. with train 23 for ah points South and No. 7S train for all points South and No. 78 train for all points North. G. M. SERPELL, J. R. KENLY Genr'I 5Ian. Sup't Tains. T. 51. EMERSON, Gen'l Pas. Agent FOR TEN YEARS RELIEF. I 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE November 1901 and Aug 600 tliili A M33 Lv Tampa S. A. L. Lv Jacksonville " Lv Savannah " Lv Columbia " Lv Hamlet Lv Southern Pines' 1.T Raleigh " Lv Henderson " Lv Norlina " No. 34 No 66 Ry. 800pm 800am 10 10 a m 7 40 p m 2 10 p m 1 1 45 p m 712pm 440am 1035pm 8 00 a m ' 1128pm 849am 1 29 a m 10 42 a m , 2 50 a m 11 58 a m 3 35 a m 12 43 p m Lv Petersburg " Ar Richmond " Ar Washington P. R. R. Ar Baltimore P. R. R. Ar Philadelphia -P. R. R. Ar New York P. R. R. 549am 2 47 p m 632am 3 31 p m 10 10 a m 7 05 p m 11 25 a m 11 25 pm r 36 p m 256am 4 13 p m 6 30 a m Note. tDaily Except Sunday. ICentral Time. g Eastern Time. JJ. S. LEARD, T. P. A. R. E. L. BUNCH, G. P. A J.M.BAM.V.P.&CM, . PwrooU. V, Kick a dog and he bites yot He bites you and you kick him. The more vou kick the more he bites and the more he bites the more you kick. Each makes the other worse. A thin body makes thin blood. Thin blood makes a thin body. Each makes the other worse. If there is going to be a change the help must come from outside. Scott's Emulsion is the right help, it Dreaks up such a combination. First it sets the stomach right. Then it en riches the blood. That strengthens the body and it begins to grow new flesh. A strong body makes rich blood and lich blood makes strong body. Each makes the other better. This is the way Scott's Emulsion puts the thin body on its feet. Now it can get along by itself. No need of medicine. Tins picture represents the Trade Mark of Scott's Emulsion and -is on the wrapper of every bottle. Send for free sample SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pearl St New York. 50c. and $1. all draggists. James Billups repairing bridge 7 50 VV F Parker lumber ior bridge 18 80 Wiley Lewis burying pauper 2 00 A M Inge lumber co home 13 10 C R Emry goods co home 16 75 B E King conveying prisoner 2 70 W E Spruill letting and receiving bridge 2 00 W Northington good co home 134 57 W Northington 1 day as com 4 50 W B Drewery services and labor co home 58 48 Matt Cook repairing bridge 55 01 M J Carr carrying prisonera and building bridge 10 41 J H Exum moving rafts 3 00 Edwards & Broughton record book 7 50 Walter, Eyans & Cogswell co rec ord booKs 14 70 J A Green building bridge 22 50 H Norman stamps for connty bonds, abstracts lor Corporation Commission and State etc 57 oo W B Highsmith two months supt co fence and labor b 50 L E Hedgepeth repairing bridge 20 oo, Jorndan Demory work at co home 4 oo J F Cullom serving road notice 60 E T. Williams building bridge 15 90 A E Carter let'g and recv g bdge 2oo E Pepper building bridge 18 50 W K Pittman lett'g and receiying bridge 4 00 Roanoke News printing superin tendent health report 2 50 The Commonwealth ptg same rent 2 50 D E Anderson & Co meat, meal etc for county home 128 52 W M Cohen drugs co home 14 40 P N Stainback goods co home 5 75 John Green work at court house 1 oo B H Hale goods co home and jail 23 55 5? it. Ihn-wWn-r r.,,1 The following is a statemetit of the numbers of meetings of the Board of Commissioners of Hal ifax county and number days eaeh member at tended and the number miles traveled by each member, with $2 per day allowed each member for services as Commissioner and members of sanitary board fr the fiscal year ending Decem ber i, 1901. Number of meetings 13 B A Pope attended 22 W R Harvey attended 16 J W Northington atended 19 Amount allowed B A Pope for 22 days $44 00 " " W R Harvey for 16 days 32.00 " ' J W Northington 19 days 38.00 I RECAPITULATION. Amount of expenditures allowed by the Board of Commissioners for county purposes I12.653.20 Amount allowed for three terms Crimi- nal court 1,517.50 Amount allowed paupers for 1901 838.50 Amount allowed Confederate soldiers for 1901 730.00 Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. ' Anvone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain onr opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securingpatents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any scientific! Journal. Terms, 3 a year ; four months, $L Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN Co.36'Broada New York Branca Office. 625 F St, Washington, D. C There is nothing like A-t!j::. ' ... It brings instant relief, eve:, ;i, ;: , worst ca?es. It cures wIkm ;;U , ; ,. fails. The Rev. C. F. WELLS, ,f v ;; , Ridge, 111., S'tys : "Your trinl ! ;,'!! 1 Asthmalene received in yood fci-d i,, ;;. I cannot tell you how thankful I fee for the good derived from it. 1 w - ,1 slave, chained with pntiid sore tin; ,;! and Asthma for ten years. I (!ti ii -ed of ever being cured. I saw i.r advertisement for. the cure id 'tins dreadful and tormenting disoa.-e, A thma, ana thought you had ovei-Mol i-i yourselves, but resolved to it ,t trial. To my astonishment, 1 !,e tsiul rcted like a charm. Sena me n full size bottle." REV. DR. MORRIS WECIIM.I II, Rabbi of the Cong. Bnni Im-icI, New York, Jan. I!, !'.'!. Drs. Taft Bkos'. Medicine Co., Gentlemen : Your Asthmalpr.r? n , n excellent remedy lor AM lima and thy Fever, and its composition :i!!p i;:ips all troubles which combine .'Ai As hma. Its success is astonishing and wonderful. After having it carefully analyzed, we can state that Asthma!er.e cont Ar no opium, morphine, chloroform or ether. Very truly yourp, REV. DR. MORRIS WECHSLEU. Avon Sprixgs, N. Y., Feb. 1, !l. Dr. Taft Bros.Medictxe Co. Gentlemen : I write this testimonial from a sense of duty, having tctnl t be wonderful effect ot your Asthmalene. for the cure o Asthma. My v,ift. t:w been afliicted with spasmodic asthma for the past 12 years. Having ex'i.ms'ert Uiy j W II rivXJl rtO ncii mo inatij o j m. vunuva cuu vui 11511 hjiuii j'.M.i windows on 130th street, New York, I at once obtained a bottle of Astliin.vU 'vm. My wife eommenced taking it about the first of November. I very poon n ticed a radical ?mprovement. After using one bottle her Asthma hasdi mdi cur ed and she is entirely free from all symptoms. 1 feel that I can con-iM'.-piiy recommend the medicine to all who are afflicted with this distressing riix-M-e. Yours respectfully, O. D. PHELPS, M. 1 Dr. Taft Bros. Medicine Co. Fob. .j, ITUl. Gentlemen : I was troubled with Asthma for 22 years. 1 have tried ntimpr- ous remedies, but they have all failed. 1 rau across your advcrtisemi n! iii.d started with a trial bottle. I found relief at once. 1 have since i.;!iv!i:tpl your full-size bottle, and I am ever grateful. I have a family of four and for six years was unable to worn. I am now in the test of health doing business every day. This testimony you can mako such use of gee fit. Home address, 235 Etyington street. S. R A PIT A L, 07 East 120th st., New York City. So miles traveled by B A Pope 240 No miles traveled by W R Harvey 800 No miles traveled by J W Northington 950 RECAPITULATION. B A Pope 240 miles, 22 days. W R Harvey 800 miles, 16 days. I W Northington qso miles. 10 days. Amount allowed Board for 1,990 miles J 1 2.00 40.00 47-50 $ 99-50 . 114.00 And 57 days $2 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, I Halifax County. ) I, J. H. Normau, Clerk ex-officio of the Board of Commissioners of the aforesaid county, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct statement as doth appear upon record in my office. Given under mv hand and official seal of the Board of Commissioners of Halifax county at my omce in Halifax this the 27th day of Nov.. 1901, J. rl. NOKMAW, lerit. CRUELTY TO CHILDREN. Mother's Worm Syrup neyer fails, to destroy and remove worms in children. It is cruei not to administer it to them whenever there is need. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH iFEHISYRGYAI. PILLS HM' , llllll VMI TRIAL BOTTLE SENT ABSOLUTELY FfiEE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL. Do not delay. Write at once, addressing DR. TAFT BROS. M El.) I (.'INK CO., 79 East. 130th St., N. Y. City. Sold bv all Druggists FroL JAMES HARVEY, 425 Church St., Norfolk, Va. THE ONLY HERBALIST IX NORFOLK. Safe. Always reliable. I jmHh, ask Trnggirt for CIIIt'HEKTERX EKttLISH in Bed and 2old metallic boxes, sealed with blue ribbon. Take no other. Reftinc dsnirrronn nabati. tutiwno and inii tatioiw. Buy of your Druggist, or send 4e. in stamps for ParUralara, Testi monials and M Relief for Iaiie," in letter, by return Xiall. 10,000 Testimonials. Sold by all Druggists. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO. SlOv JIadkon Sonare, P1IIIJU IA. Mutton tbls papar. All rr-edicines pieparcd from Ilciis. Barks and Roots gathered fn in llu. .TANlC GARDENS. Cures in i t-o -tion, Constipation, To' ; ill l.i ", Malarial Fever, Kidney r.nd l itr Trouble, Thick and Scalding Urine, all InflHmmatioii of the Bladder and other Organs, Burns, Bruise?, Sprains, Cuts, Sores of long standing and al! kiwU "J Blood Poisoning, either Inherited or Contracted. I have cured Sores ( f f n v yeara' standing and put up soru fin9 Tonics to build up weak r.nd f IjitMPK'". Constitutions. My Five Minute Pain Cure is the best in the world, lbive been in Norlolk eleven years and can give references by scores of the be1 5 c i n the city. State your case as near as possible, enclose $1 and 1 will .- :"! medicine to that amount. 6 20-Iyr e o w Palmyra Farm for . Sale. Good farm, 159 acres, with good wa ter, good dwelling, barn and 6tables. A 50-acre pasture enclosed. Plenty of timber for farm use and some mill Umber. Land highly improved, some making bale of cotton to the acre. Price and terms made known on ap plication to W. B. HIGHSMITH. 10-3-tf Palmyra, N. C. FARMERS Can Save Money BY BUYING MONEY-SAVING TOOLS. Hal lie Lynch services co home 2 oo A H Green conyeying prisoner 1 oo B A Pone 1 day as commias'r 2 80 B A Pope 1 day on tax board 2 80 j L Price building bridge 35 oo Willcox Bros interest on orders 92 05 W E Shaw wood etc co home 4 75 Wm Wood conveying prisoner 3 oo M F McMahon goods co home 2 75 M McMahon & Sons goods county home and lail ' y oU J A House conv'g lunatic Raleigh 16 75 Jail account Oct 242 60 Weldon Corn Mill meal co home 11 o5 Dr I E Green extra services dur ing small-pox epidemic l.ooo oo 2,lo6 29 The following amounts were allow ed paupers for ' the year ending Iff A 1BfiMf. to catalogues of each WG WaNl of the following to se very Farmer in the State! --j? WRITE A POSTAL CARD FOR ONE: The CORN CROP can be doubled by using a HUSKEB and SHREDDER. It husks - the corn and delivers into wagon or crib and shreds or cuts the stalk and fodder at the same time into splendid feed and deliveis it into barn or stack. FEED HILLS, which grind corn and cob or shelled grain into meal. HAND or POWER FEED CUTTERS, with travelling feed table. HORSE POWERS with FEED MILLS attached, and for running Feed Cut ters, Wood Saws, etc. FANNING MILLS for grain and seed. GRAIN DRILLS, both disc and hoe. Buggies, Carriages, Wagons and Har ness, from the finest to the humblest. We have the largest stock in the South. SORGHUM MILLS and Evaporator. WIRE FENCING of all kinds. The best and cheapest and will last a lifetinte. Wocd Patent SWING CHURNS by far the best. SEND FOR CATALOGUES OP ANY OF THE ABOVE. THE IMPLEMENT COMPANY 1302-1 304 East Main Street, . : : : RICHMOND, VIRGINIA 9-19-3m. 30th 1901 Jno Houston Henry Matthews Nov. 12 oo 18 oo a. Mcdowell, pbimdht. frank p. shiei j, cashiee W.B. BOND. Abs't Cashieb. t-4"rYS-f- TOBACCO SPIT LJ-II1- I and SMOKE YuarUfeaway! Yen can o; cured of any form of tobacco nsinr I easily, be made well, strong, magnetic, full of new life and vigor by taxing IKITO-BJWfp that makes weak men strong. Many gala tan pounds in ten days. Over MOOmOQQ cored. All druggists. Core guaranteed. Book 1st and advic FRRB. Address snuUUBTO mwmnvx cow cuaaoarKnrxga. v The Mi tt Bi SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. ' SOLICITS THE ACCOUNTS OF BOTH INDIVIDUALS AN D BUSINESS 10 10 li Frank T. Clark Co., SUCCESSORS TO COOKE, CLARK & CO 8ASH,DOORS AMD Bi Hardware. Plate and Window Glass. CabinH Mantels. Grates. Tile Work. Gas, Electric juim Combination Pure Paint. fixtures. Longman iV: Builders' and Paiuters' Norfolk. Virginia. .Will i ill' Snpplic.- MONU iiTS AND GRAVESTON r WE PAY THE FREIGHT, AND GUARANTEE SAFE DLI.1VFH LARGEST STOCK IN TliK M I'Vil Illustrated Catalogue Free. THECOUPBR MARBLE WORKS (Established 1818.) 1 and 163 Bank Street, XORFO 1. GEO. B. CURTIS. Geo. B. Curtis & Co.? ENFIELD, N. C. .Dealers in DRY GOODS, QR0CERIES, PROVISIONS, IIAUDW J CROCKERY. omi n TOVES, PLOWS, LIME AND HAIR. .Ill o-jL-om. 7: