NORFOLK & CAROLINA R. R. amm-a-a-ammMamaaa-ama----a-a-aam-a-ammmmmmmmaa.- . CONDENSED SCHEDULE. Dated .Ian. PJth, i89S. S. I So. f 12 2 (V No. 49 Stations A. M 2 20 340 9 O'J Lt Norfolk Ar. 5 55 0 2 Pinner Polut 5 30 3 a) 0 4 6 3 17 lU 0) 3 50 10 31 4 15 10 50 4 86 II OS Drirprg Suff.tlk Gnte.1 Tii!is Ah key Aulifnder 5 03 4 50 4 20 4Q4. 3 41 3 27 Lo 2 31 4 53 21 21 6 35 12 21 Ar. Tarhoro Ar. Lt. 6 35 12 60 K a v Mount 1 55 6 J P.M. P.M. P. M. A. Daily. f Daily except. Sund Trains No. 49 and 48 solid trains bt tween Pinner's Point and Wilmingto Train No. 49 connects at Rocky , M with train 23 for all points South a i No. 78 train for all points Sooth ar. No 73 train ftr all points North. O. M. 8ERPELL, J. R. KENL Genr'l Man. Sup't Tan T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Pas. Age ViLUlK8T0N & WELD8M R. R. AND BRANCHES. AND ATLANTIC COAST LINl RAILROAD COMPANY OP SOUTH CAROLINA. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING OUTH. DATED Jan. 15. 1902. Xv Wrtdon Ar. Rocky Mt. Lmti Tarboro lit. Rocky Mt. Lhti Wilson 3.1-na "Lv. PTttorlllj AT. Flatwne r.Ooldsboro Lt. Ooldnboro X.T. MaanolU Ar. Wiltalaajtoii TRAINS GOING NORTH. P. M. P.M. A.M I a i 1110 5 I - a. m. i m. a. M. p. a 11 50 9 33 1 Wj 10 32 193 7 22 L ...1 03 10 02 7 R2 5 4 IS 6 1 59 11 10 SI fcf i 2 145 11 AS 4 90, ISO 7 85 8 20 P. M. A. M. 8 Wj 7 31 8 1 i 10 l C 6 j j jP. M.JA. M.jP.W -ifl1 A. M P. M. JLr. Florence lu 3 6 05 JLV. FayetterllU 12 40 10 09 8alma 2 10 H 2S Arrive Wllaoa t 57 is o: . - A. M. P. M. A, M JLt- W Jjlnytan 7 00 0 . y-nulU s 30 11 II I.T. AoliUbora 7 M 9 87 IS St .. . p"M", A.7"iSI p.'m". pVm Lm Wilson 2 S3 n ss 11 84 10 43 1 u Ar. Rocky Mt. 3 SO 00 12 lu u 23 is Atrlre Tarboro "s'si """" "" La?o Tarboro S 91 Lt. Rocky Mt 8 so 12 41 At. Wal4o& 4 M 1 a?- P.M.i A. M.! P. M. t Daily except Mondsy. oept Sunday. JPaiiy e;- Wilmington and Weldon Railron Yadkin Division Main Line Tra leaves Wilmington, 9 10 a. m., arriv PayettevlHe 12 20 p. m., leaves Fayett lllw 12 42 p. m., arrives Sanford 1 p. tn. Returning leaves Sanford ? ( p. m., amyes Fayetteyille 4 20 p. m leaves Fjetteville 4 SO p. m., arnv Wilmmgtcn 7 15 p. m. Wil-ninston and Wel.lon JuaJroH. lennettviHe Branch Train leayi Pennettsville 8 10 a. m., Martton 0 t. a. m.. Red Springs 9 32 a. ro., Ho MIl's 10 5 a. m., arrives Fayettevil;. 11 10 a. in. Returning leaves Faye'.tf ille 4 45 p. na., Hope Mills 5 00 p. ro i Red Springs h 43 p. m., Max ton 6 ( p. m.f arrives BennettsviHe 7 15 p. n Connections at Fayettevilie witi train No. 78, at Maxton with the Can lma Central Railroad, at Red Spring with the Red Springs and Bowmor Railroad, at Sanford with the Seaboan Air Line and Southern Railway, a? Gulf with the Durham and Cb&rlott Railroad. Train on the Scotland Neck Brand Road leaves Weldon 3 :15 p in., Halifrj 3: 29 p. nr.., arrives Scotland Neck a 4 :10 p. m., Greenville 5 :47 p. m., Klnt ton 6.45 p. m. Returning, tea re Ktnston 7 :30 a. m.. Greenyille 8 :30 a m.; arriving Halifax at l:Q3 a.m. Weldon 11:20a. m., da y except Sun day. Trains on Wauhir , .on Branch leavt Washington 8 :00 m. and 2 :45 n. m. arrive Pannele 8 :55 a. m. and 4 :10 p. m-, returning leave Parmelell :10 m. and 5 :22 p. m., arrive Washington 12 :30 a. m. and 6 :15 p. m., daily ex jm -nnn " i" J m Train leaves Tarboro, N. C, dailj xcept Sunday 4 :35 p. m., Sunday, 4 :35 p. m., arrives Plymouth G :35 p. zn 6 :30 p. m.t Returning, leaves PJy moj,h daily exceps Sunday, 7 :30 a. m. and Sunday 9 -00 a. no., arrives Tarboro 9 u'o a. m., 11 :00 a. m. Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Goldsbo.-o daily, except Sunday. 6 .00 a. m., arriving Smith field C :10 a in. Returning leaves Smitbfield 7 :00 a. m. ; arrives at Goldsboro 8 :25 a. n Trains on Nashville Branch leata Rocky Mount at 9 :30a. m., 4 00 p. to., arrive Nashville 10 :20 a. m.,4 :23 p.m , Spring Hope 11 :00 a. m., 4 :45 p. n: . Returning leave Spring Iope 11 :20 a in.. 5 :io p. m., Nasbyill 11:15 s. m, 6:45 p.m., arrive at jtocfcy Muni 12 :10 p. m., 6 :20 p. m., daily except Sunday. Train on Clinton Br ich leaves War aaw for Clinton dally, ccept Sunday 11 :40 a. tn. and 4 :15 . tn. Return lng leaves Clinton at 6 :45 a. m. and 2 :50 a. m. Train No. 7 nakes cle connection at Weldon for 1 point North daily, all rail via Ricrmond. H. Iff. EMERSON. i Pass. A cent . J. R. KENLY Gen I - anigar. T. M. EMERSON, Traffin Mcnow. FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for sixty years by millions of mothers for their children while teeth tog, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the) poor little sufferer Immediately. f!5Id by Dnlgglsls in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be nre and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Sooth rg Syrup, and take no other kind. Soft Harness 3 Too can tanfea your ba ocm as soft, as a glova and as tongb aa wire by using EVKliKA Uar. seal Oil. You can lengtben ita lita make it laat twioa aa lo&K aa it ordlniliy wanld. Honco Gil makes a -poor looklntr bar nesa like new. Made of pure, heavy bodied oil, ea necially nrenared to with ataad the weatner. Bold everywhere in cans all sizes. Mate bj STANDARD OIL CO. PARKER'S UAIR BALSAM Clsaoacs sod bemtiflcs the hair. Jsevcr "falls to Bestore Gray Halt 10 its xoniaiui voior. Cruw scalp diseaea A hair falling. flog, aiidtl -Wat Pnipitta 8-X5-I yr S. L. FLORIDA AAD WEST INDI, SHORT LINE. VESTIBULE LIMITED i RAINS. DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE etween New York, Tampa, Atlanta 2Sew Orleaus and Points South and West. Jn Effect December 31, 1901. southward. Daily Daily No 31 No 27. Lv. New York, P. R. R 12 55 p m 12 10 a u- Lv Philadelphia, P. R. R 3 29 p ra 7 20 a n :v Baltimore, P. R. R 5 45 p m 9 34 a 11 i.v Washington, P. R. R 7 00 p m 11 01 a n i,v Richmond, b. A. L. Ky . . . . io 37 p m 2 38 p r, i.v Petersburg, " 1120 pm 3 18 p t, -1 ii Lv Norllna, " i 42 a m 5 45 p n v Henderson, " 209am 6 12 p r. .v Raleigh " 332am 7 35 p e ,v Southern rinca, " 5 37 a m 9 27 p u Lv Hamlet " 6 40 a m 10 35 p r. ,vColnmbiat " 840am 1058c kt Savannah " 12 05 p tn 4 40 a r r Jacksonville " 3 30 p tn 9 05 a r vr Tampa " 509am 340PC No. 3X. No. 41 Lv New Vork N. Y P. & N. f 7 55 a m 8 55 p n Lv Philadelphia 1016 am itg6pn .v New York O. D. S. S. Co t 3 P m Lv Baltimore B. S. P. Co f 6 30 p n. Lv Wash'ton N. & V. S. B. 6 30 p n Lv Portsmouth S. A. JL. Ry. 8 50 p m -9 25 a rr. Lr Weldon " 12 05 a m 12 39 a n v Norling " 12 55 a m 1 30 p m Lv Henderson " 1 25 a m 2 05 p n Lv Raleigh " a 50 a m 3 55 p n: Lv Southern Pines " 5 05 a m 6 18 p n !-v Hamlet " 635am 10 35 p rr -v Wilmington " 3 os p n r Charlotte " 9 23 a m 10 32 p n Lv Chester " 945am 135 aw Lv Greenwood " 1156pm 343am Lv Athens " 2 :8 p .m 6 13 a m t Atlanta I 3 55 p m 750am r Augusta C. tfc W. C. 5 40 p m r Macon C. of Ga 7 20 p m 11 20 a n. ir Montgomery A & W. P. 920pm 6 30 p n, Vr Mobile L. & N. 2 55 a m Vr New Orleans L. & N. 7 25 a m ; . . V- Nashville N. C. & St. L. 3 10 a m 6 55 p m r Memphi3 4 15 p m 8 25 a m NORTAWARO Daily Daily No. 34 No. 38 .r Memphis N. C. & St. L. 12 45 noon 9 00 p m Lv Nashville 930pm 9 30 a m L v New Orleans L.&N. 800pm ....... Lv Mobile L. & N. 12 30 a m Lv Montgomery A. & W. P. 6 20 a m 130pm Lv Macon C. of Ga. 8 00 a m 4 20 p m Lv Augusta C. & W. C. 1005am Lv Atlanta J S. A. L. Ry. 12 00 noon Scoprr, Vr Athens " 257pm 1223 pm Vr Greenwood " 5 19 p m 2 07 a m Vr Chester " 720pm 400a m Lv Charlotte " 738 pm 500am Lv Wilmington " 305pm Lv Hamlet 1040pm 7 40 a m Lv SonthernPines " 1133pm 934am -v Kalcigh ' 135am 1105am i.v Henderson 3 07 a m 12 35 p m rv '?r,'ina S A- L K- 3 5s; a m 1 25 p m Lve!don 556am 240pm Ar PortsmoHth 715am 525pm Vr Washington N. & W. S. B 6 55am Vr Baltimore B. S. P. Co. 6 45 a m Ar New York O. D. S. S. t:o. -jjSopjn Ar Philadelphia N. Y. P7& n. t5"46 p m s 10 a m Vr New Vork 815pm 8 00 am No. 34 No 66 900pm 800am 10 10 a tn 7 40 p m 1 55 P m 11 30 p m 705pm 4 10 a m jo 40 p m 7 25 a m 11 53 P ni 817am I 35 a m 10 20 a m 3 07 a m 11 32 a m 3 55 a m 12 15 p m 5 54 a m 2 26 p m 6 35 a m 3 05 p m 10 10 a m 6 35 p m II 25 a in 11 25 p m r 36 p m 256am Lv Tampa S. A. L. P. v. Lv Jacksonville " Lv Savannah " Lv Columbia 3 " Lv Hamlet ' " Lv Southern Pines" Lv Raleigh " Lv Henderson " I.v Norlina " Lv Petersburg " Ar Richmond " Ar Washington P. R. R Ar Baltimore P. R. R. Ar Philadelphia .P. R. R. Ar New York P. R. R. 413pm 6 30 a m Note. f Daily Except Sunday. Central Time. Eastern Time. H. S. LEARp, T. P. A. R. E. I.. BUNCH, G. P. A Raleigh, N. C. Portsmouth, Va. J. M. BARR, V. P. &G. M. Portsmouth Va. Whsrb Marion Crawford Writes. February Ladies' Home Journal. F. Marion Crawfard finds his idea home in a breeze-swept villa, perched high on the picturesque cliffs of Sant' AngelJo di Sorrento, overlooking the beautiful Bay of Naples and its roman tic shores. There 13, indeed, no finer site to be found anywhere about this far-famed bay than that occupied by the "Vina Crawford," with its cheerful landward outlook over scattered towns, hve-clad hills, and fragrant orange groves dolled wilh white-walled dwell ings, to where Vesuvius rears bie mighty cone and Naples queens it among ber subject villages, iar out across the shining bay to the enchant ing island of Ischia, set like a lustrous jewel in the Tyrrhenian Sea. The bouse itself is an unpretentious build ing of atneco and rough stone. It is readied by follotvine a conntrr mod overhung by olive, lemon and orange -i t a .units nuin ocrrento, then turning through a gray-stone gateway, embowered in ivy, and soing along a narrow driveway almost to the verge ol the cliff, where the villa stands ytrojvjnindre.i faet above the lny. Norfolk's Only First-Class OPTICAL STOEH Eye Glasses and Spectacles Ac curately Fittel aud Adjusted. TUCKER, HALL & TRAYLOR, The Expert Opticians, - 69 Plume St,, Norfolk, Va. 10-24-ly. Near New Poatoffice. . a" STATE MS. TJLLED FROH OUB EXCHANGES. IappaiinfB Noted 33nring tha Weet. tTTtAL DELIVEEY IN G3EES COUNTY. Ki"'- Weekly : Saow Hi'i wi'J iu have four rural delivery routes it -ration and Hookerton one Tbi otites ar already praoticaTTv eatablii-b d, e are informed, but did not lear vhen they would begin operation. Pitt county badly needs several mon BIT CFF ITS OWS LEG. New Berne Juurcai : Davi B c, i. vho does trapping up the Trent rivet a viniting his traps Friday, fourr aat one of tbem had been dragged rom its position. Following up the chain to whic j tin -up was attached, Brinson finull uni the misding trap, and in the jav. A the trap, which had sprung, was th !ud leg of a mink, which judgim Vom its si2e, showed the mink to havi een a large one, and the exsminstior tlto revealed that the mink, In order i rae Itself from the trap, had bit off it jxn leg. FROM DUNN TO I.URHAM. Dunn Banner : It is thought tha railroad that has been built froa Vpex t) Angier in tbis county will b sxtended in the near future from Angie -.. Dunn and from Apex to Durham This will complete one of the mosi l.-f ded roads that has been built in our Uate for quite a while. The citizens of the town of Dunt iet in the Metropolitan Opera Houst n last Friday night where a few short id pointed speeches were made bj !e$rs. J. C. Clifford, D. H. McLean, R. G Taylor and others, inyiting Mr Angier to extend his road here. Mr Ingier responded in a very enthusias tic speech and from the trend of what ie said we have every reason to believe bat the road will at, once be extended o Duua. ENDEMIC AND PERENNIAL. Jfston''a Gazette : If any of oar read rs think tbe presence of small-pox in 1 community is to be regarded lightly et him run his eye over the accounts paid by tbe board of commissioners at Dallas last Monday. The disease i osting like smoke, too. It is th- luty of every citizen to take even precaution agaiu-t the introduction 01 .he disease among ne"v material anc cc-operate loyally wiih the author ities in using all proper and lawfu neans for exterminating it where 1 1a implanted itself. Unless more s.renuous measures are employed in op- jos'ng aad combating it than haye hitherto been used, the loathsome malady is IiKely to become endemic a id perennial. HISTORIC HOUSE. Morning Post quoted in Louisburg nrneg : Over in Franklin county near Ltouisburar. - stands tho louse where the first conference ol tha M. E. church in America was held ft was April 20, 1785, and the house was then owned by Mr. Green Hill, a pi neer in Methodism. In tbe February number ot the Am erican Illustrated Methodist Magazine there is a very interesting article writ ten by Rev. Dr. T. N. Ivey, of tbi city, telling of this bouse aad the firsi conierence held in America. It 1 written in Dr. Ivey's own fluent anc attractive style. By the way, the Mi-tbodist Hand Book and Almanac just issued by Dr Ivey contains a splendid half-tone cu of the Green Hill bouse. During the year of 1892 or 1893 th Times published a full history ol the -Green Hill notise" including an ac count of tbe first Methodut conference held, fcc, which was read with much interest by a large number of people ol the State. RECOVRBED AFTER A YEAR. Statesyille Lmdmaik : About a year ago, while out riding with some friends Miss Catherine Copeland, a. Converse student, from Statesville, N. C.J was thrown from the vehicle on account of ibe horse hitched thereto running away. She had the double misfortune of being bruised slightly and also los ing her watch, which was a nice double case silver time r.iece, with gold mounting. In the inside and on the rear case her name was engraved. The young lady instituted search and inquiry for some time ; but that realizing nothing toward tbe recovery cf the watch, the matter of regaining it was practically abandoned. Recently she heard that the " miss ing time piece was in the possession ol a colored woman in tbe city named Rosa Austin. Yesterday moraine a search warrant was procured from Magistrate Kirby, and Constable Fos ter .performed the search. The watch was found in Rosa Austin's house in a cabinet drawer. The wo man procured the sought-for article without any degree of reluctan atating that about a year ago a negro uamea winiams bad pawned the time piece to her for 90 cents in cash, 1 FIGHT WITH HAWK. New Berne Journal : "Dal Smith, who lives down our way, had quite an exciting encounter with a - chicken hawk one day last week," said an Ons low county man, yesterday. "Some people claim that tbe hwk is naturally a coward, but Dal Smith knows better. He has been troubled to a considerable extent by hawks, and has lost about half his chickens In that way. Finally he decided to Keep a loaded gun in his barn and He for them. On this par ticular day, I think it was last Thurs day, he came across a big fellow least lng on a chicken that it had killed back of the barn. Smith sneaked back, got bis gun and blazed away. The hawk was only wounded and wa full of fight. As Smith approached it the bird flew at him furiously, flapping its wings and - fastening its beak in bis heavy boots. Smith beat it off, but not without a fierce struggle. He bnally killed it aad the bird measured nearly six feet from tip to tip ot tbt wings." DRAWN PENSION SINCE 1834. Raleigh Times : Mrs Diily Byrum died in Holly Springs township, tbis county, last week, and to-day her last pension was paid by the United Sta'e-t-overnment. It was sworn to before Clerk Buss tbis morning. Mrs. By rum had been drawing this pension since 1834. She was tbe wife of Ran Hom Byrum, who served as a private in Capt Evans' company in 1812. At the time of her death Mrs. Byrum wap 108 years, 10 months and 3 days old She leaves two children both daughters, one 82 and tbe other 71 years old. She was undoubtedly tbe oldest pensioner m this county, and received ber money from the government for 68 years . NAMED FOB DB CURRY. Morning Post : The new building tor tbe Practice and Observation School at tbe State Normal and Indus trial College at Greensboro, has been named the Carry Building as a compli ment to Hon. J. L. M. Curry, tbe agent of tbe Peabody Educational fund. Dr. Curry has proved himself a staunch friend of tbe State Nor mal and Indus trial College and the students and fac ulty of that institution are always glaa of an opportunity to do him honor. MB. TARKENTON KILLED. Roper correspondence to News and Ob server ; Wtrlle superintending the cut ting of timber on his farm near here this morning Thos. L. TarRenton was struck by a falling limb, receiving a wound from which he died ;n two hours. He was one of tbe most suc cessful young farmers in the county, which be represented in the Legisla iure of 1899. He leaves a wife and large family of young children and numerous relatives Mr. Tarkenton was highly respected and his death was a great shock to the community. CURES BLOOD POISON, CANCER ULCERS, ECZEMA, ETC. MEDICINE FREE. It you have offensive pimples oi eruptions, ulcers on any part of the body, aching bones or joints, falling hair, mucous patches, swollen glands skin itches and burns, sore lips or gums eating, teetering gores, sharp, gnawing pains, then you suffer from serlou blood poison or tbe beginnings of deadly cncer. You may be pcrma nently cured by taking Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B ) made especially to cure tbe worst blood and skin diseases, It kills the poison in the blood there by giving a healthy blood supply to the attected parts, heals every sore or nicer, even deadly cancer, stops al aches and pains and reduces all swell ings. Botanic Blood Balm cures all malignant blood troubles, such as ecze ma, scabs and scales, pimples, running sores, carbuncles, scrofula, etc. Es pecially advised for all obstinate cases 'bat have reached tbe second or third s age. Druggists, $1. To trove ures, sample of Blood Balm sent free nd prepaid by writing Blood Balm Oo , Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and free medical advice given. The Eminent Kidney and Bladder Specialist. tat Discoverer of Swamp-Root at Work la Els Laboratory. fM mere is a disease prevailine in ihi country most dangerous because so decep tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by it heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are often the disease. If kidney trouble is allowed to ad vance the kidney-poisoned blood will attack the vital organs, or the kidneys themselves wc. uown ana waste away cell by celi. Then the richness of the blood the albumen leaks out and the sufferer has Brfght's D15fase, the worst form of kidney trouble Dr. Kilmer s Swamp-Root the new dis covery is the true specific for kidney, bladder and urinary troubles. It has cured thousands of apparently hopeless cases, after all other SSSs: efailed a At drutat in -W25 and dollar sizes. A i ..i . . v.,, ., , , - fume sent iree ii&S Swamp- rv. ir . cures. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binehamtn-, m v JTf mention this papec ' MR. WHEELER GOT RID OF HIS RHEUMATISM. "During the winter of isos t ame in my ioints. in fat n f1 c?old hardl hobblearound when I bought a bottle of Chamber- SS Pai? 2f,m- From th0 ap plication I began to -nii r curedand have worked ti?i'ii.ii year R Wheeler, Northwood, N. Y For sale by E. T. Whitehead & Co. The Strawberry Outlook, Wilmington Dispatch. . Dr. E. forier, of Rocky Point, one of the veteran truckers cf this section of the Stale, was in the city yesterdav and, in speaking of the strawberry out look, ays be thinks the prospects for a good crop of berries are very good "Not onlv will tbe crop be eoud," he 'aide, "but the prices will undoubted ly be higher on account of the great scarcity of fruit during the past yer The ruit crop has bad an off year tor t and apples are ecarco and filing at a high nrice The same wav with (teaches. The crop was very short anc the consequence was very little cn .ing was done Hence eyery indie i-n point, to god prices for tbe str' ei ry crop. This has been an unusual winter. We have bad more freezing weather his yer probably than at any time ii he history t f ibis section. Winter irartsd m early and all vegetation ha aca kept back. There have not oeen me usual warm spells that often tend v:o revive tbe plants and send up a utie 8a p Tbe indications are that vheti spring sets in the cold weather .ill h tve spent its force. That being he case tbe spring should ba mosi favorable for ail forms of vegetation Oertamly tbe bugs and insects in tbe around have been annihilated by the cold. "In fact, it will take a fine crop y ar and good prices to begin to put thr people in this section on their fet-i again. This immediate section is not alone in feeling tbe ill effects from th pupt year. The same condition of affairs seems to prevail almost every where. It should be gratifying to eve :, i or?y to know that the strawberry o miH.k if bright. Comparatively few ,.fii)!e know It, but this crop a Ions lng- about one million dollars into illa tion in the State. And mo t f it come to this immediate se- ion ot Eastern North Carolina. CATARRH CANNOT BE CURtD with local applications, aa tisy can not reach tbe seat of the dise Ca tarrh is a blood or constitutio i dis ease, and in order to cure it y j z ust take internal remedies. Hali's ' rrh 'lure is taken internally and .cf- di rectly on the blood nnd muc - ur faces Hall's Catarrh Cure ii n -t quack medicine, it was prefer d lvs me of tbe best physicians in th - un ify for years, and is a regular p -rip- tlor. ii is composed of the bea nics known, combined with the be- t od purifiers, acting directly on t ij mu cous surfaces. The perfect co n luna tion of the two ingredients i what produces such wonderful .res r s in curing Catarrh. Send for test im lals, free. F. J. Cheney & C .. Props , Toledo, ( hio. Sold by druggists, price 75s Hall's Family Pills are the best. The Wastefulness of Our Feo , Gastonia Gazette. There ie economy in doing on a large scale. The children ' ings asi e sheltered and fed less expensive n these large aggregations than th y co a Id two or three at the time in sot -arate families. Five farmers invest money in five reapers when on n a cbine would have done tho reaping for all. In a town like Gastonia there is something like $15,000 invests i n cookine stoves ; half the number -onld ao the cooking for all, with less tuel .Jt 1 X - i 1 rr . uu laai just as ioDg. xuere are tens of thousands of dollars in Gaston couuty invested lu sewing machine which stand idle over nine hours of every ten. In a city like Charlotte crowded with residences, busines- houses, and factories, tons and tons of coal are used every day in winter to warm the separate rooms and the atmosphere above the chimney tops which could be saved by connect! ng the city by steam pip93 and heating ali from a common center. And so n goes. What an appalling chapter o wastefulness is written in tbi3 pbase of individualism ! SOMETHING THAT WILL DO YOU GOOD. We know of no way in which we can be of more service to our readers than to tell them ol somethinc that will ho ot real good to thtm. For this reason wo want to acquaint item with what we consider one of the verv hpt. nmn. uies on ine market lor coughs, colds, and that alarming cnmnloint we refer to Chamberlain's Cousrh Rpm. eay. v e nave used it viih snrh . suits in our family so lone ihat it has uecom8 a Household necessity. By its il . " e we naven't any doubt but 'hat it has ttme and aeam nrcreniprf croup. The leslimony !h given upon our own experience, and we wes, Jiat our readers, e--pecially those who have small children, al HSV9 Irnan It ir. their homes as a safeguard gainst roup.Camden, S. C, Mnaer. For sale by E T. Whitehead Co. Many School Children are Sickly. Mother Gray's Street Powder for Children. ufd hv Mnihn..... n Children's Home. New V..rt !..-1, up Colds io 24 hours, cure Fe'verish ness. Headache. S f Dm an'. 1 Tmnklo. Teething Disorders and destroy Worms. At all druggists, 25c Pample mailed Free. Address. Allen S. r)ima, LeRoy.N.Y. ' "I haye used Chamberlain r.nnoh. -temedy for a number of Vflnra nnn have no hesitacuy in saying that it Is 'be best remedy for ccnsha.cnld nd croup I have ever used in my familv I nave not words to express mv cor fidence in this Remedy. Mrs. J. A. MOOBE Nr rth Star. Mich. TV- oi- by E. T. Whitehead A Co. TIM! JVL TESTIFY TO THE BENEFITS TfiE.R SICK BABIES HAVE RECEIVED FROM TK2 USE CF Havin-f received year sample of Lasa Jco'.a, was very much pleased with it, and have punrhased a bottle for my baby. The Laxakola did wonders for my boy m case of bowel troubles. I have given up Castoria and gfe tny baby nothmji; but "Laxakola, and find It cheaper and a great deal better. I got it from C. H. & H. A. La-vton, cor. tfnion and Purchase Sts., New Bed ford, M ass. Mrs. Ct.arejcce CASWEtt, North Dartmouth, . Smith Milla, Mass. s, Eaclosed please find 50 cents in stamps for a bottle f X,axakola. I tised your sam-.! Iwttle and it did all you claim for it, l.3 it hel-ed uiy baby womlerfully. . Mrs. John Fasxacht, taba Deposit, pauphitt Co., 3?a. I T7is"s to than-; yon very much for the r-io l Laxakola has done my little niece, Marion Lurline Bass. She is on y two an.l one-half years old, endhas suffered EDinechinj awful from coiistipation. She his never had what you would call a natural movement. Sometimes we were almo-t afraid of convulsion, it hurt her so much, and e'.ic would be to frightened. LAXAKOLA is a mire. tivc, and contains valuable tonic properties, y.'lil.r.. .1 . act upon tli9 bowels, but tone up the cjiClre ry::::: purifj ilve Mood. A few drops can be given . vary young babies, which will often re!:evecc:'nli. llrij ii. wind and gas that catiee c'rc&t ! vsrlenced when administered tojOTin-? c.Wdrc.i- i u' ri. from diarrhoza, accompanied with wa it j a g c-. tlons. as it neutralizes the acidity of the. Loire is c . j ji - - j T .' T -f '.' r o.I j ZjIO cause v t.wt j vririviLiyu,vLu.L. .... dl 'eelicn, relieve restlessness, assist n ii ire :r.:i, i : sleep. For constipation, simple fevcre, coau:;: i . '.: ? ami in faniils troubles arising from a (Zlsc:-crc;l . . cr s tomach, it is invaluable. -StvTy it Today. Send for a Free S amnio. It xtxny Ca.rc Xifj on Preve-at a IiOU.3 a.-l Serious Illa-J.-.-:. It Czz'm ?"c I It and -a?.e-atio Yong Dsggist's Kaiaa, I For Sale by Ei . hiteLeer cr ts 'J--. p.n& E0o., orTfri;i c - l-CLA. AddMM TILS bote - ClV'bLL, PKKtflDEST. VV. R. BOND. SC0TI.AM) liu 'ObuJlliU mm DaM-K -iOLICITS THE Ai:C)'JiTS .inlrl 1 '.-V '--A ' ALL D1AF use ARE HOW QUmMBIM by our new invention. Only those born tlzzi ars incticibl2. HEAD NOISES RAS RlPPmTFf F. A. WSRKIAH, Qr Gentlemen T.prrr iTlrp-v fnrpA f n. a full history of my case, to be used at your discretion About five Tears ago mv right ear bsau to si"' my hearing in this ear emirtlv I underwent a treatment for catarr-, for thro-- 1-1-bercf physicians, among others, the :::.-1 on-y on operation could helt rue. and tveti uicn cease, but the hearmsj n the oScct-iu e-r I then saw vour advertiseinent aeciue" r'. ment. After I had used it ciilvnfer- d-- c.z?c to-dav, after five weeks, tw hearing hi V.-.b cr cr heartily and be?; to remaid Very tr.:Iv y - r. Our treatment iiocs not interfere r. S--a-iinaticn and -tvicc free. YOU CAN GORE in. ireaei! 5c on. Gcusral CommiSoion Merchant. 17 Commerce Street, - - - Norfolk, Virginia. A'l Country Produce, C -(ton, IVanuts, Pens, Fruits. H,it, Otniti, L 1 tnher Shingle- etc. SEND US YOUR BLACK-EYE PEAS. Consignments respectfully olicited, n-wpred. frank l . SUtCEnSORS TO COOKE, CLARK & '. O SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS. Hardware. Plate and Window Glass. Cabinet Mantels. Grates. Tile Work. Gas, Klectric and Combination Fixtures. Lonsnmn. & Martinez Pure Paint. Builders' and Painters' Supplies. Norfolb. V'ii'iiini;,. ProL JAMES HARVSY, 423 Church St., Norfolk, Va. THE ONLY HERBALIST LN NORFOLK. Trouble, Thick and ScaldinK Urine, all Or-ia-s, Burns, Bruises, Sprains, Cuts, Blood Poisoumj:, eiiiier'Inherised or Cntrac;ed I bnve cm-d fr-ie of forty y-ars standing and put up st)m fine Lonstiiuti..ns. My Five Minute Pin heen in ISnrioik e even .vears und can in the city. State your case as ne ir as ir as medicinp to ihat. amount. MONUMENTS AID pit fill tea B U sT Sh" ia r.--:l y' " c hurt li..r ro ., J,X4 !j rr :': . tJ think it !.-. i-.x 1 1 XI:. Oiv.v. ::.:-! My hr'. y ii t .:; tcethia-r. ite v ? m-HUV t !i ;':" . i. . J: lis.-e 1 ' -i." l 1 '. wasi-in.i:-.ii-..-.'-;- ;ir I wU'd 1! :vci i :.l if lie v. ere tv Vr i lie w.n p, ' - T " ' hi-n l.:3 ::.! : In- c n ii' ; -'. ' with c '.c vr. wh'.n 3. : 1. i t . kar- v;'.' tit .f ui-::t. I E v:s 1: .'. a koia nr -4 it r-: V . l;:m r.. i ? ( :- ; Cham, f?ft I; : n ' night. 1'.: ' - la'y sii:.s I f;vo " tlii-ik if r 1 m i 1. -r v;.s i ' cy v.-vi.l f : .-- EXli uaUiCS. II-'S. m rirst u., i t tVr.'i it f'oo r.ii 1 f i .: v 1 "'. , V - rr.' r:u i s- uri: '- i r- A V u.:i Penile anr, , ,, 7 - - cr;r: ....'- , rrs"? f i rwv.-t i i" LA-LOI CO.. Li Vec '.I c',: :- r-. As-'i V,-r r. tv IMHV H!. r 1 (- i ! V u. ti .w n --zi' u HEARING CAGES OF 3 BALT2fKE 1. m Ti:,rr i-.3 to Vi..i;r U-. "lT-ji.. ?.:rtrc"l "O. tor:-!.' .'.:a:::., I rri'.l i:6r: giro you 1 ;c: vi.-i-ii, until Host y -tK-i-5S. ronrultcd a num. : r'.l:. v.-ho icl.l j:ie that '.!-at '-iz hczd noircs wculd jir'.---"1 ci-r t",--,t- rcy rittcr;u. I Uiank ycu thj. r: l ; y.i r. - S.i - - - ' cu v - - - . Wm and corrdspondom-'-t will he pr ntptly lark Lo, Ltd. All iripJii-inss I'iHrw! f-om llit-s,' Bitk.s i-id R gtifiered fn ni HO TA.iC GARDKNS Cure- ij.diue tiou, Coitiprttbm, T f -id Liver, MrtlHriitl F-er. Ivu'hrv iuiri I ivi-r lfflanimatli.ti of the Hlxrtrlnr . ..t.,.r Sores t,f long anuin. a.,.i ..II tmds of Touiro io buiid no v.(.;:! ,u d ,Un rod Cure is the i:, f-iT. -riff Have five r-fere..c-- l. '1 the ! -( jn'i -plo n :d I wi'l i-ei d ii$.ii.! o- . ! s-ii!e, e:-.t:ki.z .fl GRAVESTOMES! WK PAY I H r i- I KIt.liT . AM GUAI AMU'.'. AF 11 IJM1 LARGEST Ml l K L Ml m I f I - Illustrated Catalogue Free. TEECOUPER MARBLE WORKS (Established 1848.) 1 1 and 1(3 Bank Street, NORFO 1.K, VA VERY POOR PR I MT v.