y The Commonwealth. THURSDAY, MARCH G, 1902. SPECIAL A NKOUNCOIENTS Don't Forget The Great Stationary Sale at E. T. Whitehead & Co.' U ni 54; Store. Milk for Sale. Would like regular customer for a limited amount of milk every day, v.tucli will be delivered, at customer's limine, MRS. E. E. IIILLTARD. Land Posted. AH r-i'$ons are hereby forbidden, un r.i :r penalty of law, to hunt with dog or u'.i'j on my land, known as "tb.fi Wat-.-;.)ti tract" on which my mills are lo cated near Scotland Neck. Also traipinr of anv kind is forbidden. This Jau.V.O, v.m. Jxo CoroiiExorR. Houses For Rent. Three i room houses on lOlh street in East Scotland Xeck. One ('-room house on 1 1th street K :st Scotland Xeck. Ono 1 roira house on 7th street. One t room Louse on Main street S;ce I School house. IIILLTARD Sc HOUSE. Fine Plants. Vsnargus plants, Rasberry i-lants black at.d yellow) and some choice Secvlling Teach trees. Also Texas soft shil Pecan trees, May Cherry Trees. Prices given on application. J. Y. SAVAGE, Scotland Xeck, X. C. Fine Cotton Seeed. A FEW BUSHELS of Big Boll Prolific Cotton Seed for sale. Make 2 Hales to the acre. 2- cents per peck. G. W. BUY AX, Scotland Xeck, JN. C. 2 27-2 1. House Moving!! J AM PREPARED to 1 1 in vo ANY SIZE wooden buildin- ANY REASON ABLE DISTANCE. Prices according to size of building-and distance to be moved. J. H. Allsbropk, Jr. S'-nilnnd Neck, N. C. 2-20-3 m. To The Publi c. X O SICK HORSES. It has been reported that we have lost several horses and mules with glanders and that our stables are quar antined. Such is false, not a word of truth in such reports. We haven't a slX horse or mule among the large number we have on hand. A. M. PRIXCE & CO., Mar. 5, 1902. Scotland Xeck, X. C. T'T' is very important to have your Flues made by an experienced man. I bare had six years' experience in making them. Give me your order and have your flues made correctly. Cx. C. WEEKS. Rain and Sleet don't injure the L. it M. Taint. It's made for painting buildings. ' To pre serve them. Jfut them on in dry weather and once they're hard, noth ing can get through them to de stroy the wood they are meant to pro tect. Cheaper and better than white lead. Mix a "slkn of oil with every gallon of the paint. E. T. Whitehead e Co , Sjle Agent?, Scotland Xeck, X. C. List of Jurorb. "The county commissioners in session Monday drew the following jurors for Superior court which opens Monday, April, 7: FiRSiVv'EEK, I T King, II J Burwell, L S Lock, J D Boseman, Curtis Hardy, S E Ham Hieil, J C Ci'bhman, C K Howe!!, B F Willie, Ausbon, B V" Butts, John W Dickens, H P Harris, T C AIstOD B S Hawkins, T L Put, R J Al'il rook, Peyton Keel, G W Edward?, O A Snipes C X Hamaifii, W O Dunn, Sam Dunn, Vv S Saunders, M B Hunter, X L Fan ner, W T Cuppedge, W C Br jwn, G E Stephenson. SECOND WEEK. P C Gegory, D H Smith, Edward W Gill'.am, -L,e Bailey, T H Neville, B W C.'lliei, J C Branch, Geo A Hus Jullm Snarp.. G W Bumpuss, J O Ap p c- vhite, W C Dickens, W H Shearin, ; V Warien, John R Patterson, EC Sheu-.n, Willie Wood, C A Williams. fcl(g iWtmSSX Makes the food more delicious and wholesome HOYAl BAKI1WS POWDER CO., NEW YORK. II.UL Storm Last Friday afternoon persons who were caught in the storm towards Roanoke river reported con fiderable hail. Heaviest Raix Known Here. There were several very heavy rains here last, week, but the downpour on Friday morning was pronounced by many as the heaviest rain they had ever seen for the length of time. Dr. M, T. Savage said he was on the train soming frcm Norfolk, and he thought it the heaviest rain he had ever seen. A Dry Weather Commissions The reply which one of the town com missioners made to a lady's inquiry Saturday indicates that our "city fath ers" have at least occasional requests concealing drainage. Being near on8 of tho tc-wn commissioners, we heard a :ady nsk him : "Mr. are you one f the town commissioners?" He re plied : "Yes, in dry weather." All the same there ought to be a little more attention paid to the proper drainage A the town. Moved Here From Lewistox. Mr. Andrew Hancock has moved his family here from Lewiston. He has rented the hotel on Depot street known as the, Camp Hole!, recently occupied by Mr. J.E. Woolard. Mr. Hancock and his ;ood and interesting family are wel ;omed by the people of town who are -lad to have them come. He will keep rhe hotel open for the public. A Day of Auction Sales. Last Saturday was a day of many auction ales in Scotland Week. A number of md some horses, belonging to the estate of the late M. 3. Cooke, were sold at auction ; and besides there' were a dozen or so mort gaged mules &nd horses sold in the same vay. Some of them were well sold and i52ie went cheap. Nose Better. Mr. A Johnson, ed:tor"of Charity and Children;p'ublish jd at the Baptist Orphanage at rhoraasville, ppent a Sabbath in Scot land Xeck recently. In au editorial irticle concerning his visit here, among other things he said : "If ther-3 is a town cf finer, more gentle, or courteous people in ths 5tate or out of it, we have not seen it." Eccky Mount Laundry. Atten don is called to the advertisement cf Aiq Rocky Mount steam laundry. The vork has given entiro satisfaction to ill who have sout laundry from Scot land Neck through the agent here, Mr. John W. House. He emphasizes the fact that special work is done on lace ourtains and ladies' shirt waists. In fact every thing returns in first class jhape ana all customers are pleased. Logical Suggestion. "After years of bitter experience, including bank ruptcy, I learned the value of adver tising," says Mr. C. C. Shayne, the largest fur merchant of New York. 'I discovered that the road to success is through judicious advertising. I belieye in advertising, arid I think that if -10 worth of newspaper space pays, if 15 worth will pay better; if 125 worth pays, $50 worth will pay better and so on until your business caches such a magnitude that you jannot supp'y the demand. Even ibeu it is not good policy to quit ad vertising". Philadelphia Record. Death of Mrs. James L.. Staten. CANT KEEP IT SECRET. Mrs. James L. Stalea died at her home near town last Sunday, November 2, 1902, at 5 :30 o'clock, p. m., aged about 05 years. She left a husband, four ao.ia and two daughters. The remains were in ferred in the Baptist cemetery Monday afternoon, Rev. J. C. Jones conducting the services. Mrs. Staten had been a great sufferer for several months, buf had been confined to her bed for only about sixteen days. Ot hers beside her immediate family are deeply affected by het death, aad the entire community sympathizes with her bereaved husband and children in this their sorest trial' and aillictiou. She had received every care at the hands of her loving husband and others, hut .vheu the summons came -ther3- was nothing here to stay its power, and so the good wife and mother and friend has a place with those who live here ,-:o more forever. HURRYGRAPHS. Gathered From Highways, Railways, Byways and Other ways. Mrs. C. F. Burroughs wentto Ayden Friday to visit her parents. Capt. T. W. Tillery, of Edenton, was here Saturday for a short while. Mr. J. H. Durham, of Tillery spent Monday night in town. - Mr. J. H. Sherrod of Enfield was here Tuesday. Mr. S. W. Morrisette has gone to New York on business. Miss Susie Peters of New York has been herasome d-iys on a visit to her friends who are glad to see her. Mr. H. B. Bell of Newport News has boen here some days yisitmg his brother, Mr. Lynwood Bell. Sirs. Lewis, mother of Mr. J. T. Lewis, went to Plymouth Tuesday. Mr. Jas. R. Mason of South Gaston came Tuesday to yisit his daughter, Mrs. S. F. Dunn. Mr. J. S. Bowers left a few days ago for a trip South. While away he will visit the Charleston Exposition. Miss Kata Bagley returned some days ngo from her trip to Charleston. She eujoyed her visit to the Exposition very much. Mr. T. F. Robertson, of Battleboro, was here Saturday. He is a good friend to The Commonwealth and never fails to pay his subscription. Mess. J. D. Perry and Allen C. Perry came down from Roanoko Rapids Fri day arid spent Saturday and Sunday here. Mr. If. E. Biggs, cf Raleigh, came Friday and spent several days hero with his friends. Mrs. M. M. Nelson went to Green ville Tuesday where she will epend ioms days visiting her mother and her iister also, Mrs. Goodwin, cf Philadel phia, Cant. George Smith, the clever en gineer on the Scotland Xeck road, is off some days with some indisposition, n.nd engineer Turrentine is running in his place. Mrs. Claude Kitchin returned home Irom Wake Forest Tuesday, where she had been some time by reason of the illuess and death of her mother. Mr. W. A. Dunn has been chosen to deliver the next annual address as the Baptist Orphanga at Thomasyifle. Mr. Dunn is a fine speaker and the selection is a good cne. Rev. W. R. Culloin, teacher of the Bible in Wake Forest College, spoke in the Baptist church here Sunday morning on Ministerial Education. lie made a strong presentation of the J subject and a most effactive appeal for in educated Christian ministry. At uight he preached a very able and help ful sermon from the text : "All things work together fyr good to them that love God." The sermon was logical, clear and impressive and to those who had not known it before, marked Mr. Cullom as a preacher of rare power. Killed Mules and a Horse, - In last week's issue it was stated that Dr. Tait Butler, Stale Veterinary Sur geon from Raleigh, had just come to Scotland Neck to diagnose a disease among tho horses here. He pronoun ced it glanders, and soon afterwards Mr. J. A, Kitchin had two or three mules killed and Mr. A. P. Kitchin had a fine mare killed. The disease is such that when a horse is once attacked by it he seldom if ever recovers from it. So Dr. Butler advised that the best thing was to kill Those that were eick. Good care is being' taken with the stables in which these horses were keDt. Dr. Butler instructed that the stables should be kept la strict quarantine for at least sixty days. Up to the present writing there have been no new cases reported. There seems to have gone out an exaggerated report that the sales stables here have lost mules and horses. This is untrue. Neither Prince & Co.. nor Biggs & Johnson have lost any horses or mules. Delegates to Sunday-School Convene tian. LaGKIPPE QUICKLY CURED. "In the winter of 1399 I was takn down with a severe attack of what is called LaGnppe," says F. L. Hewett, a prominent druggist, of Win field, 11!. "The only medicine I used was two bottles of Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy. It broke up the cold and stopped ine cougnmg like magic, and I have neyer since been troubled with gripp." Chamberlain's Cough Remedy can al- ways oe aepenaea upon to break up a severe cold and ward off any threaten ed attack of pneumonia. It is pleas ant to take, too, which make3 it the most desirable and one of most popular preparations in use for these ailments. For sale by E. T. Whitehead & Co. Plant Bed on Mam otreet. On the site whera were burned a lew weeks ago the Carolina Buggy shops and the town market on Main street, Mr. E. W. Hyman has sowed a bed o! tobacco seed. PerhapB no other town in the State of as many inhabitants as Scotland Neck, can boast a plant bed 40 feet square on Main street. ANGER OF COLDS GRirPE. ASD LA The greatest danger from colds and LaGrippc is their resulting in pneu monia. If reasonable care is used, noweve, and Chamberlains' Couh Remedy taken, all danger will be avoid ed. Among the tensol thousands who have used this Remedy for these dis eases, we have yet to learn of a single oase having resulted in pneumonia, which shows conclusively that is a cer '.ain preventive of that dangerous mal ady. It will cure a cohf or an attack of la grippe in less time than any oth er treatment. It is p'easant and safe to take. For sale by E. T. Whitehead & Co. Hoi el Changed Hands. Little Girl's Party. On Friday night, Feb. 28th, little Miss Catherine Hancock celebrated her ninth birihday by giving her little friends an elaborate party. Her party was held at the residence of her grand mother, Mrs. Gray, on Ninth street. The parlors and halls were brilliant ly lighted and were decorated with cut flowers, palms, ferns, etc. The even ing's pleasure consisted of juvenile games, music, both vocal and Instru menal, and all manner, of frolics for the little folks. At 10 o'clock the doors of the spacious dining rom werg thrown open and such a spread of danties 2ream, cafce, salads, fruits and in fact al! that could please and tempt the juvenile appetites. The table was artistically decorated I with hyacinths, lilies, and numerous other flowers, and the birthday cake was entwined with green surmounted with nine colored tapers, the number representing the years of the little hostess. Everyone had a good time, and all wish for Miss Catherine the happy re turn of many more brithdays. WOULD SMASH THE CLUB. If members of the "Hay Fever As sociation" would use Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, the club would go to piece3, for it always cures this malady ,-and Asthma, the kind ihat baffles the doctors-it wholly drives from the svstem. Thousands of onca- Tho splendid work of Dr. King's New Life Pilli 's daiiy coming to Ji-iit, No such grand remedy for Liver and Bwel troubles was ever i i r ti. m.aonS Kloaa ihom for curing Constipation, Sick Head- ing Cough and is positively guaranteed ache, Biliousness, Jaund gestion. Try them. hopeless sufferers from Consumption, Pneumonia, Bronchitis owe their lives and health to it. It conquers Grip, saves little ones from Croup and Woop- i sick neaa- : ing uougu mm i"-"- --j l'ce and Indi- i for all Throat and Lung troubles. 50c, 253 at E. T.iSBl.OO. Tiial bottles free at E. T. itn A C, Pn'a liii,ff crnm. . . THE VP E OF NAGGING Clouds the happiness of the home, but a nagging woman often needs help. She may be so nervous and run down in health that t'ritles annoy her. If she is melancholy, excitable, troubled with loss of appetite, headache, sleep lessness, constipation or fainting and dizzy spells, she needs Electric Bitters, the most wonderful remedy for ailing women. Thousands of sufferers from female troubles, nervous troubles, backache and weak Kidneys have used it, and become healthy and happy. Try U. Only 50e. E. T. Whitehead fc Co. guarantee satisfaction. The Scotland Neck hotel, generally known as "the Brick Hotel," changed hands yesterday. Mr. P. A. Rasbsrry who ha i been proprietor something mjre than a year retire?, and Mr. J. E. Condrey takes charge. Mr. Condrey is well known to the public as a hotel nan, having managed this same hotel ia Scotland Neck for several years, and he is pleasantly remembered as being i successful manager of tha hotel. He vill again give it special care and the public may well look for first class fare and good treatment. Mr. Rasberry will give his attention to the livery business which he has 'ieen running successfully in connec tion with the hotel. rtlO OO O I Babies and children need I proper food, rarely ever medi- J cine. If they do net thrive T I on their food something h I wrong. They need a little I help to get their digestive j x msrhinanr wnrkincf nrnnerlv. ? J! ErfelW OF COD LSVER OIL WITH HYPGPMOSFfflTES of LIME S SODA I will generally correct this diffscuTty. x J I U you will put from one-1 f fourth to hair a teaspoonrui , I in hahv hntfle three or four 1 ... '-'j I times a day you wiH soon see I a marked improvement. For I larger children, from half to j i a teaspoonful, according to I age, dissolved in their milk, if you so desire, will very I soon show its great nourish- f ing power. If the mother's milk does not nourish the I baby, she needs the emul-1 j sion. Et will show an ettect j ? at once both upon mother 6 i u:m i s aim uiiuju . 8 eoc. and $1.00, all druggists. S SCOTT Si DOWTUE, Chemists. New York. I 1 The following havs been elected del eeates to the Sunday-school State con vention which is to rnest at Fayette ville March 18-20, with power to ap point their alternates should any not be able to go. viz : A. E. Carter, Wil liam Thorne, H. (J. Spieis, W. F. Cop pedge, D. P. Hasket, J. E. Hunter, P. D. 'iiilery, J. L. Ivey E E. Htlliard and S, S. Altop. A Certain Care for Chilblains. Shake into jour shoes Allen's Foot Ease, a powder. It cures Chilblains, Frcstbites, Damp, Sweating, SwoI:en feet. All druggists and shoe stores, 25c Death of Mis. Mills. "Mrs. Mills, wife of Prof. L. R Mills, of Wake Forest, died at her home there last week, after a lineerimj illness lor ( many months. The cause of her death was paralysis. Bha was mother of Mrs Claude Kitchin, whose many friends here sympathize with her in Ler deep bereavement. C Vflll Ull I DIIT a teaspoonfulof Mexican Mustang On lr I UU Iff ILL rU I iment into a glass half full of water and with tbiz gargle your throat often it will quickly cure a Sore Throat. SOMETHING THAT WILL DO YOU GOOD. We know of no way in which we can be of more serylce to our reade:s than to tell them ol something that will be of real good to them. For this reason we want to acquaint them with what we consider one of the very best reme dies on the market for coughs, colds, and that alarming complaint, croup. We refer to Chamberlain's Cougn Rem edy. We have used it with such re sults in our family so long ihat it has become a household necessity. By its prompt use wo haven't any doubt but that it has time and again prevented croup. The testimony is given upon our own experience, and wo suggest that our readers, especially those who have small children, always keep it in their homes as a safeguard against croup. Camden, S. C, Messenger. Fcr sale by E. T. Whitehead & Co. Many School Children are Sickly. Mother Gray's Sweat Powders for Children, used by Mother Gray, a nurse in Children's Home, New York, break up Colds in 24 hours, cure Feverish- ness, Headache, Stomach. Troubles, Teething Disorders and destroy Worms. At all druggists, Free. Address, LeRoy, N. Y. 25c. Sample mailed Allen S. Olmstead, They Work While You Sleep. While your mind and body rest Cas carets Candy Cathartic repair your digestion, your liver, your bowels, put them in perfect order. Genuine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, ioc. McTuffie's Witch Hazel Foot iIealrk is one of the finest baby pow ders known, cures prickly heat at d gives icstant relief. 25 cents. For sale by E. T. Whitehead & Co. McDuffie's Tasteless Chill Cuke will build up broken systems and male the blood rich and healthy, certain cure for chills, guaranteed or your money re funded. 50 cents. Fur sale by E. T. Whitehead & Co. Keep this fact always fresh in your memory: For Cuts, Mashes and all Open Sores, you need only to apply j ffexican ifustan inimenl a few times and tho soreness and inflammation will be conquered and the wounded flesh healed. 1 To get the best results you should saturate a piece of soft cloth with the liniment and bind it upon the wound as you would a poultice. 2oc., 50c. and $1.00 n lottle. ICCD All CYC fiM your poultry ami at tho vory first sign of rtCCr HH Lit Ull Roup, JSraly liifrs, Buml.lcfo.t or other diseases among your fowls use Mexican Mustang lAuiiucut. 39 Rflules&Horses on Hand 9 Mules From 900 to 1000 lbs. E. T. Whitehead & Co., the druggist, will refund you your money if you are not satisfied after using ChamberlainV Stomach and Liver Tablets. They cure disorders of the stomach, billiousaess paitconstion and headache. Pric8 25q THE CHILDREN'S FRIEND. There is no U3e trying to persuade American mothers that a substitute exists for Perry Davis' Painkiller. They know it relieves the troubles of child hood, from sprained arms and legs to stomachache. Other preparations may do good, Painkiller is certain to. A big difference, and one that has been recognized for sixty years. There is but one Painkiller, Perry Davis. WORSE THAN A BLOW from a hard fist is the buffet of cold wind upon a pair of improperly pro tected lungs. A few minutes expos ure to cold may be the beginning of consumption. Lose neither time nor courage. Fortify yourself against pul monary troubles, including consumpt ion, with Allen's Lung Balsam. A few doses will loosen the cough and enable you to get rid of of the phlegm that produces it. Cure soon follows. I Off -"W in ii ,n t .1 ... .HV All DrnggUtt SScSOe. Genuine stamped C C C. Never sold in balk. P--m.n.-n .f if.. A ..1 . 1 .. "sumo vi iuc ucaici wuu ulcS VJ Scu "something just gs good." MORE LIVES ARE SAVED BY USING.- Dr. King's New Discovery, M.FOR.M Consumption, Coughs and Colds Xhan By au Utner Tnroat Ana Lung Remedies Combined. This wonderful medicine positively Cures Consumption, coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia, Hay Fever, Pleurisy, LaGrippe, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup and Whooping Cough. NO CURE. HO PAY, Price 50c. & $1. Trial Bottle Free. VvTp and ForeigiT r ' Send model, sketch or photo of invention for ' treereport on patentatBiirv. jtor iree coos, 1 HowtoSecureTDinC 'ffAOJff write Patents and I nHUCMHniVd to W (? 11 broken. Soiiic Hops e s . 2nd Car of Au burn Wagons and Cart Wheels. Just Received some of those Pretty Up-to-date G-oldsboro Buggies. Sun Tops, very latest, made on short notice. Wagon and Buggy Harness. PRINCE & CO. Sale Stables. Scotland Aock mid liobtfoou. VINE HILL FEMALE ACADEMY. L. W. BAGLEY, Principal, Scotland Nock, North Carolina. o This school is one of the oldest in the State, and was never better equipped than at present. Her instructors represent six prominent institutions: Two in Baltimore, one in Atlanta, one in Nash ville and two in our own State. Expenses are very moderate. Healthy locality, excellent community, live and prosperous town. Write to Principal for particulars. OUR Undertaking - Department Is now Complete with a Full Line of. Caskets Coffins, and Burial Robes. All Grades From $4.00 to METALLIC, ROSEWOOD, WALNUT AND PLUSH. All well and tastily Trimmed regardless of expense. Service of HEARSE can be had at anytime. . . . . . . B. JOSEY, r MATkfl.in1 (VAAtr ,' . .: m - J- m ..... - - 1 1 rm JW" Whitehead St Co', drug etore,

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