- : i : 1 The Commonwealth. THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1902. SPECIAL Ai.UUSCME!iTS. Cotton Seed Wanted. Am in the market again this season and will alwas pay the highest ca.-b. rr PT"h:ui2e price for your cottoD seed. Meal and hulls constantly kept O. K. Taylor. Peanuts Wanted. T nm in the market to nay highest price for Spanish Peanuts. O. K. Taylor. The Finest Cake Is made with Royal Bak ing Powder. Always light, sweet, pure wholesome. Land Posted. Ml persons are hereby forbidden, under nenaltv of law, to hunt with dog or gnh, on any of the lands of the farm known as me "DtfauprMmi n&Ar Sorintr Hill in Halifax count. X. C. and bounded by the lands ol The North Carolina Lumber Company, X. D. Parks and others. Thi Tec. 2. 1901. R- C. Josev. 12 5 4t J. E. Woolard Having full control of Mr. J. M ;.-.s!ev's Bracket, Scroll and Baluste outfit, auv unfilled orders wii' be filled ir! f mitre orders solicited. Prices satisfactory. J. S. VIUK, 11-28-tf Manager. TSTew Stock Coming. Mr. X. B:ggs is on the Richmond market srd will have a car load ol Kentucky mules and Horsea in Bigg; it Jobn?un's stsbles the last of thi) week Farm for Sale. Good farm of 150 acres a few mile? from town. Will sell on easy terms. Apilv to HILLIARD & HOUriE, Scotland Neck. X. C. Agents A Beautiful Marriage. Communicated to The Commonwealth. On last Sunday alternoon, January 5, 1902, Miss Delia Ailsbrook was mar ried to Mr. W. W. Manning. The bride and groom, accompanied by a few friends and relatives of Scot land XecK, drove down to Elder W. B StricK-and's at 0 o'c'ock, and in a brief anl imuressiva ceremony they wer pronounced husband and wife. The bride was dressed in gray broad c'oth trimmed in white. There was a large crowd of friends there to witness the marriage Immediately the bridal party repaired to tne borne ot t! e bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ailsbrook, where an elaborate reception was tendered and a sumptuous supper New Buildings. Mess. G. H. John son and W. H. Josey are building each a residence near Mr. Ausbon's new house on Church street. I Improving His Dwelling. Mr. J. E. Condrey is greatly improving his dwelling on Tenth street near the de- Dot. He is raising it to two stories and when completed it will be a hand some home. New Year Entertainment. On New Year's evening the boys of Mr. md Mrs. G- W. Bryan gave an enter tainment to a number or their little friends. All were happy and had a good time. WiLi,RrjN the Bon Air. Mr. C. Rival Norman, assisted by his brother Mr. E. E. Norman, will have charge of the Bon Air Hotel at Littleton this vear. They will make the hotel a des irable place for the travelling public and all others who wish to fare well. Mr. Isles Married. The Littleton News Reporter says : "Mr. D. Edgar , fsles and Miss Annie R. Dunn were married at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. W. O. Dunn, yesterday a'ternoon, Rev. A. Cree officiating. It va a quiet home marriage. We ex tend our congratulations." New Officers Enstalled. At a neeting of Scotland Neck Lodge No. 61 I. O. O. F.Tuesday night the follow- ng officers were installed for the ensu ng term : Noble Grand, J. Y. Savage ; Vice Grand, J. E. Woolard ; Recording Secretary, E. J. Proctor; Financial Secretary, J. Spencer Yick ; Treasurer, D. A. Madry. ; Sater House for 1902. Mrs Sater will be a favorite with the travelling HURRYGRAPHS. Gathered From Highways, Railways, Byways and Other ways. Mrs. R. C. Josey mond Monday. Mr. S. D. Hancock Weldon last week. went to Rich- was down from Mr. T. W. 'enner was Halifax last week. down from Miss Laura Joyner is home from a visit to Richmond. Mr. Gusie Hoffman has gone New York to live. to has gone to Weldon, was Miss Laura Harwell Pactolus on a visit. Mr. E. T. Clark, of here a few days ago. Mr. Clarence B. Riddick spent Sun day in Wilhamston. Miss Ida Lewis has returned to her home in Richmond. Miss Bettie Hlil spent a day visiting in Halifax last week. Miss Elavine Pittman came home from Durham Monday. Mrs. Annie Pittman, of Halifax, is here visiting her children. Mrs. J. K, Bolton returned from visit to Jackson Tuesday. Miss Minnie Howard returned to her home in Coanley Thursday, Miss Addie Braswell returned from a visit to Whitakers Monday. Mr. T. M. Ailsbrook, of Washington was m town a few days ago, Miss Mittie Andrews returned Mon day from a visit to Parmele. Mrs. Alice Henson is here from Gold Point visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Tyler are home p :hlic to Halifax as long as she keeps froia a visit to Bertie county. . . J I - t 1 Al - I i(, her present anuari oi uuw r- Mig8 Panne Harrell returned Wed - j j z i . Vice. JVlonaay was an oruinary aay id nesday from a visit to Everetts. Halifax only commissioners' court Ahce and LaQra Bel was served. The bride is young, pretty day, and lew people there but all who home from a visit to Battleboro. are and attractive. The groom is well known here and they both have many v;arm iriends who wish them all joy, rrosoeritv, happiness and a long life together. B. J. R. Dslightful Reception at Littleton. Co.Tespcndence to The Commonwealth. Littleton, N. C Jan. 4, 1902. On the evening of New Year's day the sophomore c'ass of Littleton Fe male Coilege gave a most delightful recaption complimentary to the faculty anl seniors. The college parlors wer b3riutifully and artistically decorated With cut flowers, potted plants, and maav crimson and gold the clas. co'ors flags. Quite an entertaining programme, consisting ol songs, instrumental solos and charades, was exceptionally well rendered . This class Is composed of about twenty five young ladies, rep rssentativea of some of the finest stu dents in the college. Daliclous aad dainty refreshments were served In the spacious dining hall, which bad been transformed into a scene o brilliancy and the same ele gance and refinement of taste were there discernible iu its decorations. Conundrums and many amusing games of a literary character, consum ed the remainder of an evening oi unalloyed pleasure. .vent to tljp Sater House got a good tinner all tee same. Who Can Beat It? An item from Rocky Mojnt to the News and Ob erver says : "Here is a great egg ecord, made at Dr. Kellebrew's, of Ede-ecombe county, last year : 526 natches from 722 settings, 1S,200 eggs old for $221 57, an average of 14 cents a i zen, and 20,892 used at his table, fne cost of production was $121.40, ;ash profit $100.17 plus eggs used and thickens on hand." Miss Laura Burgess spent the holi days with friends near Rocky Mount. Mr. H. W. Mixon is home from visit to his people in Beaufort county Miss Maggie Gray returned Monday from a vimt to her parents at Parmele Mrs. W. O. Allen returned from an extened visit to Wake Forest Tuesday. Mrs. Glasgow Evans and children re- DESTRUCTIVE FIRE. Boggy Shops and Market Burned, THE STATE'S GREAT LOSS. Freshets and the State Farm. ARE YOU WISE AffSSWjSSt mation there is no remedy to equal 'Mexican Mustang Iilnimenu This morning Wednesday) at 3 Monday Superintendent J. S. Mann o'clock the scream of fire rang out land Mess. Nathan O'Berry, of Golds- somewhere about the centre of the boro, G. Hackett, of Wilkesboro.and J. town. The sleeping people were A. Brown, of Chadbourn, visited the aroused one after another and into al- Caledonia State farm near Tiliery, and most every man's window there gleam- viewed the devastation wrought by the ed a light which startled as soon as late freshet in Roanoke iiver. curtains were raised or blinds opened. Mr, Mann thinks that the freshet Nothing so "stirs up" people in a small took away twenty thousand dollars town as a big fire at the uncanny hour j worth of dykes. The forces had been of 3 o'clock in the morning. working on them fave or six monins Soon crowds were gathering to the and had just completed them. fire, which was in the Carolina Buggy Mr. O'Berry said to the editor oi Company's shops on the east tide of The Commonwealth that he thought Main street. When first discovered it would be wise to let that part ot the the flames were bursting through the farm alone. Leave the dykes down roof of the building and there was no and let the water go over it. Plant it thought of saving it. The town mar- I m walnut trees and use it as a grazing ket house, about twenty-five or thirty ground. There are only about l.oOO feet south of the shops, soon caught acres subject to overflow from the par and both buildings being of wood they ticular break in the dykes where so were quickly consumed. The brick I much trouble has occurred. ibis structure north of the burning shops would leave 4,000 acres of cultivable known for a quarter of a century as J land on the farm. the brick mill," would haye burned The Raleigh correspondent to the had it been a wooden building. It is Charlotte Observer wrote Jan. a : occupied by the Scotland Neck shirt "The loss by the breaking of the factory, and seemed sure to burn atone dykes at the Caledonia state farm on time. The windows towards the fire the Koanoke river is a yery severe one. were burned out, but by hard work the No one can say when the dykes will building was saved. he or can be rebuilt, as all the labor On the south the block of buildings available must be employed on wor known as "Kitchin row" would haye which brings in money, so urgent are burned had the wind not been from the the needs for funds. The penitentiary I- i i nt 1 south. The corner room of the huild- w ways an mcuDus, aiways uaru " When the dvkes were rebuilt lUfc uwav vvr vt-iu wai mjv uswow io asi I.. fn i Clark's office and at one time the build- autumn the oia lines were ionowea. ing became so hot and the danger, so Superintendent Mann said some time imminent Dr. Clark had his books K that he waa sure the dvke was at one moved out. Had the stable on the lot place too near the river, and "being op formerly occupied by Dr. Podo not poaite a bluff across the river the water been covered with metal, a number of KCTRes and its already great pressure is houses would have burned there any increased. He says that at this point wa I the dyke should be built some distance The Carolina Buggy Company is the inland, so as to give the river more nronertv of Mr. J. E. Woolard and the room, even if the new line did throw loss, he says, Is about $1,800 or $2,000 out 100 acres of farm lands. A study of covered by $900 insurance. The build- methods of building dykes is one thing ine belonged to the W. H. Kitchin needed. It will more than pay the State estate and was not injured, to employ experts and get the best The market building belonged to knowledge. The loss of $30,000 last Mr. S. J. Stern who ran a stall in the year and of $15,000 this year, by two buildinc. It was valued at $800 and freshets, is certainly a heayy blow and he carried $500 insurance on it. The a lesson also. The State will have to meats in the market were all saved and do some scientific dyking or else give t i w .I.., . Inn farmine there. This farm was Besides Mr. Stern's staH there was one run by Mr. W. M. Deloatch and also one by a colored man named Jacob Hill. Mr. T. H. Pritchard'8 loss by stock damaged in the shirt factory, was about $400, but fully covered by insurance. There was also some loss to the tele phone company in the 'phones, poles and wires. It was the second largest fire In the town for many years. There are perhaps fifteen people thrown out of employment by reason of the fire. The Carolina Buggy Com panv emploved ten persons all baught by the State in1899 for nearly $70,000. It was then claimed that it i -w - - J - was worth $100,000." If troubled with a weak digestion belching, sour stomach, or if you fee dull after eating, try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Price, 25 burning of I cents. Samples free at E. T. White head & Co8 drug store. Card of Thanks. easy way and a sure way to treat a case of Sore Throat in order to kill disease germs and insure healthy throat action is to take half a glassfull of water put into it a teaspoonful of Mexican Mustang liiniment anrl with this garble the throat at freqttent intervals. Then bathe the outside of the throat thoroughly with the linl- j ment and after doing this pour soino on a soft cloth and wrap wound the neck. It is a POSITIVE CURE. 25c, 50c. and $1.00 a bottle. nv vnn Imvo 1nnr heen troubled with a running II 111 14 I DC B UU - nl..fr MYpal.U. nl, once With iUe.Tl- r can Mustang liiinmcut and you can depend ujHu a tieedy euro, HORSES MULES. S. J. STERN. 1 Died Suddenly, On Christmas day, iftt-r having gone down the street for j8 here vieitinsr her mother, Mrs. S. E. l a while, Mr. J W. Rollins suddenly Comaon d i-d at his home in East Scotland Miss Sallie Baker returned to Louis Xck. He and family moved herefrom burg Monday to resume her studies in Hamilton a vear ago. He lelt a wile I take this method of extending to the public my sincere thanks for the the good services rendered by all in help- lime and the helpers about th market ing mo save my market effects at the tumor! fmrn a viaifl: tn Tflrhnrn Thnrs- will make narhaDs more than fifteen. ure this morning. day. Mr. Woolard lost valuable tools, hall January e, lawa. Mrs. E. B. Higgs and children re- dozen new buggies and some other new turned to their home in Greenville I work with several hundred dollars' Friday. worth of new material. Mrs. (i. H. Daniel, of Rocky Mount, REMARKABLE CURE OF CROUP. A LITTLE BOY'S LIFE SAVED. Fine Load Just Received A NEW LOAD TO ARRIVE NEXT WEEK. Some Extra Fine, Large Mules. Good Driving Horses. bL See our Stock. PRIftlGi &CO. Sale Stables. Scotland Neck mid Tlobtfood. Jury List. The county commissioners Monday EXPOSURE TO WET, dampness and cold, invariably results in a sudden chill, which if not attend ed to immediately will cause a cold Uy mixing a teaspoonful of Perry Davis' Painkiller in half a glass ol warm wafer or milk, the whole system will be heated and the danger of cold avoided. Avoid substitutes, there is but one Painkiller, Perry Davis'. Price 2f3. and 50c. Little Miss Brinkley Entertains. On Friday evening, January 3, 1902 little Miss Mamie Fowle Brinkley gave a delightful entertainment to her little friends. The parlor, halls and dining room were festooned with holly, cedar and foliage. The table was lovely having a large pyramid of green and covered with a handsome lace cover From it was dispensed all the season's dainties. It was an enjoyable time for the little folks, and they all wish their little friend much iov through the year and indeed for all time. "Some time ago my daughter caught a severe cold. She complained of pains in her chest and had a bad cough. gaye her Chamberlain's Cough Reme dy according to directions and in two days she was well and able to go to school. I have used this remedy in my family for the past seven years and have never Known it to iail, say James Prendergast, merchant, Annato Bay, Jamaica, West India Islands The nains in the chest indicated an approaching attack of pneumonia which in this instance was undoubted ly warded off by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It counteracts any tendency of a cold toward pneumonia. Sold E. T. Whitehead fe Co. md two children. The remains were nterred in the town cemetery the fol- - 'mm- -r 1 3 1 owing day. iur. ttoiuns naa Deen teeble for some time but had kept at nis work. His death was a surprise xth to his family and the public. the college thera Mrs. Claude Kitchin was called to Wake Forest last week to see her mother, who is ill. Mrs. T. T. Cherry, of Bethel, came up Monday to visit her father, Mr. W. T. Whitehead. Sold Out His Business. Fenner and the Misses Hill. Miss Emilv Xeal came home from Mr. E. W. Hyman has sold his stock f eoods to A. A. Coburn & Co., of vVilliamston. The purchasers are iking stock and will open business at tbe Baptist Female University at Ral- mce in the same store which Mr. Hy- eigh and spent the Holidays. nan occupied. The new firm has been jjjS8 Lucy House left Friday for n business in Williamston for three Rocky Mount to visit friends, thence. vea and will open business here with to Raleigh to visit her parents rnn i PTnerience. Hons. Claude and W. W. Kitchin Mr. Hyman has been in business let t Katuraay ici ; wasningujn w r for ten vears. When asked if he Miss Lizzie Fox was called home Tuesday on the account of her fathers Louis Froelich, L B Richards, R J illness m Wash county. Staten. J II Marks. P V Tiliery, H C Miss Mary Herbert Smith wert to Savage, P G Riddick, J S Riddick, W Halifax Tuesday to visit Mrs. T. W. I have a few words to say regarding Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It sayed my little boy's life and I feel that I cannot praise it enough. I hnnrrht a hnttla nf it fmm E. A. Steere. drew the following jurors for February , oodwin. g. n and when I got court, which opens February 17th : home with it the poor baby could M J Morris, T M Moore, J A Butts, hardly breathe. I gave the medicine P A Spruill, S P Johnston, A G Green, as directed every ten minowa um uv T r t ..it rr,, t "threw up" and then I thought sure Lafayette Leggett, J L Tiliery, Geo I ne wa8 Kflng to oboke to death. We King, J L Keeter, ,lim Glasgow, Char- ha t0 puu tne phlegm out of his lie Coles, J J Wood, E T Modlin, W E mouth in great long strings. I am Fleming, S R Bennett, Tom Jenkins, positive that n i naa not goi mai nor TESTIFY TO THE BENEFITS THEIR SICK BAB IE HAVE RECEIVED FROM THE USE OF tie of cough medicine, my boy would not be on earth to-day. Joel Demont, Tnwood. Iowa. For sale by E. T. Whitehead & Co. F Brown, BR Kimball, Mann Shaw,W H Shaw, E C Bobbitt, M D Reid, E P Herbert, E M Hawkins, W T Haw kins, R C Lynch. W H Shaw. Grixnes-Harreli. will leave Scotland Neck, Mr. Hyman sad : "No ;. I suppose I shall iiye aDO die here." He has a nice farm which joins his . e a i home lot in the northern part oi tne town and he will devote his time to farming, which he likes very much. resume their duties in Congress. Mr. A. McDowell has gone on a trip On Tuesday alternoon, Dec. 31, 1901, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Grimes, Miss Nellie was married to Mr. Henry Harrell, of Con- Bunticg-Bruey. I . -r . J ttt n Pi-I 1-1. J through several States in the interest ono, x.iuer w . x. oineauu of the Scotland Neck Cotton Mills. ing the ceremony. It was a quiet Mr. Walsh, the monument man of home marriage only a few friends of Petersburg, is here putting up some the contracting parties being present. handsome monuments in the cemetery. The groom is a young farmer of Misses Sallie Knight and Jessie Martin county, and his bride is a well Allen, of Tarboro, came Wednesday to known young lady of Scotland Neck, On Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 7. 1902 vfla Annie Buntins: was married to Mr. Joseph Henry Briley at her lather's home near town, Rev. M. L. Kesler, ol the Baptist church, performing the :eremony. The parlor was decorated and toilaee. The bride is ' - - o a young lady of many friends and is rv nnnn lar with a large number of J l' c friends. The groom is the son of Mr, VVilev Brilev and is a young man of much promise. Immediately alter the marriage the wedding party repaired to the home of the groom's father a few miles in the country where a reception was tender ed them. visit the family ot Mr. JViarceuus Kniugt. Mr. O. C. Wilkerson has returned from a trip South, visiting the Expo- sition and other places oi interest while away. who has many friends her all happiness. who wish for Changes for 1902. There have not been very many jir. Ayier r. tviiwwr w. nhnnv ln ,own this season. to the bear 0 . CURES BLOOD AND SKIN DIS EASES, ITCHING HUMORS, ECZEMA. SCROFULA, Etc. Send no money simply wiite and trv Botanic Blood Balm at our expense. We distributed free over 10,000 treat ments in Hamilton county, Ohio. The cures made by Blood Balm spread so fast we were unable to fill orders. It is the same everywhere. A trial of Rlood Balm is our beet reference so don't hesitate to write for a free sample. If you suffer from ulcers, eczema, blood poison, cancer, eating sores, ltch- ins skin, pimples, boils, bone pains, swellings, rheumatism, catarrh, or any blood or skin disease, we advise you to take Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) Especially recommeded for old, obstin ate, deep-seated cases of malignant blood or skin diseases, because Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B ) kills the poison in the blood, cures where all else fails, heals every sore, makes the blood pure and rich, eives the skin the rich glow of health. B. B. B., the most perfect blood purifier made. Thoroughly tested for 30 vears. Costs U per large botte at drug stores. To introduce it, Balm sent free by LAX Having received your sample of Laxa lcola. was very much pleased with it, flni have purchased a bottle for my baby. The Laxakola did wonders for tnv lwy in case of bowel troubles. 1 have Riven up Castoria and give my baljy nothing but ,axakola, andfind it cbeaperand a great deal better. I got it from C. II. & H. A. Lawton, cor. Union and Purchase fats., New Bedford, Mass. Mrs. Clarence Caswet.i,, North Dartmouth, Smith Mills, Mass. Enclosed please find 50 cents in r.tamps for a bottle of I.axakola. I used your sample bottle and it aid ail you claim for it, as it helped my babv wondertmly . Mrs. John" Fasnacht, Union Deposit, Dauphin Co., Pa. I wish to thank you very much for the good I,axakola has done my JittU- niece, Marion I,urline Bass. She is only two andox-half years old, and has suffered something awful from constipation . She has never had what you woulu call a natural movement. Sometimes we were almost afraid of convulsions, it hurt her so much, and she wouia c bo lrignitctu. r LAXAKOLA is Shei i awful pleased to think it doesn't hurt her ? now, rmd she will take Lavakola without n fuss. Wc are pleased to think it In -Ipcd her so much. Mks. Oka M iffatt, Corham, II. "My baby v. four months old and U tcethiii". l ie was sick and I tried a good many thin-', but nothing seemed to re. lieve him. I bad a d'K tor. who Eaidit was inflammation of the bowels, and that I would never pull him through, perhaps, ifhe were under bis care. When I saw lie wa geltir. worse I stooped giving hi"i his medicine, as he could keep rtoln-in-r (ii his stomach. He was troubled with colic very much, find used to scream when be had a touch of it. I "d n"1 know what it was to close my cyesday or rieht I rave him a few drops of Ia" kola and it relieved him. I K"'1? him :t fo times, and it worked like a charm, and ho now rests pretty fair alt night, lleisaprcat deal better looking babv since I gave him I.axnkola, and I think if all mo'.heri knew how good t was they would Rive nothing else to their g-ev'babies. . MRS. MARY "A'-V.,,,,. vj Mrs1., ou, ouiii twii, a pure, gentle and painless I uuid laxa ahoalle tonic properties, xvluchnol only 9 . - . , t 4 1, y f 1 1 JB1 1 XT f: iih fLthtb act upon the boiveis, out tons up S"-'".:,,, io purifu the blood, A feic drops can he jfiurn WJJ? very young babies, ivhichmilloflcn rchcvccvhcvcpcl itni the wind and gas that cause it. Great "W" L,1 ,hcn administered io young children sufjermg from rdiarr vaza, accompanies it t.v - . . Lns, as U ntutrall. the acidity TW out the cause of tlie jcj meniauu,. -- , ,7,. flSSlSt iltl'- " Mothet Gray's Sweet Powders Children, r. hT, m;:;v v srub-bj, m w. h. white has moved mto attar hla arrival. I hia nlM nnar h nils A In KflSt Scotland I Sam Die OI iSIOOd ouc uicu a iv u'AiB " . ... . u.c u.w . , r ,r ir,ffm-.ii.i4i.-M- Neck and Mrs. A. V. Johnson has L writing isiooa atm Stella, left Monday for Rocky Mount moved into the house occupied by Mr. where they will remain for a day or White on Eleventh street. two and will then go on 10 js.oanoe, p . T T nreekmore. who has been Va., where Mrs. iionmau win penu . n vlaUinor hnr rtATAntft ffhoMl she has not visited before In four years, moved to the residence recently vacated rru- r.f,Or.o0fon mcftnW Post some by Mrs. Gray on Greenwood street and Hflva ao said ot Prof. L. W. Bagley's is keeping house. visit to Charleston: rroi. i.. w. Mr. VV. 1. stalling?, wno nas Deen Bagley, the principal of the High wit& Mr N B josey for some years, is School of Scotland Neck, N. C., a Mea8-,M. Hoffman & Bro. this stooping at ine iiotei xruuuuia. fnn I 0 nrnminAnt nducator of his section of year. I . w--w I 1 I r T t : TTnn.nl tiA lina dun the Tar Heel state, xie is iu tuviw jur. juuuuib uunmu, us uu ton to see the Exposition, alter having saieiman for Mi. N. B. Josey, has taken TWnrihe trouble and free medical ad vice also given. fcThis is an hon est offer medicine sent at once, pre paid. " CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS sleep. For constipation., simple ever, coat, iongtr. s o any infanUlctrouUes arising frorr, a disordered condUton of the stomach, it is apattfli?,.,, For It and mentiou Your Draggist a fea: For Sale by KT.hiteliea&Ca STAn draarirt. SBe-and. B0.. or we .will vr on rerr.p bottle Of Adun rf M. n'i chn-se Ircpli a !arS Successfully used by Mother Gray, read much abotu it in the newsparrs.l with Mr. g. C. Bay. He Idftilca, ask Praggist for u.u - Unmn tn -KavB Prof. Baelev fays that the Exposition . . u.s numj in tue vu.,u.ou . 7 ; fi " " aH if hAnti and Will travel ior mr. Jay a p.i,ur uusi York, Cure f everishness, raa otomaca, 1 o Trething Disorders, move and regulate glories have net been overstated m the thn RowpIh and Destrov Worms. Over 30 000 testimonials. They Never Fail. At all druggists, 25c. Sample FREE. hvl Address. Alien o. vimsieu, N. Y. ness. most congrat nlatory ana optimisuc Mr. J. S. Vicfc, who has oeen witn stories which have been written. Frof. th nprolfna Bucrev Company for ev- eatlonal Association at Columbia." year as macn miss. ntnrfEBis lywuLIKH in Be4 and ld metallic boxes, sealed with blue ribbon. or send 4c in stamps for! "?lilr, moaialt and " Keller for IdMllM," iJfT' ?Z -Lt.. w.li. ltt.OOO Testimonials. Sold by all Druggists. rrxT-rrravaTVlll OHBICICAI. CO. tnao nadlMia aMre. ' PHIIX, VA. Maatlaa tfcla mmm SCOTZiAZf S Real Estate, Rental, Collecting and Insurance Agency. Real Estate Bought and Sold on Commisfiion. Tionts Negotiated and Country rroperi y. for T o w n K. E. Hilliahd, John W. Hoi si:, 020-lyr e o w 12-12 -tf MaiHiers. r 'it-. 1

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